Spintro Archives

A Weekend with Dr. Pierce

On NA and the ADL's attempted murder of the Internet...by Edgar Steele

What Lewpus Won't Say

Buckley admits his jewed out ex-mag's wrong about the war. But thatz not all it's wrong about: states rights and segregation. Both of which NR used to defend back before jews took it over. Here Taibbi on jew huckster Hitchens. Speaking truth to power, or slurring lies to resisters, you be the judge. Here's a good line: I've been around journalists my entire life, since I was a little kid, and I haven't met more than five in three-plus decades who wouldn't literally shit from shame before daring to say that their job had anything to do with truth or informing the public. Journalism today is a bureaucratic job. What Taibbi's getting at, however imprecisely, is that our government is controlled by jews who use the rest of us. We must name and destroy them; there's no other way to put it, no other way that can work. Here Rich Brooks on the beast with two fronts, a gaping maw, and razor claws. Here Brooks on jews: Even many years ago when I was attending a college with a large number of New York jews, my friends and I commonly referred to these "members of the tribe," as "MOT's." We were painfully aware that this was a cohesive group that thought very differently and behaved very differently from us. And that is how jews have always looked upon Whites: "Us vs. Them."

Mudman, Madman: Say hello to Mugabe!

The Zvakwana spokesman said: 'The current situation in Zimbabwe is bringing up the right conditions for revolution.'

Jewing About Hitler

The Germans were brave and smart enough to throw off Weimar's Jewish Tyranny heading like a freight train toward the murder of tens of millions the jews' brothers in Russia had already carried out. Why are nazis the most reviled men in history? 1) Because jews control the media; 2) Because Nazis figured out the way to beat the jews. Listen to this choice kiking: The overwhelming majority of Germans did not seem to mind that their personal freedom had been taken away, that so much of culture had been destroyed and replaced with a mindless barbarism, or that their life and work had become regimented to a degree never before experienced even by a people accustomed for generations to a great deal of regimentation.... The Nazi terror in the early years affected the lives of relatively few Germans and a newly arrived observer was somewhat surprised to see that the people of this country did not seem to feel that they were being cowed. They're regimented -- but they don't notice! They live under a reign of terror -- but few are affected. Even for a kike, this is convoluted. And how can they be "barbarians," yet come up with moon-rocket technology and numerous patents the "civilized" victors quickly stole. Better they should have proved themselves civilized by letting in niggers and producing hip-hop after allowing the jews trained in Russia to kill off a few tens of millions, like they'd already done in the east. We are to take lectures from kikes in civlization and freedom? I don't think so. Hitler is the most unjustly reviled man in history, bar none. His truth can set Aryan man free, even today. And that is what the jews controlling the media fear you will discover, White reader.

Daisy on Reagan

Buchanan blows hard about Reagan, just as he did with Nixon. Under Reagan, America's real problems were never acknowledged, let alone dealt with. Reagan never questioned the race-fabulism he was raised in, and he left America's government considerably larger and more tyrannical than he found it. "We shall not see his like again," says Daisy. Are you kidding? America is full of people like Reagan, just as it is full of people like Drophead Dubya. Reagan was self-effacing and genial, whereas Bush is respectably crazy with jeboo certainty in that cross-eyed low-protestant way, but they're both common enough types. Neither is as dumb as their detractors claim, but neither is particularly interesting or unusual. The thing I liked best about Reagan was his 'accidental' joke about the Soviet Union being outlawed and the bombing beginning in five minutes. The one genuinely funny thing I've heard a president say. I remember with disdain the synthetic outrage and affected horror of the hateful, hypocritical eighties illiberals. Here some ignorant Taki on Churchill and the rest. Put down the jimson weed, Taki. Even for bad Taki this is garbage: Roosevelt and Stalin wanted to execute 50,000 Germans after the war. Churchill objected. British people do not like mass executions; nor do Americans. Yeah, except for the ones in the "kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" t-shirts. One doesn't recall Churchill objecting to Eisenhower's rounding up hundreds of thousands to millions of German solidiers in fields after the war and starving them in the open air. One recalls the glee with which Churchill consigned a good 15 million Germans to uprooting, with a couple three million perishing; not to mention the casual way he signed off on Stalin's control over the portion of the world Britain claimed it warred to defend. Churchill killed the British Empire, no one else. "Each man kills the thing he loves" -- how seldom is Wilde's observation not the case. Hitler had no intention to destroy the British Empire. Britain allowed its money jews and its sense of inferiority vis a vis Germany to seduce it down the path toward disintegration and, eventually, destruction. Today there are "no go" zones for "never shall be slaves" in Britain, and people of dung are projected majority by 2100. It is illegal to critize the status quo, lest one be called a neo-Hitlerian hater. The left, the jews, the controllers know their real opponent; the conservatives don't even know themselves. Britain didn't win WWII. Only the jew/ Won World War Two. Then Talky goes into his creaky bone-vivant routine, bragging about all the chicks he's banging; flinging around tales of successful amours in a way reminiscent of Lamar Latrell's javelin toss in "Revenge of the Nerds." You better watch your mouth, Taki, or someone'll do a Larry King on you and dig the Depends out of your garbage pail. Taki, as in Taking Levitra, one suspects.

White Art: James Farrell

At times in his life the whiskey was there, in and out of the house. So were his fists and his tongue. But what this biography faithfully underlines is that in everything he spoke or wrote, whether right or wrong, there was uncompromising honesty, integrity, and passion, whatever the cost, to the disapproval of his dishonest and effete critics. ... Putting down An Honest Writer, we can ask where the rest of the writers have gone. Oh, you mean like The American Conservative would publish them? Haaaahahaahahaha. That was a good one.


Government by gibbon in Zimbabwe is falling to levels worthy of, say, Detroit. ...life expectancy has fallen from 60 in 1992 to a projected 35 next year. Note this: "South Africa could end the madness in a week, without a shot being fired," fumes a black Zimbabwean businessman in Johannesburg, "simply by threatening to cut off the electricity and blockade the borders. But they won't." Grub-eaters unite, you have nothing to lose but your power. But they don't care - as long as they're up and Whitey's down.

Integration is Terrorism

Whites move away from niggers and shitskins in Flint, Michigan. Open borders combined with "civil rights" amount to terrorist activity by jews against Whites. Blacks not feeling comfortable around Whites is a White problem, and Whites not feeling comfortable around blacks is a White problem too. Jew media rules, aren't they great? No matter what happens, the Aryan "hater" is to blame. The jew? The jew's never to blame. Not even if he's bragging about his destructions in his private media. Blaming jews is "anti-Semitism." Here Canny Sammy on South Africa headed our way thanks to the reality of race. You may not be interested in race, brainwashed egalitarian, but race is interested in you, as your idol Lenin said of the state. Jigs are now 50% of Dems in Georgia.

In AmeriKwa, "Conservatives" Are Liberals

Doesn't matter where you travel, which paper you read, the editorialists support the rights of shitskin invaders over natives. The notion was to keep illegals from voting.It was a wrong-headed notion. Even die-hards opposed to illegal immigration could see the idea had overtones reminiscent of the poll taxes and poll tests that white voters once used in the South to discourage black voters. And once you start screening voters based on color or family name, how long before America is no longer America? Note the characteristic disingenuousness in that straw-man argument. Once you open the border with Mexico, "how long before America is no longer America"? It took about 30 years. A lot less in big cities. Mexicans make America dirtier, stupider and more corrupt, and the vast majority of Aryans, the unrepresented people, understand this. Who voted to let the shit factory set up shop in America? Jews. America turning into Mexico is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. Good to see that Cornell has its anti-White heart in the right place. Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever. Blacks want it. Whites want it. Only jews want blacks and whites to mix. The problem at Cornell isn't segregation, it's that there's no area set aside for Aryans. Cornell continues to hold Black, Hispanic, and American Indian applicants to lower academic standards than Whites and Asians. Administrators doggedly refuse to release students' SAT scores by race because they know that such information would reveal that many students accepted to Cornell are unqualified to be here. Oh, you don't want to "go there" any more than the liberals you affect to disagree with. Nigs and redskins and shitskins can't be held to Aryan academic standards they can't meet, anymore than they can be held to Aryan civilizational standards. Neither liberal nor conservative, brother egalitarians, can cope with either fact. The truth no writer at jew Horowitz's page will admit is that Jefferson was right: the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Note this interesting usage by kike Horowitz's writer: Disgraced anti-Semite Cynthia McKinney... Oppose the jews in public, and automatically the hive calls you 'discredited' or 'disgraced.' Codespeak. Jewish hate speech.

Monkey See, Monkey Steal, Monkey Starve

Here's an interesting paragraph from this jew-owned Washington Post story. One of the few bright spots in southern Africa is Zambia, which has overcome food shortages and now has a surplus of about 200,000 metric tons. It is among the nations that welcomed white commercial farmers who fled neighboring Zimbabwe during land-reform efforts in recent years. Guess where this paragraph appears: top, middle, bottom, or last?

Conformist White Teens Do MTV's Bidding

Wrecking their futures chasing playas, i.e., niggers. Just the way jew Redstone wants it. Want to rebel, White teen? Become a White nationalist. Exhibit self-control. Dominate rather than knuckle under to jew pressure. Boys who attract lots of girls, and treat them badly, aren't called bad anymore. They're called players. This is nothing but nigger standards become AmeriKwan standards through the medium of jewish television, mainly, and demographic change, secondarily. The bad drives out the good. The good does not pull up the bad. What's in view here is one species driving out another, even though it only happens because a third species -- jews -- sets up the conditions to make it happen. Until you physically exterminate the jews murdering your nation, your community, and your family, White man, nothing will change. Here the ACLU is quick to protect the nigger's right to dress like a nigger. Boy Scouts can't use public parks, but god forbid niggerstyle be crimped anytime, anywhere.

Saved By The Niggers

The resolution of Hill's unlicensed carrying case. Just keep this in mind: the cops are not responsible for defending you; the jews actively seek to prevent your defending yourself: only YOU can defend youself and your family...by A.P. Hill

Paul Craig "Part of the Problem" Roberts

The semitically correct punch puller perpetuates the idea there's a difference between the government parties.

"Fahrenheit 9/11"

Once commercial speech is separated from free speech, all kinds of intrusions are possible, including limiting ads for movies. Funny to see 'campaign finance reform' bite dishonest/naive libs on the ass, but in the end itz all silly and beside the point. Here Raimondo: We see prisoners being hooded, a procedure that seems almost ceremonial: what's clearly going on here is the ritual humiliation of a nation. Well, thatz how jews are, you know. But since their dirt is done in our name, we get the blame while they ease on down the road. Notice how Moore and the neocons who started the war both point the finger at the Saudis?

Pope: Social Justice Demands Racial Segregation

If a man needs a living wage to raise a family, then how much more does he need a livable community? The larger part of 'social justice' is racial sanity. Don't expect the popes to defend it.

Jews Would Never Sell Our Technology to China...

...without marking it up two or 300 percent. Israel has become China's largest arms and weapons technology supplier after Russia. Again: these hook-nosed tapirs of hate are our friends? Can anyone believe that? Can anyone say it without laughing? Israel uses America. That is all you can say about our "special" relationship. The minute some other country is more useful, why, you'll hear about the Sino-Semitic special relationship, or the Judeo-Muslim tradition.

Muzzies Ventilate Izzy in Belgium

The four boys were chased by a gang of 10 to 15 North African youths armed with knives and other blunt instruments. Three escaped but the fourth was trapped by the gang and stabbed in the back. As Dr. Pierce used to like to say, the kikes brought their ancient hatreds to our shores. Jews: who needs 'em? Not us. How many human girls and boys got infected, raped and murdered today because of jewish media? Any mention in the jewspapers? No, it's full of stories about a poower little perforated Pet. How come "American" papers nationwide carry the news of one jew being stabbed in a foreign country, yet never carry news about the near-daily murder of White women by the niggers the jewish editors loosed on us? To ask is to answer. Silence = approval. The jews editing and owning American newspapers are complicit in the genocide of the Aryan race; nay, they direct it. DEATH TO THE JEWS.

New Bible Flips da Scrip

I don't know why they just don't call it "The Bible for Idiots." Redundant? Not only is the translation dumbed down to the level of a 21st century third-grade student suffering in the clutches of the government school monopoly, not only is it bad literature, not only is it unfaithful in every way to the original texts, it also flatly contradicts traditional scriptural tenets on sex and personal morality. It all hangs together, Suckpoop Joe. When the Popes fellate the kikes who murdered Our Jesus and call their obscene act a sacrament; when bought journalists fetishize the jew who drive Christianity out of the public square, why shouldn't the church simply dive right in and literally reword in line with what it has long "reinterpreted"? Parsimonious, itz. Occam's Mazur, itz. Like every other jew-controlled medium, the Bible may only be used to further one agenda: the jews'. Since that agenda holds that promiscuity among Aryans is "good for jews," that is how Christinsanity must be revised. If you don't like it you're a hater and anti-semite. If a jew is no different from a Christian, and if a nigger and a Mexican are humans just like real ones, then whatz wrong with a new jew Bible? It is clear to me that objections to this new dumbed-down Bible spring from anti-Semitism, and critics should be punished, and perhaps jailed. Is your church ADL-approved? It is if you're a christian. Why be a christian, Aryan reader, when you can be a man? The chrizzling's god is the jew, and the jew says yesterday's line is today's anti-semitism, so you must step lively and get with the new program, or the commissar will yank your rationing coupons. The church was a joke before this newest rewrite. This rewrite just confirms it, spectacularly so. We polite Anglos prefer our accession and appeasement tasteful, whereas this Petly Palimpsest is Bold-Colored and Brazen. I'll just take a wild guess that not only the anti-homoism has been removed from this new hebonics version, but the "His blood be on us and our children" has been clipped like a jew dick. Or else the jew mobs are changed to Romans; or else the jews clamor for leniency, not blood, but the cruel Roman ignores them. Christianity is the natural religion of the Republicunt, "It's all good," their mulatto motto. To Aryans I say, treat these clowns as you would any others: laugh at them, revile them, stay away from them. They don't respect themselves, and you shouldn't respect them either. Let them fear Aryans the way they fear jews. The repcuntz are like women who only respect men who abuse them.

Joseph Farah Prints Lies

Even for the Suckpoop of Suckpoops, Joe Farah takes the cake. He makes his daily bread playing male Monica to the Mossad. Check out this bit from one of his stable of liars, Mike Evans: There is mounting evidence that at least some of Saddam Hussein's missing weapons of mass destruction are in Syria, smuggled there by the Iraqi dictator for safekeeping before the beginning of the war. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the Christian-Zionist liar who claimed that Gibson was going to append the philosemitic lie to the back end of "Passion." There's a very good chance that your tax dollars are cycled through DOD to Israel, and right back through WorldNetDeli. In reading this column, keep in mind that for all the brouhaha about failed neocon plans, their main objective has been accomplished: the removal of Saddam Hussein. Were their old lies at long last revealed, after 850+ American soldiers were dead? What do they care? They invent fresh ones and move on to their next victim. Just as the kikes use idiot goyim to put an Anglo face on jewish policies, they use Christian columnists to put a conservative face on jewish-supremacist warmongering. Boughtlings like Evans and Farah are a dime a dozen. But a massively lethal amount of Iraq's chemical and biological weapons is stored alongside Syria's own stockpiles of WMDs. Both Mike Evans and Joe Farah know this statement to be a lie.

The Jewing of Conservatism Began with Buckley

In its choice of editors and contributors, National Review, like Freeman, represented a cosmopolitan conservatism at considerable distance from the anti-semitic and paranoid Right...Schlamm, Meyer, Lyons, Ryskind, Chodorov, and Toledano were Jewish... Nothing paranoid about those neocons! No group better adjusted and fuller of love for its fellow man than nosehounds!

Hate Jews Try to Censor Gibson in Russia

Russian church tells kikes to go jew themselves.

Movie Review: 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

Skilled, dishonest filmmaker leaves Whites imagining what could have been. Discuss here....by Rich Brooks

Misplaced Patriotism

Torture: of minimal value at best....by White Proletariat

Beliefs of Peril

Countering arguments of Christian WNs....by Max Hadden

Only Nine Shot in Detroit

ADL-trained cops praise coons' "restraint." Yep, diversity was fighting over $1,000 sunglasses. You see, if these poower be$200Nike'd nigs only had money, all of the violence, the stupidity -- hell, all the nigger in 'em -- would just disappear, just ask any officer of the Unicorn Cavalry, usually disguised as newspaper reporter, welfare burrocrat, or Christian cleric. We at VNN say people of blotter are a blot on our society what should be boated back to Freaka posthaste before North America turns into Dark Continent: The Next Generation.

"It was all a game..."

Sobran explains pro conservatism. If you're a new reader, this is the single best inside-kahnservatism article you'll find.

Storck-Deep Woodsy Brougaga Over Cat Economics

First, note this Flemio shot at Lewpus: professional press flack like Rockwell. Well, Flemio has a lot to learn about gibes, but a spitball smacking slow-footed Lewpus upside his soft-boiled egghead is nothing not to snicker at. Followed up with a crack at non-Christian Mises. What kind of non-Christian, Flemio? This is closer: A Misesian could probably give a pretty good explanation of the economic disadvantages of rearing a large family today: We don't need children to work on the farm, and because of social security and retirement plans, we no longer expect them to support us in our old age. So why not sell our babies to the dog food factory? Well, even decent pagans would not do that--because they had a moral code higher than liberalism. The Nazis had a better code than the Catholics or any other Christians. They lived bravely and honorably, whereas Christians just moralize, usually obnoxiously and hypocritically. Ask Nietzsche and Mencken about the difference between morals and honor. Ask Twain. Even going by aesthetics, contrast the Nazis' society with Christian society in today's multicultural, liberal, egalitarian, every-implumous-biped-has-a-soul West. The old "skewing pious" church was joke enough, but today's church is as sick and fucked and unfunny as a cut Saturday Night Live sketch. The geuinely funny part here is all parties' assumption that the Catholic church has special competence to pronouce on anything other than the best way to bend a boy over an altar or genuflect before jews. Catholics, like all religious folks, may be bright about much, but intelligent readers must always beware their addict's recourse to godsplanations, the intellectual equivalent of alcoholism. God gave me cancer. I must pray to Him to heal me. God is omnipotent. Yet accountable for nothing. He created everything. But He cannot be held responsible for anything. What He does cannot be understood by human reason. We established this by human reason. Reader responses here. For now, suffice it to say that liberation theology and Austrian economics, in their shared belief in the "almost magic" ability of economics to transform human life, have more in common with each other than they do with traditional Catholic social teaching. Note that the church does the same thing on race -- with the same destructive results -- that the libertarians do on economics. The Church and the libertarians are idiots because they deny essential truths on which the world turns: Men belong to races, and races matter more than the individual and his hedonism quotient. A nigger with a rosary is still a nigger, just as a nigger with a million dollars is still a buck nigger. Into the crucible with you mangy alchemists, we'll see what doesn't burn off. Darn little, I suspect. Maybe a tiny nuggest of echt zircon you feebs'll fire-farm down to. The dopey Pope says this, Deep Woodsy says that, and I say they're both spinach between the teeth of progress. "A sound individual in a sane society," as the Greeks probably said somewhere, mercifully free of libertarians and Catholics alike. There's only one authority when it comes to any question, and that authority is objective reality. Everything else is just people pilpul. Says Flemio: The hardest part of being a Catholic is that you give up the right to be a wise guy who makes up his own world and his own rules. Typical Catholic arrogance masked as humility: dressing up one's laziness and cowardice as some kind of virtue. Note the undistributed middle: either you acknowledge the pope as the only legitimate authority, or you are "a wise guy who makes up his own rules." No logical fallacy there. How do we know the Pope is the only legitimate authority? We take humble, hubris-free Flemio's word for it? Who made him authority on authorities? Where's the independent criterion for judging the validity of his assertions? Objective reality, quoth SF writer Philip Dick, is the part that doesn't go away when you stop believing it. The Pope ain't nothing but a jewish Polack with degenerative brain disease. We'll fight you to death, you miserable Catholic cowards who say otherwise, and that issue is established. From US not from small, pitiful YOU will come the liberators of our race from JEWS who control your heroic Pope, and through him peons you. The Pope is "The Only Legitimate Authority(TM)," someone says...yeah, well someone says anything. Piss on the Pope. And piss on the weak-willed, weak-minded dopes who exalt him. For Lent, Flemio gave up being a man! Well, good for you li'l budger. Now go get in line to pull a train for Big Jew right after Pontiff Lewinsky. All religion does is give people a set of moral clubs to golf each other with -- I have less hubris! No, I have less hubris! -- that was Twain's point against it. Like a couple of near-beers-lite going at it over carbohydrates. At the end of the day, you'll never go wrong in relying on the fact that objective reality exists, and is the only god you need bow to, lest you trip. But the old dork comes close to something here: the marx-flipt jewiness of libertinarianism: Dr. Woods and the Rockwellians are imputing something to Austrian economics that Mises and Rothbard never claimed that it had. I suggest that it was because they were Jewish and were not faced with any contradictions between some of their findings and that of some religious authority like the papacy. Dr. Woods and the other Catholic libertarians sense this contradiction and would like to shew it away because it's a threat to their own work and their own opinions. Think of dumb-ass DeFroster, living by Detroit, and getting muffy-miffed about those individuals who shot nine other individuals at the fireworks show, her fear of individuals shooting other individuals having kept her tv-trained rather than coasting up close 'n' snuggy in her kewl SUV.

Book Review: One Sheaf, One Vine

Discuss in VNNF, includes clips from EMJ article mentioning book. Review of Dr. Robert Griffin's book in which 16 racialists, including several VNN affiliates, tell their story....by Rich Brooks

South Africa Pressure Mudgabe?

Pretending not to get it, and getting paid for it, is what conservatism's all about these days. South Africa won't pressure Chimpbabwe because it's headed the same direction for the same reasons. Niggers can't do anything but eat, drink and be merry until you die, Aryan. And then itz back to business as usual - tipping rocks for grubs. Don't think of them as niggers, think of them as violent, retarded whites. There is no tomorrow for these anti-men, just one long eternal now. Note this: More than two million Zimbabweans are estimated to be in South Africa now. Whites concerned with what is good for blacks endanger themselves, their families, and their stable communities. The black skin is an indication that stupidity, violence, and disease this way lie.

Why We Call Them Repulingcunts

They're so jewed and socialist at this point they're even afraid to support candidates calling for formal legal equality. Why do you vote for these whitemice, White man? Why do you vote at all? More here.

Quit the 'Public Schools'

Some Baptists wanted to, some leaders talked them out of it. There is scarecely a better way to vote "no faith" in ZOG than removing your kids from its brainwashing prisons. "They didn't want to touch this [government schools] issue; its radioactive." Shortt further noted that "there was a parade of SBC leaders and members of the Resolutions Committee speaking vehemently against it. Nice parallel to the Sierra Club, and the anxious insistence it not take a position against shitskin invasion. So, letz add it up: everybody knows there are huge problems in America. But nobody wants to say anything, for fear of ZOG. "Land of the free"? Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahaha. Sure don't act like it! This guy actually has a mini-curriculum, pro-Christian and pro-Southern.

Jean Raspail and The Camp of the Saints

Here commentary from an Otto Scott. Here interview with Raspail. Here a good Christian woman tries to get it. Do our people really think the southern border is left unguarded and the border patrol is hamstrung by some accident or bureaucratic inefficiency? No we don't! And not only that, VNN readers tell you exactly why ZOG encourges invasion. Voting is for the lower classes, says Reed. Fred's solution? Rearrange the deck chairs. Apparently Fred's never heard Lenin's little: you may not be interested in the state, but the state is interested in you. You can run, but you can't hide -- from jew-imposed genocide.

The Souls of Watermelon-Pokers

Lincoln's release was the worst before Pauli Shore's army movie. I mean, letting nigger go free? That can't be a good idea.

The Jewing of Catholicism

Englutinates jew manias across the smorgasbord. Here we have an official papal statement about the correct manner to bring about economic development in the Third World. Regrettably, every 1960s-era fallacy about Third World development is faithfully reproduced in this most unfortunate document. The church is just another human institution that can be and has been infiltrated and eaten out, leaving only the shell. Fooling the average mass-ass who can't see the jewish brain under the fancy hat. You know which group was never infiltrated and destroyed by jews? Thatz right: the nazis. You know which group is the most demonized in history by the international wreckers of nations? You do, don't you! Now, what does that tell you...?

Teaching Whites to Hate Themselves

Itz big business, and some version of it is certainly going on in your child's 'public school.' Good old sicko Jane Elliott, a professional abuser of White children, a woman celebrated by the System that seeks our genocide: One of the more sadistic exercises practiced by some operators who drive the diversity machine goes by the name "Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes." You may have heard of it, because an elementary-school teacher in Iowa first perpetrated it on her fourth-graders in 1968 and it quickly became notorious. Meanwhile niggers in Cincinnati demand to be paid for being black, or else they'll riot. Does a white-skinned poltician stand against them? Are you kidding? The jew media would kill him. Does this insane situation remind you of Zimbabwe? The fact is, America is not a land of free men, but a Jewish Tyranny in which people fear to speak their minds. Who is responsible for White genoide? The jews -- and their tools, among them Jane Elliott. Jane Elliott is murdering the White race, and getting paid handsomely by the judeo-System to do it. The reason people like Jane Elliott prosper in AmeriKwa is that there are no consequences for their actions, as there were for this anti-Russian "expert." There are consequences for criticizing jews or blacks in jew-produced AmeriKwa. You can get fired, sued, fined, even murdered. Everybody knows this. By contrast, there are big paychecks and public praise for discriminating against White children, teaching White children to hate themselves; for teaching them that they belong to a violent, vicious, evil, historically guilty race. As one of the most famous White poets said, "Those who would be free must strike the blow themselves." Until there are consequences for the jews preaching and practicing the politics of White genocide, nothing will change. David Duke is a good man, but it is fatuous to say, as he does, that "beauty" will save us. Power comes out of the barrel of a gun. That is an eternal, natural, unavoidable truth. It won't go away because you don't like it, or you fear the consequences of acknowledging it. Today, we fear jews. We will know we are making headway when they fear us.

Language Abuse

Crit bit. About half the semicolons in the rest of the book are either unnecessary or ungrammatical, and the comma is deployed as the mood strikes. Good sentence: The function of most punctuation -- commas, colons and semicolons, dashes, and so on -- is to help organize the relationships among the parts of a sentence. Its role is semantic: to add precision and complexity to meaning. It increases the information potential of strings of words. It's not just that our age is dumbed down, itz that the dumbing-down is a certain semitic someone's agenda. The jew's interests are best served by nations full of mixed races and mixed up mass-men. The more carefully one can think, the more one knows, the better one can express oneself, the likelier one might see what the jew is up to and fight it.

The Ten Truths Examined: Part IV

On civility....by Rich Brooks

Life for Whites in Zimbabwe Under Mugabe Tyranny

Next time you read fool's words from Lew Rockwell or Nancy Buchanan about race not mattering and race-realists being morally evil, you recall this article and know that you are dealing with a fraud and a coward....by Paul Weir

Drafting a Joke

You're a third-class citizen in a land controlled by jews: what do you have to fight for, White man? Iraqis haven't done to you 1/1000th of what the jews sending you over there to fight them have...by White Proletariat

Jigs Being Jigs

Who wants to attend boring old school when there are all those kewl and glittery rims to steal. They're called dubs, spinners, Sprees, chrome: expensive, flashy wheel rims that are turning heads on the street. These aftermarket rims go for $2,000 to $20,000 for a set, but they can come at an even steeper price: death. Five people have been killed in Milwaukee since May 2001 in incidents involving expensive car rims... Never been a better time to be a minstrel athlete, and if you act like an ape now and then, that's what nerdy white lawyers are for. Of course, if you get stoopid and boot all the Whites out of your country, itz back to grubs. But when you've got an IQ of 60, tomorrow never comes. Uhuru Movement or bowel movement? You be the judge.

Facilitating Invasion: Thanks, Jewed-Out "Justice"

The audio recording shows Cannon explicitly racializes the immigration issue, telling listeners his opponents are "against Hispanics." He also seems to condone voter fraud by responding "okay" when the program's host encourages illegal aliens in the audience to register to vote. That's a Utah Republicunt, mind you -- not an Assachusetts Democrat. Yeah, far gone is about the only term you can use. America as we knew it is over. Will you survive what comes next? Not if the "Department of Justice" has anything to say about it: By the end of the day, Utah's Attorney General Mark Shurtleff ([email protected]) had issued a statement calling our effort to ensure our voting laws weren't being abused a clear case of voter intimidation, and, if you can believe it, the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division had issued a press release saying it was going to send election observers to Utah to monitor Tuesday's primary vote. If you're interfering or even merely objecting to illegals voting, you're interfering with government business. Don't do anything illegal, though, like shoot an anti-White "expert" as somebody did in Russia the other day -- you might violate the Mardi Gras Protocol. The "Department of Justice" has seen to it that neutral legal machinery exists whereby Whites may peacefully and lawfully exercise their democratic right to change the system in line with their majority interests. Go ahead! Use it! If all effective means of making necessary change are denied, it is your job to go down with the ship, White man. Never do anything effective if your opponent declares it illegal. If the study of successful revolutionaries makes one thing clear, itz that. Here on "our" "national" "public" broadcasting system, sticking up for invaders in "Farmingville."

Wickstrom's White "Hangout" Burned in Likely Arson

One of the most remarkably biased word selections you'll ever see. Even for Judenpresse, to call a commercial building a "hangout" is cheap and dishonest and clearly meant to imply "they deserved it." Whenever a jew "hangout" goes up in flames, it's treated as the worst thing since unsliced bread, even though it often turns out the kike itself torched it. The only word for this kind of coverage is "hate reporting." Note this subtler point too: Fire destroys white supremacists hang out/ The Christian Identity movement believes whites are God's people - the utter decline of English. 'Hangout' is one word. And it should be 'supremacists'' -- and this is a NATIONAL report, MSNBC, not some podunk TV station hiring state zoo grads. This has become more and more common - the absolute loss of ability to spell, use correct grammar. Itz just gone, and it ain't coming back until the country is recivilized. Language returns to jungle like a Zimbabwean's farm turned over to savages. Note the further point that CI beliefs mirror those of Judaism, which are always hidden, rather than emphasized, by the jewsmedia, where you'll never read "even the best of the goyim should be killed."

Boo-Hooing Judes

They're crying now because UN won't honor their holidays, give them "special" recognition. But there is hardly a jew holiday that isn't a celebration of the massacre of some other people! What's the difference between a jew and a pizza? A pizza isn't a lying, canting, bawling, two-faced, hook-nosed cunt.

Zero-Down Mortgages for Niggers and Shitskins

Just another way to take money from you and transfer it to people of offal. And transfer political control from you to jews.

Al-Hurra: Domination or Doom?

A $60m budget for a satellite network to sell judeo-AmeriKwan lies to Arabs, paid for by Aryans, who are also useful in supplying sons to kill those Arabs with whom Al-Hurra's lies fail to take resonate. Note that 'Al-Hurra' is classic jewspeak: in Arabic it means 'the free one.' The intention, U.S. President George W. Bush stated in his 2004 State of the Union address, was to "cut through the barriers of hateful propaganda" by Arabic TV stations, and provide "reliable news and information across the region." As always, "hate" means nothing more than "opposed to bushy and his jewish handlers." The jews controlling America showed what they think of press freedom when they bombed Al-Jazeera for broadcasting the reality of AmeriKwan aggression in the Middle East, as well as accurately portraying Israel's uniquely vicious policy toward the Palestinians. It is too early to judge precisely how well Al-Hurra is faring with regard to its unstated goal of undermining Arabic culture. The jews who run and staff the network say it's got traction; others disagree. "Can they expect the Arabs to watch them if they don't show Palestinians being killed, and don't portray Israelis as oppressors?" said Nabil Dajani, professor of communications at the American University of Beirut. "The U.S. has a lost cause here in the Middle East unless they change their policy on Palestine. I think Al-Hurra is doomed," he added. The world advances by irony, and the paradox here is that Arabs, having grown up under openly dictatorial press, are more realistic about media control and context than AmeriKwans, who are brainwashed ab ovo they're living in the "land of the free." Radical leftist writer and Middle East analyst Tariq Ali, during a recent visit to Beirut, told The Daily Star that Al-Hurra was like Pravda (Truth), the official newspaper of the Soviet Union that was notorious for its propaganda. "Like Fox TV News, it is 100 percent U.S. propaganda," he said. More here. And here, on mission. Home page here. Here listen to NPR report.

'Skinhead Expert' Girenko Shot Dead in Russia

Somebody forgot to sign the Mardi Gras Protocol. Deputy St. Petersburg Prosecutor Andrei Zhukov said investigators believe Girenko was killed because of his work as a researcher and expert witness in a number of trials involving extremism. Girenko assisted the City Prosecutor's Office in several high-profile court cases, including the 2002 murder of Azeri watermelon vendor Mamed Mamedov and an ongoing investigation of a local skinhead group known as Schultz-88. It appears in Russia, at least, there are consequences to the jewing of Aryans.

White History: The Lying of the Jews

The sworn enemies of humanity are the sworn enemies of the truth. Here on the ADL. Or, as we like to say, VNN: Because truth begins where ADL ends.

Movie Review: 'The Terminal'

Latest from jew Spielberg is just plane boring....by Rich Brooks

Happy People Likelier to Hate Niggets and Jews Who Loosed 'Em

Yet another reason to be a race-realist. Yes, ever since god grabbed up a glob of dung-beetle dough and animated it with morning-breath, good happy normal people have rated jews d for despicable. Here a very nice article on the man Tolstoy, marred as ever by the need to judge everything by the only standard: was (X) "good for jews." Here's a thought too radical for TNR: the Cossacks' treatment of the jews is a point in their favor. AWESOME! TOTALLY AWESOME! Now you useless twat or noble boozer reading this, I want you to put two and two together, the way you stupid goyim are notoriously, genetically? unable to do, according to the Protocols. First we have this description of how Cossacks treat jews: Daily the Cossacks storm into the little Jewish towns of Polish Galicia, looting, burning, torturing, raping, branding, desecrating, murdering. They are out to slaughter every living Jew. Hmm. Very interesting. Now we have part two of our Monday pop quiz: At the core of [Cossack] character," Tolstoy writes, lies love of freedom... Ok, class. Now who can put two and two together? Bueller? Bueller? KILLING JEWS AND LIBERTY GO HAND IN HAND. Did you figure it out? Or were you a Dull Hansel? WOULD YOU, WOULD I, WOULD AMERICA, WOULD THE WORLD BE FREER OR LESS FREEE IF COSSACKS DESCENDED ON WASHINGTON, D.C., AND NEW YORK CITY AND YANKED JEWS OUT OF THEIR BEDS AND KILLED THEM? You know the answer. Fourteen million little pudgy turds riding herd on hundreds of millions of Aryans. Where did we go wrong? Where do we go right? HE WHO WOULD BE FREE MUST STRIKE THE BLOW HIMSELF.

Executive Power

Sobran on the concentration over 20th century and under Bush in particular. Here on yet another Bushy lie going poof. The world will be safer with each anti-Israel state that acquires nuclear weapons. The real danger to the U.S. comes from allowing jews to take over our government and directing our foreign policy, and in short order ruining our reputation and making us as hated as jews always have been, and for the same reasons. Thanks, jews. Here Ames on "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Dumb jew PodHORetz

What makes Normy drool? To the extent that Podhoretz's ideological goals extend beyond his own navel, they rest fully and squarely in his own ethnic group. Explicitly and unabashedly, Podhoretz assumes ideological positions "on the basis of the old question 'Is it good for the Jews?'" The only good jew is a dead jew. Jews are jews, first and last, they are never Americans, they are merely standing on America. At the moment. A foreign policy of nonintervention is attacked, not on the basis of moral principle or even of American security, but because it "represented a direct threat to the security of Israel." Uh...: Podhoretz seems not to have given a thought to the fact that Breaking Ranks is bad for the Jews. For what if American non-Jews, who are after all in the vast majority, begin to gauge foreign policy on the basis of the question: Is it good for the gentiles? Then they'll draw the correct conclusion: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.


They are fun, they can be beautiful, but most of all they are clever. If you're the type that enjoys puzzles and word games, you'll like Ulysses. Clever without being funny: who needs that? Nobody, just some lit profs. Here on Beethoven.

Listen Up, Christian Cunts

A real Christian doesn't take or suck shit from Israelis. A great column chock-full of news you can use, by Chuck Carlson of whtt.org. The real facts about the so-called Unity Coalition for Israel: In fact, the UCI Christians go far beyond the Israelis in their call for Arab blood. This paper examines who these Judeo-Christians are, their motives, and the impact on peace in the world. Note this: Judeo-Christianity is not Christian at all. It is a hodgepodge of bits from unrelated stories patched together to create an illusion. The illusion is of an "end times" apocalypse, and a "chosen people" who enjoy the right to kill and imprison other people who are not "chosen."

Letter from NYC

Jews grow ever more obnoxious in the big bagel...

The Ten Truths Examined: Part III

On jewish lawyers and the jewing of law....by Rich Brooks


A celebration of one hypernoxious kikocunt....by Mary Parsifal Bitch Shelley

Reamoondoggy Blasts Puffy British Jew Drunk Hitchens

The old souse celebrates jew Trotsky. Still, the old rump ranger fails to get to the bottom of it. Hitchens is a jew celebrating jews, and the more murderous those jews, the more sweetly jew Hitchens sings. You don't bring a paleocon letter opener to a fight with a jew, you bring a Nazi gun. Note paleopacker defends Daisy against "charges" of jew-naming, as though he were Daisy defending Mother Church against same. Oy, the irony of it all. They're jews, we're Aryans. We're competing species. There's nothing more to it. This isn't rocket science. It is even model rocket science. Real, real simple, itz. White man, if you're satisified that Buchanan and his assembled niggers, 1/4 jew 4/4 homosexuals and archive farters defend Whiter interests, then you ought to give up and get out of politics, because these guys are losers in a game where winning is all that matters. Religious guys always have an excuse. They always have something to fall back on. Religion was invented because guys like that need it. Atheists don't have any excuse. We face a situation in which our enemy controls the megaphone, and browbeats and brainwashes our masses into submission. We must do whatever it takes to gain control over the enemy and destroy him. Both in concept, and operationally, the Iraq war was, for all intents and purposes, an Israeli covert operation run out of the Pentagon. That's getting warmer. I don't care what "ethnic minority" agents of a foreign power belong to... That's getting cooler. More here, including news Daisy will be out with yet another book, this time about where the right went wrong, which no doubt will come very close but not actually point out that our party, press and government are controlled by the kikenklan.

"I Freed the What?!"

Ever hear of Juneteenth?

Syria Fights Back Against Jewish Hate

Syria is preparing a law that would prohibit trade dealings with the United States in response to U.S. sanctions imposed on the Arab country last month, Syrian legislators said Saturday. Guess what they're calling it? More than 130 members of the 250-seat legislature have prepared a draft of the "America Accountability Act" that would impose "strict sanctions" on American interests in Syria. Now that's funny. What's not is that the name 'America' is now cursed around the world - because of the jews who control our government and murder people in our name.

Is Immigration Still "Good for Jews"?

Jew Epstein at Vdare... The point, as always, is that what is good for America never enters into the jew's mind, not for the shortest sub-second. All that matters, ever, to the jew is whether X is "GOOD FOR JEWS." That will never change, and that is one of a thousand reasons we say NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. "Good for Aryans," itz. Don't miss the jew's characteristic arrogance, viz jew Steinlight: The white 'Christian' supremacists who have historically opposed either all immigration or all non-European immigration (Europeans being defined as Nordic or Anglo-Saxon), a position re-asserted by Peter Brimelow, must not be permitted to play a prominent role in the debate over the way America responds to unprecedented demographic change." Yes, the jew presumes to tell us we have no right to play a role in a debate over the future of the land our forefathers created and our grandchildren must live in. This absolute apogee of jewish arrogance is leading directly to your genocide, Aryan reader. Jew Steinlight is making a death threat against you and your family and your community and your nation, White reader. He and his kind are directly responsible for your daughters being raped, your sons being killed, your losing your job to invaders, your communities being destroyed by coloreds -- and the "hate" crimes laws that make it illegal for you to do anything about it. Jew Steinlight is an architect of Aryan genocide. If you tolerate his arrogance, his lies, and the "good for jews" GENOCIDE he's perpetrating against you and yours, soon enough your kind will cease to exist, Aryan reader. Itz that simple. It is US or THEM. I sincerely look forward to the day here at VNN when we can report to you that jew Steinlight no longer exists. Kevin MacDonald has chipped in another article at Vdare, too, on the 1924 immigration cutoff, and the jews who wailed about its racism back then and in the intervening decades.

Media Cultivated White Self-Image: Our Situation and What We Must Do

Discuss in VNNF here. Who tells the White youth to behave like and model himself on black criminality? Who tells the White youth to reject his parents and elders, to reject tradition? Who tells the White youth that his ancestors were criminals and thieves - a deliberate lie - and to what end? Who tells the white youth that his ancestors were 'corny,' goofy, uncool, something to feel embarrassment over and distance oneself from? Who tells the white youth that his father, that all white male authority figures, are either laughable goofs or else evil harborers of authoritarian-complexes, abusive, dangerous maniacs? in no case to be respected, but either to be laughed at or reported on? Who tells the White youth this and why? Who tells the White girl to carry and adorn herself like a cheap whore, to have no respect for herself or her body, to have no discretion in who she associates with and allows to make advances on her? Who aims to devalue her and destroy her image of self? to deny her an image of the past to model herself on? Who deliberately destroys that image with alienating, degrading media propaganda that aims to instill a feeling of self-hatred in her? And to what end? All of this, all of these debilitating, destructive images, are Jewish images, crafted in Jewish minds, spread through the Jewish media - Hollywood, television, advertising, music - to deliberately destroy white self image and deny whites a future -- by denying them their past. To destroy a people by erasing them from their own minds, by building an image in the mind of a generation and making that image a reality....by Richard Hartmann

Indoctrinating Cops

At ADL, it's job #1. Separation of church and state? How about separation of kikes and cops?


Nothing left but a great big jewnose sticking out of the sand. Lowry or Damone, you be the judge. "Izn't this great?" Uh...no. If you don't get the title and are a victim of public 'schools,' read here and get to know your heritage, White youth.

Double Take: Remarks by President G.W. Bush at Grand Opening of the Brown v Board of Education National Historic Site

A parody...by Il Ragno

Nothing So Ugly as a Beautiful Dreamer

Letting niggers vote? No, really. That's not a beautiful dream, that's a nightmare. I hope the Guardian staff have their daughters raped and their sons molested by the colored shit they celebrate. If you think racism sucks, try niggers. Fools. Look at it this way, high horsemen: the Southrons feel about niggers the way you feel about them. The difference is their beliefs are based on experience whereas yours are nothing but self-righteous cant. The problem isn't that Schwerner and Goodman were killed, the problem is that not enough Goodmans and Schwerners were killed. Who controls the community is a vital issue, it is worth killing and dying for. Aryans should kill jews usurping political control over their communities. No jew anywhere has the right to tell Aryan communities how to run their affairs. DEATH TO THE JEWS.

Lincoln Lauders

Interview with DiLorenzo. The facts are the enemy of the jewish mythmakers advertised as historians. Many of the main Lincoln liars are associated with this Claremont Institute in California. They're all followers of a philosopher named Leo Strauss. Their method is to read the classics, and then to look at documents, like the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and Lincolns speeches. Then they reinterpret these documents and spin a story to make them say something they don't say. Interesting fact here: Six months after the book was out, my publisher told me that I had already sold ten times more than what Harry Jaffa sold of his latest book on Lincoln. The jews are just giving the people what they don't want. The irony of DiLorenzo is his unthinking, to give him benefit of doubt, acceptance of the egalitarian myth, that racism is either unfactual or morally wrong. History in this regard has amply justified Lincoln's race-realism, as it has Jefferson's race-realism. I quote Gabor Boritt commenting on Lincolns career-long infatuation with colonization, or shipping all the black people back to Africa or Haiti or South America or someplace. I quoted Boritt as saying, "This is how honest people lie." In other words, all those statements about colonization were honest lies. If that's not Orwellian, what is? It is Orwellian, but you haven't explained why Lincoln was wrong about race. DiLorenzo is as afraid of the truth about race as Jaffa and jews are of the truth about Lincoln. Here Sobran on the Land of the Gullible.

Jewing About Secularism

The wily jew insinuates its way onto the "good" team. It emerges that, in the controversies surrounding the Pledge of Allegiance and the L.A. County seal, what we're seeing is an unacknowledged interreligious civil war. Yes, between jews and Christians. What's better than winning without fighting? Wining without the opponent even realizing he's at war.


Taki on UKIP and more. Of course people will resort to violence when their own elected officials do not adhere to the majority's wishes. I have said this before, but Guido Fawkes was the only person to enter Parliament with honest intentions. He ended up badly, mind you, but very bravely. These Europhiles better get their act together. Most Brits do not want to be ruled by child-molesting Belgian bureaucrooks. Get that through your fat heads, dickheads.

Double Take: Will some Jews' backing for war in Iraq have repercussions for all?

First the jewspeak, then the youspeak...by Il Ragno

Remembering Roosevelt

A 93-year-old White Revolution supporter remembers the old days, and the changes Roosevelt wrought...by Billy Roper

The "Ten Truths" Examined: Part II

The wrong side won WWII: the jews...by Rich Brooks

The 2% Solution

Private poll finds only 2% of Iraqis see us as liberators. What a coincidence: only 2% of "us" wanted to liberate Iraq. VERTICAL EXPULSION NOW.

JAFA Meets in Europe

Jews Against the First Amendment, with reps from ADL and Justice, is over in Europe conspiring against the Constitution this week. Officials from more than 60 countries were attending the two-day conference aimed at finding ways to keep racist information off the Web without compromising free speech and freedom of expression. They're hoping you're dumbed down enough by their anti-intellectual public 'schooling' that you don't notice the contradiction. HATE SPEECH = FREE SPEECH = SPEECH JEWS HATE. All the same thing. When a jew jews that he's "against hate speech," that's code for, "We jews are against free speech. We think we should be allowed to criticize you, but we work to make it illegal for you to criticize us." ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Here one of the jews' favorite tools, organized homos, receives legal privilege over straights, courtesy of the bought Senate.

White House of Black Lies

Slowly, dully, the truth emerges: everything the jews putting words in Drophead Dubya's mouth told us about Iraq and WMDs was a lie. Contrary to the Bush administration's prewar rhetoric, investigators have found no evidence Iraq (news - web sites) aided al Qaeda attempts to strike the United States, a commission probing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks said on Wednesday.

Dallas Zoo: Gorilla Leaps Wall!

Which direction? Jabari, a 340-pound western lowland gorilla, went on a 40-minute rampage March 18, snatching up a toddler with his teeth and injuring three other people. Zoo investigators believe the gorilla probably got a running start and sailed over the trench and the wall, clearing an electrical wire atop the wall that is supposed to give a mild shock. Come on, it was just celebrating Detroit's victory, no need to shoot it.

Together, We Can Take Back America!

We have become everything that America once stood against....by Edgar Steele

Greatest Generation

Just jews blowing smoke up your ass, doddering fodder. Good to see itz all coming apart in Iraq. Here's part of what your compatriots died for, drooling tools. Outsourcing jobs, insourcing wogs; smells like victory to me.

How the Republican-Liberals Subverted the Journalism-Liberals

David Brock... Here on "Passion" and torture in Iraq. Here on the documentary "Control Room." More here. Here on Moore's "Fahrenheit 911" praised by Fox.

The Hateful Insanity of the Subhuman Called Nigger

What do you get when you combine natural nigger stupidity with resentment fostered by media Jews? Widespread nigger belief that O.J. is innocent. You think anything you own, much less your body and family, is safe from these monkeys in manpantz? Among whites, 87 percent of still believed that Simpson committed the murders and evaded justice, while 71 percent of blacks said he was innocent and that the verdict was a just one. Do you think your nation and your people and your posterity should be put to sleep because it's "good for jews"? Then you must kill off the jews who are murdering you and your kind, White man. Note this stupid "big-name" nigger writer's dumb words: The carefully orchestrated TV shots of jubilant blacks high-fiving his acquittal and rejoicing that a brother finally beat the system stood in stark contrast to the shots of grim-faced whites railing that a murderer got away. If 71% believe OJ innocent, then it hardly requires orchestration to portray their reaction. In fact, kikenmedia if anything have downplayed the reaction, knowing it is so over the top that even their brainwashed audience can't accept it. Here hate-filled niggers resent the naming of a center after a murdered White cop. When do Whites get to resent the 2 million violent crimes niggers commit against them annually? Never in jew-controlled America. Whites and blacks cannot live together. Jefferson said that. It remains true. It doesn't matter that jew-bought politicians and preachers say otherwise. Reality refutes their lies. The races are forced together by jews. They believe it is "good for jews" to mix races, no matter if your daughter gets raped and your son murdered in the process. You know what's good for Whites? Dead jews. The more the better. Only when the jew is exterminated will the White man be free. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Here some laughable comments from coon Aristide, who claims he was set up to prove blacks can't rule. Funny, I would have thought all recorded Haitian history made that proof several hundred times redundant. And here's a pleasant tale of "Steaming Gang" in London, doing what niggers always do, nig-packing humans for whatever loot and torture-fun they can scare up. Thanks for the loosing the niggers on us, jews. We'll see to it that the gift is returned to your every last Perla and Pinchas. ITZ COMING.

Three Poems by Foltaire

On man and the onus of eternity...

The Vicarious Pussy Party

They never get to fuck or fight anything, but gosh darn, they sure like to watch those who do. Real conservatism Isn't cheerleading, but most male Republicunts are indeed male cheerleaders, as were many of the top 'cuntz in college, literally. Mean, suspicious, scared -- their main delight in their lives of failure is seeing the other guy dragged down. They probably have the brains to sense the jews are lying about the WMDs and all that, but their lack of character overcomes their suspicions, and they give in to the socially-approved fun of watching the shit get beat out of someone at no risk to themselves. Ames gets some of the symptoms right, but without touching on the jews, he can't get to the heart of it. The White male has always voted against affirmative action and foreign invasion, but it doesn't matter: the jewed papers and jewed courts simply reverse the decision. And until now nobody this side of David Duke and Glen Miller has even tried to represent his interests.

If Not Israel, Who?

If that heroic, tastefully perfumed little country didn't exist, who would kill all the terrorists that plague us so? Thank God for Israel. I just wish there were four of them. We wouldn't have to worry about a thing. If we eliminated all the terrorists and anti-semites in the world, how many people would that leave? My guess is right around 14 million. Here on jew Strauss. Also in 1932, he wrote an extended review of a book by the German legal and political theorist Carl Schmitt entitled The Concept of the Political, in which Schmitt articulated his notion that the core of the political problem is the distinction between friends and enemies. And consider this: The Straussian network is really an amazing thing. Any political theorist or anyone who has been around political science departments has seen it at work. Long before attaining public attention, the Straussians were often ridiculed for their cult-like qualities: they speak and write the same way, they write the same books on the same themes over and over again, they dress alike, they are almost all men, they went to the same schoolsthose sorts of things. It thus comes as a shock to discover that Leo Strauss may turn out to be the most influential political theorist of the last fifty years in the United States with respect to the exercise of political power. How many of them aren't jews? Note too the admission that jew-Straussians love Lincoln for both his ready resort to tyranny and mythmaking.

Game Theory

On the jewing of pro sports. Ever notice that the commissioners of baseball, basketball, football and hockey are all jews?...by "Newz" Numberman

Atlanta's New Mayor Holds Nigger Love-In with Outkast, Other Prominent Poetasters of Bootlip

Not an outrage, and absolutely, scientifically inevitable result of allowing jews to loose niggers among us. Niggers are predators. They belong in jungles, not human countries. Sample Ludacris' lyrics here. Welcome to Atlanta, jackin hammers and vogues Back to the mackin and jackin the clothes and on and on in similar vein. You know, I think with enough empowerment zones, and better school administrations, these Ludacrises will turn into reg'lar hyooman beings. What do you think? Atlanta celebrities like OutKast, Ludacris, Jermaine Dupri and Chris Tucker came out in full force at the Georgia World Congress Centeron Saturday to welcome the city's newly elected and first female mayor, Shirley Franklin. The party -- which began at 8 p.m. with lines stretching around the block -- was part of a four-day, $500,000 celebrationthat culminated with Franklin's swearing in on Monday. Atlanta is monkey town, with crime four times higher than national average, and that's only reported crime, actual crime is worse. "[T]he two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." Who represents your interests, Aryan? Not a single party. Nigger pols celebrating nigger poetasters is the symptom; JEW IS THE DISEASE.

White Jeremy Wariner Wins NCAA 400 Meters

Baylor sophomore Jeremy Wariner (Grand Prairie, Texas) ran a stadium-record 44.71 to capture the 400-meter crown, then helped lead the 4x400-meter relay to the title at the 2004 NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships hosted by the University of Texas Saturday at Mike A. Myers Stadium. See letters today, 6/14/04, for speculation about track officials trying to keep White sprinters off Olympic team. It's the Brezhnev doctrine: anything that becomes "black" must never go back. Hence ESPN's approval of Larry Bird's recent claim that basketball is a black man's game and always will be, forever; whereas any position or sport filled by Whites must "diversify" until dominated by niggers the ESPN jews want Whites to worship. Don't accept jewish lies: EVERY arena is open to your White challenge, White man, and stomp any ESPN jew who tries to get in your way.

Movie Review: 'The Stepford Wives'

Different town, same old "Pleasantville" meme....by Rich Brooks

Only Jews Have a Right to Participate in Politics

What would organized kikery say if 2/3 of Congress showed up at a Baptist Convention? Consider this treatment of jew Berg in relation to the hatred spewed against American Rachel Corrie, murdered by jews. Just what the world needs, a UN conference on "anti-semitism." You know that old "hot" and "cold" game? When you starting hearing "anti-semitism," it means "warmer, warmer, warmer."

Stinky Botulism Blasts Madonna-Whore Industrial Complex

Boteach's rant was part of an essay that criticized mainstream Jewish debate for its irrelevance to pressing issues, choosing instead to worry about matters such as the hair used in Orthodox women's wigs. Some wigs have been ruled unkosher because the hair is shorn in polytheistic Hindu ceremonies. Good lord. Into the ovens with the lot of them.

Niggas Be 'Tardin'

What does a black man gotta do ta get inta college? Write a declarative sentence. That be racism, dog.

Advertising Makes Heroes: Why Not These White Sprinters?

They're breaking barriers: White men winning championships and gold medals in sprints. Does Phil Knight make an ad of them? Celebrate their heroics? No. He makes ads about female boxers doing the "impossible"; i.e., punching other chicks' tits. Blaming corporations is a corp-out by leftists who don't get it. The system is jewed against Aryans: champions in mind and body. Congratulations to Mitch Potter and Adam Steele. Here's another White speed demon football player-ex paying the price for the legacy of anti-White racism left by classic Christian doofus and nigger-lover Tom Osborne. Whites come out of highschool super fast, but their dreams of playing receiver and running back are crushed by the old jews network, crystallized in ESPN, which demands, for political reasons, that whites be limited to interior linemen, the better to enthrall the white masses with the idea that niggers are their heroes, and make suitable mates for their blonde daughters. Here is a pro-White sports website that purports to be the only such in the world, and we don't know any different, so maybe it is.

Emancipation, immigration, invasion: Three Sonnets by Ellin Anderson

"When you write in prose you say what you mean. When you write in rhyme you say what you must." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Aryan Spam Comes of Age

This is thought to be the first time that right-wing extremists have used wide-scale spamming to reach their audience. Jews, by contrast, long ago mastered Spam TV. Good to see anonymous Germans spreading the truth. More here. The spam is being sent out via a large "zombie army" of compromised and remotely controlled PCs. You know -- kind of like electronic versions of public-school graduates. Here an old speech by Dr. Pierce, explaining why jew-controlled Germany has no more respect for free speech than, say, Stormfront. VNNF upholds the Aryan liberties prized by America's founders, and you can discuss the good spam here.

Yesterday Bardot, Today Reynouard

A French teacher named Vincent Reynouard has been thrown in jail for two years FOR MAKING A FILM. "Jailed for making movie...convicted for distributing literature...fired for teaching history...banned for political opinions...caught storing documents on a computer...This is the West? No. This is Jewish Tyranny, under which it becomes illegal to criticize jews, much less make a film disputing one of the historical myths they propagate to their own advantage. A nation fills with Muslims while its prisons fill with honest Aryans - both because of the jew. And the only one who will stand up to tews is an aging actress. For pity. Note too the heavily charged and loaded terms the cunt writer uses. Feel the hatred and vindictiveness in "Susan Bell's" words. You can practically see the pursed lips and hear her thinking, "He got what he deserved." Women do not understand freedom. They equate it with danger, and since they prize security over all things, it is foreign to them. There are occasional outliers, but in the main men and men alone are where the salvation of the West must come from.

BNP Puts Four in Bradford

It made a shock gain in Bradford - four seats which gained it a foothold in an area which had previously been uncharted territory. The party had fielded 10 candidates in the borough, which saw Labour lose eight of its seats. Overall, they're saying worst loss for Labour since '70s. Here the Guardian links to the manifestos of the various parties -- excluding BNP. Why? Because the Guardian is written by eye-gaugers, rabbit-punchers and nut-gipers. The Scottish National Party is included because it is coopted by kooks and coloreds, and so semitized for jews and muticulturalists' protection. BNP regional results from this page.

Semites Shitting on Spain

Always you find with jews, an inch beneath the surface, a hatred and vindictiveness unmatched by any other people. The minute you don't do their bidding; the minute they perceive flag in your careful sycophancy, they're all over you, man or nation, accusing you of every crime in the book and a few made up special for the occasion. Does Spain reject the jew's agenda and follow her own? Then she must be abused ever and anon, by jews left and right, and lickophants high and low. In intellectual journals, in popular papers, on talk shows. The jew cannot tolerate any deviations, anywhere, ever. So abuse Spain, freely. Blame her for low birthrates and weed-smoking Moroccans. Ignore jewish attempts to communize Spain back in the thirties. Ignore jewish support for abortion-for-White-women, and jewish pressure for opening borders to non-Aryans. Ignore the jewish role, and blame the nation you wrecked for problems brought on by the policies JEW advocated. The jewish way, itz. In a word, lethal. Got jews? Got cancer. No Jews. Just Right.


Some Kurds want to secede.

White Art: Poetry Readings

"When you meet the usual haunted-looking individuals who organise readings," said the poet Hugo Williams once in the TLS, "- men with eyes red from crying, women with garlands in their hair - they have either just taken over from someone who committed suicide, or are trying to pass the job on to someone whose sanity is still intact." And: "It would be very odd," said James Fenton in a lecture on poetry a few years ago, "to go to a concert hall and discover that the pianist on offer wasn't any good at all, in the sense that he couldn't actually play the piano. But in poetry this is an experience we've learnt to take in our stride." Here on reactions to Mozart through time. Only in recent decades has the demonic side of Mozart been rediscovered, directors and audiences realising, for example, that for all the slapstick and fabulous tunes, Don Giovanni is as seductive and scary as its creator. And why this rediscovery? Because we are the heirs of modernism and postmodernism. We revel in the dark, the perverse, the transgressive - all the adolescent virtues.

Nigerians These Days

Nasty as always, this land of oil and email scams. Not worth noticing except for growing Islamic radicalism, which worries the jews at Horowitz's page. Maybe Horowitz should raise a brigade of shappy shapiros, "courageous" young people of nose to head over there and straighten those naughty nig-nogs out. Here an interview with one of the exports of this nasty nation, a nig named Peter Odighizuwa who had no business being in the country, in the law school, nor at this point being alive, after murdering three whites and injuring others in 2002 "exorcism." The lawsuits [filed by relatives of dead] also contend Odighizuwa was allowed to re-enroll after flunking out because he was one of the school's few black students and administrators were desperate to show diversity. ZOG's discrimination against Whites leads directly to their murders, rapes, and dispossesion at the paws of the primates shipped in to replace them. DEATH TO THE JEWS.

Multiculturalism Destroying Canada

Thanks, jews. Fat Elinor and the rest have in large measure made their dream a reality: turning the Great White North into a Sewage Slurpee. Think clearly, White man of any land. You will never identify in any substantial way with non-Whites. When you look at a nigger or a Mexican, you feel disgust. Don't even try to deny it. "Not us," you feel - instinctively.

What Reconciles ACLU's Seemingly Contradictory Positions?

The universal key: whatever is "good for jews" is what the ACLU pursues. It is "good for jews" to deny Christians the right to control what their kids are taught, and it is "good for jews" to fill Aryan countries with third-worlders with weird ways, and force the Christians to bow to them, and with their tax money subsidize them. Whatever disrupts, corrupts, and denatures the Aryan race and the Christian religion is supported by the ACLU.

Mexican Invasion: One of ZOG's Greatest Success Stories

Imagine you were a tiny and poorly thought of minority amid a sea of stable, good-looking people who had built a beautiful civilization. Imagine this burned in your heart and you wished to destroy them. How would you do it? There is no better way than opening the borders to hostile foreigners. And that is "our" immigration policy: the policy favored by the Aryan-hating jewish minority. You won't read about it in the papers because it is true. The Mexican invader is merely a symptom; JEW IS THE DISEASE.

White Girls Under Fire in Detroit

Nice coverage from giggling-behind-hand Detroit Free Press here. And if you think you'd be allowed to use "intriguing" in a headline about an entrepreneur marketing "I hate nigger bitches" shirts....but you know that.

Hope and Desperation

Some cheer blindly; some provide real descriptions and real solutions....by Billy Roper


Excellent summary of the state of opposition to jewed Britain. Ever since May 2003, when the BNP got 17 local councilors elected in England, the keepers of the public conscience have been obsessed by the possibility that it might win seats the European Parliament. The party is fielding 75 candidates for European seats, its biggest-ever push and has also started to show up in national opinion polls. BNP claims UKIP is a sham to steal votes of unhappy Tories (Republicunts), prevent a breakout by a radical national party, although BNP has tried, 'rebrand' itself including accepting coloreds and running kikes for office. Check out Turner's magazine here.

Nigger Wins Nobel Prize!

My bad. Actually it just killed this white guy, and stuffed him in the trunk. Gotta get these glasses cleaned.

France: Bardot Fined 6K for Criticizing Muslims

Freedom to criticze others, and allowing others to criticize oneself, is not understood by Muslims, the jews controlling France and Britian and Germany and America, nor the cultists masquerading as White, but it lies at the heart of Aryan cultural heritage. "It's my overall view of a society becoming completely decadent, where it's like mediocrity has become more important than beauty and greatness, where there are more dirty, badly kept people invading the world," she said. Sorry, Brigitte. Your right to live in clean, White, safe, beautiful, brilliant France is trumped by the judenrat's desire to snuffle in shit. NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE. Here a Briton says there are six times more invaders than the government helping the invaders reports. That's a point we've long emphasized: the government literally does not know who or what is in the U.S. Its own numbers are horrible, and there is every reason to believe it is shading the evidence it does have to downplay the problem, since it does that with crime and everything else.

Turning Shiksas Into Whores

"Wet Seal" is "good for jews" two ways: makes 'em money, destroys potential political opposition. These men are exactly the type of jew destroying America, day in and day out. We cannot be free until these people are themselves destroyed.

Complex of Vaunting and Fear

Jew Rothbard quoting Garrett on the mental makeup of the denizens of an empire. Strutting and groveling, as it has also been put; characteristic of the middle class "team players" who like to be on the winning team, and are afraid of anything that might make them stick out. Human fish in a school, all turning the same way at the same time. When 'racists' rule, they're racists; when jews rule, they're pro-jew. They follow bought leaders just as they follow true leaders. They're followers, and they cannot think, and yes, it is biological.

Race Traitor Whore

Gather round your old gaffer's foot, young chilluns, while he relates the ominous tale of a girl gone necrotic; for the hour grows late, and fearblood too doth warm the heart....by Constantin von Hoffmeister


If you think the cartoon is funny, try the school! I do declayah, just like the mammmy don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies, and Jared "They Look White to Me" Taylor has no idea who's setting race against race, the reporter, the principal, the teachers, the parents all play ring around the elephant fact that races differ genetically in intelligence and not a damn thing can be done about it. Only in America can you read in "free" papers, literally for decades at a stretch, articles about a "problem" that is a condition, with never a paper deviating from the egalitarian template. I guess the same force that decided blacks and whites would have the same skin color gave them the same brain abilities. In America, things that are obvious are unmentionable. And nobody says a word. Nobody says a word. "Land of the free." BULLSHIT! Land of the Afraid. Here some good comments from AmRen readers re advantages given niggers and denied Whites in sports.

Le Pen und Le Net und La Gloire

The loathsome poinks that excrete the Guardian hiss and burble that non-Guardian sources exist. "We live in a country where freedom of speech is a deception," says Romain Ltang, webmaster for the National Front. "You can be charged for just saying 'I am fed up, there are too many immigrants.' For us, the internet is a pure propaganda medium where our message is not distorted." Unlike France, we chesty Americans enjoy great freedom. Nobody will stop the 1001st jew syndicated columnist from writing about the red tide of anti-Semitism sweeping France, tho I don't recall a one every mentioning the FACT mentioned above - that discs (discoloreds) and yidn are LEGALLY OFF LIMITS when it comes to criticism. Here the jigaboos go after the frogs in some unlikely locale.

Staples Commits Anti-Aryan Hate Crime, Funds Jewish Hate Group

Don't buy from Staples. Denounce it to your friends. It is funding the jewish hate, spy and terrorist organization ADL. "We are thrilled that Staples Foundation for Learning recognizes the importance of giving young people the skills they need to say 'no' to hatred and bigotry," said Barbara B. Balser, ADL National Chair. "Hate" is jewish shellspeak for 'taking pride in non-jewish heritage.' Only jews may be racist. Only jews may love their race. If anybody else does it, he must be denounced as a "hater."

Men of the Stained Cloth Support Beasting of Britain

Ah, puttin' the lick Anglicunts. England for the English. Wogs raus. Foaming rivers of blood - filled with limbless, half-eaten torsos. Here's a new interesting one from Custred at Vdare on rise in race-realism and Ja'Taylor, master of the pan flute and philosemitic WN-lite. Why, there's a link to every study, site, and survey in the solar system in this story, but a quick word check reveals nary a "jew" line one to line bottom. Bad, Vdare. Bad Vdare! Not very Vdaring, say we. Say mais non to James Taylor racialism. Keep the goddamn camel-nosed shapeshifters out of the big-tent revival. You cannot teach intelligence into a nigger any more than you can teach melanin out. PIGS DON'T SING. Of course, we do not know what the future will bring. Maybe we will all learn to get along in the diverse mosaic of different peoples happily pursuing their distinctive ethnic identities at public expense that the elites are preparing for us. Oh yeah sure, count on it. And Jesus walked on the water. And two plus two isn't four. REALITY EXISTS. Are niggers stupid? No. They just test that way. Day after week after month after year after decade after century after millennium after...ya get it? Itz like if their brains were sperm, they'd have a really low sperm count. Ya see what I'm saying?

Chimp Madness in Zimby As Philtrum Fanatic Seizes ALLES ARABLE

Right before our very eyes, savages are retaking civilized lands. No, I'm not talking about downtown your town. Believe it or not, the same process is at work thousands of miles away, deep in the heart of Freaka, where human Rhodesia's mugamorphosis is 99% complete with today's announcement that all land will henceforth be owned and returned to desuetude by the monkarchy, which is like an aristocracy, but more like its opposite. And here's Cathy Buckle, a very nice white-skinned woman, with tips on how to commit suicide by stupidity, in her politey whitey case taking the form of worship at the altar of St. Seenosimian, step brother of Seenosemiticus. Mugabe belongs in a zoo, and I don't just mean because he's black, but because of his prodigious upper lip indentation, which ought to command a pretty penny on the Ringling circuit. Here a couple of god's supersized harem of ugly women take time off pleasuring the Supreme Deity and Author of the Universe to help the brothers boolie drive out the last pockets of humans. Next stop: a human must never say no to an ape! When you're getting your ass kicked by nuns, nature's pretty much consigned you to the trash heap. Is this really what it comes to, White man? Are we really going to allow a tiny, nasty, stinky, ratty little pustule of 14 million shitty little yidn to push us off the globe? Is this the best we can do? Is it? DEATH TO THE JEWS. VIVA LA RAZA BLANCA. Here's more assholes with Eminent Pa on their side encouraging this disgusting humanoid subspecies that infects Mexico to journey northward to your neck of the woods. Religion is nothing but the urge to shift responsibility made sanctified. There is nothing man so loves as doing dirt to his neighbors in the name of everything Holy. Christianity, you suppurating twat of a religion. What foul and feculent and festering are you not first to fund?

Hate Jews Trounced in Virginia as Moran Whips Rosenberg's Jewy Ass

With 99 percent of the votes counted, Moran had 23,814 votes, or 59 percent, compared to 16,829 votes, or 41 percent, for Andrew Rosenberg. Well, the probably-jewish cunts at "Goodbyejim.com" can't be too happy this morning, as Moran sings zippity joo-dah, and jew Rosenberg departs for remedial dreydl camp. My oh my, what a wonderful day! FUCK YOU, KIKES, YOU TOOK IT UP THE ASS ON THIS ONE, YOU MISERABLE LYING LITTLE BITCHES. HAHAHAHAHA! Let the word go out: jews are not to be feared, they are to be stepped on, releasing the rich, creamy, jew-nougat they're packed with. Once again, class: the jew murders Jesus, and that makes us _____ for mentioning it. Bueller? Bueller? The jew starts a war in Iraq, and that makes us ______ for mentioning it? Bueller? Bueller? TRUTH HATES JEWS AND JEWS HATE TRUTH. When jew says "Can't," we say "Can!" "Can't." "CAN!" "Can't." "CAN!" "CAN!" "CAN!" "CAN! CAN! CAN!" ITZ COOOOOOOMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!

Breaking News! The Left-Right Coalition Emerges with a Nader Interview in The American Conservative

More leftists are sniffing around the stinky truth.....by Rob Freeman

The "Legacy" of Ronald Reagan

A bigger, more intrusive ZOG, and the anchoring of the conservative camp to the underwater rock of "civil rights" is Reagan's meaningful leave-behind....by Rich Brooks

Movie Review: 'Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World'

The White world of yesterday points the way to the White world of tomorrow -- if we have the strength to follow. Discuss here....by Richard Hartmann

Between The Lines: 'New Orleans Protocol'

An arrogant attempted arrogation by folks who at least recognize the need to clean up their act. Like they say, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Good luck, guys....by Alex Linder

Problems Living in a Small White Community

Whites don't appreciate what they have until it's gone, and if they listen to jewvision, they still won't understand the what or why of it....by Sean Martin

Reagan Redismembered

Jeezus, I feel old reading this vintage '80s Stalinist cant. Let the droolard pass on to the loamy beneath in peace. But no: Ronald Reagan has finally died at age 93. Predictably, politicians from both major parties have issued gushing tributes to this venal and vicious man, who was happy to slash workers' wages, see families thrown onto the street, support sadistic death squads and bomb other countries, if this was in the interests of the American ruling class. He...he...he called smashed tomatoes a vegetable! And tiptoed out of the White House late at night to sell crack and impregnate minority teens! Funding for able-bodied porchers of color rose a mere 32% percent per annum under his watch! Sniff...the bastard. It should come as no suprise that the decanter is named "Gasper." And this breathless fellowessa belongs to a "National Writers Union." How the fuckity-fuck-fuck do writers form a union? Do they fight for better words and extra letters? For uniform margins, and the rights of illiterates to subsidized publication? Let me guess: the right to be published in your tissue of choice is a fundamental human civil right of man, right? Itz dumbass shit like this that makes me want to take a bat to the Internet. Opposite the eeky gaspers you've got the half-assed crew of conservative tholemn-gulpers. Our culture, our government and our sense of identity are at times and in places confounded. Still, our heritage and our hope remains. What land are you living in, budger? You can't even rent your house to whomever you want - Reagan's government will make that decision for you. You can't hire and fire whom you want - Reagan's government has taken that out of your hands. You can't decide not to wear a seatbelt, or turn over half your money in taxes, or send your kids to a school where they use textbooks that teach respect for Aryan heritage - Reagan's metastasized ZOG has removed all these from your sphere of influence. I really fear for the rising generation of conservatives. I fear they're too stupid to be brainwashed. This Hans Zeiger is the type of Republican I mean when I say these guys are so dumb you could hold a tortilla under a dog's tail and serve it as a "freedom burrito" and they'd eat it with shit-eating grin. But only after saying grace. Thank you, O Jeboo, for our daily loaf. Gawd Bless AmeriKwa/ Land of the fill... You want to see "your" President sucking jewish ass so obscenely a porn site would reject it for taste? Click here! Here Raimondo on Bonzo's associate.

Land Where Hate Began Plans High-Tech Hate Ship

This newly visualized unit is described as a 13,000-ton ship that will become the largest Israeli navy surface vessel capable of carrying armor, commando troops, helicopters and unmanned drones. Will it be paid for by Aryans? Will it be able to launch nuclear missiles at any European capital? What do you think? If Israel didn't exist, would the world be safer or less safe? If jews didn't exist would the world be safer or less safe? Confused? If there were two Israels would the world be better off than with one? My, that really clears it up, doesn't it? Israel is a shitty little country stuffed with Hate Hebrews that is a menace to mankind. Here the SLC's hate cabinet recognizes the inevitable and votes to withdraw. Here Daisy on Iraq and paleoconmen. He chortles too soon. The jews, like the Grinch, will think up a new lie, and they'll think it up quick.

BNP Candidate Speaks Against Nazi Tyranny

Sixty years on, we are now told that this British way of life is not something special, but something that we should forget about. We are not allowed to celebrate British culture. We are told to feel ashamed of our history. We are told not to fly our flag or celebrate our Christian religion in case it offends new arrivals to our country. When we complain we are told we are racist and that our society is riddled with inherent racism. All credit for which can be laid at the feet of the jews the Nazis fought. The BNP denounces the Nazis while running at least one jewish candidate. Don't take my claim, take their words: They call us 'nazis', yet the BNP is totally committed to strengthening democracy, many of our older members are World War Two veterans, and we have Jewish members, some of whom stand as BNP candidates at election times. "Each man kills the thing he loves." You will only be tolerated by jew-controlled media and in jew-controlled society if you embrace a nationalism that doesn't work. Race is real, and no man or party that claims it isn't is to be trusted. Question: How many mosques in Britain? Answer: 800.

Media: The Jewing of ABC

New this fall: The Ultimate Love Test, Desperate Housewives, and Wife Swap. Jews make everything worse. Ever notice that?

Drones on Parade

At the border... Here on chop-shopping bears. Gooks belong overseas in caves, or wherever gooks hail from. There are teeming millions of the nasty, ratty creatures here in the States. Say no to slant-eyed puppy-slurpers. Traditional Chinese medicine considers black bear gall bladders to have the ability to treat spasms and skin lesions, among other conditions. The wisdom of the Orient? Do Orientals look wise to you? Or do they look like carbon copies of Downies? Or something pouring out of a hole in a mound of granulated dirt? Here Millard does an interesting Fred-on-Everything take on evolution.

White Heritage: Which Way Western Man?

Revilo Oliver's review...Mr. Simpson, too, tried to carry the religion to its practical consequences, but, unlike St. Francis, he did not lapse into a kind of amiable insanity. He learned from his dolorous experience that reality is not to be denied and that magic is either clever trickery or an hallucination. He realized that there was no way in which he "could be an honest man and remain a minister." Same goes for all Christians -- well, at least the thinking minority. Do men come back from the dead? Uh...no. Nothing to see here, people. Just blunt fact. Now move on, you're holding up traffic. Here some yapping about Atlantis. Dr Rainer Kuehne thinks the "island" of Atlantis simply referred to a region of the southern Spanish coast destroyed by a flood between 800 BC and 500 BC.

Reagan Dies

Lots of hoopla the next few days, about Reagan and D-Day, the 'D' for dupes. Remember the popular children's rhyme: Only the jew/ Won World War Two. The essential fact about Reagan is that he gave a smooth, adult surface to egalitarian-liberal politics. He came from an Illinois family that rejected race reality and was overtly hostile to those who acknowledged it. Reagan praised FDR in public, praised MLK in public, and praised the whole Jewish Tyranny in blackface that is "civil rights." Under liberal Reagan, ZOG grew mightily, in power, income, and spending. Reagan stood up to the Soviet Union, even as the United States evolved into a softer version of same, with television doing the work of machine guns and gulags. In the end, Reagan was as false a conservative as the rest, floating over the degenerate reality his and Congress' and the media's egalitarian policies made inevitable on clouds of money and words of honey. As long as their kids are privately schooled, and their neighborhoods safely White; as long as they can preserve their "beautiful minds," as Barbara Bush termed it, the real world can go to hell. So it is. So it will be until a fresh generation of race-realists arises to defend the race and the politics that make Aryan civilization possible. Because he appeared the competent adult male most people expect and desire in a leader, most people accepted Reagan at face value as a conservative; a law-and-order, fiscally-prudent man of principle. Now we must endure the spectacle of listening to endless media eulogies for a man the media hated when he was in office, and a man whose policies they attacked, even though they were the same as their own, the only difference being a shade less funding than they desired. Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh and Tom Brokaw and Bill O'Reilly and Tim Russert agree on the essentials. They are all egalitarians, and they all deny Jefferson's Truth, and that makes them dangerous. America today, filled with Chinese and Mexicans, a nation in which natives are afraid to speak their minds, enjoys only the liberties our one-party system approves, namely the freedom to eat, screw, or marry whatever we wish. Reagan's timely death and his heroic anti-communism will be tied in with the lies surrounding D-Day. Is a sixtieth anniversary usually that big a deal? No. Why is this one? No reason other than it makes a useful peg for yet another spate of stories reinforcing the unique monstrosity of the Nazis, and our own unique valor in destroying them. It's just another opportunity to reinforce the message that Whites are only valid to the extent they're willing to sacrifice blood and treasure for jews. The only public land a Christian cross is allowed to occupy is a military graveyard. Ever notice that? Why has the ACLU never filed suit against this egregious mingling of church and state? It will be repeated ad infinitum that we "liberated" Europe. If you ask why "liberated" nations have ironclad laws against questioning the "Holocaust" and criticizing the coloreds who rape and murder us, they won't answer. They don't need to. They don't report these things, and so the questions aren't in people's minds to begin with. "Liberation," "liberation," "Liberation," they just keep chanting. Truth has no reality of its own, it's a social construction - the loudest lie. This is the assumption jews operate on, and it works -- if you control the media and suppress competing voices. Until the jews putting out these race-murdering lies are extinguished, nothing will change. In fact what the jewish war on Europe achieved, as intended, was the replacing of Aryan leadership with Jewish Tyranny. Today there are White no-go zones in Blair's Britain. Today it is illegal in Blair's Britain for the White man to criticize the coloreds who created those zones. This is not liberty. This is fear and lies covered in marketing. 'Liberation' is Hymie the Hermit Crab of Hate's shellspeak for enslavement. Western Europe and America today are ruled by jews who use their control to murder the native populations through perpetual public-private ad campaigns encouraging miscegenation, through overt legal discrimination, and by sending Aryans oversease to die in wars to expand Israel. This is not liberty, this is slavery. To celebrate D-Day, Aryan reader, is to celebrate the White man's dispossession and the empowerment of the jew - worldwide. If D-Day was a good thing, then why has the United States gotten worse in every single measure since World War II? The fact, again, the fact is that 90% of the American people did not want to get involved in WWII, and as history has borne out, the people were right. The jews must keep these facts covered up. They must keep people from drawing the connection between their manipulations and misrepresentations and the increasingly degenerate American reality. They do this with endless lies about the "Holocaust" and ceaseless praise for the fodder which sacrificed itself for Judea. Don't come cheap, White man. Don't sell your soul, your race, and your posterity for a mess of media pottage and one small cross for a small plot in a judeo-American corpse garden.

Invaders Cost Arizona White Men $1.3 Billion

They shit out baby skins, you pay to "educate," house and feed the little shit-critters. Don't like it? Blame the jews who let them in.

Suckpoop Joe Lies for Israel

Headline: "Tragic sinking of U.S. ship was mistake made in fog of war" -- Nope! That is the cover lie bought politicians and bought journalists have used within hours of the Liberty attack.


View of someone about halfway to where we are. Consciousness of problem. Identification of some of the symptoms. Ability to trace symptoms back a fair way. Ultimate failure, trying to parse democratic voting with crushing manipulators. Here on The Simpsons. Here on the Zionists and the NWO.

White Books: James Kibler

Promoted by Cantrell in "You Must Ask to Receive." Ignorance is the Left's best weapon, for those who are ignorant of how and why they are mere tax slaves in an ever more obviously anti-Christ Empire will see no need to reject contemporary culture. The Left controls education, journalism, and entertainment, working diligently to make certain that no more than a handful of people imagine considering anything but what the Left wishes to promote. As the vast majority of people will never come into contact with someone like me, the only way they can be reached is if they happen upon a work that promotes the values and identity of Western Christian Civilization. They will stumble upon such a work in the average public library only if we have requested that it be added to the collection. That's reasonable enough. It seems not to matter where you travel in the Kwa, the shelves are filled with the same anti-heady mix of wimmin, pro jigs, queers, and jews for mortar. Building a wall between you and good reading, common sense, and everything else desirable.

Movie Review: 'The Day After Tomorrow'

Environmental lies serving Big Jew's political agenda: thatz our Hymiewood....by Rich Brooks

Media Review: Democracy Now!

If the jews can do it, we can too. Why haven't we? Whatever the reason, the time is now to get suppressed images online and over the air until all Aryan America understands our case....by Richard Hartmann

Fighting The Reins

We fight because it is right....by Billy Roper

"As a class": Grant Was Right

Lewpussy allows a kike to defame Germans. Funny how Lewpus runs a hundred articles about a small number of kikes who fought for the South yesterday, and nary a one about the hundreds of thousands of kikes tearing it down today. Damn those sec'lar hyoomanists. Damn them to hell! Here a Baptist displays his ignorance about Nazis. Do you think it has ever occurred to him to connect the fact that Nazis fought the same jews who today drive Christianity out of the public square? Oh, I doubt it very much.


Same mess, same cause, same non-response from same-difference parties. Indeed, on most immigration questions the three major parties are in agreement. All support the annual target of 300,000 immigrants -- one per cent of the population -- and all say more should be done to make sure that target is reached. They all want immigration and refugee decisions made more quickly. None of them wants what is good for Canada. Humans are under siege in Namibia too. At least Holland might be doing something. Scotland doesn't want nogs either, much to the consternation of the fruit writing the column. Even more worrying is the third of those surveyed who also disagreed with the statement that anyone wishing to live and work in Scotland should be welcomed. Smart Russians know a gypsy when they smell it. And what to do with it, too. All Aryan nations hate immigrants, even Canada. Why? Because we don't need them and they stink.

The Nigging of St. Petersburg

Jigs run wild, whitey pays the price. The jewish media wouldn't have it any other way. I have heard other whites talk like Kathryn Cooper. They are deeply frustrated. They sense they are not permitted to express their views on race, for fear they will be shut down by somebody calling them a bigot. So they say nothing. Every time they opt for silence, the potency of the subject defeats us. It gets only harder to reach some understanding. There is no understanding possible beyond the natural facts about blacks. The political indication is separation. Which jews have outlawed in the name of free association and other civil rights. They prefer the camouflage race-mixing affords them, just as a rat prefers a jumble of boards and garbage to a clean green lawn. The mystery is why Whites allows hymie-come-lately to make them third-class citizens in the land their people built. Here on speech crime coming to South Africa, bent on copying Zimbabwe. Draft legislation to eliminate hate speech, reminiscent of the controversial 2002 Zimbabwean law which clamped down on the media, has been published for comment by the government. Nigger liberation is a form of white political control, and with it comes always white speech controls. You and yours are to keep your legs, houses and communities open to be fucked and fucked up by niggers, while schools and seminaries brainwash you that noticing any of this is a sin. Because all people are equal, except white males, who are historically guilty and deserving of abolishment, and jews, who may continue to exist in their racist hate state for all eternity while other races are blended out of existence. Just watch tv, it explains all. Mexicans enrich our land with their dozens of fat, stupid kids.

Feminism: The Goddess That Failed

A crack at the have-it-alls. Anti-Aryanism is all the rage at a university near you; whether or not you attend, you get to pay for multiple of its thousand manifestations.

Israel, Our Enemy

I just wish there were two of them. Imagine how well off we'd be. Here on sexes these days, re the draft. Here a jew jewing about Hollings. More whining about jew-truthing here. Here bushy in full hoover at AIPAC. Here on Bilderberg meeting in Italy. Here Taki on this latest jews' war.

Media: Playboy

NRO celebrates it. National Review Online, the web version of the magazine that once defined the American right, actually found kind words to say about Playboy on its half-century milestone. "Playboy really does have something to do with freedom," wrote Catherine Seipp, "and these days maybe that's worth remembering. A society that allows Playboy is not a society that allows women to be stoned to death for adultery." The choice, she said, was between Playboy and burkas; take your pick. That article, remember, was published in a periodical that over the years has featured the likes of Russell Kirk, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Richard Weaver, and L. Brent Bozell. It's not clear when NRO and conservatism changed, says Deep Woodsy. Probably about the time the jews took over. Here on false etymologies. Here on jew Frankin and lib radio. Here jewmedia whining about lack of jig dramas on televitz.

Faces of Death

Carol Ward of Carol on the Web busted by nervous airport dolts. Carole Ward, 57, showed the recruits an 8 1/2- by 11-inch poster of a composite illustration of President Bush made up of the faces of soldiers who have died in Iraq. It bore the title "Faces of Death." Some people found the poster offensive and the woman became belligerent with an American Airlines gate agent, said Tim Wagner, a spokesman for the airline. Ward made some passengers feel uncomfortable while waiting to board her airplane during a thunderstorm Tuesday night and presented a security threat, he said. This is what has happened to America under the jews. The right to free speech has been replaced by the right not to feel uncomfortable. Freedom means agreeing with the government. Certainly not showing pictures of young men whose bodies have been destroyed because the men who pay for the president find it useful. In jew-produced AmeriKwa, encouraging young fodder to THINK before they DIE is a CRIME. AmeriKwa can't handle the truth. Nevertheless, ITZ COMING. VNN commends Carol Ward for doing exactly what needs to be done - speaking up in public, refusing to be quiet, educating the fodder and the fools. IN NOT US, WHO, VNN READERS? Even if they can't spell right -- thanks to the jews, who believe anti-intellectual indoctrination rather than proper education is good for your kid -- they know what to do with the kikes behind the child abuse called public schooling.

What Has America Become?

Dangerous and self-important, a land of McGoos led by jews. Trailer for "Fahrenheit 9/11" here. See it here.

Jews Hate Christians, Even the Judeo-Christian Fools Who Support Israel

What is so rare as a Christian who can think clearly? It's always struck me as bitterly ironic that professional Christians such as Sobran and Daisy Buchanan bend over backward to give the jews who hate their church every benefit of the doubt, whereas they side with those same jews in suppressing facts about the honest men who fought and defeated the jews forthrightly - the 'nazis.' Why in the world should any man befriend or refrain from whipping a Christian? All the evidence shows that the harder you beat them the more they respect you. The more you whip them, the more cheek they can turn, the closer to Jesus. Some sort of sick psychology like that. If it isn't operative, then tell me what is, because my description fits their behavior. By contrast, men like Sobran and Buchanan resent the Nazis because they did more than write articles for profit against the jews who were destroying their nation. There is no more proof of the 'Holocaust' than there is of Jesus' return from the dead. All you need to know about jews, Christian, is that they hate you. Not that that will stop them from using you. You can take it from me, or you can keep waving your flag, and get your son packed to go off and die from Israel. Then, like a few mothers and fathers, maybe you'll start having first thoughts about the meaning of it all. History will record that no people has survived more imaginary horrors than the jews.

Self-Sufficiency in Orania: Afrikaners Print Own Currency

Good job, White men. Note snide caption: Critics of Orania accuse them of living in the past Yeah, well, critics of Detroit say it's a nasty slum filled with niggers. What's that got to do with the price of crack on MLK Blvd? You're under no compulsion to commit racial suicide, White man, just because the jew-owned papers think you should. The neat thing about papers is they're all printed in buildings that can be burned down and owned by jews who die when you lift them off their feet with a rope. God bless Orania/ Land that I love... More here on unwillingness of young humans to join SA army. Here on Terreblanche being released next week.

Free Speech in Britain

Does not exist. New readers who think anything on this page is exaggerated, take a look at Nick Griffin's guidelines for BNP writers and realize just how tight the controls are in Britain. It's no different elsewhere in Europe. Somewhat freer here in the U.S., where organized jews are in the middle of a decades-long campaign to lie about the meaning and intent of the first amendment, the better to cancel it. Preferably while keeping the words. That's the jew M.O. - everything in the name of its opposite. Free speech means Larry Flynt; VNN is "hate" speech, which is not covered. That is their claim. In fact, there is no freer speech than criticism of jews. Whoever said Britons never will be slaves hasn't checked lately. They are: Truth hurts, so words like 'alien', 'vermin', 'gang' instead of 'group', and such like must be avoided. A white rapist may be described as a 'beast' or an 'animal', but a black one must merely be a 'criminal'. Niggers and kikes are free to gang-rape then murder White girls and cover it up in the media, and it is illegal to mention what's taking place. That is out-and-out slavery. That is genocide. In my own case, for instance, the 'Crown' complained that the words "Wanted: More white children" implied that non-white children are less wanted. An article which "extolled the virtues of Nordic life" (according to the CPS) was said by implication to decry the lifestyles of non-whites. A drawing of a noose (reproduced with paedophile murderers in mind and with no reference at all to immigration) was said to be a 'coded' call to "hang Black people." The fact that I called a Black separatist friend to testify on my behalf, and that the prosecution were unable to explain what possible good it could do a political party aiming to get elected to power to issue calls, coded or otherwise, to hang black people, had no impact at all on the PC jurors. "Never shall be slaves," they say, they say. More here on insanity in British schools.

Avoiding the Point

God, if they gave a Pulitzer, nobody but lewpies would be in the competition. If neocons are about 98.2% jews, then we must never ever ever look at what jews are and what they believe and what they do...repeatedly...for thousands of years. Rather, we must blame Puritans! Lincoln! Jacobins! Martians! Venusians! Drunken sailors! Anybody but Hymie. The corollary missed point Dohlorenzo and Lewvoids miss is that atheists don't turn mortals into Gods. Except for the Randroids, and they're, of course, kikey libertarians. Lincoln was a racial saint (despite his white supremacist views, support for "colonization," and pledge to enforce southern slavery forever) Ok, then, you take him on on those points, you drip. Point out where he was wrong. You don't believe niggers are equal to White men any more than Lincoln did, DiLorenzo. That makes you a hypocrite and a coward. Libertarians are intellectual and moral cowards. Aryan-Americans are the only free-thinking, free-speaking men in America. What DiLorenzo does here is a grown-up version of a kid tattling to its parents. There is no way out of our current troubles but through the jews. Men consolidated power before Lincoln, believe it or not.

The Vulcans

Bush's 'war cabinet,' i.e., yet another name for the kikes who think up the policies Drophead Dubya provides a stammering Alfred E. Neumann for. Here on nasty stuff in Iraq, and America's blindness. Here Flemio, same theme. The average jew is paranoid and dishonest; the average Aryan puffed with self-importance and opinions he thinks are his own, actually acquired from papers or through air. The jew knows we possess this trait, and uses it against us. Schools, promoting self-esteem based on being "me" rather than actual achievement, enhance this natural flaw. Christianity plays in with the schools, by affirming against all evidence that everybody has a soul, and that it is the most important thing on earth. Sorry. Anybody who cares enough to screw can produce another you. Yeah. Hate to break it to you. People like you ooze out of twats every day of the week. It won't be exactly like you, but it won't be all that different either. Dimes to donuts it will end up in front of me in a checkout line writing a check reeeeeeeeal slowly. Like the actress said, "I don't want a book, I have a book." Here Raimondo with the details on our "good for jews" foreign policy, which has failed as badly as our "good for jews" immigration policy and our "good for jews" welfare state. A Jewish conspiracy? No. An Israeli covert action? Perhaps. Anti-semites may see no difference, but, then again, neither do the neocons. To them, an attack on the Wolfowitz-Feith-Shulsky Axis of Deception is an attack on "the Jews." The Nazis (no, I'm not providing a link!) concur, adding "And rightly so." Then he goes on with a song and dance about how precise he and Daisy and the heroes are with terms. Hey, that's groovy, buddy. And we don't give a shit who you link to, we just think itz funny where you draw the line, and moreso why you draw a line at all. There is a criterion at work, which I doubt you even realize. You've been brainwashed to accept the jewframe, wherein nazis are evil and judeo-commies are kosher as flat bread. Reminds me of Aristophanes, or perhaps it was Real World when Pedro the Latin homo with AIDS got mad that Nordic asshole Puck put his finger in the peanut butter. One simply MUST uphold standards! Dirty finger in 'nut butter, NO! Dirty cock in dirtier asshole, YES! This war was produced by jews and intended to benefit jews. If a few goy frontmen and contractors were along for the ride, that doesn't change that KIKE IS THE SINE QUA NON. It's not just the war in Iraq, it's the letting-shitskins-in-from-Mexico and the forcing-blonde-girls-to-go-to-"school"-with-niggers. All these policies are first and last jew policies that benefit jews and destroy Aryans. Look where Daisy's stupid, anti-racial Christianity has led us. Hey, Justy, next time a wasp lands on you, don't swat it. I mean, each wasp is an individual. It won't necessarily sting you, just because all the others did. The neat thing about humans, Justy, is they can write. We've got over 2,000 years on record. You see, the folks back then were saying exactly the same thing about jews we are now. The jew is every bit as well known and avoided as the fireant, the rattlesnake, or the rocky mountain spotted tick. The jew is a known entity: a member of a group that is the common enemy of mankind. That some non-jews come along for the burrocratic-gravy, and some are used to put up a facade -- the best writers will not allow themselves to be deceived by these classic jewish deceptions. You need to educate yourself about jews, Justy, as well as the dangers of rump rangering. See, Justy, you're a big one for history. Here's another way to look at it that doesn't seem to have occurred to you: Who, searching history, understood and, at least for a time and space, defeated the jews: paleocons like Pat Buchanan? or Nazis? Imagine Hitler giving up after one tepid little half-assed speech about culture war. Fuck! Hitler vs. Hinter. Yeah, big surprise the Paleocons are a bunch of ugly losers, they really put a lot of heart and thought and effort into their politics. It's not at all like they're feeble remonstrators for whom debater's points are the only thing that matters. Reader, come to VNN for the real story. Go to Raimondo's for the details. That bitch is nothing but our boy friday. We can tell you what the data he compiles actually mean, because our hands aren't tied by our 1/4 jewish ancestry, the jews in our office, or the need to stay respectable. We can print the truth and go with it -- and that is why no jews ever try to hack antiwar, as far as I can recall, whereas they hate us with a passion. Justin derides the Limbo-cons, but he's as taken by labels as those pufferfish. Jew 101, Raimondo, is that commie/conservative/liberal/neocon - these are nothing but masks for beast that is jew. You're a fool if you don't see that. Taking jews one at a time is supreme idiocy. Honestly, Raimondo: Can you imagine Pat Buchanan ever defeating anything? I can't. You can't even draw the conclusion his own work demonstrates is inevitable: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. The jew and the "Nazis" grasp this, Raimondo could, but his people-are-individuals-only, squawk, gets in the way. You need to lay off the cock and bone up on jews, Justy. Same with Daisy. After all, a dick up your ass can give you Q-RID; all VNN can give you is the truth.

Hark the Lewpus: Leviathan Can Be Beaten!

Only if we start with Levi. The American people didn't want to get involved in any war in the 20th century, and they were right. Total sellout to Mexico, thank Bush and jews pulling his strings. Whites do have interests, but you won't see them represented on televitz. Here jigs of stature complain about "Soul Plane." Declaring in a recent speech that "Soul Plane" is "coonery and buffoonery," Spike Lee is one of a number of entertainment figures saying that the film is among the most offensive ever in terms of showing blacks in a negative light. As distinct from "Jungle Fever." Here Walter Williams on Cosby's comments. The problems of blacks have little to nothing to do with discrimination. The problems of whites have much to everything to do with "civil rights," or Jewish Tyranny in blackface. Australian parents get to pay to have their tiniest tots indoctrinated with decidedly non-potable lesbian bilge. Here on battle between Fox and LAT. Here jewpapers not getting the job done.

Lost Boys Know Where to Find White Pussy

Attached to your daughter. Why are their things like Chol Deng Chol in America? jews. jews and bought Christians. More here. Here on a couple girls gang-raped in Central Park. The report doesn't say, but you can bet the rapists were a nice nig-PR party mix. Here the unthinkable: a nigger charged with a hate crime. Either the pit bull set the nigger on the human, or the nigger the bull.

Jim Giles vs. Repcunt Pickering

Running for Congress as a White man who names jews and tools. You can too. Is Linder an evil nihilist who seeks to destroy the world to satisfy his o'erweening ego? Or a four-square sieg-heilin' Dudley Do-Right? You be the judge.

The Eurovision Song Contest

A decent winner for a change, but overall Europe remains in bad shape culturally as well as politically....by Fredrik Haerne

The Catholic Church Is Not The West

And that is why it has no trouble filling Aryanland with turd-worlders. Daisy Buchanan says only a return to the fold of faith can reignite White passion. How does he explain this? Asses at masses is all the church has ever cared about. Man is not fungible. One man is not as good as another. No man ever walked on water or came back from the dead. The Catholic church teaches lies, urges disastrous policies, and leads the way to the death of the West. Follow it not, White man. Follow the truth, and the truth is that White men form White nations, in which all other races are unwelcome, except for the odd Japanese visitor.

White Slaves

No such thing as racial equality. One is up, one is down. Today Whites are down. Best of all worlds is formal equality, wherein the words claim equal treatment, on top of real and effective discrimination against your enemy. This is what we have. Jewish control of the media makes it possible. The jews go even further, pretending there's "unfinished business" on the black side. Whites aren't discriminated against and hated enough. We can do more. Here on the world left behind, as sort-of depicted in "Blackboard Jungle." Whites may think their children are safe. Yet I lived in a city in the 1980s and 1990s where I knew white parents who preferred to send their children to the high school in the black/Mexican part of town, since there was not as much money there. Only a libertarian could write that with a straight face. There's a libertarian for you: to the extent schools' problems aren't administrative, the problems is excessive numbers of whites. North has no gravitas. He always comes across like an old man who thinks he's two steps ahead of everyone else. Public schools are not failures, they are successes. They purvey indoctrination and enforce passivity - in the name of education. They drug those who might shake the system, and they breed new generations of anti-intellectual consumers. Public schools succeed in their mission, and anybody who understands this will keep his kids away from them.

Review: A White Man Speaks Out

Rich Brooks reviews Glen Miller's book, which is well written and very much worth reading. Unlike movement typists, Miller has done things, very effective things, in public.... Here a guy in Michigan making excuses for God's pets.

The Duke Show

The Nappies don't like it. Reporters spend whole semesters in college studying conditions under which negroes and the kikes who set up their shots may be outraged. Expressing synthetic outrage is almost as important to the black community as not working. 'Porchin' 'n' 'plainin' 'n' gulping black-eyed peas be what jiggies be 'bout. The local NAACP organizer points out that "David Duke is organizing a convocation of right wing, hate groups from across the country. As a clear insult to, and assault on, the people of our City. . . " You can reach nappy 'Danatus' -- god only know what his dam aimed for with that one, 'da nappy ass,' pr'aps? -- here: [email protected]. More here. Here's the AP story.

Falling Apart

Bought preachers, bought Bibles, bought satirists, bought reporters, bought politicians. It has to end somewhere. The jew wants you in debt, Aryan-American. Stay out. Don't buy new stuff. Don't buy much stuff at all. Don't need stuff you don't need. Here Reese exposes his ignorance of religion, imagining that all "great" religions teach the same thing. The basic thing that protects our persons, our property and our liberty is the morality that individuals possess in their own hearts. The law cannot be a substitute for that. No law can protect you from a dishonest merchant or a thug because the law is always, of necessity, applied after the fact, and then only on a selective basis. Furthermore, as we have seen, the law and the system of justice often degenerate into a tragic farce. Most violent crime is the work of niggers, who religion today tells us are our "equals." So religion today makes not for political prosperity, but for political destruction. Religion goes this way and that, and is not to be relied upon as one may rely upon, say, a thermometer, or gravity. The Founders were less religious than their countrymen. Without religion, a Christian couple wouldn't run to "forgive" the drunk nigger who just drove over their child. How much misery the policy of "turn the other cheek" has led to, yet how seldom is that misery ever mentioned. Guilt and confusion are sown by Christianity, which works, as do all jewish commandments for Aryans, to induce the double-clutch, so the Aryan no longer knows whether he's coming or going. Forced to live among niggers he can't abide, he is assured that his natural reaction is a "sin." His bought preacher Graham tells him this on Sunday, and every few columns. This is nothing good. This is something bad. This is something we want less of. This is Christianity; danger to man and nation alike. Nobody can deny that Christianity makes men less manly, more passive, and weaker than they would be otherwise. It was set up with that end in mind, and the only adult converts it attracts are drunks like Mel Gibson and George Bush. The idea that Christians adhere to morality more stringently than atheists is ridiculous. But don't accept my word, I'm guessing based on what I've seen. Go test it, Reese. Measure the averge atheist against the average Christian, and I predict you'll find that atheists are just as moral, or more moral, and significantly more intelligent and productive than Christians. There is a great cost to the bogus Christian teaching that racism is a sin, just as there's a huge cost in teaching men to "turn the other cheek." Nobody ever totes the debit side of the religion. If he did, he'd find it in the red. Here some interesting comments on The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. Here on the five men who rule the world.

Civil War Widow Dies

Who would have thought one were still alive? After living in obscurity and poverty for most of her life, in her final years the Sons of Confederate Veterans took her to conventions and rallies, often with a small Confederate battle flag waving in her hand and her clothes the colors of the rebel banner. "I don't see nothing wrong with the flag flying," she said frequently. Chancey said she loved the attention. "It's like being matriarch of a large family," he said. "She was a link to the past," Chancey said Monday. "People would get emotional, holding her hand, crying and thinking about their family that suffered greatly in the past."

Stalin, Man of Song

Tiny Tim wasn't the first to score big with "Tiptoe Through the Tulips."

Feebs Spy on Internet

Force ISPs to reveal your browsing. Here more on white pizza deliveryman fired by the Hut for shooting at least 10 bullets into a 'groid robber.

White Fart: Dave Barry

A day after I hack away at Peej, I see that Taibbi is hacking away at guy's guy Dave Barry. I feel like that kid that wanted more gruel. There's no room for White Men. We're either suburban guys who follow the chictator to pier one for frosty blue glasses, or we're sunken chested, 130-lb scrawny dudes eating McGriddles. Have you seen the ad? Notice the way it's cramped-cut, to show there's no room for white men. Everything sly, small, sidelong, scurrying. White mice have to nibble what they can get in the corners while the Nigger takes center stage. "That [black] girl's got more skills than you." Good work by Taibbi. Everything is rotten in this worst of all possible worlds. Here on Charles Shulz. "To be a cartoonist you have to be able to draw the same thing over and over without ever drawing it the same," Schulz said. Jean spoke of how he could translate emotion through his hand into the lines. "Sparky used to say that, when he was drawing, he used to feel the emotion, which explains why the same line of Snoopy's eye can be sleeping in one panel, and smirking in another, from a touch difference in the line."

Madonna These Days

We've come full circle on sex decadence. Been there, screwed that. Those not dead of Q-RID are dying of boredom. Professional provacateur Madonna always understood that edgy and daring are only allowed in a certain direction, and that has always been the direction she's traveled. Loose sex is "good for jews," and Madonna studies the Kabbala. Criticizing the jews who control the West is far more provacative and edgier than masturbating on stage or screwing negroes or celebrating jewism. The real alternative was never the mopes or the masturbators but the hymie-namers. Jews promote Madonna; jews try to knock VNN off the air. The real quest, the real values, the real fighting spirit are here at VNN. Join us, pilgrimz! But, before it could be premiered, Matt Drudge began to leak details of the Jonas Akerland-directed clip, including word of transvestite soldiers and Madonna tossing a grenade at a George W. Bush look-alike. The resulting outcry from Drudge's core conservative constituency convinced Madonna to do what she had never done: back down. "Due to the volatile state of the world and out of sensitivity and respect to the armed forces, who I support and pray for, I do not want to risk offending anyone who might misinterpret the meaning of this video," Madonna explained in shelving the clip in favour of a neutered flag-waving second cut. Madonna raises a musky finger to the wind. Some rebel. Discussion here with many of photo of her jew-got-up androgynes Forum. Here Ronstadt says music's all about sex these days "It's my deep suspicion that nobody is getting l--- and they're looking around to see if anyone else is. If someone is, they're resentful immediately. They're obsessed with sex." There's something to that. Jew media distorts sex in a thousand ways, and making the viewer think everybody else is sleeping with three "girls gone wild" a night is part of it.

How to Use the Herd Instinct in our Favor When Things start to Crumble

Begin now building your White infrastruture that can survive the coming oil crash....by Rob Freeman

Nasty Batchy of Saatchi Refurbished With Oxygen

Just as it is a hate crime against ovens to stuff them with jews, it is a hate crime against museums to stuff them with jew-called art. A turd on-end? Fabelhaft! Among the works destroyed in the fire were Tracey Emin's "Everyone I Have Ever Slept With, 1963-1995," a tent embroidered with the names of her lovers and other friends, and "Hell" by Jake and Dinos Chapman. The brothers had departed from their usual idiom -- life-size statues of naked children with genitals where their noses should be --to create a sprawling installation of custom-made toy soldiers committing atrocities. A big pit full of convulsing, head-shot jews? I call that performance art with a social conscience. This is the sound of a volar liftoff. It is not art because somebody buys it. Here on boring graduation speakers. Anyone who describes Eleanor Roosevelt as great is an idiot. Ugly? Yes. Stupid? Undoubtedly. Cuckholded by Hell on Wheels? Quite probably. Muncher of deep pile groin shag? Shlooker of pussyfoam? Tonguer of erect clitorises? Jawohl! Poor Hitler. The crap that innocent man has to put up with. The wrong people are celebrated in this vale of rears. Art would be made available to the public not only through opera and symphonic festivals but also through the aesthetic construction of tunnels and bridges -- much of this was successful, Spotts demonstrates, with designs planned to blend in with natural wonders rather than to detract from them while, at the same time, being classically modernist in style as befit the relative newness of auto-travel -- and through generating mass products, like the famous Volkswagen, that displayed clean yet functional lines. Do you get it, Gullible Generations? The Saatchis -- yes, they are jews -- won WWII, and the Hitlers lost. And we are WORSE OFF FOR IT. Concealing this fact from you is roughly a hundred-billion-dollar industry. Just like with the review of poet Larkin in 5/30/04 letters, it doesn't work the way the writer says. A man is not sober, refined, intelligent, able in every other area but then "wrong" about race or jews. It all hangs together. "Great minds think alike" is a crude expression of the eternal truth that "reality exists." The reality is that just as they invent pseudosciences for political profit in academia, and popularize these for profit through their media, jews invent pseudoarts for entertainment. Shit art is a perfect example. Most modern art is shit art, whether literally or figuratively. Like shit-thought, shit-taste is spread, for profits financial and political, through Nose Viper Daily. Soon we are all fecalaliacs. The Luftmensch? The yid who makes money from air? Well, he's nothing next to the Sheissmensch. So worried have Western democratic officials been about the "incendiary power" of Hitler's aesthetics post-Nazism, most of his watercolors have been kept under lock and key. To say nothing of his ideas, which must be suppressed because they are true. Hey, Gullible Generation: you're not heroes who preserved American liberty, you're old fools and used tools sitting in the sun listening to lies spewed by jew-trained actors. The average Aryan American would rather die than think. A third-world country presided over by jews is the result. "Land of the free," "home of the brave," "People's Democratic Republic of Northern Brazil." The German nationalists figured out the danger of smoking, they figured out danger of sugars, they figured out how to send rockets to moon, they figured out psychoanalysis was the sick "science" of the Jewish mind. What exactly were they wrong about? You have only, as I've said a thousand times, to read the words of Goebbels and contrast them with his fellow Catholic Pat Buchanan to see the difference between an honest and brave man and a foolish and cowardly egalitarian, albeit with a flair for analysis. Here's a hint for the religious folk: a thing that is true is true even if the Catholic church says it isn't. I mean, the Pope shakes his head, as best we can discern nod from parkinquiver, in approval of breakdancing, or kikes or some other malarial charm -- that doesn't mean those things are good or valuable. Hierarchy fans can mock the everyman-a-Pope, and ample reason to there's, but the Pope himself is no non-joking matter.

The Shoa Must Go On

Itz the most importunate thing of all time, which never happened, yet which never must not be talked about.

Niggers In, Standards Out

Jigs in, crime up, stats down. Diversity in, honesty out. How in the world do we expect people of jungle to live up to Anglo-Saxon standards?

Egal Empire

Damn, AmeriKwa! You smell like jew warmed over. The neocons may lack Churchill's breeding, but they are just as arrogant, short-sighted, and cynical as old Winnie. (He at least had the excuse of his father's syphilis.) Taki's starting to dig up the jew-truths that only racialists have dealt in to date: jews start wars for their interests, and all Aryans get out of them are corpses. Saddam was a threat to Iraq, not to Uncle Sam. Not even to Israel, as it turns out, but try to say this to the Israeli Lobby. As Frank Johnson wrote in the London Spectator, the neocons have been making mischief for more than a hundred years. He compares the present motley cabal of Wolfowitzes and Feiths to Lord Milner, the governor of the British Cape Colony in South Africa. Johnson writes, "Milner's Iraq was the Boer republic of Transvaal." He set out to convince the prime minister, Lord Salisbury, that the Boers were a threat to Britain, as ludicrous a claim as the WMD hoax a century later. Who is America's #1 enemy? ISRAEL. And neocons are so many Israelis. Here Reese on Drophead Dubya. The libertarian will tell you you're used, O Gullible Generation, but not by whom or why. There's nothing "great" about killing your fellow Aryan to prosper the Semitic liar behind the curtain. Here Buchanan on Bush thinking toward the exit. Here Raimondo.

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