Vanguard News Network. Owned and operated by Alex Linder since August 9, 2000.

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The Line in the Sand from October Sun Films

Victor Wolzek's Terror Timeline
Unique history of jewish attacks on the world, updated frequently.

Listen here: Linder on "The Peter Principle." Read it here: The Aryan Alternative #3 (pdf)!

Islamic Banking

The jews don't like it. Really, jews don't like non-jews, and everything else follows from this absolute principle. Good article for those who believe capitalism inherently unrestrainable. Not true. The people through their politicians must decide which things are not for sale. The growing Islamic sophistication in money markets is parallel to the growing Christian alternative media. Two billion-man "niche" markets, with the jew-produced market being the "mainstream." WN should pay careful attention not only to the jews and their ways -- best achieved by rereading Pierce and reading internal jewish publications such as Forward but by the behavior of long-organized, large bodies of non-jews, in this case christians and muslims. Which of their techniques can we borrow to build our own infrastructure? One billion Muslims, the vast majority of which hate jews' guts, and are growing less stupid daily. They're breeding in numbers that outpace the jews by a figure that ain't funny. Well, I think itz funny. The writing is on the wall, Hmyie, and it ain't in hebrew. Allow me to translate: Halalalalala!--buh-bye!! We'll try real hard not to cry...tears of joy...when your lying punks like Cunt Steyn and the neoclowns are buried to their waste and bombarded with weapons of ass destruction.

Ireland: Stamp Out Hate Tots

Children develop prejudice around the same time they develop teeth, and for the same reason - to protect themselves. White parents think declawing cats is cruel, but how much crueler to defand Aryan children. If you think about it, wondering parents, you'll realize that the logical end to stopping "hate" is white genocide. Whites problems with coloreds begin in the brain, which recognizes and records differences, and uses its analytical ability to distinguish them from fellow humans. Trying to teach away differences isn't nearly as good as eliminating the carriers of the problem - the Caucasians. If the ability to perceive differences is rooted in a specific part of the brain, isn't it racist and anti-semitic not to pay a jewish doctor to remove it?

Top Five Jews, by Forward

Here the top fifty. Read through these profiles and you'll not doubt that America is controlled by jews. Eric Cantor? Jew Congressman, whip, providing RNC, also headed by a jew, with money; jew Robin Kramer, chief advisor to new Mex mayor of Los Angeles.

Ritter on Iraq

[T]he bottom line is by 1995 there were no more weapons in Iraq, there were no more documents in Iraq, there was no more production capability in Iraq because we were monitoring the totality of Iraq's industrial infrastructure with the most technologically advanced, the most intrusive arms control regime in the history of arms control. And furthermore, the CIA knew this, the British intelligence knew this, Israeli intelligence knew this, German intelligence, the whole world knew this. They weren't going to say that Iraq was disarmed because nobody could say that, but they definitely knew that the Iraqi capability regarding WMD had been reduced to as near to zero as you could bring it, and that Iraq represented a threat to no one when it came to weapons of mass destruction. Ritter understands the politics of the folks who used him and his team better than two years ago, but the all-important jewish nexus goes unmentioned. But an excellent description of U.S. policy toward Iraq from 1990 to present. Even the jew-appeasers at WND are beginning to hedge their bets, admitting the Iraq war that they and they alone promoted may well have been a strategic mistake. In American pseudopolitics, those accusing others of being appeasers are guilty themselves. Iraq never attacked us. As Ritter patiently and factually explains, we -- the Bushies and the jews -- tried to replace Hussein while pretending we were after an entirely different objective. The Christian may adduce a thousand accurate facts about jihadist Islam, but these pale beside the ill effects on Christianity and the White West excercised by the jews he truckles before. By WND's terms, George Washington would an appeaser because he placed the interests of America ahead of the interests of foreigners. If you don't put Israel first, there is no term to vile or dishonest for the real appeasers not to use against you. Now, as the campaign against Iraq falters, and the dupes begin to doubt, Gingrich pips up about WMD and Iran. he threat posed to the national security of the United States by Iran was likened only to the one posed by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who suggested Tehran could be planning for a pre-emptive nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack on America that would turn a third or more of the country "back to a 19th century level of development." Not even a child could swallow that whopper, but the readers of WND are Christians, remember. Scarifying the morons for fun and profit is America's oldest political tradition. When you're ready for adult politics, when charades cease to amuse, join us - go White. WND is credible as a source of neocon (jew) agitprop. Beyond that, it's a valuable source of amusement: "Fake kosher marshmallows new threat to Israel?" God save our noble democratic allies from hate candy, I beg of thee Jeboo. Here Buchanan knows itz over. Kikes, charalatans, suckpoops - conservatives. The proper use of the American army is the shooting of Mexican invaders and the rounding up the jews who brought on this egregious war. As even WND RM shows, even the dupes hate what the jews have done on our Southern border, though Suckpoop Joe prevents their knowing that jews arranged things that way. Everybody has his role to play in this war. Your role is to pay taxes. Your son's role is to die. The jew's role is to call anyone who resists a wimp. Here Sobran reasonably asks for accurate death tallies. Reporting basic information is bad for jews and boring for media nitwits so it won't happen. More from Reese. Separation from jews, my friend. Itz the only thing that will make a difference. VERTICAL EXPULSION NOW. One neat thing about being a racist is you don't have to pretend you care about the interests of people you don't. But the things the jew-produced U.S. has done to and in Iraq are beyond disgusting; they are savagery on a niggers-with-nukes level.

The Militarization of Police

More often these days they're trained like military. Couple that with ADL-indoctrination, you've got cookies. Nice chocolate-chip cookies. Note that the writer Tom Rose picks up Michael Piper Collins' point about JFK's rejection of nuclear weapons for Israel as a factor in his assassination. These agencies "share" money forcibly taken from citizens (from seizures of money and property) for distribution to "bought-off" local judges and law enforcement agencies. Thus, is justice perverted (Isaiah 59:14). It takes a county-level official with a iron will and a very high sense of internal integrity to resist the seductive lure of easy federal funds to buy new guns and equipment, training, or other forms of assistance because needed funds at the local level always seem to fall short of ever-pressing needs. Well put. Rural cops are often like rural girls: fed funds/mixing with club niggers is their chance for a piece of the big time, as seen on tv. White society = few crimes, few fires. Creating problems as pretext for expansion is govt's raison d'etre. What creates more problems than niggers? JFK's assassination amounted to a coup d'etat, a decisive exercise of force by which our constitutional government was subverted. Since then, America has been controlled by a ruthless, behind-the-scenes cabal, intent on building a New World order that is systematically destroying our constitutional government and erecting a centralized fascist state. Since 1963, every President, regardless of political party, has been little more than a fearful, though willing puppet of the ruling cabal. This is on . Think about that. Things are moving VNNwardly. ITZ COMING. This is just amazing: Koresh's group became aware of drug smuggling on a deserted army landing field next to the compound; therefore, everyone in the compound was marked for extinction. This allegation cannot be proven because the witnesses are all dead or compromised, but it fits in with the history of drug running by the OSS and the CIA to raise "off budget" operating funds. I have read all kinds of stuff about Koresh and Waco, and never once come across that Mena, Ark.-style accusation. Very interesting.

Blame Canada

He'd act like Boitano and blow a jew/That's what Richard Warman'd do. A Canadian department imposes ban on hiring white males; meanwhile, another sector of the tyranny goes after VNNF commentator Tom Winnicki, who was interviewed for a soon to be posted Goyfire, taped 11/20/05. The kike interviewing Richard Warman, one of the goyfronts the jews in Canada use, says Winnicki, accent on the second sylable, is "the first Canadian to be ordered to stop posting messages to a website." There's one little problem. We at VNN don't acknowledge the authority of Canadian courts. Your laws mean nothing here at VNN, and we will do everything in our power to thwart your will and assert White rights. Winnicki may post whatever he wishes to, and there's not a thing you jew-truckling canuckafucks can do about it. We encourage true Canadians to rise up and overthrow their traitorous, jew-ridden government. We use this opportunity to urge you on the fence to jump off -- on the side of Whites like us here at VNN. Join our forum. Add your strength the Great Cause. Together we can cashier the curs like Warman and the kike master who feed them.


On jew Sarkozy... Here on jew Sharon quitting Likud.

Christmas and Jews

A portion of the jewish effort aims to reassure fools they're not under assault. Who you gonna believe? A hebe or your own eyes? These days christianity helps jewism more than it hurts it. The lingering hate for the eaten-out form is part historical, part resentment of whatever vestigial moral restraint the church encourages, as this restraint works against the eat-everything, buy-everything, fuck-everything culture judeo-corporate AmeriKwa holds holy.

Race 'n' VH1

Stupid channel, stupid show. We don't even need to watch it to know that. Here P. Boone explains Hollywood's liberalism. Without reference to kikes? What do you think? Still, his psychology of the seeking-stardom is correct. They are more self-centered and less fearful than something-to-fall-back-ons. Many could-be WNs fear to get on lists; Hollywood knows nothing but wannabe-listeds. It is hard to believe people would endure the groans of years of waiting tables for a miniscule chance of appearing in the crap Hollywood puts out. In a way, they lack imagination. Surely the ones with real talent would simply make the movie they want to star in. Some do, of course. But really, how much do films vary? Not much judging by what's available to be rented. The same jew-safe characterization obtains no matter which direction you point your visual resouce centers. Let's see...I've seen David Duke blame jews for five minutes on C-Span in the nineties. I've seen Kevin MacDonald dissect jews at length in "The Line In The Sand,"...I've seen...that's it. I've seen 10,000 spunky Irish-sirnamed cop prosecutor scientist FBI gals working with noble intelligent management-material negroes and 10,000 evil nazis boy-raping rural Southerners and malicious pederastic Catholic priests and boss hogg hypocritical Southern preachers. I don't think I've ever seen a single movie that depicts ordinary Germans of Americans of German descent with respect. What are you filmmakers waiting for? Throw politics aside. The jew stereotype are BORING. We've all seen them for thirty years now, to the exclusion of anything different or interesting. The Mormons have figured this out and begun promoting themselves through their own movies which are, in a reduced, mild way interesting, even if you don't like Mormons, simply because they show something else going on in the world besides kikes and their goddam paranoia! Hell, there ought to be a huge body of people out there willing to genocide the world simply to restore to planet earth interesting reading material. Do you notice that nothing you read ever surprises you? You always know precisely how far Fred Reed or Charlie Reese will go. It would never occur to you to suspect that the blond woman who "infiltrated" Hal Turner's Kingston demo would write about the crowd she sullied as though they were real people with legitimate concerns, countered by vaguely humanic anthropoids behaving uncomfortably close to the way 'racist stereotypes' insist. In subcontracting the production of modernity to the jew, we've given up much more than we suspect. We've lost our taste buds. Everything must be mild, processed, boiled and frozen until every last particle that might tweak out gut is denatured into soggy frozen fish.


Mostly on evolution of Mission district in San Francisco. Proto-corporate youth rebellion isn't particularly interesting. You can't fight a system you're part of. First you must understand the real power relations, the biological competition at work. Then you see the game and the players, and can choose sides. You can accept your traces and live in the shrinking private sphere the jew still allows; you can strike the poses of pseudo-rebellion; or you can Live White. That means rejecting consumerism without making an obsession of it; concentrating on developing excellence in some particular; working politically with like minds to create the only context that can sustain cultural development: the absence of jew lies and coon noise - Whiteworld. Bohemianism these days tends to be code for fags or leftist jews with money, but the real rebels have nothing to do with any of that. Jews aren't interesting and fags are pathetic and pathological. The guy writes about a mountain range starring Liz Phair as Everest. The work done by Dr. William Pierce will outlast anything coming out of Wicker Park or SF's Mission. Smart healthy young people having sex and making tepid art about it is nothing new. As they age and deliquify, they'll follow the corporate rut their less-imaginative or able peers did in their twenties. Rightists produce single points of light, stars, that outshine the futon-flopped glowworm & lightning bugs that collect in big-city lofts. Think Russel Kirk in rural Michigan, or E. Michael Jones in South Bend. Philosophy and science benefit from talk and close interchange, but art is individual. Whether it is corporate drones or bohemian collectives, nothing great can come from committees. Reader responses here. The world advances by irony. The dull bourgeois, following a form a radical dreamed up, provide the stability the new radicals mock while inventing a thousand garbage forms and perhaps one new good one. Here on trends in Internet use.

White Art: C.S. Lewis

Paragon of the Christian, at what he thinks his highest. Where for millennia the cutting edge of faith had been the difference between pagan myth and Christian revelation, Lewis was drawn in by the likeness of the Christian revelation to pagan myth. Excessive concern for one's soul is the form of selfishness popular among the do-nothing paleocons. Movement is immoral. Tolkien hated the Narnia books, despite Lewis's avid sponsorship of Tolkien's own mythology, because he hated to see an imagination constrained by the allegorical impulse. Though Tolkien was certainly a devout Catholic, there is no way in which "The Lord of the Rings" is a Christian book, much less a Catholic allegory. Here on differences between Greeks and jews. Here on Tert Hanson's new book on the Peloponnesian war. Here on Tommy Dorsey. Tommy, unlike his easygoing, good-humored brother, was a detail-obsessed bully with a violent streak. He was also an alcoholic (and, later, a prescription-drug abuser), and when he drank he not infrequently became vicious and vindictive to the point of sociopathy. Progress, as is well known, is the fruit of well-rounded people who get enough sleep and maintain appearances in line with the prejudices of the respectables next door. Dorsey went out of his way to hire jazzmen like the trumpeter Bunny Berigan, the tenor saxophonist Bud Freeman, and the drummer Dave Tough. The brilliantly original playing of these men contributed greatly to such Dorsey hits as "Marie," "Song of India," and "Stop, Look and Listen" (all recorded in 1937). But they were expected to subordinate themselves to the total effect of the band, which Dorsey rehearsed with the fanatical perfectionism of a symphonic conductor, unhesitatingly firing on the spot any player who failed to give his best at all times. Despite his rigid discipline, Dorsey did somehow inspire his band to play with a danceable blend of precision and ease not always heard in the recordings of the similarly obsessive Goodman. Obsession with details (Dorsey) and ruthlessness (Joe Kennedy) are necessary to compete on the level of the jew and beat him. WN needs detail-obsessed bullies: i.e., highly driven men of great ability. Then there's Olivier, described as 'remorselessly competitive'. Here on new book on Melville.

Commies in Hollywood

Better viewed as jews than communists... The rise of Nazism in Germany and, above all, the Spanish civil war provided a sudden burst of new recruits for the party -- most of whom were told to keep their membership secret -- and, even more importantly, a flood of financial resources as most high-salaried members agreed to donate a percentage of their income to the cause. At its peak in this period, the party became so entrenched in the unions and guilds of the film industry as to foreclose the possibility of non-Communists organizing themselves independently of its influence. ... With Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entrance into the war on Stalin's side, all restraints were loosened. Hollywood cranked out a slew of pro-Soviet productions, the most egregious of which were Mission to Moscow (1943), North Star (1943), and Song of Russia (1944). The script to this last film, written by Hellman herself, depicted (in the Radoshes' words) "a thriving collective farm of healthy, happy Soviet peasants, all of whom look and act like Americans, and who frequently and spontaneously burst into silly songs." The songs were composed by Aaron Copland. Hellman and Copland and the Radosh writing about them were/are all jews. The rest of us are just along for the ride. Except for Byron Jost, who made his own film independent of jewwood, and documented the results of the JEWISH policy of opening our border with Mexico. See "The Line in the Sand" graphic at the top of the page. Here interview with Clooney about his new movie about Murrow. When an FBI agent can get information from your doctor, without a subpoena, that your doctor isn't even allowed to give you, that's worrisome. MJ: Fear is the common denominator in these two periods, right? GC: Right -- and how fear and paranoia breed the ability to attack civil liberties. The rationale is that to preserve the union, it's safer if we take these Guantanamo Bay kids and rescind their right to a speedy trial. It's safer not to call them "prisoners of war" because then we don't have to follow the Geneva Convention. You look at it and you go, "Wait a minute -- what union are we protecting?" In the McCarthy era, there was fear of the bomb going off, fear of your neighbor being a communist, fear of being labeled a communist yourself and losing your job. When you listen to Murrow saying that McCarthy didn't create this climate of fear, that he just exploited it rather successfully, you go, "Oh, wow." I tell you, if any candidate in 2004 had given one of these speeches that Murrow gave on his show, he'd be president today. You hear Murrow say, "Remember that we are not descended from fearful men," and you just go, "Goddammit, where is that guy?"


Sucky Joe says HS is at 3m now, when it reaches 5m, the PS will disintegrate like old USSR. He denounces this 9th court ruling. Father doesn't know best, ZOG does. Now go to room and write your paper on fisting. It's all tangled up in a nasty knot - jews, homos, PS indoctrinators, tv producers. The way to cut that knot and solve America's problems is to exterminate the jews. Nothing short of that will suffice. When you leave a scoop of tumor, it just grows back. No one asks how intelligent men can not believe in God, only how they can. What does that tell you? Notice that, as ever, the good Christian attributes to atheists atrocities committed by jews. Science is a whore, wise boy informs us, deliberately confusing human inability to distinguish universal laws from those laws' changing like Congress rewriting bills. Can I pay Nature to reverse the law of gravity? No. But I can pay Billy Graham to reverse his position on race...and everything else! I can make that octagenarian bitch jump through any hoop I put in front of him. Nothing induces spryness in a chrissling like a pen hovering o'er a checkbook. Religion -- and Christianity far more than the Muslim it hates or the jew it fears to name -- is the whore. Christians are on every side of every question. There is literally nothing they agree on. Scientists argue among themselves, but they have an M.O. that works, and the knowledge they gain is cumulative. The fact that false steps are made in the name of science does not invalidate science, but is merely the inevitable byproduct of the imperfect creature practicing it. Vox knows this, but he knows he's playing to the human-catfish crowd, the stinkier the bait the better. You'd be surprised how common his C.S.-Lewisian lowness is among christians, unless you've dealt with them. "The louder he spoke of his love for Jeboo, the quicker we counted our spoons." Lacking the brains for science and the courage for principles, Christians do what their bought preacher tells them. Is that unfair? It is a fairer description of Christians than Vox Dei offers of atheists. Don't tell me Jesus didn't pan mud for gravel; he says so himself. Don't tell me Christianity doesn't pitch longest and hardest to idiots and cowards. It does. I read Billy Graham. He's a gerbil.

David Irving Arrested by Twinkistanis

Do you white men in Austria realize that the shame of this deed can never be undone? Your ancestors ten thousand years from now will look back and hang their heads that YOU TRUCKLED TO THE JEW. It is a fact that no jew can change that there were no gas chambers in Nazi Germany. The BBC is a joke source. Hey, Beebles: what's the difference between what AJP Taylor's praise for Irving and Richard Evans' criticism: ONE OF THEM WASN'T PAID HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BY BIG JEW! "If you're not free to hold the opposite, your opinion is worthless." Here on the arrest. Here's the NYT report. When you have the wrong attitude about jews, it becomes your defining feature to the jew-controlled media. Jews are solipsists. They don't, truly, believe non-jews exist. There is nothing legitimate outside Big Jew's agenda. In the Manichean world of the kike, you're either good, defined as jewing or helping jew, or you're evil, defined as opposing whatever is currrently "good for jews." It is excluded from the realm of possibility that one might have an agenda that doesn't center around the jew, even if only to oppose him. First thing to note in NYT report is the partyline refusal to call Irving what he is: historian. That's reserved for partyline hacks like Doris King Goodwin, whose best work, well, let's just say there is no best work, and if there seems to be, it's probably borrowed. Let's be clear about what's going on here: this shameless, endless anti-German bigotry has nothing to do with Germans, it is anti-all-normal-Whites. It is verbal terrorism backed up by physical harassment, even murder, if the target can't be neutralized any other way. Here on Voltaire, a man who would be jailed in today's France for what he said about jews: "'You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct, and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.'" Oh, there's more than that. Voltaire calls Jews "our masters and our enemies ... whom we detest ... the most abominable people in the world." ... I would not in the least be surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race. Now that they have Israel and hundreds of nuclear weapons, and control of the Western media - they are. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Media: Photos, Their Appeal and Manipulation

A history from the daugerrotype forward... Here on the scene at High Times.

Horatio Vulgar

Fiddy cent.

Dumbed-down Deracinated Mass of Monkey Meat

Just what Dr. Jew ordered. These guys stumble across a truth: students and young adults know little, and have no interest in learning. Talk to a student, a teenager, a child, a journalist, even, and verify it for yourself. Almost any reference you make to something outside TV will be missed by people under 30. Spot-check them and you'll see that this is true. There is no common body of knowledge anymore. The only truly common knowledge among Americans these days consists of tv shows, songs, and personalities. The way to understand the way things are today is to begin with The Agenda, which as we know is set by jews. As long as whites hold jew-favored positions on race and The Holocaust (TM), no further knowledge is required, and might in fact lead them astray. Knowledge, reasoning, logic, real history - these are too good for the little people, the dirty goyim. Mental looseness, like physical looseness, serves jews and hurts Aryans. If loose sex is just as good as marital sex, then knowing the theme to Gilligan's Island is just as good as recognizing Beethoven's Ninth, and a Mexican is just as good as an American. Distinctions, discriminationgs, distinguishings here tend to lead to the same thing there. On the flip side, there's a certain utility to neo-nescience. What's the point in knowing things if you aren't allowed to act on the knowledge? In a sense study is irrational for those not prepared to fight the System, which already supplies answers to all adult questions, and dismisses alternative views as hate. In this system the real knowledge lies in personal manipulation skills and tactics. It is professionally and personally useful for young people smoothly to pick out or distance themselves from "red box" statements that tend toward racism. Finding racism is a growth industry, as long as our nation is controlled by jews. Students are very good at finding racism. Read college papers. Nothing but same-direction radicals. Sex with two-year-olds! Give three-toed sloths the vote! Rosa Parks birdbath on the South Lawn! The American people, as other captive nations, have been taught over the last few decades to think like jews. Never allow the other guy to set the agenda. Pre-define him as evil and sick, and allow him no case but the perverted excrescence of warped soul. Aryans make bad jews. Lying and questioning motives do not come natural to them, whereas they are first nature to the jew, the "great master of the lie," as Schopenhauer said. When was the last time you met anyone who was ashamed because they didn't know something? A long time ago. People have been trained that everything is a matter of opinion, and one opinion is no better than another, except for 'hate,' which is our last Absolute. Given that mindset, knowledge seems useless, and, as they've been trained to motive spot, pretentious. People are like babies: they don't know any better than what's in front of them. Logic is natural to but a tiny percentage of the white male population. It is a cultural value that must be engrained. Aryans fear not to share the gift of reasoning with him who can receive it, but jews do. When you think straight, when you reason directly, when you see clearly - that's when the jew starts scurrying toward the door. You can't improve unless you recognize there's something above you. If you recognize there's something above you, but concentrate on pointing fingers on that below you, you're middle class. There's room at the top not merely because few lack the capacity to be great, but because many of those with the ability reject the isolation excellence entails. Greatness is anti-social. Mediocrity loves company.

New Dark Age Closes Over Europe with Irving Arrest, While New Light Age Opens on Internet

Excellent Kaminski article. The Internet has killed lies about little gassed men, just as it has killed lies about little green men. The jews think they can stave off the wave by locking every last Aryan truthteller into the dungeon and getting McSequious O'Reilly to slobber on Ugly Debbie. I think they're wrong. But they won't stop until they pay the price - until they suffer physical or legal punishment for their coordinated and genocidal attacks on Aryans. Tech Central piece is a good summary, with links, of the decades-long folly of the oofologists. Space aliens and dead jews are Big Lies cooked up to make money, that's all. The author would probably be aghast at the comparison, but it's near perfect. Just as our technology for finding and understanding UFOs improved dramatically, the manifestations of UFOs dwindled away. Despite forty-plus years of alleged alien abductions, not one scrap of physical evidence supports the claim that mysterious visitors are conducting unholy experiments on hapless victims. Gee, no similarity to "the" "Holocaust" there, with its limo-chauffered "expert" weepers and their heavily unfootnoted tales of geysers of blood spurting out of the ground! The only difference is you don't get thrown in jail for doubting the existence of oofos. The Internet taught the public many tricks of the UFOlocaust trade. For years, hucksters and mental cases played upon the credulity of UFOlocaust investigators. Bad science, shabby investigation, and dubious tales from unlikely witnesses characterized far too many UFOlocaust cases. Sniff, sniff. Sniff, sniff. Something stinks. And itz not dead jews. Yet. ITZ COMING.

Jews Out of Country

Instant expert, just add yarmulka. CMT is a jew-owned cable channel ostensibly serving country music, but actually serving feminized pop and standard jewish memes.

Real World Bill Cosby; or Don't Let this Mofa Between Your Legs; or Nigerian (F)emale Scam

Zippity zazoo, Dr. Bill's here to examine your hoo...with a Jizzle Pop. (AT FIRST I WAS LIKE WHAT THA HELL WHO JUST MAKE A SONG LIKE DIS BUT THEN I STARTED LIKIN IT LIKE HOL UP DIS SHIT HOT! Niggers are too human. Just relax your eyes. Kind of squint. You'll see it. You will.) An obstetrician and gynecologist was convicted of two counts of rape and two counts of indecent liberties against four patients, a King County Superior Court jury in Seattle announced Wednesday following a four-week trial. Yeah, yeah...that doesn't quite capture the flava. Try, "An obese nigger with a Crackerjack M.D. gets paid to examine white pussy with cosby-cock." Niggers. They can do so much more than dance. More here. Itz like that old joke: what do you call a nigger with an M.D.? A nigger. Here's the story again, with a picture of the fat-faced cuntcoon. Questions leap to mind: which prestigious institution granted this biped bonobo a medical degree? Was it admitted under special standards for simians? Do the U.S. and Nigerian mutually recognize medical credentials? If anyone can be an American, then anyone can be a gynecologist. It stands to reason.

Guns vs. Debate

Oranians and the future of Orania are at the mercy of savages. When you allow yourself to be talked down from a strong point by jews vociferating about their rights, you find yourself, once those jews have entrenched themselves, with neither word nor weapon to defend yourself. The jews see to that. Free speech, democracy, rights -- this is blather intended to reverse power relations. The jew uses the freedoms you grant him to destroy you; he is not foolish enough to grant you the same. Here on Orania's radio station being shut down by White-haters.

Zimby: Keep on Chimpin'

Nowhere to live, nothing to eat. They're kicking it old-school, those mud-colored Chimpistanis. Big surprise: other nog political divisions remain unwilling to criticize their grubby brothers. In word reality, Africans form nations, just like Europeans, and so may be called upon to censure their straying brothers. In real reality, Africans form tribes, beat drums, and eat each other.

Controlling the Internet

The medium is the message, and the message of the Internet is the utterly Aryan "anyone can communicate with anyone WITHOUT A FUCKING KIKE GETTING IN BETWEEN." Just as the only radical political idea is decentralization of power, the radical nature of the Internet is mass, widespread horizontal, any-to-any communication. The Internet, says MeCluhan, is dangerous to the jew not primarily because of any particular piece of information transmitted through it, but because of the form itself, which allows all points to contact all points, and, as it is webbed, isn't easily chokepointed unconscious. The jews prefer top-down broadcasting, where the broadcast-to have no means of redress, allowing the kikes to perpetrate uniform agitprop with zero opposition. The jew seeks the appearance of diversity in points of view, but the reality of jew-positive uniformity. That is why, to the sophisticated observer, everything on tv is the same as everything else. The jews seek an Internet Lincoln, whom they can lionize for bringing it into uniformity under central control, so that responsible people can be sure they're reading proper ideas respectfully presented. Gaga in, gaga out. The jews seek a land without races; a land without adults, too. Here on the jejeune critical wasteland, where nothing but cactic jews can grow.


On E.O. Wilson's on Darwin and the debate today... Consider this crane and this one. One evolved, perhaps, the other was created, no doubt. Which is more complex? Of which is it easy to believe it arose by chance, rather than by intention? Did the wing evolve in one swift swoop? What about the eye? It's much easier to believe that Earth were seeded than to believe in evolution. Scientific fundamentalists react exactly the same as religious fundamentalists when their dogma is questioned. It is pretty clear that life is based on codes, we can tell that from the screwups. Once we can redo the codes to suit our aesthetics, evolution is beside the point. The world advances by irony, as we always maintain. It is an indication that in fact something did create us, but not something good, something perverse, even wicked - not merely the low comedian Mencken saw. "Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox," he wrote much later in his autobiography, "and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality." Whether or not something created us, it appears to have stepped back to enjoy the show, or outside for an extended piss, either way it appears not to be effectual at this point, and so we are left with our codes in hand, ready to manipulate, lo these umpteen tens of thousands of years later.


The truth is, liberals hate niggers as much as we do, they just have a different way of expressing it. Seggie is just cool for kikes in Israel, and for flora and fauna in Freaka. Itz only evil when Normal White America tries it! What a kooky world.

Children's Literature

What it means to adults... Here on Kerouac, one of America's first wiggers.

Goyfire Interviews Peter Schaenk

The Goyfire crew speaks with Peter Schaenk about his firing from the "Uncensored" RBN Network for daring to promote White discussion, and his return to radio.

A Rolling Chain Gathers No Moss

Our man in D.C. rolls tape as Rosy Palmer gets her coffin on. Includes mystery meat in the street interviews, and creative ways to fold TAAs to catch the eye of that McMansion owner near you.

South Africa: No Speech for Whites

You're "living in the past" if you desire a future other than the one Big Jew appoints for you. In this story, South African negro potentates shut down a tiny radio station operating out of small, all-White enclave Orania. A flyspeck of difference, even, poses a danger to The Agenda, which must never let the dumbed-down denizens learn there's another way. More here on coloreds trying to claim land now owned by the company that bought the area that is Orania. You know, reader, there is no such thing as racial equality. The term is used by one race to get ahead of another. Or used by jews to position blacks/browns/coloreds between themselves and their hated Aryan competitors. When black democracy is brought about, soon whites lose all rights. Why have equality when you can have superiority? The jewish media are nowhere to be found. It's only a problem when Whites takes measures to protect their civilization from negro savagery. More here on Orania, in Afrikaans. Here Oranian photo album (fotoalbum, left side). Here a biased news report, read between the lines. The unstated fear of the writer is that Orania will prove yet again that life without niggers and jews is not merely possible but preferable. Another report here. "We are for Afrikaners; people who speak Afrikaans and who want to preserve the Afrikaner culture," resident John Strydom told the Mail & Guardian last year. "If you want to live here, you are welcome, as long as you subscribe to Afrikaner culture." The controlled, jew-controlled, media hold firmly to a double standard: niggers everywhere have the right to self-determination, whites do not. It is impossible to understand modern media without understanding the jewish racial interests that drive it. What the jew will never tell you about South Africa is that it was the Afrikaner who made it attractive to all the negroes, the vast majority of which showed up only after the hated white man had built a functioning economy. Whites need not respect jews who deny them the simple right of self-preservation. Jews are Afrikaner deniers: they deny Afrikaners built the country, they deny Afrikaners the segregation necessary to protect their culture and way of life, they deny that jew-controlled media and jew-bought politicians openly conspired to bring about the end of civilized South Africa, they deny it is news that under the new black democracy whites are raped and murdered and dispossessed, and that this was the jews' intention in the first place. Here is a key to White survival: Here whites do the dirty work themselves, whether cleaning toilets or building a house. This is essential.

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