Drafting a Joke

by White Proletariat

22 June 2004

I want you to take a good look at this link.

Soldiers Risking Their Lives in Iraq Might Face Prison Over Child Support Upon Return

It's a couple of months old, but the situation hasn't changed. The rewards of following multiculturalism are less and less for the White Man. This article could have been written yesterday, and it would be just as potent. Whites have been conditioned, all their lives, to follow hymie's rules. They have been taught to hate the brave White racist, then they have been taught to worship worthless negroes such as 'Martin Luther King,' and then they have been taught to look the other way whenever black bucks start making out with White women. All the while, the politically correct White male received at least some promise of a reward. If only Mr. Whitey would sell out his fellow White Man, he himself could partake of the good life - apart from the savage animals. True, there were savages in the upper economic tiers, but these savages at least made an effort to act White.

I could not have made up such a scenario. A young White Man goes and fights the non-White animals in Iraq and Afghanistan, risks his life, and then is awarded prison time upon his return. Quite a few reservists face the prospect of jail time now just because they weren't allowed time to set up child support arrangements before they left. Even if they aren't thrown into jail, how appealing is it to live in poverty after having fought in combat? Add to this the concept of a young man being drafted against his will into the military, and this scenario is funnier than any comedy coming out of Hollywood. Only it isn't funny. The child support system is designed to keep White men in slavery. But if you read the history books, slave armies don't fare all that well.

It's not funny in the sense that young White men are expected to be enslaved, against their will, to fight the jewish animals' war. It's not funny that Whites will fight and die while receiving absolutely nothing in return. It's not funny that while young Whites are fighting Iraqi animals, who have clearly not ever threatened our young White men, hordes of Chinese and Mexican animals invade the American heartland.

Is there not a lesson here? The White Man can live or be politically correct but never both. The wages of serving the dark mass can only be death. The paymaster has left town, the dancing bears have all danced themselves out, and all the White Man has to show for his efforts is the butcher's bill.

The draft is a coming, and nobody officially claims to want it - at least if they be human. Look for it to come to pass as soon as the November elections have been cast. It won't surprise me if the counts aren't even official before the jews start clamoring for the draft. Most likely, women will also be inducted -- just like the men -- with little White children being watched over by muddy animals while their parents are gone. You can be rest assured that the jews don't want normal lives for Whites of draft age. Whites have to serve in the military in order for the world to be safe for breeding shitskins. Whites just aren't good enough to make White babies, so young Whites will have to be sent off to fight.

But you know, I very much hate having an article ending on a negative note. I did say all of this would be funny didn't I? I myself always like a happy ending.

It's funny from the standpoint that there is absolutely no benefit for a White Man to be fighting for. A White can't gain his freedom by fighting in Iraq. A young White draftee most likely won't be able to afford a nice house, a nice education, or even a nice doctor to help with all those ailments left over from fighting Iraqi animals. Even if our young White should be able to swing college, based on what Uncle Shitskin provides, it's doubtful such a good job will be waiting once the degree has been earned. Either that good job will be filled by an imported mud animal or else that job will be another, one of millions, that's been exported from American shores. Either way, a young White can only look forward to flipping burgers and having orders barked at him by some negro animal. It's funny from the standpoint that anybody would actually wish to fight for this.

Night and day, the jewish spokesanimals for the stupid WWII generation try to tell young Whites that their forefathers actually achieved some type of victory in having killed our German brothers and sisters. Apparently, Whites are supposed to find worthless muddy animals more attractive than kinsmen. It's getting harder and harder to convince Whites to fight for a lump of shit.

What if a White gets a racial tattoo to avoid military service? Now I've heard the doom and gloom stories from racists who think such Whites will only be sent to the front lines, but just consider it. It's well known that Whites have not been accepted as volunteers simply because of a racial tattoos. If a non-racial White acquires a racial tattoo in order to avoid military service, doesn't he in fact become a racist by default? Even if this White is sent to the front lines, just because of his tattoo, isn't he in fact forced into a closer bond with his fellow Whites? Isn't it most likely that if a tattooed White is specifically chosen for the front, he'll most likely be found in the company of other tattooed Whites? While it is true that these tattooed Whites might be singled out for punishment duty, isn't also true that these Whites will in fact be segregated? Doesn't segregation promote racism? What if non-tattooed Whites are grouped with the tattooed guys? Wouldn't an outsider consider these non-tattooed Whites to also be racists?

Who would you rather share a foxhole with: the jive-talking wigger wannabe or a White with balls enough to sport a racial tattoo? These are interesting thoughts to ponder.


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