Spintro Archives

National Futurists to the Front!

One possible world of tomorrow...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Book Review: Crossing the Rubicon

Excellent work lays out the connections behind 9/11....by Apollonian

Hitler Speech in Munich, 1922

It's hard to find a word in this 80-year-old speech that isn't directly relevant to America today, the "land of the free," where people fear to speak freely. It is clear that what the jews did in Germany yesterday, they do in America today....

Jews on Jews: 50 Quotations

Museum of Jewish Crimes Exhibit 1h is open for business. Do jews control the media? Do they supply most of the money to the Democrats? Did they create Hollywood? Are they responsible for most musicals and musical comedies? Are they natural-born underminers of existing orders, no matter the host? They say yes. The rule continues to hold: the "nazis," as jew-realists are invariably described in jew-controlled media, and the jews themselves deal in reality: the libs and cons are dupes playing make-believe....by VNN Staff

Juvy Goldberg Bashes France Yet Again

Kikey can't-take-a-shot, coiner of "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" is back to his old foxy loxy tricks. You remember how Israel helped liberate us from the British. During the Cold War, de Gaulle was always more of a hassle than a help. Frances opposition to the Iraq war had a soupcon of principle in a kettle of cynicism and oil-for-food petrodollars. Hey, jew Goldberg: what ever happened to those WMD's anyway? Did they ever turn up? Or were they just a big lie promoted by you and your fellow France-hating racist jews? Here one of Shitlips' minions gets a little bolder, going after "secular jew fascists," which if you de-gas it reduces to 'jew.' Looks like Donohue and O'Reilly opened up the field for a little more directness on the jew question. The usual cowards have moved to a fifty-fifty slurry of jew and secular, whereas before they would never use jew at all. That's a good sign. As Hitler said, [I]t has been forgotten that the condition which must precede every act is the will and the courage to speak the truth - and that we do not see today either in the Right or in the Left. Says stupidly named Vox Dei: One wonders why so many Jews in the media elite wish to see America move toward a more perfectly secular society, considering that they will doubtless be the first to be victimized should they ever get their wish. Our society is secularized, and jews are doing just fine -- for now. Here some choice jew Safire jewings about freedom, the jew's term for your right to live under a government he picks. Here jew Shamir weighs in on the situation in the Ukraine.

White Abuse Continues in Chimpbabwe

Jailers handcuffed opposition lawmaker Roy Bennett and forced him to kneel on the concrete floor during a visit by his lawyer. He was not allowed to wear a hat while working under the searing African sun which burned weals into his skin. It ain't no fun when the monkey's got the gun. Here on a nigger enriching seniors in Britain. I don't think Hitler would have allowed this.

Rumsfeld Admits 9/11 Plane "Shot Down"

Slips up under heavy pressure from the same jews who last year exalted him, admits the plane was shot down over Pennsylvania. We're rolling. The government can't trust you with the truth, White man, because the truth is that the government is not operated in your interests, and in fact directly against them. The government feeds you lies to keep you pacified. With most people, that works. Of course, the government could have shot down the planes that crashed into the WTC, but that would have upset the plan. So they deliberately failed to scramble their jets, per normal policy. They felt enough pretext for war would be established via WTC attack; no need for Congress or bushy to die too.

National Interest

Buchanan correctly points out that our attack on Iraq can't be defended in terms of it. But the larger point is that the very concept held invalid by the jews who determine our policies and their coverage in the press. These jews hold that nation states have no right to exist, except for Israel. Buchanan's analysis is good but ultimately useless because he refuses to question his assumption that his Aryan readers have anything in common with the jews running our country. Party-political analysis skates over the deeper, essential racial struggle. The jews conrol the United States, use its monies and men for their purpose. There is not a single political party publicly advocating Aryan American political interests. Perhaps that will change soon. It should. Read through several dozen Hitler speeches here and see what genuine political analysis is like. Do jews hate Buchanan more than Hitler? No. Why is that? Because not only did Hitler describe precisely what the jews were up to -- and name and blame them as jews for their actions -- he took arms and in opposing ended them in Germany. We are told the ideas of Hitler are off limits, beyond the pale of respectable discourse -- precisely because only through the Hitler portal do we arrive at the sanity of race-realism and Aryan preservation. The Right and Left offer rotten fishhead soup, but Hitler offers rich stew. Read his speeches. Apply his words to our situation today. The match is perfect because the same international bandits that controlled Germany in 1922 control the America in 2004. 'Democracy' is nothing more than a cover word, a marketing term, used by verbal terrorists. It means dictatorship, and a very specific kind: jewish dictatorship in the name of the people, featuring local figureheads to veil the nature of the controllers. Says Hitler in his speech linked above: Then some one has said: 'Since the Revolution the people has gained Rights. The people governs!' Strange! The people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion. Just like today. We in America are told we live in a democracy, where every man has a vote, and all the votes count. But when it comes to the great questions, what is done by the government is never what the people want. Affirmative action and open borders with Mexico and the Third World are perhaps the two best examples. We are to believe that we live in a government of, by, and for the people, and that the people want -- no matter what they've expressed through forty years of polling -- to be discriminated against and mixed with the poorest scum the third world can forward. What the people want has very little to do with what our government does. But if you match what our government does against the agenda of the ADL and other jewish organizations, you'll find a perfect match. Our government does what the jews want, and not what the majority of the people wants. Our democracy is, thus, a jewish tyranny, the lies of democratic demagogues be damned.

14K+ Dead in Monster Wave

"Death came from the sea," Satya Kumari, a construction worker living on the outskirts of the former French enclave of Pondicherry, India, told Reuters. "The waves just kept chasing us. It swept away all our huts. What did we do to deserve this?" Ah, the third world. Just when you've got your hut all neat and arranged the ocean devil rises up and spears you on his pitchfork. Time to throw a few virgins in the volcano, carve out some beating hearts -- you know, the standard placators. Note that U.S. officials tried to warn the Asians, but they were too improvident to have a system in place. More here.

Jew-Realism in Shakespeare

As the great critic Harold Bloom has declared, "One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to recognize that Shakespeare's grand, equivocal comedy The Merchant of Venice is nevertheless a profoundly anti-semitic work." There is no getting away from it: Shylock is the villain, bent on disproportionate vengeance. Crucially, his villainy is not shown as a quirk of his own, individual personality, but is rooted overtly in his Jewishness. Yes indeed. You'll note that it never rises to the level of consideration that maybe Shakespeare was right. He's called the writer with the most insight into human nature, even by jew Bloom, yet when it comes to jew-crit, the mind slams shut. It is forbidden a priori to entertain the question of whether anti-semitism is simply jew-realism. But how funny: here's, yet again, a guy who is right about everything else, but just happens to be wrong about...jews. Note parallel to "Germany was the most educated nation in the world" so how could it go anti-semite on us? The truth is because Shakespeare had deep insight into jews and because the Germans were highly educated they appraised the jew at its real value, shockingly less than jewpapers would have you believe.

Soldiers of Aryan Culture

A Utah-based group with a bunch of legal problems... You never know with judenpresse, but SAC sounds like a criminal gang. Of course, there are hundreds of such Mexican gangs, and many of them operating in Utah, not that you'll see special reports on them. And they're just as racist as these guys.

Providing McCover for Christmas-Hating Kikes

Good job, Kevin. He cites three jews who claim, in public, they luv Christmas! And that settles the issue. It's not jews driving Christmas to the town dump, itz those gosh darn secularists. Grapefruit for all their chins! Trained that fighting back is wrong (see Jesus), Christians reap the predictable results, shunned and shat on in their own land. Are you a crybaby with a martyr complex? Then Jeboo's your "man." He can take it. But verily I say unto you, fighting back takes more courage than submitting. There's nothing I can say but the obvious: jew Horowitz runs jew Feder's article praising Christians to deflect attention from the specificially JEWISH origins and motive of the movement to drive the religion to extinction. Jews are "great masters of the lie," as Schopenhauer never tired of calling them. If a jew tells the truth, it's only to set up a bigger lie later.

Worse Than Sneering

Some decent party-political analysis, but beside the point, which is that Aryan Americans, i.e. Americans, are discriminated against and hated by jew-led blues bent on eliminating their genes and erasing their memory. This jew anti-Aryanism is reflected everywhere the government comes in contact with white men, which is to say pretty much everywhere. There never was a time when working-class Americans voted for liberals whose values they rejected but whose economic programmes enticed them. Before the federal judiciary nationalised issues like abortion, gay rights and censorship, beginning in the 1960s, these controversies were part of state and local politics, not national politics. Conservative Catholics in the midwest or southern populists could vote for social conservatism in state and local elections, while voting for New Deal economic policies at the federal level. Thanks to federalism, New Deal liberals like Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and Johnson took positions on the economy and foreign policy; they did not have to take stands on abortion or gay rights. The very success of liberals in nationalising these issues has worked against them in a country in which self-described liberals are a minority, outnumbered by self-described moderates and conservatives.

Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Infected

These things belong in Guatemala picking fleas off each other, but instead they're here among us and saluted as AmeriKwans by bushy and the mix-'em-all NWO elite. 150k troops in Iraq, nary a one in Arizona. That makes sense to jews and brainwashed Christians; to men of the ilk of the Founders, it's vitally wrong. Have you contracted multiple-drug-resistant TB from Tia Maria waiting to birth shitskinnio jr in the hospital waiting room? Not yet? Has your bored kid caught lice from little panchito slumped over with boredom through the dumbed-up NWO tripe called education in your local state indoctration camp? And watch out, all you phun party mixers, if you boogie with the wrong dooga, you might come down with one of the 7,000 cases of leprosy now greshaming wastily through the 'Kwa. Ah, there's nothing like getting up for that morning piss and watching your cock drop in the bowl. More here. Basic idea is to take down the borders, brainwash young elites in interdependence, globalism, muticulturalism, drag red herrings whenever the vox pipes up, and finally present newfound Shit Nation as fait accompli. The controllers always present what they're doing as good and inevitable, and portray resistance as unthinkable, and in any case useless. But it is not so. Eric Rudolph went unfound by hundreds of FBI agents, not just because he was trained or because they are incompetent, but because folks who might have seen something don't support the ADL-trained domestic terror police. The American people are never allowed to vote on the real issues because they'd vote against the NWO and the kikes producing it. MacDonald says "every week" they catch and release Arabs and African trying to sneak into...Vermont. Think about that. This nation is no longer a nation, it is a giant junior high for troubled kids from the four sewers of the globe. Woe and alas, there are no new continents needing bepeopling. My fellow albino rats, meet wall. About face!

Superfluous Men

Slave applications accepted around the clock... Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security, overriding the sovereignty of the states, will issue all driver's licenses and birth certificates that meet some "federalized standards" including biometric "security" provisions. Contrary to existing law, newborns will be automatically issued a Social Security number, which would force them into the federal taxing scheme called Social Security. All children will be denied enrollment in the government indoctrination centers (schools) without first supplying a Homeland Security registered birth certificate. If this doesn't chill you, it should. A nation led by jews, backed up by pinhead Johnny Assclumps. In her haste to destroy the notion of collective interests, the woman stumbles over the fact that they do exist. Families, churches, communities, races all have interests. Basically, what's going on here is that the feds have signed off on a multi-thousand-page document nobody but jew lawyers has read that will result in a national ID card, and the superseding of state driver's licenses by Homeland documents. Keep in mind that the decision to obey the law is up to you. Law exists to serve our needs, and where it fails that purpose, it, like government itself, may be replaced by any means necessary.

Iraq Divided in Three?

How 'bout leaving Iraq alone? Not even on the table. How 'bout each yeshiva sponsoring a platoon of hooknosed 'freedom' fighters? Oy, unthinkable, itz! Who would make up our next generation of aggressive warmongers, after all? Mixing races out of existence is exactly the sort of thing that makes sense in theory, when you're Bill Clinton bullshitting at Georgetown, but has bloody unworkable results tried for real. Give it up, white traitors. People prefer their own and always will, like any other animal.

Homeschooling in Poland

You can see that commies, in Poland or here in U.S., hate it. Thou shalt have no other gods before Government, the great I BE. Here a woman in Pennsylvania doesn't like proving to Marse ZOG that her children be learning an' shit. Who died and appointed ZOG king? The only ones ZOG answers to are men with bigger guns. Might doesn't make right? Where? Note the way the jew at the "civil liberties" union instinctively sides with the state against the conservative Christian citizen. As does the other jew, or jew-spouse, we guess, who professes at Yeshiva U. Two jews/jew-affiliateds, both side with ZOG. Apparently the kike at ACLU has no trouble with a man's money being taxed at gunpoint to subsidize views he disagrees with - a particularly obnoxious form of tyranny. Home schooling is widespread already, and it has put the lie to the government's offering first-class education, just the way UPS and Fedex put the lie to the government's offering first-class mail service. Government hates to be shown up. It moves to quell competition, always in service to the highest ideals, you understand. All the jews' power comes from the centralized state, and so for ethnic reasons they are always opposed to anything that decentralizes, no matter their calling card be civil liberties. Here a good long Free Republic thread on home-schooling. Links to a number of resources within. Ever hear of the Trivium? Public schools teach jewish doctrine: national states, especially ethnically unmixed ones, have no right to exist -- no matter what the people want. Thus, a judge named Friedman says your boy must fight not for flag but for United Nations, no matter what he signed up for. Here on right-left struggle in colleges, both sides being pro-jew. Say hello to Shmuel, the shameless shammer.

Suckpoop Joe: Who Will Think of the Children?

Sucky Joe has a big problem with child-killers...when they're Dutch docs doing in defectives. If they're American-armed jews shooting Palestinians, why ol' shitlips clams right up. Here's a nice people of sheep-prop Farah's pitching as the mouthbreathers who subsidize his bilge: the troof about aliens and space ships an' shit. Demonic forces at work! Probably the same ones behind that evil Harry Potter series, we don't doubt.

Vitaly Klitschko, Simply the Best

And White, need we say?

Korea's Unvaliant 24th Regiment of Color

When the Chinese mortars began to thud, the deuce and four began to bug. So laughs Anderson in "Recipe for Disaster" article you can read below. But first read title link and see what more or less official sources claim.

Hitler on Jews: Mein Kampf, Chapter Two

Hitler didn't start out an anti-Semite, or jew-realist if you prefer your terms accurate; rather, he experienced jews and the world they created in Vienna and drew the same conclusions everyone else who's ever encountered the feces-obsessed creatures has drawn....by Adolf Hitler

"Keep on Rockin' in the Third World"

With no apologies to Neil Young...by Douglas Wright

Movie Review: 'Taxi Driver'

A Protestant and Catholic team up to make a film about the Aryan's encounter with the crap-filled cesspool we call AmeriKwa...by Bill Anderson

Recipe for Disaster: Nonwhite Troops in (Non)action

History's verdict is that muds make lousy soldiers: a lesson that shows up in unexpected places....by Bill Anderson

Caste-ing Aside Catholics and Mormons

Throwing away traditions to win ballgames -- you can't run a civilzed sports program -- or civilization -- with niggers....by J.B. Cash

Manifesto of National Futurism

Figuring out the relation between individual and race... The individual is freest where race and rules protect the context he needs to thrive....by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Down, Down, Down: Jeboo'z Goin' Down!

Jefferson was a deist, and perhaps a proto-cosmotheist, too; in any case, no ribbon-sporting Jebootronic, he....by "Newz" Numberman

Wagner: Desecrated but Undefeated

Self-hating Germans loathe him, and try to destroy his works with derriere-garde costumes & production, but the call to Nordic blood will not be upstaged....by Michael Polignano

Jesus Christ, Racialist

When you put your own race first, you're following in the footsteps of the Savior; anything less would be anti-Christian....by The Shadow

You're Super, and I'm Duper

Self-esteem, what a stupid and dangerous choice. The church has it all over the psychs in this instance. It is far less dangerous to humanity and actually better for the man in question to be taught he's a miserable worm rather than the father of worlds. In this way a sense of humility may be instilled in the pre-smuggies, that they might doubt - themselves and others, doubt being the beginning of wisdom. Young buck niggers have the highest EQs recorded. They are infinitely stupid, without any idea. Most white folks, jew-indoctrinated for decades, are paler versions of the same thing. Some degree of self esteem is needed, and accrues naturally from one's capacity for effective action and the response humble usefulness always finds in the world. To make a fetish of the thing itself quickly turns into a war on whatever endangers it, such as, for example, someone who knows more. Then, per corollary jewish fallacy, the self-esteemer quickly retreats to "Well that's just your opinion." It is better to focus on objective reality rather than on ourselves and what we and others think of us, and try to become better in the direction of our natural talents. Then things will pretty much take care of themselves, and we won't burden everyone else with our bottomless craving for approval. Social problems far more often come from excessive self-esteem -- see those niggers again, the source of our "crime" problem -- than lack of it.

Iran Prepares

Lest the jews running America attack. By attack I mean send your son over to fight their enemy for absolutely no valid reason. It worked in Iraq, didn't it...sort of? This writer claims the invasion of Iran would require the draft, since without it there would not be troops enough to cover flanks in Afghanistan and Iraq. Hmm... Here on mutating Islam, which writer says is more based on Western identity politics than Koran. The 'crisis of identity' in the West is a direct result of jews taking over immigration policies -- and good luck finding the 'Western' state that doesn't have a non-Western jew in charge of immigration -- and using those policies to elect a new and Aryan-hostile people. Should some of the admitted invaders be anti-jewish too, ah, then we've a problem. Then we start up the media campaigns, and start the polls to see if we can persuade true natives to carve out the jew-hostiles, from the good Aryan-hostiles. Cows never notice anything. Here on Dutch rethinking muticult after murder of Van Gogh. Note that even the biggest fan of muticult has received death threats -- and that his name is Job Cohen. Just like Hitler said, cut into any social abscess and there's a jewish maggot worming away. Note this, from dead filmmaker: Theo van Gogh (who was not above Jew-baiting) once wrote of him: "Of all the swindlers who have tried to pass off the fifth-column of goat-f--ers as some kind of an enrichment of our oh-so-marvelous multicultural society, Job Cohen is the most cunning." Yeah, better to be a jew-baiter than a nation-wrecker. Writer Caldwell is a goy as far as I know, but he knows better than to point a finger at the jews who murder Holland the way they murder America, by electing a new people. That's where the paychecks start, and the writing becomes a hobby in the off hours from ditch digging. Do jews control the media? No, it's just a giant coincidence that nothing bad about them ever appears in print or on tv. Oh yeah -- and the guy before Cohen? He was a kike too: Ed van Thijn, also Jewish, who ran the city in the late 1980s and early 1990s. There's only one conclusion Aryan man can draw, neatly encapsulated in VNN's timeless slogan: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Indians Convenum on the Mall

Don't miss the butlers bearing trays of delicious ant-and-acorn appetizers. For delicious, they're, to describe them after the manner Utavian. All you have to do is overcome your culturally imposed bias for two-footed fare. Perhaps the people of teepee will assemble to ear Mark Twain's version of the noble savage. More good Indian-White man history: If you keep in mind that pretty much everything ever accomplished in history was created by a white man more or less like you, then you have the tools you need to interpret even the jewiest of texts. Note, above most, that an element of White superiority involves self-criticism, and this self-criticism too easily turns murderous or suicidal, depending on who directs it. As with an Internet forum, the point is not the shit it contains, the point is the good stuff it contains. Whites have done plenty of wet work in their existence, but so has every other race. What other races haven't done is create Chartres and moon rockets and Kournikovas. Call me kooky, but I think we ought to breed and vanquish and in general stick around like albino post-it notes. More here from this jackoff broad in whom the idea never occurs Twain reads her, not she him. The selection excerpted below, from Roughing lt, Mark Twain's account of his western adventures, presents an image of the Indian that powerfully and explicitly challenges the literary "noble savage." Its tone of intense bitterness, relieved only at the end by a bit of literary criticism and an amusing swipe at railroad employees, shocks the reader... If Twain agrees with her, he's observing accurately and humorous. If he doesn't, he's expressing inherited prejudice. Stupid cunt. How sad it is that women are educated. Even the intelligent ones are little more than parrots. There probably isn't a she-scholar in a hundred worth a damn. How many male geniuses has our insane and jew-ridden age prevented from flowering? That is no rhetorical question. You can see from the tentative way women move that they're not built for pushing boundaries, which is the definition of scholarship. They haven't the physical or mental force to produce new conceptions, let alone thrust them on an indisposed world. Example, and pay attention female readers. Let's say a woman is 27 and all-but-dissertation when she gets married. Assume she is intellectually competent to produce a dissertation. Is her time, and society's dime, better spent if she produces children or dissertations. Which production is likelier to be original and genuinely valuable? The children -- by far. Not even close. Ninety nine times out of a hundred, even if the thesis is competent, it will merely be derivative reshuffling of facts first discovered and gathered by males. Women achieve originality through their children. Contrary to Nike ad nostrums and the general bent of our insane and jew-domianted society, when in doubt, you should breed, women. Reproduction is your true creation, not mental or physical labor.

Putting the Mess in Mess Hall

Why are Americans in Iraq? It's "good for jews." No other reason. Here a nice bit of revisionism on the British Empire, which was hardly considered great at the time, and in fact not considered much at all under Victoria. Here a Podhoretz/Commentary review - Fukuyama on Garton Ash on Europe vs red-state America and whether or not common agenda can be found. The booboisie being led by lapdogs such as Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter to waste boys and coin attacking innocent nations, that seems unlikely. Like most interpreters, Fukuyama says that Germany trained up its kids to be pacifists and unload its sovereignty on international institutions. Let me tell you, Germans are not pacifists by nature. Neither are they warmongers. It is amazing how easily people attribute attitudes and mentalities to others. You will remember that Germany elected Hitler. You will remember that Germans fought extremely hard to prevent the jew-led Allies from invading and taking control of their country. You will remember that the Allies stole everything they could get their hands on, intellectual and physical, prevented fraternization of their own troops with the enemy (for fear of the obvious), burned as many National Socialist books as they could get their hands on, and locked up the rest, and instituted wide and deep denazification, outlawed parties defending national socialism, and granted licenses to print only to papers toeing the invaders' line. So, Germany must be regarded first as a conquered nation. I assure you from my time over there, hearing American fighters roar daily over the valley, and seeing all kinds of American military gear transported through the valley by train, it certainly feels like an occupied country. So let's not be so quick to assume we know what Germany actually thinks. All we know for sure is that ever since the war ended, Germany has been an occupied power, where speaking the truth about the occupiers is forbidden by law. I believe Germans, the race, will survive, and ultimately come out on top of their jewish occupiers. I believe this because Germans on average are considerably more serious people than Americans and British. They are generally better organized, and think longer-term. And having lost a war in direct, physical, shove it down your throat and burn-you-out fashion, they are far less likelier to labor under delusions they're free, as British might, their own nation having fallen under British dominion subtly. We "Americans" have a jew Wolfowitz who has destroyed America's reputation by causing an unjust war on Iraq; his latest, when he's not pushing for new unjust war on Iran, is urging the Europeans to immolate themselves by accepting Turkey into the EU. The common aqenda Europe and America share, though you'll never read about it in Commentary, to be sure, is exposing, expelling, and ultimately exterminating the jew, the group responsible for the lion's share of political problems on planet earth.

Rwanda: The Movie

On the famous battle twixt the the Milk Duds and the Tootsie Rolls... You guessed it: we white people are somehow guilty. Still, "You're not even a nigger. You're an African," has a certain ring. We are not the bruthas' keepers, and all we'll do is drown if we try to save them from acting naturally. Our job is to save ourselves from them. More precisely, from the jews who loosed and sicced them on us.

Backtrack! Backtrack!

They've gone too far. Even O'Reilly and Dononhue are pointing out that kikes are the agent behind the vanquishing of Christianity and Christmas. As the Protocols say, the jews must feel their way very carefully, very tentatively, make sure of their footing, lest a false step unbalance their nose and capsize them. Red and yellow, blue and white, cut-from-another-woman's-womb-with-a-knife, Jeboo loves the little chilluns of the werrrrrld.

The Infarcted Butt

Hey, White writer: this is what they're publishing instead of your work... Here on widespread plagiarism in academia. Note how difficult it is to get anybody punished for it. Here on Alexander the Great, and some of his uses, not least as proto-NWO maker. And note this line about the jew Cantor: More capricious is the forthcoming biography by the late Norman F. Cantor, a noted medievalist but a middling Alexan-dabbler. He read a (very) few books and misremembered a lifetime of Western-civilization lectures to produce a biography so inept that I have never encountered anything like it that didn't have a freshman's name on the cover. Somehow Cantor confused the basic facts of ancient history and completely misunderstood the sources for Alexander's reign. He claims that the works of Quintus Curtius Rufus, Diodorus, and Strabo do not survive. That is entirely false. No matter, perhaps, since Cantor obviously never bothered to look any of them up or to read them. That said, reluctantly, he knew just enough of the new orthodoxy to allege that Alexander was "probably clinically insane." Itz like there are two standards for getting published, and if you're a jew, you need only meet the lesser one, which more or less involves only providing proof that you're a jew. Noting the way jew Stone and jew Cantor go on about Alexander's sex thoughts and feelings, one realizes that no one's honor is safe while there's a jew with a typewriter. Jewish culture does not make a distinction between lies and the truth. Here some interesting stuff on Gödel and jew Einstein. Here on Pope's daughter, Lucrezia Borgia. Here new bio on Jose Luis Borges. Here on the glory of libraries. Truman has display cases up now featuring Kwaanza, Hannukah, and even Christmas.

The Good, The Bad, and the Theory

Bad writing; the invitable concomitant to jewish thought. Bad writing is egalitarian -- andybody can produce shit -- hence good. Good writing takes time and talent, tending toward elitism - bad. Do you see the parallel between relaxed voting restrictions -- low-rent white males leading to women leading to niggers leading to children leading to felons leading to animals leading to...? There's a vicious hatred out there in the world against anything of limited access, whether folks are carded for money, brains, beauty, whatever. The hateheaded egalitarian elite police always try to rip down whatever barriers real elitism constructs. If you prefer the clear and intelligent to the unclear and false, you might prefer intelligent and beautiful creators to ugly and dishonest liars. Trained taste equals political danger. If you prefer the better to the worse, you're anti-semitic and racist, inevitably. And Gresham's goons resent it. Elitism is good. Resenting the elite is a character flaw. It is necessary for the genuine elite to defend themselves, and never to pretend they aren't what they are, nor grovel before egalitarian dictators. Jews should be banned from the teaching possession on the grounds that they are religiously and racially disqualified. You can only teach someone you respect. And the jewish racial-crime-syndicate-masquerading-as-just-another-religion teaches itself that it is made up of gods, and all outsiders are animals, here only to serve jews. There is no way that belief can lead to anything but malpractice in the classroom. And what do we see on campus? Students are indoctrinated, not taught. they are told what to believe. If they fail to take up proper attitudes, they are drugged and downgraded. Just as no jew has the right to judge and Aryan, no jew should ever be allowed at the head of a class of Aryans. Anyway, a very good article... As always, VNN's position is that, save the genii among you, Fred Reed's style is the one you ought to imitate. Simple, clear, self-effacing, even if you're only faking it. Do not try to save the world, try to render yourself less obnoxious than you might be otherwise, i.e., as nature might have left you. The area for fruitful exploration, unbroached in this excellent article, is in the connections between the jewish agenda, the takeover of the academy, the decline of wordworld, and the denunciation of hate-scholars who point any of these connections out. Here on Isherwood's afterlife, as a Calif-homo.

Nietzsche & Wagner

They met in 1868. Nietzsches first book, The Birth of Tragedy (1872), raises the extravagant hope that Wagners operas would herald a German rebirth of the ancient Greek tragic spirit, the Dionysian spirit that honors the cruel but sublime unintelligibility of existence. This spirit has been suffocated by the Socratic presumption that virtue is knowledge; man sins only from ignorance; he who is virtuous is happy, and Nietzsche indicts his age for that Socratism which is bent on the destruction of myth. And now the mythless man stands eternally hungry, surrounded by all past ages, and digs and grubs for roots, even if he has to dig for them among the remotest antiquities. Resurrecting the old gods and heroes, promising national regeneration through the fire magic of music, Wagner the mythmaker enthralled Nietzsche... Here on taste. The poems that get printed in textbooks are the ones that make professors look good, see wildly overrated T.S. Eliot. In general things-jewish are overrated 100%, while things Anglo-Irish are overrated by 25 to 50%. Things German are generally underrated, except when it comes to the military, where German abilities are evaluated more or less at strength, lest we endanger "our" "greatest generation's" heroic triumph, whereby umpteen millions of books were burned, and legends hoisted.

White Art: Michael Crichton

He's back with a new book, State of Fear, about ecology and terrorism, and specifically the liars and fearmongers at the National Resources Defense Council. For a mass writer, Chrichton is excellent, probably because he's got an M.D. background, so he actually knows something. Every one of his books incorporates real knowledge, and interesting speculation. He's the rare popular writer worth reading. "State of Fear" is, in a sense, the novelization of a speech that Mr. Crichton delivered in September 2003 at San Francisco's Commonwealth Club. He argued there that environmentalism is essentially a religion, a belief-system based on faith, not fact. Quite true. Nature worship, like state worship, is for fools. We humans should dominate nature, and rearrange it as best we can, in revenge for the injuries it inflicts on our trailer parks. "Nature" gave us the nigger, the mosquito, and the jew. It is hardly fit for worship. Fact is, competition is the law of nature. Species drive out species -- 99% of species that ever existed are extinct. Ponder that for five minutes. We treat it as a self-evident political question, here in Missouri for example, whether we should tolerate Golden Carp and Zebra mussels destroying local waters and local fish species. But it is a political question never raised whether we should tolerate Land Carp like the Hmung, who also destroy and displace local species. Humans are animals too, it doesn't matter what the god-brainwashed say, and they are subject to whichever laws they can't control and rewrite. We should seek to understand the world in order to appreciate it, and to change it, and this is the basis of science - the closest humanity will ever come to "I wish it were so." Religion is mostly groupthink passivity, the fear and cowardice of the masses of idiots; science is always the province of the few and the able. Science not only supplies all our practical needs, it supplies the vast majority of our spiritual needs to. Appreciating natural cycles, while ever bettering our understanding-hence-control of them; getting in our licks, while ultimately getting licked - this is the best we can do. Your "heaven" and your Valhalla are pale and foolish substitutes. Yet as Mr. Crichton has his scientist Kenner correctly note, Greenland's ice cap is in no imminent danger of melting away. It is well established scientifically that average temperatures in Greenland and Iceland have been falling at the rather steep rate of 2.2 degrees Celsius per decade since 1987. As for temperatures in most of Antarctica, they have been falling for nearly 50 years, and ice there has been accumulating rather than melting. And those sea levels? Nils-Axel Mrner, a professor of geodynamics at Stockholm University, has been studying the low-lying atolls of the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean. He has found "a total absence of any recent sea level rise" and has instead found evidence of a fall in sea level in the past 20 years--a fact that Mr. Crichton has the good instinct to report in the course of pushing his plot forward. Why does the left lie? Always? Well, why do people lie? It is more or less impossible to avoid using evil as a category: the left is made up of the diseased, irrational portion of humanity. On the left are found the overt liars, the people who desire things that literally cannot be, yet who lack the brains to perceive the fact; and the people who understand this but hope to organize hatred and irration to empower themselves to destroy the things they hate, which after all is the best they can do. They can't change the world as they'd like, because the world doesn't bend that way, but at least they can have the satisfaction of destroying the folks who observe this. Everyone has some hate in him, but the people in whom hate is most pronounced are the jew-led leftists who never end calling their opponents haters. Even we Aryans who are completely justified in describing our opponents as warped haters, seldom do, we just call them jews, and figure people will get what we're saying. And really, saying 'jew' is usually enough. As Chrichton and others observe, the left loves computer modeling -- the right in put yields the right result. And since the result was achieved by computer, it qualifies as "science." A sick travesty of the real thing, and one that has cost inestimable lives and property. What better guise for the irrational than science? See not just Marxism and environmentalism but Christian Science. Just as, What better guise for hate than 'tolerance'? The "Left" is the common name for what is commonly called "evil" as it manifests in politics. That is, the Left is characterized by and shot through with and defined by the use of hatred and lying rather than common sense and evidence and compromise in achieving its aims. It is true, though, that many on the "Left" labor under its illusions simply because they are young and have heard nothing else. It stands to reason that the party of lies and evil must gain control of idea-disseminating quarters to have any chance to make a go of it. And they do. The perfect association of the race called jews with the left makes sense, as jews embody evil in human form - an entire race of parasites that succeeds only insofar as it can conceal its nature from the host. Here on fiftysomething guy Barry's latest. Here on the sociobiology of fiction.

Rigor and the Neologism

Statement from Paul de Man: Literature as well as criticism is ... the most rigorous and, consequently, the most unreliable language in terms of which man names and transforms himself. That is exactly right: things change, but we continue to described changed things in traditional terms. Since wholesale change would render communication impossible given the speed of the communicated-to, we must at the least coin neologisms frequently, and avoid cliched writing beyond the obvious. That is, avoid not just cliches known to be cliches, but any adj-noun combination that is rubber stamped rather than thought out and intended. The good writers are able to avoid not just the obvious cliches, but the second-tier ones as well. Recombination of existing terms combined with judicious addition of new ones alone produces the precision that yields clarity. On the other hand, sometimes precision and care for exceptions can blind us to general rules - the particular danger of our dumbed-down age and the jewish tyranny called political correctness, which itself is a lazy, cowardly euphemism for the phenomenon described. Afraid to generalize, too dumbed down to describe precisely - these are us, as we head into 2005. We're afraid to think, and if we could, we couldn't come up with the terms to express our forbidden thoughts anyway. Ergo VNN.

What Is It About Eminem That Resonates with Today's Kids?

Mary Eberstadt, jew or married to one, I do not know, correctly gets that pop music's alienation strikes a chord in kids of divorce. But pop can't come up with the why, and neither can Mary. Jews built our modern high-tax, two-wage-earner no-fault divorce culture, for the same reason they built feminism: to fuck up White people, by pitting men against women. Then they make money selling records by demoralized products of easy-come easy-go culture. Thrown in the deracination and self-hatred taught whites in school, and there you are. A lot of pissed off kids with no idea of the cause of the screwed up family life they resent. Finding transient solace in squibs from Blink-182 and the like. War is the harvest of the jews, they say. So is divorce. The jew is the guy who buys the legistor who passes the no-fault law. The jew is the guy who pens the editorial praising the new law. The jew is the attorney who draws up the easy-bake divorce papers. The jew is the guy who sellls the music misery the succeeding generation produces. At every step of the way, in music as everywhere else, the jew produces misery the jew and the jew alone profits from. Why do we allow these jews to continue to live among us? Why do we allow them to continue to live at all? Shorn of parents, shorn of pride in race and ancestry, where does the White kid turn? The judeo-System has delegitimized his pride and his protection. He's left to fend for himself. We Aryans alone have the answers.

Freedom of Speech

Using it fully is urgent....by The Shadow

Book Review: Storm of Steel

World War One truly was the White Man's War to End White Men. A normal man is content to throw in with the system; he will work with it, defend it until it doesn't work anymore, then he will back up the fellow who looks most promising to restore order. That is the nature of most men. The creative man, on the other hand, pulls away from the system....by William Yates

The White Arts Movement

"A provisional manifesto..." from Instauration...by Kenneth Lloyd Anderson

When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best

Say it with flowers...

Jew Kerri Dunn Gets One Year

Note why she's busted: for terrorizing minorities. Not for smearing the white race. It is a hate crime to say Whites exist, a hate crime to say whites should protect themselves from jews and coloreds who would destroy them. Dunn has never admitted she committed the "crime," which was basically vandalizing her own car and filing a false report. Perhaps the whole thing was a self-imposed jewish hazing ritual. Dunn's a jew convert with mental problems, as if that weren't redundant. It's an indication of the truth about Judaism that it seeks no converts. Everywhere else, jews insist that barriers are for breaking, that there are no valid distinctions, that all is one and the same. Except when it comes to them. They're different. "Special," one might say. "Chosen" they do say.

Dump Rumsfeld, Keep jews Feith & Wolfowitz

The kikes turn on their figurehead. Can't trust 'em. Here jew Auster claims Sobran and everyone else but the jews who denatured America is anti-American. Some decent analysis from canting jew Horowitz. Use him for the facts he digs up against the left, just understand that he's still a leftist himself, Many factions, but all controlled by jews who wish to do away with Aryans, whether through miscegenatory blending with Third World invaders, or dying abroad in Iraq.

Homo High

Parent kicked out for attempting to tape Gay Day at Mass high school. That's where the condom meets the road: they're afraid of their indoctrination seeping out to the public, and they call the cops on anyone who threatens to expose them. You do your kid less damage by sticking his hand in a wood chipper than his head in a public school.

Suckpoop Joe Flies Air Pterodactyl

They're flying all over Asia and Africa. Still. He is "100 percent" certain man and dinosaur walked the earth at the same time, because, after all, they still do. We're being sold a "bill of goods" about dinosaurs and their extinction. Damn. Tricked again. Undercover friends o' VNN say the 'Poop may be a tester for a new version of ecstasy being prepared for market by his Israeli bosses.

The Jewing of Xmas

It is jews behind the campaign to destroy it, admis WND house jew. Just as we WN have said all along. Blaming the 'ACLU' or 'secular humanists' or 'atheists' or 'pagans' - all these are lies meant to avoid the obvious: jews hate Christianity and seek to destroy it. Do you have the courage to name the jew, Christian? If not, you're an accomplice in the murder of your own religion & race. More here from Salon re comments from O'Reilly.

Reaping the Weimar Whirlwind

Jews control the state and are spending themselves into the grave. Welfare, warfare, busfare, whatefare itz all Big Jew Government now. When the tornado of guaranteed gimmes explodes and people lose their faith in the government's being the be-all and end-all, letz remember one thing: exterminate the jew. Do that, we can live in peace as long as we like. It will take something as deeply injurious and disturbing as Weimarian hyperinflation to break through the brainwashing of Middle America. But, as the hymenoptera make inevitable, ITZ COMING. A jew is political correctness in human form. The term was apparently created by Lenin, resuscitated by jew Jeff Sheol, a Brown columnist in the eighties who later became a Democratic operative. Lenin was 1/4 jew and more or less said that all the effective commies were kikes. Here on perfidious Albion, filching credit undue for Frog-found Neptune. Here's a nice glimpse into the personal lives of the glamours kikes and kikeminded running the Christ Brings Us Liberty?

More Christian bigotry from PC Roberts. Did you know that individuals never mattered until some jews cobbled up the Bible? The individual didn't matter in Greece or Rome, only when Christianity, the source of all good, appeared did anyone pay attention to him. There's no imaginary virtue that isn't tied to Christianity by men who spend their professional lives denying what Christians actually do in the world. Hey, Pauli Girl, why don't you write a column about the Sisters of the Unimproved Cunt being paid $600,000 to import bush apes to the big city nearest you? Face it, budger, there's an irresolvable conflict between Christianity and sense. A man cannot obey two masters, only a girl like you, Pauli, pretends otherwise. The fact is that Christianity undermines individuality by declaring 'morally evil' the protection of Aryanspace,' the only area in which the most individuated and least xenophobic of races can survive. But the Catholic church works hand in glove with ZOG to put more and more areas off limits to humans and in play for the likes of Bang Bang Vang, killer of six white humans. Catholicism's claim is to be universal and universally true - the one true religion. It sees human orientation to this world as a question of moral attitude, and biological fact need not apply. Men are competing subspecies far more than they're independent, individual moral agents. The Catholic can have no legitimate complaint against the replacement of Europe with Arabia, nor America with Mexico. This is why otherwise intelligent men such as E. Michael Jones suggest foolishly that maybe-just-maybe the problem we Aryans have with invading Mexicans is that they're Catholics. No, the problem is they're Mexicans - Mexcrement. Anyone who's lived around this scum knows what I mean. But by the Catholic religion's dogma, ACKNOWLEDGING CERTAIN FACTS is morally invalid. And so we reality-based defenders of Aryanspace part with Catholicism where it ventures on suicide. Your illusions may kill you, but we won't allow your and yours to kill us. We aren't suicidal. We will survive, and eventually we will thrive.

Catholic Charities: Jesus Calls Us to Welcome Thousands and Thousands More Bang Bang Vangs in St. Paul

Destroy Aryankind, destroy individualism. Here, for example, you can read about Catholic Charities/Minneapolis-St. Paul working hand in glove with Twin Cities mayor to import 15,000 Hmong now in a camp in Thailand. In the spirit of Cindy Lou Who, who was no more than two, I'd like to ask: "Why Popey Claus, why? Why are you destroying our neighborhoods? Why?" By Catholic dogma it is morally wrong to observe that men fall into racial classes that are incompatible. Ask yourself, Catholic VNN reader: Which protects individualism: concern for every single soul in the world, from Eskimo to Aborigine, or concern for the protection of Aryanspace? The doctrine of soul-equality is as big a lie as any other egalitarianism. By Catholic doctrine a man is a man is a man. By fact, Aryan is not gook is not nigger is not spic is not Mexcrement is not jew. Not biologically, physically, chemically, spiritually, intellectually, or any other way.s The differences are huge, and the differences are what matter. You who grew up Catholic at the least can and should withhold your money from this pernicious institution while it continues to import the killers of your sons and rapers of your daughters. This problems created in this world by all the gamblers, drinkers, whoremongers combined isn't a patch on the problems caused by ghost-worshipping, government-enabling moralizers. God save us from the Good. The West existed before Christianity, and the West will exist after Christianity submerges in the fecal fondue, where it feels most comfortable. Prayer for the child. Action for the man. Aryan blood is the basis of our civilization, anyone who tells you otherwise lies. "Formerly only those with power had a voice. But in Western civilization people with integrity have a voice." What world are you living in, Roberts? In which Christian land does might not make right? Was the Greek or Roman less free to speak than we today? Permit me to snort. And bilge about the people who emigrated to America. Their shared values were: cheap land and a chance to get rich. That is, the ones who wanted to come here, who weren't shanghaied or convict-dumped or simply booted out for being assholes -- i.e., most of the immigrants from the British Isles. America was only free until enough people got here and until transportation and media linked everybody up. Freedom is not compatible with roads. Let alone telephone lines. As de Tocqueville said, you'll find nowhere on earth people more afraid of divergence in discussion. Just look around at the cars, the papers, the faces: do you see a bunch of thoughtful, independent, Christian individualists, open to genuine debate on a variety of topics? Or do you see a bunch of support-the-troops lemmings ready at moment's notice to call government tattle hotlines? Which poll is closer to the truth? Don't think - buhlieve. Don't act - pray. Don't judge - grab your ankles. Luv really is all you need to be a Christian. But verily I say unto you, it is not enough. Follow VNN: we can't walk on water, but we hurl a wicked iceball. The simpleton Roberts says that Christianity has curbed power and protected the weak. Bullshit. In a hundred ways, bullshit. Kids are aborted by the thousands daily. No protection there. Downies and dingbats and dipshits of a thousand flavors aren't merely protected, they're exalted in Christed-out AmeriKwa. Just another tool used by the real and continuing power -- the power the luvy dovy Christian never names. Nietzsche's point is far closer: the weak use their weakness to kneecap the strong. Those who can, do. Those who can't, moralize & pray & cry "hate." Yeah, but listen to Paul tell us about this great stake we have in Jebooism. Who else would accept money to import bushmen to rape our daughters and murder our sons? Who else but God's brigade, that Kaposi-mottled crew of homos & homelies, out to revenge its unfilled pussies on the rest of us. How come not one professional Jesus jumper ever totals up the debits of the hoax? You'll notice it's never even broached, the obvious idea that Christianity has a dark side, nor ever considered that the negatives might actually outweigh the positives. The evidence clearly shows they do. The Christians can't get out of their heads and consider in cold light what they actually do - that's where prayer and belief in bogus miracles gets them. Intentions and feelings and imaginary worlds trump everything else. The real world's just something to ignore, they're in it, but not of it -- at their BEST! Only a genuinely hateful, weak-minded group of reality-hating idiots could advance such foolishness. The negative externalities of Christ-insanity are killing the world, and the conservative fools are the last ones to see it. I call to mind that pic from a few weeks back of the ultimate christian - hopped in the lion's cage trying to convert the animal. Screw reality! Jump for Jesus! Verily I say unto you, reality exists. Jebooism is based on lies. Christianity is for men who can't handle reality. Make reality your religion and you'll be horrified and disgusted much of the time, true, but you'll never be misled. Say, Christians. When's that little Jeboo coming back, anyway? Whatz it been, 2000+ years now? Lenin asserts his power rested on force and nothing but. PC says that's unthinkable. Reality sided with Lenin. Reality doesn't change because you perceive it incorrectly, nor does it disappear when you stop believing in it. A large part of the reason we live under a tyranny of jews is the irrationality founded in the miracles attributed to Jesus. Christianity is a doctrine aimed first and last at the weak-minded cowards who make up the majority of mankind, and always will. That is the source of its success, not the supposed world-trumping truth it contains. You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at slo-mo Bouncin' Jeboo in ridiculous hence fool-fetching "Passion," put on by dried hedonist Gibson. You can 'boo-bitch and moan all day long, Christians, but the facts say 99% of the species that ever existed are extinct, and might makes right will continue to rules the world, as it ever has. Just ask John Brown. The South was destroyed in large part by arrant Christian moralizing, and it can happen to the Aryan race in the United States too. Niggers can't be alchemized into humans, no matter what Father MacSpreadem or Pauli Girl say. Race is real, Christianity is a lie.

Another False Individualism

Llewpus has been called everything from communist to "anti-White," therefore he must be right, reasons jew Blumert. A man is nothing more than his money and the individuals he chooses to trade with. Do you believe that? Does history show that to be the case? Hey jew Blumert: the ones who cal Lewpert a "tool of the Jews" are right. 'Democracy' and 'freedom' are marketing terms. Jew Sharansky says in a free society you can go to the public square and speak your mind without fear of being fired or punishment. Well, a woman in Massachusetts can't tape her son's high school's Homo Day without having the cops sicced on her. If you speak the truth about race, you will indeed lose your job if you have a position with any power. We've seen that time and time again in America. So we must be what the jew calls a "fear society." Our society is indeed full of doublethinkers, who show one face in public and another in private - the only safe way to do it, they think. Political Correctness? Call it what it is: Jewish Tyranny.

Jigabootless at NPR

Nigger in endzone smug? Kike on NPR smug? Bush on meth smug?

Fattily Married

Midwesterners evolved from holsteins not niggers.

Democracy: Who Gives a Shit?

In this article about the lazy incompetence of the Kerry grassroots campaign, you can see the seeds of the coming Aryan revolution. The Bushies sort of believe, but really, believe in what? The Kerries don't believe in anything, they just don't want Bush. What if there were a party that meant what it said? What if there were men who didn't equivocate? Who weren't bought by jews? Who dedicated their lives to getting rid of the jews tyrannizing our country?

Alexander the Great

We're from the government. We're here to jew you with "stop-loss."

Saxon Math...

...is hate math, just as phonics is hate English. If it works, and Aryan parents try to use it for their children, it's hate teaching. Intellectual education is for the masters, not the slaves. An improvement over black-white slavery, you'll note: yesterday's fashionable farm equipment was prevented from reading; today's white slaves are taught to read by methods that don't work. One leaves reading forbidden fruit, the other leaves it rotten fruit.

"Two Sides"...new cartoon

Weapons of Christmas Destruction

The jews have driven Christianity out of the schools, off the public square, and are herding it toward the graveyard as rapidly as possible....by Edgar Steele

The Death of Western Art

If a soup can is art, then a nigger is a man. 'Breaking barriers' is nothing but intellectual vandalism....by Kenneth Lloyd Anderson

A Black Mark on Baseball

Caste system makes it unlikely blacks such as Bonds will receive the punishment they deserve....by J.B. Cash

Is Q-RID's Number Up?

Lead researcher Eddie Arnold, been working on it 20 years... Remember all those folks who claimed AIDS was going to wipe out Freaka? Even as population in absolute numbers has continued to expand? Well, it's always a day of mixed feelings when an exceptionally potent depopulator of junglemania is neutralized. Let us bow our heads. Note there are two names mentioned in this report: Arnold and Janssen. I'm betting that neither is jew, but if either is jew, we'll never hear the end of it. Say, White reader...for every time the jew cites the fraudulent polio solver Salk, and bids us salaam before our salubrio-maker -- how many times -- cut, let me rephrase that: HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A SINGLE JEW GIVE THANKS TO THESE WONDERFUL IF-UNCLEAN-ANIMALS WE LIVE AMONG FOR CURING EVERY OTHER HUMAN DISEASE THAT HAS EVER BEEN CURED? I've never seen a single jew do that. I think it would be literally unthinkable for a jew. Jews are not only the ugliest, the most dishonest, and the most paranoid, and the most aggressive race, they are the most ungrateful too. Every jew is a decathlete of degradation, dissolution and decomposition. I'd like to say, thank god for white men. For ordinary, quiet, serious, sober, careful, conscientious searchers after and sifters of facts, evidence and truth -- pretty much everything good in this world is a product of their imagination and hard work right down to these keys I'm slamming. Thanks for making it possible for me to be alive, use Flonase to breathe, use a computer to spread good vibrations, and in general providing me with the conditions to succeed. Jews don't save humanity, jews persecute non-jews. Cohen, in a very jewish obit for a German Nationalist named Schwammberger, is paid by IRC Russ Smith to say that Schwammberger's life "wasn't worth shit." Your race isn't worth shit, jew Cohen. By ridding the world of a few jewish pollutants, Schwammberger performed a great service, and will be remembered. I don't think it's Singerian-excessive animal rights to remove the jews from the lice, do you?

Gangs of L.A.

Decribbin' da Crips. They be streetin' an' shit. Stop you bad housings. Obviously, says jew psychiatrist, those apartments have an interiority complex. Say buh-bye to the boolie warren, not that the brillos won't just move on down the beelock. "This is right before Christmas," one woman yelled. Another asked: "What are we going to do with all these kids?" Mr. Swift has a solution, monkey-madam. Put an apple in baby Jamaal's mouth. Stuff the two inside a Butterball. Bake at 350 for five hours. Remember to baste! Nothing beats a tender, moist turniggen of a balmy Christmas noonting. And nothing beats a tasty leftover nigwich on the 26th! Here NYP's Knipfel, Wisconsin born, talks about crime coming to Green Bay. Over the past several years, Mexicans and other minorities are flooding the city and no one can figure out why. Uh, that would be the jews' nation wrecking... NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS.


When trying to interpret events in strange foreign lands, the first and usually last thing you need to know, is which outcome the jews prefer, and why. Then you're pret a 'pret the, cough, reporting. Here Raimondo on bogus poisoning.

Neocon = Jew = Liar

And here jew Mercer one on neocunts, the harpy-groupies.

A World Without Adults

The perpetual playpen panacea, itz. Only jews allowed to think and take decisions. Yours to cheer the home team, put ribbons on your car, and yield up your son and tax dollars for pacification campaigns.

Media: Big and White

ITZ COMING...People sicken of jewish lies, whether on televitz or printed on pulp. Great description of the Washington Post and its tiresome Semitically Correct daily release of bladder. Who knew jew-flavored totalitarianism could be so boring? Jews are the most intolerant people in the world, and the media reflect their egalitarian-yet-hyperracist solipsism. There are few things in life as satisfying as not buying a jewish paper. Not subscribing to jewish cable tv is one of them. Reed pretty well sums it up, as far as the general boring uselessness of the controlled media goes, even using that term, before switching over to 'political correctness,' a term invented by its enforcers, and subverted by Joe Sobran into the factually accurate 'Semitically Correct,' used by us VNN more than Sobran himself or any writers anywhere on the planet, but Reed ignores the political ramifications of the 'Net. In a nutshell, the meaning, the political fact, of the Web, is that white men can talk without jewish mediation. What we see, naturally, is an explosion of more or less honest, passionate Semitically Incorrect communication. So far nothing has come of it yet in the real world, but that will change very soon. When people realize what that what they hate is not media but JEWS, a whole new world opens up. A beautiful White world, as represented by this naked woman with big breasts. Here some thoughts on the power of public opinion in America. You are free to put a ribbon your car. You are free to sing along with Bully Keith. You are free to send your son to Iraq. In a country where feminine passion is manipulated with masculine coldness, no one's money is safe. The masses understand nothing but raw power, loud noise, impressive display. Principles, law, reflection - these are meaningless to the sea of dolts. "Don't offend anyone or you'll be fired," is the working rule at Big Jew News. The right to offend and take offense are set by somebody, since they never vary, and the categories match up exactly with the jew agenda, so we must assume jews have a powerful hand in setting them. Some interesting NYP letters.

World Net Daily, Mossad's American Online Media Arm

Brags about getting Hamas sites shut down. Free speech for Izzy tools only! The fool you flatter is the fool you become. Farah has sucked poop out of israeli asses so long he's become an honorary jew. He snivels about libs and govt trying to suppress him, but he encourages exactly the same suppression himself. Note the use of the terms 'propaganda' and 'terrorism' as ways to escape nouns that can be tied to specific meanings. If you're opposed to Suckpoop Joe's agenda, which matches 100% the jew's agenda, you're a terrorist. Note the statement that the sites will probably be up again within 60 days, and that the sites shut down were not the orgs' top-tier ones. Translation: America is occupied territory. If you wish to criticize the jews who control it, you have a better chance if your website is hosted somewhere in the jew-free sector of the globe. Note that the jew-opponents' main sites are located in Russia and...Ukraine. The countries where jews murdered tens of millions of innocent Christian White men. Note too that Malaysia is a center. Malaysia's Mahathir, you will recall, spoke out against International Hebe more forcefully than any world leader earlier this year. It's like...wherever jews control things, there's no freedom. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Psst? You Want Some Real Data?

Get it, buy it, from private industry. Government data is often worthless or just plain invented. Always it is skewed to reflect as poorly as possible on the hated class - white males. Honest data collection is not in the government's best interest.

Christmas in Germany

Interesting on various customs...

Scott Peterson Sentenced to Death

This case has been all over the news for what, a year? We never followed it, but millions and millions of Americans did. We note that Peterson is a white male...who killed his wife and unborn baby...and was sentenced to death...in California. No one gets the death sentence in California. Imagine the hue and cry if he were black and sentenced to death on a case with purely circumstancial evidence. What if Peterson didn't do it? The media selected this as the case of cases because of the race, looks, relationships of Peterson. He helps them persuade mass America that it's not the nigger or Mexican you need worry about, murderous hate lies right there in bed next to you! This is a traditional leftist tactic to deflect attention from the horrendous crimes visited on humans by loosed coloreds. The Wichita Massacre was far more dramatic than Matthew Shepard's case or Scott Peterson's. But its being made national crime cynosure would not have been "good for jews," so it was suppressed. And for all we know tomorrow we may find out that Scott Peterson didn't do it, just as Shepard's killer didn't care a lick that sweety was a poof.

Movies: Spacey

Gets panned hard for lousy Darin impression... Here on shock and gore movie "Evilspeak" with Ron Howard's gimp-looking brother Clint. Here a series tracking English youths through their lives at seven-year intervals.

Between the Lines: Thomas DiLorenzo Shows His True (Jewish) Colors

DiLorenzo buddies up to the yids, to fortify himself against charges of anti-Semitism....by Martin Hunziger

Pearl Harbor Revisited

The truth you won't get in school....by VNN Staff

The Great Betrayal

How Rhodesia was undermined by Britain.... From Instauration....

Movie Review: 'Alexander'

An excellent film, although jew Stone promotes homosexuality, miscegenation, and Aryan-wars-to-aid-jews. Discuss in Forum....by T.C. Lynch

Jewish Movers and Shakers

From Instauration... On the role of jews in ending freedom of association, and thereby murdering America...

Why Walt Disney Is No Friend of Jewry

From Instauration... Define anti-semite: I'm no Webster, doc, but a large subset is simply men who've done business with jews...by 782

Book Review: The Perfect Failure: Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs

Too few men, too much concern about so-called world opinion...by Apollonian

Who Owns America?

Jews own an incredible proportion of the most valuable real estate in America, and large chunks of most major cities....by Walter Mueller

The Jewing of Shmuely Botchulism

The guy is unbelievable - by Aryan standards. By jew standards he's par for the course. In the same breath he accuses others of whitewashing tyrants, he removes blame for the murder of Jesus from his own jews who took credit for it at the time and places it on the Aryan who threw the question up to them. Let the record show, the kikes chose Barrabas over Jesus. Pontius Pilate killed Jesus. And the sin of Mel Gibson is the same sin of Michael Moore. They both whitewash tyrants. Michael Moore whitewashes Saddam Hussein, and Mel Gibson whitewashes Pontius Pilate, who was the Saddam Hussein of the ancient world. But listen to this remarkably plain talk from Catholic League honcho William Donohue: Who really cares what Hollywood thinks? All these hacks come out there. Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. It's not a secret, OK? And I'm not afraid to say it. That's why they hate this movie. It's about Jesus Christ, and it's about truth. It's about the messiah. Sounds like the road back to power, to me... Name the jew, defeat the jew - ask Goebbels and anyone else who has beat 'em: you can't do it without, FIRST, naming them. Naming them alone is not enough, but it's where we must start. The sole quibble here is that Orthodox jews hate Jesus and Christians every bit as much as the secular kikes. A jew is a jew is a jew is a jew. There's no there there. Itz over there. Wait! Now it's over there. This fucking Boteach deserves an Oscar for impromptu jewing.

Klitschko Dominates Williams

Eight-round KO... Four knockdowns, five times the number of punches. Say goodnight, coon!

Fiction: "Jake Brake," part four

Jake gets paid, and stays the night....by Mike Woodson

No Hate in Our Hearts

Time to help the more-than-fledgling jewbird out of our nest....by The Shadow

Bovard & Bovines

The government is too big to report on accurately. It has no interest in disclosing information, and reporters have no interest in straying from the going line, if they want to keep their jobs.

The Jewbird

The kuck-kuck lays its eggs in another bird's nest, just like it were a cowbird. It then eats one of the host's eggs. Kind of reminds you of jews stealing money out of your pockets to grow their colonies of shmuels in Israel and leroys in that subsidized housing next door. The woman, a German expat, says the bird is immoral. Biology is like that. Israelis do precisely the same thing to the German nest that kuck-kucks do to their competitors - jews migrating from Russia far prefer Germany to Isarel as destination. Itz time for the Germans to heave the jews over the side -- time for us all. Call it the Chuck the Kuck-Kike Campaign. Note the woman's foolishness in insisting that humans, unlike those other under-animals, live by intelligence and morals rather than biological instinct. Open your eyes, dear. That christian code you claim is absolute and natural and innate in man's heart was set up by our very own human kuck-kuck featherless biped: the jew. He follows an entirely different code, a dual code. You, the parasite's host, follow a universal code. You are worse off, and blind to his leeching. This column is a perfect example of the way religion blinds people to reality. The woman never questions here assumption: that men are men, and one moral code fits all. Where did that code originate? Why, it flew from the beaknik of Mr. Kuck-kuckstein. "Men are created equal" - says who? "God created man" -- says who? Not reality. Reality is God. A genuinely fascinating column - nearly every example of lethal false reasoning exuded by libertarian christian is present and accounted for. She closes something about "all birds should..." -- why should they, sweetpea? Because you say so? Because the code drawn up for you by your parasite says so? Because your imaginary God says so? What the poor woman struggles toward is the race-realist observation that men are NOT THE SAME. One size does not fit all, neither in clothes nor morals. A system of morality only works among those who feel the same way about things, i.e., kin, blood-sharers, and even there, the suit scratches. Somebody needs to clue the poor woman triping about all animals holding hands and making groovy forest harmony isn't how works. She doesn't know that 1) 99% of species that ever existed are extinct; 2) songbirds fight over territory, and song is part of that. She's as logical as a female when she says we should abandon our biological instincts and go back to the moral code written on our hearts.

White History: Roman Chariot Stop

Archae. site discovery in Germany, ancient Roman rest stop.

Media Notes

Touching on tv ads, Esquire, TAC, TAA, and more....translated by The Crux

The Biological Superiority of the Nordic Race

From Vladimir Avdeyev...translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Area Man Faithfully Repeats Back Every Media Message Ever Fed To Him

Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds, squawk...by Douglas Wright


More a charlatan than a philosopher. And all jew! Derrida belongs not to the Aryan tradition of Western philosophy, but to the jewish tradition of pseudoscience. Derrida was the bad reader par excellence, who had the gall to conceal his scholarly recklessness within a theoretical framework. He was the figure who did more violence than any other to what Nietzsche had aptly called "the great, the incomparable art of reading well," "of reading facts without falsifying them by interpretation, without losing caution, patience, delicacy, in the desire to understand". Derrida, in other words, read jewishly, rather than honestly. More here, from The Nation.

White Art: Capote

His In Cold Blood is one of the more beautifully written books ever to appear. It's the story of a murder, turned into a true novel. Note that diminutive queer Capote, like Mencken and Hemingway, is a graduate of Dontneedit U. Without In Cold Blood, Capote's name would probably be forgotten today. Although his fiction is never less than skillful, with the element of charm bordering on sentimentality frequently coming into play in such stories as "The House of Flowers" and "A Christmas Memory," it often feels a touch insubstantial, derivative, fragile, and too brightly colored. When Capote published his first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948), George Davis, an editor of Mademoiselle magazine known for his lacerating remarks, said: "I suppose someone had to write the fairy Huckleberry Finn." Forget the rest, read In Cold Blood, and see why murder is a crime. Here on cartoons.

Back to People

Artists make representative art as we enter the post-blob/stripe/white-on-white era. Do you see the connection between the liberal view that men are fungible and preference for formless blotches over representations of actual people? Reality exists -- bet on it.

Competing Visions

Some interesting thoghts from jewish Gary North re popularity of "It's a Wonderful Life," a genuinely vomit inducing movie, in the way Paul Harvey induces vomit in humans. Peepuuull who hate peepolll, are the happiest people in the world. I hate Lonestar for making crappy country songs foaming over with maudlin, sucking after women like a desperate puppy. I hate Christmas Carols.

The Murder of Hamburg

Pre-moralizing, firebombing, post-moralizing...the AmeriKwan way, itz... "Nossack was the only writer of the time to try recording what he actually saw as plainly as possible," writes W.G. Sebald about this memoir of the firebombing of Hamburg in 1943. Here Reed on the costs of war, unpaid by the unappetizing neocons who started it. Just imagine the oily, obnoxious yids acknowledging the quadruplegics their lies create. This is an article you don't want to miss, Kirksville High senior passing by. Here on the CIA and media control in Ukraine. Here Roberts on Bushy going insane. Believe that Jesus came back from the dead makes the world more and less confusing at the same time. You know that everything happens for a reason, but you never know jus what that reason is. Here natural, there supernatural. These are insane and brainwashed times. We don't control our own borders, but we send 150,000 men halfway around the world to attack a country that has nothing to do with us. Here on Christian Zionism. Here Carlson on a vigil in Tempe, Ariz..

The Holy Grail

It exists, just like men who walk on water. You just have to believe and click your heels, Dorothy.

Deep Woodsy and the Jew that Didn't Whine

He points out the facts about AA, but doesn't mention the invisible jew hand behind "civil rights." What use is describing a problem unless you come up with a solution? It's like it's some kind of game to the libertarians. Who created the system that allows niggers to get away with extortion?

Understanding Anti-Semitism, Part II of II

The facts about jews pretty much speak for themselves, which is why the jews obscure them. A new DVD brings them to a new generation of 'investigators' of the Jewish Question....by Mark Farrell

Jigs Be Spelling (An' Shit)

Black actor Laurence Fishburne is set to star in a movie that brings the National Spelling Bee to the hood. The film's story concerns an 11-year-old from South Los Angeles whose journey to compete in the National Spelling Bee unites her community. The project teams Fishburne with director Doug Atchison and producer/NBA Dallas Mavericks' owner Mark Cuban. "Atchison first developed the idea after seeing ESPN's inaugural broadcast of the Scripps Howard Spelling Bee and observing that few inner-city children participated in the competition," reports Variety. Itz funny because it's true. As a result of this film, great masses of nigs will go from slurping pimp juice and sliding credit cards between women's ass cheeks to buying unabridged OEDs and studying them assiduously, submerging their nigfeet in trays of icewater when their attention flags due to sheer corporeal exhaustion.


Vdare berated for ignoring James Oberweis, the anti-invasion candidate who claimed a Soldier Field a week of shitskins was invading....by James Jackson

A White Nationalist Syllabus, part four

Great Western music inside, have a listen....by VNN Staff

Fiction: "Jake Brake," part three

Wild goose chase, or not? (Don't miss part two below)...by Mike Woodson

The Clintessential Eastwood

Racial review of "Dirty Harry's" career, from Instauration...by Judson Hammond

Black Players Versus White Fans

Criminal tendencies = good prospect, the more violent the better...by J.B. Cash

Do You Worship a Parasite?

Even the Bible shows the jew for what it is...if only the Christian will pay attention. Proof of our thesis: the only good jew is an exterminated jew. Kicking it out will just start the cycle over again....by George Lincoln Rockwell

Fiction: "Jake Brake," part two

Trucker makes it to Klienfelter down spooky 666...by Mike Woodson

Understanding Anti-Semitism, Part I of II

'Anti-semitism' is a slur the jew deploys to deflect attention from his behavior onto your foul character. 'Anti-semitism' is not a normal word, it is a verbal drive-by, intended to assassinate your character....by Mark Farrell

Seven Dirty Words

The taboos, they are a-changin'. One man says "white trash." Another man says "White interests." Can you spot the 'hater'? ....by Edgar Steele

Doubt Spreads

What we're doing in Iraq is extremely foolish and dangerous. Rather, what is being done in our name, using our men, using our dollars - by jews, the only ones who benefit, or think they benefit, from our unprovoked attack. The say-anything boys need to be expelled from our country.

Christmas Is Only Christmas When Itz, You Guessed It, Jewish

At the end of pan of "Christmas with the Kranks": It says nothing about the true meaning of Christmas, which, I believe, has zip to do with Christianity in the first place. At the very least, it fails to recognize the simplicity and beauty of what I, as a person of Christian-type origin, affectionately and with a great deal of envy call Jewish Christmas: Chinese food and a movie on Christmas day. Hark! The herald angels sing! Listen closely and you might hear their message, which all creatures of the earth would do well to heed: Please pass the moo shu beef. A jewish Xmas is somehow more earnest, more thoughtful. To celebrate Xmas any other way would really, to be honest, be anti-Semitic.

Movie Review: 'Shattered Glass'

A lying jew is caught and expelled. Microcosmic justice, itz....by Alex Linder

The New Minstrelsy

Stanley Crouch's term. Crouch is one of the rare blacks whose writing isn't completely worthless. He makes a few valid points, occasionally comes up with an arresting concept or term, but on the whole his disorganization and framework pale beside race-realism when it comes to putting the tightest skin on reality. Affenkultur is foisted on us by the jews producing the mass media. The same jews who foisted on whites "civil rights," which we have most accurately described as Jewish Tyranny in blackface. In the essay, "Segregated Fiction Blues," Crouch bemoans the failure of serious fiction to address these pressing matters: American literature has shut itself off from the "big sweep" of our "roiling, ever more surprising society," instead confinding itself to a vague narcissism "broken up into ethnic, religious, sexual, class, and regional franchises." This is nothing less than "cowardice" on the part of authors, he asserts. That isn't true. The system is more to blame than writers are. There is an irony there. When jews blame the system, they lie. The Man is the the Mann, and he ain't holding the nigger down, he's holding the Aryan down. The system suppresses niggers? No! The System succors and privileges and excuses them. By contrast, there really are systemic constraints that outweigh individual writers' decisions when it comes to what you see on the bookshelves in libraries and bookstores. Race-realist writers and works need not apply. Only those works that fit the jewish frame will be published and promoted. All else must scrape by on the margins: written at self-expense, published in small number if at all, and distributed over the Internet or out of the trunks of cars. Most of the time when someone claims the System is the problem, he's trying to exonerate a nigger or blame a White man. When it comes to lack of diversity in mainstream literature, it's simply the result of a publishing industry dominated by jewthink. You know how race will be treated in any book put out by one of the major New York (jew) houses: niggers are never responsible. To the extent there's any attention paid to racial gaps it is always attributed to lost manufacturing jobs or bad black culture - never to genetically low black IQ. It is de facto illegal to take the black race seriously in jew-controlled America. That it would be better for the black race to know and be taught itself for what it is, is immaterial - the black race, like the White, is merely a tool to be used by the jews in their ongoing war against humanity. The same lie that works to turn black against white destroys both black and white. The truth is that both the black man and the white man have an enemy in the jew. They just aren't allowed to see it.

The Difficulty of Translating Flaubert

Lots of good points here, with a few good obiter dicta on cultural decline. Most of the amateur translators were already primed with at least one of the two ancient languages when they arrived at university, after which they acquired three or four of the modern languages as easily as if dipping themselves in paint. Those times won't be coming back. Nor will the once universal assumption among the literate that their time at university was merely the beginning of an education that would last for the rest of their lives.

White Artistry: Faulkner

Why is his writing unreadable? It tracks with the rest of his unweeded life. I'm not going to be too hard on him. Many men I respect admire him, so I'm sure there's something to him. Don't see myself, that's for sure. I'm assured, though, to turn the comment about Wagner, that Faulkner's books are much better than they read. You just can't get fooled by the sentences and paragraphs, and pages, and chapters, and... One could write volumes about Faulkner's reception in the academy, and those books would have to deal with the question of why this particular author's work proved so attractive to professors, beginning in the late '40s. The answer would have something to do with the dominance of the New Criticism in that period, with its emphasis on the close analysis of texts. In other words, academics overvalue works that require "professionals" to interpret them, hence the exaltation of boring but wordily complex writers such as Faulkner or Joyce. If you want to read excellent writing, you read Mencken or Twain, not Joyce or Fa(u)lkner. Can you think of a single sentence from either of the last two that is quoted for brilliance? Falkner (he added the 'u' himself) admirers will say that's not the way to judge him, but it's one way, and he's wanting. I've never heard anything claimed for him beyond some nebulous ability to evoke the feel of a place. A greater contrast to Faulkner than Wodehouse can scarcely be imagined. How often the books pit solipsist against solipsist, to see who dawns on who first: Distracted by their respective idées fixes, they run in ever tighter circles, their conversation sputtering and finally short-circuiting in mutual dumbfoundment. More here on the novel these days.

Shit Flows Downhill

Two good Mexican fighters had at it Saturday night, Erik Morales and Marco Barrera. It is said they hate each other. That makes for a good rivalry, possibly for a good fight. Note that Mexican "Erik" called Mexican Barrera an "Indian." "Indian" Barrera called Mexican Erik a "homosexual." So we see that Mexicans are racist homophobes, like...uh...pretty much everybody else in the world outside West Hollywood, whose denizens are racist and pro-homo. I once knew an exchange student from Spain. He was called a "Mexican" by his high school classmates. I've seldom seem someone so angry... Reminds me of the political right: everyone hating the man to his right, denouncing him as a "nazi," while assuring the rest that he is a very respectable woman, of morals high and assured. Blue eyes, white skin, blond hair, Nordic names - all these are prized by Mexicans, who correctly recognize them as signs of racial superiority. It is silly for White Nationalists to try to take a dishonest page out of the leftist handbook and insist we're not superior, just different. That superiority is real, and it is why we're hated and admired by other races. No use pretending otherwise.

New Pro-White Publication Hits the Streets

The Aryan Alternative is ready to go - the perfect tool for FIGHTING BACK. The most brilliant articles, the best cartoons - all in a neat, clean, easy-to-read format perfect for waking up your neighbors, college students - anyone whose mind & body are endangered by the Jewish Hate Machine we call AmeriKwa. We've done the hard work, now itz up to you: JOIN THE FIGHT for White survival by networking with The Aryan Alternative today....by VNN Staff

The Survival Characteristics of the Jewish People

Clever wording, tenacity, and cunning have left the jews on top of the heap....by The Shadow

A White Nationalist Syllabus, part three

Architecture, the good, the bad, the bauhaus...by VNN Staff

Fiction: "Ghost Treaty"

A story about ingots...by White Proletariat

Book Review: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

Huntington makes some good points, but ignores race and IQ....by Donald E. Pauly

Easy Divorce = Hellish Lives

Inside is the incredible rage and frustration building up among divorced white males thanks to our jewed-out legal system....by Doug Johnson

ADL Backgrounder

Does the ADL want to repeal the Constitution and commit genocide against the Aryan race? Judging by its actions, the answer is yes....by VNN Staff

Victory...or Destruction...in Any Case a Giant Mess

The Lewpus is stunned. It is horrified by what has happened to Falluja, now a UN World Heritage rubble site. He is shocked by the "level of abstraction" of the canting WSJ yid kids. Ah, Lewpus, but we're shocked by your level of abstraction in ignoring the fruits born of your tree -- the rapes and pillagings of Individualist South Africa. You're no more interested in the street-level facts there than the neokahns are when they write about Falluja. Every reader should take heart at what's happening in Iraq. The jews are losing bigtime. They got rid of Saddam, true, but their typical lying, murdering, canting viciousness has produced at least a generation of fresh enemies. There's no way to win the war short of killing everybody, and not even jew-led, -lied to, and -brainwashed AmeriKwans will be willing to do that. As Lewpus points out, if a genuine election were held in Iraq, Saddam Hussein would win. Democracy, as we've always pointed out, means rule by jews - in the name of the people. The jew sets the kiddie menu, and then you get to go out and rock the vote. Whee! It would really be something if between days a good 20-30 warmongering, hate-fostering jew/collaborator editorialists were to disappear. I truly wonder if some of the Muslims these anti-American liars expunge with their word processors daily aren't planning such an operation. Given these same jew knights of the inkpot purposefully left our borders open, believing it to their race's advantage, it's a distinct possibility. What a delicious irony that would be, huh? Pets hoist on their own petard. Imagine there's no Goldbergs. Itz easy if you try. Imagine kike Krauthammer, bomb-launched into the sky... Imagine all the pilpul/ Coming to an end! Whoo-hoo...you may say I'm an Aryan. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us/ And put an end to jew nation-wrecking scum.... And note Lewpie's 'occupation deniers.' That fits our situation here under ZOG too.

Where Your Jew-Collaboration Leads You, Christian

As in Russia yesterday, so in AmeriKwa tomorrow. You are blind participants in your own destruction, Christians. The open virulent anti-Christ campaign, everywhere, was a shock. In public places were the tirades by loud speaker, in Russian (our friends translated). Atheist cartoons representing Christ as a villain, a drunk, the object of a cannibalistic orgy (Holy Communion); as an oppressor of labor; again as trash being dumped from a wheelbarrow by the Soviet "Five-Year-Plan"--these lurid cartoons filled the big bulletin boards in the churches our Soviet guides took us to visit. Imagine a world where jewish hate and paranoia is The Law...but you don't have to, do you?

The Talmud: Big Book of Jewish Hate

The jew's central text, the Talmud, says that only jews are human beings, and non-jews are animals. When you object to this, the jew calls you an anti-Semite. All jewish reasoning follows this pattern. And the code, evident in jewish behavior, makes the jew a hypocrite and liar in the eyes of the world. But so far it's worked for him, so he sticks with it. The judgment is that the presence of jews is a standing threat to all other nations, as the jew wishes to reduce them to slaves in a global jewish dictatorship. Growing up, the perceptive will observe three things about jews: 1) they are different; 2) they are different in a way that makes them objectionable; 3) they are routinely accorded privileges denied others. This Dilling text, the first chapter of which we link to here, explains precisely the origin of the jewish separation from mankind. You might even sense what Mrs. Dilling herself fails to: nothing that comes of the jewish people is any good - including Christianity.

Corps Love Fags

The merchant has no loyalty but to his trade. Discuss in VNNF here.

Are Evangelicals Congenitally Stupid?

Bob Jones is their most "prestigious" university. Its managers remain resolutely unable to see bushy for what he is. Is it any surprise that people famous for believing in miracles have trouble accurately perceiving...anything? If you believe men come back from the dead, what won't you believe? What won't you "see"? In all too many evangelicals, the warped brain drives the eyes, rather than letting the brain work on what the eyes deliver, as is proper.

History Book for Homeschoolers

Though you'll no doubt have to supply the race truth, it looks like Deep Woodsy has come up with a textbook far superior to public schools'.

ZOG Out of Medicine

There was a time when "my son, the doctor" meant a lot. It meant money, social prominence, and steady work. Today, it means filling out Medicare forms, high liability insurance, massive debts at graduation, and years of forfeited income early in life, when the compound growth process should get started. This is some good, kick-ass information about health care from Gary North. I used to write in this field, and I can assure you of two things: 1) government is always the problem and never the solution in health care; 2) it is next to impossible to find that truth in any trade journal. Cool that there's a trend towards independent docs refusing third-party payments. Health care is better left to the market, where you buy the care you want, rather than the care Hillary Clinton or some other deranged planner thinks you ought to have. Socialized health care = dyslexic Jamaican "doctoress" treating you 24 months later for burst appendix. Just like these cool docs, let us make our mantra: Until we can overthrow, we withdraw from the judeo-System.

A Dear John Letter and Me, Jesus and Sylvia at the Polls

Armageddon: what a beautiful choice...by Jim Floyd

Terror of Wives

Stop the breeding Mormons before it's too late! From "Chinese Swastika Newsletter"....by William Forrest


Erasmus sees a golden age in the offing....by Lucius Junius Brutus

Who Is H. Millard?

Fair enough. But VNN asks: Who is Chuck Pearson? We named him. But no one known to us in the WN scene has ever met him. We certainly have not. Have you? In a recent e-mail exchange initiated by Siporen, Regina Belser asked Mark Siporen if he was a Jew. He answered in the affirmative. He has also admitted to being the author of the "H. Millard" material. So habeas emailus already, Reg... We think what's really irritating the Chuckster is that he chucked VNN, tied his wagon to National Vanguard, and now that front for swindlers is going all squishy, and ignoring him to boot. You say the rest of the world needs a course in Jew Recognition 101, Pearson. Maybe you need a course in White Nationalist recognition. At the end of the day, H. Millard and Chuck Pearson are two anonymous Internet writers nobody we know has ever met. Oh, by the way, your borderline paranoia aside, Mr. "Pearson," Chain is real, we've met him. Just so you know.

Introduction of Professor Kevin MacDonald

The hour has come when the Aryan treats with the jew - with both eyes and full attention on the baleful creature....by Sam G. Dickson

Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive?

Acceptance speech upon winning the 2004 Jack London Literary Prize from The Occidental Quarterly. In a nutshell, we Whites, we Aryans, need our own ethnostate, got by grunt-workers and loyal elites by any means necessary. Nobody calls you a terrorist after you win, just ask Israel....by Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D.

Letter from Cincinnati

Niggers are monkeys that destroy every human area they come in contact with, whether your neighborhood or Price Hill in Cincinnati....by C. White

Dostoeyevsky on the Jews

They destroy others to feed themselves. In short, they're two-faced counterpart to six-legged vermin....

Christian Anti-Semitism Best Orients and Unites Patriots

True Christianity is anti-semitic....by Apollonian

TWILIGHT OF THE GODS: Review of 'Der Untergang'

Not bad at all, stays away from the moralizing...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Fight the System!

On the caste system in professional sports...by J.B. Cash

First Data's Polly Baca: Conquistadora Chicana-ry

Ethnic fraud perpetrated by a Euro who pretends to be a Chicana....by Terry Graham

Fiction: "Hitler Brigade"

Itz time to Hit(ler) the System....by White Proletariat

Fiction: "Jake Brake"

On the road in the 'Kwa....by Mike Woodson

My Son, The Fraud

A theoretical physicist at the University of Nevada has published a paper alleging that Einstein did not derive the gravitational field equations at the heart of the General Theory of Relativity, and might in fact have copied key equations from fellow physicist David Hilbert. This story doesn't bother to tell you that Olinto De Pretto discovered E=mc2 and published it twice before jew Einstein. How much of what you think you know is merely jewish P.R.?

The Iraq War and the Conspiracy of Silence

Big oil? No: Big Jew...and his boy Media....by Richard Hartmann

Daryl, the "White Race Redeemer and Savior," a Year 2009 Fiction

The day the jew chose to make law by kikenwhim, it signed its death warrant....by Shane C.


What is a forgery, exactly?...by Alex Linder

Movie Review: 'Quiz Show'

Don't let the jews set you up like Van Doren....by Rich Brooks

Eulogy to Theo Van Gogh From America

Praise for muzzy-murdered Dutchman from Mex-attacked American woman....by Terry Graham

From Final Judgment, Chapter 4

Concerning the 1956 meeting between DeWest Hooker and Joseph P. Kennedy regarding the setting up of a non-jew-controlled national television network. No rational man can walk away from reading this without believing the jews control the media....by Michael Collins Piper

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