The Survival Characteristics of the Jewish People

by The Shadow

24 November 2004

As a small race threatened with extinction, it is in our interest to beccome familiar with the characteristics that have enabled an even smaller race to survive for thousands of years while other races imploded all around them. Furthermore, it is in our interest to gain this familiarity now, before circumstances force us to part company with this other race.

We know that the Jews have demonstrated an amazing ability not only to survive but even to thrive. Incas, Mayans, Carthaginians, Huns, Hittites, and who knows how many other races are either absolutely extinct or extinct for all intents and purposes. Yet, the Jew -- like an Energizer bunny with the Midas touch -- keeps on living, and living well. The lesson we might take away from this astonishing history is that, in order to stay around and stay solvent, a race must either be as plentiful as the Chinese or have the survival skills of the Jew.

Below are the characteristics I have been able to come up with guaranteeing the survival of God's chosen people. You are familiar with most of them. Others may possibly be new to you. In any event, it might be helpful to have them listed in one place, assuming that this has not been done before. Even if it has been done before, a little repetition, as with the times table, shouldn't hurt.

1. Jews love money.
2. Jews are atheistic.
3. Jews take chances.
4. Jews see the big picture.
5. Jews are dogged.
6. Jews lack the shame gene.
7. Jews are heartless.
8. Jews do not waste time.
9. Jews are devious.
10. Jews are scholarly.
11. Jews are talented.
12. Jews are ethnocentric.
13. Jews are immoral.
14. Jews do not die in vain.
15. Jews are ungrateful.
16. Jews are vindictive.
17. "All Jews are crazy."
18. Jews are verbal.

In reviewing these various characteristics, it might be well to bear in mind that very few group characteristics characterize every member of that group, or even close to every member. While Jewish people may be said to love money more than White people do, there are some White people who love money more than some Jewish people do. And while Jews may be said to take more chances in business than White people do, some Whites take more business risks than some Jews are willing to take.

1. Jews love money.

Jewelry isn't called jewelry for nothing. It's a word that tells us everything.

Each one of us survives largely because of money. Money buys food, clothing and shelter. When it comes to racial dynamics, a race with disposable income can also pay off politicians and the police and can, should the need arise, flee to another location.

2. Jews are atheistic.

Judaism is a monotheistic religion, but as I have learned coming here, it is a religion in the service of Jews rather than in the service of God, despite their having been chosen by God as his people. This is the reason they make no effort to convert gentiles. It's all about Jews, and rightly so. They do not wish to water down the gene pool of such a very special people.

Christ saw that the Jews are fundamentally atheists. This is why he told them that their father is Satan. This is also why he said to them that their ultra-religious exterior is a façade. He called them whitened sepulchers, filled with dead men's bones. Ugly words, one must admit.

Even before Christ, Jews were bowing down to a golden calf rather than to a concept. Had platinum been available, it's pretty safe to say platinum would have gotten the nod.

Jews love evolution even more than White nationalists do. The notion of evolution confirms to them that God does not exist and they can do what they please. Jews see evolution, like anti-Semitism, everywhere. Just listen to one of their nature shows on television. "The lion's inclination to lie under a tree when it rained evolved during the last ice age." Of course.

3. Jews take chances.

A&E recently featured the two Jews who started Home Depot. These men took a big gamble. They also took that gamble with other people's money.

4. Jews see the big picture.

A necessary ingredient in the success of the two Jews who started Home Depot was the ability of one of them to conceptualize Home Depot in the first place. Apparently, even other pros hadn't seen the possibilities.

When you, White man, went to the movies as a teenager, you became absorbed in the movie, or else you were busy groping a neighbor girl. The Jewish teenager sitting a few rows away from you was aware of the dialogue, the photography, and the casting. He went on to become a successful scriptwriter. Why? He saw the big (moving) picture.

5. Jews are dogged.

A Jew not only does not give up easily, he also can be incredibly hard working. The Jewish-American Princess was preceded by a few generatinos of Jewesses who worked alongside their husbands in dry cleaning shops and in candy stores, often opening up the place at 4 or 5 AM in order to be able to send Herby to Harvard -- or to Hollywood.

Think about Jews you've known who've stuck with the same game decade after decade. You gotta hand it to them.

6. Jews lack the shame gene.

A Jew will do whatever it takes. How many Swedish candy-store owners did you ever see? How many Jewish-owned candy stores did you ever see? Who now runs the country?

"Dr." Ruth Westheimer and "Professor" Erwin Korey are much more pronounced examples of Jewish shamelessness than poor candy-store owners. Here two little people ask the world to laugh at them while they turn those laughs into notoriety and big bucks.

7. Jews are heartless.

Don't you find it strange that we have so many Jewish doctors and so few Jewish nurses? Even the casual observer must notice.

One also has to wonder why there are so many Jewish nursing homes. I don't mean nursing homes owned by Jews. I mean nursing homes occupied by Jews.

Might not their attitude toward the outward bound be associated with the Jewish attitude toward the almost born? Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who to himself has never said, that's my baby doing all that kicking?

8. Jews do not waste time.

Remember please, Jews are not looking toward eternity the way Christians are. They figure they have one life to live, so let's live it. They won't waste their lives throwing darts or playing pinball machines. The Salesman can tell you that whenever you call on a Jewish prospect and you don't have something he wants, the door to his office, which you thought was hinged to the wall, suddenly morphs into one that revolves, and you're out of there faster than you can say Edward G. Robinson.

Jews even have a special word for what we gentiles call conversation. They call it schmoozing. Only for them, idel talk is rarely idle. Schmoozing is intended to talk somebody either out of something or into something.

Try to imagine a honky-tonk filled with Jews on a Saturday night, dancing up a storm, getting half-smashed, and then throwing punches whenever the situation warrants. If Woody Allen is with us, this might give him an idea for one hilarious movie. Because the movies is the only place you'll see that going on.

9. Jews are devious.

Does the name Prime Minister Barach ring a bell? I think that's what his name was. When Barach was a member of the Israeli Defense Forces (the name always brings to mind our Department of Defense), he used to dress up as a woman in order to more easily kill Arabs. Can you imagine WAshington having been clever enough to do that? Or Jackson? Or Grant? Or Kennedy?

Jews are devious enough to kidnap when kidnapping is called for. Like that German doctor in Argentina. And the Russian and Ukrainian girls in the Israeli brothels.

10. Jews are scholarly.

Like it or not, we know that there are still Orthodox Jews who devote their lives to the study of the Torah. This practice may be the exception that makes No. 8 a rule, but it does inculcate scholarship.

Whites, by contrast, are becoming more and more educated but less and less scholarly. Someone recently found eight-grade exams from 150 years ago that could not be passed by today's average college student. President Bush, with two Ivy League degrees, is a wonderful example of this trend in White education.

11. Jews are talented.

I've always had the impression that a Jew is smart enough to do just about anything. you never see one of them pushing a broom. They're almost always doing something reasonably accomplished.

I believe it was here where I finally came across a logical explanation for this phenomenon. It seems that the average Jewish IQ is a whopping 108 (hard to believe) with a standard deviation of only 7. If these numbers aren't the product of someone's imagination gone wild, what they seem to me to mean is that the large majority of Jews actually have an above-average IQ, if we use 100 as the average.

Contrastingly, half of all Whteis would be below average in IQ, or less than 100. The good news here is that our standard deviation, being 15 or 16, would mean that our most intelligent people are much more intelligent than the most intelligent Jews, which does seem to be the case.

Jewish genius has to be largely promotional. For all their Einstein this and Einstein that, they have never produced a Mozart or an Edison or a Rembrandt or a Shakespeare or an Aristotle or a Copernicus or a da Vinci. And it isn't for lack of trying. Or that they never had the money for a good education. They do seem to produce, however, an unusual number of violinists. They also produce photographers. They produce cartoonists. They produce comedians. They produce lawyers. They produce doctors. They produce programmers. So let's give credit where credit is due.

The greatest Jewish talent, of course, is for making money. Greedy gentiles, such as Egypt's Pharaoh, have recognized this talent for centuries and have brought Jews along for more than the ride. Today, though, the Jew in America has graciously exposed millions of Whites to the mysteries of usury, and so the playing field has largely been leveled in the money game.

12. Jews are ethnocentric.

Here we have a characteristic that is hardly news at VNN, but we can never afford to ignore Jewish ethnocentrism. What continues to make this characteristic so special is that White people cannot even be talked into becoming ethnocentric.

Who killed White people during the American Revolution? Who killed White people during the Civil War? Who killed White people during the Napoleonic wars? Who killed White people.... You get the picture. We're the people who are always killing White people. Jews, God bless them, never kill off Jews.

White people think of themselves as German or Polish, Lutheran or Catholic, Northern or Southern, blue collar or whtie collar, rich or poor. It is not Jews who decided to call us frog or four-eyes or fatso or stretch or shorty or mackerel snapper. It was ourselves.

Jews would rather not marry White people not just because they look down on us. It is mainly so as not to infect their gene pool. This ethnocentrism is one more survival mechanism.

13. Jews are immoral.

These various survival characteristics of the Jewish people understandably enough tend to blend into one another, and their immorality is no exception. Much of Jewish immorality, at least on the surface, is an aspect of their ethnocentrism.

What I mean is that, not considering the gentile a human being, Jews relate to us the way we relate to cattle. They even call us cattle (goyim). We don't think it's immoral to milk cows, and they don't think it's immoral to milk us.

Jewish immorality runs deeper than this, however. It goes back thousands of years and involves their behaviors even toward other Jews. "Do not sleep with your mother." "Do not sleep with your father." "Do not sleep with your dog." The Ten Commandments notwithstanding, this is the tenor of Jewish law contained in the Torah.

Jews have been the midwives at the birth of virtually every immorality with which White America is infected. They cll it being progressive. For example, Jewish women freely aborted theri babies at Jewish hospitals long before the average White woman even thought of "choosing" (another bit of Jewglish).

Jews doubtlessly dominated the slave trade. Are we to believe Jewish bankers and merchants said, "Oh, no. Trafficking in human souls is not for us. We make our money the old-fashioned way." We know they were also the first mobsters, even though their movies try to pin that honor on Italians. And they are clearly today's pornographers.

They have a habit of avoiding their immorality by denying the very concept of morality. Have you ever noticed that Jews rarely, if ever, describe anything done by anybody as immoral? An action may be unlawful. It may be unethical. It may be wrongheaded, uninformed, or counterproductive. It may even be evil. But it is never immoral. Morality is a kooky, right-wing notion, like creation. With this kind of thinking, you can do whatever you think is necessary to survive.

14. Jews do not die in vain.

A recently re-released essay by Dr. Pierce tells the story of a Jew at the Alamo, of all places. Predictably, the Jew, when given the opportunity, skipped out of there at 11:59 AM. Cowardly? Perhaps. But who, I ask you, is in control of Texas a mere 170 years later? I haven't heard that it is the Crocketts or the Bowies.

Despite their penchant for taking chances and seeing the big picture, Jews often go into civil service (as was noted above, these are not hard and fast characteristics). But their service to the public is rarely performed in the Police Department or the Fire Department. Excellent benefits and guaranteed retirement are one thing, but getting killed in the line of duty is a horse of a different color.

This is what I admire about the Israeli army. Everybody counts. They will give up 300 Arabs to get back one Jew. White countries, on the other hand, send off 600 soldiers to a certain death and then brag about it for centuries.

15. Jews are ungrateful.

Abraham Foxman, I recently read, was raised by a Christian couple in Europe after his parents had been "taken away." And look how he has repaid them for their kindness.

And look how grateful Jews are to America. Do they not revere the memory of our Founding Fathers? Well, some do seem to name their sons after Franklin.

Their lack of gratefulness may not simply keep them out of debt to those who help them and therefore keep them more solvent. It may actually hide another survival characteristic, which is a feeling of self-importance. For example, the reason many Jews will not acknowledge a compliment from a gentile is that they believe by doing so, they would acknowledge the gentile's right to judge them. To them, it's like a general being complimented on his haircut by a corporal.

Likewise, Jews believe a gentile never should be in a position to give a Jew help in the first place. So when he does help them, he deserves no thanks. "Who is he to help me?"

16. Jews are vindictive.

Jews do not have to be reminded never to forget. They are born with marvelous memories.

They are still after Bobby Fischer, a Jew himself, 13 years later. He is guilty of having played chess in Yugoslavia during our war with that tiny nation -- a war so secret that most Americans were never quite sure it was even taking place. That was a war during which Ted Koppel was not embedded. It was a war fought at 15,000 feet rather than from doorway to doorway.

It may not be relevant, but Bobby Fischer is not known to love Jews. Again, this is probably not relevant. If it is, the lesson to be leanred is that those who attempt in any way to interfere with Jewish survive and thrive are not forgotten.

17. "All Jews are crazy."

These words were spoken by a well-known Jewish politician who quickly added, " but only Jews can say that." Right on both counts.

He may have meant that Jews are paranoid. After all, they do see anti-Semitism everywhere. They are also conspiratorial, which happens to be one reason they mock so-called conspiracy theories. The very concept of conspiracy hits too close to home.

Being crazy, Jews are agitated. This characteristic keeps them pushing, pushing, pushing, which I suppose, is why we refer to them as pushy.

Jews are not genuinely aggressive people like Blacks. Someone here said recently that they are feminine. It is perhaps this realization on their part that makes them maddeningly (madly?) assertive, an assertiveness that just happens to pay off handsomely most of the time.

18. Jews are verbal.

This final (in my opinion) survival characteristic of the Jewish population deserves a special place in their pantheon of survival talents, even above their talent with money. This ability of theirs to use words has, above all else, brought them to the throne that they now so justly occupy but upon which they seem characteristically frightened and generally unhappy.

To begin with, Jews know how to write. They may not write like Chaucer or Dickens or Goethe or Dostoyevsky or Joyce or O. Henry or O'Hara, but, by God, they write -- popular songs, fiction books, advertising copy, sales letters, newspaper columns, movie scripts, magazine articles, stage plays, political speeches, you name it.

The Jewish tongue, as well as the Jewish pen, is always at work. Jews particularly love argumentation. They learn it as children in their yehsivas. This habit of arguing helps to make them very persuasive.

Their argumentation may be as much an aspect of their craziness as their verbal skill. In the Old Testament, after they had kidnapped all the virgins of another tribe, they placed the blame for the kidnappings on the girls' fathers and brothers for not having protected them. You can't make this stuff up, which is why the Bible may just be true.

The Jew knows how to be personally ingratiating. Jews have no false pride standing in the way of their groveling, as was noted in our discussion of their shamelessness, if groveling is what it takes to get close to powerful White men, such as Nixon and Bush. Or to get close to beautiful White women. A handsome White man will not stoop that low, but a homely Jewish man will -- and laugh all the way to the bedroom.

Part of their verbal skill is also that they know how to keep their mouths shut, except when they are in the company of other Jews. When they are with their own kind, they have a different way of behaving than when they are with you or me. You might have to hear this difference to actdually believe it.

Jews can be wonderful actors of course. They don't act only in the movies and on television. They also act on life's stage. It was brought to my attention here recently that Jews have a knack for fitting in wherever they go. In England, I know know they are able to sound, if not quite appear, for all the world like Englishmen. I've known German Jews who even look like Germans. And in America, Jews also pass themselves off as White people, as the Carwright family so ably demonstrated.

The Jew's verbal skill is his ace in the hole. He could be otherwise talented, see the picture, take risks, be dogged, be efficient, study hard, look out for other Jews, and stay out of harm's way. but wihtout his ability to write and talk, he would be nowhere near where he is now. Why? Because in order to get to the top of the power structure, you have to fight to get there, and the Jew fights -- and fights well -- with words.

Jews, we can see, are here to stay -- even if they are not going to be staying with us.


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