Book Review: Henry Ford and the Jews: the Mass Production of Hate

Reviewed by VNN Staff

28 February 2005

[Henry Ford and the Jews, Neil Baldwin, PublicAffairs books, New York, 2001]

Written by an admitted Jew, Henry Ford and the Jews illustrates both the arrogance and amazing capability of the American Jewish community. It shows how ballsy and resolute the Jews are when they decide to punish gentiles who cross the Jew-constructed boundaries of racial discourse.

Henry Ford I (1863-1947) was, of course, the famed American automaker who dared to tell the truth about God's Chosen People in his newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, and in his more infamous book, The International Jew, which was actually a collection of Independent articles.[1] Ford was initially successful in warning the public about the Jews, but when they decided that Ford's message was too dangerous to them, they launched an effort to censor and punish him. That effort ended -- for the most part -- with Ford's public 'apology' to the Jewish community in 1927.[2]

In HFATJ, Baldwin doesn't allow Ford any good qualities save a very few, such as being a mechanical innovator, and even then the goodness of those qualities is muted. Baldwin's Ford seems retrograde and narrow-minded. His Ford is a bitter man who doesn't know much about the Jews but nonetheless seeks to blame the world's troubles on them, apparently because Ford's populist/Christian/McGuffey-Reader roots preordain it.

And what about the Jews in HFATJ? They are featured as compassionate, agenda-free subjects who have been grievously wronged. They are hardworking outsiders who want only to peacefully co-exist with American gentiles. The reader gets the feeling that Ford's published information about the Jews was rooted in fantasy, as if Ford and his staff simply decided one day to focus nonsensical wrath upon the innocent Jews, just for kicks. In HFATJ, whether or not the top Bolsheviks and the top Western bankers were actually Jewish like Ford claimed seems to be beside the point.

Among the more interesting features of the book:

-- Baldwin writes that anti-Semitism is "infused" with "a pathological requisite to find someone to resent." (p. 107). Does that mean that gentiles who caution other gentiles about the Chosen are mentally defective?

-- concerning Jewish leader Louis Marshall: "During the years of the Red Scare, Marshall was astute in his observation that 'Bolshevism is the creation of non-Jews,' asserting that 'the Jew is not by disposition a radical.'" (p. 119). A more amazing comment from a Jewish official we have never read.

-- on Ford's anti-Semitism: "He found a target to blame for his boredom, disillusionment, and middle-aged unhappiness. He grabbed onto the Jews, and never let go." (p. 327). Ford attacked the Jews out of boredom? A guy running a car company has time to invent and pursue fantasy enemies?

Also mentioned in HFATJ are Charles Lindbergh, Gerald L. K. Smith and Father Charles Coughlin, and they get nearly the same treatment as Ford.

The most important issue in HFATJ seems to be that Henry Ford I, serving as a sort of token power-gentile, had the nerve to name the Jew in public, for many years, in many different languages. Furthermore, Ford, using his fame and wealth, put the stamp of legitimacy on anti-Semitism. To the Jews those are unforgivable 'crimes.' Indeed, Baldwin shows that even when Ford apologized to the Jews for his anti-Semitic publications, it wasn't good enough for some of them, e.g. Rabbi Stephen Wise (p. 250). Ford was still seen as a man who had previously served up way too much Jew-hate, who had endangered the Almighty's favorite creatures and just might do it again later. Also noteworthy is Ford's Jewish-penned apology to the Tribe, which will both anger and amuse nationalist readers with its suggestion that telling the truth about Jews was a "harm" that was "committed" by Ford (p. 239). In other words, Ford committed the 'hate' crime of truth-telling. Oy vey! Also, concerning the subtitle of HFATJ ("The Mass Production of Hate"), it should be noted that Ford's literature about the Jews reveals no especially-venomous passages (see below). The tone of Ford's tracts is, in fact, rather mild, considering that they were produced in an era not yet burdened with political correctness.

Henry Ford and the Jews presents important evidence of the arrogance, hypocrisy and power of the Jewish race in general and the American Jewish community in particular. It can help nationalists better understand the Jews. In fact, nationalists could use it to teach White Americans something about Jewish chutzpah.


1. The International Jew online: .

2. Efforts by Jews to silence Ford's criticism of them - and to punish him as well - included a Jewish Congressman attempting to get Ford's claim of Jewish involvement in the U.S. Federal Reserve system formally investigated by a Congressional committee (p. 216). Of course, the Congressman stated that, in his effort, he was merely acting "in behalf of my constituents." That Ford's comments about the Federal Reserve were constitutionally-protected free speech apparently didn't matter to the Congressman, whose effort failed. Years after Ford's 1927 apology, some Jews still harassed him, e.g. a rabbi's insistence that Ford "reassert" a part of his apology, as if the original apology wasn't enough (p. 272).

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