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Media: Vegas Weather Guy Fired for 'Coon' Day "Slip"

Boom, he's gone. You only get one chance to offend the holy nigger. Did you know that every race BUT whites has an advocacy organization for journalists of pigment, i.e., pimento-loafers? And then all come together in UNITY, which has a five-year strategic plan to make newsrooms 20% colored, or discolored as you may choose to think it. Do you see, and how can you not, that by a procession of steps this road leads straight to madman mudman Mugsy Mugabe in Zimbabwe, and shutting down papers and setting up ministries of properly respectful information dissemination an' shit -- and driving humans out of the country, I mean the ones not killed outright? Do you see? Do you see the utter futility of pretending that niggers are humans? Do you see? Do you see? Do you see? Do you see? When not mau-mauing the flak catchers, these negroid, chinkoid, mexoid worders compile great dictionaries after lo Webster, that important distinctions between braids, weaves, cornrows, jh-curls and dreads go not unmade. The oompa-loompan community needs to see itself reflected in the pages of the newspapers it doesn't read, and hair is very important to these simple creatures. Note that these monkeys claim their stylebook was three years in the making. If there's no more than's posted to it, a human could have compiled it in three days at most, and one day if necessary. Here read up on eight media trends discussed in annual report. The only sectors seeing general audience growth today are online, ethnic and alternative media. You don't say. Good news is the public trusts media far less than in the eighties, even. The public doesn't trust public schools or mainstream journalism because they both push The Agenda. What the public really hates is JEWS, but the name of its tormentor is concealed from it, hence revealing it and repeating it must top Our agenda. It's funny. They say no matter the down times, papers are still making 20% profit, other media more. They say there are no obvious answers to media problems. The thing is simply too big for the reportmongers to see: the profitable market is White people appealed to as Whites. If Whites aren't an "ethnic" market, then how come they move away from niggers? Why wouldn't they like to see themselves reflected in papers, as non-reading coloreds are supposed to? If you've got a few million, get in touch, we'll roll out The Aryan Alternative nationwide. Note what the report says: alternative weekly readers are considerably older/richer than people might think. Anyway, just for shits and grins, we mailed the following letter to UNITY: To whom it may concern: Does your organization take an official position on journalism EXPLICITLY written by Whites for Whites? Is that conceptually invalid in UNITY's eyes? That is, if there were such an organization as American Association of White Journalists, what position, if any, would UNITY take toward it? Thanks for your help, Alex Linder Publisher The Aryan Alternative Editor VanguardNewsNetwork.com

Media: Joshua Greene

His alt-weakly runs bogus story about soldier headed back to Iraq. Is Greene a jew? Here on Thompson. I find it tragic that his fame as an icon overshadowed the work itself, because this was a man who cared a great deal about the craft of writing, the way sentences are constructed. He was painstaking about it. It's not tragic; the words remain, after all, and the wise will find them and know them. Here on the noxious goody-goody Blarney Spitlick she-cheerleader Sean-John Hannity. Nah, I'm just kidding. There's no link. I just detest that fucker. There are too many people here, and no one's allowed to do anything different, and that is magnifying the few who did, back a few decades ago, when a few things were still legal.

Vicing on the Cake

The cake being work. Good spoof of biz book. The world is the house of the strong. I shall not know until the end what I have lost or won in this place, in this vast gambling den where I have spent more than 60 years, dicebox in hand, shaking the dice. Don't be a Francis-fairy, take your shot. Don't fear the jew. Make the jew fear YOU.

'Fuck' in Headline?

Interesting reactions from readers of NewZimbabwe.com , which recently said FU to a Mugabe-backing SA she-monkey. Is it not churlish to suggest that a woman, any woman, even one of Dr Zuma's standing, is pulchritudinally challenged and therefore not worthy of a good, old-fashioned gob-smacking shag? We don't know who this Johnny Fevertrees is, but he's a keeper. The verdict of history is that 'fuck' is one of the best words the English language has to offer. 'Shit' is another. And 'useless cunt' would be a third. The refined among you will note that the last is far better applied to the hairy sex. And here's something even a dumb nigger could figger out, but unCanny Sammy never could: We are in the diaspora because we were too civil to call the shots on Bob when he was still rising and now we are reaping what we sowed. HE IS WORTHLESS WHO DOES NOT NAME THE JEW-GABE. Civility toward jews has been tried and found ineffective. The time for FIGHTING THE DIRTY KIKE is upon us.

Affirmative Action for Goalposts

Niggers are too stupid to construct a soccer goal. And it's been wrong for twenty years.

Schiavo is Guilty!

Of becoming inconvenient, the greatest sin a hyooman being can commit. Off with her tube!

Monkey Do, Non-Monkey Better Not Report

Journalists flee the Philtrum at the fulcrum. And yet another paper in Chimpistan has been shut down by the Media and Information Commission, which has also outlawed the public consumption of bananas by Caucasians. Now look at this Zimby forum thread, chachi, and tell me the nazis were wrong to say "Not everything with a human face is human." Different thread here, on politics, note the mention of 'zanoid,' for member of ruling party. Dig this, pure zanoid crazed hatefear such as it should have taken a live HST to do down properly: Why don't you get your "facts" right first you f**king cretin!! You do a google search on Zimbabwe and provide us links that supply all the bullshit you want to hear about Zim!! Please!! Don't insult our inteligence!! You've never heard of propaganda? You f**king wanker!! If you want to learn more about Zim jump on a plane and go and see for yourself what is CUTTING! Don't waste our time with that tired crap supplied by your f**ked up western media. Bunch of degenerates wouldn't know facts if they came and bonked them in the f**king arse!! Are you for real or some pill popping glazed eyed Fox News watching hypnoitised f**k!!? Give us a f**king break!! As we speak we have about 82 beauties from all over the world enjoying our lovely country as they wait to compete in Miss WORLD TOURISM!! How the f**k did that happen!!? YOU my friend have f**kall answers because you have f**kall facts!! You DO NOT KNOW the first thing about Zim it is sooo obvious!! So why don't you just shut the f**k up until you learn a little In the days of slavery there were pickaninnies. In the days of black power there are melaninnies. Hey, White man in America, how long before you hear this shit: the emancipated African kicked your f**king arses out!! all you can do is whimper in some f**king corner but no one hears you!!! is that why you are so pissed off!!! we don't give a shit what you think!!! No politics that pretends the nigger is human is serious. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this crazy nigger makes big sense. This nigger is thinkin' large: Why the hell is it that us blacks are always told that every f**king bad thing that happened to us is f**king history??!! Everything that has made our lives the hell it is has to be conveniently forgotten and buried in books!!? NO f**kING WAY!!! Look at the f**king kikes!! They have the Americans the Germans and practically the whole international community by the frigging BALLS coz of some questionable shit that supposedly happened to them when Hitler was around!! f**king holocaust museums, reparations, countless lobby groups that scare the shit out of everyone if they even mention the J word!!! And us!!? NOOOOO!!! Learn to live it we are told. It's History!! f**k THAT!! Black man's suffering isn't worth shit coz we are supposed to have thick skins??!! Don't apologize if you don't want to it's a free world!! But I'll call you exactly what you are, mass murderers, thieves, rapists f**kING DEVILS!! I will never forget. Mugabe is the best thing that happened to black people in recent history coz he showed those muther f**kers that we've had enough!!! I don't give a shit about you f**king apologist, white d**k suckers and arse lickers coz you're just f**king casualties!! Simple braindead goons who laugh when a white man pisses in your mouths!! You're all f**king hopeless!!! Gee. This nigger doesn't seem concerned that Muggy isn't getting enuf pills for granny. Politics seems to be about something a bit larger to him. Holy shit! This other nigger even knows the truth about jew Einstein: Einstein, the so called genius, was a New World Order/One World Government stooge. He was no genius and "his" theories were understood long before he published them. The ancient Kemetics (Black Africans) understood these things many thousands of years ago. Thread here.

Religion, Neither Fish Nor Fowl

Religion gives meaning to life? Perhaps, but mainly to people to people without the imagination to pursue an art, or the brains to pursue a science. Religion is Bud Lite for the soul. It's good enough to get 'em drunk, that's about all you can say for it. In California, Thomas Aquinas College, a small Catholic "great books" school at the forefront of this movement, is operating at capacity, and its administrators are considering opening another branch on the East Coast. People hate the jew-system. They don't knows it's the jews behind the System, but they do indeed hate the system. Homeschooling has experienced a dramatic rise in popularity, growing annually at a rate of 15 to 20 percent, to approximately 1.5 million families today. A nationwide survey by the National Center for Education Statistics reports that 38 percent of homeschooling parents cite religion as the main reason for their decision. Why should normal white men be forced in every quarter to build a system outside the system? Why should they pay double to live normally? It is time to cashier the jews who torture us. At Notre Dame, of course, the school's athletic programs are an integral part of its identity, with thousands of alumni attending mass together after each home game. But the administrations there as well as at Baylor and BYU must somehow shield the players from the kind of financial, sexual, and drug-related scandals that have come to plague high-level athletics in America. The illusion that Notre Dame is IN ANY WAY different from other high-level athletic schools is a myth pleasurable to Catholics...who haven't attended Notre Dame. Non-Catholics know the Pope is confirmed jew-fellator, his priests a sad sack of sodomites. Hey, they tied Giordano to a stake and burned him, these faggots can take a few head lumps of truth from men. Still, Aquinas might be worth attending because of its Great Books focus. No doubt many of its profs impart a stupid Catholic spin, but this is preferable and in any case less insistent than the jew-leftist shit you'll get anywhere else. And anywhere else, of course, you're going to get far fewer great books.

Gorilla Acts Like Nigger!

Not Koko. But he was a properly cultured 'rilla. He could speak, for Jesus Christ's sake. Let him in the booth, he'd vote Republican. What is this animal world coming to? A third woman is suing Woodside's Gorilla Foundation claiming she was pressured to expose her breasts to satiate the alleged nipple fetish of Koko, the "talking" gorilla. Somebody needs to cut the suit off this thing. I think we've discovered what that Heisman-posed Bigfoot did when his film career petered out. Wait a minute...we just read this: The foundation claims that Koko, a female lowland gorilla... WTF? Was Koko perchance fathered by Alan Keyes?

Buffalo Machine

The politicians pulled out the Bill Clinton handbook and threatened, seriatim, to eliminate the most popular and visible county functions: libraries, parks, and snowplowing. Did the residents choke like Newt Gingrich? No, they weren�t fazed. Bring it on, they said. So the politicians are scrambling in embarrassingly chaotic fashion to cut $100 million and hundreds of jobs from the budget.

God Hates Aca-fags

Proving the MBA is more or less worthless. Teaching has deadened more brains than boxing. Here on French writers on love.


The real Lincoln is a much more interesting man than the saintly figure created for partisan purposes. He had his flaws as well as his virtues. He was a racist. He was an intensely ambitious man who would say and do anything to win public office. He was belligerently anti-Christian, though once elected he hid his true beliefs from the public. He freed no slaves. When do we get to the flaws?

Eastern Europe and Germany

Workers flooding in. In the meat industry alone, 26,000 jobs have been lost to workers in Warsaw and elsewhere in the past few months. German workers can't compete with dirt cheap wages of three to five euros and they're becoming increasingly resentful.

Sobran on Francis

Details are hard to come by. Sam was in no condition to receive visitors, and a shadowy friend, who had driven him to the hospital and waited throughout the surgery, jealously guarded both access and information, at one point turning away a priest who tried to see him. Fortunately, the priest had reportedly managed to see Sam the previous day; this is about all I�ve been able to glean, and though I hope to learn more, I doubt that much more will emerge. Was he queer? He was an uncompromising...paleoconservative... Sobran sails past oxymoron into contradiction. The paleocons are defeated so quickly there's no time for compromise. Sobran repeats the curious idea that Francis was chock full of political wisdom. In what did this wisdom consist, came it to practice? The Senator he worked for committed suicide, perhaps despairing of progress surrounded by fat queers. Do I go too far? Did Canny Sammy not go far enough? The answers are yes. VNN will pay a finder's fee of .25 to anyone who can dig up this shadowy Friend-O-Sam. Inquiring minds want to know. When I came, late in life, to a new political insight, I often found that Sam had known it all along. But he was too polite to say, "You�ve only just figured that out?" Translation: fatboy was subtly condescending. Sam was a familiar figure at conservative gatherings. An orca is a familiar figure in an Alaskan bay. Willmoore Kendall used to say that American conservatives carried their political tradition implicitly, "in their hips." He might have had Sam in mind when he said that. Hmm...not sure what Sobran's getting at here. Since Sammy was apparently a confirmed batchelor, perhaps that proud tradition now resides in the backside of Mr. Shadows. For most of his life Sam was alarmingly well-fed... But over the last two years he'd lost a spectacular amount of weight and quit drinking and smoking. It was startling to see him looking so fit. ... Though I saw him often, we never had anything I'd call a heart-to-heart talk. And that is why paleocons, why no conservatives, can ever defeat the jew. They remain islands. Only a team can defeat the jews. And yet, when a seemingly unbelieving man surrounds himself with Catholic friends, you can safely assume that he's attracted to the faith. Whether or not he believes, he wishes he did. And that would be a cheap slur from Sobran, typical of the jebooster.

Nigger Coach Fucks Up So Bad It Might Even Get Fired

White coaches get fired for nothing - i.e., responding to a baiting by calling the reporter a "stupid Mexican." Black coaches and players can get away with murder, literally sometimes. Just ask the Rams player who ran down someone's mom in his SUV, dead drunk....and got a slap on the playa paw...and has subsequently been busted AGAIN for DUI. This time it's eggplant-head John Chaney, sending in a 'groid goaliath for goon action, resulting in a broken arm. Just a nigger being a nigger. This isn't the first time for Chaney. "I will kill you," he said, on tape, to a white coach, a couple years ago. Was he fired? He's a nigger! Of course he wasn't fired. Don't watch for the namby-pampy nigger jock-sniffers at ESPN to call for Cheney's head the way they did Bobby Knight. Say, why do we expect niggers to live up to human standards anyway? Oh, that's right. We're slaves in the land of the jew. And part of his mixing our race out of existence is our compliance in pretending that race does not exist. We're all just shiny, happy getalongs. If a white coach had ordered as Chaney, and a black player ended up with a broken arm, he would have been fired within hours. Under the dictatorship called ZOG, white men are third-class citizens. But that's the thing about black people. The nigger always, eventually, comes out. They can't being what they are. Among themselves they call it 'showing.' And don't believe this use of goons is isolated: "If you're telling me that's the first time he stuck in what he calls 'goons,' you're crazy," Calipari said. "I coached against him. He hasn't changed. He's the same guy he was when I coached against him. I hate to tell you, he was 60 when I was coaching against him, so I don't know how old he is right now. He hasn't changed. All of a sudden, it's no good? When you're jet black, you're jet black/ From your bastard out-plop to your last breath of crack. Fact is, niggers and mexicans are forms of pollution. At least the chulos and jamals hate each other. The good news is the Q-RID rate among the jet set has doubled.

Conquered England

The jews and the matrix-marxists are in control. The English are subdued. This is where hatred of Germany fomented by hypocrites and connivers of the upper class has led England, but perhaps there is a small chance to save the nation.

We Are the Bad Guys

Why? Because we let jews take over our country without a shot. Muslims aren't like that. You know what they call U.S. troops in Iraq? "Jews." How humiliating. More here on America's changing image, from Sobran. Johnny Depp's comment about America being a big energetic dumb pup, was correct, especially if he'd thrown in "trained by a malevolent jew." More here on trying to figure how things my look from the Iraqi's end of the firestick.

Menendez Patricide Pair Are KIKES

Jubans, as they say... Waiter! There's a jew in my soup. Permission to drown requested.

Home-Schooling Five

Home-schoolers seem to have more kids than average, and they seem to hate the government across the board. As well they should. Deanna heartily agreed. "There's a lot of stuff being taught that we don't agree with," she said. "There's a limit to what we want them to be exposed to. We want them to grow up with our values. We want to have as much influence as possible with them before we turn them out to the wolves." Increasingly states are considering tax credits for those opting out of mental institutions known as public schools. This has the right people worried, namely, the execrable NEA. Public schools, like the post office, or social security or any other government program, only exist because people are forced to use them. Self-esteem is mind-carbs - no good for you, as supplied by public-school vendors. Kids need to be taught that they are stupid and not important. Do I exaggerate? To a slight degree, perhaps, but when they are taught how good and smart they are for knowing knowledge very easily acquired, what will make them struggle for mastery of deep knowledge, obtained only with difficulty? The flip side of the jew-produced great Aryan dumb-down is that it will be extremely easy for your kids to get ahead if you keep them out of the mass-menticide centers, and focus their attention, with aid of fist or wood if necessary, on overcoming obstacles, mental and phsyical. Kill your televitz. Eschew stupid materialism. Learn, and admire and hold up for admiration the genuinely erudite. This is what Living White means. Why be a nigger when you can be an Aryan? And don't complain you don't have the money, because any couple can orient its lives to do this; there is always a way.

Why They Hate Tom Woods

Becaues even a professor from a tiny community college offering a watered-down Semitically Correct interpretation of American history threatens their grand narrative, which is nothing but a Big Lie. The Founders were not individualists. Neither were they empire builders. There was not a single founder who would think race-free libertarianism anything but insane and lethal to the white men who embraced it. This is the part that the politically incorrect man won't tell you but the Semitically Incorrect man knows to be essential. To understanding jew politics you must start with the jew. A jew is not an Aryan. It is a member of a genetically paranoid tribe which believes it is fulfilling a God-sent mission of global domination. A race war is different from a political disagreement. A fire burning out of control may make sense as a symbol of freedom to illiterate Bush, but to thinking Americans it represents jewish hate bent on rendering black and smoky the civilized world. Here Raimondo correctly credits himself with getting the details right before the idiots and the liars. This was and is a proxy war waged on behalf of Israeli interests, and Washington's next target � clearly, Syria � ought to make that obvious to even the densest of the pro-war conservatives and the 'war for oil' crowd." Just another false parallel, like blaming corporate media. More here on the usual jew-cheerleader lies against Syria. Jews are universally hated because of their behavior, and their lies about Syria are but one of a thousand examples. When the world is free of jews, you will be surprised how peaceful it will be.

Bevo Mill Pressured by Kike-Dispatch to Ban NA Meeting

Bevo Mill owner Patrick Hanon Sr. said he was unaware that the Gateway Folk Festival was linked to the National Alliance until he was asked about it Monday by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "We got snookered. We obviously aren't pro-Nazi," Hanon told the newspaper for its Tuesday editions. Until the yids are crushed, White will enjoy precisely zero rights, unless the right to be discriminated against and mocked in jew-owned newspapers are rights.

Banning Nazi Symbols?

Not for now. You can't ban ideas. Instead they'll try to regularize laws against racism, whatever that is. Here on Zundel, who will be deported for nothing more than speaking the truth about jews. As the United States government is controlled by jews, exceptions are found to the First Amendment, and the jews use immigration law as pretext to export troublemakers to nations such as Germany where it is illegal to question their lies. Here on Russia vs the jews (trying to steal it blind). These reforms will force Jews either to operate out in the open, or not at all, which, while considered normal in any Western country, is still a sensitive and highly-charged issue in Russia. The source of the recent hostility of Bushy and the cheerleader press is just this - Russia's struggle to free itself from yiddish barons.

Attitude or Genes?

Africa by Africans, what an ugly site. Not everything with a human face is human, you know. Niggies have to be bribed to marry, and that is the purpose of "Marry Your Baby Daddy Day." You could make it up but, thanks to our lax what-is-human policies, you don't have to. When you hire a nigger, there's always the risk that it'll do more than sue you when you fire it. It may come back and kill you.

IQ: Differs in Birds Too

The black ones are smartest in this species. Here on discovery of heretofore unknown ancient animal, the fearsome bear-dog.

No Loyalty from Mexicans

When you hire them to guard your border, they sell you out. Of course Cedric and Lamont are just as willing. Here on bust of El Culiche, the Tapeworm. He killed a lot of people on a bus, and now he lives here with you, dude. We nortes are a friendly peeple. The 'worm is a member of an exceptionally nasty gang called Mara Salvatrucha, now spreading through the U.S. thanks to the jews controlling our immigration policy. The gang, and others in Central America, have become increasingly violent, carrying out beheadings and grenade attacks in Central America and hacking their enemies with machetes in cities along the U.S. East Coast. Meanwhile, world population is estimated to rise to over 9 billion by around 2050, when America goes majority-colored, if America still exists as other than a geographical space. Here a human girl reports she was raped by what the news call a black "man" at a niggerball game. Isn't it racist to make rape a crime? It's just normal black behavior. Regarding it as a felony is so white. Only utopians think races should be judged by the same standards. Utopians such as christian fools and evil jews.

Media: The Passion of Liars

As always, the jews prefer to operate behind a front, whether flag or retarded nun. The 39-minute film intersperses footage of Nazi Germany with people-on-the-street interviews, in which present-day Catholics describe being taught as children how Jews were responsible for the death of Christ. So she uses one lie, that Germans killed six million jews, to cover up a truth: that jews murdered Jesus. Only when one party controls the media can this kind of lying be gotten away with. The only way goyim ever get any respect in the media is by toeing the jewline. Have you ever noticed that? Some, like one dumb nun, know it instinctively. The jews promote niggers as people, rewrite the laws in line with their lies, and force everyone else to go along, and pretty soon schools are full of thugs 'n' misery. Sanity will not return until jews depart. Shecky's gotta go. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW.

Media: Hunter Thompson Dead

Salon archives... Through here a link to an audio of interview he did with Paris Review. Here on changing views of Eastwood, now disliked by the jewed rightFrance.

Getting to Know 'Sustainable Development'

A jew-led left shell term for stealing your land. If you keep in mind that the ultimate judeo-soviet dream is a global plantation in which the non-jews are a low-IQ band of mulattos living in a high-rise 8a tower and taking one giant bus to their $2/hour job at makework.com. Listen to LRC's Yates discussing his Christian view of the judeo-matrix. Even better hear here an Eakman woman discuss group manipulation in service of judeo-matrix. Basic idea is 'sustainable development' is code euphemism for "you lose all control over property, rights, movement - freedom." By carrot or stick government planners work through soviets -- controlled councils made of bought locals -- to enforce their utopian plans, which naturally conflict with the desires of private independent property owners, of which Aryan nations have traditionally been formed. Eakman speaks, among other things, about mandatory mental health screening, carried out through schools. If you disagree with the judeo-System, of course, it's your perfect right. And they would never call you a sick racist and try to cure you. And Eli Lilly would never take money to supply public "schools" with Razekwal.

Movie Review: 'Bright Victory' (1951)

The minute the German nationalist were erased, the jews moved normal-American-White to the head of their slated-for-destruction agenda..by N.B. Forrest

New cartoon here.

To Say Or Not To Say

Name the jew or do the rest of us a favor and take up knitting...by Walter Mueller

Sam Francis - Vic Gerhard Exchange, Documenting Sammy's Great Fear

A resurrected exchange documenting Canny's fears of speaking the truth about jews. As always, the fatboy tries to slip between raindrops. Are jews The problem? Or is it that you can't say that? His entire professional life the coward tried to have it both ways. And note this re We DON't (V)dare: "Vdare, Rockford, etc won't publish openly anti-Semitic pieces because (a) they like most gentiles are irrationally afraid of Jewish power and (b) they also have rational concerns over Jewish power. Both have Jewish "friends" who give them money, publicity, support, etc. and they are afraid -- I believe not entirely withgoiut cause but in an exaggerated way -- of losing that. Canny speaks from the grave, the only more or less honest thing the fat sap ever wrote. Cowards to the left, cowards to the right, welcome to VNN, where cowards find no home....

Movie Review: 'Trial'

Some fifties vintage jewing...by The Shadow

A British Pamphlet

Currently circulating....

The Particular and the General

The Catholic Church, which refers to this idea as the principle of subsidiarity, is the only institution left in the modern world which has preserved the idea of the primacy of particular loyalty... Like charity, nationalism begins at home, either as a civil war or social engineering, or, in the case of America, the former followed by the latter. In this process, one group, usually an ethnic group which has adopted a messianic nationalist ideology, gets to force its ideology on the entire nation in the name of "Italy," "Germany," in the case of the Prussians after the first unification, and "America," which was a construct forced on the entire nation when the North defeated the South in the Civil War. That means that Lombardy or Florence ceases to have the ability to promote its own culture; it must adopt the culture of "Italy," which is to say in the case of the Risorgiamento, Masonic anticlericalism. The same could be said of the Lower Rhine and Bavaria in Germany, which after 1870 had to adopt Prussian enlightened Protestantism in order to remain "German." Catholics, of course, never forced conversions. Who could be more dedicated to preserving specfics than the we'll-take-anybodies? A nigger can be as good a Catholic as a human, ask any grunting priest. Jones, do you contend that men who differ in every other way are the same spiritually? Sounds forced to us. Sounds like you've got a little nationalism going on yourself. Like you want to force every last grub-grabbing, spearchucking cannibal to hop on the Popemobile. What Jones says is right, it just ignores biological fact. People come in groups, and groups are perpetually at war. Men are both individuals and members of groups. Anyone who denies that both of those are true at the same time is a fraud. He's probably either a jew trying to dictate, or a conservative/libertarian coward/escapist.

Flaubert the Seeker

Working seven hours a day, he produced twenty pages a month - all that remained after he had cut and tightened a much larger pile of manuscript. Ruthlessly deleting unnecessary adjectives, flowery metaphors, dialogue and descriptions that did not illuminate character or advance the plot, and, above all, taking pains to keep his own authorial voice out of the story and let his characters speak for themselves, he achieved a literary version of the maxim, "The government governs best that governs least." And this: 'When one writes well," he warned Guy de Maupassant, "one has two enemies to face: first, the public, because style forces it to think, obliges it to do some work; and second, the government, because it senses a force in us and power loves not another power." This is true. The middle class finds departures from customary verbal formula disconcerting, as Fussell observed. Nice people use words the way they're supposed to - like everyone else. Clichés are loved BECAUSE they're trite and true. And because they can't get you in trouble. They change slowly enough that even the dumb can mouth them. They're comfort words. We've reached the age of the crap man, and he doesn't want to be bothered with anything that doesn't conduce in very short order to foaming balls or filled gutsack. Making yourself the best at something is the only revolution against the mass crap state that's possible.

Michael Chertoff and Homeland Security

Some background on a shrimpy little dictator who bestrides a once-great land...by VNN Staff

Oh Them Negative Vibes

Focus on effective communication leading to positive change....by Arch Stanton

Prof. Thomas A's TA Replies to Mr. Mueller's Girly Outburst

Like Damone said in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," "men have died trying to obtain this valuable information." VNN appreciates Mueller's German-community building, but the facts about apes and their apocrine will not go away...by William H.

Of Middle-Aged Cynics Feeding Smug Young Fools: Canny Sammy's Unlovely Legacy

"He was a fine writer and a brilliant scholar, who had the courage of his convictions," [lied] Patrick Buchanan of Canny Sammy Francis. He didn't have the courage of his convictions about jews. No man can deny that, but so far at least three have tried. Here on Free Republic's reaction, a quick yanking. "Sam's great value...was his unflinching disregard of contemporary taboos. He was always prepared to say the unsayable." Again, that is a lie. Brimelow is concerned to create the perception that his team, uh, let's call them the Wind Sox, presents genuine opposition to the powers that be. Note that Francis died childless. Why? "If they won't fight, they won't fuck," as some general said. Francis was a very cynical man; a fat gilt boy, not made for this world's pain, unless it was heavily buttered. He was no stupid party. He knew where to pull his punch most effectively; kind of a reverse Mike Tyson, if you remember his remark about hitting women. The idiots at AmRunt are the stupid parties. Would anyone contend Canny was brilliant? Give me one coinage, one phrase, one concept he's responsible for that anybody remembers TODAY let alone ten years from now. There's more value in chapter two of Mein Kampf than anything paleoconservatism combined ever wrote, let alone that Sammy with 80 years to work with never produced anything a tenth as analytically useful. Let alone did anything with his knowledge. But here we verge into satire - expecting a paleocon to do something. Paleocons don't do, they rue. Hey! That line right there is apter and cleverer than anything Sam Francis came up with in his entire career. More here. Canny wrote a good column. That's the only honest defense of him that can be made. What always struck us as most characteristic of his writing was his arm's length tone. He always worded carefully to make sure you knew that HE was not part of the group, say, defending Matt Hale, but that he was an analyst, making a point. That "point" was never that the stupid party is actually a controlled party, much less the naming of the controllers. In other words, Sammy was a cynic for profit, just like the Republicans he libeled "stupid." Politicians who win time after time may be bought, may be corrupt, may be sellouts - but they're sure as hell not stupid. Did I say Sammy was a coward and a cynic? Then let me repeat it. He was a coward and a cynic. And that is why he didn't reproduce, and that is why his legacy is the whine of the ineffectual. His lukewarm spirit is what I'll remember about his words. "Johnson, you need to decide whether you're a big man or a little man." Each VNN reader must make that decision for himself. Are you big or little? Is pretending to do something good enough? If so, then you're fit to be a consumer of conservatives. Sam Francis was as unAmerican in spirit, as unSouthern in spirit, as it is possible to get. He had nothing in common with the firebloods who won the revolution and nearly the second one. VNN calls on hypocritical jew-promoter Jared Taylor to take down the quotation he filched from Jefferson. You are unworthy of it, Quack Taylor, for you do fear the truth about the jews. If we at VNN played any small part in shaming Francis for what HE HIMSELF KNEW TO BE HIS COWARDICE, we are glad. We will continue to point out that his obesity was due to his emotional problems, and those were the result of his cowardly acceptance that there were things he "couldn't" say. This combination killed him. Contrast Pierce and Francis. Did Francis ever cite Pierce and the evidence he adduced about jewish control? To say it is to laugh. Sammy didn't have the balls of a shrew in that regard. The difference between a clockwork organge and a real orange. As a coda, consider this, and see where the logic falls. 1) Sammy can't tell the truth about jews, because then he would lose his syndicated pulpit. That was his line, if you caught him behind doors. Turn around, and you read his defenders saying, 2) Sammy "could have been editor of a newspaper or president of a conservative think tank if he towed the line and held back the truth." Hmm...sounds like Sammy foolishly passed up a great chance to educate the public by not pulling even more punches than he did! Or maybe the myopes and fools and cowards and quacks are right: Sammy pulled EXACTLY the right number of punches. What do you think, reader? Is the expert pulling of punches the definition of conservatism, or does it just seem like that? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Everyone on the right thinks he's the very definition of radical respectability, and everyone to his left a pussy, and everyone to his right a nazi. A man in Sam Francis' position, rather than a canny career girl, would have started a political party and openly declared his intent to lead the way to the changes needed to prevent White genocide. Sammy didn't have a thimble of that impulse in him. He was to the dessert tray born. From an AmRen thread, here's a perfect example of the supposed value of Francis, which on inspection is purely a variant on what the rest of the colunists and virtually all the politicians do: mislead for money. It was only a year ago that I first began reading Sam Francis, but it was through his writings that I at last began to grasp what I was seeing in the world around me. Unlike some racially conscious whites, I never had a conversion experience. I always intinctively opposed immigration and affirmative action on racial grounds. But it was through Francis that I realized how utterly ridiculous contemporary American society really is. He made you realize how incompetent, blind, and idiotic so many politicians, ideas, and policies that we are all supposed to admire really are. He made me see that George W. Bush conservatism was simply a dead end and that the Republican Party is, as he was so fond of saying, the "Stupid Party." But this is not true. Bush is not stupid, and neither is his party. Sammy is guilty of malpractice, just like Quack Taylor. What Sammy really did was cultivate in his young readers an unjustfied arrogance. The fatuous conceit that the Republicans don't know what they're doing is the heart of Sammy's appeal - he makes pre-snobs feel they're part of a select group of knowers. But he himself knew the truth - that he was jackoff coward selling superiority complexes to fogeys of all ages. What they needed was not to feel good about their superior wisdom, but a kick in the ass to get organized and overthrow the kikes running both our parties, our government, and our foreign and domestic policies. It doesn't stand up to common sense to think that men of great political ability and tenacity somehow don't know what they are doing. The elites heading the Republican party may be despicable in a hundred ways, but they are not stupid, that is a lie, and they well know what they are doing. As did Sammy. They're cynical major, and he's cynical minor. He didn't respect his readers enough to tell them the truth. The question is, AmRen fool, did he misjudge you? "You can't handle the truth!" How 'bout you, Jared? How's that ticker, you old fraud? If you don't take down that Jefferson quote, we predict you will succumb to the same psychosomatic guilt fatboy did.

Book Review: Born Fighting

About the Scots-Irish and their heroic achievements in making America what it is at its best...by William Yates


Reject tv, choose life....by Vijay Prozak

Lead Causes Crime

Especially when it's jacketed in jamaal.

Nebraska Whites Reject Association with Mexican Scum

The government that floods OUR people with these creatures of shit HAS NO LEGITIMACY. The government exists to protect and serve the people. Under control of jews, it now uses and abuses and drives to genocide the people who created it. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Do something about it. Organize your talents through our WHITE FREEDOM PARTY. The only party in America that doesn't put browns and niggers second, jews first, and whites last. Rejection of mexiscums is good and natural. Love your race, and hate your enemies, White man - the way that works.

Carl Schmitt

Nice, clear explication from jew Gottfried.


About 60,000 children across North Carolina are "not designed to learn like that" as members of 30,000 home-schooling families, according to 2003-04 data from the state's Division of Non-Public Education. That's up from 9,000 students just 10 years ago. And: The desire of home-schoolers to participate in group activities came into the public eye last winter, when Chapel Hill parent Inger Evans pleaded with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board to let her home-educated son play baseball on the McDougle Middle School team. The board not only said no, but also strengthened its policy forbidding non-students from participating in sports, clubs or other school activities. Evans said "no" when the tax man came to the door. She was shot. Here's a Missoulian editorial contra proposed HS restrictions. I am surprised to report that the editorial gets the matter exactly right. Here on HS in New Jersey. It is astonishing how many of these stories feature families with German surnames. That has to mean something. Here's a NJ kid doing very well on his tests. Here on growth in conservative Christian private schooling. Here on a home-schooled kid winning a bass tournament. If you public-school your child, the time he might have spent developing his one area of potential greatness will be lost. If you know how to read, you're educated. If you know how to keep your mouth shut, you have social skills. What's on the wall at your kid's public school? Posters celebrating Martin Luther King and other faggots. Homosexuality breaks down your community, and that is "good for jews." And that is ALL THAT MATTERS. You are a slave in your own land, White man.

Jewing Woodsy

DiLorenzo, using jew Boot's recent hack review of Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, sums up neatly the jewish M.O., without identifying it as such. Jews lie about what you said, then cross-cite one another's fake refutations. At all costs this tiny, dishonest, hate-filled minority must preserve its grip on power. It must beat off any challengers trying to take away the national-narrative talking stick and inform the audience what actually happened. Jews are a discredited race of cohenards circulating anti-Aryan blood libels in scurrilous hate publications like the New York Times and the Weekly Standard.

Christians & Auschwitz

Jews demand exclusive rights to the use of Auschwitz for their nefarious anti-White, Anti-Christian propaganda purposes....by Bruno

The Black All-Star Game

Racist whites again vote all-black starters, even though whites objectively merit preference...by J.B. Cash


Interesting view of nature. Homo ludens or risibilis are better names for our species than sapiens. Give me uomo florese anytime! Thought-engendering shots of Hong Kong here. Here Sobran apparently hasn't been informed Jack the Ripper was a damn jew. As for 'appeaser,' undeceived Americans ought to use it against the Coulterian lackeys of the jews producing the latest round of wars. More pablum from a paleopuss here. Hmmmyes fashists, hmmyes brownshirts. Hmmyes jacobins. Hmmmyes jews. What! Did you say that? I didn't say that! Face it, you fools: the number of intellectuals that understands conservatism is tiny - and conservatism itself has never been well defined. The mass of Repcunt voters blows whichever way the wind out jew asses pushes it. Only racists are on solid ground. You cannot logically call yourself a conservative and at the same time deny you're a racist. What is manifest is the degree to which America has become jewish: loud-mouthed, deeply stupid, aggressive, obnoxious, hypocritical - dangerous to all around it. America isn't becoming fascist, itz become jewish. Paleo/libertarian commentary proves this by the dog-that-didn't-bark test. They carefully and obviously go out of their way to label the changes precisely what they are not. Wherever the use of 'jew' is analytically indicated, they quickly exclaim "brownshirt," and cross themselves three times. These grown men fear jews like vampires. Silly little brainwashed fool like McConnell, canting recycled jewbilge about nazi barbarism. Bogtrotting, chink-wedding - those are barbaric, Mr. Hopper. How come those Irish didn't develop a second crop? Too busy saving civilization? Fighting the jews took reasoned thought and determined action - two things you'll find hardly a drop of at TAC. Plenty o' blarney though. It is impossible to overemphasize this point: the nazis yesterday fought the neocons we fight today. The jews dominated Weimar Germany yesterday, just as they dominate America today. And they push the same agenda. A jew is a jew is a jew. America is not becoming fascist, it's becoming JEWISH. The average 'Kwan is as idiotically self-important as Bart Simpson in the flasback where he's a two-year-old running around with a pot on his head, banging it with a spoon while singing, "I am so great. I am so great. Everybody loves me, I am so great."

Hariri: Cui bono?

Assassination applauded by trouble-making jews who control "American" foreign policy. And of course it is entirely possible their kahn-cousins in Kikistan produced the outcome. What is called the U.S. now talks, acts, and thinks like a jew. The American public is so dumbed-down, so apathetic, and so childishly gullible that I doubt it will even realize what happened after the nuke goes off. We must exterminate the jews. That is our only hope. Jews put everyone's life at risk. Here Sharon's ass-remora, better known as Suckpoop Joe, goes off on Ward Churchill. 'Patriotism' in Joe Farah's mouth is indistinguishable from Ari-loaf. Thanks to the kikes toady Joe trots after like a small dog, America is in serious danger of being nuked. But don't despair, there's an upside. Filthy Joe can get rich pimping anti-nuke devices. That's where the NukAlert comes in. I have one on my keychain. I think every American should. Is Farah not the biggest cunt on the Internet? Here good overview of Iraq.

It doesn't have to make sense - Itz the Holocaust!

Little Debi Muckalip, that jew bitch with a facial expression straight out of a pail of illegally late-aborted fetus, waxes on about the 'caust: the Germans, unwilling to let 60,000 surviving Jews fall into the hands of the Red Army, forced them to march through the snow toward Germany, where they were put in concentration camps. Hey, wait a minute there, Ugsy Unboned. I thought your fellow kike in perpetual distress Wiesel said the Germans gave him a choice, and he chose to leave with them rather than wait for the Soviets! Ah, hey, who cares if our kike masters contradict themselves? It's not like anyone else is allowed to point it out. Again, why do we allows these fugly liars, these extorters, these leeches in human form to go on feeding off us? Why? Why? Why? Why in the world do we tolerate a single jew on the face of the earth? Here jew Hitchens debates.

Sobran on Rather

A rather different view of him than jew Goldberg offers in Bias. Sobran saw the affable side because he wasn't in position to threaten Dunga Dan, or make him look bad. As for the rest of his column about govie financial problems, when you jump or are pushed into the ocean to save a motley crew of drunk, drowing doogas, shitskins, and niger-nogs, it is reasonable to expect that it will drag you under. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, White man, is to escape Junglemania alive. And then kill the jewish producer. Here what appears to be a German-descended psychiatrist is discriminated against by board in Oregon, and no doubt a board filled with Hate Hebes angry at his anti-NWO stance. Why don't they just do away with the First Amendment, or replace its words with the real governing law: You can say whatever you want, as long as it's in line with the jewish agenda. Anything else is hate. That is the spirit the Kwan burrocracies run by.

"Stupid, Party of One - Your Coffin is Ready!"

Canny Sammy Francis' one "original" contribution to American political discourse - a simple phrase that neatly obscured the problem Sammy never quite got around to dealing with. What made Sammy run? The jews... Let me explain: the Republicans are only stupid if you accept their words at face value. Accepting words and motives at face value, and ignoring deeds, is what got America in the mess it's in in the first place. Questioning motives, as the politically triumphant jews Sammy feared do -- as they always do, and and as they never cease doing, and as they always do right out of the chute -- is the only way to fight. The stupid party was Sammy Francis. The party he called stupid wins election after election. But then, by the same token, perhaps Francis wasn't that stupid either. He kept his income high, and all of it produced within the cosy confines of the System that insists against all evidence that race does not exist. At the same time, he kept alive his radical reputation. Ah, now we are seeing his true political genius: having it both ways, while pretending there was no conflict. Even so, as we heard from Sammy through back channels, he "couldn't" say anything about the jews. He would lose his valuable sydicated pulpit if he ever used it to tell the truth about the judeo-System. That's one of those ironies you need a Ph.D. to undertstand, you see. The honest man might say that a doctor who withholds the name of the disease from the patient is a quack. To further confuse matters, Francis used to like to alternate the "can't say that" with the "jews aren't the problem - gentiles who won't stand up to them are the problem!" You see, you nasty plumber, you electrician, you ditch-digger - YOU are the one responsible for standing up the jew, not him with the syndicated column! It's all very clever and confusing, unless you want to reduce it to its essentials, which may be seen easily enough. In political terms, Francis' death is a good thing - no, a very good thing. For the legacy of Francis is failure - complete, utter, unabashed going-backwards for twenty years. Francis as much as any man had the right to the title "leader of the fake opposition." Francis knew that jews were the heart of the problem. Guilt over what he felt he "couldn't" say occasionally led him so far as to claim that, no, in fact jews were not the problem. A man divided against himself cannot stand. So Francis sat down and ate until morbid obesity overcame and killed him. He died of a guilty conscience. Here's some crap from professional jeboo-fellatrix-slash-gloommonger Flemio: In any age, he would have been a remarkable man for the penetration of his mind, his unflinching pursuit of truth -- regardless of current cant or personal consequences -- and the gravity of his style. In our age, he is peerless, and his death represents an irreplaceable loss. Hey, Tonka Tom, de mortuis nil nisi BULLSHIT. The "gravity" of his style merely underlined his manifest failure to address the source of the problems he never did anything but tut-tut-tut about. The man himself admitted there were things he couldn't say. He flinched. You lie. Readers, if you settle for the cowardice of a Sam Francis, by God believe me, you will never get anything better, because they'll leap out of the woodwork to tell you the easy path is the right one. Sam Francis flinched for years, for decades, for, as it turned out, his entire life. Damn, I'm glad I'm not him. St. Peter: "So, you knew jews were the problem, but you feared to write it, even though you were uniquely positioned to see the fact, and uniquely empowered to print it." Canny Sammy, feeling more clammy than canny: "Uh...uh...uh...yeah, I mean, uh, I mean, it's not my job to put my job on the line!" "Sorry, son, wrong answer. Fighting the jews was our litmus test. You failed. NEXT!" For fear of what others will think (the English disease), for fear of career consequences (middle-class disease), for fear of standing athwart the crowd, for FEAR OF THE JEWS, you will never get the truth about the jews behind America's disintegration from the paleoconservatives. The paleoconservatives never have won anything, and never will win anything. In fact, in their heart they believe that winning is a sin. They believe wining is immoral. If that's how you feel, please leave VNN forthwith. But if you want to live, and you know that Christian mock-profundities voiced by male-cunt librarian-losers lead nowhere, then come with us.

Rockwell on National Socialist Economics

Libertarians are exercised about afflicted Hoppe, but they could care less about Zundel. Here jew Boot on Woods's PI history. Since the South refused to accept niggers as humans, its own Constitutional rights went by the boards. But the Constitution didn't count niggers either. And the Founder would never have dreamed of letting niggers vote. When you're a jew, it doesn't have to make sense, life is one long dreamy smear. Here on Madame de Stael, who said of the condom that it is a "cobweb against danger and a breastplate against pleasure." We don't live in a century in which the kind of person who might render such an observation exists. We are a bunch of nescient nigrunts, and our culture is going backward as fast as a jew brews fresh lies. She had three children, none of them by her husband, and she was forever throwing herself at men, often unsuccessfully (she was ugly and lacking in tactics). Oh, come, come. Everyone has flaws. Nice sly 'often' by writer. You would never see that in an American paper, because AmeriKwan adults are idiots, and all Authority in North America treats its adult-children with wide-eyed kindergarten-teacher laff-trak-equivalent-seriousness. All must be accessible to all. The idea that all are not equal is too shocking for the ribbonoids. Adults in AmeriKwa, to put it mildly, feel isolated. At her first meeting with Napoleon (she was initially prepared to support him, as a war hero), she asked who he thought was the greatest woman in history. 'The one, Madame, who has the most children,' he said. He wasn't keen on forceful women: on another occasion, he stared rudely down her decolletage and asked if she'd breastfed her children. I tell ya, all the great ones are dead. "I bet they never went hungry." Note that de Stael was her married name. Her real name was Necker, Swiss Protestant. I wonder what her opinion on jews was?

The Bible for Dummies

What a great idea. "Bible: The Movie." After three days of prayer and fasting in 1991, James Fitzgerald emerged with the clear conviction that God wanted him to produce the Bible on video to help make it practical and compelling, especially for the millions who might not crack open the book. When are they going to make a Bible for cats? Indeed, who could doubt God? He draws all the great ones to Him, like Hal Lindsey. Whites invented the technology, whites invented the techniques, jews sucked up the profits. On Griffith's "Clansman." The uncomfortable truth about The Birth of a Nation is that it's at its best when it's at its worst -- that the "acceptable" parts are usually sentimental and dull, while the vilest segments retain a weird power, as though the filmmaker's deepest anxieties were pouring directly onto the screen. [Yeah, that or reality.] Those zombie arms reaching into the cabin; the freedman Gus, "a product of the vicious doctrines spread by the carpetbaggers," lusting after two young white girls Yeah, never see that in real life. Here on Heloise and Abelard. A reader was asking about sexual morality: The letters written after the ''Historia Calamitatum'' are the richest, containing the rash, ringing, reckless and altogether impious declarations of love for which Heloise will always be known. Here is a voice that refuses to stay in the Middle Ages; it reaches through the centuries and catches us at the throat. ''Men call me chaste,'' she writes. ''They do not know the hypocrite I am.'' Even during the celebration of Mass, she confesses, ''lewd visions'' of the pleasures she shared with Abelard ''take such a hold upon my unhappy soul that my thoughts are on their wantonness instead of on prayers. I should be groaning over the sins I have committed, but I can only sigh for what I have lost.'' She asserts the primacy of desire, boldly professing the amorous, sacrilegious motives that drove her into the convent: ''It was not any sense of vocation which brought me as a young girl to accept the austerities of the cloister, but your bidding alone. . . . I can expect no reward for this from God, for it is certain that I have done nothing as yet for love of him. . . . I would have had no hesitation, God knows, in following you or going ahead at your bidding to the flames of hell.'' Her bravado, her defiance, her ruthless honesty and her apotheosis of eros over morality are everywhere apparent -- and still today they are shocking. There are good reasons to control yourself, but there are also good reasons not to be embarrassed about being an animal. Hint: no one really believes in Hell. It's just a lie that profits preachers, most of whom are in businss for money and no more believe their bullshit than any politician. I would point out that there is no evidence heaven, hell, or jesus ever existed. Evidence is a small thing to a Christian, but to me it is a big thing. It is true that you will regret the things you didn't do a lot more than the things you did do. The concept of "goodness" is inseparable from the concept of passivity. And your sitting in a chair grinning pleasantly is in someone's interest, but not yours. Get out and fuck the world! That's why you're here. ''I never sought anything in you except yourself. . . . I looked for no marriage bond.'' Indeed, she proclaims,''if Augustus, emperor of the whole world, saw fit to honor me with marriage and conferred all the earth on me to possess forever, it would be dearer and more honorable to me to be called not his empress, but your whore.'' Now thatza pizza! You go chase after jesus and his band of impoversished jewish faggots, but you ought to seek after your own Heloise. Just make sure yours doesn't have an uncle! What we see in her words -- and she was quite an intelligent and genuinely well educated woman -- is that what even a modern-sense superior woman wants is to be well managed, to be correctly burdened, and driven - to be used after the manner appropriate to her nature. That is true freedom, to fulfill your purpose. How better than "parternship" with some brainwashed bitch of a cunt. What idiot feminists, including racialist feminists, never get is that anything worthwhile can't be stopped by something as pussy as patriarchy. It makes its way by main force, obstacles be damned.

Lapse Into Truth Outrages Harvard Profs

Who can dispute we live in a dark age? The presence of so many millions who think they're enlightened tells you that. All these bitches need to shut up and report to the vets for distemper shots. As a genuinely intelligent woman once pointed out, when women move into an institution they make it awful. Either that, or their entrance is a sign the institution's vital period is over. Think computer industry - completely male. More male genius has lost its sweetness on the desert winds in the last thirty years of affirmative action than female genius was ever crushed by patriarachy. Genius women have very rarely existed, and almost never been crushed. Female genius has nearly always been aided hugely by males, whose objectivity allowed them to overcome even their own prejudices. Whereas a group of women always breaks down into bitching squabbles since all women hate each other, being competitors for good men, who became extinct in March 1928. Now this is interesting, and an aspect of the story we didn't see before: Some professors called on their boss to release a full transcript of his controversial remarks at the National Bureau for Economic Research seminar on January 14, and alluded to unconfirmed rumours that Dr Summers also raised questions about differences among the races. Hmm. Summers is a jew. And race differences in IQ do exist, wimmin's opinions be damned. Even highly intelligent women are usually irrational in high degree, and women do not belong in charge of academic institutions or they'll quickly move to stamp out any research found "not nice." More here. No fagwiches in New Jersey.

Pauli Coward Roberts

What do the lib- and con-press have in common? Besides being typed by jews working off the same agenda? Well, not much, really. So why does the Girl call them "brownshirts"? It's not accurate. It wasn't funny the first time, and sure as hell isn't the millionth. Don't you find it funny, reader, that not even for variety's sake will a nutless wonder like the Girl call a jew a jew? Life is short, as Canny Sammy showed us by dying the other day - indecently depriving us of a target. Now he's got eternity to think about all the things he "couldn't" say. Don't put yourself in his position, reader. Live as a man. Speak your mind. Defend your position. If the jews are the problem, then not mentioning them is no kind of solution. Whether or not you use it, it goes, as the poet says. How will you be remembered? Francis will be remembered as a winker and a hinter - a man who never told the deep truth because he was afraid of the consequences for his career. In short, he was a career girl, he put his personal interests ahead of the cause, as do all "respectable" paleoconservatives. And that is why they are all, every last one of them, unfit for leadership. In a better position than 99.99% of the people he'd fain defend, he looked around and wondered why others weren't leading -- i.e., criticizing the jews. Poor Canny. Fate pointed a finger at him, and he blanched and said, "Who, me?" Now he's dead before sixty, the pressure of being one thing and pretending to be something else become too much for his heart to handle. Paleoconservatism isn't the solution, reader, it's part of the problem. It's the solution that, because it is defended by men who, if cowards, are intelligent cowards, makes a plausible, respectable, ineffectual trap for the intelligent, courageous men we need to take the one path that can save us: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. The future belongs not to the stupid party, but the White Freedom Party. For men and women who don't flinch from saying what's true for fear of the consequences. Oh, and by the way, we're going to hound you doubly now, Girl. Readers will note that Pauli has adopted more and more VNN rhetorical trappings as the months and years have gone by. Why? Because he knows, just as Canny Sammy did, that we're right in naming the jew as the sole cause of the symptoms we all bemoan. And he hates himself for not daring to call a jew a jew. In other words, he has a guilty conscience. And rightly so. Hope it doesn't kill you, Pauli the Coward, like it did Francis.

Why Niggers Smell Like Shit, and How to Cure That

Once, every generation or two, a genius steps forward with a way out. Thomas A. could be that man....by Thomas A.

The Hispanics Come to Houston

And reduce whites to sellouts, sufferers, and loyalists....by William Logsdon

Integration: First They Came for the Niggers...

...then the 'Tards...then the pets...then finally the Zucchini-Americans. Really, the claim that inorganic matter cannot be educated is carbonist. White children are magic. Set anything next to them, it becomes educable an' shit. Hey, sport, try the reverse: sit anything next to a nigger and it becomes ineducable. Again, why do we allow jews to experiment on our kids, fellow Aryans? Oh that's right. We're a bunch of cowardly apathetic useless fucks trained by jeboo-fellating Chritian Brothers of the Perforated Rectum to suffer and suffer gladly, even orgasmically as they do.

Republican Party: Not Just for Jews - For Boy-Renting Faggots, Too

The right half of the Government party at work or play or pork or lay. See, the thing is, you can't have nigger "people" in power and maintain White standards. Putting a nigger on a board of regents of an 'educational' institution is prima facia grounds for forfeiting accreditation. More here on l'affaire Hoppe. Notice the minute there's a dispute in a "democracy," an ad hoc sanhedrin formicates, and delivers many fine verdicts, all funneling back to whatz "good for jews." The one thing you'll always notice about the jews-who-criticize-jews is that they all have jobs. In the system. You see, brother Reese, freedom of speech is a White-racial cultural value. The nigger bill of rights' first amendment doesn't say Congress shall make no laws abridging freedom of speech, it says: Thou shalt not diss a nigger. Niggers are like that. Because they're niggers. Not people. People is a mental concept that does not exist in the physical world. Niggers be all too real. To complain that niggers ought to respect White values is a shallow way of saying they ought not be niggers. Which is unreasonable and in any case impossible to ask of them, and to my proper clean mind sounds suspiciously like a hate crime. And friend, I don't like hate crimes. I don't tolerate them in my presence. When someone commits a hate crime in front of me, I make that hand gesture like Robert Downey in "Back to School" when fratty Chas tries to cut in line. The demagogues making a mountain out of a previously obscure professor are taking the usual tact that he has a right to his opinion but not a right to teach in a public school. This is similar to a Jewish outfit trying to get rid of professors whose opinions about the Middle East don't jibe with those of Israel. Yes, this is an old leftist tactic, I would have had it used against me in college had my graduation not made it moot. You have the right to express your opinion, why sure you do, but not as an editor on the paper. Imagine a nigger being denied his right to defame white people from a college-paper editorial perch. Any pretext will do for a leftist. The left was created by jews, and the truth no more flows straight out of their mouths than air flows straight through their nose.

Catholic "Thought"

Deep Woodsy really is helping, to an extent. But let's see if we can catch him at his own game, beat him on his own terms. If you read many expositions of Catholic social teaching, you find statements like: "It is good for families to prosper. Therefore, the following principle [antitrust legislation, attacks on big business, taxation on wealth, etc.] is morally obligatory." In other words, we want X, so therefore we should have Y. (The connection between X and Y is often implicit, but it is there.) But what if either 1) Y moves you further away from X; 2) there are better ways than Y of getting X; or both? He rightly brings out the tacit but faulty jump from "good for families" to "anti-trust, anti-business pro-some-version-of-socialism." What's better for families than race-mixing since, as the Catholics teach, a man is a man is a man is an African is a chimpanzee? The reality that races exist, and that they are incompatible, did not change when Catholic policy changed. Suffering is inevitable. And you can learn from it. But suffering in itself is not good. That is a Catholic lie intended to keep you, the Catholic, in a state of double clutch - doubting your senses, and turning to the priest to clear up the disconnect between what you've been taught and what manfestly is. At the moment of conflict, if you believe that suffering is good, you're going to go weak in the knee. Don't suffer what you don't have to. Fight, fight, fight. Martyrs are ridiculous, and so are men who act like women, including Jesus. If suffering is good - and the Catholics teach this as dogma - then more suffering is better. Better to fight, resist, and overcome - that is the Aryan dogma. Power and money and control and expansion of one's sphere of domination are good. Suffering is a necessary evil, which one should try to turn to one's advantage. That is the best that can be said for it. Here's the good stuff: Set in North Eastern Scotland around the 1950s, the book is a quasi biography of growing up in a misty cold gloomy climate, inhabited by people who were (and probably still are) emotionally distant, cold, unsympathetic to human frailties, gloomy, monosyllabic in conversation, realistic - almost fatalistic, and with low expectations for most of mankind. Self-hatred is the root of self-help, as dissatisfaction is the root of progress. Self-esteem is intended to retard self-awakening by submerging suckers in bath of self-approval. Do I really need adduce geometric proof you're not much? Believe it! "Let the laddie play wi the knife. He'll learn." and the eminently sensible: "The look on that bairn's face? Skelp it oot him." With that child's look, he needs a beating. "Skelpitootim!" a slogan in urgent need of exclamation.

Home-schooling: Conceptual Snakethroughs

Sometimes you break through, sometimes you snake through, sometimes you choke and turn blue. So it's like...the government can do 5/8 of what the home-schooler can do at only 72/8 the cost. A 1960 study for the Smithsonian Institution by Harold McCurdy concluded that genius is more likely to develop among children who spend more time with their parents and other adults, spend less time with their peers, and have freedom to work out their fantasies. McCurdy also suggested the public school system tends to do the reverse and restrict the development of geniuses. I have achieved a snakethrough on home-schooling, recorded in VNNF thread. Namely, that the fact that there are so many German-descendeds praticing it signifies a fundamental bias on the part of Germanics to withdraw from a system they dislike, rather than battle politically to change it. But when the German's back is to the wall and there's nowhere to turn but out, he can be turned into quite a force. Germans are inherently serious and martial and private - the opposite of the jew in spirit and substance. Funny is the minuet. The homeschoolers keep pretending they don't reject the System, and ZOG keeps pretending it cares about kids' educations. More than a little reminiscent of the old Soviet joke: we'll keep pretending to work as long as they keep pretending to pay us. Same controllers (jews), same practices (Jew Central-promulgated dogmas), same results (mass apathy and fear), same victims (Aryans). FUCK THIS CYCLE OF ABUSE. Does anybody out there have any spirit left at all? Any self-respect? Any determination that this shall not stand? Anybody? Then come join us: the men of the the White Freedom Party. What is home-schooling? It's rejecting the system that rejects you.

New promos featuring jew Chertoff and Aryan Klitschko.

Media: New Paper for Zimbabwe Expats

The Zimbabwean, published in Johannesburg and London, will highlight issues affecting the three million Zimbabweans estimated to be living outside their country. They kick out the white farmers they don't murder, then they can't feed themselves. If they weren't niggers, they could figure out the connection. Here Mudgabe does his Khrushchev imitation and blasts Our Condi for being a house nigger: "The white man is a slave master to her - she has to again re-echo her master's voice," Mr Mugabe said... Can't all we niggers juts get along, VNN aks. All the playa-hatin's gotta stop. Take a plantain and five, my niggas, and let's try to kool down. A round of mutual grooming followed by group banana-leaf harvesting is in order. The males will powwow while the females build the night nests. Meanwhile, back on the human scene, some of the farmers driven out by the mudslide resettle in Nigeria. The head of a 15-man delegation, Alan Jack, said the farmers had started work on 15 plots of 1,000 hectares each, which will comprise five dairy farms and 10 farms producing maize, soya, rice and other foods. "Everything is in place, the certificates have all been sorted out, and we've started work on the farms, drilling boreholes and laying the foundations for houses," he said by phone on Friday. Itz like Robert Lee said: wherever you find the honky, things be goin' up around him. But wherever the darky prevails, things are soon in ruins. He said it a little differently, as befit a Christian and gentlemanly loser. Ghana too is now starting to think that White farmers just might be the shit when it comes to producing eatables. No one ever gives the sooty fellows credit for growing the economy by causing a need for special new services, i.e., getting beat-up/rape insurance. Here not-getting-it niggers, to be redundant, whip the platinum goose to make it lay faster. It makes nigger sense. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe's top she-athlete has been discovered to be a man, although still a nigger, so not technically a man. Yes, that's right: Sithole is a man. read it and weep...with laughter! Africa may be the continent time forgot, but itz the one fun remembered! In his defence, [Shithole] told the magistrate he was born with a congenital deformation. He said his parents consulted a traditional healer from the south-eastern Chipinge district, who prescribed a herbal remedy to make him fully female. Fuck, I could keel over. Africa keepz on givin' all year long, Clark. The fucking continent has a congenital deformation: it was born with niggers! And no faith-healing Christian's gonna cure that one. Sithole said his parents had been able to pay only half the healer's fee. As a punishment the healer recently made his penis grow... Some folks like kike Seinfeld, but for my money, nothing beats shithole humor. Folks, we don't make these up. God-the-shithead can take responsibility for that; ours is only to keep the these shitholes out of our neighborhood, and that means popping Lutheran whiteheads itching to import them.

If Not for the...

...niggers, Africa would be a hell of a place. Bad a shithole as South Africa under scrubhuman rule has become, there are still nastier niggers waiting to get in. Hell, you could make a rule of it. Buthelezi believes the South African people, united, can beat AIDS. VNN believes drums is more like it. What do you do when SIXTY THOUSAND NIGGERS squat your property? Why, you petition the local monkey magistrate for help! That'll do it. That nasty little necrosis'll clear right up, except for my li'l fren' Jefferson's truth: THE TWO RACES, EQUALLY FREE, CANNOT LIVE IN THE SAME GOVERNMENT, KNOW WHUM SAYIN AN SHIT?


...is more or less mechanical. People are very different from animals, just ask them. But don't observe them, because you will draw a different conclusion. "Somewhat surprisingly, factors that you might think would be really important to people, like religion, education and income, played very little role in their choices." Gotta think he would have mentioned race if the figs came anywhere near supporting it. As someone spontaneously said once, as our car passed a particularly unevolved-looking ghetto-ratessa, "That's gotta be like fucking a monkey." And, surely you'll agree, fucking a monkey is one of those things that sounds better in theory than it works out in practice, legal considerations aside. Who's up for the zoo? I mean, a Fresca? Here a very important report on the Berlin Film Festival, which opened with a displaying of "the world premiere of Man to Man, a historical drama in which 19th century adventurers searched for the link between man and ape in southern Africa." Hmm. We smell Mbeki. And it smellz mmmmnotgood. Wake up and smell the Kofi, foolz: Annan and his black "men" are the link you're looking for. In other news, the Republic of Congo has decided to rename itself the Republic of Bongo. Deep thought for the day: telling illiterates not to believe what they read doesn't do any good. Look at this: some douchebag company is trying to sell wigger.com. Also notice that nigger.com does not seem to be allowed as a url. Whitetrash.com does seem to be in service. You know, if niggers were people, we wouldn't have to pretend. Talk about waiting to exhale. C'mon, my niggers. We've been faking it till you make it for 40 years now! When, bonobos, when? The White men may go, and take their toilets with them, but one thing that never goes is niggers sniveling about racism. Yeah, well that and a long weed'll get you a termite at the local mound. For in Africa, Freaka unto specialists, grub is no metaphor. It's whatz for dinner.

Naming the Jew on a Call-In

Jew Joffe squirms, and other jews will too....by The Shadow

Movie Review: 'Imitation of Life'

Even back in '59 the race-garbage was there....by The Shadow

Dead DuFresne and Nigger by Nature

Killing people is what niggers do. They're niggers. Work? That's too much work. Dig the senseless cartoon accompanying this NYPress piece. Those other victims were black or Hispanic and lived in poor neighborhoods where that sort of thing is "commonplace." The people who shot and killed them may or may not be caught one of these days; it doesn't really matter. Not to the people reading the papers or watching the news, at least. But Nicole! She was pretty. She was white. She was an "aspiring actress." She had a nice head shot that made people feel bad that she was dead. It's always sad when pretty people die while they're still pretty. Mind, this is the conservative "alternative" rag printing this. Silly rag, people care about White people. Niggers are niggers, and they'll go on being niggers, and there's nothing can be done about it. Why shouldn't humans, the only ones that read papers, care more about their own than chupeloompas and bluegums? Hey, economist, you journal of warm piss: how does the good freed niggers have done match up against the bad? Put another way: how does the good loosed niggers have done stack up against the good the folks they've murdered, raped, and otherwise abused? Listen here and you might here White Freedom Party members being interviewed.

Europe These Days...

Europe already leads the United States in several dimensions critical to growth. It has a larger aggregate economy and far larger exports ($1,430 billion as against $986 billion), and, critically, its citizens enjoy much higher levels of educational skills. Is there anything funnier than a jew talking about moral clarity? The jew's moral "compass" has a true Z, rather than north. The z standing for zig. And zag. Good one here on French service. Here on Schiller finding an audience in Britain.

Evolutionary Biology

Ernst Mayr dies. More here.

Books: Fitzgerald and Hollywood

On his unifinished novel Last Tycoon... Within the unfinished novel, there is the clear sense that the imaginative centre of the country has shifted from the eastern seaboard, where declarations of independence were written, where government resides, where the civil war had been fought and most business enterprise was based. Here on the fifties: dark age preceding the bright light of civil rights, or adult age, declining into the black light of loosed niggers?

Are jews a Race?

Ask Disraeli: "All is race," he wrote; "there is no other truth." Disraeli's jew racism is celebrated by anti-White-race Weekly Standard.

Jew Lerner

Perfect example of jew being all things to all people - and getting paid for it. Here on multicult madness, without mentioning the jews causing it. Public education is controlled by jews through Washington and the Department of Education and federal judges. Public education is anti-Christian because jews hate Christians. Public education is anti-White because jews hate Whites. Public education isn't public education. It is only called that because it's "good for jews" for the public not to realize what's going on.

Eggs - Not a Scam

The scam is they're NOT good for you, as claimed by the purveyors of WMD lies and other such piffle.

First Amendment - Kids Oppose It

After they're told what it is... Is is surprising that after several generations of kids brainwashed in jew-curricula-laced government brainwashing centers most kids believe that something published without government approval is wrong and should not be allowed? It is impossible to overestimate how dumb the average 'Kwan really is. Think of it this way: Aryans were lied to and did nothing about it so the powers that be could use our money and manpower in both world wars. Those earlier Aryans were far better educated than the ones today. Yet they gulped solemnly and went along. The Aryans today don't know shit from shinola. It's not just history. What the jews just did to Iraq, they're now proceeding to do to Iran: to demonize it with lies. And the train of sycophants, hookers, and fools will fall in line. There are no consequences to any act anymore, except when you cross ZOG. Here on changes at NYPress. Isn't it odd that a jew is far likelier to be called a nazi than a jew?


The world's catching on to the SLC and the SLCophants...by "Newz" Numberman

Movie Review: 'The Aviator'

At long last, a movie worth watching...by Rich Brooks

Funky & Waggles Uncircumcised Dictionary of Judenese

Judenese: a particularly disgusting strain of verbal dissimulation employing words-formerly-known-as-English in its contruction....by Alex Linder

Conservatism Passing Its Orbit

We are leaving the stage of involution and entering the stage of fighting back...by Vijay Prozak

The Fundamental Libertarian Conceit

That the state has some existence independent of the ethnics supplying its agents. ZOG's a way for Ike to rob Mike and browbeat him in the process. Government is a jew mafia. You're branded and milked by the state, dumb goy. Like Steve Martin screaming about barrels, like a bull charging a cape, the little terrier barks at the mailman delivering the jewbill. Hey...wait...I'm changing my tune. I was just channeled by Jefferson. He says, "Shit, we were just kidding. Niggers make great citizens. They're smart, industrious, sober and responsible. I don't know what we were thinking. If we had it to do again, we'd make them citizens first-class!" Here on "our" government, up to itz usual tricks: i.e., arresting real Americans in the name of the wizardsteins who control our legal machinery. The Pentagon's new spy arm will be largely excluded from Congressional oversight or media examination. Its special operations teams will roam the globe, all under cover of "deep black" missions of which no records will be kept, and no questions asked. Here we see Fredl living the good life, he makes clear, down in Mexico with a jew-mestizo. Freedom? What's freedom? The nigger looks at it in confusion. He tries to stick it on his dick. Doesn't work. Tries to eat it. Doesn't work. Tries to roll it up and smoke it. Can't do it. Puts it in a spoon and holds a lighter under it. Nothing happens. What's freedom to a nigger?

German Women

The jewish races squeezes hard. Out pops Sandra Bernhard. Compare to these. Women were loyal to their husbands and their men before centralization shifted the authority to a secular state. Note that when Germany was controlled by Germans, German women bred. When Germany is controlled by jews, they don't breed. The modern woman has gradually chosen to transgress against her own nature by removing herself from that role. Her cries are not tears of sorrow, but of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Her lamenting is not grieving the dead and stillborn, but the burden of raising her illegitimate children alone or rejecting them from her womb. Her impatience is not her eagerness to await her husband's return from imprisonment; but to keep him imprisoned through her legal battles. She chases after favors from her adulterous relationship with her false husband, an instiutionalized state.

"Allies in the Academy"

Chapter three of The Nazi Conscience, a very interesting, if extremely biased, look at the cases of Heidegger, Schmitt, and Kittel...by Claudia Koonz

Final Version: Interview with Contentious Times

Making our case to neutrals and hostiles. If you have better answers to these questions than we supplied, let us know in a letter. All in the interests in constructing a perfectly seamless case for White Nationalism...by Alex Linder

"The Uprising," Chapter Two

The BFF does war...by Colin Jordan

A Very Interesting Goy: Media Wildcatter Philip Anschutz

From heart of flyover, Kansas, now living in Denver and expanding in media in very interesting way. Worth $5.2B, heavy in telecom, railroads, movie theaters, and sports, as well as oil, and now media. He's started up a new concept pub: Washington Examiner. Free tabloid for suburban D.C.; six days a week, 260k circulation. If the ad-based, home-delivered model works, will roll out to dozens more cities. More bio here. Here on his first dip into newspapers, via San Francisco Examiner. Anschutz's represents one of the first attempts of the paper business to come to grips with 'new media' -- i.e., Internet -- apart from stupid ASNE conferences where fools gather to mantra: more nigs, more pics. But only whites read. And only whites buy papers. You can't fuck a newspaper, so it's ill-suited to the negro mind. Here we see that the kikes are just a little concerned about where this conservative/Christian/Republic-funding magnate might be headed. Of course, you understand that kikes speculating on your motives is perfectly kosher. Your mentioning a kike's a jew is "antisemitic." Jews only have interests when they're laughing among themselves, you see. Play their game, lose. Play VNN's game, win. Note that the Denver area, taken loosely, is home to a good deal of "Focus on Family"-type publishing. It is not difficult to describe how objectionable and smug a paper the Washington Kike is. Every day there's something to offend Whites in it. We hope its circulation continues to decline. Will be interesting to see if the apparently Christian and at least somewhat libertarian-sympathetic Anschutz pays hires neocons to write the freebie. Here we see an extravagant claim: Added Wilpers: "This is the biggest development in the newspaper business since the launch of USA Today. This could be the next big thing."

Every Time I Flip a Switch (I Thank a White Man)!

We are certainly superior at building a world WE want to live in, and that's all that matters....by George Crane

Of Apes and Humans

Bomb or dump-off: how far are you from a chimp? (Nigerians, you might want to, cough, step outside for a moment)...by Glenda

Understanding the Evil of the Nazis

Itz easy if you lie, I mean, try...by Dresden

Caucasian Race Test

Way of separating the nigs from the white-oak pile...by Anonymous

Habits of Highly Effective Racists: An Analysis of Overseas Chinese

Pretend you're an invader, and copy its recipe for success. Many of the techniques allowing Chinese to occupy good portions of our country can be adopted by Whites, once they change their attitude....by Andrei Kievsky

Revenge of the Technocrats

Our future lies...in space...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Homeschooling Stories

"No child left behind." Think about what that implies. How do people get left behind? Others advance. The government is saying that the 'tard is more important than the normal. Ok, but those are just words. Are they reflected in policy? Yes. Spending on tards is a MULTIPLE of spending on normals. And tards are "integrated," just the way niggers were. And to just the same end. Niggers and tards and "teaching"-techniques-that-don't-work are introduced precisely because they PREVENT YOUR CHILD from getting ahead. As we see in Thomson's letter below, this process is deliberate, and was already getting underway, with the yanking of phonics, back in the forties, at least in L.A. Think about that, fellow American. The government -- you know, the guys who take your tax money at gunpoint -- creates schools your children are FORCED to attend, paid for out of YOUR POCKET, and teaches them by techniques KNOWN NOT TO WORK and mixes them with kids who are INEDUCABLE. Schools are not failing, they are succeeding. Their game is to bore and scare and in other ways render pliable for ZOG predation your offspring - in short, to make slaves of them... Note the writer says that there are now 170,000 homeschooled in Britian. With 20k joining the ranks in last year. Compare to 1-2 million in the U.S., out of pool of just under fifty million. Homeschooling is a form of white flight. White flight, of course, is nothing other than white self-interest, or white self-protection. Why does the government continually force White people to run away to save themselves and their children? Is not a government which forces citizens to run and hide wherever it touches their lives -- is this government not tyrannical? Manifestly, it is. AmeriKwa is a tyranny, and not just to the people it murders abroad, but to its own at home. Here's a particularly gorgeous load: Critics point out that home-schooled children risk being cocooned from the salutary social stresses... And those would be? Getting beaten up? Insulted? Books knocked out of arm? Felt up by coons? Raped by coons? Beaten up by pack of coons? Taught one belongs to a guilty race? The "salutary social stresses" of public school? You've got to be fucking kidding me. I know I shan't be reading a funnnier one than that this day. And what's this "national curriculum"? Most people are monkeys with darting eyes. What the fuck do I care what they think my kids should read? They can go fuck themselves. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND MAKES EVERY CHILD SPECIAL! More here, on the Hunsingers in Colorado, part of a network of ZOG escapees . Have you noticed how many HS are German-descended Christians? Would you subject your kid to 16 years of lectures off books chosen by Gloria Steinem, Alan Dershowitz, and Dumper Foxman? No? What the hell do you think public school is, anyway? Do you think it's purely by chance that every school reads Anne Frank? And To Kill a Mockingbird?

God's Lowest Scum...

...the Southern liberal, out with a new book celebrating niggers of dignity and the heroic Northerners who save them from evil White billies. Grisham in "A Time to Kill" piously celebrates comeuppance for white rapists of niggeresses - beings practically nonexistent in real life. Do the facts show that for every white-on-colored rape you could come up with at least 100 black-on-Human? What does Grisham care about that? He knows where his bread is buttered. Whore whore whore whore whore. That's all you are, Jonny G. Well, race-traitor, region-traitor whore, to be precise.

Scenes Old and New

One of the big names of White Nationalism offers his insights for VNN readers. Pay close attention, you who are young. Stay out of debt, alcohol, and loose women and you'll go far, at least until the Chinese take over....by Eric Thomson

"The Politics of Virtue"

Let my Hitler goooo. Musical, itz. First section of chapter two of The Nazi Conscience, in which we see Hitler come to his technique and develop his memes for masses ...by Claudia Koonz


Disclaims "voice of generation," holds tight to monies accruing thereto. Minny, York, Jeboo, Yahweh, rock, country, recliner, whatever. Is racism bad? Yes and no. Yes if you're a goy. This if you're a kike: After all, as many readers of this newspaper know, he's really Robert Zimmerman, right? A nice Jewish boy from Minnesota. He can deny it, he can sing songs for Jesus, but he is one of us, right? It's such an interesting phenomenon - the tenacity of Jewishness, the paradox, embodied by Dylan himself, of diasporism and identity. We wander, we wear masks, we change our names as did Dylan - but there's always that thrill when we see a landsman. Smell a landsman, that is. You know, the goddam kike Forward makes it too damn easy to write VNN. Like shooting gefilte fish in a pickel jar, itz. I mean what, here's: "He was a newspaperman, Nathan Hart, which it means a liar by trade. Always he was with the bubbeh mayseh - you know bubbe mayseh? A whopper. This is how he earns his living. Real? Make-believe? His whole life I don't think he knows the difference. We don't either. Anti-semitism means little more than repeating what jews admit when they're by themselves, all haimy. Yes, everytime a jew addresses jew, itz like a Cliff Notes on Anti-Semitism.

The Rarest of Rarities

Something we've never come across before, namely: "Jewish Science." Apparently meant to fight back against jews tempted by Christian Science back in its boom days. At least one rabbi tried to coopt some of its ethereal insanity for his own profit. Note that they still visited doctors, though! Telling, very telling. In my time attending CS Sunday school, I never met a single "former" jew. What's more, Eddy was given to antisemitic views about the Jews. You can eat a "matzo ham sandwich" on Yom Kippur and still be a Jew, Rabbi Louis Gross of the Jewish Science Center of Union Temple of Brooklyn insisted in 1928. "But you cannot be a Christian Scientist and a Jew at the same time - it simply can't be done."

Kikes Going at It in Czech Republic

Sidon's allies struck back at a November 7 community meeting, winning Jelinek's ouster in a raucous scene of shouting and threats - including cries of, "You should have stayed in Terezin"... VNN concurs.

Shoa Farce

Their coracists having verhetzung'd the people against the frogs for five solid years, the "representatives" of "Holocaust" "survivors" think the iron hot for picking up a big check from some French railroad company doing business when the Germans occupied the country. This is how jews think: the existence of non-jews is a tort.

Books: Jewess Waxman on Six Directors Making Way to Hollywood

No comment necessary: In the summer of 2003, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was running for governor of California, the Washington Post assigned her to profile the actor-candidate, in part because of Waxman's contacts in the entertainment industry. In the course of her reporting, she interviewed Schwarzenegger's longtime publicist, Charlotte Parker. Over a deli lunch in the San Fernando Valley, in a discussion that touched on the question of the Austrian actor's roots, the two women got to talking about their own pasts. Though a decade or so apart, the two discovered that they were both not only from Cleveland Jewish homes, but also onetime residents of the same street and students at the same school. "I could have fallen off my chair," she said. "And Parker! It's maybe the most non-Jewish name you can come up with." Jews are discriminated against. They're victims. They're due reparations. Why can't you see that?

What Jews Call "Anti-Semitism" is Nothing More Than the Will of the People to Protect Themselves

Nothing may be called by its real name under a tyranny. By that principle, by applying that principle to what we read and hear, we undecided fellows who ever so slightly begin to wonder if these "antisemites" may have something come to see that, yes, they do. I ask you, reader. Have you ever heard of jew described as a "hater"? Have you ever seen a jewish group described as a "hate group"? Have you ever heard of anybody who has? ONLY THE JEW/ WON WORLD WAR TWO.

Jews Support Queers

Specifically they support the ruling in New York. Why? Because homosex breaks down White culture, making it easier for them to dominate. Jews are venomous people. The broadcasts they control -- 99.99% of what you see on tv -- is equivalent to a rattlesnake's poison. It paralyzes you and begins breaking down your tissue to make you easier for the predator to digest. Whites live in an insane world. We hyperventilate about unbuckled seatbelts, while celebrating unbuckled leroys and levins.

He Said It

Black/Portugese stylist says he wishes he were Aryan. Jews howl. Threaten to sue. As giant lumps of chicken fat touched with paranoia, with big lumpy noses screwed on so they can find their way to money, jews are clearly the people of choice. Why, I hear they have no other gods before themselves. What really burns the kikes is the guy is a stylist. Even a stylist can see that Aryans are aesthetically superior. At the root of the jew's hatred of the Aryan, in no small measure, is that we are sane and attractive folks, taking one with another, while his brood are deranged and Frank Rich shaped. Ugly and paranoid and vindictive is no way to go through life, boobele. The jews try to revenge themselves on the mirror by suing reality, and demanding the rest of us ignore it.

Kuropas Imbroglio

The jews have a word for a man who resents their murdering ten million of his countrymen. That word? You guessed it: ANTISEMITE. Who are you to resent being murdered by a jew? He's a god. You can't rationally get angry with acts of God! And note the way jew dual-citizen Rahm Emanuel and house Dems immediately go after Bush to find out who appointed this curious Ukrainian-American Kuropas. Was it an antisemite? Or just an oversight by someone unaware their man once wrote: " The inordinate role played by Jews in bringing Bolshevism to power is certainly a topic worthy of further exploration." The man who laughs at the idea that jews control the media has no way to explain what is printed. The jews murder literally tens of million of Christians, Whites, and Europeans - and your mentioning the FACT disqualifies you from being named to a delegation to the very country where the obscenities took place! Yes, the delegation is to the Ukraine, scene of the most horrible mass-murderes in human history, carried about by JEWS against WHITES, just as Kuropas points out. The further irony is the president being sworn in is a jewish production himself: the people voted for someone else, but international jewish media and money (Soros) thwarted their will and replaced their candidate with one willing to comply with the jews' agenda. Are you getting the idea that the world is controlled by jews? If not, then reread this spintro and article until the scales fall from your eyes. The jews arrogate the right to determine what everybody else in the world says, and does, and, insofar as they can, thinks. If there were implantable mind-control devices, the jews who control the U.S. would declare it an act of antisemitism for you to refuse them. Note again, too, for the umpteenth time, how jew dogs bite immediately for the balls. Not only do they achieve their immediate object: getting the white house to dis-appoint their man, they raise a howl about who appointed him in the first place, and they run to his employer, in this case Northern Illinois University, and try to get him fired. This is why we at VNN have always maintained, the only solution to the jewish problem is their physical extermination. They will never throw in a winning hand. This way of operating permeates their culture right into their paranoid, genocidal germ plasm. They, and not the ones they denounce, are the real and eternal haters. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Kuropas will be getting copies of The Aryan Alternative, as soon as #2 comes out. More here on jews moving into power in Ukraine. Big surprise that the jew-bought "winner" appoints a jew "communications" minister, eh? Say, when are the jews going to apologize for what they did in Ukraine, anyway? In Mr. Kouropas' very own state of Illinois, his own children will be taught nothing of what the jews did to the Ukrainian Whites, whereas the "Holocaust" will be taught practically around the clock. Did you know that book your children are taught from are all, each and every one, carefully vetted by jews, White man?

Putin Your Bets

Philosemite or jew-realist? Here are his words, spoken at the recent Auschwitz Fairy Tale Assembly: "No one can remain indifferent towards the acts of antisemitism, xenophobia and racial intolerance. Even in our country, we sometimes, unfortunately, see manifestations of this problem, and I, too, am ashamed of that." Still, actions trump words, and Putin does say Russia will sell missiles to Syria, a very good sign. His nation also will work to fire up Iran's first nuclear plant, another very good sign. China and Russia must stand against the jews of Israel, and the American Goliath they control, lest utter and irreversible world slavery become reality. Putin makes the right noises, but like Whites "fleeing" jew-niggered neighborhoods, his feet show his heart. We hope.

Conquer Mexico

Ol' Shitlips is right for once: we should. But what we should do with the great Shit Machine is not what he says. Rather, we should pay attention to the 19th century wisdom of Wurgum Slupsky, who said, "There is no situation so bad that Mexicans can't make it worse." And again, who let the Mexicans into this country? There's one answer, and only one: JEWS. The answer that never makes the jews' news, but is always there, just behind the scenes, waiting to destroy you and yours to succor Zion. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Jews Worry That Muslims They Admitted Now Spread Truth About Jews Through Mosques Nationwide

Oh, they don't put it like that. They blather about anti-Americanism and anti-jewism. But that's how it is. Without jews, there would hardly be a single breath-drawing soul of rag on the North American continent. Do we exaggerate? We do not. We state simple fact. Now come the horripellant, hysterical reports that Muzzies are, gasp, telling their people the truth about jews. They're fighting back against people who spread lies about them; lies leading to falling bombs, leading to big piles of dead people. Jews really resent others resenting being murdered by jews and their brainwashed accomplices. Jews expect the rest of the world to worship them the way they worship themselves. Bill O'Reilly's buying it. Sean-John Hannity's buying it. Rusty Limbaugh's buying it. We're not. Some stinky thing called "Freedom House" has issued a report examining 200 books, leaflets, and pamphlets "gathered from more than 15 of the largest mosques" in North America. And promptly turned over to the Jewish Committe on UnameriKwan Activities. Say, Marse Kike, what's on tap in your synagogues? Real Americans want to know. Do the jews advise we take a cautious, circumspect, indirect approach to dealing with such potential problems as Islam-in-America may cause? No. They advise the we should "confront directly" the problem. Now you can listen to them, winners of virtually every political battle of the last hundred years, or you can listen to Samuel "I Can't Say That" Francis, who has never been on the winning side in his life. Don't be a fool, White man. Support the White Freedom Party. The only part that advocates your interests - as a life cause pursued by the most ruthless and dedicated young Aryans of the rising generation, not as any transient partisan faction in it for spoils. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO WE ARYANS WHO WILL FIGHT FOR IT.

"When everyone is thinking alike, no one is thinking."

Does that apply to libertarians and race? The mass man is a sucker who thinks he isn't. Over the last 5 years household real estate gained $6.3 trillion (62%) in value, yet homeowners piled on another $2.8 trillion in mortgage debt, or 44% of this new found "wealth." (Keep in mind, these are averages which include the 20% or so who own their homes outright, mostly retirees. Home equity extraction is certainly much higher for those with mortgages.) At the margin, many are literally betting the ranch that the easy credit stars stay aligned indefinitely. Like a compulsive gambler, the home buyer on margin is opting for higher-octane fuel, moving from fixed mortgages to ARMs, and now to interest-only mortgages and "piggy back loans" which cater to the buyer who is challenged to come up with a down payment. Despite the lowest interest rates in 46 years, the average American pays over 13% of his disposable personal income just to service his debts, a record. As with the dot-com bubble, so with the housing bubble - at least so say the intelligent libertarians, within their ken for once.

The South

Some nice cultural points, with a few anti-Northern-White slurs thrown in. For organization, discipline and ambition, you can beat the South. Reese, weakly and semitically correctly, plays into the regional divide exacerbated by jews. Honest Whites from all quarters, hell, in all nations, face the same enemy. Here Jefferson on decentralization, the ultimate destination of White politics, once the races trying to destroy us have been swept aside. You must remember what the libertarian will never tell you: individualism in a nigger context, in a jew context, in any but a White context, will result in the extinction of the refined race. The good does not bring up the bad, the bad drives out the good. Think of the public school you attended. Did the smart people bring up the class? Or did the troublemakers who didn't want to be there bring it down? You know the answer. All life works that way. Speaking about decentralization today is academic at best, an evasion of necessary politics on average. For the nation is controlled by a race with every interest in preserving its centralized tyranny. Concentration of national powers in Washington and New York amplifies the media and economic and politic clout of the jew elite making policy for this nation, every bit as much as they try to do in half-conquered Iraq. Understanding that jews control America is the first step. The second is researching jewish history to find what drives them. This leads one to discover that jews are innate totalitarians. No disagreement with the rabbi is allowed. We return to the real world and measure the jewish cultural value with what we see - and it jibes perfectly. Washington dictates on points large and small, from seatbelts to educational curricula to producing foreign wars based on lies. Note that Jeffeson says that government is to be trusted with the defense of the nation - and that is exactly what White politics means today. And our nation is WHITE, it does not include jews or coloreds. We lived under a Jewish tyranny called Zionist Occupational Government, and until that occupation is removed, debates over separation of powers and decentralization are trivial.

Woods Contra Moron

He avoids the jew when it comes to interpreting the 20th century, making him second-rate at best, no matter how accurate his points about the "Civil" War. Note his points about the false claims of mass-murder made by American jews bent on destroying Serbia by mixing it with Albania. Another horrible genocide that went from 400,000 dead to 2,000 dead -- not counting the greater numbers of dead on the sinned-against side. There was a repeat of the German experience after World War II: all kinds of Serbs being uprooted from their homes fleeing the jew-facilitated racial cleansers. Where do jews love Muslims? Where Muslism attack Whites. Muslims, their fellow Semitic mates and twins in the Judeo-Islamic Tradition, are only bad when they attack jews. The Clinton Administrations happy talk about a multiethnic Kosovo that would be tolerant of ethnic minorities, allow religious freedom, and abide by modern Western values, has proven a deadly case of willful self-delusion. But of course it isn't that at all. Do you see how because-Catholic coward Woods deliberately accepts the jew/tool cover story at face value, in a way he never would were Lincoln making the same claim? He and DiLorenzo would leap to point out that Lincoln was a racist. But never, ever do they dare point out that jews are racists, and when they drive American foreign policy, they do it for jewish-racist reasons. And that is why libertarians are flea-sized homunculi whose nips may irritate the beaniemen, but never bring them down.

Holocaust Fatigue

Jewish lies tend to follow patterns, often related to kabala numerology....by Jonathan Steele

In Response To "Earth To Drudge"

The term White American trumps White Nationalist in the ears of the people we're trying to reach....by Greg Thornton

Interview with Contentious Times

Spreading the good news...by Alex Linder

The Sleepwalkers

What do we do when we all know that's what's wrong is not something but everything?...by Vijay Prozak

Hy Pes, Your Pes, Our Pes, HERPES!

It was just two days in a singularly noxious act of spontaneous and vicious antisemitic insanity that I mocked the morons who commit -- rather, pay to have committed on their own sons -- the gruesome and barbarous rite of CIRCUMCISION, a jewish obscenity as quintessentially disgusting and unnecessary as the toad people themselves. What I most quackoriously and understatedly forgot to mention is that THE FUCKING KIKE MOHUNK MIGHT GIVE THE KID HERPES AND KILL HIM!

Planet of the Kikes

Science fiction and prophecy are disguised ways to lead dumb goys into the New World Order. Fact is, we live under a Jewish Tyranny that grows stronger by the hour....by Max Hadden

Fiction: "Jake Brake," part five

Jake's uncle comes into the picture...by Mike Woodson

Operation "Hoax Is Toast"

Jews are crafty. They never saw a fake atrocity photo without being overcome by an irresistible urge to paint the Eli....by Goyimus Veritas

National Futurist Splinters

A vision...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

1933 - 1939: Strength Through Joy

Germany under Hitler was a normal place making extraordinary achievements. You won't hear that from the jews, because they are liars. "Great masters of the lie," if you prefer Schopenhauer. Or "father of lies," if you prefer Jesus. Indeed, the single most credible thing about Jesus is what he said about jews. He said they were "of the devil." Their behavior confirms it, whether you take devil literally or metaphorically....by Walter Mueller

Jewish Psychology

Sitcom, animated cartoon, daytime talkshow: the solution to all human problems is always seek help, and the deliverer of that help is always either a jew or a goy trained in jewish psyco"therapeutic" techniques. Jewish psychology presents itself to the world as objective science, but like everything else jews put forward, it is aimed to advance the jewish agenda, in this case to teach the stupid goy that he's too dumb to master his own life, and only a leftist jew is competent to show him where he's gone wrong. The jew can't stand being denied admittance to any private club, and that includes YOUR HEAD, goy brickhead. Keeping a journal? Ever hear of that? That goes back to the Illuminati, founded by "ex"-jew Weishaupt. The goal of journal keeping is to have the subject provide the "teacher" with clues to his internal life, the better he may be controlled and manipulated....by VNN Staff

Happy Holocaust

This is your brain. This is your brain on jews. Any questions?...by Happy Camper

Something Special in the Air -- and Your Neighborhood

Big business and Zionist Occupational Government work together to dispossess you and yours, while making a nifty profit. Thanks to the VNN source who supplied us the documents used in this report...by American Airlines

The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff

Worse than the Titanic, in fact the worst in history....by Karl Hoffman

Top 10 Reasons Why There are No Black NASCAR Drivers

Racism? No. Oh no....by Extra Crispus Attax

Book Review: I am Charlotte Simmons

Straight on race, reasonably straight on jews - overall a decent effort...by Rich Brooks

Educators Baffled at Stubborn Achievement Gap

Just because you put it in a desk and wraps its hand around a pencil doesn't mean its a student...by Michael Polignano

Greatest White Hope

A white man's champion of the boxing world - and the jew-media aren't interested....by J.B. Cash

Sell Al-Jazeera

Because only jews should be allowed to own mass-media. Bush administration officials have complained heatedly to Qatari leaders that Al Jazeera broadcasts have been inflammatory, misleading and occasionally false, especially concerning Iraq. Unlike making up lies about WMDs and killing a hundred thousand people. We've pointed out before, the first thing the 'democrats' do when they invade a country is destroy its native media so the truth has no means to escape. Freedom's just another word for, nothing left but jews.

Woman Says No to Cosmetics Scam

Explaining her beliefs to Sky News, she said: "I find shampoo just strips out all the goodness and then you put conditioner on to put the goodness back in. "It's like doing one thing to contradict the other. It was much easier to get out of that cycle." Wow. A woman who can think. You don't see that every decade. And go against the Establishment. You don't see that at all. Please write this down in your notebook, VNNers, in big letters: IT WAS MUCH EASIER TO GET OUT OF THAT CYCLE. That is the it and essence of LIVING WHITE, even if this Weynberg's a jew. She's nuts you might think, but NOT SO. Commercial shampoos are death on hair - far more powerful than anything your hair actually needs. Like the government, commercial enterprises have a strong incentive to create problems as a pretext for selling you more goods than you would need otherwise. You've seen products "for damaged hair." What damaged the hair? The consumer using the product improperly? or properly? Let me tell you again: EVERYTHING in life is a scam. Everything. Think about it this way: the world has been around a lot longer than you have. Everybody on earth is living for the FIRST TIME. The world has a million ways to trick you, and HTF are you supposed to recognize them all? Of course, we can't. We only get born, marry, die ONCE. It stands to reason that birth, marriage, and death are three of the biggest scams going. I mean, let's take birth. 'Pre-natal care'? A scam. The term itself is perfectly middle-class pretentious. It sounds so official and respectable and scientific, who wouldn't want it? Raspberry to that! Unless you swallowed a basketball, that's a kid, lady. And if you've watched "Alien," you know it's coming out. There's not fuck-all a doctor can do to tune up a botch. You're paying doctor quack to soothe your idiot wife, he-dumbfuck. And of course, when the tot comes out, doc may have a golf engagement. Doc may help things along by screaming at her to "push!" resulting in scare-hormones flooding her system, resulting in fear and sweat and other things requiring EXPENSIVE MEDICATIONS. And just possibly, UNNECESSARY C-sections and episiotomies. UNECESSARY, but HUGELY PROFITABLE. Which is not to deny the simple human difficulty of GIVING BIRTH UPHILL. Who profits off birth? The hospital, the doctor, the insurance company, the goverment. Who gets soaked? Your wife, your wallet, your baby. Why be born in a hospital? Most people weren't. No animals are. So why is it done? Because your fellow idiots do it that way, and no, you're aren't a whit different, you middle-class pants-wetting khaki-wearing idiot reading this, who flatters himself he's a little sharper than average. YOU ALL THINK THAT WAY, AND YOU'RE ALL WRONG. IT'S WHY YOU'RE SO EASILY MANIPULATED. YOU HAVE TOO HIGH -- FAR TOO HIGH -- AN OPINION OF YOURSELF. But of course I yelp in vain, and for my own amusement. No one reading this will believe I refer to him. Then there's circumcision! No shit, I am NOT making this up. It's a real practice! It might even have happened to YOU! Or you might even have done it to someone else! A painful, bloody, and highly profitable scam, indeed! $800 for the "doctor" - who signed the Hippocratic, do-no-evil, Oath -- to chop off the end of your kid's dick. And get rid of those useless excess nerves, and expose a tender mucous membrane to air, that it become hard and horny, as nature never intended -- creating mechanical and psychological problems unknown -- BUT PAID FOR. What a bargain. Immunization? Like the other two, the only thing we know FOR SURE is that it's HIGHLY PROFITABLE. And some immunizations MAY work. Of course, some may cause autism. Some may kill. If you proceed in life under the assumption that everything, literally EVERYTHING, is a scam, you begin to appreciate the sour truth. The world's not here for you: you're here for IT. Don't get rooked, pooky.

Nigga Gotz Ta Get Paid, Yo

Cashstrong Williams be my favorite columnis an' shit. He's no field nigger, he a White House nigger. He done mess round got him a triple double n' shit. Can you imagine how corrupt a country has to be to pay an illiterate nigger a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS to push an anti-intellectual NO WHITE CHILD FORGING AHEAD education prevention act? Democracy at its finest? No, democracy at its average. Democracy is a way for cowards to steal, too. The question is how many of the jews and their goy-remoras are paid to foster lies facilitating the waging of aggressive wars to benefit Israel? Almost everything in this world is some degree of scam, and that certainly includes ostensibly objective news stories. Today almost anything you read in a major paper will have issued from the Neocomintern, dedicated to spreading jew-for-you revolutions worldwide. George Washington advised a mind-our-business foreign policy, and of course he was right. You'll notice his name doesn't come up much anymore. Jews have rewritten our history to support the foreign and domestic policies they're producing in our name, and at our expense. Will we end up bankrupt with the rest of the world hating us? What do you think? Have you noticed that the country is now filled with all kinds of turd people from the seven sewers of the world? Do you think even ONE white person could be found who wanted that to happen? Here Gary North on changing conservatism. The kikes know what they're doing; a few of the older, wiser, non-sycophants do too; the mass of conservative voters would eat a dogshit burrito and ask for seconds if you stamped a freedom ribbon into the dough and called it a liberty processed diversity roll.

Thickwit Rothbard and His Merry Band of Head-Cases

Rights correctly discovered by reason, therefore, cannot conflict. Liberty for all can be thought through on the basis of rational principle. Oh, bullshit. Weak-minded Rothbard yet against trumps all opponents, and only scoffers will note they're imaginary. Liberty for all, and assuredly he includes niggers in that all. But history shows that Jefferson, not jew Rothbard, is right when he says: [T]he two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government. Libertarians are ideologically prevented from acknowledging general differences between people. Treating men as individuals leads directly to dictatorship when the individuals come from different races. History, which is another name for experiences, gives the lie to libertarianism. Not being libertarians, we rational racialists are free to observe that it is a general, which is to say characteristic, flaw of the fish-school of individualists called libertarians that it blanches before the reality of race. Hmm...for another way of putting this crucial insight... Like a Victorian, the libertarian's obsessive concern is with formal process. Anything may be done, really, so long as it is done indirectly, and the propriety of appearances observed. Do loosed niggers turn en masse to massacre white men? History records they do: Haiti, Zimbabwe, South Africa. Is loosing niggers "liberation"? In a formal sense, yes. In a real sense, no. Or at least, it is only a liberation for the nigger, but the enslavement of the White man. The libertarian attempts most irrationally to separate a process, or a legal condition, from the inevitably ensuing result. But nowhere will you find a libertarian man enough to acknowledge the results his libertarian policy reaps in the real world. The axiom of the libertarian must be that the nigger is at liberty to choose to be something other than a nigger. But all recorded experience shows it is not. The nigger, like reality itself, exists. The jews well know that niggers exist, no matter what they say in public. The jews sicced the negroid race on the Caucasian race in order to soften the Aryans up for jewish predation. Libertarians fear biology so much they pretend it does not exist. They like their individuals, all shiny and abstract, such as they never occur in the real world. The libertarian Ideology rejects the biological truth that two subspecies cannot inhabit the same territory: one always drives out the other. When in doubt, dump religion, and Libertarianism is certainly a religion, as it makes nonsense of the world, and go with reality, which never lies. Reality exists.


Comments from the man in the moondo. "La la la, If you buhlieve...they put a man in the moon...man in the ma-hoon!" So trills trusty Justy as he pens his righteous screeds.

No Privacy

Jews believe that all non-jews are out to get them, and so it is only natural that since they control the government, it operates on precisely that understanding. Here on the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health and its plans for your child. When Big Pill and Big Jew get together, nobody's mind is safe. Because four out of five doctors agree, if you don't toe the jewline, you're crazy. Jews are totalitarians, and they tolerate no opposition to their agenda. Your kid? Your rights as parents? What the fuck do they care about that? Your kid exists to buy junk clothes from jewish retailers, consume junk tv from jew media conglomerates, and, when he's of age, to be drafted to serve abroad in the globoarmy to wipe out opposition to Israel.

Televitz Culture

Interview with jew Cantor, of Gilligan Unbound... The Simpsons does an amazing job of showing how the texture of life in contemporary America has been globalized, and I relate this to a loss of faith in national politics in the show. It generally celebrates this development. But The X-Files shows the dark side of globalization. It shows America being invaded by all sorts of "alien" forces: some of them extraterrestrial and imaginary; some of them quite real (the problem of migrant workers, for example). With all the shadowy conspiracies in The X-Files, it reflects a decentering of American political consciousness--there's no longer a sense that the people who appear to be in charge in Washington really are in charge of the country. No, it's more that, looking left at Long Duc Dong, and right at Pepe Gonzalez, Americans know this isn't a nation anymore. There's no doubt somebody's in charge, and there's no doubt he doesn't give a shit about the rights or interests of the people who formed America. What they aren't allowed to know is that man is a jew. The jews control America. The jews have destroyed America to make it cozy for Hymie. If you see a jew, thank it.

Light for Nations

Inside is a documented history of jewish behavior we believe will persuade any honest, rational man that jews are lethally dangerous to every other race....by VNN Staff

On the 60th Anniversary of the Auschwitz Liberation

Auschwitz is a blood libel against Germans by the real fathers of genocide: the jews: the producers of the Real Holocaust in the Soviet Union....by VNN Staff

Niggers Doing In North America the Same Things They Do In Africa, Haiti

Jews celebrate as a prime White female is cut down by one of the dogs they loosed....by George Crane

GOOD WOMEN (of barely 40 years ago) vs. TODAY'S AMERICAN FEMALES

Second-rate men, or first-rate women? You make the choice....by George Crane

Response to a Letter Posted on "Iranian.com"

Always the jews run their own under false names, or coopt yours: pay close attention to kikes in kaffiyehs, loyal Iranians....by Iranian for Aryans

My Conversion to White Nationalism and Call for Subracial Unity

A conservative evolves into a racialist; a liberal simply snaps when the cognitive dissonance becomes too much to bear....by Anonymous

The Angriest Aryan

The abominable Aryan is out for revenge....by Warren Stiefel

The Auschwitz Lies

Auschwitz-the-meme is a successful blood libel against Germans - so successful that in most Aryan lands it is against the law to correct it with the facts....by Walter Mueller

One Point "Economic Freedom" Program for the WFP

Mortgage = slavery; remove the mortgage, free the man - the White man...by TKR, The "Salesman"

Legislative Agenda for the WFP to Consider

Very interesting ideas, and readers, please send in your comments. If you can write great articles, WE NEED THEM, if you can write thoughtful letters, WE NEED THEM. If you can't do either, just sit there and nod sagely....by TKR, The "Salesman"

Man Is Part of Nature

And other thoughts and observations...by Eric Thomson

Mencken and the Jews

Newest exhibit in the Museum of Jewish Crimes, which is permanently linked on right side of page...by VNN Staff

Earth to Drudge

Planning insures a successful call to the jewline-toeing jew alternative to the judeo-System...by The Shadow


A letter to local paper re MLKrap...by Alex Linder


Why do I find Mencken's writing so irresistible, even as I become ever more aware of the deep shadows in his personality? The writing is irresistible because it is the best use of English anywhere, anytime. Almost every sentence Mencken wrote contains a small charm or delight. The writing is musical. And that's just one layer: the ideas Mencken put forward are sound in higher percentage than most any other write you can name. The combination of the two makes him peerless, matchless, in a word - the best. All you who denounce him for anti-semitism are little leaguers who will look foolish with the next turn of Fortuna's wheel. I open Farrell's collection of Mencken at random and my eye falls on this sentence: Here the general average of intelligence, of knowledge, of competence, of integrity, of self-respect, of honor is so low that any man who knows his trade, does not fear ghosts, has read fifty good books, and practices the common decencies stands out as brilliantly as a wart on a bald head, and is thrown willy-nilly into a meager and exclusive aristocracy. Is he speaking about America? What do you think? Do you want to read the next sentence? Of course you do. And here, more than anywhere else that I know of or have heard of, the daily panorama of human existence, of private and communal folly -- the unending procession of governmental extortions and chicaneries, of commercial brigandages and throat-slittings, of theological buffooneries, or aesthetic ribaldries, of legal swindles and harlotries, of miscellaneous rogueries, villainies, imbecilities, grotesqueries, and extravagances -- is so inordinately gross and preposterous, so perfectly brought up to the highest conceivable amperage, so steadily enriched with an almost fabulous daring and originality, that only the man who was born with a petrified diaphragm can fail to laugh himself to sleep every night, and to awake every morning with all the eager, unflagging expectation of a Sunday-school superintendent touring the Paris peep-shows. There's nothing like it. Nothing better than it, not least because you never quite know which way he's going to go: he springs surprises, and they're exciting and, like Wonka leading a tour of the world candy factory. Here's a good question for fools who don't believe jews control the media: how is it that a man who writes thousands of columns, and in a few of them makes cogent critical points about a group of people in exactly the same vein they've been described by virtually every other great man who ever existed -- has his description pegged to him ever-after? To jews, your attitude toward jews is all that matters. It defines you. Since jews do control the media, the media take their tone, terms, and frames. The jews can slime Mencken decades after his death, but White men will be reading him -- and the truths he voiced about jews -- long after the last jew disappears off the face of the earth.

Judaism: Inherently Tyrannical

Read and learn.


The essence of libertarianism is selfishness. Its meaning to non-libertarians is: this person cannot be trusted. If you think we're wrong, try it. Jewess Rand is basically soap opera for she-intellectuals, with its hyperzooms on beatiful emotional faces. I would give Rand credit for appreciating the artistic aspect of business creation; it is real, and I haven't seen any other writer capture it as she does. But on the whole, her insistence on turning people into stylized forms is boring, and the folks who try to apply the Forms to the real-world become obnoxious in short order. No one ever read Rand but identified with her heroes. Unable to duplicate these heroes' FICTIONAL achievements, he at least can despise the masses. Foolish, itz. Don't waste your time with her, read or rerererererere-read Mencken or Twain or Rabelais: adult men with a wonderful wry, genial, collegial fullness - the farthest thing from jewess Rosenabaum's quintessentially judeo-communist hectoring. So throw that statue out the window if you must, gals, and then hop on after it. We he-intellectuals will stay right here and drink beer and be of good cheer. Except when it comes to jews. Those fuckers gotta go, no joke. Here many interesting tidbits about Dickens.

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