The Ten Truths Examined: Part III

by Rich Brooks

19 June 2004

3. If you excluded all jews from it, the legal profession would be accorded the highest respect and esteem by our citizenry. As it is, lawyers are ranked below used car salesmen in most popular polls. I must be nuts to aspire to become a lawyer.

Yes at one time, believe it or not, the legal profession was generally well-respected in this country. This is not to say that ordinary citizens have always viewed lawyers favorably, because it is in the very nature of our legal system that at least one of the parties in any dispute is going to come away from the experience unhappy and even the winner may not be totally satisfied, especially after he has paid his attorney's bill. Lawyers, however, were the political leaders in this country from its founding and these leaders have had the trust of the populace until only relatively recently. Men we used to call "statesmen" are now derisively referred to as "politicians."

It is indeed as rare today to hear anyone put in a good word for lawyers as it is to hear praise for the IRS. Everyone routinely laughs at jokes which compare lawyers unfavorably to sharks and dead rattlesnakes and this is one area of public discourse where a little bit of anti-semitism is quietly tolerated. You can say "shyster" or even "jew lawyer" without raising too many eyebrows, because the public instinctively recognizes the heavy jewish influence in the law. In fact, I suspect that "lawyer" jokes started out as a code word for "jew jokes."

And make no mistake about it, the American legal system -- including our courts and our law schools -- is thoroughly dominated by the tribe of Judah. I was just looking the other day at a row of law books on my shelf and checking out the names of these textbook authors. More than half of these names were recognizably jewish, but given the kike propensity to anglicize and de-kikify their surnames, the actual percentage is surely much higher. This undoubtedly reflects the demographic makeup of law schools, where roughly fifty percent of both students and faculty are jews. Not only that, but this jewish percentage is skewed even higher at the more prestigious law schools which are so influential on our courts and other governmental institutions.

White Nationalists are strangely silent about jewish influence in the law. Other than blanket condemnations of ZOG, we read surprisingly little in the WN media about jew lawyers, judges, and law professors as compared with, say, jew movie moguls, TV producers and newspaper publishers. Prof. Kevin MacDonald has painstakingly documented the jewish domination in other major academic areas, but didn't even mention law. But law, by its very nature of setting rules for human conduct and ultimately determining public policy, is where I believe jews have had their biggest and most pernicious influence. And the trend in the law in the last fifty years has been unmistakably in the direction of furthering the jewish agenda for the mongrelization and degradation of America. Starting with the Brown v. Board of Education desegregation case in 1954, we have seen a steady string of Supreme Court decisions favoring such anti-White policies as busing, affirmative action, miscegenation, criminal rights, abortion and gay rights. This trend has been constant whether the Court has been dominated by Democrats or, as is presently the case, by Republicans.

Increasingly, the courts have lost the respect they once had, and publicity in recent years over judicial appointments has only furthered the public perception of judges as just ordinary politicians wearing robes. "The law is what the court says it is" has probably always been true, and those who talk piously of the "rule of law rather than the rule of men" are either naive or disingenuous. Nevertheless, decisions used to be rendered based on long-honored White traditions or "precedent," and supported by reason and logic. In today's jewed system, by contrast, one is more apt to read a legal opinion which cites U.N. resolutions or jewish sociologists than Black's Law Dictionary. The U.S. Constitution has been so twisted and stretched in its "interpretation" that its words long ago ceased to have any real meaning or act as any kind of a check on government power as they were originally intended to do.

I read a statistic the other day that claimed the United States has five percent of the world's population but 70 percent of the world's lawyers. We are, as has been commented upon so many times, and extremely litigious society. This is not, however, some force of nature, but I believe all of this contention stems directly from all of the "diversity" and multiculturalism foisted on us by our Hebrew friends. In a racially united nation (in the true sense of the word "nation"), most of these conflicts among neighbors get resolved before they have to reach a lawyer or a judge. This proliferation of lawsuits benefits only two groups in society, (mostly) jewish trial lawyers and the very few "lottery winners" in the large jury awards.

My own legal philosophy may fairly be summed up as "shit happens, get over it." This could be a topic for a whole 'nother essay, so I'll only say here that life is unfair, is always going to be unfair, and I don't believe it should be the goal of our legal system to right every wrong or compensate every "victim." In earlier times, I believe this inherent limitation of the law was widely understood, but that again is before jews got heavily involved and promulgated their Marxist theories.

Am I nuts, particularly at my age, to aspire to become a lawyer? As Ed Steele likes to say, and not entirely facetiously, "It's the 99 percent of the lawyers who give the rest of us a bad name." Actually, in any civilized and rationally organized society, lawyers have a necessary role to play. I realize the system is totally corrupt today, but we will always need people to make and interpret our laws and to represent those who have been falsely accused. I have now completed the work for my law degree but have so-far not taken the state bar exam. If I should become a lawyer, I would hope to be able to use those credentials to assist some of our people who have been oppressed by ZOG for their political views.

Shakespeare famously said, "first kill all the lawyers." I think I would amend that slightly and say "kill all the jewish lawyers!" No Jews. Just right! is a slogan particularly appropriate for the legal profession. Who knows? If we first got rid of all the jewish lawyers, maybe we wouldn't have to kill any more jews!



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