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More Shitskins "Making America Stronger," As Both Candidates Assure Us

If you'd like your rapist to grunt in Spanish, press one. Nice shot from a freeper: They are only raping the women American rapists are too lazy to rape...

Fuck the Vote

If voting changed things, it would be denounced as anti-semitic....by Gerald E. Morris

The Neocons & Me

All you need to know about the jews running our government....James Jackson

Reaction to Lorden's "Wolfman!" on Hitler

Including original article, from Instauration...

Man Without Corners

Not voting is the best way to show your hatred for the system that enslaves you -- next to removing your kids from public school, or shooting a neocon. Listening to the dull discussions called debates of the candidates here in NEMO makes clear we've reached the end of democratic history and Nietzsche's man without corners has arrived. Government can solve all problems, that is planted assumption on which all democratic politicians operate. Government makes jobs, provides "health care," stops drugs, terrorists, "hate," but never steals enough for butt-tattoo'd education majors, or squirts enough free manure for Mr. Greenjeans. Democracy reveals what have-it-both-ways shits we are. We want to steal from others and pretend we're not, there's really nothing else to say about it. "Don't care how," scream the Saltzim of the earth, "I want it now!" I exist to consume, moo, feed me, I don't care where you get it, I'm hungry, moo mooo mooooooooo. Vote Veal: itz important. The jews hold elections for goyim like McDonald's holds birthday parties for tots. But real elections don't roll around, they whizz by. IF VOTING CHANGED THINGS, IT WOULD BE ANTI-SEMITIC.

Lack of Diversity Is A Great Strength

Meanwhile, while single-ethnicity states are rare (just 30 countries in the world do not have a religious or ethnic minority that constitutes at least 10% of the population), they are strongly represented at the top of the HDI: places like Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Japan, Ireland and Austria. Jewish repetition that diversity is "our" -- U.S.'s, not Israel's -- greatest strength aims to drum the truth out of existence. The same immigration-controlling jews point to Switzerland as an example of diversity's strength, not mentioning Swiss diversity is all-Aryan, and in the next motion stamping "Denied" on the application of the White South African and "Approved" on the GRID-infected Nigerian's. Diversity is the cover story, "good for jews" is the real story. The jews think diversity is "good for jews." They "adjust" public, read: Aryan, attitudes by claiming its good for you. Here a barb for the "nature" crowd. Remember: the jews are part of nature too. So it can't be all good. 'Natural' means, 'the part of nature I prefer.' 'Natural' is always used as an epithet, a way to frame and claim the high ground.

The Faith Religion

'People of faith,' nearly as ridiculous a term as 'Judeo-Christian.' The interview subject makes many good points, although I doubt he understands the bottom cause. The kiking of our schools and media operates on normal human dumbness to produce people with no idea of what they don't know, and no idea there's a standard other than their media-derived taste or opinion. People aren't merely bad at reasoning, they don't realize logic and objectivity exist. Contrast religious faith with this mathematician's fight against the prejudice of his colleagues. Prayer is shabby, and in bad taste among those who know the truth.

Getman's Gulag

Getman was an artist who depicted scenes from The Holocaust That Happened, namely the tens of millions of murders committed by the jews producing the Soviet Union against the White Christians of Eastern Europe. Crimes the jews intended to repeat in Germany, and which the German nationalists, who never committed a Holocaust against the jews, arose to prevent. See them here. You've heard a lot about "Arbeit Macht Frei," but the Soviets had this: The portrait of Stalin, which Getman painted while a prisoner at the camp, was there to exhort prisoners that "through honest labor lies the road to release." At camps like the Upper Debin, however, very few prisoners ever left alive. Unlike the Nazi camps such as Auschwitz, where prisoners had their own theater, pool, whorehouse, etc. The jews leave that part out of history, for they are the victors. So far. Untangling jewish lies about history forms the larger portion of a man's education these days. Jews treated dogs better than goyim. You ever notice how Aryans are depicted on tv? At best as foolish, weak and impotent. And if they try to organize to protect their kind? Well...how are Confederates and German nationalists portrayed? Your existence is a hate crime in the Judeosphere, White man. The jews hate you Christians, no matter how endlessly gullible and useful you are. Hanging Christians over tree branches and letting mosquitoes drink their blood, was a punishment jews related to and practiced often. They called it 'komariki.'

Nobel for Litterature: Elfriede Jelenik

Austrian feminist, writing in the jew Kurt Tucholsky vein, apparently, since I've never read or heard of her: She strongly divides her own countrymen and has become a hate figure to Austria's Right and the middle classes whom she satirises in her writing. A novelist, poet and playwright, she frequently deploys sex in her writing - notably sadomasochism and voyeurism - to demonstrate how women are dominated by men and capitalism. One of great things about living in a jewed-out world is that prizes and public respect go to people who don't deserve it. Guess what? Her father is of "Czech-Jewish" descent. And if it hadn't been her, it would have been Margaret Atwood, a hack feminist, or jew Philip Roth. Has the Nobel prize ever been awarded to someone who scandalizes the kikes? Who mocks the jews and their industry of imaginary suffering? Then what is the Nobel prize worth?

Jew Derrida

Just another destroyer. Language has no fixed meaning, unless you describe a jew. The jew must never be deconstructed. Above all there must be a Fraud. Whether Marx or Freud or Derrida, there must be a Fraud of frauds. Someone to gulp the goyim, make them lower their hats. No one will read Derrida in the future. How do I know? Because no one can read him now. This is acclaimed a virtue among fools, but Mencken, Wilde and Twain show the correct way. Derrida's chief appeal was that he granted the second-raters and politicians who now run academia carte blanche to substitute their insanity as scholarship. Derrida and the Derridadaists deconstruct the truth about Aryan world with lies and babble, while Aryans aren't allowed to deconstruct the Official Lies of the jews with - facts. Where's the deconstructionist who takes on the Lie of the Ovens? It's against the law in jew Derrida's own France, and if he ever spoke a word against the prohibition history fails to record it. All the mocking stops short at "Arbeit Macht Frei." Jewish intellectuals spin pseudosciences or they plagiarize. The great breakthroughs are always made by Aryans. Jews simply hire each other and set up schools of profitable new lies, and propagate these through their ethnic networks, cheerlead for them in their papers. Truth has a hard time of it in a world run by jews. An ethnic group that must at all costs conceal the truth about itself is hardly the place to turn for truth about anything else. But don't take my dismissal, read jew Derrida's famous, or heavily jew-promoted if you're into clarity, "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences." Ever see a quoted line of Derrida's? Ever see anything he wrote that stuck in your mind? Why is that? Contrast Mencken and Derrida. One an Aryan giant, one a jewish fraud, to be redundant. One compiled huge tome of Americanisms - regional uses of English within the U.S., as well as considerings of how American usage differed from British. This work alone would place the Aryan light years ahead of jew Derrida, the fraud. I could if I were cruel go on to compare the way the jew and the Aryan used words. Mencken was unique in his manipulation of English - to the hallowed ends of clarity and precision and innovative & humorous description of this our you-goddam-well-better-believe-it-exists world. Derrida - if he wrote anything funny, history fails to record it. He was just another goldplated idol set up for the cowardly timeclocking jew-serviles who profess to profess liberal arts these days. Here's a page of Mencken quotations. A similar page of part of one sentence of quotation from the jew fraud could be sectioned from the Derrida bolus, but why? Go on, read his essay. No honest man reading jew Derrida would conclude he knew anything about language. If he had a point to make, he'd make it - simply and memorably, as the best do. Another obit of the old jew-fraud here, from the Chronicle of Allegedly Higher Education. Derrida states his case in long unclear passages irreducible to meaning, because if it put it plain, the idea would either disappear entirely, or be so obviously false as to be laughed down, even by a professor. jDerrida is like jBoaz: the latter claims race does not exist; the former claims meaning in language does not exist. Both lie. Both may be safely dismissed. They are important only for their influence, not for their inherent value. Their relativisms both became solemn-gulping Absolutes when it came to their jews. Final word about Derrida is that, the minute the prestige of deconstruction began to wane: he began to talk about the undeconstructibility of justice, of democracy, of friendship, of hospitality. Deconstruction, undeconstruction, oy, a living, itz. You know what word can be tied to an absolutely fixed meaning? You do, don't you! To jew, that is, to swindle. Ah, those lovable kikes. Bringing pilpul to the people. Might also contrast jew Derrida with Fussell, who, like Mencken, got the words closer to the reality. Here on 'reviewerese.'

How Can a Government Dictate Spelling?

In a democracy, every form of coercion is likely. The people want it that way, say the people in charge.

Vote for Bush

I am not voting for Bush because of his character. Clearly one of Bush's attractions to the GOP powerbrokers is his lack of good character. He is vain and insecure, so he is easily flattered. He is small-minded and narcissistic, so he is satisfied with the empty trappings of power, leaving the real power in the hands of others. He lacks intelligence and curiosity, so he is easily fooled. He is intellectually lazy and indecisive, so he depends upon his advisors. He is shameless, so he can lie with the appearance of sincerity and betray any person or principle that gets in his way. In short, Bush is the perfect ventriloquist dummy for the corporate oligarchs and court Jews that surround him....by Michael Polignano

Anthropology and Nature of Countermeasures: Sympathy for the Christians

They need leadership, not slams...by Apollonian

A White Nationalist Syllabus

Books you should read to grasp the big picture...by VNN Staff

From Freedom to Slavery

From Instauration, on lauded nig "historian" John Hope Franklin...

Mr. O'Donnell, You Are Wrong

On jews in music...by Iranian for Aryans

The Jew-Appeasers

Raimondo finally gets smart and takes the VNN tack: not just naming the jew, but naming the jew collaborator, the jew appeaser. We Aryans know ours isn't ours, it's a jew-controlled government. A ZIONIST OCCUPATIONAL GOVERNMENT. Our terms must reflect that knowledge, and we must characterize rhetorically the traitors such as Joe Farah, Ann Coulter, and the rest of the captured commentariat in exactly the terms they use for Neville Chamberlain. Is this faggot Raimondo really too stupid to see that our government is controlled not by neocons but by kikes? At times I actually think he is. As we've been saying all along, the world's only hope is: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. What these fucking kikes are going to bring down on us is a damn nuke, or more likely a damn bunch of them. The jews are forcing evolution on their worst enemies: 1.X billion Muslims. They ought to be scared shitless at what Mahathir said. I've got news for you kikes: YOU CAN'T KILL THEM ALL. I know that you think you can, but I think you're wrong. There are enough cools among the hotheads that I think in time the Muslims are going to work themselves into position to whip your ass good, and then you're gonna suck some serious Dead Sea. Thanks to the Internet, jew-knowledge is at an all-time high. You are known by more people than ever before in history. You yourselves know that can't be good. To know the jew is to despise it. Here Bush and Kerry react to bin Laden tape. Here on Collaborator Colteur's new book. Little Manny Annie is a liberal too, but doesn't realize it.

Fuku Contra Jew-Kook

"End of history" vs. Dr. Strangelovitz, whom we can only hope will go the wave of Reeves. Krauthammer's speech was "strangely disconnected from reality," Fukuyama wrote in "The Neoconservative Moment." "Reading Krauthammer, one gets the impression that the Iraq War - the archetypical application of American unipolarity - had been an unqualified success, with all of the assumptions and expectations on which the war had been based fully vindicated." "There is not the slightest nod" in Krauthammer's exposition "towards the new empirical facts" that have come to light over the course of the occupation. Standard jewish M.O. Lie, then lie, then lie, then lie, then, when you're done lying, lie some more. Itz all about creating new realities, dude. Naturally kike Krauthammer responds to an honest man's opinion by accusing him of being a subtle jew hater. You see, my friend, there are two kinds of people in this world: jews and those who hate them. Whether they realize it or not, whether they say it or not -- doesn't matter. Hymie can always spot 'em. Everywhere! How unfortunate it is that our country is controlled by jews. Here Hoppe contra democracy. Niggers voting is a bad idea? Whodathunkit? By the way: anyone who spells Hallowe'en is a we'enie, and Hawai'i a dou'che. You're as obnoxious and pretentious as an ash-dot Catholic.

Government Grabs Plantains

I mean, plantations. You know how it is with Mudgabe & the Monkeys... The government has seized five plantations owned by Border Timbers, the country's largest timber producer, ignoring an earlier pact with Germany not to take over the land... Meanwhile in SA, White poverty up 200 percent, post-monkey takeover. Here the hate paper Washington Post celebrates the nigging of Sweden. About 40 percent of Malmo's population is foreign-born or has at least one foreign-born parent. GOOD FOR THE JEW = BAD FOR YOU. Nigger "teacher" goes ape, beats human parent in front of kid. When do we get to stop pretending these things are human? When we cashier the jews? Ok, let's do it.

Coming Soon to a Butt Near You

Itz a bird, itz a plane, itz...superman'sman.

The Return of Germany

ITZ COMING... In one of his first speeches, the new Federal President, Horst Köhler, said, 'I love my country' and thereby unleashed a nationwide debate about whether Germans should even allow themselves to have such feelings.


Jew rightly praises Bushy's wolf ad. Fearmongering works. But the neocons are the wolves, and the gullible gaping GOPers the sheep. There really isn't anything that cuts as sorry a figure as the conservative commentator, like Willy Rusher here. Is it not the essence of cowardice to pile on the weak, while currying favor with the strong? And is that not what every single conservative commentator does, save Sobran here and there? These folks have no shame. They give the impression of nothing so much as a Laurel not realizing his relation to Hardy. Like a man delivering a public speech who has pissed himself and doesn't realize why everyone's laughing. Rusher, like the self-important dotard he's rapidly becoming, gravely turns his attention to that horrible scourage, radical Islam. Then this: In this grim state of affairs, the United States has been able to count on the support of some Western nations, but not others. France and Germany in particular, understandably eager to cut "the world's only superpower" down to size, have withheld serious help, secretly betting that the terrorists will ignore them and focus exclusively on the United States. He is wrong factually, but that isn't the point. The point is how free and easy this conservative -- this coward -- is in construing motives. Germans and French and -- the clef "a" the column -- any person or nation opposing the jewish agenda may freely be set on. Does the conservative ever 'cowboy up' or, better, 'man up' and point to jewish motives? Hell no. He's won't even point out jewish interests when the jews openly discuss nothing but. I seek again metaphor. Have you ever seen a retarded fan of a football team? Surely there's something of this in our public conservatives, the goy ones. Their genuine intelligence renders them positively obscene. I mean, I'm sick of these WASP cowards and these IRC (Irish Roman Catholic) cowards like Rusher and Coulter shitting on France and Germany. The one was essential in freeing us from Britain; the other supplied our racial stock now dying in Iraq. The jews are the ones who lure us into war on false pretenses. The jews are the ones who attack our ships, murder our people, spy on us, steal and resell our high technology, and who fail to pass on warnings of bombings -- see ex-Mossadist Ostrovsky on their prior knowledge of the Lebanese barracks attack, to take just one instance. Yet never, never, never do these "respectable" writers vouchsafe hint slightest that Israel is anything but heroic little ally. When precisely did cowardice become respectable? Here jews smear one of the few professors in America who doesn't slavishly repeat their propaganda.

Niggaz Be Upstandin' an' Shit

Another wonderful, witty Ann "Collaborator" Coulter column. Whinnies the old fag hag: Kerry's got more gay marriage positions than the Kama-sutra, including the "yawning dog," the "courtesan's dilemma" and the "flip-flopping weasel." Screams for hard covers, it do. Stupid manny-girl performing the usual parlor trick: no, that would be blowing the jew who hired her to write on politics; I mean the other parlor trick: arguing the conservative position from the standpoint of Black interests. Why aren't those group interests "hate," little manny Annie? You know you'd denounce them if they were White. Truth about LMA is she's the average IRC, with a ready crack for the WASP and a ready curtsey for the kike. In her book Treason she manages a single ethnic stab - at the WASPy Hiss milieu. She neatly manages to avoid noticing the jewish basis of communism in the U.S. and Russia and Eastern Europe and...everywhere else. Hidy-tidy-tidy-ho, stay away from me pot of gold, flashes the peroxided lankprichaun. Here's a rare Buchanan attempt at humor: vote Bush! Here his girlfriend sees Old Right in Nader. Here Taki pumps Peroutka. Fred's better than the rest of these, supporting Hillary.

"Good for Jews"

Always legitimate to discuss. But what's "good for you," White man, Aryan reader? How come that question is never discussed? How come both parties treat it as illegitimate? Did you ever wonder about that? It really isn't hard to discover the answer: the jews control the media, and set the terms and frames of discussion. They buy the politicians with their lobbies. So that jews have a right to exist as a separate and distinct genome and culture, whereas you have the right to...marry your daughter off to a Negro. Don't like it? They don't care. They only care about what you do toward toppling them. The rest is the snarls of a caged lion. I ask again: what's "good for Aryans," White man? Who's looking out for you? ... Here Willy Safire, a jewish liar from way back, decants on Bushy the friend-of-yid. Hey dirty Willy: if the jew construction is two times taller than the Berlin Wall, whence the verbal Floresianization into 'security fence'? Just a little 3-foot security fence here, nothing to see. Certainly not a whopping monstrous Wall of Hate complete with turrets for shooting young girls and boy balls. EVERY JEW A LIAR. EVERY JEW A PEARL.

Uomo Florese

No, it's not a new dish at Olive Garden, you nitwit. It's a "man," more precisely, a little man, a smurf, a troll, a manlet, a mannikin, a munchkin, a bitty-buddy - a bongoletitto extraordinaire. I, for one, salute it. The discovery also raises the extraordinary possibility that a remnant population of this previously undiscovered species of the toddler-sized human could conceivably be living today in the remote and impenetrable rainforests of South-East Asia. That is...fucking AWESOME! I want a VNN reader to get out there and find this little sucker, and give it a nice tabloid and a pat on the head. There's no doubt this is the coolest news story in years, in fact is the only genuine "news" I can remember in ages. Always keep in mind that the Bible is arrant jewbilge, whereas evolutionary theory is a few bone shards buried in bullshit. Question everything, including me. For all you know I'm writing this from Borneo, giggling myself stoopid after planting that baby kopf.

Government's Mantra: Homeschooling Is Hateschooling

Just as you need only note the liberal's position today to know the conservative's position tomorrow, you need only note what Germany does this morning to see what the U.S. will do this afternoon. ZOG/Germany jails seven fathers for refusing to expose their children to its lies in Jewish concentration camps for Aryans mistermed 'public schools,' a euphemism for indoctrination jails. As we at VNN have always maintained, the day draws night when the neocons will turn in lockstep and denounce homeschooling, since free and independent minds threaten to disrupt the flow of commercial and cannon fodder, and that cannot be permitted. Besides quitting cable television, the smartest thing you can do is breed up a bunch of kids and teach them at home yourself, where you know exactly what they'll be learning. Can't do it? You mean 'unwilling to restructure your life to do it.' Here's the timeline of the Germans' struggle with Jewish Tyranny that is 2004 Germany. Ripping kids away from parents and indoctrinating them in state-serving lies has been a goal of tyrants from Plato forward. Fight them with all your might, parents. The state has neither your nor your family's interests but only its own in mind. The state is essentially made up of ugly and vicious people who can't get anything honestly - by working for it. So they take it by theft and by violence -- taxation and police. And they keep up a steady stream of abuse at the pretty girls. The state feels about the rest of us in exactly the same way as hyperugly, hypervicious feminist-jewess Andrea Dworkin feels about attractive -- hell, average -- women. It HATES us. It wants to use us, to force us to bend to its will, even as it smears and humilitates us. ... The state can't stand being shown up. Homeschoolers have much higher scores than pubic shmuelers, so the state invents lies about bad socialization. As though being bored and tormented and browbeaten makes one a better person. Public school is circumcision for the other head. When real education is available online and in old books, why send your girl off to be made a boy and your boy off to be made a zombie? If thatz not child abuse, what is it?

We Warned You: Somali Monkey Rapes Human Woman in Lewiston, Maine

When our own Marc Moran led a team of White Nationalists passing out literature door to door in Lewiston, Maine, exactly this was what we warned the good people of Lewiston about: A Lewiston man will be going to prison for 18 months after pleading guilty to raping a woman he had never met. Forty-three-year-old Horow Omah Hagi was accused of following the woman to her Lisbon Street apartment on July10 and forcing her to have sex. Hagi's court-appointed attorney and Assistant District Attorney Deborah Potter Cashman agreed to a sentence of six years with all but 18 months suspended. Not even a decade for a rape. In a civilized nation, this nigger would have been taken out back and shot. But this is AmeriKwa, where white men cower in the face of jews and the criminal niggers they import to destroy our communities. Somalis raping human women is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. Meanwhile, the nation-wrecking jews and their Lutheran/Catholic exotic-animal importing tools have plans to expand their Somonkey colonization, probably including a community near you. IS YOUR DAUGHTER NEXT? Who looks out for the White man's interest? No one. That is "hate" say the jews who foist these subhuman bushmen on us. The Somonkeys are doing the same thing in Britain, where a woman is gang-raped by these scrubmen set free among humans by jews who wish to destroy us. Once again we say: DEATH TO THE JEWS. They've earned it.

Idaho: Friend of the Shitskin Gangster

Watch the same officials who scurry to denounce "hate" -- i.e., Aryan self-defense -- run away from the obvious conclusion: shitskins destroy whatever ground the occupy. America has serious problems. The causes and solutions are obvious. But you're not allowed to talk about them, much less do anything. That would be "hate," and "hate" is illegal. And so, the Aryan race gets genocided out of existence, thanks to the Jewish Tyranny that runs our nation. Unless we say otherwise. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Here they catch the guy who raped around Rutgers. Guess what? It's a shitskin invader. Just another hard-working Pedro who wanted nothing more than to work a hard day for honest pay. Those who won't defend themselves quickly pass from the scene. Is that what you want, White man? Because that's where you're headed. It is a jewish genocide tactic to tell you you don't exist. And to tell you to hate those who tell you the truth -- that you do exist and should protect yourselves -- as "haters." DEATH TO THE JEWS WHO BRING RAPE, MURDER, AND MISERY TO US.

Fair Harvard's Jewish Jubilee

The jewing of America's most famous college...by Moriarty

Baseball 2004 -- Striking at the Caste System

Whites shine against odds....by J.B. Cash


The fool you flatter, the fool you fear, is the fool you become. America's leaders now act and think and behave like jews, and our nation is becoming globally hated because of it.....by Edgar Steele

Manlet Discovered...

...in Indonesia. One tiny specimen, an adult female measuring about 3 feet tall, is described as "the most extreme" figure to be included in the extended human family. Does Gwad know about this? More here. Once upon a time, but not so long ago, on a tropical island midway between Asia and Australia, there lived a race of little people, whose adults stood just three and a half feet high... ADL expected to release new report, "When Small Becomes Smaller: Anti-Semitism Among the Floresians," tomorrow. Most historians credit the Floresians with the development of the mini-corn and baby carrot, which they used to supplement their fricassee du giant rat. Remains of leather harnesses discovered alongside the skeletons together with cave paintings next valley over suggest that beach komodo dragon races were a popular pastime among the Floresians, a sort of prehistoric Daytona 500 carried out at the conclusion of a successful pygmy elephant hunt.

Nigger-Ape Equality, More Plausible Than Black-White

And here on the history of sexual harassment.

World War Jew

Kerry and Bushy on same page when it comes to lying about Iran.

Sobran on Cohen - Dangerfield - Jew

My own view is that psychoanalysis is a form of aggression for humorless people. Makes sense, since psychoanalysis is jewish in and out and in-between, and jews are an essentially feminine race, and women lack a sense of humor.

Christian Fear

Drives opposition to Halloweenery. Fear of competition. What is bloody Jesus next to cool vampire? What is crappy censer o' stink next to boiling cauldron of amphibian stew? What has the magic cross on the magic broomstick? What has return from the dead vs. undead? Our fellow man used to be necessary to our survival; now, the drainage taken care of, he appears in our lives more as noisy annoyance, obstacle, time-wasting clod in front of us in line or car. So we lack sympathy. We are apter to see our fellow man for the sex or money we can wring from him than we were in the olden days.

Clouds 'n' Clods

Diff between libertoonies and kwanservatives. One lives in Never-neverland. The other sings "Yesterday." But today's political problems are really subintellectual. You don't need a Joe Sobran or a William F. Buckley or a Murray Rothbard or Llewpus Rockwell to explain why loosed niggers and lying jews is a bad idea. Anyone can see you can't mix Whites and blacks and keep freedom. Anyone can see that everybody is afraid to say this. From there it's a matter of naming the jew that brought the situation about -- and then search-and-destroying it, for, as a wise man said, "It is not enough that you believe, you must fight." Nostalgia, cowardice, and a certain wistfulness won't get the job done, conservatives. Pretending that men are individuals only won't either, libertarians. Space for the Aryan race will, intelligent reader. Here Kirk's description of conservatism, a semi-lyrical qualitative rendering of what could more accurately be described by math and biology. Intuition and revelation are accessible to everyman, but these fade beside genuine knowledge. What he adulates as tradition is the average attempting to ape the acme. Great men discover, the mass of dimwits gradually or quickly adopt. Tradition is transition to something better, the path sniffed out by the strayers. Kirk's ideas are intelligent, but he judges without knowing the thing judged. It is far from known what man is, even though we have a partial record of behavior. Much of what he says falls under the category of "nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." But of course, unlike Shakespeare, he "knows" his moral judgments are Absolutes, straight from "God," and you'll not tell him different. Kirk exudes omniscient naievete. No one with any knowledge of percentages or likelihoods, as he imagines he possesses, could write as he does. He imagines he's writing out of humility, but in fact he's just another ventriloquist with god-boy on his knee. As the left "speaks for the trees, for the trees have no voice," so the right speaks for god. One says to Kirk: go play some Vegas games, or speculate on the stock market, then come back and resume your lecture, perhaps with genuine humility. Twenty minutes of gambling with money will teach one more about life in general and the true value of one's holy Opinion in specific than a lifetime in church. Kirk doesn't know what he doesn't know, a common affliction of the god-inebriated. Imagine explaining ant politics or dog politics or bear politics without reference to the biology of the animal in question. Man is different? Says who? Kirk and his "God," whatever that is. Whatever that is beyond an imaginary friend who imbues Kirk opinions with celestial cachet. The devil can conjure abstractions to serve his argument. Conservatism is best defined as the acknowledgement in all particulars that reality exists. You have to believe in God, constantly, fervently -- or He goes away. Can't say that about the real world, can you? Seeing God in human affairs is like taking the real world as a musical -- always about to but never quite breaking out in song. A mis-take, itz. Ah, somewhere o'er the gamboling green, UP jerkwater way, an ovipositor squeezes the next generation of sects into the loam.

Shut Down ISPs That Allow Jew-Crit, Cry Horowitz & the Hate Jews

The First Amendment is as inconceivable to the jewish mindset as honesty. ...our war against the plague of Islamist fundamentalism is unlikely to succeed as long as its most virulent organs of communication are allowed to operate freely on the internet and on TV, inciting violence for jihad. Wait a minute. Didn't America-under-the-jews initiate the attack on Iraq, based on lies spread by sites such as jew Horowitz's? Hasn't America, at the urging of jews including Horowitz, murdered tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis? Yes, it has. That's what jews and nations under their control do. Even as they hypocritically whine that others be censored for resisting. Congress should enact new legislation requiring American-based ISPs to demand that their clients, the web-hosting companies, identify their customers. This can be done through methods similar to Know Your Customer procedures, which are already in place for American banks. Note the way the "conservative" jew quickly adopts the regulations he elsewhere writes against the moment they appear favorable to the sons of Israel. If you let jews run your country, White man, you'll soon find you're reduced to the status of commerical and cannon fodder, with none of the rights your forefathers purchased in blood. What is "terorrism"? Nothing and everything. It's a word the way jews like them: it can expand or contract to serve the political interests of the jews. Only Aryan fools tie words to meanings. Jews know words are political weapons to deceive their enemies - i.e., the rest of us, Arab and American alike. Here's something we all have an interest in: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Democratic Elections

Every election is the most important of our lives. Worlds hang on the outcome of a paper poked full of holes. "Vote or die," says a nigger named Piddle. Our choice? Two men who agree that: 1) niggers should be allowed to vote; 2) our border should be left open to Mexico; 3) Aryan boys should be sent abroad to die for Israel. Apart from the fact that you're likelier to die driving to the poll than have your vote change anything, and apart from the fact that the Gov Cafe menu offers as meaningful choice as a shoe store in Poland at the height of the Soviet era, and apart from the fact that there's no traceable relation between what a democratic politician says and what he does, and apart from the fact that the important questions are never on the ballot -- apart from all these reasons to stay away from the pep rally, the bottom line is that even if you do vote, you have no way of knowing whether or not your vote will be accurately recorded. So vote. Itz important. Help the judeo-System promote the illusion that the People rather than Zionists control OG. The truth remains what Mao said: the trigger is the only lever that counts. The 'neocons' -- organized jews -- lied us into war. They'll stop lying and manipulating when they're physically destroyed, not sooner. Here some letters from soldiers' mothers. Note how many are of German descent - the one group that never gets credit for America's military success. It is at least arguable no other ethnic group has done so much to destroy itself by aiding its enemy as those of German descent have done in aiding the jews. And what have they got to show for it? Tombstones and mockery. Don't be a Sue Niederer. Wake up before it's too late. REFUSE TO BE USED BY JEWS, ARYANS. Here some good debunking on Bush and Kerry's comparative intelligence.

The Christian Collaborator Be With Us Always

Some clown named Dickie Power offers a near-perfect example of the jew-appeasing Christian. The jew who says Jesus boils eternally in shit is on the same side as the Christian, worships the same God. Not the Muslim, though! It would be impossible to produce bilge like this column and have it taken seriously unless the Christians appealed to were animal-low in intelligence. No one examining the matter for fifteen minutes can fail to see it is organized jewry driving Christ out of public schools, not the Muslims or secular hyoomanists it is Semitically Correct among the Rapturebunnies to deride. The fleecer knows his flock. The assertion by Muslims clerics that we all worship the same god, just with a different name is pure and unadulterated bilge water, and the sooner this nation wakes up to that fact, the sooner we will stop our descent into accepting blasphemy of our God by pagan infidels. The Jews do believe in the same God, albeit there are some among them that to not believe Christ was the promised Messiah. How's that for echt Christian chutzpah. "They killed Jesus, but gosh darn it, they're on our side. No matter their words. No matter their actions." Men of low character leading men of low intelligence. That pretty much sums up Christianity.

Crime Stats

Claim that violent crime has dropped 3% depends on many things. First, citizens must report crimes. Often they don't. Second, cops must report crimes. Often they don't.

"Our" National Debt

Whatever comes after the U.S. sure isn't going to be interested in paying the national debt built up by the jews. ... the federal government is borrowing roughly one billion dollars every day to pay its bills. Wow. Talk about easy credit, the government doesn't even need cards - just presses. Already, Asian central banks are favoring Euro-denominatedassets over U.S. dollars, reflecting their belief that the American economy is headed for trouble. Its akin to a credit-card company cutting off a borrower who has exceeded his credit limit one too many times.

The Government: Your Enemy

And the enemy of all honest, decent, and industrious men, as Mencken said. That's even when it isn't siccing "ekwal" minorities on you, and sending your son off to die for Israel. Surprise, surprise: a government textbook for high-schoolers doesn't mention the relevant freedom: to own arms to shoot the ZOGsters who tax, enslave, and murder us. Here on jew Ledeen and his foolishness.


On collecting them... Here on The Catcher in the Rye and Holden Caulfield, or jews. There is no novel on the public high school syllabus that hath not some political purpose. Here on a circle of men in 1700s Edinburgh. The view is masculine, conservative, hedonistic: good fellows write poetry, study science and philosophy, do business, practice law, and gather at the end of the day for a drink, and lets not have any nonsense about austerity or purity.

Understanding Jewish Trickery

Jews teach white kids to hate themselves....by Max Hadden

America's Twin Towers

Itz just a matter of time....by Edgar Steele

Movie Review: 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow'

Some subtle anti-jew digs?...by William Spencer

Mr. Smith Goes To Jooree Duty

Like meth to cops, so are junglos to courts....by John Smith

Jews Promote Pretext for Hate Attack on Innocent Iran

It's anti-semitic to defend yourself against jews. It's anti-semitic for you to possess a single nuclear weapon. Nobody says a word if Israel possesses hundreds. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.

Jews Make State Report on "Hate"

What's the term for jewish hatred of non-jews, their only true religious tradition? It doesn't exist. The jew-produced ideostructure we call the Propasphere admits no such hatred, conceptually or practically. So the jew can slur the Aryan round the clock on tv, in the papers, and in the textbooks at the local "school," but this all-encompassing infrastructure of hate goes unremarked, while the tiniest swastika painted by a jew itself on the wall of its hate church gets broadcast around the world, and, now, duly logged into yet another database against the Aryan. Jewish interests are opposed to Aryan interests -- and American interests. Think of it were the situation were reversed. Every time a jew-appeaser such as Dennis Miller, or a jew-collaborator such as Suckpoop Joe Farah made an anti-French joke, the event would be input into a State Department database. When the jews and the paid sycophants who serve them slur the French or Germans, they slur you, Aryan reader. The French and Germans aren't sending your boys off to die for their interests. The jews are. The jews are our "friends"? Our "allies"? If you believe that, you'll believe anything. They're counting on it. You should see the way false history -- the Big Lie known as "The Holocaust" -- is used by jews to obtain money and moral high ground, and pave the way to a Jewish Global Tyranny, the framework for which is already in place.

Nation Endorses Kerry

Of course, but interesting to see where the mag's position matches WN.

Real Story in Iraq

Here a Scottish mother is sick of her son treated as fodder. Anger directed at controlling jews alone can change things. For the jew is forging new realities, right and left, like a mental patient, except this mental patient controls the government and the Uni-yapper. Thanks to the jews, your daughter can be sent to war, or at least off to booty camp, where a nigger will rape her and the army will cover it up. Women in the military? Picked wars on every continent? Resisters denounced as "appeasers" and "America-haters" in the media? Welcome to Jewworld. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave, as they say.


Guide for budding Aryan salesmen....by "The Salesman"

Jew Errant

Jews build fences around themselves, then tell us we're evil for protecting our own. They outlaw our self-defense, then celebrate their moral heroism in their papers for the next fifty years. The jews are a hostile occupying force. We need to be liberated from the jews.

White Art: Vanity Fair

Introducing Becky Sharp... Here a very nice essay on essays. Just as inviting people over forces you to clean up your apartment, writing something that other people will read forces you to think well.


'That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger'. Without a doubt the stupidest thing Nietzsche ever said, which is also the reason it's repeated so often. It sounds downright Christian in its reversal of fact, and that is the source of its appeal. It's basically a variant of "everything happens for a reason," or "everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds."

Shakespeare: No Fan of the Jew

A chapter of Greenblatt's book is devoted to the horrible death of Ruy Lopez, the Queen's physician, and its consequences for Shakespeare's imagination of the "other." Jewish by birth though not by faith, Lopez was found guilty of an attempt on the Queen's life. (He was almost certainly framed.) When, on the scaffold, he cried plaintively that he "loved the Queen as well as he loved Jesus Christ," the mob merely laughed at what they took to be an equivocation, before he was ripped apart.

The Psyche of Germany

Destroyed by the liberators - but it will rebound. The Holocaust is a lie. Jews are guilty. Remembering the Holocaust has replaced the crucifixion of Christ as a leading icon in our society. Neither "fact" is true. There is a feeling that everything you say as a German has to be passed by the legal team first, that German expression is devoid of recklessness, that it lacks the essential ingredients of mischief and spontaneity. Yeah, that's what it's like here too: you can be as reckless as you want - sexually, and you're encouraged so to be by Televitz. But anything that touches politics is already decided, and the bosses are the same across the Western world. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR JEWS TO TRIUMPH IS FOR ARYANS TO DO NOTHING. Germany has a proud legacy as the one Aryan nation that did the most to resist the jew, and if the race goes out of existence, Germany will only appear greater in retrospect. German nationalists are the most reviled by the jews controlling our lands because of their virtues. Here on the aphorist Lichtenberg, a hunchback and 17th son.

Media: Moscow

Rag knocks off The New Yorker for emerging middle-class Russians. Here on Evelyn Waugh, whom the big British papers seem to write about once a week. Here on Greene. Here on Philip Dick.

Another Nigger Sports Hero Just Another Juicy Junglebunny

Injecting white sluts or banned steroids, junglos destroy whatever they light on.

400,000 Jobs Gone to Ganges & Points Gook

More here on the cash nexus, the only sustaining link between people inhabiting America these days. A surprising Freeper thread, i.e., one with intelligent comments.

Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them

"This thread has been pulled." Jim Rob is a jew appeaser, just like Ann Coulter and Suckpoop Joe Farah. This thread remains, of course: Bush signing off on another jew-written law against Aryans. You have the right to die fighting for Israel in Iraq, but not to criticize jews. When I first clicked on the title thread, it had been yanked because it was "duplicate," according to the liar moderator. I then searched for the specific title, yielded nothing. I then searched the term spitting. Which yielded this title: Poraz 'repulsed' by cases of Jews spitting on Christians (Anti-Semitism Alert?) Even when the jew spits on you, you are responsible for anti-semitism! Either reimburse him for the free shower or you're Hermann Goering.

Jew-Appeaser Republic

Free Republic? More like Friedman Republic, where you're free to say anything a jew would. Here Buchanan sticks to evidence, offers good reasons we're faring poorly and likely to fare worse in Iraq. More enemy, more attacks daily... More war reasoning here. Do jews run the U.S.? The answer is yes. They don't need security clearances and background checks -- they wear the little hat! What are you, a racist antisemitic hater? Religious fools like bushy endanger you and me and everybody. Here trotsky-doppelganger and commie-con paleoyid extraordinaire Horowitz explains why diverging from his position on Israel makes you a hater. Again I ask, not at all rhetorically: have you ever seen a single jew described as a hater? Of course not. Jews are categorically exempt from the charge, with one exception: jews. Jews are the only people it is legitimate, by the tacit jew-writ rules our media operate by, to describe jews as hating. The jewhold over our nation's media and politics must be broken, by any means necessary. Here's a characteristic lie of one of jew Horowitz's stable of kikes and collaborators: But the most telling speaker at this event who shows it is an anti-Semitic hate fest is Charles E. Carlson, whose hatred for Jews borders on psychosis. I saw the guy speak in person, so I can judge. He simply described what jews do in Gaza, and the American money and materiel they do it with. That becomes "psychosis" under the red, and I do mean red, pen of kike Horowitz. America-hating Israel-First, Last and In-Between kikes like Horowitz should be driven out of the United States with whips and make to swim greasily back to Kikistan, no doubt leaving a slick too disgusting for a blind shark. Jews in Israel spit on Christians every day of the year and twice on Sunday -- but don't think Kike Horowitz will ever inform his Christian-fool readers. Nor will his Ann "Collaborateur" Colter, who deserves to have her fake-blond hair cut off and be driven through the streets with kicks, and spit on as she mounts the scaffold to get her kike-appeasing neck stretched. Here another hooknosed Hater shits on a jew-truther teaching at Cornell. The truth about jews is "hate" to a jew -- but vital knowledge to you, Aryan reader. It alone makes sense of your big picture. It alone orients thought and sets things in their proper places and relationships. A certain shrill note creeps into the kiking of late. I suspect the jews suspect their power has peaked, and the long, perhaps not so slow slide set in. We must summon and commission a Copeland for an Everynoseman's Threnody for Two Nostrils. People can smell the kike, what with this helpful tool the Internet, and the puffy dishonest, dishonorable war they caused in Iraq. I think tuff-squintin' Clint's words in "Dirty Harry" about dogship apply to jews too.


Sold Britain to the U.S., enriching himself at his nation's expense.

The Jewing of Language: Derrida

Hey, here's a wacky-funky idea: letz deconstruct the Holocaust? No? That's a "hate crime," shrill Derrida and the rest of the kikes in unison. Derrida was a jew Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy in the relation between his thoughts and reality. A jew intellectual is a pseudoscience waiting to happen. Getting paid to swindle reality - how jewish. Boring Aryans have to discover something. That means research and observation. Jews just make stuff up and denounce "anti-semites" who snicker. And that's why the liberal arts have been dead decades - jewbeetles have eaten the flesh of white scholarship. Derrida's audience? Of semites and snooty fools all colluded, 'twas. Stuff that doesn't last. A better man is dead. A man who gave us our code, that we might rebuild ourselves better than the God he didn't believe in - Francis Crick. As long as your finger moves, why pray? Prayer: when you don't care enough to send your very best. Humans are just one of the forms water takes. Human stupidity and ingratitude are responsible for their worshipping Jesus and forgetting the man who invented air conditioning. I predict there will come a day when nobody on earth remembers Jesus' name and the true benefactors of our race -- men who figure things out -- are exalted. Like a giant Asian carp he comes, skippin' o'er the Mighty Miss, thatz our Jeboo, everlasting air-freshner to the farts of all Man-kind. What a guy. Just the type you'd like to set up with your sister, if he were into that kind of thing. But really, they offer some of the finest stand-up around, the men of the Sunday Morning Club. They make fun of the atheists, the religious cowards, because they are fools. Because atheists don't have all the answer like they do! No, boys, they don't. They have some of the answers, while you sore-afraid eyores are stuck at the starting line with gar nichts. Not one Jebooster can walk on water, restore sight to the blind, life to the dead. Not one. Talk about irreproducible results. Science is dirty and honest; jeboosterism is pure and honest as a grinning Baptist.

Pauli Chickenshit Roberts

Yet another clumper from P.Craig o' Clan MacDickless. The Girl fears to name the jew, so he takes recourse in the oldest rightwing trick of all, call the jew he fears to name a "nazi." Fool Roberts, you don't know jack shit about Germany or what it means to be part of a kin-nation rather than a loose asemblage of me-ists, who care about virtually nothing but getting more money than their fellow, means be damned, from which general indictment I exempt no state but Utah. You're dishonest and a fool, Roberts. Individual freedom only exists in a White context. Any man who fails to see that is blind, and any man who sees it and fails to report it while masquerading as a political analyst fails his reader. Where did such "conservatives" come from? Why don't you answer it? I'll tell you why: because you're a pussy. A coward. A sweaty little man afraid to tell his readers that the conservatives have been taken over by jews who mislead our Aryan kinsmen about American traditions so they'll eagerly sacrifice themselves for jewish group interests. Against these group-jews rise heroic lilliputians who defend real Americans by telling them they don't exist, they're just individuals. Go ahead! Play by rules writ to prevent your winning; to make it impossible! That makes sense. No jews here, eh Girl? Just "Jacobins" and jackasses, as far as the eye can see. Only an openly pro-Aryan party can defend real Americans. Here the sometimes-dim Reese asks: What is the difference between Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland and Bush's invasion of Iraq? Large parts of Poland used to be called "Germany." Can't say that of Iraq.

BBC Repeats Lie that E=mc2 is "Einstein's Equation"

But it isn't. It is the produce of the brain of an Aryan: Italian Olinto De Pretto, to be precise. More here on the world-beating Italian industrialist who published E=mc2 TWICE before it ever occurred to jew Einstein to crib it. Jew Einstein lived in Italy as a young kike on the make, and was quite fluent in Italian. These, as I say, are the facts of the matter. Facts, you may be sure, which are well known, even by the Big Bouncing Clowns at BBC. Yet they go unreported. Which one is praised all over tv, notoriously Italian in ownership?: jew Einstein or Aryan DiPretto? Which is the "brain of the century? Which is presented to the public as the absolute acme of human intelligence: the frizzy-haired thief or the Aryan businessman? Gee, if jews would lie about that, I'm sure they'd tell the truth about the "Holocaust." Hey, new reader: are you getting the idea that jews work as one to advance their interests and screw you? You should be. What else that you "know" isn't true? Hint: if there's money or public acclaim involved, almost everything! What is absolutely indisputable is that the formula was published, not once but twice, in the Italian physics literature. Its authorship should rightly be credited to the industrialist, Olinto De Pretto. As a parting shot, just imagine the races reversed: do you think our "Italian"-owned press would have declared De Pretto Science's "man of the century," or do you think they would have fallen overthemselves to heap shit on an Aryan for anti-semitically stealing credit owed a jew? To ask is to answer. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.

Jewy Frothings

Taki on jew Roth and his horripilant hysteria - how hymie. The horror is not what German-Americans might have done but what jew non-Americans did do, not that the fools at TAC would report it if they could trace it. For example, unwanted Asians are found in and on banks of Lake Michigan. Snakeheads, you see, are "voracious predators" that reproduce quickly and drive out native species. So are mexicans and niggers, but you dare not write about them openly because the jews have made it a "hate" crime and won't publish such in the media they control, referred to, usually, as the mass media. Here jew Auster makes a number of excellent points about invasion, but naturally, as is his purpose, avoids naming the cause of the invasion: his group of hook-nosed liars, the jews. Jews send our army abroad to kill their enemy while importing our enemy at home: these are foreign and domestic policies the reverse of our founders', hence celebrated as all-American by the kikes who control conservatism and liberalism and every other damn ism but nazism, which they control by defining through their ubiquitous and incessant teledrone. THINK OUTSIDE THE JEWBOX.

Of Monkeys and Mercs

It ain't all malt and melons in the motherland of melanin. White mercs help put paid to some of the unsweetened fudgemen. Fighting in Angola in 1993, a small cadre of 30 to 50 white EO mercenaries defeated a well-dug-in UNITA force of 500, backed by Moroccan special forces at the important and strategic oil city of Soyo. Those mercenaries would fight and win the war in Angola "in only 15 months, this after the entire South African Defense Force could not win it outright over the course of 15 years," Luther Eeben Barlow told WorldNetDaily. And note this: EO said they could stop all of the farm crime in South Africa with only 2,000 mercenaries deployed in the field. The ANC would not hear of it. That's the jew-led, -trained, and globomedia-promoted Freakin National Coongress. Given Negro IQ and AIDS epidemic, Freaka is basically a real-world chimp-"Children of the Corn" writ continental.

Media: Hot Kike-on-Kike Action!

Kike reveals kike's connection to...kike! Goy weh! And here jew-Collaborator Joe Farah, aka Primus Inter Suckpoops, shows that unbiased fairness he's always talking about by linking to the Haaretz story about jews spitting on his fellow Christians. Oops, my mistake. The professional Mossad-lie-dispenser actually linked to kike Horowitz story about the fundamental "decency" of Israel, I kid you not. Jews give free showers daily to non-jews, whether saliva or bullets. But you know these, they're filled with hate, down to the last drop, except for the jewish love-sputum coating their hateful hides. Don't you think it's time God Himself went on trial for what must surely be the Ur-iginal act of anti-semitism, creating the non-jew? I sure do. I think it's a shame that Congress hasn't yet passed a declaration condemning God for his Original hate crime of crimes. I almost feel sorry for Sucky Joe after reading his letters page. Oe must assume he's running the best he gets, wow. How cynical the old jew-collaborator must be. It is nearly impossible to escape the conclusion, reading the Christians and other dolts writing Jews' Own Joe, that mass literacy is a terrible idea.

Men Who Figured Things Out: Cyrus McCormick

Cyrus McCormick's ancestors were Scots-Irish, who were known as a prideful and cantankerous lot. Their most famous son was Andrew Jackson, who fought three duels and avoided several others only when his opponents wisely backed down. Of one early Scots-Irish immigrant, a contemporary said: "His looks spoke out that he would not fear the devil, should he meet him face to face...." Where are these men today? Not gone, surely. Unlike plowing, reaping is a complex task, and McCormick began thinking about how its various parts could be mechanized and accomplished by one machine. By 1831, when he was only 22, he had a working prototype. By 22. Corporations and jews favor mass-indoctrination and enstupidation centers miscalled "schools" precisely because they accustom the sons of freemen to slavery and apathy, get them looking to others to initiate and approve. This ain't a knot you undo, this is a knot you cut: stay the hell out of government schools: they mean menticide. You know, any institootion, half of whose buildings are lettered "Martin Luther King" -- do you really think anything going to come out of it smarter than when it went in? Let me put it more epigrammatically for the books: Nobody ever went into any building lettered "Martin Luther King" and came out smarter. Note also that if McCormick had leaned not on his private stock of wisdom but on custom and tradition, as advised by conservative Burke, his reaper had never been imagined. The source of tradition, we see, is the fearless yet painstaking visionary. And his successful new way in short order becomes the old way, and men like Burke celebrate it, unreasoningly. The source of genuine innovation is questing spirit leading to erroneous trials leading, sometimes, to success. The average man is stupid, says Burke, not quite so bluntly. And so, he says, we must rely not on his wisdom, but on the wisdom of a ream of dolts. What else is tradition but a way of doing things that doesn't obviously kill the doer? I say "obviously" because even if the cause be under barest veil, the dolt will miss it. Tradition is less than Burke thinks it is. The last man in the world to place faith in tradition is the man who gave birth to it. Burke has faith in McCormick's reaper, just as he had faith in the laborious tradition that preceded it. Not McCormick. He more than anyone knows his work can be supered, and will be -- by a "sandy-haired rebel boy with the same old hungry eyes," as Travis Tritt put it. The Irishman writes a pretty lyric in defense of tradition but he doesn't understand its source or meaning. Prescription is fine for average wits and preserver personalities, but these ain't the locomotive of genuine progress, and Burke's words don't apply to the thought leaders, just average men. Do you think Burke himself would hesitate for a moment in choosing his own opinion over tradition, came they in conflict? The reckoned risk is the Aryan's only true tradition, for it encompasses all our values: spiritual, intellectual, and aesthetic. The rest is just adjustment to circumstances. But the reckoned risk is the Aryan at his finest. Note further that McCormick not only invented his reaper, he came up with early mass-production techniques and new loan arragements. A bit like Edison, with all his inventions. The true costs of Burke's conservative advice are the inventions forgone by intelligent men who might have discovered great things had they thought rather than followed. Burke's prescription might have been written by the FDA: better not to approve new drugs because something might go wrong and you'll get blamed for it. The only advice that makes sense is to test your ideas against reality. Tradition is a fine default, but it ought not be celebrated, because most traditions are simply practices imperfectly thought through. People 99.999 just repeat what others have told them, and do what others do, so there's always much room for improvement -- as the minority of men who can think and do dare make clear. This is a variant meaning of the saying 'There's always room at the top.' What if Edison had relied on the stupid God argument that never goes away: if God meant men to stay up at night, he wouldn't have made the sun set. That kind of arrant stupidity is with us always. Doing something differently is never respectable. The conservative is simultaneously the beneficiary and adversary of the thinker - the one and true progressive.

Topher Hicchens

Half-jew, all wet, inside and out. Imagine being proud of supporting universal suffrage. Universal suffrage leads to univeral suffering, and how can it be universal when Martians and marmosets and mandrills aren't taken into account? Don't they have interests? Should those interests not be represented? Is there truly no way to convert these fine creatures' express wishes into tugged levers and punched holes? I mean honestly, what kind of a nitwit -- least one who fashions himself a great debunker -- take pride in advocating niggers making political decisions? Planet of the Japes, itz. Can you imagine Thomas Jefferson or George Washington taking a walk through D.C. today? Seeing this mean, vicious, God-dumb Texas blowhard surrounded by glabrous taffy-nosed kikes, speaking in pidgin Spanish to fat-faced animals and obese, 60-IQ'd mammies about oppertunity and freedom and terrism? Niggers are allowed to vote. That makes us ridiculous. Nature doesn't tolerate ridiculous for long.

Jew Roth: From Saucepan and Senna Leaves to Senility

Greasy jew-drippings from the goy-poison pen of a "classic" author; a term better translated in these late days of Jewish Tyranny as 'old jew.' Lindbergh was right, but since his side lost, old jews may smear him like old rabbis spitting into the leaves of their Hate Talmuds. Contrast the august nobility of Charles Lindbergh with the manifest ignobility of -- any jew you can think of. There are no noble jews. The thing is unthinkable.

Jewish Verbal Terrorism, Example #142,628

Conference is "anti-Israel." Can you conceive of a conference including critics of Israel that jews would refrain from describing as "anti-Israel"? Of course not. There's no middle: either you're a slave of Israel, or you're a jew-hater. Jews are natural-born totalitarian tyrants.

Nader Making Sense

Attacks me-too Kohn-Kerry as just another jews'-warrior. And asks the ADL questions it can't answer. Here a man tries to crash a Government party shindig, gets pigly reception. Who says our politics must ever be Bonesmen-fronting-for-nosemen? I say no.


The Tabloid is a sales tool, to be used by the VNN salesman to get converts. Those are sales, and those are the only measure of succcess....by "The Salesman"

Oh, Those Pesky Ten Percenters

Some home truths about homos....by Judson Hammond

Framing the Non-Debate

In this article a "progressive," for which you can usually read 'utopian fool' or 'wannabe tyrant,' goes after the right, by which he means neocon jews, for capturing the debate by imposing their terms. As we have said a thousand times, jews are born totalitarians, not democrats. Jews are verbal terrorists who hold the world hostage. Either you go along with their "jews-first 24/7/365" or you're an antisemite. 'Chosen'-chosen terms always delegitimize, hence preclude, legitimate opposition. Either you are sick, or you support the jewish agenda. Either you are a criminal, or you support the kike's position. The jews do this on every single issue. It works, because they control the media and can make their terms stick through sheer repetition. Only a small percentage of people is able to think in non-functional terms -- i.e., beyond "press the lever, get the pellet." The vast mass is only physiologically equipped to take things as presented - at face value. It simply lacks the mental wherewithal to imagine a different frame. No matter what the going line, it supports it. The masses are not won over; rather, opposing elites fight for the power to control what the masses will be told, and the ways in which they will be mulcted.

Hey, Christians, Check Out What Your Beloved Kikes Are Up To!

Go to Israel, get spit on by Gwad's "chosen" nosemen. The clergyman preferred not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by jews. Ponder on that a moment, these loathsome llamasteins. Jewish hatred - the hatred that jews don't allow into the newspapers they control - which most surely includes yours! Have you ever seen a jew described as a hater? Have you ever seen a jewish group denounced as a hate group? Have you ever seen a Hollywood -- you know, the place that couldn't come up with any money to make Gibson's "Passion," which ended up netting most of a billion? -- make a movie depicting a greasy kike spitting on a cross? How about a movie depicting priests as evil? Now come on, people. You've met jews. Are they less or more hateful than the rest of humanity. Yew know the answer. Yet never, never, ever are jewish beliefs characterized as "hateful." The poyfect people, they're, they and their paid lackeys tell us. It just doesn't seem like it to the rest of us, the victims of jewish hate. Why would the jews smear Catholics in so many movies if they don't hate them?

Army of One? Try Army of One-Half, or Army of Wheelchair

Defective fodder is soon forgotten. But the family still needs food? Maybe you ought to apply for relief at the local synagogue. Perhaps the jews will take up a collection for you, used whiteskin. More here on the actual situation on the ground for U.S. troops. ...the only entertainers willing to risk playing at Eagle were the members of ThundHerStruck, "the ultimate all-girl tribute" band to rock group AC/DC. Ah, the jew's war. You get to go and fight and die or be paralyzed in a far off land that never attacked yours on some jew-concocted pretext. You're "fighting for freedom" the jews preach to the masses daily over their tv bullhorn. When you learn the truth in, say, Iraq, don't think that cagy kike will allow you to report it back home! You're just here to service the jew, Aryan soldier. Beyond that, you're an impediment. REFUSE TO BE USED BY THE JEW, ARYAN. Here on the dirty relationship between U.S. and Israel, by former CIA analysts. The neo-cons are now working on Iran, and you can bet that, if the U.S. attacks Iran, a year or two hence when that war begins to go bad, everyone will ignore Israel's connection to that one too -- even though, with Saddam gone, Iran is now Israel's greatest threat. Note this piece appears in Counterpunch, because the paleocons are punchless. They lack fists entirely, having degenerated from lack of use. They're left with one vestigial finger to scratch their balding noggins, itch their noses, and stick up their butts.

White Pride and White Guilt

Today in the United States and most of the White world, as soon as a White child is old enough to understand language, he is told that he should feel guilt for the crimes of his ancestors. Guilt for finding, conquering, enslaving, and killing off non-Whites around the globe . . . and littering in the process. Guilt, not for his own crimes, but for the crimes of other people of the same race. But he is also told that he should feel no pride in the amazing achievements of his race. ....by Michael Polignano

Remember Christians Are "The People" And Christianity is Means to End

We've got to work with what we've got, and that means tolerating and helping Christians see the errors of their jewy ways....by Apollonian

Inductive Logic and How It Will Work For us Patriots

Reasoning from evidence puts one at odds with jews and the anti-world they've constructed through their Propasphere and purchased politicians....by Apollonian

Masters of Deceit, Chapter 13: Communist Discipline

Head of FBI explains how communists operate. Much of value in this book, although JEH spreads the jewish lie that communism is opposed to judaism rather than identical to it, or springing from it, depending on which rabbi you care to consult....by J. Edgar Hoover

White Independence! White Revolution!

This government is our mortal enemy, and on October 9 we celebrate our independence from it. Or maybe you prefer third-class status in the land your forefathers built?...by Kyle McDermott

Fiction: Sands of Iraq... America's Shores

Dead jews tell no tales...of WMDs or anything else....by Nick White

Defensive Racism

Ed Steele's new book is out: perfect for anyone who thinks he's getting "straight talk" from Coulter, O'Reilly and the like....by Edgar Steele

Kant: Preceptor and Con-Artist of Subjectivism and "Morality"

Morality is a tool of oppression; choose objectivity...by Apollonian

Musings of a Revolutionary

We need a revolution to overthrow the dictatorship called democracy....by James Canada

Open Letter to Amy Goodman

This is an open letter to Amy Goodman, snail mailed to her office in New York City. Her web site is http://www.democracynow.org. She has a pretty decent tv and radio show, kind of a Limbaugh of the Left, though a bit more honest. However, she does subscribe to the race-mixing religious utopianism, and I try to explain to her in this letter the shortcomings and the major pitfall of anti-white ideology....by Rob Freeman

Catholick Larry Franklin, Toadeater for Israel

Raimondo's latest; more here on neotraitors.

Media Control

Good stuff on evolution of urinalism, from the progressivist muck to the bloggy mire.

Jewish Snipers Shooting Girls Again

We fund these murderers to the tune of unknown billions annually. Then "we" -- "we" being the bought politicians representing us -- say they hate us for our freedom. Maybe they hate us because we fund the jews who shoot their daughters in the head. Our "leaders" are in the pocket of Talmudist jews whose "holy" book tells them non-jews are not even human beings. Who would have thought it would come to this? "All that is necessary for jews to triumph is for good Aryans to do nothing."

Fools for Israel

The American afraid to say boo to a jew doesn't blink at saying fuck you to a billion Muslims. Here Raimondo on jew Kerry, as ardent a warrior as Bushy, which is why he's going to lose. Either Bush led us into a foolish war on lies, or you're just me-tooing, and look foolish and niggling.

White Art: Kibler

Vanderbilt Agrarians - and their British Catholic 'back-to-the-land' counterparts headed by Father Vincent McNabb - discerned that Modern economic life, especially when linked directly to secular Modern democratic government, served to deracinate man, leaving him with no cultural roots, no history and no set of stories to replenish cultural vigour, and no family support system, which together guaranteed his losing his Christian faith [sometimes in the form of keeping it as a Modern Liberal 'Christian',] which he replaced primarily in two ways: 1] love of acquisition and spending on partying, and 2] faith in secular Modern democracy as the last, best hope of man...

White Brilliance: 1,800 miles Per Gallon -- of Hydrogen

German engineers have built a car that can travel a world record 1,800 miles on less than a gallon of hydrogen fuel. The engineers, most of them employed at Ballard Power Systems in Germany, developed and constructed the Hysun3000 exclusively in their free time over the last two years. This private development is the rule rather than the exception. The government employs jews and wastes billions.

White Archaeology: Thracian Gold

Impressive artifacts unearthed in Bulgaria.

Salon Hypocrisy

The first review celebrates jew Roth's dishonest new novel. To the Roths, America is the set of constitutional and governmental protections that allows them to live unmolested in Jewish neighborhoods. The second review celebrates a nigger for blockbusting a white neighborhood. Jews, it seems, have the right to segregate themselves, both for protection and to preserve their culture. When the Whites who founded and built the country do that, the jews and their Salon call it hate. These libs who celebrate their ironic sensibility somehow fail to notice what's happened to Detroit since the niggers moved in. Itz been liberianated. THE TWO RACES, EQUALLY FREE, CANNOT LIVE IN THE SAME GOVERNMENT. Or neighborhood.

Interracial Cinema Classic Revisited

A curious article from InstaurationA review of "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"...by Judson Hammond

Book Review: Israel: Our Duty...Our Dilemma

A candid analysis of Judaism/Talmudism by an honest Christian: A thriving Judaism is the sign of a larger gentile culture in "decline..."...by Apollonian

Alex' Bible, the CD-RW Drive and the Salesman

VNN: a Bible that makes sense....by William T.

Manstein's Hitler

A curious article from Instauration...by Peter Lorden

German-Americans: The Biggest Fools of All

This idiot woman today, you tomorrow. No other group has involuntarily, unthinkingly, and just plain gullibly supported jewish hate more self-hatingly than Americans of German descent. "When, boy, when?" Quit sending your sons off to join the military and die for the jews who hate you and who discriminate against you and smear you without surcease on their talmudvision. German-descended fools, you make the best tools. Are you capable of more? When are you going to show it? WITHOUT YOUR HELP, YOUR KNOWLEDGE, YOUR BODIES, YOUR BLOOD, YOUR FOOLISH BUHLIEF -- HYMIE'S WAR MACHINE GRINDS TO A HALT. REFUSE TO BE USED, GERMAN-AMERICAN. REFUSE TO DIE FOR ISRAEL. FIGHT FOR YOUR KIND, AND YOUR KIND ALONE.

Between The Lines: Joe Sobran

Reality-estranged Sobran knows with all these niggerpiles, there must be a pony somewhere....by Alex Linder

Personal and Studied Reflections on the Mechanisms of Media Control

How it works in the real world...by Alex Linder

History, Throbbing and Pulsating: Thus We Make It Work -- FOR US!

The Fed must be destroyed...by Apollonian

Gee, Wasn't World War II Such Fun -- When "Good" Won?

On cycles and hubris...by Apollonian

Movie Review: 'Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring'

An interesting Asian movie on the cycle of life...by Eric Wulf

A Clarification on Jews and Violence

Dark days lie ahead for America and the jews that produce it...by Stojgniev O'Donnell

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