Jewish Psychology

by VNN Staff

1 February 2005

Undoubtedly, there's nothing wrong with the practice of psychology per se. It has its place in some situations. But there is something wrong with the use of perverted psychology to debilitate an entire country, as is happening in America today. The perverted psychology we refer to can be described as Jewified or Jewish psychology. It is designed to further the socials aims of the Jews by masquerading as therapy for gentiles.

Jewish psychology (hereafter Jewchology) appears in our country in several forms, both in public and in private. Sometimes Jewchology is found behind the closed door of a psychologist's office, sometimes in a book or a newspaper, sometimes on a talk-radio show, and sometimes even on television. But whether the practicers of Jewchology are actually Jewish, or just gentiles unwittingly serving up a Jewish dish, it's always the same stew being offered to the public: victimization (through some newly-discovered 'disorder' or 'syndrome'), leftism, feminism, guilt, egalitarianism, emasculation and anti-family messages. In other words, what the Jews pioneered in prior eras is now incorporated into Jewchology.

A key feature of Jewchology is the airing of other peoples' dirty laundry in public - the way snotty Jewesses do at the bagel shop. In other words, private matters that shouldn't really be mentioned in public are discussed openly, ostensibly as a form of 'therapy.' Television seems to be especially suitable for the airing of private laundry. It works like this: on a daytime talk-show, a hapless gentile presents her personal problem to a wise 'expert,' who then proceeds to use Jewchology to 'solve' the gentile's problem.[1] That involves the expert spooning up generous helpings of shame, guilt, leftism, feminism and Freudian psychobaloney.[2] Then, after a few sobs and some hand-wringing, the 'cured' gentile is then ready to re-enter society as a productive citizen. Her problem is publicly aired and convincingly solved with a little Jewish 'magic.' Witless gentiles across America see the drama unfold on their TV screens and then apply that 'Jewmagic' to their own problems, thereby weaving the Jewmagic into the fabric of their communities, in a manner of speaking. Those communities then become even more Jewified than they were before. Vot a racket! The experts who practice Jewchology are usually 'pop' psychologists or advice columnists, or, they may be staffers at some 'institute' in California where leftists munch granola while waxing nostalgically about the USSR. No matter, all Jewchology experts have one thing in common: they truly believe in it. It's been sold to them as legit, and they will never question its viability.

To return to the subject of guilt/Jewchology for a minute: the Jews claim to be preoccupied with guilt in their personal lives. Whether they really are, or whether they just want the world to think that they are, remains unclear. Nonetheless, in their stunted psychology the Jews are careful to use guilt as a tool. Whites are naturally kind people and so are the perfect victims for Jewchology guilt-trips.

But regardless of which form of Jewchology is foisted onto the American public, and regardless of whether the foister is racially Jewish or not, Jewchology remains good for the Jews. It creates a unsteady, sickly America, an America teeming with spoiled, feminized subjects who obsess over movies, TV shows, sex, celebrities, and SUVs while ignoring important things like race, culture and family. And the Jews -- very aware of race and culture themselves -- profit from that, in several different ways.

Furthermore, Jewchology is typical in a sense, because it is yet another Jewish co-option. The field of psychology was not pioneered by Jews, but by gentiles such as William James and Wilhelm Wundt.[3] The Jews have 'stolen' psychology and remanufactured it into a race-weapon for use against Whites - just as the Jews remanufactured other gentile creations for that purpose, e.g. America's legal system.

Jewchology isn't traditional psychology. It is instead a sickness posing as a cure, a social epidemic engineered by the hucksters of humanity.


[1] a humorous-but-accurate example: Gentile: (*sniff*)(*sob*) "My stepfather is suspicious of Black people....h-he avoids Black neighborhoods at night." (*studio audience oooooos*) Expert: "You need to approach your stepfather and tell him that racism is always wrong, unless practiced by a rabbi. Can you do that?" Gentile: "I...I think so...(*sob*) (*sniff*) I'll t-t-try...I'll really t-try..." (*studio audience applauds*)(*host offers Gentile a tissue*).

[2] Freud was Jewish, as are many modern, popular psychologists.

[3] psychology should not be confused with Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is considered to be illegitimate by many professionals. Freud is widely referred to as "Sigmund Fraud."

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