50 Quotations from Jews on Jews and Their Influence

by VNN Staff

December 2004

These quotes -- all from mainstream Jewish sources -- are very significant in that the jews quoted make the White Nationalist case themselves, by verifying what WN claim about jews and their influence. Jews are destroyers, and among themselves they admit it. In fact, they take pride in it. As their power grows, they lose their fear of publishing in public what they say among themselves in private.

1. "Take my industry -- media. Let's face it, Jews have long been and continue to be leaders in creating the images that describe America." -- Joshua Halberstam in Schmoozing: the Private Conversations of American Jews, Perigee Books, 1997, p. 69, softcover.

2. "Whatever their situation, however, in almost every country about which we have information, a segment of the Jewish community played a very vital role in movements designed to undermine the existing order." -- Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter in Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians and the Left, Transaction Publishers, 1982/1996, page 110, softcover.

3. "Jews played a decisive role in the pacifist and feminist movements, and in the campaigns for sexual enlightenment. The left-wing intellectuals did not simply 'happen to be mostly Jews,' as some pious historiography would have us believe, but Jews created the left-wing intellectual movement in Germany." -- Ibid., p. 85.

4. "Most importantly, however, they [Jews] violently attacked everything about German society. They despised the military, the judiciary, and the middle class in general." -- Ibid., p. 85.

5. "In Joseph Adelson's early 1960s research into politics and personality at the University of Michigan, fully 90% of the radical subjects had Jewish backgrounds." -- Ibid., p. 81.

6. "They thereby failed to document fully the relationship between Jewish ethnicity and radicalism." -- [This points up the matter of "Jewish" being a race/ethnic group, and not simply a religion as many Jews claim] Ibid., p. 218.

7. "But the Jews were indisputably a powerful political force. George Bush was not wrong in believing that when he convened his Sept. 12 press conference. Bush's mistake was saying it aloud." -- J. J. Goldberg in Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Addison-Wesley publishers, 1996, page xxvi, softcover.

8. "But that is not why the Democratic Party is so dependent on Jewish money. The essential reason is this: Jews are the only major American demographic group whose liberalism does not decline as their income goes up. In effect, they provide the single biggest source of money for liberal political causes." -- Ibid., p. 25, softcover.

9. "It is true that Jews are represented in the media business in numbers far out of proportion to their share of the population." -- Ibid., p. 280, softcover.

10. "And in a few key sectors of the media, notably among Hollywood studio executives, Jews are so numerically dominant that calling these businesses Jewish-controlled is little more than a statistical observation." -- Ibid., p. 280, softcover.

11. "There is another factor at work. The claim of Holocaust uniqueness is a claim of Jewish uniqueness. Not the suffering of Jews but that Jews suffered is what made the Holocaust unique." -- Norman G. Finkelstein in The Holocaust Industry, Verso Publishing, 2000, p. 48, hardcover.

12. "Given the nonsense churned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics." -- Ibid., p. 68.

13. "The postwar German government provided compensation to Jews who had been in ghettos or camps. Many Jews fabricated their pasts to meet this eligibility requirement." -- Ibid., p. 81.

14. "Indeed, many scholars have cast doubt on the reliability of survivor testimony.....Because survivors are now revered as secular saints, one doesn't dare question them. Preposterous statements pass without comment." -- Ibid., p. 82.

15. "Not only does the '6 Million' [supposed "Holocaust" victims] figure become more untenable but the numbers of the Holocaust industry are rapidly approaching those of Holocaust deniers." -- Ibid., p. 127.

16. "When dealing with the long-concealed events of [the] October 1973 War, I documented that the Israeli Army High Command of that time, possibly including Moshe Dayan, favoured Israeli nuclear response against Syria, but were halted in doing so by Golda Meir, backed by Kissinger." -- Israel Shahak in Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies, 1997, Pluto Press, (web edition), 1997, Chapter 2.

17. "Modern banking, according to many economic historians, actually began in the nineteenth century with the rise of the House of Rothschild. Other Jewish banking houses followed suit: Bleichroder in Berlin, Warburg in Hamburg, Oppenheim in Cologne, Speyer in Frankfurt, the Sassoons in Bombay, and Haym Salomon of American Revolutionary War fame." -- Joshua Halberstam in Schmoozing: the Private Conversations of American Jews, Perigee Books, 1997, p. 34, softcover.

18. "Nor, she says, is it an accident that so many of the [feminist] movement's pioneers were Jews: Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Shulamith Firestone, Susan Brownmiller, Robin Morgan, Andrea Dworkin, among others." -- Halberstam, Ibid., p. 115.

19. "Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement was indeed extraordinary. Jews were there with their bodies: Two-thirds of the whites who went south in Freedom Summer of 1964 were Jews." -- Ibid., p. 244.

20. "Jewish immigrants are the founding fathers of almost all the Hollywood studios, and they continue to bring their vision of the American Dream to the screen." -- rabbi Benjamin Blech in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Jewish History and Culture, Alpha Books, 1999, p. 320, softcover.

21. "Jews played and continue to play a major role as producers and directors of some of the most important films in cinema history." -- Ibid., p. 320.

22. "The idea that the Bolshevik regime was a Jewish one gained popularity because of the relatively large numbers of Jews who in 1917 suddenly rushed into governmental posts from which they had been barred under the tsars. So striking was the prominence of Jews in high places that when it was proposed that a Jewish ticket be put forth in the elections to the Constituent Assembly, Maxim Vinaver commented, 'Why do Jews need a separate ticket? Whichever party wins, we will still be the winners.'" -- Zvi Gitelman in Jewish Nationalism and Soviet Politics: The Jewish Sections of the CPU, 1917-1930, Princeton University Press, 1972, p. 114.

23. "Marx, Ferdinand Lassalle, and Eduard Bernstein [were] men of Jewish origin who laid the foundations of communism and socialism." -- Louis Rapoport in Stalin's War Against the Jews. The Doctors' Plot and the Soviet Solution, Free Press, 1990, p. 15.

24. "Immediately after the Revolution, many Jews were euphoric over their high representation in the new government. Lenin's first Politburo was dominated by men of Jewish origins....Under Lenin, Jews became involved in all aspects of the Revolution, including its dirtiest work. Despite the Communists' vow to eradicate anti-Semitism, it spread rapidly after the Revolution -- partly because of the prominence of so many Jews in the Soviet administration, as well as in the traumatic, inhuman Sovietization drives that followed." -- Ibid., p. 30.

25. "The abundance of Jewish names in the higher and middle levels of power (in the [Bolshevik] Party and state apparat, in the military, ministry, etc.) is indisputable..." -- Arkady Vaksberg [Translated by Antoninna W. Bouis] in Stalin Against the Jews, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994, p. 22.

26. "Have you noticed that three-quarters of the agony aunts [British slang for advice columnists] in the world are Jewish? We have carried common sense with us. Why are Jews violinists? You can pick it up and run." -- British/Jewish advice columnist Irma Kurtz in Scotland On Sunday, 2/13/94.

27. "Thus hundreds of Muslim cemeteries have been utterly destroyed in Israel (in one case in order to make room for the Tel Aviv Hilton) but there was a great outcry because the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives was damaged under Jordanian rule." -- Israel Shahak, Jewish History Jewish Religion, Baruch Spinoza Press, p.37-38, softcover.

28. "Jews represent 80 percent of the pioneers and leaders of the comic book industry." -- M. H. Goldberg in Just Because They're Jewish, Stein & Day, 1979, p. 118.

29. [About saving a boat full of people in peril upon the sea on the sabbath]: "However, the great R. 'Aqiva Eiger (died 1837) comments that this applies only 'when it is known that there are Jews on board. But...if nothing at all is known about the identity of those on board, [the sabbath] must not be desecrated, for one acts according to [the weight of probabilities, and] the majority of people in the world are Gentiles. Thus, since there are very long odds against any of the passengers being Jewish, they must be allowed to drown." -- Israel Shahak, Jewish History Jewish Religion, Baruch Spinoza Press, p. 82, softcover.

30. "In the 1960s, however, American Jews were once again in the vanguard of a new kind of entrepreneurial banking. They helped introduce the conglomerate..." -- Joshua Halberstam in Schmoozing: the Private Conversations of American Jews, Perigee Books, 1997, p. 34, softcover.

31. "The most glaring overrepresentation of Jews in German commerce was in the entertainment sector. For example, in 1930, 80 percent of Berlin's theater directors were Jewish and 75 percent of the plays produced were written by Jews." -- Joshua Halberstam, Ibid., p. 14.

32. "Western civilization is undeniably a 'jewified' civilization, however offensive the word may be to our ears because of the ugly use made of it by anti-Semites....Anti-Semites believed that Jews were everywhere, and in a sense they were almost everywhere that counted in modern society." -- Albert Lindemann in Esau's Tears: Modern Antisemitism and the Rise of the Jews, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 20.

33. "...[C]onservative Jews occupy high posts at conservative think tanks and foundations, such as Bradley, Heritage, Hudson and the American Enterprise Institute." -- Murray Friedman in "Right of Passage," Moment magazine, October 1997, p. 51.

34. "[T]he supreme value of human life and the obligation of every human being to do the outmost to save the life of a fellow human is of obvious importance in itself. It is also of particular interest in a Jewish context, in view of the fact that since the second world war Jewish opinion has - in some cases justly, in others unjustly - condemned 'the whole world' or at least all Europe for standing by when Jews were being massacred. Let us therefore examine what the Halakhah has to say on this subject. According to the Halakhah, the duty to save the life of a fellow Jew is paramount. It supersedes all other religious obligations and interdictions, excepting only the prohibitions against the three most heinous sins of adultery (including incest), murder and idolatry. As for Gentiles, the basic talmudic principle is that their lives must not be saved, although it is also forbidden to murder them outright." -- Israel Shahak in Jewish History Jewish Religion, Baruch Spinoza Press, p. 80, softcover.

35. [On Jews creating the U.S. government office that hunts only ex-Nazis, not ex-Communists] "In 1978, Holtzman introduced a measure in Congress to create a special unit with all the powers it needed to investigate, prosecute and deport war criminals, plus an independent budget to get the job done. The Holtzman amendment was signed into law in March 1979, creating the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) in the Department of Justice." -- J .J. Goldberg in Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Addison-Wesley publishers, 1996, page 187-88, softcover.

36. "As Zvi Gitelman notes about the Cheka, the early Soviet terrorist police organization: 'The high visibility of Jews in the Bolshevik regime was dramatized by the large numbers of Jews in the Cheka....From the Jewish point of view it was no doubt the lure of immediate physical power which attracted many Jewish youths....Whatever the reasons, Jews were heavily represented in the secret police....Since the Cheka was most hated and feared organ of the Bolshevik government, anti-Jewish feelings increased in direct proportion to Cheka terror.'" -- Zvi Gitelman in Jewish Nationalism and Soviet Politics: The Jewish Sections of the CPU, 1917-1930, Princeton University Press, 1972, p. 117.

37. "Schapiro remarks that 'it is difficult to suggest a satisfactory reason for the prevalence of Jews in the Cheka ... Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of Cheka stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and very possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.'" -- Leonard Schapiro in "The Role of Jews in the Russian Revolutionary Movement," The Slavonic and East European Review, v. 40, University of London, 1961, p. 165.

38. "Jews played an especially important part in developing the American theater as we know it, with particular emphasis on musicals and musical comedies." -- Rabbi Benjamin Blech in The Complete Idiot's Guide to Jewish History and Culture, Alpha Books, 1999.

39. "To many minds, American Jewish advocacy reached the pinnacle of its success on Thursday morning, April 22, 1993, when President Bill Clinton dedicated the United States Holocaust Museum. Built by Congressional mandate on federal land -- though paid for with $168 million in private donations -- it was America's four-story "living memorial" to the European Jews massacred by Nazi Germany." -- J. J. Goldberg in Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Addison-Wesley publishers, 1996, page 195, softcover.

40. "We cannot fail to recognize in the claim of Jewish superiority a kinship and resemblance to the similar claims of othr (sic) national and racial groups which have been used in defense of the imperialist exploitation of the yellow and black man by the whites on the ground that they were the 'white man's burden.' They are the grounds for the German persecution of Jewry, in accord with the Aryan clause of the Third Reich's fundamental law. They were in the past the grounds in which our own people rationalized their conquest and expropriation of the Canaanites....All such claims to superiority of one race, nation, or caste [are] detrimentnal to the interests of humanity, and [are] essentially vicious." -- Mordecai Kaplan, founder of the Reconstructionist Judaism movement in The Meaning of God in Modern Judaism, The Reconstructionist Foundation, 1947, p. 94-95.

41. "Contrary to the mythology, Jews in America have more sex and more sexual partners than blacks." -- Joshua Halberstam, Schmoozing: the Private Conversations of American Jews, Perigee Books, 1997, p. 141, softcover.

42. "Decent, ordinary Americans are forced to begin to question whether Jews are bad for this country. I realize how inflammatory this statement is....I do know that I am not alone in this concern....The spokesmen for groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Veterans of America and Lesbian Task Force are all too often Jewish. Many of the member organizations of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice are Jewish. The membership of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a champion of ultra-liberal causes, is disproportionately high in Jews. The ACLU's leadership is almost reminiscent of a temple board meeting.... So many of the enthusiasts for the radical homosexual agenda, increased immorality, and expanded abortion rights are Jewish." -- Rabbi Daniel Lapin in America's Real War, Multnomah Publishers, 1999.

43. "Once antisemites portrayed us as sexual libertines and perverts to undermine our moral authority. Today we cheerfully admit the charge and imagine ourselves beloved by the world for it. Are we and our culture similarly honored when a CNN documentary claims that we have the highest rate of prostitution in the world?" -- Jonathan Rosenblum, in "For This We Yearned?," Jerusalem Post, April 15, 1998.

44. "There is also a series of rules forbidding any expression of praise for Gentiles or for their deeds, except where such praise implies an even greater praise of Jews and things Jewish. This rule is still observed by Orthodox Jews." -- Israel Shahak in Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, 1994.

45. "[A]n Orthodox Jew learns from his earliest youth, as part of his sacred studies, that Gentiles are compared to dogs, that it is a sin to praise them, and so on and so forth." Ibid., p. 94.

46. "Gentiles are presumed to be congenital liars, and are disqualified from testifying in a rabbinical court. In this respect their position is, in theory, the same as that of Jewish women, slaves and minors; but in practice it is actually worse. A Jewish woman is nowadays admitted as a witness to certain matters of fact, when the rabbinical court 'believes' her; a Gentile - never." Ibid., p. 88.

47. "The Talmud bluntly forbids giving a gift to a Gentile. However, classical rabbinical authorities bent this rule because it is customary among businessmen to give gifts to business contacts. It was therefore laid down that a Jew may give a gift to a Gentile acquaintance, since this is regarded not as a true gift but as a sort of investment, for which some return is expected." Ibid., p. 88.

48. "If a Jew finds property whose probable owner is Jewish, the finder is strictly enjoined to make a positive effort to return his find by advertising it publicly. In contrast, the Talmud and all the early rabbinical authorities not only allow a Jewish finder to appropriate an article lost by a Gentile, but actually forbid him or her to return it." Ibid., p. 89.

49. "Let us begin with the text of some common prayers. In one of the first sections of the daily morning payer, every devout Jew blesses God for not making him a Gentile." Ibid., p. 92.

50. "A religious Jew must not drink any wine in whose preparation a Gentile had any part whatsoever. Wine in an open bottle, even if prepared wholly by Jews, becomes banned if a Gentile so much as touches the bottle or passes a hand over it. The reason given by the rabbis is that all Gentiles are not only idolators but must be presumed to be malicious to boot, so that they are likely to dedicate (by a whisper, gesture or thought) as 'libation' to their idol any wine which a Jew is about to drink." Ibid., p. 94.


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