Spintro Archives

Slave Schooling vs. Home Schooling

UK Councils place obstacles. More here on HS in Scotland. Government needs customers, voluntary or in-. We're governed by people who might as well be insane. They force us to play along. Yeah...sure...niggers are human. No, I agree. You're right. Thumbs up! Can we go now? First home-schooling, then home-goverment. Do we need ZOG? No, ZOG needs us. We provide it tax money and kids, pardon, yooman resources. Home-schooling is growing in popularity in Alasaka, like everywhere else. Why home-school? Because this is what your larval human resource will get in slave school: Second-graders at Glenview Elementary won first place in the kindergarten to second-grade category at the Martin Luther King Jr. Oratorical Festival on March 15. Twenty-one students from Linda Morgan's class recited "I like myself," a poem that Morgan choreographed to movement. They talk about separation of church and state, but what is indoctrinated in children is every bit a religion, complete with saints and dogma and devils. If you wanted your kid to get a first-class education, would you send him to the post office? Papers are very interested in who's funding HS voucher bills, whereas they don't give a damn about, say, pointing out that a majority of the UCLA law school faculty is jews. Here's the main HS site, which focuses on legal defense. It has a clickable map with all the states' laws. How can there be a gap of 1 million in estimates of HS students, depending whether you listen to HSLDA or DOE? We've put the question to the former and will report the answer.

Home-schooling Iz Where Itz At

Beats slave schooling... Think about it. But what a tepid people Americans have become. The fear of what others will think is characteristic of English culture, although don't look for WASPs writing books about seedlines to mention it. So that today, no one will say to the reporter, "Hey, I hate the government, I don't want my kids in their fucking schools. I don't want them taught that queers are groovy, and mexicans and niggers are humans, and jews are gods -- and their own ancestors assholes. Is that plain enough for you? Now get the fuck out of my face because I don't like state media any more than state 'education.'" Instead we get, always, "well, we just thought that this was the best solution for little Kimberly...for now." People are afraid of the government. They are afraid to tell it it's got death-breath. They just back away...slowly...smiling...real polite-like, and then run for their cars. There's no other word to describe the attitude of the population to the controllers. Americans fear their government. That state of things has a name: tyranny. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IS ILLEGITIMATE.

Race is Everything, and Mexicans are Nothing

Mexicans are mestizos: mixes of Spanish humans and native scum. They have no problem getting a little back, whether it's taken out of your wife or daughter. Mexicans hate white people because we're a superior breed. Whites on average are intelligent and attractive compared to Mexicans, who on average are squat, dusky, stupid, and very often vicious. Foolish whites think that mexes and the like are just whites with dark skin. Not so! "Not everything with a human face is human." If white men had never showed up, Mexicans would still be cutting the hearts out of people. As it is, they content themselves with rape and murder where they think they have a good chance of getting away with it. Yes, Senor Frog's not all fun and games.

White Liberals

Listen to NPR: their biggest fear is that sometime, somewhere a ten-year-old girl won't be able to murder her kid without her parents knowing about it. Classic jewing on the Schiavo murder on The Daily Show: "Stop kicking me," while he's kicking you: jew John Stewart plays it that he-Schiavo is the one in pain, rather than she-. If the case of poor Terri Schiavo has taught me anything it is how utterly loathsome liberals are. In their ever-so "progressive" zeal for euthanasia, they've discovered principles for which they've hitherto had nothing but contempt. Libs have always been like that, flipping back and forth between traditional/progressive morality and reality/utopianism. What brings them power is what they will say or do. Seeking control over others is their only principle. Liberals are fans of abortion and so-called euthanasia for the same reason so-called conservatives like seeing Iraqis murdered by "our" troops. It excites a self-righteousness that provides cover for them to enjoy a delicious sadism. They can't admit what they are.

Paying the Black Tax

Levied by Levy, who works for Levyathan. The price we pay for allowing jews to uncage niggers and present it as the Great End of American history is hush crimes just like this: blacks shooting, murdering a white kid for no reason other than brother gots to get paid. If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he'd be called a hater by the jews controlling the media. After all, who but a "hater" would give voice to the factual observation "the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." Jefferson said more than once that he feared if blacks were set loose among whites, they would destroy their society. The murder of Ernest Whitaker is exactly what he had in mind. Until we remove the jews dictating to America, we will see this story happen over and over and over again - but only in our local papers. National coverage is reserved for the rare white-on-ape crime.

Illegals: Feds Don't Care

It's not that they don't care, it's that they want them here. They serve the political interests of organized jewry, and the financial intersts of those in a number of sectors. Average whites are left to clean up the mess. Eventually there's too much mess to clean up, and the whites move away. More ground is off-limits to humans. Walker says if federal agents would come to town, they'd probably find hundreds of illegals working at the Swift and Company Pork Processing Plant. He says they've been working there for years. But walker says he can't get the feds to come. So he's left sitting there, with lawbreakers all around him, the city's top cop, unable to enforce the law. You can rest assured if Walker made a roundup of illegals, the feds would be there instantly - to force him to release them. They WANT invasion, just like the schools WANT to produce illiterates. When things happen wrong consistently, over time, you have to assume that those responsible want it that way. It's not good enough, except for a Sam Francis, to berate the authorities as stupid, when they seek and obtain a desired outcome.

British Artist Redecorates Museums

"Banksy", who has never disclosed his real identity, claims to have carried out the unusual smuggling operation on one day, during opening hours. He's stuck four of his trivial pieces on the walls at NYC museums. Yesterday he was interviewed on NPR, respectfully. What he has done is exactly the sort of inane thing "public" radio jews admire, as it is pretentious, worthless, and costs the public money better spent on other things; in other words, like NPR all over again. This guy has much right to call himself an artist as NPR has to call itself the "public."

Christianity and Racial Reason

Christianity is not alchemy....by Evan Thomas

Friend-O'-Traitor, Suckpoop Joe

If he weren't a treasonous joke a thousand times over, this would have done it: bragging about an exclusive by the wife of the most prominent American traitor of the last twenty years. Of course, as a jew, Pollard isn't a traitor, he's just doing what's "good for jews." Caught between America's interests and Israel's, Suckpoop Joe will choose Israel every single time.

The Popularity of Austen

Has less to do with snobbishness, as the jewess speculates, but with the pleasure in seeing White people acting White. And no niggers - anywhere. Within a year of its opening, Ang Lee's film of Sense and Sensibility had grossed more than $125-million worldwide. These film and television productions had a significant impact on the sale of some of Austen's novels. Penguin sold 430,000 copies of Pride and Prejudice in the year after the serial was first broadcast... The other source of appeal is that Austen's characters are sexier than the ones the jews come up with, which are predictably dirty in a sterile and formulaic way. Jews understand neither sex nor breaking barriers. Aryans who need to simply go their own way, they don't shit on and destroy other good things. No jew alive can understand that last sentence. Judaism is essentially a lie a group of people told itself, and to preserve that lie they will "create new realities" daily, that is, destroy everything else on earth. Here's a site with discussion of everything Austen, and here some personal background. Austen was that rare being, a witty woman, a funny woman. Most women are humorless; the gap between reality and appearances must be made up not dived into. IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. From the very first, the dolts are shaken. It is funny to see the jew-Austen encounter. Somehow, of course, they must wrap their crooked noses around her, and bend her appeal to their interests. But she frustrates them. Within the first two lines, few lines, she's already shown feminism idiotic. There simply is nothing jewy about Austen's work, it's all Aryan, and will never cease to be popular. Aryans appreciate and understand the world, and Austen finely reflects that. The jew destroys it in the name of improvement. "They have none of them much to recommend them," replied he; "they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters." That's about how life is, and it ain't feminist. Austen's work is delightful, with no other motive, hence a good portion of its appeal. What say you, Mary? for you are a young lady of deep reflection I know, and read great books, and make extracts." Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how. "While Mary is adjusting her ideas," he continued, "let us return to Mr. Bingley." For sexual psychology, there's no jew a patch on Austen straight up, let alone aesthetically. She gets the back and forth, where the foolish, lying, discord-sowing jew sees only power struggles. "Oh! certainly," cried his faithful assistant, "no one can be really esteemed accomplished, who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half deserved." "All this she must possess," added Darcy, "and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading."

An Aryan View of Torture

Jews are not known by calling things by their proper names, nor are they, to say the least, known for holding themselves to the same standard they demand of gentiles...by Eric Thomson

More Invaders Than Ever

The revised protocols says: "Mix U.S. with Mexico; present melange as fait accompli." The goyim will complain, but as we have seen to the control of the organs through which effectual resistance may be made, their words will die unechoed."

Zundel and the Jew World Order

Take some time with this one. It's just a short article. Think about each sentence in the piece. Think about the words used to describe Zundel. Think about the mentality that writes the laws. Think about the mentality that chooses the words to describe the man and the events. Think about the editorial machine that comes up with this story as the end product. Knowing that this story, in one version or another that might as well be exactly the same, will be run in every paper that runs a story on Zundel, think about what the tyrannical control this mentality enjoys implies for the future of your family and your kind. The jews think reality is for suckers. They invent new ones all the time. The use the monomedia to enforce their hateful halluncinations. More here, discussion on a Canadian board. Zundel is in jail for making factual assertions about historical events, and it is not in the interests of the controllers of Canada, or U.S., or Germany that those facts get out.

Canada Ramps Up Anti-White Discrimination

Even for Canada, the most notoriously sheeplike nation on earth, this is remarkable. $56 million for anti-"hate" hotlines, teaming up with ISPs to ban free speech, conferring with unions to help colored invaders over whites, and on and on. Same thing in England. Being White and proud is "hate"; being queer and proud is praised. If you haven't read this, you can't claim you've read the stupidest thing ever written. What is most appalling about the racist graffiti is that it is not an isolated incident. When the members of the class of 2005 were freshmen in 2001, a similar incident occurred. These hate crimes cannot be tolerated. This campus must learn to be more open-minded and tolerant. Here jews lies that "Passion" has caused anti-kike hate crimes." News itself is anti-semitic. That's why they don't report it. Jews aren't happy that Muslims who know what they are speak up at Irvine. Note the length and depth of the article. It reads as if written for adults, whereas the crap jews produce for goys reads like it's written for children, retarded children. Shitskins are utterly unwelcome in America. Funny how they aren't haters for breaking and entering, we're haters for resisting. In 1990, Escondido had a population of 123,958, according to figures from the San Diego Association of Governments, of which 90,379 were white and 27,291 were Hispanic. By 2004, the white population had dropped to 78,765 and the Hispanic population had risen to 61,252. If you don't like it, the ADL and local reporter will see that you're smeared by the paper and reported to the cops. And if you act on your beliefs and they find out about it, you'll go to jail. At what point do what start killing the jews who created this mess? Here an odd story about a murdered Coptic Christian family.

A Malicious Duo, Part Two: Two More Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

They call it civil rights. It means their right to determine who lives in your house. Don't like it? Doesn't matter. The people who wrote the laws that dictate who you'll hire and rent to will simply pick up the phone and tell their brothers at the papers to browbeat you for "hate" and the monkey lawyers at the EEOC star chamber to sue you for discrimination. America a tyranny? Of course it is....by VNN Staff

Strategies and Tactics

Letters, phone calls and more....by The Shadow

Movie Review: 'The Big Country'

A very good one from 1958...by The Shadow

Two Letters

Hale, Zimbabwe, belching St. Helens, and more....by Eric Thomson

Don't Be A Shabbas Goy!

Don't niggle numbers - attack....by Arch Stanton

Get Rid of Women Cops - And Niggers

Appeaser Annie correctly uses logic to figure out why allowing bitty women to guard linebacker boolies is a bad idea. Hey Annie! Try that same logic you use on integrating women into the police force on integrating blacks into human society. Making women cops is less absurd and less dangerous than making niggers citizens. When we accede in a big lie -- that race doesn't exist or matter -- we unman ourselves, and become conservatives. And conservatives are ridiculous.

Writer Turns Out to be White, Scholars Lose Interest

The strange case of La Kelley-Hawkins, thought a nog, and celebrated as such by the mediocrities who make a living puffing moolinyans. Henry Louis Gates Jr., chairman of Harvard's Department of African and African-American Studies, has told editors of Insidehighered.com that there are better 19th century women writers than Kelley-Hawkins, so scholars will be less likely to pay attention to her now that it's known she wasn't black. Her primary value, Gates said, was as a black writer. Exaggerating nigger achievements: great work if you can get it. This case is reminiscent of the older white male who won a literary award in Australia for a book he wrote under persona of diggeridooga. Forget the chap's name, but the lit establishment that heaped kudos on the abo quickly agreed the work was thence overvalued. The truth is that only white males are capable of perceiving standards, let alone upholding them.

Spreading Hate

Just fine when its jews jewing jeboo. But when it's spreadin' the truth about jews? Then it's "hate" and must be forbidden. Ol' Shitlipz, Suckpoop Joe Farah, gets a blast from Counterpunch.

Selling a Book

Grounds for lawsuit in jew-controlled Europe. In "liberated" Germany it is illegal to sell Mein Kampf because it might incite recognition of jews. Here on the brouhaha about Irving appearing on tv with the cowardly lyiness Fugly Lipstadt. Here on children of German nationalists and Norwegians seeking remuneration for nasty abuse. Here a nice bit of insight into today's Hollywood.

Mexishits Spreading Drugs in Rich, White Scottsdale

Diversity is "good for jews." How's it working out for you, White man?

Govt That Lies about 9/11 Lies about Crime and Disease Too

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics. And then there are government publicists using government statistics. "When you acknowledge, as the CDC has, that one-third of the world's population is carrying this bacterium and you admit that we have some 20 million foreigners inside this country largely unaccounted for, you begin to understand the threat," said one G2 Bulletin source. "It's serious. And the facts are being withheld from the American people because of political correctness toward the question of illegal immigration."

Tertiary Hanson on Use of 'Nazi' to Describe Neocons

Tert never comes close. Libties call neocons nazis because they're afraid to call them jews. The myth of the six million may play in the controlled media, but more people everyday are laughing at it. The jews controlling our country should be called what they are: jews cousin to the jew-Bolsheviks who produced the Soviet Union, the greatest mass-murder ring of all time.


A tropicanic epithet for humans. The skin of the English was as white as the huge squares of bleached cloth tied to the masts of their ship. This was considered to be more proof that they were spirits, because only men who do not breathe could possibly be so pale. And so they were called haole.

Homme Fatale vs Porcine Troll

It does get better than this, but not a whole lot. Here on the many lies of the jews producing Bush.

Noo toon for yoon: "Reporter" Shmueli does Chicago.

Movie Review: 'The Notebook'

Soft but not squishy; quite good, in fact...by Rich Brooks

Faileoconservatism: Failure Posing As Success

Separating the pretenders from the contenders...by VNN STAFF

America, the Lie

The part they don't tell you about...by Walter Mueller


If Arabs were free to vote for whom they wanted, would they vote for bin Laden or a jew-picked candidate? Bomb them, bomb them, bomb them again, until democracy seeps from the rubble. Let's say you lived in Falluja. Would you rather a) have half your family killed and your entire town destroyed and then be given a chance to pick from al-Bush or bin-Kerry, or b) let Saddam continue? Yeah. That's how they feel, too. Here Buchanan makes his usual solid, rational analysis. The 1992 Algerian elections were about to bring to power an Islamist regime. The nation's military, with U.S. approval, shut them down. If a large number of AmeriKwans cared about facts, and if honest men were able to spread the facts through the media, that highly interesting piece of information would be worth something. Like we say, democracy means rule by jew, either directly or through someone off a jew-approved menu. Here Reed makes some good sense, as usual, mixed in with mush about la mestizowitz.

Such a Game, Itz

One jew smears, one jew celebrates. And on it goes, the profitable cycle of jew-sets-up/jew-knocks down. Forging new realities left and right! Bombing enemy civilians to death! Knocking out their tv towers so you don't hear. Boom! What was that? A humveeload of "our" guys blew up on a land mine. They were en route to action, not in action, so we won't count them in official totals. What is called 'public discourse' in America is nothing but the babble of jews. Pipe up, and unless you're a Pipes, it's: "Hey, who let the anti-Semite in here?" Which one of these is not a jew: Radosh, Raico, Young, Gottfried, Frum, Kristol, Boot? Trick: they all are. Yes, Cathy Young is a kike, just like the rest of them, don't let the name fool you. If a jew could sell as many books as Thomas Woods already has in his young career, he wouldn't be teaching at Suffolk, but at Harvard. But in this jew-controlled world, the price is bid up for niggers like Cornel West rather than scholars. Meanwhile another leftist-turned-rightist-stayed-jewist Horowitz has a new site tracking the left, i.e., enemies of Israel.


Remarks to Kenyon graduates from Bill Patterson. More here on the state of cartooning, gives you some insight into how media and syndicates operate. AmeriKwa is extremely suspicious of anything that doesn't fit into a jew-approved category. BTW, if you're a great cartoonist, we need you for the cover of The Aryan Alternative #3. Note this: The early cartoonists, with no path before them, produced work of such sophistication, wit, and beauty that it increasingly seems to me that cartoon evolution is working backward. Comic strips are moving toward a primordial goo rather than away from it. In comics, too... Most readers today have never seen the best comics of the past, so they don't even know what they're missing. Not only can comics be more than we're getting today. but the comics already have been more than we're getting today. The reader is being gypped and he doesn't even know it. As in literature, so in race and everything else.

Why the White Race is Dying Out

Dancing with cats? WTF? I call it moronicizing. This video shows how idiotic women become when left to their natural resources. They need impregnating posthaste, at least the ones still laying eggs. Christ, just when you think you've hit bottom...you find the cellar door. How do I find a cat dancing class? Even though it has a long history, cat dancing is relatively new to today's world, so you may have to ring around a bit before you find a dance studio that will offer cat dancing classes in your area. Imagine showing this video to a woman living in a 19th century sod house. If only Sam Kinison were alive: "Dog psychiatry? I want to get in on that racket!" What should I look for in a cat dancing tutor? Obviously you want a dance instructor who has a cat, has spent time dancing with it and knows how to help others interact with their cats through the dance.

The Watchmaker's Looking Glass

Fred's questions about evolutin apply to even hotter topics...by Arch Stanton

Two Laws That Destroyed American Culture

It is impossible to exaggerate the damage done to America by jews through "civil rights" and "immigration reform."...by VNN Staff

The Great Oil Lie

Peak oil is yet another scam...by Arch Stanton

Of Man and Men

Review of "Passion," which a reader supplied us from his archives -- thanks, Mark....by Alex Linder

Trial by Media

On the media-lynching of innocent Matt Hale...by Edgar Steele

New cartoons on Paki'd Britain and jewed chessboard.


A different view of Zündel...by Eric Thomson

jEW CHERTOFF -- Amerikwa's neo-Stalinist Totalitarian Dictator

AmeriKwa = neo-Soviet Union, and jew Chertoff is head of the jew mafia ruling it...by Henry R.

Fiction: "The Oil Diaries"

Post-peak ponderings...by D. C.


Bite-sized movie reviews; on Reagan and Francis; on the power of the letter...by Anonymous


Thoughts about Hitler, narco-terrorism, prison brainwashing, and much more...by Eric Thomson

Letter to Featherstone

The truth about nazis, jews and WWII...by Arch Stanton

Coward Coulter Attacks Arab Helen Thomas

Appeaser Annie's eager to score points with the jews she toadies for, so she insults an Arab. That passes for courage among her set. In her book about McCarthy, the coward went a hundred miles out of her way to avoid observing that without jews, there would be no communism in the U.S. Do you think niggers should be DEA agents? Why not? They make great entertainment.

New 'Protocols' Out

Can't wait for the English translation! The jews do not run the world by proxy. Neither do they constitute 60% of the law faculty at UCLA. It's just your imagination. American troops right now are down in Arizona, defending our border, not off in Iraq defending its border, that's just crazy talk from those dirty anti-Semites. The new edition of the Protocols was introduced at February's Egyptian International Book Fair, considered the most important event in the Arab literary world, and was published by a Syrian company, Dar al-Awael, which credits Syria's Ministry of Information with approving the text of the book. No American publisher would think of producing a new 'Protocols' at a book fair, because we're a free country, and free cuontries only print things jew like to hear. The work contains several sections that claim Jews control the world, the Holocaust was a Zionist creation, and Israelis seek to kill Arab children, according to a translation provided to WND by Israel's Center for Special Studies. Chapters include "Judaism is a closed religion," "The Jews are treacherous," and "The laws of humanity and humanistic behavior among Jews are only valid for themselves." We'd love to be outraged; unfortunately, every one of those claims is easily verified. The facts about jews -- jew-realism -- are perfectly kosher in jew-destroyed Serbia too.


The use of words to indicate the direction reality is supposed to head by pretending it's already there. Here on sinking dollar and long-term trends against ZOG/USA.

Hunter Thompson

Wanniski... Here Reed on evolution, and skeptical thinking, in which he correctly notes that evolutionists and Creationists alike are religious cranks.

TAC Contra Libertarians

Locke is the sort of writer with enough guts to steal from racialists, but not enough guts to quote them. If Marxism is the delusion that one can run society purely on altruism and collectivism, then libertarianism is the mirror-image delusion that one can run it purely on selfishness and individualism. No shit. We've said that many times. But the commonality that matters is the jewish taproot. Marxism and libertarianism are two distortions. One says group's all that matters; other says individual's all that matters. But men are both individuals and members of groups, and as individuals, they work best in groups made up of their own kind. Nothing radical there. Nothing not obvious. Just against ZOGovt policy these days. The White individual is most liberated in a White nation.

The NFL - An Entrenched Bastion of Racism

Evidence mounts that the NFL routinely discriminates against whites at the speed/glamour positions of cornerback, receiver, and quarterback...by J.B. Cash

The King of All Holidays

The meaning of the King cult...by Evan Thomas

ZOG: The Board Game

A fresh idea for fun 'n' education...by Bill Ahearn

Letter: Withdraw and Fight

The jews are a gentically sick race that brings horror and misery to all it encounters; we must withdraw from the death-system jews have set up for Aryans, while fighting it with all our might....by Arch Stanton

The Railroading of Matt Hale

Travesty of justice doesn't begin to cover what the governemnt, media, and court system have joined forces to do to Matt Hale....by Edgar Steele

The Lefkows -- Death Story of White Race-Failures

Shitcago rakes in the chips from a couple nig-lickin' lib-losers...by James J.


On current events in relation to timeless principles...by Eric Thomson

Patriotism or Nationalism?

On taking best of left and right and race...by Vijay Prozak

German Analysis of America

Nationalist analysis... Don't you find it odd that '30s Germans can analyze '00 AmeriKwan politics better than today's writers? What does that say about our media? What does that say about our controllers? Do you think the 'nazi' is right in describing Americans as a class or type but not a people? Do you feel anything in common with the Mexicans and Filipinos who've showed up of late? That's what he means. A nation could have been forged of disparate elements from Europe, but the Anglo-Saxon moral sadists -- great term -- were too jewy in their thinking, and pursued a path of moralism & materialism the jews were able to turn to their own ends in the 20th century.

Liberty a Function of Power

The more power you have, the more freedom. Rockwell can't accept where the evidence leads him.

Fockers, Mockers

Techniques for Talk Radio...by The Shadow

Free Speech Officially Declared Dead in Canada as Groundbreaking Historian Deported

The world labors under Jewishy Tyanny, and ridiculousness blow like daffydils...by W. Hamburg

Book Review: Churchill's War

Churchill, in debt to the jews, destroyed the British Empire, and...? But that is up to you and me...by Rich Brooks

Jew-, Wuss-Laden Canada Expels Pacifist as National Security Threat

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing about jews.

Movie Review: '12 Angry Men'

Nobody cares like a liberal cares...for nig criminals...by The Shadow

Movie Review: 'Million Dollar Baby'

Anti-White hackery at its most typical...by William Yates

Whites: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow...

A British pamphlet now circulating...

Book Review: Henry Ford and the Jews: the Mass Production of Hate

Is telling truth about jews a crime? The jews' persecution of Henry Ford, one of America's last loyal big businessmen, proves that they think it is.....by VNN Staff

Proselytizing as a Racial Weapon

Does is soothe the beast? Or does it soothe the odd beast and leave the generality as subhuman as ever?....by Joe McCarthy

Arrogance and Ignorance

Correcting the record about Hitler...by Max Hadden

If You See Black...Don't Go Back!

We've had it up to here with white-Hate pouring out of tv....by Edgar Steele

Book Review: The 9/11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions

ZOG barely bothers to disguise its disdain for the sheople anymore....by Apollonian

The Sacral Authority of Eurasia

Euro-loyalist youth convenes outside Moscow....by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Questions of Superiority

Whites exhibit superior beauty, hence superior evolution. They must not allow jews and their media to drag them into the mudmen via miscegprop....by Evan Thomas

Our President

When he's not answering questions from shill-fairies, he's touring Europe, where the locals dare not get within two miles of him or they'll be shot. You'll remember our demonstration against Bushy-lauded Brown vs. Board of Education last year in Topeka. So concerned were the powers that be they moved the rally off its scheduled day, and put it in the corner of a park, and scanned our irises, and flew copters overhead to drown out our sweet reason. There were maybe three dozen of us but "Bring it on" Bushy can't handle critics. Here on connection between Falwell and Moonies.


Greenhouse gas is an obvious fraud, you don't even need to look at the data, just the advocates. Not strictly logical, that, but the folks who lied about DDT aren't going to tell you the truth about anything else. 'Greenhouse gas's' huge and pressing danger is a concocted myth meant, like everything else, to separate white men from their money, and to subsidize little brown people of failure.

Deep Woodsy and the Neocons

Raimondo half interprets the meaning of Woods's success and the fear it has stirred among the lying jews known as neocons. The straight truth is not difficult to understand: the jews push on the American public a false narrative of American history. Not surprisingly, this history portrays America as bad when it departs from The Agenda, and good when it accedes to it. Raimondo says the neos fear a resurgence of the Old Right, but they don't. They fear logic operating on the facts Woods adduces, which leads directly to racism and White pride, and White resentment at 100 years of being used by jews, and determination never to be used by them again, and to go to any lengths to overthrow the tyranny they now impose on America. The way you can tell what's really going on in situations such as these is to observe what isn't said as much as what is. How come they never bring up the jewishness of these myriad jews talking, discussing, writing papers, setting agendas, advising presidents, filling out three of four spots on roundtables? Even the dullest observer must at some point notice the huge preponderance of jews making our foreign policy. Just now, I was watching a tape. A foreign policy discussion on C-Span, nothing special, run of the mill. A smirking jew Kristol answers a smirking question from smirking Jew Adelman (I think it was) related to how it might be peceived that America would follow an entirely different foreign policy were it not for the neocons. Blah blah blah, goes Kristol. 9/11 and all that. No way to fool those smart Americans, why, nobody could be more representative of America than jews, I mean neocons. The way you tell jews control our policies is that nobody even raises the subject, not even to dismiss it. Facts do not speak for themselves, but lie there waiting for pattern-makers, and the fact of jewish control over our government is so obviously the case and pattern, that the nearest anyone even marginally mainstream dare approach it is via the euphemism 'conspiracy theory,' and this tendered very softly, and with smile about the lips, ready to blossom into nervous laugh at what we all know to be ridiculous. But here's a question for you, Justin Raimondo. I don't think you dare to answer it, but it will not go away: how come the Founder are founts of wisdom on foreign policy but fools on racial policy? I mean, you track down like a wolf after a rabbit the facts about Kosovo and the nonexistent genocide committed by Serbs, yet you shrink from facts where they concern the genocide committed by jew policy makers in America against the Aryans. Why do you suppose, reader, this generally fact-friendly Raimondo fears to adduce Detroit and Miami as evidence in proving the Founders were just as wise on racial policy as they were on foreign? Why will none of the libertarians make the Founders' case on race, when the evidence supports them if anything more strongly in their racial policy than even in their foreign policy of non-entanglement? Instead of performing the logically indicated operation, the libertarian runs tattling to Ma Liberal that brother Lincoln said something racist! These are adults? These are folks the ruling jews fear? It is not so. They fear the facts a Woods adduces in the mouths and angry eyes of unscared men. There lies the dynamite that can blow Kike Central to kingdom come, and no mistake on it. Raimondo says: When was the last time an entire ethnic group was driven out of an American city on account of their ethno-religious identity? That wins the prize as the dumbest sentence of the young year. Look outside your window: where isn't that happening to Aryans in America today? -- by explicit jew policy rendering whites third-class citizens? Knowledge of The Agenda, as we say, is the golden key to unlocking virtually every political mystery in AmeriKwa 2005. If you know what jews hold to be "good for jews," you know exactly what Congress and tv and newspapers and public schools will promote, uniformly and across the board.

Rochus Misch, Hitler's Bodyguard

87, last man in bunker, new film. Why do jews hate Hitler? Because he not only told the truth about them, he fought and defeated them. And no matter how the jews demonize him, the truths he stood for will not go away. Jews were and are exactly what he said they were. Hitler, to me, was always a completely normal person. He spoke completely normally to me. I lived together with him for five years. I only knew him as a wonderfully good boss, right? I could talk with him. He was always satisfied with us. That's a German saying that, not a jew. You have to give a German's words higher value than a jew's, for as Jesus and Schopenhauer observed, jews are the fathers and masters of lies. Nothing comes out of a jew's nose or mouth straight, only crooked. More here. The truth remains: the jews are the bad guys. The jews are the guilty party. The jews are the liars. The jews need control of law and organ to keep their Big Lies from crashing down. But we're kicking away at their increasingly worm-eaten supports. Just think about it: do Germans characteristically, as an unthinking matter of course, go around smearing other people, making up lies about weapons they have, and accusing everyone else on earth of hating them and being anti-German, demanding laws be passed and state departments be used to record the very slightest signs of hostile sentiment? Or do jews do that? Now, from which mindset, the jew or the German, is conducive to a Holocaust. Right. And that's exactly what history ACTUALLY shows: the paleocoms who murdered 66 million White Europeans in Ukraine/Russia yesterday are cousin in spirit and blood to the neocons who bestride America and as much of the world as they dare today. Again, WHY DO WE PUT UP THESE JEWS A DAY LONGER INSTEAD OF DRAGGING THEM OUT OF THEIR BEDS AND WRESTING OUR LIBERTY FROM THEM?

Guns and White Men

Be prepared, and don't buy any b.s. about guns for hunting. Guns are for shooting tyrants, no matter which gang they belong to, and that is precisely the right the Second Amendment affirms....by Captain Pat

CAIR Muslims Get Into Diversity Training Game

The Cleveland office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Cleveland) recently conducted diversity training for more than 20 members of the Cleveland police department. The four-hour training session addressed the basic tenets of the Islamic faith, diversity of the American Muslim community and the negative impact of religious and ethnic stereotyping. Muslims who came here yesterday have more rights than Whites who've been here hundreds of years. Whites are DENIED existence as a group -- except when it comes to taking blame for things colored peoples of failure commit at ten times the frequency.

Movie About The Crusades Stirs Passion

SEVERAL months have passed since Dr Khaled Abou El Fadl first read the shooting script for Sir Ridley Scott's forth-coming epic about the Crusades, Kingdom of Heaven, but he speaks as though his anger is fresh. "There's no doubt in my mind people are going to come out of this movie disliking Muslims and Arabs more than they already dislike them," says the professor of Islamic law at the University of California. No doubt. It's ok to hate Arabs. It's ok to mock Christians. Only jews are sacrosanct. The "Passion" bent over backwards to avoid naming and blaming the jews. It went out of its way, instead, to show jews helping Jesus, and to make out professional Roman soldiers as 1st-century goombahs.

Central Control

If you think the ones running around outside are scary, you ought to see the suckers back in the warehouse! For, as Everymisanthrope will point, the ones in plein air are the showcasers. "I freed the whaaaaat?!" When Lincoln wasn't destroying the country, he bravely defended my ancestor from getting the crap beat out of him by an enraged crowd insufficiently attending the wisdom of his mellifluent objurgations. During the 1840 presidential campaign, Baker and Mr. Lincoln were present when Linder who gave a rousing partisan speech at the Springfield State House. The crowd grew rowdy and Mr. Lincoln determined that Usher might need some protection. He and Baker constituted themselves as bodyguards on the speaker's platform. After Usher concluded, Mr. Lincoln said: "Linder, Baker and I are apprehensive that you may be attacked by some of those ruffians who insulted you from the galleries, and we have come up to escort you to your hotel. We both think we can do a little fighting, so we want you to talk between us until we get you to your hotel. Your quarrel is our quarrel and that of the great Whig Party of this nation; and your speech, upon this occasion, is the greatest one that has been made by any of us, for which we wish to honor, love, and defend you." Linder said: "This I consider no ordinary compliment, coming from Mr. Lincoln, for he was no flatterer, nor disposed to bestow praise where it was undeserved. Lincoln also helped him shake off a drunk. The story is told in the Linder family about Mr. Lincoln's kindness to his fellow attorney, Usher Linder. "Usher Linder was drunk. They dismounted from their horses and when they reached the house, Lincoln said [to Linder's cousin Elisha]: 'Lish, we are going over the Shelbyville to plead some cases and Ursh has been drinking heavy and is so drunk we can't go any further. Help me sober him up.' Grandmother asked Lincoln if they had any dinner. He replied, 'No, Becky, we haven't eaten anything since breakfast.' Grandmother killed a chicken and fried it for dinner while Grandfather gave Usher strong coffee to sober him up. He thought he had succeeded, so they sat down to dinner. Usher reached for the plate of chicken, poured it all out on his own plate, and handed Lincoln the empty plate, saying, 'Abe, have some chicken.' Abe and my grandfather had to pour Ursh more strong coffee. After the meal they proceeded on their way to Shelbyville." I wonder, if Lincoln were alive today, how he would react to reading about this sort of crime...a thousand times over. East St. Louis rapist strikes eight times, still uncaught. Meanwhile, across the river, a professional football player nigger, already with one manslaughter while driving drunk, gets off on his latest DWI charge. "We're absolutely thrilled," said Little's lawyer, Scott Rosenblum. "Couldn't be happier." Seven score and zero years ago, Abe Lincoln gave new birth to tyranny, and while it may be good for jew Rosenblum, drunk-murderer-nigger Little and unnamed-rapist nigger X, it's hell on us human folk. We took a wrong path under Abe Lincoln, but there's not a thing on earth except our lack of will to prevent us from redeeming our race and our nation.

Dead Popes Fellate No Kikes

Death is one of those things into which nothing more can be read. But you'll never sell that truth to the "I saw Mary in my husband's back hair" crowd. VNN would like to urge the redbirds to nominate the African, so we can have our first nigger Pope and elevate cannibalism to a sacrament. Oh, wait, the Church has already been there, done that, got the shroud. Here a review of the Pope's life.


This cowpie-faced Latin not only shills corporate with his crappy guitar greasings but in his own verminous and historically illiterate Mexican way worships a coward and all-around douchebag, Che Guevara. Oh yeah -- Santana has made anti-White comments more than once. It has long been suspected that Santana is the successful union of a Tijuana stage performer and her assistant. Chee-hah! cry the donkeys, sweltering in the summer heat.

Diversity Aids Bureaucracy

Great news! Now staff at Global Sewer High School may soon have 69 categories into which they can classify the latest interracial altercation. The proposed form breaks down each incident based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender, nationality and sexual orientation. It also tracks the type of abuse, ranging from intimidation and taunting to assault and battery. No child left behind? Easy. No one will ever move an inch since admins have time for nothing but filling out hate forms. Here's Rhode Island's first "hate" case. Officer Donald Depina said Mr. Dwares stated Ms. Penha "is a black woman...who lives on welfare and we support her," and that he "has had enough with all the blacks gathering at that house." Ms. Penha, who is on disability, said she was never on welfare and that her children are well-behaved. The report went on to say that Mr. Dwares, who is white, referred to Ms. Penha's house as "little Africa." On a tv tape I recently saw, some nigger voice called golf a game for thousand-year-old "Khakipants McBoring." That's TV. Millions upon millions of people view it. They're encouraged to think the people who gave birth to virtually everything good, bad, or indifferent that exists are "boring." Whereas niggers, with their highly variegated, individuated rapkultur, are paragons of creativity. Nelly, for instance, calls St. Louis "the Loo." He sells an energy drink called "Pimp Juice." What's the Sistine Chapel next to that? I'm very proud that my ancestor was a fierce anti-abolitionist. If you ask me, Christian's just another word for cunt. Not a single Christian in America will acknowledge, let alone defend, the gravitas of what is misEnglishly called the "liberation" of the nigger. The gravitas is the niggerizing of American -- Aryan -- culture, pending outright racial genocide through blending. The jews know and intend what is going on, and they've stitched their lies to the Christian jackassery of the fool Lovejoy and the rest of his unholy vermin. Linder encouraged all the pro-slavery forces in Alton to attend the Antislavery Congress and stonewall its attempts at passing any meaningful resolutions. On the final day of the meeting, Linder delivered a highly charged, vicious speech targeted at Beecher and Lovejoy. At the same time, he introduced a resolution "that the discussion of the doctrines of immediate abolitionism, as they have been discussed in the columns of the Alton Observer, would be destructive of the peace and harmony of the citizens of Alton, and that, therefore, we cannot recommend the reestablishment of that paper." Linder's all out pro-slavery resolution argued that slaves were property and that the constitution prohibited taking a person's property. Increasingly, his calls for Lovejoy's opponents to join the conference paid off. They gained a majority and adopted the proslavery resolutions outlined by Linder, effectively making the whole conference a waste of time for Beecher and Lovejoy. They denigrated as 'vicious argument' what was nothing but a statement of plain fact: niggers were property. Linder spoke with eloquent bluntness of the price of loosing niggers among humans. I've never seen a single priest or preacher, cunts to a man, speak in withering and factually accurate terms about what the niggers loosed by Dictator Lincoln, the Abolitionists, and the Northern Slave Army, have done to the "Shotgun Union." If Elijah Lovejoy were alive today, he'd be conducting illegal queer marriages, and calling on the St. Louis city council to pass ordinances against hate crimes. From the "good for Whites" perspective, which is all that matters, the wrong side won the Civil War. The immoral side, the weak side, the reality-hating, bigoted, dishonorable side won due to sheer material superiority. And today every single white man reading this pays the cost in spades. Elsewhere on the page we read about the depredations visited on White society by niggers. Here they rob and rabe. There they drink and Whitemanslaughter. This is what Faulkner meant when he said the past isn't over; it isn't even passed yet. We fight the same war Linder fought. But I'm not a drunk, and we're not going to lose. This time the world. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Eh, White men?

Are You Addicted to Jewish Media?

They destroyed South Africa in a couple decades and took even less time to work their evil on Bhutan. In June 1999, Bhutan became the last nation in the world to turn on television. The Dragon King had lifted a ban on the small screen as part of a radical plan to modernise his country, and those who could afford the [$8]-a-month subscription signed up in their thousands to a cable service that provided 46 channels of round-the-clock entertainment, much of it from Rupert Murdoch's Star TV network. Four years on, those same subscribers are beginning to accuse television of smothering their unique culture, of promoting a world that is incompatible with their own, and of threatening to destroy an idyll where time has stood still for half a millennium. The jews' idea is to use "girls gone wild" culture to destroy the real thing, and lead to one world of coffee-colored slaves on a jew-owned and -overseen plantation. Your new bill of rights includes: right to screw whatever you want, shop in any mall, and watch as many hours of tv as you desire. All the adult decisions will be made by jews. If you speak against this New Order, you will be tagged a hater. If you act against this New Order, you will be jailed. The Minutemen down in Arizona this month demonstrate that "our" government ain't ours, and is doing everything it can to revoke the any sub-global conception of "us." We are to be made into one world - forcibly. If you'd rather not see your culture and genes mixed out of existence, well, you don't control things. You're on the slave end of the gun. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. You'll notice whenever "our" army invades a country jews hate, one of the first things they do after toppling statues is topple local media towers. Then they pipe in "girls gone wild" in Arabic, and count on the universal solvent of televised groinage to do its thang. Television is the ultimate social disease. The solution to this problem? Exterminate every single jew on earth. But not until a collective public trial has been held.

Zimbabwe: Chimps Can Choose?

Not really. The Philtrum Party takes the cake yet again.

Accidentally Killing Journalists

The US military has acknowledged it was responsible for killing two journalists working for Dubai-based satellite channel al-Arabiya who were shot close to a checkpoint in the Iraqi capital earlier this month. It claims the killings were an accident. Against the backdrop of its taking out buildings occupied by uncontrolled media, in both Fallujah and Serbia. You have the right to live under the rules the jew prescribes for you. No further than that do your rights extend.

Evidence Jesus Existed...

...slim to dumb.

Annie-'n'-Friends' Novel

Cliff's Notes feels it's necessary to deny that Anne Frank-'n'-friends' work is a novel in its opening sentence. Very odd, that. The redoubtable Simon Sheppard at heretical.com has done the spadework.

"Hate" Crimes Bust in Islington

Racists, wife-beaters and homophobes were the target of a two-day blitz, which caught 17 people on March 21 and 22. England rounds up people who think wrong. Has nothing to do with their behavior, but their thoughts. Meanwhile, Maine grants homos special privileges.


Plants can overwrite their genetic code. Hope for jews and niggers?

Australian Baby Boom?

Population figures released over Easter reveal more than 133,000 babies were born in the six months to September last year, the biggest six-month total in the past 14 years. For the past two consecutive quarters, about 67,000 babies were born in Australia, almost 10,000 more than for the March quarter, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The surge has resulted in about 255,000 births over the past year - the largest 12-month total in nine years. As the federal Government's $3000 baby bonus, established on July 1, was not a factor for parents of the babies born in the September quarter, another spike in fertility is anticipated.

Steele's Twenty Commandments for New Lawyers

What they tell you/what's real....by Edgar Steele

A Speech America Will Never Hear

Just to keep our heads clear, every once in a while it's worth writing out what an honorable leader would say, and contrasting it with what bushy the jew-servant does say...by VNN Staff


Thoughts on Whites and the ZOG....by Eric Thomson


They don't want racialists, because they are determined not to see that the problem is racial. It's not merely a matter of enforcing laws because that implies the feds simply aren't doing their job. The feds could enforce the law. They choose as a matter of policy not to. It doesn't matter that they don't write that out flat so all can read it. Jews don't operate like that. The jews operating our government follow an understood plan to bring about a New World Order in which nations disappear and jews rule eternal. They mean to keep our border laws on the books while winking at violators until they can present AmeriKwa the sludge factory as fait accompli. The Minutemen at least are doing something, but the something they are doing ought to deal with what ZOG means rather than what it says. At least we can hope this effort will raise enough publicity that it will be proved to the average American beyond doubt that he is at war not with mexico but with his own government. CONGRESS IS YOUR WORST ENEMY, WHITE MAN. Don't be a conservative fool, reader, and promote "good manners" ahead of survival. Survival demands calling a spade a spade, and that is something the conservative abhors. We have open borders because our government is controlled by jews, and they believe that open borders is "good for jews." Why? Because it makes for diversity, which gives them cover, like structure in a lake does bass. It dilutes the power of real Americans. Even two-year-olds hate niggers and prefer their own. Ignore the dumb answer given the questioner. Racism is good, natural, vital, and real. Anti-racism is a slave mentality foisted on Whites by jewish tyrants. If you hate niggers, you're thinking clearly. If you understand that niggers are merely the symtom and JEW IS THE DISEASE, you're ready to cross the stage and receive your diploma. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Germans Right on Target Re Jews, 9/11, the Kwa, and All the Rest

The Germans and French, and even the British, are the good guys. The jews are the bad guys. The jews are the source of virtually all the terror in the world, and the vast majority of what they call hate. We ask again, because we think it a poignant and telling question: have you EVER seen a jew called a "hater"? Have you EVER seen a jewish group called a "hate" group? You know the answer. You've met jews. If you don't believe jews control the media, then you hold in your head two irreconcilable beliefs. More here on Prose's book A Changed Man, hinting that it makes fun of Shlomocost "survivors." The fact is that jews are a despicable race of crybabies, extortionists, liars, swindlers, assassins, plagiarists, and sex-slavers.

Schiavo and the Death Pussies

In every other circumstance the white male is presumed guilty: the kids taken from him; or, as cops admit, he's thrown in jail no matter that it was his wife who got physical. The one time the male has any rights is when he wants to pull the plug on his wife! -- even though he's already off with another woman and can in no rational way be said to have the woman's interests at heart. Sobran is correct that the left responds as rabidly as it does to Schiavo for only one reason: fear abortion's perimeter has been breached. For the same reason NPR hyperventilates about privacy the minute an attorney general looks into the medical records of 14-year-olds whose doctors might be breaking the law. More here on Schiavo. Buchanan here with his usual whimper about the death of the west. Funny, I don't remember the nazis dying out: it's the christian whites who aren't breeding. Buchanan himself, for one. He's as mentally feckless as physically impotent. Would he call the nazis christians or pagans? Pat the Wallopuss would call them pagans. How does he account for their high birth rate? He doesn't. When you put your head into the christgrinder, what comes out the other side isn't fit for man or beast. Say, Christian morons, when is dat jeboo coming back? I wanna make t-shirts. Here unsubstantiated claims about child-sex rings in D.C. It does make you wonder: if you flushed the faggots and jews, how many would be left in the capital? Somebody ought to remove handiexecrable JimRob's feeding tube.

Neo-Nazi Network in Uruguay?

Brief and interest-piquing story off China's Xinhua... They found the soldiers were trying to form a part of a Neo-Nazi network which is connected by the Internet and operates in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. The groups have five to eight cells, and the majority of the members are single young men from the middle class, said the investigators. Hit the link and read the other two paragraphs. ITZ COMING. Here listen to NPR jewfags talk about Germany "cracking down" on "neo-nazis." Guy is kicked off soccer club because he belongs to NPD. Here on the movie about Hitler, "Downfall." Here CNN making hay out of Kreis and his "cells" and al-Qaida. Does Aryan Nations have ten members? Here on Hitler and the Church and other institutions. Here jews whine about France. They want to be loved, but they don't want to be lovely. They're halfway there. When you deal with jews, you're dealing with people in a hallucinatory bubble. Bubble bubeles, they're. The jew has only one response to criticism: "anti-semitism!" The truth about France and jews is that the nazis were too soft. They should have gone door to door and rounded them up, as Celine advised. The jews HATE ALL non-jews. Don't believe it, read this -- from the ass-clown dipshit Bush appointed to go to the latest lamentation and public wailing about atrocities that never happened. "Tell me," I said, "if not G-d, what should I believe in? Humanity? The forces of Western civilization? The benevolence of mankind? Had they had their way, my people and I would not be here today. Were it left to the nations of the world, they would have annihilated all of us. In those days of darkness, the world was divided into two - those who sought to wipe us off the face of the earth and those who chose to silently acquiesce to our annihilation. If not for G-d, we, the Jewish people, would not be here today." Hey, white man: JEWS HATE YOU. Germany was the most educated, the most sophisticated of countries; the most enlightened society of its day, and it was there that this horrific evil was perpetrated. Non sequitur, my hooknosed enemy: Germany BECAUSE of these facts DID SOMETHING about the jew that lesser societies could not. The result is that the hebes have built Weimar II here in America, and sure as hebes lie, you know whatz on deck. ITZ COMING.

Internet Comes with Dangers?

Only on the internet can you discuss the far greater dangers that come from govt-controlled media, which is to say media controlled by jews.


Federal and school authorities have viewed videotape that captures Weise during his shooting rampage. The tapes have not been released publicly. They're now trying to promote the idea that Weise was part of a broader group, based on things he supposedly typed online. If so, was the FBI watching him before this happened? Did they suspect it was going to happen? Did they mean to allow it to happen for their own purposes, as was the case with McVeigh, whom at least two paid government informants were watching at the time of his cell activity, which itself was set in motion by an important agent provacateur, Andreas Strassmeir? The Muslims dare to stand up to the jews. Hey, what do they teach in those jew shulbooks, anyway? Do they teach that Muslims and Christians are as good as jews? Of course not. They teach that Muslims and Christians are unclean beasts. HATE BEGINS IN SHUL. Here on an Ashkenazi Terror Fags machine-gun bust in Illinois, a large one. Mark Chappel, 22, of Alton; Christopher Hall, 23, of Godfrey; Charles Hempill III, 43, of Alton; Christopher Howard, 40 of Godfrey; Mark Howard, 48, of Godfrey; Michael Owens, 56 of Maryville; Eric Terry, 38 of Alton; William Vogt, 23, of Alton and James Dean Wehrle of St. Charles, Mo. were also charged on various machine gun and explosive device charges. Get this: Federal agents are seeking to hold two suspects in custody until trial claiming they were in possession of Neo-Nazi and other racist literature and may pose a risk to others. On what law is that based? The feebs can detain based on their not liking what you're reading? Get this II: Aiding and Abetting the Destruction of a Mailbox carries a maximum sentence of not more than three years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. That's a stiffer penalty than a nigger raping a White girl.

The Gang Called Government

Sobran on Bastiat... Much, much more on the fellow here. The problem with Sobran's argument is that government can't be better than the men who make it up, and as power tends to fall to those willing to murder and lie, it's usually pretty shitty. What you get are the craftiest liars and the most amoral killers on top, backed up by a steadily accreting layer of "where's my benefits?" laze-alongs. But if you have a true nation, you have the chance that the crooks at the top will at least moderate their blood- and money lust since they share a kinship with the mass of men they rule over. The jew points to culture or geography or poverty -- never to race, the real cause.

The War That Hate Built

An Objective look will show...they're a bunch of miserable, lying kikes. What happened to the non-aggression principle? Out the door when there's advantage to be gained for jews. Jews are the say-anything race. Don't judge, they scream. Tolerate everything, they yelp. When somebody rolls around who places his own interests ahead of theirs, why, their tune changes. The dirty jew then begins speaking in pious tones about "moral clarity." The jew's only principle is "good for jews." He won't stick to any other position, they're so many shells for Hymie the cosmoceanic hermit crab. You have to use a very fast shutter indeed to capture the hymie flitting from the tan Nautica of liberalism to the orange of neo-conservatism. Here Chomsky on a draft. More here. Here on mock trial of Lincoln. Meanwhile, the army has expanded reserve age to 39. Here Raimondo on chance of exiting Iraq.


How many crappy plays in American theater aren't about kikes and their imaginary miseries? Spouting liberal cant about oppression of minorities and the disadvantaged, Gar can't fathom why Sam wants to suppress what he considers the epic story of Judaic struggle in America, a tale of gentile bigotry and hatred, and Jewish triumph against tremendous obstacles erected by the white, wealthy, WASPy elite. Here's another. Here on Paglia's new book on poetry. Here on circuses.


Land of scum...

Canada the Conquered

Read without laughing: "There is a history of violence within the neo-Nazi movement, whether it is in Canada or anywhere else. It is an undercurrent that is present," he says, adding Canadians are naive to think violence won't occur. "We don't think someone could be hurt, yet then a group of them shows up with body armour at a rally. That's a little dodgy." If the city doesn't stop the thriving culture of hate, it won't attract the immigrants it needs to survive economically, says Rich Hitchens of the London Association for the Elimination of Hate. As countries go, Canada is pretty much a worthless piece of shit. The only good people left are VNN readers, who are harassed in their useless jew-ridden media. You think I'm kidding? Anybody who speaks out against jewish tyranny is hounded by the kikenpresse. When Warman complained about Winnicki, the 28-year-old Londoner just kept writing. "He is just the Energizer Bunny of hate," Warman says. Hey, fuck you, kike. Winnicki would win the VNN Spirit Award, if there were such a thing. Hang in there. You other whiteskinned men handing over Canada to the kikes 'n' golliwogs should be ashamed. Winnicki had a straightforward warning for Jews: "We're coming for you . . . and your servile dogs, too." That website disappeared, but Winnicki continued to write on a site called Vanguard News Network Forum. On the forum, Winnicki blamed Jews, blacks, gays and evangelical Christians for a variety of social problems. His writings alarmed a collection of anti-hate groups and last summer the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies, the Africa Canadian Legal Clinic and the Guelph Multicultural Centre joined Warman and the London Association for the Elimination of Hate in calling for an investigation by police. His writings "alarmed" people who belong to a billion-dollar anti-"hate" -- really anti-WHITE -- BIG BUSINESS that is nothing more than a jewish mafia committing genocide against the White race. Winnicki refuses to be interviewed by The Free Press unless he can first debate the superiority of the white race. "Why don't you race-mixing, multi-culti, love-you-all morons put your money where your mouth is? And if you really want to experience multiculturalism, why don't you go live in the Democratic Republic of Congo or Zimbabwe? There you can experience brotherly love for real. You may end up getting boiled in a pot, but at least you won't be a racist." We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Here on another White. Is it hateful, the way this paper defames proud Canadians because they're not ashamed to be White? One more here. This is what a "Western" country in the grip of the jew soon comes to: the very fact that you oppose the Great Lie that is racial equality makes you the subject of govermedia exposés. More attempted outings here. Every other group is PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT to lobby for race-exclusive rights, monies, and privileges -- EXCEPT WHITES. WHITES ARE JUST HERE TO BE MOCKED IN BETWEEN BITES. More Canuckistani garbage courtesy of cunt Cotler, who's most probably a kike. The Justice Department didn't yet have a branch or a person dedicated to researching or monitoring racial hatred on the Internet, Cotler said, but he has made that a priority. "We need a government agency or department that would be responsible for Internet hate," he said. The jew demands to be paid out of your pocket to control you. That is tyranny. Don't think it ends in Canada. Jews like Cotler want global tyranny. The struggle was an international one, he stressed, "because no country alone can combat what is in effect a faceless, borderless, predatory racist hate that requires the mobilization of international resources against hate." Translation: nobody, anywhere, anytime, has a right to question the jews who rule most of the globe as tyrants. But if the jews ever do succeed in shutting down the Net, that day will be the kickoff of the Great Jewhunt. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. Here's the kind of guy Canada celebrates: a fucking kikes who claims to be a "Holocaust" "survivor," whatever those amount to, who runs a string of abortion mills across the great white north. Morgentaler operates six abortion clinics across Canada. Born in Poland, he is a Holocaust survivor who has devoted his life to challenging Canada's abortion law. Murdering Whites babies for profit? Not to like, whatz? The dirty kike wins twice!

Using Lefkow

Why not? They use everyone else, no matter the logic.


The United States kicks out geniuses and world champions to make room for compliant brown stubbies. When did America turn into AmeriKwa? Bobby'll tell you: when the jews took it over. Here the pieces of shit called Israelis protest Iceland's decision. In a statement issued in Jerusalem, the center's Israel director Dr. Efriam Zuroff called on the Icelandic authorities to rescind their decision, noting that since Fischer's arrival in the country he has already violated Icelandic law which forbids incitement based on "national, color, race, religion or sexual orientation." You can't get into Israel unless you're of kiked blood, of course, but hypocrisy is the jew's middle name. More here, Fischer is great. He has raved that "Yids" are taking over the world, that Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are Jewish and that the Holocaust never occurred. Yeah, and you rave that niggers are humans, jews are persecuted, and diversity is our greatest strength.

Hate Jews

Racism alive and well in Israeli society. JUDAISM IS RACISM. ISRAEL IS HATE NATION. JEWS ARE HATE PEOPLE.

Media: Going Paid

Possible new trend. Certainly more papers than ever require registration to view their AP articles. Internet advertising is growing much faster than traditional print advertising, although it still represents only a small amount of overall ad revenue. New York Times Co. has been reviewing whether to charge for its Web edition, but it has not made any announcement about its plans. The New York Times already charges fees for access to parts of its Web site, such as its daily crossword puzzle and news archives. Hey, what a breakthrough: this fruit o' the typewriter loom is kicking ass it doesn't kiss: Then there's Chris Didion (Rick Worthy), tall, black, resolute, handsome and gay. Okay, so he's got a stint in a mental ward in his recent past and a disgruntled former employee with an inclination to leak this info to the media. (Hence the assault-and-battery case, as Harlan intervened with a well-placed uppercut.) But that's not going to keep Chris from whupping some righteous butt when the moment calls for it. Or politely threatening a neo-Nazi skinhead with all sorts of unspecified violence: "I'm crazy. I'm really crazy." You go girl! Go get a Q-RID test pronto. Another shit writer, this one for NYT, getting hot pants over black fag doing neo-nazi. Is it any wonder White men are turning off jewvision and turning on Internazi?

Plate Crimes: Not Everything with a Human Face is Human

Which is not to say there may not be something human in that face, and if you don't step lively, it may be you, man. Niggers eating niggers makes me happy... Niggers know that gooks go good with ri--eeaye eeyice. What are we having for dinner, mom? "Niggers." Oh. That again. I get so tired of niggers. I hope at the least we've got some succulent grubs for side dish. They're the African macaroni, you know. It would be interesting to calculate how many cannibals have become Americans in the wake of our "anything that can fart is qualified" admissions policy after 1965. When they're not eating each other, nigs roam the barnyard, which they call meat market.

New cartoon: "Invasion".


Wolfe calls him the greatest comic writer of 20th century, in English. Here the kike punk al-Scharwtz ben Horowitz on Thompson, dismissively. He suggests Thompson realized the world didn't need a gonzo interpretation of the world after 9/11. No, it needed nothing but goody-goodies repeating lines fed by Schoolmarm Schwartz. Class, repeat: "They hate us for our freedom." More here. When the jews control the culture, they're not merely law and order, they're overtly totalitarian. Here on Voltaire.

The Workaday Dishonesty of Jew-Owned New York Times

Two figures, two interpretations. Nig-women and gook-women earn more than white women with the same education. Discrimination? No. That's only trotted out to explain why white males average higher than others.

Dan Tana's

Good place to hobnob with the kikes producing ubiquitous shitmedia. "It's one of my very favorite restaurants," said Sumner M. Redstone, the chairman of Viacom and therefore Mr. Grey's boss's boss. Mr. Redstone goes to Tana's, as some of the regulars call it, as much as three times a week when he's in Los Angeles.

New Paglia Book on Poetry Out

Several dozen essays on individual poems. [T]he most threatening thing about her, from the American viewpoint, is that she refuses to treat the arts as an instrument of civil rights. Without talent, no entitlement. People come in big and small, and Paglia is big. The book is worth reading. Interview with Paglia here. "The racism, sexism, homophobia, imperialism. This style of teaching just nips students' enthusiasm in the bud."

'Human Relations Model'

Does the story justifies the headline? Is L.A. really the harbinger of a wonderful multicultural future? Does the evidence presented indicate such? "Hate" on campus. No place for "hate" means "no place for Whites." No place for hate? No place for Hillel. Here on the attempt by Euros to drive pro-Islam sites off the web. Meanwhile, down in Georgia they're trying to exhume yet another old case. You know you're dealing with controlled media when they spend all their time fixating on supposed crimes from 40 years ago and ignore black-on-human crimes committed forty minutes ago.

Better Hitler Than Jews

Nationalist Germany was far freer and more civilized than 2005 AmeriKwa. Less violent, lower-taxed, freer media, fewer darkies, kikes on the run... Of course the British prof will make money attributing nationalist success to plunder. Funny how nobody has good memories of being occupied by jew-built Soviet Union, but plenty of people have good memories of German occupation. Love the writer's "dare" for jew Goldhagen's pointing the finger at average Germans. Yes, how daring. There's a "Holocaust" book or movie released daily, a memorial ribbon-cutting, at the very least a bunch of new articles on the only bad thing that every happened in human history. The truth was, is, and shall remain that the nazis are the most demonized men in history precisely because they knew the truth about the jews, they spoke it openly, and they defeated -- in a space, and for a time -- the jews who now dictate to most of the rest of the world. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW.

Danger in Niggertown

Marburg in da hizzouse... Niggers: they're all worthless. Here one nigger shoots another in a battle over an ex-ASU soccer-playing girl named Haley vanBlommestein. Note that this was suppoesd to be a good nigger. Right up until it acted like all niggers. Because they're niggers. You wouldn't blame a rabbit for acting like a rabbit, would you? Christians, mired in the voodoo of the Dude Who Came Back, have not the slightest problem believing they can turn niggers into humans with their efficacious, loving words. What hell on earth hasn't been brought into existence through the dirty offices of Christian love? The truth remains that reality exists, Christianity is built on lies, and no spiritual alchemy can turn niggers into humans. Here on some jiggies being "taught" by Ugandan "teachers," a very great percentage of which have Q-RID and rape their sooty charges. Here you can read about a nigger let into the UK by the jews who control that country raping a young human girl. How would you feel about that if it were your daughter? What would you do? You would protest, and find that no one would take up your cause, because it is Semitically Incorrect these days to recognize niggers for what they are, and illegal to act on that knowledge. Raped five-year-old white girls is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

Bobby Fischer Will Adorn Iceland

After nine months of captivity and bitter legal struggle the former world chess champion flew to freedom in Iceland, spraying his vitriol far and wide. Japanese politicians, he declared, were "gangsters". The US was "Jew-controlled". "This was not an arrest," he said, in the few minutes that he was audible to reporters between his arrival at Narita airport in Tokyo and his departure for Reykjavik. "It was a kidnapping cooked up by Bush and (the Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro) Koizumi. They are war criminals and should be hanged." To underline his point, he unzipped his trousers as he approached the airport, and made as if to urinate on the wall. This is the man who on the night of September 11, 2001, applauded the attacks on the United States as "wonderful news", expressing the hope that Americans as a consequence "will imprison the Jews, they will execute several hundred thousand of them at least". You gotta love this guy. Regardless of his ethnicity, Fischer is a great man, and his detractors can't be seen without a microscope, and even then you must look hard as they flit 'twixt amoebim.

Colorblind and Realityblind

Leftist denounces evangelicals, without observing that they're some of the strongest supporters of race-mixing. Their preachers flipped overnight when the government threatened to shut off their tax benefits.

Evolutionary Biology's Robert Trivers

In the 1970s, Trivers published five immensely influential papers that braided genetics into behavioral biology, using a gene's-eye view of evolution to explain behaviors from bird warning calls to cuckoldry to sibling rivalry to revenge. According to David Haig, a Harvard professor of biology and a leading genetic theorist, each paper virtually founded a research field. ''Most of my career has been based on exploring the implications of one of them,'' says Haig. ''I don't know of any comparable set of papers.'' He has dipped into nearly everything, and was a friend of Black Panthers' Huey Newton. And thanks to Brockman-agent to some of the biggest names in science-he's under contract with Viking Penguin to write a popular book on the evolutionary origins of deceit and self-deception, one that will argue that humans have evolved, in essence, to misunderstand the world around them. Trivers thinks it could be the most important topic he has yet studied. ... If deceit, he wrote, ''is fundamental to animal communication, then there must be strong selection to spot deception and this ought, in turn, to select for a degree of self-deception, rendering some facts and motives unconscious so as not to betray-by the subtle signs of self-knowledge-the deception being practiced.'' Thus, the idea that the brain evolved to produce ''ever more accurate images of the world must be a very naive view of mental evolution.'' We've evolved, in other words, to delude ourselves so as better to fool others-all in the service of the great game of propagating our genes.

Praying Works

Why resist when you can give in? WWJD, after all? Watch "Passion" and see.

Adorno, the Quintessential Jew

He's the evil flower of the jew, when it has accumulated enough money: a mushroom growing out of a dungheap. All Adorno did was sit around writing anti-White lies.

Media: Advertising

In 1965, advertisers could reach eighty per cent of their most coveted viewers�those between the ages of eighteen and forty-nine�just by buying time on CBS, NBC, or ABC. "You could put together a media plan in an hour,"... [In 2005,] five companies claim nearly two-thirds of all advertising and marketing dollars, and own the most storied names of the mid-twentieth century. These firms, which call themselves marketing companies, are the WPP Group, whose initials stand for Wire & Plastic Products, a former manufacturer of wire baskets; the Omnicom Group and the Interpublic Group, in the United States; France's Havas; and the Publicis Groupe, also French, which acquired the Kaplan Thaler Group in 2002. ... [Procter & Gamble] is the world�s largest advertiser; last year, it spent $2.9 billion. ... [I]n advertising, as in Hollywood, every venture is scrutinized by market research. The worldwide firm of Ipsos-ASI administers many of these tests, and a key measurement is the percentage of viewers who remember what they�ve seen. ... people between the ages of thirteen and twenty-four, for instance, spend more time on the Internet than they do watching television...

Monkey Madness...

The show that never ends... More here on the Mugabe election.

Muslims Acting Like They're Jews

Thanks to jews, they're here. Here on the persecution of non-jews by jews, a great international sport. Here the Guardian on the Minutemen. The Minutemen have become a great cause among white supremacists, including the notorious Aryan Nation. Though organisers screen all volunteers for links to extremists, there are fears some will descend on the area. The Hispanic criminal gang MS-13 has said it will try to attack the Minutemen. It's Aryan Nations, not Nation. Note how the media immediately side with the government that Minutemen are "vigilantes" and it's a "recipe for tragedy," their trying to control a tiny portion of the border. The simple fact is that the government and common media want the U.S. filled with Mexicans. It's good politics for jews, and good business for others. Here on white-black battle in privatized prison. Here's the first chapter of A Changed Man, a novel by a probable-kikess named Prose about an Aryan type who converts to nig-lover thanks to ministrations of thoughtful, sensitive jews.

"Ring" in Chicago

Even if they can't all afford the likes of Eaglen, Morris or Domingo, just about every opera company appears to be jumping aboard the "Ring" bandwagon. London's Royal Opera and English National Opera are staging rival productions this season. Seattle will revive its "Ring" this summer. Toronto, Amsterdam and Adelaide, South Australia, have jumped into the fray. Salzburg, Austria, and Aix-en-Provence, France, are planning new stagings.

Loyal Canadians Resist Jewish Hate

The truth is simple: the jews are the haters. Their "religion" is based on hate; their traditions are steeped in it; their lying words can't even cover it up anymore. Here on the situation in Russia.


More bitching. Hitler treated as human. Real neo-nazis used in filming. One of the big pluses for Richter was that he was allowed to wear a Nazi uniform - forbidden under German law except for the purposes of theatre, film or TV. Unlike Britain - where Prince Harry can dress up as an Afrika Corps officer with impunity - in Germany it constitutes a criminal offence. Criminal clothes in liberated Germany! Laws against speaking your mind. Laws against pointing out facts. Words, clothes, arm motions - banned. He has been convicted by a German court and given a six-month suspended sentence plus a fine for comparing foreign asylum seekers to extra-terrestrials from the Star Trek series. Speech control is a jewish value. Like gun control. They both mean white control. White men free to speak their mind, free to act as they will, endanger jewish interests, and so they are controlled -- always in the name of freedom. Words mean whatever the jew wants them to mean, and may disappear between days, or change meanings, or assume opposite meanings. Your job isn't to worry about that, it's to go along. This is totalitarianism with hooknosed face. Here on German nationalists resisting the new anti-German memorial the jews are unveiling in Berlin. The aim of democratic Germany is to prevent the will of the people from being expressed. More here from UK, by an Applebaum. No matter where you go, there's an Applebaum writing the local paper, and taking exactly the same line: that he's a lover of humanity and you're full of hate. Another view of "Downfall" here. Funny to see these pious voicers of jewbilge like 'hate' speaking of the dupes of Hitler. Here is the latest on Bobby Fischer, who always refers to them as "stinking jews." "Let me get back to this guy," says Fischer, pointing at Schaap. "I hate to rap people personally, but his father many years ago befriended me, took me to see Knicks games, acted kind of like a father figure, and then later, like a typical Jewish snake, he had the most vicious things to say about me." Schaap snaps at that, says "I don't know that you've done much here today really to disprove anything he said," and walks out. All on camera. Maybe it's a made-for-TV set-up, maybe not, but it certainly chills the air: Fischer groans and there is a half-minute silence before the woman from Icelandic radio can get things back on track with another question about herring. The human being starts to emerge from under the baseball cap, then bang, he's off again with another lengthy exposition of his intricately wrought, completely bonkers theories, usually rounded off with: "It's all on the internet! Why don't you go look it up?" Ah, but the jews aren't interested in the truth. It's indistinguishable from anti-semitism.


It's here. It's queer. You don't have to pay for it. Men who fuck other men up the ass are a legally privileged class in society.

The Hate Industry

Oy, a neo-nazi named Nolan wants to convert, to save others from becoming like him. You'll note the usual suspects: the jew writer looking to turn a buck choosing targeting an ADL-hated group; the Irish-sirnamed hero -- standard in common media representations of Aryans-fronting-the-sysem, whether cops or pols. Here on three niggers the feds are looking at for hate crimes, since they've committed multiple money-takings against the shitskin community. Jewflag not popular in Lee's Summit, a suburb of K.C.. This guy is not jewish, just stupid. Dalton, a plumber, said he is not Jewish but used to fly an Israeli flag along with an American flag to show support for Israel. Someone cut the flag down several months ago. Police canvassed the neighborhood seeking witnesses to the paint incident, which is being investigated as vandalism. "It does not fit the criteria for a hate crime," said Lee's Summit police spokesman Mike Childs. "I took it as a hate crime," Dalton said. "Not as a crime toward me, but toward the Jewish people." We take your flying the Israeli flag as a hate crime against the American people. Here's a cute little story about flamers flambé. Their AIDS gluteria is shut down, not by the health department -- oh no, that would be hate -- but by the cleansing power of oxidation. Here we see some niggers horrified by the discovery they'd been visited by the White Welcome Wagon, which left them fruit. Well, one fruit anyway. A curved yellow fruit. If tears for fears, then potassium for primates. Besides the free boxed bunch, dem boolies received a boat ticket back to Boolistan. When Whites tried to civilize Africa it was colonialism, when jews try to fill America with Africans and mexishit, it's diversity. Diversity, tolerance, multiculturalism are code words for "white genocide." They are never applied to Israel. They are never applied to colored countries. Here a kike in Utah tries to get a hate-crimes bill passed. There are only five states without "hate" crimes laws, including Utah and Georgia. A couple fruits put the fey in Santa, and pay the price for PDF. Boo-hoo cry the hate media. "The community is depressed and outraged, and there's a lot of activity as far as discussing next steps," said Rachel Rosen, a friend of the Maestas family and chairwoman of Equality New Mexico, a gay rights organization. It's just like the man said: in every abscess a kike maggot slurping pus. There's more excitement in the common media about a fag punching than multiple whites being murdered by niggers. Here some of Calypso Louie's niggers claim they're under assault out in California. Here a guy performs a mitzvah by killing a faggot who hit on him very aggressively, acccording to his girlfriend. This guy makes some good points about the way "hate" crimes laws are applied in Canada, and similar ways they might be applied here if the Kennedy bill passes. The fags don't want preachers calling butt sex immoral. In Canada a printer was fined 5k for not printing some homoprop. Everything not forbidden is mandatory: you must not carry/print hate; you must carry/print homo. Think about that. The wrong people are running things. What is it with faggots and New Jersey politics? Biden aid busted for siphoning money to spend on butt buddies. According to prosecutors, Blevins made almost two dozen improper transfers or withdrawals from Biden�s account in 2002 and 2003. Blevins spent the money on three men he met through a gay pornographic Web site that allowed visitors to watch and interact with performers in Florida. Here jews are trying to throw swastika painters in jail for seven years.

Muslims in Europe

Long one with some interesting facts. Waves of immigration and birth rates three times as high as the indigenous population increase their share of the population in virtually every European polity - from Russia to Macedonia and from Bulgaria to Britain. One in seven Russians is Muslim - over 20 million people. And: the non-Muslim part of Europe will shrink by 3.5 percent by 2015 while the Muslim populace will likely double.

Schiavo: AmeriKwa at its Judeo-Protestant, Britaceous Best

British Israelism -- 19th-century forerunner of what we call Christian Identity today -- is nothing more than Protestantism taken to the logical conclusion: Christians are the real jews. Why not cut out the middleman and just say you're all Jesus, you assholes? I guess Gibson already hammered that theme in "Passion." The Savior saps are served. Our England-set culture is characterized by love of money and moralizing. There's no English word for Schadenfreude because English people don't take a mild and shameful pleasure in the misfortunes of others. They prefer their sadism straight and strong, if morally veneered. For when their glee over another's misery starts to subside, their Protestant moralizing kicks in, and they start with the self-righteous huffing and puffing. They grimace and check their watches: this Schiavo woman is wasting our time, and time is money. How indecent of her not to die on our schedule. We must remove her tube. What an English way of doing things. The true Aryan way -- euthanasia is not indefensible -- would be to kill her, once the decision was taken. But here in seedy Albionicunt, we pull the tube and let a half-alive woman starve and thirst to death! You know, I was never embarrassed to be an American until Waco. This war in Iraq is not just extremely unwise, it is just plain...embarrassing. We're killing all these people who simply have nothing to do with us for no reason whatsoever other than to serve the sick, vicious hate cult of Israel. And now this. Have you ever worked in an office? And seen someone fired, who may or may not have deserved it? How did people react? Most were happy, barely bothering to conceal their glee. Most people are cunts. They're cowardly, sniveling, stupid, ill-mannered, ugly, vicious, vicariously sadistic, worthless shit-piss-lie machines. Pulling the feeding tube out of an injured woman has got to be the lowest low I've seen in my lifetime. There is no word I can come up with or even create to describe how cunty it is. Americunts are up for anything -- as long as they don't have to take responsibility. The idea that America is a land of the free is belied by every piece of evidence I'm aware of. "To seem" truly is our national identity, and it came straight from class-ridden England. Read the good English novels: the idea of merit apart from class, station, inheritance - is unthinkable. Your value in an English-speaking country varies not generally but absolutely-scientifically-measurably with the number of dollars and cents in your bank account. I defy the sociological wizards to prove me wrong. America: We seem like we're rich, but it's all debt. We seem like we're nice, but it's all bombs. We seem like we care, but we abort and starve. We tell ourselves we're free, but there is no people on earth whose eyes move more speedily sideways to check reactions to make sure we're striking the Correct chord. America is one jew-rigged nigostructure held together with guns and public service ads. We don't have an Anglopol like bush with the manballs to step and say, fuck you, we're not going to murder this woman. Nor do we have one with the balls to say, we are going to murder this woman. In British culture, the truth is unseemly. Speaking the truth in plain English "isn't done." Rather, we'll do what we want, while pretending it serves some noble purpose, and calling it by a false name. It is our way. When did we become a nation of cunts?

4.5 Million HS?

There is a silent army loose in the Nation. It numbers more than 4-1/2 million strong. This army marches to a different drummer, but with greater discipline, power and enthusiasm than can be imagined. In a few years this army will reach Washington, Atlanta, New York and Chicago: all the places where liberals extend control of the culture.. These soldiers are Christian home-schoolers- and this army will turn the world upside down. Not sure where the 4.5 comes from, perhaps HS cumulative total over the last 25 years in which HS has been more or less legal. She claims Patrick Henry, a college in Virginia built for HSers, offers the best classical education available today. As far as we know, though, it does not teach the truth about race but a jew-safe "conservative" liberalism. There is a great opportunity for White Nationalists to do exactly what Christians have done, but do it completely right. We understand the cause of the current malaise; the conservatives do not, at least the rank and file. The leaders are mostly Billy Grahams - sellouts. Our society is built on the Great Lie that race does not exist, and that to act as if it does is a hate crime. The elites have geared what is called but isn't education to encourage every form of racial and intellectual confusion. Do what you're told and feel good about yourself, and leave the thinking to ZOG. The Christians have built an alternative structure, but it is based on the same sandy foundation and will not survive a strong wind. Only racialims has a foundation of concrete, and that is why no matter what lies the jews spread, it will never disappear. That is why columnists like New York Times maven Maureen Dowd are so scared. Dowd see them coming- an army of young people who do not buy into the liberal lie. Delaine Easton tried to stop them in California. Eastin knew this army was beyond the reach of state- run government schools and their propaganda. Eastin fears these students, because she knows they think for themselves. That is true, and it is reflected in the NYT's hateful, dishonest, and dismissive review of The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. Liberals care about power. Their agenda is set by jews, and they will brook no competition if they can crush it. Islamic schooling is growing too.

In Response to the Review of "Passion"

The jews hated Jesus for good reason: he threatened them....by The Shadow

Those Jewish Movies

The kikes never miss a chance to throw a dart at Christ....by The Shadow


They're not all childish, and many are quite worthwhile....by The Shadow

The Greatest Story Never Told

When jews destroy something, it stays destroyed forever. Protect your birthright from jew thieves, liars and murderers, White man....by Arch Stanton

Que onda guero?

New Beck album. Guero - the title means "whitey" - ties up the loose ends of Beck's previous work. It has the darkness and the earnestness of Sea Change, and many of the songs are performed just by Beck, but it marks a return to the spirit of Odelay. Take one part Latin, add some Bo Diddley-style blues, a hint of 1960s west coast guitar, a sampling of esoterica (Tropicalia, Bollywood), a pinch of lo-fi electronica; stir in Jack Black, the Dust Brothers and the Beastie Boys, and voila, you have Guero. "I saw a puppet at Tang's with a mullet and a popsicle," in Mex voice, and ends with some mexi-mocking about a new Yanni cassette. Beck Hansen, who may be part jew, is from L.A., with a mom in Scientology, and a departed dad. Sampling, pastiche, cut-and-paste, whatever you call it, he gives you a feel of mexican stupidity and cruelness.

Media: Reality Shows

Producers create unreal worlds, just like non-reality tv, and for exactly the same dramatic, commercial, and political motives. Whitemice will keep in mind that the key to propaganda is repetition. And if you keep your kids out of public schools, they're in danger of falling below daily recommended minimum jew-meme allowance. If you kill your televitz, they're sure of it. Roth acknowledged, for example, that mention of the five years Christy Oeth spent raising her children full time was omitted from the episode, not because it would have complicated the episode's stark premise -- coldhearted working mom versus nurturing stay-at-home mom -- but because "we don't do back stories on our show." They don't do back story on Afro-mexishit savagery, either. All we see are the guilty whites hosing the noble niggers, and murdering the heroic jew "civil rights workers." Here Christians get comments from students on whether Tom Wolfe got it right in I am Charlotte Simmons. Some students say the atmosphere of "anything goes" is actually encouraged by what some college administrations allow on campus. There's a political reason: the looser the morals, the more philosemitic the politics. So jews believe, with good reason. Also feeds the commercial culture: alcohol burns money like few other hobbies. Why would college kids choose to lead such libertine lifestyles? Dr. McIlhaney says many literally do not know any better: No adults ever told them they should, or even can, lead lives of sexual purity. He says this is as true for Christians as non-believers. Very true. Women lack imagination, and they follow patterns. It literally never occurs to many women that there is a different way. Consider that type...and consider what the average person is exposed to, and experiences over 18 years. Sexual liberation is intended to give whites every possible opportunity to fall into one of a dozen jew-safe and profitable traps. Power centers competing with jews have been destroyed; traditional institutions have been eaten out. So you get this ridiculous promotion of faggotry and "safe" sex on one hand, and on the other, hypocritical concern over women's rights and date rape. Jews create problem, jews offer solution. Problems unnecessary, solutions ineffective but revenue-generating. Sexual liberation, like nigger liberation, is commercially and politically profitable to the jew and the jew alone. Read what E. Michael Jones has to say about the matter.


If one lousy parent uses home-schooling as a cover for abusing or neglecting his children, it's ampflied by the judenpresse. Legislators express concern. Editorials are written. The very institution is questioned. But if kids are physically abused daily en route to slave school, nobody says a thing. Nobody questions the basis of an institution by every conceivable measure a failure -- except in its real and unstated mission: to produce apathetic, anti-intellectual mass-men ready to die and buy for ZOG.

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