Spintro Archives

SS Leadership Guide [2]: Leadership and Following

Solid advice for budding leaders; contrast with "tolerance" taught in jewed public schools and the flash taught in jewed Hollywood and the "judge-not" taught in the jewed Bible...by Schützstaffeln

The Unraveling of the Jewish-Left Coalition

Parasites vs. Whites: jewish business as usual. Aryans don't need jews and their colored tools; they do need us. Refuse to be sucked and suckered, White man...by Richard Hartmann

An Alternative View on Gay Marriage

The judeo-System must go down, and it must go down hard, and nutmeg nuptials delivers a good hard kick....by White Proletariat

Visitation Day

A father has limited time with his daughters, but uses it wisely....by Christopher Perry

The Subjectivist-Moralistic Hoax of Immanual Kant

Zundel-style revisionism: the impact of Kant...by Apollonian

Movie Review: 'People I Know'

Dark pic on Inside Jewball, featuring Al Pacino. Not real exciting, but accurate portrayal of the kike in his cockroach hotel...by Rich Brooks

Total Relapse Into Complete Insanity!

Stop! Collaborate and lesen, Numby's back and his wit be blazin'. Cow! Pow! How ya like him now? You might even say, Apocalypse Wow! Obscener than Rabelais, more infectious than Ramsteer, Master of the Pan Glute, itz our very own "Newz" Numberman with some goochy-goochy cosi Jude fan tutti, perfect for newly distwatted chilluns and nonagenerians of all ages!


Ready for prime time? NOP!...by Edgar Steele

Hi Hitler!

Each jew exalts the thing it execrates....translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister

The Chinese Situation

Century-old wisdom about minding our own business from a fictional Irish sage....by Finley Peter Dunne

Upon Further Review: Céline

Is there a great philoSemitic writer? No. Jews top out at second rate, and first rate Aryans hate kikes, almost across the board. I do not exaggerate. Where is the jewish Mencken? I want to read him. Where is the jewish Twain? I want to read him. Where is the jewish X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D?...nothing but vengeful pilpul as far as the eye can see. You suck, jews! Then, in the late '30s, fearing that France was about to be dragged into another war, Celine produced three virulently anti-Semitic pamphlets, in which he accused an international Jewish conspiracy of bringing about another world war for their own benefit. Would jews do that? Has your son died in Iraq yet? Have any jews died in Iraq? Heck no. Jews don't fight wars, jews produce wars. More here. I have the right only to follow the Rules? . . . the Rhythms of the Academy? . . . that's revolting!" Note that Knipfel claims, contra Hoffman, that most of Céline's works have been translated into English.

Céline, Smasher of Every Known Taboo

Celine knew the jew: the warmongering warshirker, then as now: As dictator he would enact three simple laws: 1. All male jews from 17 to 60 to be attached at the outbreak of war to front-line infantry units. No conscript to rise above the rank of captain. 2. No duty other than front-line infantryman to be permitted to any Jew in wartime. 3. Any breach of these laws punishable by death. "During WWI," he pointed out, 1,350 French Jews were killed....That represents one Jew for every 1,300 French killed (1,750,000 dead)....I find that this 1/1,300 killed represents most precisely the total extent of Jewish rights in our territory. Say, how many jewboys have died in Iraq, anyway?....by Michael Hoffman

Jewed-Out Protestantism Fades Badly

Between 1993 and 2002, the share of Americans who said they were Protestant dropped from 63 percent to 52 percent, after years of remaining generally stable... Hispanic gang culture replaces it. That's good news for Schadenfreude-addicted Protestant-hating Catholic whiners, bad news for you.

SS Leadership Guide [1]

Contrast with democractic platitudes in American election campaigns....by SS

Redskins Lose to White Man

Injuns give up on Kennewick Man, smoke the pissed pipe while human scientists study the bones for what objective facts they may yield. Jews must cease lying about the race of the real native Americans - Aryan.

Above All, Stay Legal!

It is important to make sure you never win. You can do this by following to the letter rules arranged and interpreted by your worst enemies. Can al-Jazeera get on the Canadian airwaves with some facts about jews? Read and see! Can BNP admit niggers and campaign house to house in democratic peace -- and be allowed a bank account? Take a peek! If cows could talk, they'd say the sort of things you read at Free Republic.

Christians Appease Jews: No Christmas Stamps in Britain

Snow, check. Santa, check. Reindeer, check. Jesus, "Stop the hate." The christians furiously suckpoop Israel and the jews, then turn around and wonder why their society's falling apart and the practice of their religion illegal. The few who understand it, Buchanan, withhold the vital information from the rest, and brag about their church's heroism in saving the jews who brought the situation about in the first place. The world is an odd place. There's no easy way to reconcile the things you see. Judging by their actions, christians and conservatives alike believe fighting and winning is immoral.

McKinney Comes Back

Take money from kikes to put Israel First, thatz normal politics. Take money from Arab, that's "hate." Makes jewish sense. Note the NYP hate writer mentions not a word about the jew money that poured in from outside her district to defeat her. By the tacit terms of the term-terrorists, no one is allowed to notice that jews exist, that they pursue their interests against yours, that they denounce anyone who points out what they're up to, or in any way resists, as a hater, a terrorist, an extremist - whichever term's best suited to get the smear job done.

The Nigger Mentality

Wearing a suit to your rock-flipping fast-food job makes you a businessman. Claiming AIDS makes you a Lothario.

Vlaams Blok Makes Progress

Note the frank way the media acknowledge they're part of the party of the left.

Jew Gottfried on "Hate" in France

Here on the Law Gayssot: This law, introduced by the Communist deputy Jean-Claude Gayssot, treats any published denial of the received account of the Holocaust, or any public statement that a judge might interpret as being offensive to a religious, ethnic, or racial group, as a criminal offense. As the jew sort of points out, jews in a country are pure poison. They agitate to destroy your nation in every possible way, not least by electing a new people through abandoned borders. Then, when a segment of the invaders is anti-jew, they set up a whine. Every sort of mendacity, hypocrisy and murderous double standard is second-nature to the jew. Concludes jew Gottfried: ernment nor American immigration enthusiasts will do what is necessary to control the problem of "hate" that they claim to be so concerned about: stop importing itby getting immigration under control.. As always, jew Gottfried avoids the why: invasion of Europe/America is "good for jews." Murdering other nations is what jews do.

Diversity: The Future That Doesn't Work

Not here, not in Malaysia, where they're smart enough and in control enough to do something about it. The Malaysian government says it plans to expel more than a million illegal migrant workers. The country's Home Minister says 400,000 members of Malaysia's volunteer corps will be mobilised and special squads are already being trained to enforce their removal. Sweet. There's nothing wrong with America. There's everything wrong with the jews and the creatures they let in from Mexico and nigtown. Home Minister Azmi Khalid warned the businesses that employ the illegal immigrants not to complain when their workers are rounded up. "We are serious," he said. The purpose of a government is to protect the interests of the people. A government that fails that basic task is illegitimate. The United States government is illegitimate. The people wanted segregation and national borders. The jews found these against their interests. They and their bought politicians and writers effected a revolution against the will of the majority seeking the end goal of Aryan genocide. In White nation after White nation the cause and cure are the same. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here more of that great diversity working out great in Boston. Here Holland reaps rewards of common sense.

Whitey's Attitude Adjustment

Withdraw support, White man, and let the judeo-System die....by Andrei Kievsky

Worship Flag Being Dissed

What the flag really stands for, these days, is ugly as hell....by White Proletariat

The "Ten Truths" Examined: Part X

Race exists. It explains a lot, about niggers and everthing else....by Rich Brooks

Between The Lines: Jew Netanyahu

Double standards, special pleading, the old standby: just plain lying: the unholy kike is the master of misdirection....by "Newz" Numberman

Invasion: You Must Protect Your Own

The cops aren't responsible, and when it comes down to it, like WASP Bratton, they'll side with the aliens let in by the jews who hire the cops and sign their paychecks. The establishment will just keep running horseshit like this laughable pumper for a day sin shitskinnios.

Moonie and Jewy

One Washington paper is owned by a man who thinks he is God. The other paper is owned by a race whose members believe they are gods. Israel Fister Joe Farah knows that no man can serve two masters, and his god is world jewry. You ever wonder why nobody is interested in reporting the facts?

Welfare for Whites?

Should you get on Welfare? Going on the dole isn't for everyone, but it may be right for you. Discuss in forum here....by Andrei Kievsky

Lohengrin, 1970

Would you trust a jew named "Frank"?....by Astrid Lawson

"Right to Protect Its People From Terrorism"

Israel, say its defenders, has the right to defend itself by any means necessary, including the murder of innocents and the building of a 'security fence' segregating the people it hates from its own. But when South African Whites set up an apartheid system to protect their nation from the marauding, 65-IQ niggers their wealth had attracted, these very same jews went crazy in their media, denouncing SA's version of the 'security fence' as racism, and insisting on the right of retards to political equality with full-faculty humans, inevitable results be damned - and unreported. Predictably enough, South Africa was destroyed. Now nobody ever talks about the country. The media's message is clear: only jews have the right to protect themselves, to be racist, in a nutshell: to exist. Everyone else must blend and disappear -- give way to the global jewish slave state. This double standard is put through without blushing, day after day, in court, paper, on tv, and through the public schools. The result is genocide for whites and the empowerment of the jew, with nobody allowed to speak about the enormity. What if the world were controlled by a group of racists it was illegal to criticize? It is! When Whites protected their communities -- completely legally -- through segregation, jewish courts and papers denounced their racism and eventually outlawed what was nothing more than simple sanity. Today those same courts and papers ignore the millions of crimes committed annually by loosed blacks on frightened Whites. The reason jews are able to get away with these vicious and hypocritical and literally genocidal double standards is that: 1) they own the media, and can suppress knowledge of their canting hypocrisy; 2) they own Congress, most of which attends annnual AIPAC dinner; 3) they see to it that only their agenda is taught in public schools; 4) they pay no physical consequences for their lies. The jews who wrote up the plans for attack on Iraq and who produced the lies about weapons of mass destruction do not fear being killed for their lies and hate. Until there are strong and swift consequences to jewish lies, hypocrisy and murders, the jewish race, as represented by the ADL, will continue to uphold a racio-political double standard intended to result in the genocide of the Aryan race. The ADL calls itself a civil rights group. In fact it is a jewish racist group carrying out the genocide of the Aryan race. DEATH TO THE JEWS.

Florence King on Steinem: The Beast with Two Backs -- and Faces

Gloria threw a leg over every man who gave her a leg up in her career, which mostly consisted of whining about those evil men who, judging by her feminist friend's report, did nothing but give her orgasm after job after grant. By 1979 Ms. had lost so much money that Miss Steinem had to file for non-profit status. This enabled her to get a $300,000 grant from the Ford Foundation. Whether it helped that she had had an affair with Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas is not known.

Bushy, Friend o' Shitskin

Enemy of White. What if there were a party for Aryans? it would be denounced as "hate." Open borders for America, "security fence" for Israel. Both deemed "good for jews." What's good for you, White man? NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Mexican invasion is a symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

Jew Lickspittle Cal Thomas Denounces CAIR for ADL-Style Cop Indoctrination

The difference, of course, is that CAIR isn't a criminal organization; there is no evidence it buys cops or pens like Thomas. The concept of honor is as foreign to a Christian as the concept of objective reality. There really isn't a word low enough to describe jew-suckpooping Christians like boy Thomas. What is it about our own government agencies that cave under pressure from radical Islamic groups? What is it about Christians that they can't produce a single national leader who will stand up to the jews? Are christians natural cowards, or do cowards just rise to the top of the church? Do they think any Christian or Jewish group would be allowed to offer such training in Muslim countries? Note that neat evasion of the more obvious question: why shouldn't the muslims at CAIR be allowed the same rights as the jews at ADL to brainwash and indoctrinate in the name of diversity and sensitivity? This is passing classic: One doesn't have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe that we are being undermined from within. Activist groups who support radical Islam want to destroy America. And they don't just need bombs to do it. Too many of us are willing to roll over and play dead. I'm Cal Thomas in Washington. You sure are, boy: willing tool of lying jews. Providing them cover as they attack their enemies, not least your own church. There's something unmanly about Christians. Have you noticed that? Have you noticed the way a christian has trouble looking a man in the eye? There's always something sly, shifty, weaselly and dishonorable threatening to break through. Their grins are too ready. Their eyes move too quickly. They have no shame. Boy Thomas knows the ADL indoctrinates the FBI and local police nationwide. He knows the ADL has been convicted of numerous felonies. He knows the ADL is an illegal unregistered foreign lobby bent on using America to further Israel's agenda. He knows the ADL is a jewish hate group that despises christianity and has colluded with other jew-led hate groups to drive it out of the public square. Does he fight the ADL? No. He helps it. He gives it cover. Just as he veils the jew's attack on christianity by attributing it to "secular humanists," he veils ADL's indoctrination of cops by pretending jew-brainwashed cops is normal, but muslim-brainwashed cops "undermines America." Cal Thomas is a sellout, a hack-for-hire, Boss Dumperman's salad tosser in the Media Gaol that is our "free" press. In short, Cal Thomas is a Christian, a man without guts, honor, or shame. They say a good measure of a man is the people he associates with. Apply that to Jesus - the guy "men" like Cal Thomas claim "came back from the dead." Something stinks here, and it's not just Cal Thomas' yeast infection. Whether it's Suckpoop Joe, selling out his brother Pals and Christians to serve Judah, or Grinnin' Jerry Falwell, who I heard on televitz saying, gosh darnit, he know not what course other Jeboo servants might take, but never O never would the flow of jewish sperm over his lips and down his throat be interrupted by the outward utterance of "judeo-christian-muslim tradition." Only a christian -- no taste, no irony, no class, no character -- most significant -- no Belief would say such a thing. Only a christian. What an absolutely loathsome religion that produces such manlets. The dead of the Liberty: how many legions have they? What kind of christian has no problem with a group that spies on Americans, buys American cops, gives awards to mobster-pornographers, excuses Israel's murder of American sailors, and, on top of all that, gets paid to indoctrinate the FBI? Cal Thomas. What Cal really hates about Muslims is that they're man enough to stand up to the jews he grovels before. No paycheck can erase the stigma of cowardice, eh Bought Cal?

The Movie Moore Didn't Make

Jew suggests different approaches. Moore's a lefty, glib and dishonest, and he misses the kike connection in pursuit of the Saudis, whom, if he'd pause to look up, he'd see the war-producing neocons themselves are after.

Vatican Eats Toads for Jews

Signs on to 'anti-zionism = anti-semitism." Criticize jews? "Hate." Cite facts about jews? "Hate." Truckle before jews? Legitimate option. Defines respectability.

The Cell-Forming Jew

His nature, itz. Settlers vs. Shin Bet, unless itz all a front; i.e., some bad-cop, good-cop to win international acclaim for giving up a fingerprint-sized patch of stolen land, i.e., the sort of thing for which a jew expects at the least a Nobel prize. Jews are natural conspirators and paranoids. Note this: "Whoever comes to pursue you, kill him first." This is the Talmudic injunction called din rodef. You might contrast it with the Mardi Gras Protocol. Which side wins? Duh... If the jews are pursuing policies of genocide against Aryans, then killing them is perfectly legitimate -- by their own standard.

McKinney's Back

Jews ganged up in a million-precedented attack on a black woman who defended American interests over jewish, which in jewish minds is hate, anti-semitism, you name it. The kikes poured in money to defeat her, building up her nigger opponent, who did win. Now, two years later, McKinney returns to challenge for her old seat. Just as James Moran defeated a jew primary challenger in the wake of some simple factual comments he'd made about Israel-Firsters' responsibility for the unnecessary and unprovoked attack on Iraq, McKinney can prove that jews are not invincible, no matter how powerful the meedia through which they spread their lies, and no matter the dollars at their disposal. Forward knows this -- and urges fellow Hate Jews to be cautious: A national anti-McKinney mobilization, particularly one seen as mounted by Jews to defend Israel, would cause a backlash of serious proportions. This is because the jews, whether they like it or not, and due in large measure to the efforts of sites like VNN to place them there, are ON THE TABLE. Jews can be named. Jews can be blamed. Jews can be vanquished. Continues Forward: The last time she was defeated, the mobilization of Jewish political and financial clout to block an outspoken black politician gave rise to a wave of trash-talk from the left about Jews manipulating the political system for Israel's benefit. Israel buys Congress? Legitimate. You mention it? "Trash-talk." Continues Forward, re freshened anti-McKinney campaign: [Anti-jew reaction] "would only be worse the next time." No longer can Big Jew hide behind the flag and the fools. It is exposed. Its urge, always, in politics, is to lower its profile. The jew manages and manipulates; the macher makes his machinations. Moreover, there's something offensive in the very notion that Jewish citizens fighting for their favorite causes is somehow wrong. Yes, just as it's deeply offensive, not to say genocidal, to be called a hater by those same jews for protecting the Aryan America of the Founders. Think VNN isn't having an effect? In politics, however, right and wrong are only half of the calculus. The other half is what's smart. The current reality is that anti-Jewish conspiracy theories have become part of mainstream political discourse here and around the world in a way that could not have been imagined five years ago. ITZ COMING.

France: Chirac Eats Toads for Big Jew

There is no penalty, only praise for the Pet producing "Pleasantville" -- i.e., movie/book/article attacking traditional White/French/German/British/American society. The rise in 'anti-semitic' incidents is fake; the rise in the number of jewish smears of France is real. Note that "France has the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in Western Europe": 600k jews and 6 million Muslims. As ever, no indication made that it is already illegal to critize jews and muslims in France. "French opinion is not antisemitic, but it does not react to antisemitism or racism," said Yonathan Arfi, the head of the Jewish Students' Union of France. "The French are fed up to hear about Jews and Arabs." Uhh...not just French, jew Arfi.'Hate,' 'hater,' and 'hate group' are the jewish terms for Aryans who resent the destruction of their nations through jew-enforced racial-mixing, which is propagandized more heavily in today's West than any "meme" anytime anywhere. The French are to be more concerned about a swastika painted on a jew's house than the gang-rape of their daughter by young muslims let into France by jews. Anyone who does not put the jew's interests first, last and only is an anti-semite. There are only the jew's interests, those who give in to them, and haters. Until the jews are physically destroyed, nothing will change. Note where the article points out that jews find a man guilty of "hate crime," a political crime invented by jews to tag on Aryans and other people they hate, by pointing to books he possessed. Free speech is not a jewish value. Free speech is something the jew uses to smear and defame and attack you until he takes your power, at which point there's semitical correctness and hate crimes as far as the eye can see. You can have jews or freedom in your country, White man: not both. Never. Never again must the Aryan allow the jew into his nation. VERTICAL EXPULSION NOW.

The "Ten Truths" Examined: Part VII

African-Americans or niggers? What do their actions show they deserve to be called?...by Rich Brooks

The "Ten Truths" Examined: Part VIII

Why dogs are better than cats...by Rich Brooks

Those "Poweerr", Broke, Backward, Oppressed, Unhappy Russkies

Pskov vs Kwa: who's living the good life?...by Johnny O.

The Anti-Christian Song of Laughter

A poem about the SS...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Demon Complexity

Massive burrocracies order every detail of our lives: itz a system only fat ugly women and the boss jews could love...by Douglas Wright

Movie Review: 'Cold Mountain'

Boring, anti-Aryan production, despite what you may have heard...by Rich Brooks

Race Neutrality is Anti-American

Jew Gottfried defends libertarian Paul. The Constitution isn't colorblind now, and it never was. Even as jew Gottfried calls for countering mendancity, he is being mendacious. The founders were, in Lenin's other lapidary term, 'racists.' Jew Gottfried is happy to see non-jew libertarian Paul puruse the pyrrhite of race-neutrality, as this will leave the kike happily ensconced. Here on Moore's film, and his ignoring the jewcons. The neocon conspiracy and its manipulation of the U.S. media is the most shocking story of the Iraq war. I know an even more shocking story, jew Margolis: jew control of the media! Until recently Americans have heard only one side of the story, which, we are discovering, was a tapestry of lies worthy of the Nazis' Dr. Goebbels. I've seen Goebbels called a liar a thousand times by a thousand jews. Usually when they're attributing to him rather than to their own the Big Lie technique. I've never seen a jew cite a single actual lie. Here on America these days. Do you imagine you're free when every substantial decision has been taken out of your hands and placed in those of jews in Washington? The best use of forms is to conceal their opposites? True with words and elections. 'Democracy' in 2004 means the will of the jews, concealed as the will of the people.

Three Warriors: Sonnets by Ellin Anderson

Echoes of Independence...

Cosby Goes Off on Niggers Again

What he says is correct, but won't make a difference apart from a handful of individuals who listen to him. Blacks, like Whites, are victims of a System. In our case, the System discriminates against us and taxes us to grow colonies of non-whites encouraged to hate us. Blacks benefit directly from the System in terms of feeding off taxes, but this comes at the price of dependency, as jews turn their low IQs toward parasitism and hating-blaming Whitey, and away from race-realism and self-sufficiency. Thus is black nationalism coopted to serve the corporate interests of Big Jew. Whether Cosby is aware of the deep cause of the symptoms he cites; whether he realizes that the system is controlled by jews and the races manipulated by jews through media and government schools; whether he sees that setting race against race is "good for jews" -- is hard to say. In either case, the point is that the System will not go away on its own. It will have to be destroyed. If Cosby wishes sweeping change, he must speak out against the jews producing the music he hates, profiting off the black communities they destroy -- the same jews producing the mentality he hates. Without naming and blaming and blaming the jews, there's no way to get back to natural race relations - segregation. Blacks like to feast off whites, but above all they prefer their own company. Whites want nothing to do with blacks. The races are forced together at gunpoint by the judeo-System. Until the jews are dealt with, nothing will change.


Leaflets and fliers on two dozen driveways are "dangerous," according to the ADL, in the next breath citing concern over jewish control of the mass media reaching a billion homes as paranoid. Good thing our presidential candidates aren't beholden to Big Kike.

Letting in Gooks Endangers Security

Not just their rapes and bizarre customs make them generally unpleasant cohabitants, but their racial loyalty precludes loyalty to an Aryan nation.

The News That Didn't Bark

Nog-on-human crime... You're more likely to hear about a jewish kid being stabbed in Belgium than your next door neighbor's daughter being raped and murdered by a 'groid. Why is that? Certainly not because the jews control the media. Sleep, consume, obey. Buy jewpapers and read counterfactual articles about successful Hmong, and why Minnesota and your state needs more of them. A new wave of 15,000 from a refugee camp in Thailand is expected to arrive over the next six months. The State Department predicts 5,000 of those will end up in Minnesota; the first few arrived last month. If this invasion were put to a vote, the people of Minnesota and your state would reject it. How is the government able to carry out policies with which the vast majority utterly disagree? Because the media are controlled by people working hand in glove with it. And they amplify, muffle, distort, misrepresent -- whatever they have to -- in line with the government agenda.

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