Spintro Archives

Fred Leuchter

Is there anything funnier or ghastlier than a jew sitting in moral judgment of a human? According to the New Yorker's Ron Rosenbaum, Leuchter is a man possessed of a frightening combination of "sinister innocence and criminal simplicity." Oh, a jew said it. They're such smart people, you know. We must defer to their higher morality. Fuck that. Jews are skunk-cabbage people. Their judgment is worth shit. All these jews so anxious to look under behind around back of everything, yet the minute you take a sideways look at their media manufactory, why, the hy-cry goes up. The truth about jews? "Hate." No, the media aren't controlled by jews, saith the fool. Every single paper frames things the same way because we all agree. The jewish agenda is always presented as the voice of the community. Always jews are jews when it comes to accepting praise. Marvelous! Unique! Always jews are "the community" when jews are under attack. The jew combines the qualities of the chameleon, the eel, and the cockroach. The result is unpleasant. The qualities that have allowed jews to triumph over Aryans, for the time being, appear to be: superior organization, hatred of non-jews amounting to mania (flip side of solipsism), contempt for truth, disbelief in values other than material advantage. These reduce in the jews' minds to the simple question: "Good for jews?" - the only reality. According to Leuchter, his main reason for doubting the mass executions at Auschwitz ever took place stemmed from his feeling that the idea of such wholesale slaughter -- so inefficiently conducted -- "just doesn't make sense." Fred Leuchter is a good man, and correct in his reasoning. The rosenbaums, who did execute tens of millions of whites in Eastern Europe -- there are no laws against denying these executions, since they actually took place -- conducted their murders by firing guns at backs of heads. Surprisingly, this was easy and effective. You know...if jews really are the bad guys...we live in a really scary world. Because all we ever hear is that the enemies of the jews are the bad guys. When the jews criticize the SS or the Nazis, White man, you do realize they mean ordinary whites like you? "I've had audience members tell me I should never have let him express himself on camera," he says, shrugging. "But to me, ignoring Holocaust denial is what reinforces it. History's not gospel. It's an attempt to understand ourselves through subjective analysis, through confronting misinterpretation with fact. And everyone has to sit down at the table at once, so no one can be excluded from the discourse and go away thinking, 'Well, they never heard from me.'" Even Fred Leuchter? Morris chuckles dryly. "Especially Fred Leuchter." Gee, that's funny. I thought there were laws against allowing Fred Leuchter to speak. I thought the jews went after Leuchter to destroy his livelihood, building instruments to make executions less painful. If the "Holocaust" happened, you wouldn't need laws affirming it. Jews are the only race in the world with the power to cover up the holocaust, and in fact that's just what they've done. When I write 'Holocaust,' you and everyone else know I mean the body of things that supposedly happened to jews in World War II. But the real holocaust was the Red one, and it wiped out, IN REALITY, ten times the number of imaginary jews. Jews = perpetrator people. Aryans = victims. Fighting the lies of the jews is an Aryan duty, and one of the top ones. There is no way to live an honorable live acceding to jewish lies. More on Eichmann's life here. Here some of the truth about the Eichmann trial. Eichmann's criminal seizure afforded the maudlin kikes a chance to stamp and wail, and you know those people won't pass that up. Did the things they accuse him of happen? No. Would he have been responsible if they did? No, he was a glorified clerk. Were his actions perfectly legal in Germany at the time? Yes, indeed. Welcome to jewish justice - another term for injustice. No jew -- ever, anywhere -- has the right to judge an Aryan.

Everybody Needs an Editor

You can't break rules you don't know. There's a difference between a rebel and an idiot. Here on movies these days.

Invasion Past Critical Mass

Immigration policy has not been screwed up by government. Immigration policy is a great success. The government wants the U.S. filled with Mexicants, indistinguishable from Mexico, because it has an ideological commitment to a world in which there are no borders. Is that good for you? Of course not. Did you vote for it? Of course not. Do you get what you want in a democracy? Does it look like it? What you get in any country is rule by a tiny minority. The minority must pay some attention to the will of the mass of slaves or citizens, but apart from your shoving a gun in its gut, it's concerned with its own interests, not yours. Here on why we should annex Mexico. A perfectly serviceable idea, provided we clear off the Mexicans. The White man's problem is he got weak in the knees, a condition almost 100% attributable to shit-Christianity, which, due to Jeboo's sermon on the mount, teaches weakness as morality. All Mexico can do is drag the U.S. down. What we ought to do is bring our troops back from Iraq, invade Mexico, capture and slaughter its ruling class. Then ethnically cleans the shit-commoners, who are overpopulating and destroying an otherwise highly desirable slice of globe. Same thing with Africa. Out with the scrubs, in with the Big Show.

White Art: Matisse

New life volume out. I don't think it is possible to be more intelligent in any pursuit, or more serious and original, and with such suddenness, than Matisse was when he represented a reaching arm in "Dance I" (1909)... See it here. He was a self-abnegating Northerner who lived only to work, and did so in chronic anguish, recurrent panic, and amid periodic breakdowns. Picasso recompensed himself, as he went along, with gratifications of intellectual and erotic play. Matisse did not. His art reserved nothing for himself. In an age of ideologies, Matisse dodged all ideas except perhaps one: that art is life by other means. This: His immense notoriety, which had been confirmed in 1905-06 by "Le Bonheur de Vivre," a fractured fantasia that seemed to trash every possible norm of pictorial order and painterly finesse, was regularly exciting near-riots of derision in the public. See it here. More on Matisse here.


Piddly renamed itself again. Capable neither of production nor introspection, coloreds consume. Kikish corporations vending carats, coats, and champagne just love these multi-crips.


March through Berlin. In the German capital, over 500 right-wingers marched from the central Alexanderplatz to the eastern suburb of Lichtenberg. Police arrested around 10 people after scuffles between the marchers and left-wing activists. More here. Here some analysis of broader party scene from world socialists. Meanwhile, Sweden's top court will hear case of minister guilty of describing faggots.

Hamas Gets the Stain Out

It may not be ethnic, but Gaza is certainly cleaner, no matter how this Frontpage kike tries to spin it. It is true that craven, bought American pols may fund this sham cockroach aliyah to the tune of $1 million per family, but that's a separate problem. Those who fight jews ought to note what produces results: physical pressure. Morality? That's a tool for mindfucking the goyim.

Environmentalists Detest One Feature in Particular

The man part. They really do. Go to a national park. Read the signs. Feel them. Feel the attitude, the only attitude, that can animate the words on the wood. The irony is that these lefty human-haters prescribe death-by-mosquito for niggers, mainly, although they'd be horrified if, as the linked writer, you pointed it out. Let's clear some rubbish: the earth is not alive; the things on the gassy rockball do not live in harmony; those who make these claims are interested in damaging you to obtain bizarre or impossible ends. Struggle and flux are the rules of this world, and harmony means a dead sabre-tooth tiger, a wolf domesticated into dog, a nigger dangling from a tree. "Live in harmony with nature," screams the crank. "Dominate nature, to the extent we can, and arrange it according to our priorities," says the sensible man. David Foreman, founder of Earth First!: "Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental." Has Foreman initiated the process in his own case? Why, no. The earth needs consultants, you see. To interpret to the broader world its creakings and drippings. The truth of the matter is that the earth is a stinkball, and god is about to hook us and set off to catch one of the giant catfish that lurk at the far end of the universe. Environmentalism is just another platform for morons to browbeat and moralize against the reasonable. However, the arguments of the god-stuf't are weak themselves. They love to site some Petafied mind about humans and slugs, whatz the diff? Like a hump-nosed kike citing Sheehan and WN saying the same thing, the godly think to cite is to refute. The problem is that there is no basis for saying that humans are more important than slugs. The argument is correct. I prefer humans prevail, but there is no natural basis to pretend whatever gave rise to all this gives a fig. Here on Rwanda. If ur-Crips battle paleo-Bloods, why are humans supposed to get worked up about it? It's hard not to conclude Twain was right: the moral sense is man's worst quality, and it makes him inferior to animals.

Attacks on Sheehan

She's a nazi! She's a commie! So say the serpents/So say the serfs. Does it makes sense to you? Who cares. All that matters is the bushy belt buy it. Jews always position themselves as mediators. These nasties hold it cardinal they accredit and interpret everything. Nothing has worth or meaning until it's pronounced upon by a generous scoop of shit in a hate hat. Nothing must be expressed save in jewish terms. Invaders become undocumented workers. Queers become gays. Freakins become African-Americans. Attack on Iraq becomes defense of America. Nothing is legitimate save Big Kike stamp off on it. BK doesn't like it when a Sheehan steps forward and foghorns facts to fodder. Instantly, like mosquitoes at twilight, a flock of bloodthirsty kikes appears, buzzing and sucking and whining. Have you ever noticed that it is impossible to criticize jews and keep your character? The jews have literally billions of enemies worldwide, yet not a single one of them is an honest man of laudable motive. It is impossible to carry off this charade without controlling the media -- and a hell of a lot of other things too. The minute jew-criticism appears, the ashkenazis and appeaser annies begin the smear. No one ever opposed a loving kike except invidiously. Smear campaigns are media control in action. There are other aspects of media control, but day in day out, making horrible shrieks and gurgles to keep the goyish herd away from the healthy green fields is the workaday business of the controllers. Jews determine which issues may be debated, and in what terms. Jews make up more than fifty percent of the experts on both sides of these tiny debates. A few vetted goyim are allowed through to keep up the charade of democratic discussion. The Internet is the only medium that prevents the illusion of popular conformity with jewthink being carried off. All that is necessary for jews to maintain control is to create a congenial if bogus reality through television and the main dailies, and relentlessly enforce this orthodoxy through smear campaigns against any who breach it. The death of a son is one of the few motives strong enough to drive average goy fodder to breach etiquette and speak truth to kikes. She must be shut down. How to do that? You can see the jews' uncertainty. They attack her, at the same time, as both a lefty and a nazi. Illogical, but in time they'll settle on an approach. Sometimes just throwing shit and see what sticks is the best way. How dare Sheehan value her own son more than the interests of Israel? I say my son died for LIES. George Bush LIED to us and he knew he was LYING. And none of the thick rancid honkings Limbaugh and the freeper patriotards can gainsay it. Remember that bushy came out of manly Barbara, the wizened maw who asked why she should trouble her "beautiful mind" about the body bags coming back from Iraq. You know - the ones you never see, because they have to show you endless pictures of $440,000-compensated jews being "ethnically cleansed," sniff, yet again. Only an anti-Semite puts his own life before Israel. The jews are the one people on earth who routinely are absolved of guilt for that for which they and they alone are guilty. Isn't that odd? Here on Bushy and Sheehan. Here the kiken conspiracy nuts at Frontpage pursue their attack on Sheehan. Everybody who ever criticized jews is part of one giant plot to destroy them. If you're a normal white American, you're a "neo-nazi" who reads child pornography in between meetings with radical Muslims. Trust 'em. They're jews. They know.

Hang the PNAC War Criminals, and Bushy Too

All we've done is mess up Iraq. We've murdered its citizens, blown up its infrastructure, caused great general harm to a nation that wasn't doing too badly before we arrived. The jews responsible for this outrage deserve to end their lives tight-clenched by ropes. Restore Saddam. Not only a jews' war, but a jewish war. Destroying buildings and families, all in the name of freedom, democracy, defending America. Wanniski claims Lott was bounced not for racist joke but to eliminate opposition to the contrived jews' war on Iraq. The reason the anti-war movement hasn't moved is that the jews aren't promoting it.


The Fed, usually doing what the President and Secretary of the Treasury want, causes inflation by increasing the supply of money. It debases the currency by printing bogus dollars at the same time it debases the citizenry by admitting Mexisquats and pretending they're Americans.

Stupidity and Cowardice Are Traditions Too

Conservatives can neither create nor defend the traditions they revere. In most cases they can't even comprehend them. These are the grounding ironies of conservatism. Whereas, if ya got it, they can't stop you. Even if you have tits. Hint: if you whine about respect, you ain't worthy of it. At her death, at age 51, she'd given birth to four children, none of them conceived with her husband. Now, I ask you: Is that kind of nerve still possible in a world where almost all leading women intellectuals become department chairs, or need to please one? Nothing comes out of aca-hags but cant and stray pubic hairs. More here on defending yourself against morons. Smile politely, ignore. Could this person turn his opinion into money? No. Next. Very few people grasp that their opinions are worthless. The most important thing a beginning writer may have going for her is her bone-deep impulse to defend a self that at the time might not look all that worth getting worked up about. You'll note a feral protectiveness - a wariness, a mistrust. But the important point is that this mistrust is the outside of the place that has to be kept empty for the slow development of self-trust. You have to defend before it looks like you have anything to defend. But if you don't do it too early, it's too late. One must truly HOLD A SPACE for oneself. All things conspire to close up this space. Everything about AWP has always struck me as closing the space. This is true. Much of the world is made up of self-assured morons. And when you're young, it certainly seems like they know what's going on. It seems like they have experience and you don't, and therefore you ought to listen. But the self-assuredness turns out superficial. They go one way because they haven't the imagination to do otherwise. You can't get answers from anyone but yourself. Pay attention to what you feel, and check it only against objective reality; not what others say, nor what succeeds at the moment. If you're a writer, check your work against others in your vein. Let's not share. Really. Go off in your own direction way too far, get lost, test the metal of your work in your own acids. Money is not bad, but money can kill things. Writing is not a social activity. There is no text separate from mind of author. These presenters assume that everybody has taken/taught writing courses. It's natural life to everyone here. They refer to their own professors and various writing programs where they've taught or been students, and the audience murmurs, laughs, and groans in response, because that's the kind of church this is. Human voles. The vomit people. Well-intentioned and worthless. You can feel the essential Whiteness of this woman; no nigger could have written this, nor any one of the billions of interchangeable legooks. I don't want to be connected to poetry in an easy, fellowshipping way, but I do want to be connected in a way that will earn me the respect of the dead. Damn, I like it. If this woman were young and attractive, she'd be sexy, thinking like that. In the way that a higher percentage of niggers hypersaltates, a higher percentage of whites is capable of twalking amongst itself. "Act like a human boy" - a primal scene. We've only lived this once, we've only seen others from without -- how are we to say what is right and "human"? When in doubt, why should the siding be with the mass and not ourselves? Humans may differ from animals in accreting and passing on knowledge, but this is not precisely what's going on. There's very little why involved. Many duds, few firecrackers. Most people are morons, taken in by the jargon du jour, which any non-nitwit can feel at a glance is asinine, no matter how lauded or rewarded. For any artist, the goal is to achieve something never achived. Big piles of money - that's been done by many. You can feel the way "great minds think" in this woman, perhaps influence by Paglia. Both hate theory and jargon. A bit of both may be necessary, but when they are taken for knowledge, it's time to laugh and leave. The word transgressive is thick upon the ground here at AWP. I could also have attended panels titled, "Transgression and Conven-tion: Writing the Erotic Poem" and "Impure Poetry: The Poetics of the Transgressive, Taboo, and Impolite." It's funny how writers will all want to jump on the same bed till the springs pop out. Then they go jump on another one. Transgressive apparently now means sex. Didn't there used to be other transgressions? Will there be others again? How about, transgression against obsessive self-regard? That would be a good one: "Hello. I'm Jen and I keep having impersonal thoughts." Worthy of Florence King, that. I think it's good to admit what a wolfish thing art is; I trust writers who know they aren't nice. Amen, sister.


Look at the link. A peacock is basically a big blue-necked chicken. Does it look like something that evolved by chance? Or does it look like a something someone would sign at the bottom?

AIPAC: A Nest of Spying Jews

Here Scheuer on bin Laden and his pursuit of nukes. Here WND promotes a radio host victim of Muslim PC, oddly enough not mentioning a single of the dozens of hosts canned for making slights about niggers or jews. Here Skunky McDoof on "ethnic cleansing" in Gaza. As McDoof knows, the Christian-Zionists will follow whatever their preachers say, and their preachers are purchased by kikes, so they spout the kike line. That could change overnight. The average C-Zionists will never have any idea what's going on in either case. Says Buchanan: What is going to happen now is wearily predictable. After Sharon has withdrawn the last settler, he will demand $2.2 billion for his heroic achievement. The request, already in, breaks down to $1 million for every family moved out of Gaza. Bush and Congress, who only in May raised the death benefit for families of G.I.s killed in Iraq from $12,000 to $100,000, will fall all over one another expediting the latest tranche of U.S. tax dollars. If you're not anti-Israel, you're anti-American. There can be no widespread peace in the world until the last jew is underground.


On her new poetry book, readings of 43 poems she thinks will last. But, oh my God, I have been on the road only two weeks but people are coming to the signings and the Q&A, how many people multiplied by hundreds and thousands have left the grad schools, our future teachers. Our future generations, people who are teaching our young people -- all these drones that are teaching post-modernism -- Not just literature, but all liberal arts. The people who ought to teach them have been driven out, their places filled by jews and wimminists and like dandruff. Jew ideology shrinks history into an ideological schema that must mark the bulk of facts out of bounds, if jews are to be portrayed as victims. The jews, very similar to the Catholic apologists, love to talk about what they've added to the world. They never tell you about the other side of the ledger. The stock of human knowledge is smaller than it would be if jews had never existed because they've taken the slots of the genuinely worthy and replaced them with their own crappy relatives. CP: What I am saying is they think that's leftism and "I don't want to join the chorus of people on the right who are decrying what's going on in academe," so the entire two generations of embezzlers and crooks, as far as I am concerned, took over the universities and forced out interesting grad students and faculty and they took up other careers. And destroyed the humanities. She's spouting our line. She sees what happened, without grasping the scope or intent of the force that produced it. She needs to read Culture of Critique. Here on online music-ordering shows taste for classics.

Ilan Perry

Jew scraps out Brazilians, for use in Kikistanis.

Sex Differences

They exist, you know. As do racial differences. If you marry a nigger, remember to keep your guard up. Them she-niggers get angry, and they ain't go no hair for pulling.

White Art: Music

Some of the best classical. Here contra Klosterman. Here an interview with Sonny Barger. What did you think of Hunter S. Thompson? He was probably the greatest writer in the world. But, when he was with us on a run, we were going to fight the cops one day and he locked himself in the trunk of his car. That guy ain't my friend. He's going to run and leave me there when he's supposed to help us. Here on Emmett Till. The son of a worthless nigger, and well on the way to becoming the same himself when hauled up short by a rope.

Media + Government = Dictatorship

If govt says no missile hit the plane, the "paper of record" repeats it. And all the other media outlets get in line. "Hate" in Nome is "hate" in Miami is "hate" in Augusta is "hate" in San Diego. Once they changed the story, so did an oddly quiescent Times. The words "radar" and "eyewitness" would all but disappear from the Times' reporting after the first day. Nor, inexplicably, would the Times investigate the role of the military in the downing of TWA 800, not one paragraph, and not one word about satellites and what they might have captured.

Between The Lines

Cheney, translated from Jewspeak into good old Aryan English...by MadScienceType

English Is Exhausted

We need new letters. 26 is not enough. Here some interesting thoughts on fame.


The idea that there is something too low for a jew amuses. Jews start at the lowest point and dig, like some off-animal on wee-hours Discovery right before an infomericial.

Finland Works

Because it's full of Finns, not jews and niggers and like hominid detritus.


One thing about a jewed-out country, nothing straight is. Everything becomes a matter of P.R. Players jew their muscles, baseball jews the ball, umpires jew the strike zone. The ball flies out of the park, and records are broken, and the mestizos not on the field clap the harder and buy another round of $7 barley pops. Right now the media are covering for the dirty black boy Barry, the loxist BALCO-bunny whose records will one day go the way of the watermelon rind. Bonds hates Whites. His particular goal is to supplant Babe Ruth. To achieve that end, he employed steroids, resulting in an historically unprecedented spurt of hyperachievement in his late thirties. Here on Nike celebrating the gluteus niggerus. Steatopygies rumpresentin'! Here on sports the industry, tenth largest. Who said this?: Sports is a major factor in controlling people. Workers have minds; they have to be involved in something and it's important to make sure they're involved in things that have absolutely no significance. So professional sports is perfect. It instills total passivity." William Pierce or jew Chomsky? In fact, Big Ball has a political purpose other than instilling passivity: conditioning the masses to accepting referee whims as edicts, written rules be damned. Here on DuBois and Washington.

Government Steals "Vigilante" Nethercott's Land, Hands It Over to Shitskins

For defending his property and your country, Casey Nethercott has first been jailed, and now had his ranch stolen by the federal government and the kike Morris Dees. "No rights for Whites," is the order of the day. You can bet your bottom dollar that no legal approach will solve the problem. It will take bloodshed to regain our freedom. Meanwhile, back in Kelotown, the chutzpathic local government, with the chutzpathetic Supreme Court's thumbs-up, is going after property owners to punish them with retroactive taxes for the years they brazenly attempted to hold onto their houses. Welcome to AmeriKwa. We're all about freedom here. There are other ways to steal housing: freebase credit. Thanks, jew Greenspan! If your face looks stupid and puffy and you don't have two neeckels to rub together, let Uncle Sam set you up with a toilet, and provide a free user's manual in Spanish. 42% of all new home buyers cannot even come up with a few thousand dollars for a down payment. The principle on which affirmative action is based spreads throughout the country: there is no such thing as unqualified. Which is derived directly from the 'Kwa's grounding lie: the races are equal. Of course, none of this even vaguely resembles the activities of a "free market". The market is not free when a privately owned banking system like the Federal Reserve sets the prime rate according to its own political-economic agenda. Counterpunch begins to sound like WN! Alert the Horowitzim. We smell conspiracy! The worst conspiracy of all: normal white folks, left and right, conspiring to acknowledge facts about jews and banksters. While the jews spread the hatred of Whites -- loxism -- in schools, they worry about Muslims proselytizing in other government prisons. Jews reserve the right to decide which groups are hated, and for which reasons. Currently, there are said to be roughly 350,000 inmates in federal, state and local prisons who identify themselves Muslims. Some 30,000-40,000 more are being added to that population each year.

A Plain Face on Plain Facts

Buttmondo on the neocons smearing Sheehan. Notice how Reamoondoggie uses exactly the same figure Hitler used: neocons are like vermin exposed to light. The controlling jews act just like one of those Aryan frats or packs of football players they put in their movies. They go around terrorizing everybody and laughing, "What are you going to do about it?" Around the edges of the toughs play the littlers - the mentally handicapped Jim Robinsons and the like. Did Bush & his jewpack lie about WMDs? Yes. But wherever jews go, language and money soon decouple from golden backing. Aryans use words to communicate; jews use words to communicate diseases. Sheehan has rattled bushy 'n' the kikencrew; they smear from fear. One ordinary woman threatens them; her roadside campout's another explosive device that keeps going off every day she's there. Bushy's been in over his head his entire life, which God intended him to spend inside a bottle. The basic problem is that none of the trends are headed the right way for the little feller, and there's nothing he can do to reverse them. The opposition in Iraq grows stronger, not weaker. The public's doubts grow stronger. The kikenpresse grows shriller. Itz gone, and it ain't coming back no more. Sheehan, with her average brain and looks and Irish ethnicity the media 99% of the time celebrate (as opposed to the German-Americans who shoulder the brunt of the fighting, books and movies be damned), arose at just the right moment to put a plain face on plain facts. Itz over, kikes and flaggots. You lose. Time to retreat backstage and rummage through the vaudeville trunk for a new face. The jews and race-traitors who send our sheehanim to Iraq don't defend America, they endanger it. Minding your own business is Aryan. Minding everybody's but your own is jewish. Here on Catholics and this unjust war. When did Iraq attack us? It didn't? Well, can we make up a lie and somehow pretend it did? Two weeks after this war is lost and the troops are home, you'll have a hard time finding a single freeper who admits he supported it. The weak-minded majority only remembers what makes it look good, whether it happened that way or not. The herd, lacking the ability to separate true from false, good from bad, must rely on externals. It's only strength is numbers. Its only defense is shouting down out-pointers. The mass of people never, in a genuine sense, understands anything, even the things it agrees with. Everything is conducted at the level of symbols and slogans, and if you're not one of the manufacturers and broadcasters, you might as well save your breath. Here on the Ohio dead.

A Liar and a Kike

Itz the Davy Horowitz show. It would be hard to come up with a single sentence in this sodden farrago that isn't a calculated lie. All the right has to offer at this point is blustering beanie babies leading the Bible-blind. The practical upshot of this war is that America is hated by the rest of the world. Here see video of Sheehan, making appeal.

Battle for Belarus

"Pro-democracy" is code for kikophilic. Rule by jew or jew's tool.

Kikes Out of the West (Bank)

The scenes of screaming, gibbering, bawling yids, while not without a certain histrionic value, is a mock pogrom for the benefit of the gullible goyim. The families leaving the tiny area will be compensated hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece. Nobody suffers like the jews, except for people just like you reading this, White American, who are double taxed to reimburse Hymie for land he stole in the first place. War against terror? Jews were the original terrorists. Jews brought terror to the middle east. They created Israel by means of terror. Only now, when their victims fight back, do they cry about their very own tactics. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Israel was built on double standards and terror. And to no small extent, a third thing: YOUR money. Hey, how come when the Israelis bulldoze Palestinian homes, and trees, and apartments -- as they do daily -- we don't get a single photo, let alone photo essay? Itz almost like jewish lives are more important than other people's. Do you ever get that impression? You who live in what the jews scorn as flyover America, do you ever wonder why your local paper never tires of the internal squabbles of a certain tiny, wreteched, misbegotten statelet thousands of miles away? Two million (actually a multiple of this, since 2m is merely the reported figure) whites a year are attacked by niggers, mexishits and other coloreds: have you ever seen a single loving depiction of one of these hush crimes?

The System Today

Revolting nuts of democracy. Here, British White mother tells young nigpak to quit being rude gets punched in the head and dies because of it. Hey, White man: if a man tells you niggers are your equal, he's not your friend, he's your enemy. He's bent on wiping your kind of the face of the earth, whether he knows it or not. When niggers move in, Whites move out. Therefore, any policies that encourage or subsidize the spread of niggers are genocidal to Whites. Our empire is cooked, and we're not talking long term anymore. You can see it in the face of the Mexican, sense it in the "mind" of the nigger, see it in the eyes of the jew. These creatures have nothing to do with me and you reading this. They ain't us. We all know it. We all know whites living among whites is the only way to go. And that's why itz illegal - today. D.C. is the crime capital of the world, and the capital crimes capital, too. And worst of all, you have to be browbeaten by the Great Overmother daily in a thousand forms. Only in an all-White society, white reader, can you live as an adult. That means, making unhectored decisions in the areas most deeply affecting your family and community. If you had something really important that you wanted to keep safe, would you hire security guards to protect it? Here some fun facts about shitskin invaders and the 700,000 crimes they commit. In the population study of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than 1 arrest. Thirty-eight percent (about 21,000) had between 2 and 5 arrests, 32 percent (about 18,000) had between 6 and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about 15,000) had 11 or more arrests. Most of the arrests occurred after 1990. These are bushy's friends. If you wish to keep them in Mexico, he'll smear you as a "vigilante."

Orkin Stock Through the Roof...

...on news the exterminator has opened a lucractive new division. To carpenter ants and termites you can now add jews!

19th Century German Liberalism

Long essay dealing with many little-known figures.

Rise of the 'Groletariat

A new term for minorities become majorities, as the light goes out in state after state. Not even Mexico itself believes it gets better when a new Mexican plops into the world. Mexicans believe Mexico gets better when Mexicans leave! To those paying attention, the death by chocoloate immigration policy that nobody-but-the-kikes-controlling-our-government-wanted proves democracy a joke. The big decisions are made in the back rooms, while the fools are treated to a giant charade, which is all they're capable of understanding. If you want power in this world, kill, steal, and lie. They work. Just ask George Bush and the kikes behind him. At the end of "Monster," the movie in which Charlize Theron plays Aileen Wuornos, the prostitute-killer, Wuornos is convicted and sentenced to be executed. As the movie fades, she reads off a list of platitudes beloved by the kitschim. "Love conquers all. Every cloud has a silver lining. Love will always find a way. Everything happens for a reason. Where there's life, there's hope." She snorts. "Well, they gotta tell you something." The truth is that power in this world goes to people willing to kill for it. If you don't like that, there's a house of Jeboo on nearly every corner where Padre McPoostabber will tell you different, right before inquiring after your young 'uns. Law, and newspapers, and the morals preached in church work to a certain extent, on certain levels. At the top, though, morals give way to calculation. The jews in Europe killed over 60 million White men just like you reading this. And nobody knows about it. They got away with it.

White Art: Classical Music

With two voices you can generate interest and tension to a far greater degree than with a single voice, and almost to the extent available to an entire orchestra.

White Archaeology: Huge Bulgarian Gold Find

"This treasure is a bit older than Schliemann's finds in Troy, and contains much more golden ornaments," Nikolov said.

White Biology: Symmetry is Sexy

The jewish taste for shit, for Picassian dyssymetric dysentary, decadence, and detritus, is anti-evolutionary. The research once again confirms a hypothesis that beauty is not merely in the eye of the beholder: it is an indicator of genetic fitness. From a choice of computer-generated faces, volunteers routinely choose the most symmetrical as the most attractive. Here some typical place-not-race frontpagebullshit about Africa the "failed" continent. That is precisely and for the same reason as ridiculous as calling an Africa filled with possums a "failed" continent. Coon or possum, the IQ ain't there to sustain life outside the penumbra of the banana tree. The problem with Africa is - niggers. What a goofy world we live in that such an obvious truth be unprintable, unspeakable, untelevizable -- grounds for firing dared any "mainstream" analyst dare voice it.

Book Review: Jewish Supremacism

The flawed politician Duke has managed to put the wisdom of several hundred books about jews into one....by Donald E. Pauly

Rebel Yell

An urgent appeal to the Southern Man...by Kyle McDermott

Book Review: The New Jerusalem

A hair-raising rundown on Zionist power in America, which amounts to pretty near complete control...by Rich Brooks


Whites create civilization. Niggers show up. Jewsmedia promotes ekwality. Niggers takeover. Whites end up raped, murdered, dispossessed, driven out....by Edgar Steele

Sheep and Sheehan

Lies lead to war. Liars are jews. She points it out. Rusty Pillbaugh and parrotheads squawk. The right always had gawping flaggots, but it also had men of erudition and character. Today, taken over by leftist kikes, the average level of the American conservative has descended to the level of freeper. The left's traditional response to criticism is the smear. Now we can say the same of the right. Not a single freeper addresses the substance of Sheehan's charge: that this war was fought for Israel, not America. Instead, these commie-jew-brainwashed sheeple smear Sheehan and speculate idiotically over who's using her. Just like nations, any party that admits jews ends up taken over by them -- and turned to shit. The jewing of America is evident in the stupid-sullen face of the loosed nigger and the fat-faced fecality of the Mexinvader, but no less in the bitter, venemous smearing, motive-spotting, and sheer hatefulness that now characterize the Limbvoids. Aryans make bad jews. Come to your senses, fools. Sheehan is just average enough and just unsmearable enough to induce doubt in the dumb, and hain't that the largest majority of the System Party? You "hate America" if you pretend anybody but us has unimpeachable motives. Those incapable of imagining honor in an enemy are dishonorable themselves, as Mencken pointed out. For all their claimed great verbal brains, jews show a marked lack of interest in formal argument. Jewish arguments begin with smears and end with murder. There is no word for honor in yiddish. Well, actually there is, but it's something like the fourth definition of foolishness. McNeill kept stonewalling even after an autopsy showed that there'd been no natural causes in the death of a peasant named Dilawar. Rounded up in a bad sweep of Khost, Dilawar, who had never been away from his parent's home and was innocent of any animosisty towards America, much less violence, was hung from the ceiling of his cell for five days in between bouts of interrogation where he was kicked and beaten so badly the coroner's report said his leg had turned to pulp. Who are the good guys? Not the U.S. government-under-the-jews. VNN are the good guys. We alone gave you the who and why before any of this happened.

Gangsta Books

Those niggers. Will they never stop giving? During lunch in a midtown Manhattan restaurant, I asked Woods why she sympathetically depicted a serial killer who executes his victims based on the color of their skin. "You gotta understand," says Woods, whose mother is of white and American Indian heritage. "You want me to tell you why that book sells so well? Because 'Dutch' is what every black man feels right now. Go to traffic court, dude. Go to criminal court -- it's fucking disgusting! It seems like white life is excusable, and black life is intolerable. We will not be tolerated! 'Nothing from you fucking people will ever be tolerated.'" Shit like that, yeah. But print nigger in a paper for a white man, and even WN freak out. Relax. They are niggers. They're not going to change. Not calling them what they are has never solved a single problem.

From Beethoven to This

In Germany. Ah, "the Good War," another gift that keeps on giving.

Cindy Sheehan: My Son Signed Up to Defend America, Not Israel

Jew-appeasers at Free Republic try to make sense of someone putting America before Israel. War in Iraq: brought to you by loxist kikes in conjunction with the retarded children's crusade.


Makes his faggoty staggering way toward truths laid plainly on the table by William L. Pierce decades ago. Truths the little shiteater is too scared to link too, though he happily buttlinks to any jew-commie site. Here on non-jews making use of technology to fight the evil ones. "The Winds of Victory" opens with footage of the American bombing of Baghdad. It is nighttime, and the screen is dark except for the violent orange explosions and the wry captions "Democracy" and "Freedom" written in Arabic. The frenzied kike neocons and the foolish bushies who suckpoop them aren't big on irony. Combine the worst of Oklahoma Bible-Belt yahooism with NYCCNY trotskyite fanaticism and you have -- presto! -- "American" foreign policy. The upheaval has resulted in a much more decentralized system for disseminating the bulletins from Iraq, with new boards constantly cropping up. As soon as a posting from Zarqawi's group appears now, dozens of new links to it are copied to the other jihadist sites within minutes, making for an intricate game of Internet cat-and-mouse. And even if the forums or fixed Web sites are temporarily out of commission, other ways still exist -- such as mass e-mails sent out several times a day with the latest in Iraq guerrilla videos, communiques and commentary from Yahoo e-groups such as ansar-jehad. The Internet is inherently anti-semitic because it permits people to speak to one another without jewish mediation. And that scares the living shit out of Big Jew.

New 'toon: howlerhyman.

Movie Review: 'The Great Dictator' (1940)

Loxism at its finest, as the jews work overtime to dupe the dull-witted goyim into believing that men who figured out and defeated the jews are the real bad guys...by The Shadow

Atheism and Christianity

Point out where the Christian church does wrong and leave it at that...by The Shadow

Unoffensive Nonwhites: Why You Should Hate Them, Too

Bottom line is, they ain't us, and we don't need 'em...by Douglas Wright

Helen of Troy and the Whore Within

Does America have the courage to kip the JAP to the oven, so to speak?...by J. Booth

Blaming Rap on Crackers

This is chutzpah at its most brazen: blaming Southern whites for the culture that produced hip-hop. Do blacks act civilized in Africa? Do they act civilized in America? Do they act civilized in Haiti? Do they act civilized anywhere? It isn't "crackers" producing rap records and promoting hip-hop around the globe. It's jews. Rick Rubin doesn't hail from East Tennessee. Feel free to post your comment, as I did, and see if it's put up. If blacks are crackers, they're crackers on crack, and with none of the redneck's virtues - virtues which go entirely unmentioned by the shaved ape who pawed the piece. Blacks are adopting an exaggerated niggerism that is entirely produced and promoted by kikes. And Sowell and his wannabes play along with Hymie in blaming Southern Whites, the one group it is always Semitically Correct to shit on. Just another way of pretending niggers aren't niggers, and blaming some other group for their problems. The latter is something Sowell used to avoid. Just who are these crackers these otherwise sober, studious and restrained niggers would be emulating? I can name the jews producing, packaging and promoting the hip-hop that reaches every corner of the nigger community. Somehow jew media bigwigs today right now this minute aren't even worth mentioning, so powerless are they next to the example of a subsection of the white community 100 years ago. Unbelievable. The truth is far closer to the reverse. Today's Southern or rural kids or "crackers" are learning from blacks how to be niggers. But since we're nobody's niggers here at VNN, we're free to observe that that is precisely the intent of the social-engineering jew who makes the only thing the masses know as culture through television and radio. Here on changing values in AmeriKwa.

War Punks

War pigs are fat goth girls. War punks are Vietnam-avoiders who puff o'er the radio.

They Don't Get Any More Gutless Than Lew Rockwell

Another writer down the memory hole! This being Bob Wallace, one of his most frequent contributors. Bob spoke the truth about race, and Zap! - Lewpus disappeared him. And all his works. Search in vain for the Wallace name in the Lewpie archives. This too is freedom. The freedom of an editor to cross his legs all the way up the thigh, with absolutely no damage to genitals, because they're tucked away inside! Hey, Llewe: can you breast-feed too? Here's his archive at Strike-the-Root. Here a nice one on detasseling corn, proof against the live-in-harmony-with-nature morons. Yeah, I know about Hitler. He was a vegetarian, i.e., a man in discord with his own digestive tract. Harmony in nature is a middle-class kitsch idea that disintegrates the minute you think about it. Man should dominate nature, and force it into the pattern he finds most suitable. For a nigger that might mean intellectually subduing the watermelon, and exploring it with his dick. For a White man that might mean denuding Afreaka of niggerinos thereby giving a filip to the noble, useful and attractive clientele. I'll believe in Nature's "harmony" and goodwill when she sets up two conveyor belts on either side of me, featuring unending streams of loamy eighteen-year-old split-tails and tasty exotic fruits and berries and animal corpses. No doubt many of Hitler's problems were caused by his vegetarianism, and just possibly his crankdom cost him the war. By the way, as I wrote this, I consumed some delicious corpse broth. To the victor belongs the peristalsis!

If Joe Was Right...

An attempt to assess fiction writer Joe Vialls...by John Kaminski

Old Hippie, Buddy Badass Biker Dude "Trips" off to Valhalla

Bikers is dangerous thrill-seeking that attracts morons who ought to be breeding and activisting...by Ray F.

Confessions of a Human Bomb from Palestine

Some people are willing to give up their lives to fight jewish hate and terrorism...by Hujayra al Arabi

What AmeriKa Has Become and Belarus

We must fight the opp physically, not just legally. As the nazis did, and as the Belarussians do...by J. Booth

Let's Get Small

Matt Hale case and more...by Edgar Steele

Between The Lines: This is a Minuteman, This a Minuteman Through Kike Eyes. Any Questions?

The government is at war with the people. Guess which side the New York Times takes?...by Barb Aryan

The Outhouse, Happiness and the Iron Horse of Valhalla

In those days people were not afraid of one another....by Bruno

Belarus White Man Stomps on jOG Snakes

ZOG-USA underminers sniffed out and crushed...by Tom P.

New 'toon: 7/7.

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