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An 85-year-old man is persecuted by jewish haters. And the persecution is paid for out of the pockets of hated goyim just like you. The same government agencies that denounce as vigilantes Americans trying to do the job they refuse to go after innocent men like jews on a loose nickel. Says jewpaper Ha'aretz: ...in the public opinion, his story has been nearly forgotten. The media barely reported the latest decision to define him as "removable" from the U.S., and the question of Demjanjuk's legal status and the possibility of his deportation do not prominently feature on the agendas of Jewish organizations, which have not invested any lobbying efforts in the case. Hey, kikes, listen up. We're watching this. And you will be judged by the same standard. Any jew who does not resist what jews are doing to America in the interregnum in which they take control will be treated as harshly as Demjanjuk who at most -- and it is not proved -- was a guard. A guard. Ah, but he's a goy, so he deserves worse than whatever he gets. Here Russia drops probe into jewish hate texts. The genocidal hatred's still there, of course. Israeli government officials believe that Kogan's interrogation cannot pass unquestioned. They said that for state officials to question a Jewish religious leader on the content of religious writings is "an event the likes of which have not occurred for decades, not in Russia and not in other countries with which Israel has diplomatic ties." You see how jews react when they get treated 1/100th as badly as they treat others. They cry like little bitches. Note that Haary doesn't tell you what the Shulhan Arukh does say about non-jews. Hint: nothing nice. But hate, you see, only applies to goyim, never to jews. It is a HATE CRIME to apply the same standards to jews they applies to HATED GOYIM. More here on same, including hundreds of kike responses. Judaism really is nothing more than a collection of double standards for a nation of hypocrites. If you read through the reader comments, you'll see that more than one jew wants the talk-back section eliminated because it allows non jews to post quotes from the work in question.

Jews Are Dirty Hypocrites

In America, the kikes demand that you subsidize the educations of larval shitskins. In Israel, non-jews can't even get citizenship. Racism when you do it, self-protection when Hymie does it. For instance, if a non-Jewish man married to a Jewish woman immigrates to Israel and brings over his children from a previous marriage, who have no Jewish lineage, those children do not receive Israeli citizenship under the law. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.

The Jewing

Today, there are just 230,000 Jews remaining in the Russian Federation - about one eighth of the Jewish population in the Soviet Union in 1968 and less than 3 percent of the Jewish population in the Russian Empire before 1917. The legacy of anti-Semitism continues to be felt, not least because the Jews are blamed by Russian nationalists for their prominent position in the Bolshevik regime (in his most recent book, Two Hundred Years Together, Alexander Solzhenitsyn called upon the Jews to accept "moral responsibility" and "repent" for "the sin" of their fellow Jews in the Revolution and the Stalinist Terror[6] ). Whatever name we choose to give to it, the twentieth century was a tragedy for the Jews of the Soviet Union, just as much as it was a tragedy for the Jews of Europe as a whole. You know what? Fuck the jews. Just one goddam time I'd like to hear about the misery they've caused others. But no, we can't have that. Not even when they're the architects and executioners of twenty or eighty million people like you and me. No, just another spur to discuss anti-themitism. This is the best example of the solipsism mentioned lower on the page.

Join the Marines, Girls, and Get Holocausted for Israel

You can never have too many enemies or too much debt. We attempted to put out the fire, but the fire burned until it wanted to stop. Twelve fire extinguishers couldn't put it out. We weren't able to get into the vehicle at all. Here on changes in marriage over the centuries.


Cruise spouting myths... : "Jung was an editor for the Nazi papers during World War II. [According to Aryeh Maidenbaum, the director of the New York Center for Jungian Studies, this is not true.] Look at the experimentation the Nazis did with electric shock and drugging. Look at the drug methadone. That was originally called Adolophine. It was named after Adolf Hitler. [According to the Dictionary of Drugs and Medications, among other sources, this is an urban legend.]"

White Art: Wolcott

Some witty stuff by this Paglia-praised critic, but plenty of moments where it's clear he really does believe niggers are denied service at Denny's. Yeah, and reindeer fly, too, puffy. Here on Schiller.

Media: Bias

Debated in Ha'aretz. What do kikes think of Pollard? Would you believe he's trying to gain the same sort of status certain jews enjoyed in the late Soviet Union. Here on how they feel about Ariel Sharon. Here a list of jewish film festivals. Here on declining box office for Hollywood.

A Toilet Seat on the Supreme Court

Filled by shitskin Gonzalez?

Philosemitism: The West's Most Dangerous Disease

Ever seen a really ugly middle-aged British whore? Just click on the title link... Yes, when you squeeze a Britophant, a canting courtier historian like Paul Johnson, this is the sort of shit that comes out. Funny. When jews write about themselves, they're these world-beating heroes. The minute the honest man points out the evil they've done, they become passive. Read Johnson's words, and there's not a single suggestion that jewish behavior has anything to do with jews' reception or reputation. Not a single suggestion... Is there any other people whose reputation & reception by the rest of the world are completely unrelated to its behavior? Is there any other race for which a special word is coined to invalidate objective criticism? What is the word for the jews' hatred of the rest of mankind? Johnson, in invalidating goyish criticism of the jew -- i.e., practically everything ever said by every Aryan that ever existed -- shits on his own race to curry favor with Big Kike. Any other race but the media-controlling jews would be laughed down in a heartbeat if it insisted on such a ridiculous double standard. The only thing "special" about the jews is that they have the money to pay professional liars to airbrush their reputations. If gypsies had money, they could pay whore Johnson to pretty up their reputation, too. If the nazis had won, this cheap whore would be writing books pointing out jewry's declaration of war against Germany in 1933, and its extreme fear of the German example in withdrawing from the debt nexus crushing the West, and the responsibility of the jews known as communists for the murder of tens of millions of people in places a brief car ride from Germany's border. He'd be pointing out that jewish pluralism was intended to destroy the racial basis of the west -- explicitly, there are quotes by the bucketload Tart Johnson is well aware of. He'd point out, for profit, that Hitler had probably saved Europe from democratic invasion from Arabia and the third world. Whores take anyone with money, and a paid whore is exactly what Johnson is. An example? Here's the perfect one. In this particular essay, Johnson takes the half-truth Horowitz line in pointing out that the Nazis worked with Arabs. What Johnson knows, but will not tell the jews paying him to put a fat, stupid British face on their lies, is that the Nazis also worked with the Zionists. Johnson dumps this fact because it gets in the way of his laugh line that Hitler suffered from a "disease" called anti-semitism and was desperate to destroy the jews at any cost. Funny, I remember my jewish professor teaching that Hitler's policy against the jews grew progressively stricter. If he intended to kill as many jews as possible, he would have shot them in the head the way the jews did in Russia, not progressively restricted their movements and rights over the course of a decade. Ah, but it's Hitler, so one is free to say anything. I've said it a hundred times before, but one of the most remarkable facts of the relationship between White nationalism and the media is that the media feel completely free to say literally whatever they want about WN. They luxuriate in this freedom to abuse because about every other group they are conditioned to use not merely special euphemisms in place or ordinary nouns, but even in adjectives they'd better be gosh-darned careful. About us, we the honest minority, they can shit shit shit all day long, and boy do they. So it is decisively dishonest of Johnson not to include the fact that Nazis worked with Zionists before and during World War Two, but then the apologists and the Anglo ass-lickers didn't get where they are by standing up to power. They got where they are by lying and murdering people. The simple fact is that Johnson(s) can only exist in a jewish publishing matrix. The minute they fail to repeat the going lies, they're "discredited." As Mencken said, when a man's not free to advocate the opposite of the opinion he does advance, his opinion is worthless. I suspect Johnson privately knows that jews are largely to entirely responsible for the reception they've received in this world, and that he knows he would get the Irving treatment the minute he even hinted in that direction. The real danger for goyim isn't the "disease" of anti-semitism, it's the insanity of philosemitism. The more jewish America becomes in mindset and the behavior the jewed mindset produces, the more it becomes hated by the world. Anti-Americanism is baseless, says Johnson. How does one respond to such inanity? America has murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis, by bullet, bomb and starvation. Only a jew or a judaized AmeriKwan could think this wouldn't produce hatred in the families of the victims. Judaism is pretty darn close to solipsism, the belief that only oneself exists, and all else is unreal. This is exactly how today's AmeriKwans begin to conceive of themselves. Gone is the humor, the perspective, the sense of our own limits and even ridiculousness. We're "us." How could we endanger anyone else? This obnoxious brittleness, this accusatory hypocrisy, the prattlesome perniciousness is as jewish as financial fraud. And again I repeat: it's not that Johnson is wrong, it's that he's not free to be right. For a historian, he shows the run of the mill writer's lack of interest in the truth about World War II and the "Holocaust." He's not interested in the facts about Germany and its depatured from the jewed global economy. These contradict his thesis, so he ignores them. Honest historical debate is impossible when we posit Anglo-Zionist lies as axioms. Say, Paul, how many were "gassed" at Auschwitz? How can there be "six million" killed in the "Holocaust" when the plaque says that Auschwitz, where four million of the six are supposed to have been killed, is reduced to 1.5 million? What's the word for the emotion driving the blaming of the German for literally millions of imaginary atrocities? Why does the German's reputation always die on the British tongue? When did honor die in Britain? 1290? The fact is that Paul Johnson knows that not a single person was gassed at Auschwitz, but he wouldn't admit it to save his life. The fact is Paul Johnson knows that the Holocaust is a put-on, but wouldn't admit it to save his life. Bowing and scraping is how they do it in jewed Britain, and Johnson's nothing if not British. You know what they say. When a man contracts philosemitism, he's done for. So goes the man, so goes New Pakistan.

WorldNetDully: Prospect of Moron-Free America "Frightening Beyond Words," Says Farah

Buh...buh...who would buy my giant foam Jews Are #1 hands? queried The 'Poop. What about my huge runs of Pals-paying-Martians-to-fart-poison-gas-over-Haifa" videos? My heaping remainder bins of small-word Bibles guaranteeing hell and herpes on any Christian who doesn't sell his daughter to a Tel Aviv brothel? If the left half of the bell curve is eliminated, who, pray tell, will buy my topless pinups of Ariel Sharon, for chrissakes? The Christian cock-ass attacks Sanger for her reasonable and racist observations. To a Christian, one man is as good as another. The soul of a retard equals the soul of a genius. A Mexican is as good as a human Catholic, just ask the church. This road leads to insanity. It leads to unsafe and highly undesirable living conditions. The Catholic apologists' opinion that overpopulation can't exist is a distinctly anti-Aryan proposition. It is not shared by the hundreds of thousands of whites who left California in the last couple decades. The soul-egalitarianism that defines Catholicism is a natural fit for political egalitarianism. This crap is no better than John Rawls: in the eyes of a nonexistent being, we are equal in our possession of a non-existent essence. Catholic fools and bigots like Pat Buchanan identify the West with their peculiar church, yet their church has more Soon Yop Dinks and Groobamatu Pingadingos than John Smiths. Soul-equality no more exists than any other equality; nothing is equal. The Mexican and the nigger are not human in the sense of the White man. The church denies this, but then it lies about many things. If you can't use your eyes to look at the world and see that men differ in quality just like everything else, then you are a coward or a fool. The great thing about things like "souls" and other fantasy phenomena is that any idiot can say anything about them and be right, since nothing can be proved. Religion hates eugenics for the same reason the five local lumber stores in Kirksville hate the soon to be opened Home Depot. It sees in eugenics a threat to its existence. Religion says you make better men by telling them lies, and killing those who don't go along. Eugenics says, if you can breed horses for courses, you can do it for people too. Religion, like every idiot, has the solution to every problem. Eugenics, like an intelligent man, offers part-solutions to a handful of problems -- and claims no more. The smarter the people in a given locale, the less religion you're going to sell. I've seen these cunts trolling the death wards. There is not enough English to convey my disdain for the cunts called preachers. I don't believe one in a hundred of them believes the Jesus-Lie. If your finger moves when you tell it, you don't need no Jeezicle vent by some no-humor manwitz. Religion is downbreeding for the mind. It was C.S. Lewis (the 'c' is for Cunt), the 20th century's classic Christian cad, who said that asking why is the devil's question. If you think people should use their minds to think, you're a bad Christian, and there's an end to it. Verily I say unto you, thinking is questing, and questing is as Aryan as it gets. Be thou not afraid. Think all thou wilt, but check thine results against objective reality. "Mexican" standards of health, hygiene, and soul may make the grade at the international house of jeboo flopcakes, but not here. We demand White. Because itz better. So take your little jeboo on down the road, because if it craps on my lawn, I'm going to kick your ass. Now, while I'm writing this, I went over and looked into Heidi's eyes. And I can see in them what a crock of shit original sin is. By that I most definitely do not mean that she's an "angel" or that kids are somehow better than adults. I mean that people are what they are, and that means GIGO. Genes in/Genes out.

Zimbabwe Prisons

They're not the luxuriously appointed Club Zims you would think. "The conditions I witnessed in prison were how I imagine hell," he said. "To witness fellow prisoners being beaten on a daily basis, to hear their screams, see them stripped of their dignity is unimaginable." When you start by acceding in the lie that niggers are people, you can't but fail. The problem with Zimbabwe is not statism or bad laws or the wacky whims of the Philtrum at the Fulcrum, the problem's jes' plain niggers. When you try to make a country out of niggers and humans, you get a giant mess, like D.C. or Zimbabwe. It doesn't work. Niggers are wild animals. Don't play with wild animals. Their motherfuckers won't come back to them.

Stop the Invasion

Bush won't. Bad politics. Even though the people would support it. Does that mean...? That the people don't matter in a democracy. Bingo! The government is simply a mafia. It uses the press as a fog machine to create a holy nimbus to get the little man to worship it. Then it can get away with darn near anything. Government rarely solves problems, but always creates them. Psst! Are you a sheeetskin? Do you want to vote? No problem! How do you pollute a landfill? Dump forty million Mexicants in it. Here on the Marapukas in D.C. area. Why are they here? Jews. Mara Salvatrucha -- known as MS-13 -- was formed 20 years ago in Los Angeles by refugees from El Salvador. It has expanded to as many as 10,000 members in the United States and 50,000 worldwide.

Iraq Today

The war is over, and we lost. By we I mean the jews who lie and murder in our name, while we sit on our thumb and rotate, as people said many decades ago. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR JEWS TO TRIUMPH IS FOR WHITE MEN TO DO NOTHING. All the roads leading out of the capital are cut. Iraqi security and US troops can only get through in heavily armed convoys. There is a wave of assassinations of senior Iraqi officers based on chillingly accurate intelligence. A deputy police chief of Baghdad was murdered on Sunday. A total of 52 senior Iraqi government or religious figures have been assassinated since the handover. In June 2004 insurgents killed 42 US soldiers; so far this month 75 have been killed. The "rebels," the "insurgents," read: Iraqis, have no trouble finding people to give up their lives to destroy judeo-Kwans. The Kwans, by contrast, can't find people willing to sign up for $90,000 bonuses. The neocons ought to be made to dig their own graves and then shot in the head, and the revenues from the tv ads for Justice Comes for the Warmongers special be sent to the relatives of the 1800 killed and 40,000 wounded. If the jews need money, men, and materiel to carry out their wars of vengeance in Southwestern Asia, let them run a Kikathon in Tel Aviv. Here Raimondo hacks up a neo-/com kike-in-Britain, Aaronovitch. Note Raimondo's lie that he has never heard of Israel Shamir. That's the quarter-jew in him coming out. This passage demonstrates two things about Shamir: (1) He knows nothing about me or my views, and (2) he knows nothing about the American antiwar movement, which consists of a large number of Jews as well as Catholics and nonbelievers. That's the thing, Dim Dennis: there is no anti-war movement. Because the jews are pro-war. You've plowed too deep to see over your own antiwar.com furrow, a no-no, according to that jewish adage. If jews opposed the war, it would be over. Nay, we wouldn't have had it in the first place. Note that Raimondo lies that American jews oppose the war. No, they don't. Their top organizations completely support, and indeed, without those organizations, it could not have happened. And there is precisely no resistance from ordinary jews to the machinations of the top hebes whose organizations depend on their donations. Raimondo has a good deal of trouble seeing whatz directly in front of his nose. If jews were opposed to the war, we wouldn't be at war. Jews "produced" American involvement in both world war one and two, when 90% of real Americans wanted to stay out. A man with no knowledge of prevailing taboos would properly lay this war 100% at the feet of the jews. Raimondo does the work of the neocons in providing them cover by pretending this war is political rather than racial. The jews are a race at war with every other. That's not just the nazis saying it, that's the view of the jews themselves. Dim Denny even admits the neocons say the same thing as the nazis! Duh, you're the dolt, not us, Dim Dennis. Or perhaps you can explain how the most powerful and richest ethnic group has utterly failed in making its "opposition" to the war in Iraq known? All a man with working eyes can see is hymies from sea to shining sea waving the flag, wearing the NYPD hat, and denouncing as terrorist all who fail to get a lump in their throat. To translate not-so-trusty Raimondo's words into reality: "Some of my bigger donors are jews, and they'll dry up if I lay blame for war on Iraq precisely where it belongs." You will notice that Dennis will link to any communist site, but never a "nazi" site. That shows you that in his heart, like his boss Pattycake Buchanan, he'll toe the jewline, not buck it. He's a team player. Come on home, urges nigger-hirer Buchanan. Itz morning in AmeriKwa, and the chickenshits are cockadoodling.

Feed Your Head, Urge Supposi-Tories

The morons have shown they'll swallow anything with "freedom" in the title, so why would they mind if "Cry Uncle" Sam & his boyfriend Big Phill stuff their tots full of liberty capsules? After all, freedom pills put a stop to lobal terrorism. They're like a mini-Homeland Security for your head. From now on, when you're away, you'll never have to worry about your child's in-brain activities. No, it's safe thinking all the way for little Tyler 'n' Madison with Synacure, a neural stabilizer provided free as a public service by the government-Lilly-ADL Coalition for Responsible Mentation. Does that make sense? ONLY IN AMERIKWA.

Who Will Speak for the Oil?

As a trade journalist, I uncovered something I take to be a basic law: that far more frequently than one would think, people involved in the same business are unaware of one another, even if they're working on the exact same problem. We have here a basic dispute that could be settled with accurate information. Does oil generate inorganically, or not? Does Russia in fact deep-drill for this inorganic oil? Do sucked pools replenish? How can there be no solid answers to such important questions? How can there be a basic divide between East and West in belief about oil's nature and sources? How can it not be that this question has not been hashed out and resolved, and presented to the layman in plain terms? This clown says oil is made of dino-bits. That clown says, no, oil is the sweat in nature's rockpit. Until we see proof otherwise, we will go with the assumption that peak oil is a scam, serving one or multiple interests. Why? Because it fits the template of the leftist lie, like acid rain, global warming, global freezing. Action is urged in the name of science in the same dishonest way jews push as good for all mankind what is actually only "good for jews."

The False Narrative

If you wish to control a country and run it against the interests of the natives, your party's intellectuals must manufacture a false history that will fool the dullards into thinking your new direction is venerable tradition. So it is that the jews now controlling America rewrite its history by exalting every centralizer and demonizing every confederator. If a man's too big to write off, they simply lie that he was the then-them. The jews exalt Lincoln as an 1860s civil-rights liberal, though he wasn't. They ignore his racism. They pretend he wanted to liberate blacks, rather than ship them back to Africa. Those who teach the truth about Lincoln are kept out of the papers and off the tenure track. Our boy in Claremont, Jaffa the hut, sets the jewline for Lincoln. No one who disagrees with his judeo-Lincoln can publish unsmeared. This policy -- this winnowing of all who disagree with the jewish lie -- is the rule in all fields. There's an agenda, set by jews. All political power is concentrated in Washington; publishing/broadcasting in New York. The national narrative serves jewish interests, and jewish interests alone. Competing men and ideas are barred in the classroom, banished from the papers, and banned over the airwaves. Once this system has been in place for a couple decades, people who think differently will scarcely exist, let alone propagate their views effectively. So it is in AmeriKwa today. Remembering/discovering/teaching/publishing the truth about America becomes the private pastime of the odd lawyer or doctor. Whereas a few millions have as their chief income producer the propagation of the Lie. There is no effective opposition to the jew short of a crusade, since jews refuse to debate. Debate, to the jew, is tantamount to exposure. Debate, is verbal war, and real power wins wars without fighting, as the sagacious chink said. Instead, the international network of paranoid jews stands ready to rip apart any who trip its wires, and it has more and -- to the goy -- more oddly placed tripwires than any group on earth. Jews to Aryans are like women to men; they think more about you than you do about yourself, thus they know where you are headed before you do. A taste for the truth in one field tends to lead to a taste for the truth in others. That is why even on questions which to you and me might seem innocuous, say the skeleton of Kennewick man, the smearbund's dump trucks stand ready to download. The libertarians like DiLorenzo and Woods are right as far as they go, what's missing is an understanding of jewish history, and a grasp of the jews' working as a team to quash all physical and intellectual resistance to the Big Lies by which they've profit so handsomely. If you tell the truth about Lincoln's views on race and effects on America, you "loath" him, according to the childish and jew-approved reductionism ubiquitous these days. "Two plus two is four," I said. "Why do you hate five?" the reporter responded.


North has an idea for translating Church fathers into English.

Media: NYT

Sobran thereon... Here WorldNetDeli gleefully reports on aljazeera not doing story on U.S. border problems. Suckpoop Joe's position is that media not operated in Israel's interest are inherently illegitimate. Here on Sacless Bee's battle to take over Sacramento Union. The latter employed fabulist Mark Twain; the former, Griego Erwin.

Why No Anti-War Movement?

One reason: war is "good for jews." To make an anti-war movement, you need the media on your side. Only the jews have that. A side note: people refer to the collapse of black-jewish alliance. Strictly speaking there was no such thing. Rather, the jews used the blacks as cover to pass laws that would murder the Whitestock of the American nation. Once these laws were passed, they no longer needed the nigger organizations they had set up in the first place. They simply needed the blacks to run wild, and with the laws preventing this removed, it was open season. Black orgs were left to their own devices. They grabbed their crotches, hooted a couple times in confusion, drank a few malts and fell asnooze like so many Crip van Winkels.

Iraq: Jews Destroyed America's Reputation

America's elite knuckled under to dirty kikes, and as a result, our nation's reputation has been destroyed, and the nation itself is not long for this earth. Would the Washington Post and the New York Times have been such willing conduits of neoconservative propaganda against Iraq it anyone on either paper had enough education to realize the catastrophe that hubris was creating? What if either paper had possessed enough of a reporter's skepticism to ask a question? Those are the wrong questions. The right question is: "...if either paper had not been owned, controlled, managed, edited, 'reported' by jews?"

South Africa: Human Baby Murdered by Niggers

Bashed to death, put back in bed. According to Tembi Gwe of the police, Imraam Campbell's skull had been fractured, his neck and right leg dislocated, his lungs damaged, his heart bruised and his face mutilated. His body was covered in blue bruises. "The two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." It was true. It is true. DIVERSITY = DEATH. Back here in the U.S. an ineducable murders a professor. D'Agostino seemed to have it all, Rogers said; a new daughter, a new book on Catholicism in America, and adoring students at the University of Illinois Chicago. He recently published a book titled "Rome in America." His colleagues called D'Agostino a "marvelous person." Eric Arnesen, professor and chair of the History Department at UIC, said D'Agostino was "a serious thinker in all aspects of his life." "This is really a tragedy. He was an incredibly creative, productive, and original scholar and writer," he said. "I really liked this guy; there was nothing not to like. He was dedicated, he was serious, and yet he brought a real sense of humanity to his work." Ya can't drive without a seatbelt in AmeriKwa - wouldn't be "safe." Niggers? Oh, shit yeah. They can lope around like loosed hounds. Yeah, no shit. And you have to rent to 'em and hire them, just like they're people or something. No, I don't understand it either. Here on White-murderer and honky-hater Malaika Griffin. You white women who think niggers are MTV-kewl, ought to notice the curious fact that jiggies seem to have a propensity for lighting your type on fire.

Every Jew a Thief, Traitor, Liar

Indian "friend" Abramoff steals money from White men, supposedly to aid Indians. Guess where it goes? Jack Abramoff, a former lobbyist who is the subject of a federal investigation, diverted funds from Indian tribes into projects ranging from an Orthodox Jewish academy to an Israeli sniper school, new documents show. Jews: we can't trust 'em.

Democracy, the Worst System

Local self-government and alliances is the best way to go, once the homogenous racial context has been established. Here on government's incredibly intrusive invasion of private property.

Q-RID: Does It Exist?

Imagine they could invent a disease that was imaginary and required 25 pills taken 4x daily; and that these pills themselves caused a real disease. Wouldn't that be a Big Pharm wet dream? Hell, it worked with "al-Qaeda" on the political front. What is al-Qaeda? How the fuck do I know? How do you know? How does anyone who doesn't speak Arabic and live over there know? For all you and I know, al-Qaeda means "collector of camel dung." The only antidote for Big Lies is every now and then taking the thing you're most sure of and asking how it could be faked. Maybe your wife is a well-sewn hermaphrodite. I mean, have you checked? Could you recognize the signs? If she were, would she tell you? Again, do you really know or do you just think you know? More here. Basic point is that even if drug cocktails do work, they have side effects that can be as bad or worse than whatever they're curing. Here on zombie dogs, courtesy of Frankensteins.

No One Wants to Join This (Hy)man's Army

Die for jews? No thanks. Oh, and by the way, GET YOUR GREEDY JEWISH HANDS OUT OF AMERICA'S POCKET, ISRAEL. Last year, I walked into a recruitment office in Orlando with a cigarette between my lips and wearing a Frankie Goes to Hollywood t-shirt; within 10 minutes of hearing that I had a college degree, recruiters had offered me $20,000 in cash and a fast track to Special Forces. Try the draft, kikes. I dare you. Here one of the New Criterion jews or apologists attacks Fisk. Jews cry anti-semitism, yet it literally never occurs to them to deal with the argument rather than the man. Between them, Pilger and Fisk represent the nadir of Western journalism in our time. They take us back to those apologists of the Soviet era in the 1930s, such as Walter Duranty, the Moscow correspondent of the New York Times, who lavished praise on Stalin and the USSR at a time when hundreds of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians were dying of starvation or perishing before the regime's firing squads. That is 180 degrees wrong. Where Duranty covered up what the jews were doing in Eastern Europe, Fisk reveals what jews -- and remember that American soldiers are called "jews" by Iraqis -- are doing in the so-called Middle East. The reporting of that war from the television crews embedded with the advancing United States forces counts as one of the great feats of journalism. The journalists didn't do it on their own, of course. They were assisted, indeed controlled, by the U.S. military. What do you say to something as asinine as that? It's no victory for reporting to turn writers into Pentagon flaks.

Media: Toback

The jew makes some valid points. For a long time I've felt that the (MPAA) ratings board was a pathetic organization. But ironically, the ratings board is not the main problem with movies anymore. The main problem now is self-censorship by people who have forgotten the need to go up against the censor mentality. The censors' values, the corporate values, have sort of been transmitted to the studios and the filmmakers via osmosis. And: The problem has become something much more insidious. It is affecting what is acceptable thematically, what is an acceptable ending, who are acceptable characters, what kind of behavior can be presented in a movie without an implicit moral stance being taken in relation to the behavior by the movie itself. We now have a world of journalists and critics who for the most part confuse the behavior of characters with [the movie's] attitude toward those characters, and who feel the need for moral judgments to be constantly imposed on movies. It's a kind of an across-the-board epidemic. Dumbed down, simplified, reduced -- and always in the same direction. This leads to stock characters and situations that make for BORING. This is an opportunity for non-lazy Whites to make money, names, "new realities." Are you one of those Whites?

Media: Fiction Reporter

Diana Griego Erwin invents 43 people... Bee Executive Editor Rick Rodriguez wrote that recent tightening in editorial standards at the paper led to questions about the columnist's writing. Is Griego a latrina hired under AA "standards"? It is "wrong" for reporters to make up stories, but it is right for newspapers to mutilate all stories until they advance The Agenda. Like what Sobran said about Congress, the problem with the media is not what's outside its parameters, but what's inside. More here. Griego Erwin may have been treated that way since her first year as a reporter, 20 years ago at The Denver Post. One of the stories she contributed to a 1985 Pulitzer Prize-winning series about abducted children--suspect only in hindsight--includes quotes and information from several teenage runaways who are identified only by their first names.

Runaway Tribe

On the simianarities between the "runaway bride" and gorilla-mccoonzim...by J. Booth

National Public Radio Application for Employment

It's not that they discriminate against the dirty goyim, itz just that there are some special, very special, job-related requirements that not just anybody can fill...by Jack Killey

Cheap Oil, Cheap Argument

Cheap oil can't explain why we went to Iraq; "good for jews" can. Leftists seldom adjust their arguments in light of facts - that's practically the definition of leftist. If they did adjust, they'd become rightists. It is marxism in one form or another to claim that money is the root of everything. If it were, the jews would have leaped to produce "Passion." Instead, they leaped to prevent its being made, and once that was fact, to stifle its distribution by smearing its content. Leftists are the ones driven by money, since their entire worldview is based in coming off holier-than-thou, which takes money to affect, since few can make out the real thing. Gentle reader, are you proud that American troops are torturing Iraqis? Are you proud that tens of thousands of Iraqi women and children have been killed and maimed with their deaths and terrible wounds dismissed as "collateral damage"? Are you proud that you elected and reelected a president who lied you into an illegal war that has killed 1,755 American troops, maimed thousands more, and destroyed your country's reputation? If you are proud of this, what kind of person are you? I know! I know! Ooh, ooh, pick me! "A Christian." A Christian with a minivan, with ribbon on back, which she drives home at 5mph to her modest suburban house with an American flag in the planter outside. Her kids are named Dakota or Cody or Brittany or Madison or Cameron. The sad part, which The Girl doesn't even touch on, is that AmeriKwans will prove too stupid to understand what happened...after it happened. The jews bank on this. After the war fails, they'll pop up within months. Another group will meet in a tony conference room, and hatch the newest new plan. Mars has been acting awfully anti-semitic lately. A gentle tap will set the Dennis Millers in motion, and soon the Codys and Camerons will be rocketing off to eliminate terrorism in the stars. Here on neocons and other crooks. Neocon = jew + assorted toadies. Without jews and their characteristic brazen lying, no such essence as neocon-ism exists. Neoconservatism is just another jewish guise. It is surprising, the number of intelligent men who continue to believe that a jew in any of its yenta's closet of party get-ups is anything but the same noxious, pernicious kike it has been throughout history.

"Middle East" - Jewspeak for Southwestern Asia

The Arab world's only fully honest election was held in Algeria in 1992. It produced a landslide for Islamic parties. Algeria's U.S.- and French-backed military immediately staged a coup and annulled the election. It is the easiest thing in the world, through inattentiveness or stupidity, to produce the opposite of what we intend. Bush is not competent to be president, but the decades of dumbing down courtesy of our jewed slave schools have successfully injected into the public brain the nostrum that one opinion is as good as another. Too many fools see in Bush a mirror of what they believe is their own moral goodness and good-enough intelligence. Bushy, in his proven lack of ability, reminds me of that fancy butler and crystal get up in an tv ad years ago. All the support, elegance, and advantages can't hide the contents: cat food.

Time and Space

North on his piles of clippings. The guy is kind of a human packrat and barely sub-jew when it comes to sniffing angles. Accumulate family members, memories and money, and just a few material things. Otherwise, you don't want or need it. Involve yourself in a great quest, so that money is not your top object. Expect nothing and choose to be happy. Then you're as close to free as you can get.

Mark Felt

Felt and through Felt the Washington Post had information 100x as damaging about nigger MLK than about burglars distantly related to Nixon. The information could have been used to scotch the so-called civil rights revolution. Instead, the information was kept under wraps; in fact, it still is. "Media is politics," as the jew billionaire said. To broadcast is to control.

Russia's Rogozin

A Buchanan-style nationalist?


It all belongs to judea - the complex of media, developers and government burrocrats, against which nothing is safe, as guaranteed by the Supreme Court. Here on roaches and their comeflippance.

Nigger Kelly, Murderer of Lefty Locke

The background and details the media were not interested in evoking. Locke was a race-mixer from Greenwich Village. Locke's handwritten will, found in his home, states that all of his books go to Virginia Kraft, and that all of his money and property, valued at $915,000 according to the report, goes to his ex-wife Chih-Hui Huang. As for the nigger, he was best characterized as...a nigger: "The world revolved around James in his mind, and he was unhappy and he was angry at the world," Ziegler said in the report. She also said Kelly thought it was beneath him to get a job "in a restaurant or even the library." Basically, the coon was told repeatedly, over years, that he must do X and Y to stay in the program and work toward his degree. The coon cried, then murdered. At least it decommissioned its coony self. So who gains from pretending niggers are school-capable? Undertakers. Let jigs attend to the heating of rectangular potatoes, as nature intended. Trying to educate them only makes them itch. Whites reacting to nigger behavior make a funny case-study. Do you go into philosophical lucubrations when a flea bites, or a cockroach flits across the floor? It is misapplied imagination, the perversion of White mental agility, to see more in the nigger than is there. Not everything is lemminghood. The jew passes laws. The White man usually isn't aware of the jewish source of the new law. Being considerate, and imaginative, he tries to comply. He doesn't consider that someone would pass a law expressly intended to promote the murder of Locke by Kelly. Who would do such a thing? And so, by his own good nature and constructive well-meaning, he is led, quite unawares, into a very dangerous trap. Only by connecting thought to thought in the careful, patient way that Pierce did can he find his way out.


Fleming points out the moral failures of many of the top "values" conservatives, who tend to be hypocrites and jew-toadies whose only principle is that conservatism is whatever it has to be to get ahead - pragmatism.

Jew Judges Making Decisions for White Children

It is a principle of the White Nationalist movement that no jew, ever, has the right to judge a white man, much less dispose of his children. The jews are a race unto themselves, and a race with a sworn and religious hatred of all others. That jews dominate the law schools and the ranks of the judiciary measures the tyranny under which America has fallen. There's lots of talk about "hate crimes" in jew-produced AmeriKwa, but never described as such are the real ones, such as a judge Rothstein -- the same surname name as the jew who produces MTV, you'll note -- mixing human children with niggers in the name of social justice. If you haven't figured out by now that social justice = genocide for Whites, you're probably a bit slow -- or a victim yourself of the brainshrinking called public education. A diet of nutritious books packed with vitamin ideas is not to be found in slave schools, but on the back shelves at used bookshops, and in the recesses of the Internet.

White Art: Kibler

Catrell explains that save we return to our Celtic roots we must go the way of judenized Anglo-Saxonism, aka John Dewey. Here on Beethoven.

Wal-Mart in China

The fact is, that there's no money in making things anymore. Capitalism has outdone itself. The only solution is to supersize the consumer, and that means a bigger fatter idiot, such as are emitted from Mexican twats with disgusting regularity. Only stupid Mexicans and useless niggers will BUY BUY BUY because, well, they have no other options. They don't think or read. If they're not buying and consuming something, they're fucking it. If they're not fucking it, they're burning it, breaking it, or murderering it. All of which, come to think of it, creates fresh markets for suppliers public and private. If you can get all the material things you need to run a household for sixty years, and should anything break, replace it for no more than a couple hundred bucks, how are people going to get rich supplying these things? They aren't. Capitalism has reached the point of diminishing returns in the built world, and now must fill the White man's living room with a better brand of consumer, namely the mudman. There's little left to capitalism beyond desperate stimulation of false needs and importation of low-IQ breeders with real ones. America does not exist for the sake of her economy; the economy exists to serve Americans. Jews are not Americans. Neither are niggers. Neither are Mexicans.

Guns Are Your Friends, Jews Are Your Enemy

Jews want to take from you and your children your most effective way of defending yourself. Why? Because they are the ones you need defense from. They are tyrants, and you are the victim.

Jews in America

"You're a real one-eyed jack in this town, dad, but I see the other side of your face."

Pataki, Jew Ass-Sucker Nonpareil

Every country must employ thousands of secretaries to record any word critical of jew. By contrast, there's no need for states to track loxism; it's already collected in a little thing called the newspaper. Here on al-jazeera examining U.S. border security.

The Kiking of Slave Schoolers

On NEA and teacher indoctrination. There is no authority in society not trained out of ADL handbooks, including teachers and cops and politicians. The 2.7 million NEA members have become more and more left-wing, especially over the past 20 years. Through diversity training classes, teachers are emboldened to introduce new definitions of "family" and sexuality to young children; religious and cultural traditions and holidays are being replaced by worship of "the earth," and the "3 R's" are taking a backseat to an aggressive "progressive" agenda that is more indoctrination than education... While the NEA does not directly make school policy, they do create curricula that school boards adopt. Through here you can listen to the NEA/Mass.'s attempt to fag out your kids.

Unpeaked Electricity

More in cars. Electric drives are taking over because an electrical bus can convey far more power in much smaller, lighter conduits, and do it far more precisely and reliably, than even the best designed mechanical drivetrain. Indeed, on the key metrics of speed and power density, the electrical powertrain is about five orders of magnitude better. ... By a very wide margin, electricity is indeed the fastest and densest form of power that has been tamed for ubiquitous use.

White Trade: Coffee


White Art: Comic Strips

Perhaps your family can build a nice niche as these have. Think of the Bachs, and their musical expertise. "This is something I found really fascinating when I met Chris Browne," says cartoonist Art Spiegelman of one of Dik Browne's sons. "It's so different from anything I experienced. It was the first time I had ever met a son who had only good things to say about his father." What a kike.


Conservatism consolidates gains, never makes them. It is never the agency of achievement, although it is the matrix out of which quest may be born. Conservatism at best recognizes limits, and wards off evils, allowing the individual to pick his fight; without conservatism, the individual is apt to be trapped battling niggers, or nature, or utopians.

Warren Jeffs's Assets Frozen as Court Shakes Up FLDS

The court cracks down on a 10,000-strong polygamist band. Welfare is for niggers, not whites. ZOG gets real nervous when White men outside the system -- FLDS, like jews, are racists by religious doctrine -- start fathering 56 children.

White Art: Geniuses

Most judges would choose Tolstoy as the greatest genius of the bunch, and he was by a fair margin the most repellent human being. After a youth of drinking, whoring and gambling, he fell madly in love, at 34, with 18-year-old Sofya Behrs. She seemed "a mere child, a lovely thing", but turned out to be just as pig-headed as he was, and foolish with it. She thought his devotion to the peasantry absurd, while he concluded, from daily observation of her, that there was something wrong with her whole sex - "Woman is generally stupid." So Tolstoy had at least 13 children by his wife, while Shaw had an unconsummated 45-year marriage. Which was a success. How would Dr. Phil or a generic self-whelp book respond to this most disparate of outcomes? They would denounce them. They don't fit the golden average. In America, conformity is job one, and those who find themselves at the tail of the bell curve howl to get back to the middle. With babies, people are very nervous that they're not performing according to book. But a baby is one person, not a generation, and it will perform to its standards, and that is true of you, too. The happiest marriage in the book, and also the unlikeliest, is James Joyce's to Nora Barnacle. She was a raw, uneducated girl from the west of Ireland, with so little understanding of literature that she thought her husband's writing idiotic, calling him affectionately "simple-minded Jim". His writing is idiotic, making her a voluptuous critic. Here on Jane Austen. If you're new to VNN, read through Cantrell's archive.

America is Not Free

This is a ridiculous story that nevertheless perfectly illustrates the ACTUAL status of the adult kindergartner in our increasingly obnoxious, jewed-out, infected-cunt of a society. Now, this dippy broad jams 47k in her titcatcher so she can fly interstate to get various plastic surgeries. That is ridiculous, but so what? That is her business. Not the business of some cunt with a metal detector. It is an extremely real infringement on ADULTS to have to JUSTIFY every single god-damned NOSE-PICKING to some fucking sub-monkey-IQed $2/hour man-monkey in the name of the holy god SECURITY. FUCK THE STATE. FUCK THE KIKES WHO CONTROL IT. FUCK THE MANIMALS AND G. GORDON LOOPIES THEY USE TO ENFORCE THEIR EDICTS. Just imagine the shit this woman had to put up with. It is characteristic of the ELITE and the UPPER ORDERS that PRIVACY is respected. I may do things that TO YOU are incomprehensible. I may not wish to EXPLAIN to YOU why I do them. That is proper standpoint from which to review this woman. ITZ HER FUCKING BUSINESS, BACK THE FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES. But in a democracy, things are lowered to the level at which the lower-middle-class working people can understand them. Only AUTHORIZED actions are allowed. Everything must be predictable, and chosen off an approved list, because MORONS are scared of anything THEY HAVEN'T SEEN A THOUSAND TIMES BEFORE. CHANGE IS EVIL to these reactionary clods. Salt of the earth? The earth is made of DIRT, take a LOOK. It is the duty of proper government to empower the people who understand this and KEEP THE FUCKING MORONS AT BAY. The best thing about the U.S. should be the weirdos the freaks the people who go their own way without being corraled into the Great Craperie, and turned into the human form of LIQUID MANURE. Marx had as Plank controls on capital and human flight. This is exactly what he meant. Everything jewed down to the LCD, where nothing unapproved is allowed. We see now in America a double cresting of obnoxious totalitarian judaism at the top combined with dirt-stupid christian-working-class-peasant-stupid Moral Authoritarianism at the bottom. The whole beauty of a nation like the U.S. used to be when there was no mass media or slave schooling, was that you could do what the fuck you wanted because there was space and time. When you have to justify your existence to cunts, you are not free. That is so quintessential, I'm going to scream it again in capital letters. WHEN YOU HAVE TO JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE TO CUNTS, AND CHOOSE THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIOR OFF CUNT-APPROVED LISTS, YOU ARE NOT FREE, YOU ARE A TYRANNIZED SUBJECT OF CUNTISM, THE WORST TYRANNY KNOWN TO MAN. In her suit, Valdez said a male Drug Enforcement Administration agent told her she had a nice body and didn't need surgery - and then seized the cash, claiming it was drug money. You think about that. You think about that. You think about that. ITZ COMING. You know what helps the fucking ATF terrorists get by? Itz that goddam shithole Christianity that makes cunts of potentially grown men. Render obedience? Fuck you. You render obedience to my middle finger you fucking piece of shit. FUCK THE ATF. FUCK THE FEEBS. FUCK THE FUCKING FUCKED UP YID-RIDDEN FLAG-FAGGED TYRANNY THAT IS THE UNITED STATES OF CUNT. You just know some douchebag "Left Behind" countermama clicked a button under the counter and alooted Joey Doofspook, who promptly threw a net over the innocent, and switched his walkie-talkie to yammer. Few are aware that Comedy Central's Reno 9/11 is a documentary about Assholes, Tyrants, and Faggots.

Intolerant Jews Ban Fag Parade in Jerusalem

Jerusalem officials said Thursday they will ban the annual gay pride parade set for next week, claiming the march would offend many of the holy city's residents. That's an invalid reason when Christians cite it. Jews loving niggers and supporting homos is nothing but a pose. In reality, they despise them, as does pretty much everybody. What others don't do is use homos and niggers as a tool to destroy Israel, or the jewish warrens in America. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Battle over homoism splits Presbys, too. The group - which calls itself the New Wineskins Initiative - also proposed a radically reorganized, mission-minded denomination to halt decades of decline in the Presbyterian church, which has a current membership of 2.4 million. New wineskins, maybe, but old twaddle. If men could come back from the dead, THEY WOULD.

Let Them Eat Mud

The mudman cometh. White man, when you accede in the jewish lie that the black manimal is your equal, you sign your own death warrant. When Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe systematically burned out white farmers and murdered them for their valuable land, the civilized world hardly noticed. Oh, the civilized world noticed, rather, it was the jew-controlled media who looked the other way. The White man lacks the heart to be hard; even as he's being driven into the ground, his first concern is for the baby jiggy with Q-RID. Verily I say unto you, White man, WE ARE NOT THE BROTHERS' ZOOKEEPERS.

Typing Tall

Keyboard kikes, knights of the inkpot, Hitler called them, demand war! war! war! Do they fight this war? No, you do. Do they pay for this war? No, you do. Who benefits from this war? Not you, JEW DO.

VNN, Proud Member of Reality-Based Community

We've discussed this many times, but worth one more. It cannot be overemphasized that what this clown-jew reveals, in his empowered arrogance, is nothing but par for the mental course among the yidn. God and reality answer to them. They ignore the facts about negros, and mix them into your schools and community. You don't like the results? So what? You don't control reality, they do. They play integration as a big success on their tv. They keep the stories of Whites afflicted with school integration out of their books. So these things, by the jewish way of thinking, do not exist. Before dismissing the jewish way, consider that they have power and we do not. If you carry off a lie long enough, it becomes a sort of truth. If there's no one left to remember the truth, in what sense does it exist? Every single imaginary "Holocaust" tragedy is recounted in loving, lavish detail: printed in books; bewailed over radio; seared on celluloid. What about the residents of a Ukrainian community starved to death by jews? Nary a book, nary a radio show, nary a tv program. The jews in cold arrogance pursue twin policies of historicide and genocide, the former to better carry off the latter. There could come a day on earth when nothing is recalled of white men but their ownership of slaves in the American South and some bad things they were supposed to have done during World War II. Got jews? Got problems. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Of course, Kwiatkowski and the libertarians fall under their own paper-cutter when they fail to acknowledge jews acting as jews. They live in a fake reality in which men are only individuals, and never members of competing ethnic groups. The irony is that the false reality of libertarianism was created by jews to serve jewish interests, yet there is not a single libertarian who can see through the veil knit by Rand and Rothbard.

What Is Government?

Good one by Lewpus. Too many "nazis" believe government capable of things it is not. What the government can do is exterminate people - Whites or jews. Beyond that, its power to improve things is pretty much non-existent. Eugenics by post office. Health care by post office. Social security by post office. The government's core competence consists of taxing and killing people. Even at those, the government is not very efficient. Lasting prosperity can only come about through human effort in the framework of a market economy that allows people to cooperate to their mutual advantage, innovate and invest in an environment of freedom, retain earnings as private property, and save generation to generation without fear of having estates looted through taxation and inflation. This is the source of wealth. This is the means by which a rising population is fed, clothed, and housed. This is the method by which even the poorest country can become rich. This economy can only exist within a racial framework. Where jews and niggers are allowed to hold power, White slavery will be legal or winked at, and miscegenation will be the state religion. Soon enough the country will turn into Zimbabwe. The world and its governments can't be better than the quality of the people who form them. Where you find Linders, you have Switzerlands and Germanys and Englands. Where you have niggers, you have D.C.s and Detroits. The one-size-fits-all from Shecky's Retail Barn doesn't. The libertarian imagines he is sophisticated because he turns men into Man. He thinks he is abstracting essences, when in fact he is ignoring essential distinctions. Statism is a problem that may have something to do with a subset of political problems facing European man, but it has very little to do with Africa and Africans. In the context of the manimal, in the context of the cannibal, state vs. individual is of very limited application. Imagine we scraped out an area in Africa and deported a million white retards to fill it. Would you analyze this curious entity in state-vs.-individual terms? The libertarian would. And this is precisely what he does when it comes to non-white areas, or mixed countries: applies a model that makes no distinction between man and man, and call this both moral and analytically useful. This sort of thinking man's stupidity is what gives intellectuals a bad name. If you live in D.C. for more than about, say, ten minutes, you can see that the problem is not statism, the problem is niggers. And there's no political solution to that one but land clearance, because niggers are more useless than tree stumps and rocks. The structure and founding ideology of the United States was intended to protect that idea of liberty, under the belief that if people are free to pursue their dreams, cooperating with each other and also competing with each, freely associating to their mutual betterment, and governing their own affairs rather than permitted themselves to be governed from on high, the result will be human flourishing as never before known in history. It always brings a wry smile, the way the libertarian is one with the liberal in promoting the lie that the U.S. was founded in individualism, or at least the promise thereof. It wasn't. And when you claim that it was, you murder the legacy of the Founders. They claimed specific liberties for specific men, not general liberties for all races, no matter clime or condition. Liberty is a word that cannot mean anything in connetion to black people, who are closer to animals than men. Wherever the legal fiction prevails that blacks are whites' equals, we see on the ground the quickening destruction of physical, moral, and cultural plant. The Founders understood that free blacks equals enslaved whites. The Founders expressly approved slavery as an institution. Their concern was never the black "man," but the securing of posterity against the potential ravages visited by uncaged niggers. History shows they were prescient, and that repatriation of Africans was the correct way to go. It still is.

Billygoat Not Long for This World?

Ol' Milkeyes, the mass mulcter, is ready for the scrap heap. Why Christians subject themselves to the petrifications and indignities of old age in light of beckoning paradise is an earthly mystery that only a big strong healthy atheist horselaugh can answer. Graham never was anything but a jew-jerked jerkwater crankbait for the mass-ass bass in the pools of fools between the coasts. He was a flunky for kiken interests his entire life, as he owed his prominence entirely to television. He did know the truth about jews, as evident in his exchange with Richard Nixon. Like all good Christians, he feared jews more than God or the truth, and so he quickly had himself wheeled out to recant. Hey-O! Hey-O! There'll be dingleberry pie in the sky when we die!

The Remarkable Kwiatkowski

This brave, jew-savaged woman has told the honest White truth about the war in Iraq. In return, she has been lied about and smeared by the kikenbund.


Just as pork is the other white meat, inflation is the other tax/theft. The dollar is worth half what it was in 1980. More on housing bubble here. Question: if all the room in a place is used up, can a bubble exist? No matter how many people leave Southern California because it is overpopulated, that many and more will invade because it is better than the place they come from. How can prices drop, given that scenario?

Jewed Anthropology: Mediocre Madge

This dumb twat is known to the world for one reason, same as Rosa Parks. She's an instrument in a campaign of lies. The campaign is conducted by jews, and the object is the destruction of white civilization by undermining its intellectual foundations.

How Whites Can Make Themselves Millionaires

If you are young, do what he says. That way, you will find yourself in position to do something about the jews, rather than simply bitching. If you don't do what he says, then perhaps you are evolutionarily obsolete and deserve to be replaced by scheming, yes, but saving and networking kikes. Let's not kid ourselves. Most "Whites" are as worthless as the lemmings they deride. Does that describe you? Then make it not. More here. To beat the jews, Whites must be harder -- tougher and more disciplined and better networked and more cunning. They must be willing to lie, steal, and murder, too. Don't like that? Blame God or Nature. The one willing to go to the greatest lengths usually wins. Forty years ago the Mossad and Meyr Lansky murdered JFK because he fought against Israel's developing nuclear weapons. Today, forty years later, Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and enough clout to bring about wars in the "Middle East" (read: Southwestern Asia) to protect its own interests. The wars are carried out by the dupes and dolts of the nation whose president it murdered, and all on the pretext that one of its enemies might be starting to build a single nuke of its own. "Power grows out of the barrel of a gun," said a powerful man. Jews are for killing - their own actions show that physical coercion is the only thing they respect. No dialogue, just death. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

"What Can I Do You For?" Benedict

Is it me, or does the poppin'-fresh Pope have the jaded eyes of a used Christ salesman? Don't blame me, I voted for Leslie Nielsen. Here's some Sobranic humor: Among other things - among many other things - Cornwell accuses John Paul of "Gnosticism." Now I know just enough about Gnosticism to see that Cornwell doesn't understand what it means; and I doubt that he really cares. A Gnostic Pope? Preserving orthodoxy isn't exactly a liberal priority; and Cornwell shows a certain audacity in objecting to the Polish Pope for being too traditional and unorthodox at the same time. By now it should be obvious that liberals are forever beating around the bush. They complain about "the Vatican's doctrine" on birth control or divorce or women priests when they really want to deny that Jesus rose from the dead. Clever Joe wants it both ways, too -- just like a liberal. Just as he finally awoke to the truth about Judaism, he needs to wake up to the truth about Christianity. Men don't come back from the dead. You can believe that they do and be many things, but conservative is not one of them. It may be objected that, well, sure, by and large men do not come back from the dead, but this one did. Then the question becomes a matter of adjudicating claims. Where is the evidence that jeboo came back from the dead? In a book cobbled by lying jews. Do millions believe the lie? So too do millions believe that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. Sobran is like a cow. Everything he munches, he munches up pretty thoroughly, but his range is small, and the number of things his tract can handle are few. He's religious for aesthetic reason, but conservatism sees clearly only through glass unstained.

Money for College vs. IEDs

Which does the recruiter mention? Don't be a fool, don't be a tool, the U.S. Army's all about killing you to advance the interests of the jew. ...insurgents used IEDs against U.S. troops about 700 times in May... Sounds fun. Oh, don't worry, says the Chet out to dragoon you. IED? Shit. It's like crashing on a skateboard ramp. Sign up and find out! Before you sign up with the army, think about life sitting one-eyed and halt of bowel in wheelchair for forty years. Most of your countrymen still can't place Iraq on a map. The unfortunate truth is that Americans are pig-ignorant, and as easily spooked as turkeys. The "we" that ain't is losing in Iraq, and that's good for us, and liberating for the Iraqis. JEWS DESTROYED AMERICA'S REPUTATION.

Racial Environmentalist Sentenced

Sixty years for do-gooder Killen, who, it is alleged, rid the earth of two trouble-making, South-hating jews and a nigger they used for facade. When the jew destroys your nation, your neighborhood, he's "breaking barriers" and "working for equality." When you object, you're a hater, a racist, an anti-semite. The jew wins because the jew controls the moral high ground, aka, the ground on which the satellite uplinks are situated. If the races were equal, it wouldn't take laws to make it so. If the races mixed, it wouldn't take guns to force it. In human society, words are used to veil motives. They mislead the dull-witted and pious, and allow the deceiver to amass power at the fools' expense. Are you a fool, White man? Is Edgar Ray Killen a dangerous hater who's finally been brought to justice or a White loyalist willing to take the ultimate risk to protect his community? You see, everything in nature is a good deal more subtle than it appears, even as the sweet songs of the chicadee mask serious intent. The familiar "chick-a-dee" can indicate a stationary predator. Variations can convey how dangerous it is, whether it flies or is a snake or a mammal such as a ferret, and where it is, he said. Here an Adirondack peak has been renamed Mt. Noseberg for one of the kiken sixties troublemakers. Which one of you filmmakers will make a documentary showing the effects on ordinary White lives of the "civil rights" jews using subsidized (housing) to turn neighborhoods into neighbrohoods? More Saloni stanksong here. Nigger liberation equals white slavery.

If Itz White and Breeds, It Must Be Undermined

Attack on reformed LDS church, which practices polygamy and anti-nigamy. Oy, l'infamy! The 10,000-strong FLDS, which broke away from the Mormon Church in 1890 when the mainstream faith disavowed polygamy, believes a man must marry at least three women to go to heaven. The sect appeared to be in turmoil Monday after its assets were frozen last week and a warrant was issued in Arizona on Friday for the arrest of its autocratic leader, Warren Jeffs, for arranging a wedding between an underage girl and a 28-year-old man who was already married. What's the government's term for mass murder carried out by government agents? 'Suicide.' There's something inherently jewish about government, it simply will not call things by their name. Randy Mankin, the editor of the local newspaper, the Eldorado Success, said: "People on the ranch don't have contact with the outside world. Two men only do whatever is necessary to do their business." You may not be interested in ZOG, but ZOG is interested in you. FLDS leader Jeffs supposedly has fathered 56 kids. Each of those kids is raised racist. ZOG doesn't like that.

Whatz In Your Kid?

Lacing your kids with mercury creates more Bush voters and Lilly clients. In short, "The Government Fucks Up Everything." ...many of those on the CDC advisory committee who backed the additional vaccines had close ties to the industry. Dr. Sam Katz, the committee's chair, was a paid consultant for most of the major vaccine makers What? A jew profiting by destroying your child? Unheard of, itz. Given the national rate of autism, Olmsted calculated that there should be 130 autistics among the Amish. He found only four. One had been exposed to high levels of mercury from a power plant. The other three -- including one child adopted from outside the Amish community -- had received their vaccines. These Amish suckers, and the Amish lite called Mennonites, are topsying here in Missouri, as well as their famous locales. The government -- any government -- is interested in expanding its power and income, and your interests do not figure in its calculations. The top people in government are parasites, the lower-level people are unambitious benefits chasers. A practicing jew by definition is unethical, since jewish "religious" teachings directly contradict the Hippocratic Oath. The Oath says first and above all do not harm the patient. Jewish ethnic ethics teaches that non-jews are not human, and may be used in any way that advances jewish interests. If a jewish "doctor" feeds your child mercury to line his pockets through his owning stock or receiving benefits from being on the board of the pharmaceutical company producing the toxic elixir, then he acts perfectly correctly according to jewish teachings. In fact, for him not to make money by endangering your child would be immoral. It sounds like a joke, doesn't it? It sounds like I'm deliberately putting things in the worst light, in a way to make jews look vile. Yet there's the small problem that what I assert about jewish ethics is not only factual, but backed up by the way jews actually behave. But all we read about in the jew-controlled media is that jews saved us from polio -- a gross distortion of what actually occurred. The polio cure is the only cure in science attributed to an ethnicity rather than a scientist. Have you noticed that? Have you ever seen a jewish publication thank the ethnic goyim who even dirty jews admit came up with every single other cure known to man? Have you ever seen a cure attributed to a Christian? No, you haven't. Jews demand credit, jews accept no blame, jews call every group that rejects their terms "anti-semitic."

Media: Tomlinson and Public Broadcasting

"Public" broadcasting? But every reporter, commentator, and expert is a jew? Where's the public in that? I know the Fred Mann they're bitching about here. Basically, they're angry some non-lefty consultant is getting a piece of the pie. National Journalism Center trains journalists in twelve-week programs. It's main point is getting them to actually do some research, as opposed to simply reporting off the press release or writing down what the government official says. In that regard, it's harmless, although certainly semitically correct. The NJR approach, taken seriously, will lead to VNN directly, as it is easy to prove that noxious jews are at the bottom of the war in Iraq and every other major problem affecting America.

Media: Controlled by Jews

How come the British memo wasn't circulated in America? Because AP didn't pick it up. Why didn't AP pick it up? For the same reason there's no anti-war movement this time - because the war is believed "good for jews." Anything critical of the war or exposing the cabalists who caused it must be hushed up. Seward deserves credit for admitting AP's error. But a more pressing question remains about the media at large and the group think at play: Why, in the face of the clearly newsworthy memo -- which made international headlines and went straight to the issue of how and why President Bush decided to invade Iraq -- did senior editors and producers at virtually every major American news outlet let the story slip through the cracks and fail to do the most rudimentary reporting? Itz called monomedia. Owned by Monostein.

White Art: Orwell

On his days in Burma. Remember that 'newspeak' is jewspeak. Nowhere is a term not countenanced -- hell, not manufactured -- by jews-for-jews approved for public use. Diversity is hate, and you are itz object, White man.

How They Lied Us Into War

It was not bad intelligence. It was much more. It was an orchestrated effort. It began before the war, was a major effort during the war and continues as post-conflict distortions. All you need to know about our government is that it is dominated by jews using WASPs as a front, and that this combination will maintains power by lying and murder. Long story here. Almost nobody believes in the war in Iraq, and fewer and fewer are even interested in taking bribes to fight. We have perhaps 20,000 or more "contractors" doing security work who make salaries in the 6 figures to be in Iraq. And now the military is offering signing bonuses of up to $40,000. For a high school kid, that is a down payment on a house and a car. That is not so easy to pass up, but the recruiters still can't get them to sign. The important thing to realize is that even if we withdraw from Iraq today, the damage is done. And none of the guilty parties will apologize or accept responsibility. That goes without saying, but what matters is that because the same people will continue to control the media-government under one name or another, the correct explanation for what happened will be denied the public. And the left and right will continue their mock battle, and discussion of the disease will remain out of bounds. Until we're rid of the jews, everything will get worse, by predictable stages. Here on us losing in Afghanistan, too. This was on Kabul's new Tolo TV, which was established with a grant from U.S. A.I.D. The story goes on to note that "Modesty in male-female relations and respect for elders are two important parts of Afghan culture that Tolo is challenging." Wherever jews go, and "U.S." means jews, local culture is murdered. Here comments from Scott Ritter. Here on desperation among recruit seekers.


Can we jumble races? Then we can owe our way to prosperity. Get rid of your tired old evidence, and step into the sunshine of neo-realism. It's morning in AmeriKwa. Sit back and listen to the gentle sough of non-Castilian Spanish floating into the smog. The message here is simple: racial separation and high savings beats race-jumbling and loose credit. America is bankrupt in every sense. It has a million commitments and its only collateral is printing presses and soldiers. Everything else is made is China, including half our countrymen. The other half are Mexicants. When you look at the statistics on consumer and government debt, AmeriKwa appears to be in the shore-sucking-out calm that precedes the smash of the tsunami. If America were an individual, he's be far down the road of using one cc to pay another. End game should have set in. But our Asian creditors haven't cut our line yet. Why isn't clear. They seem to have every incentive. When they do, how will we pay? Will we pay? There are a number of scenarios. The government could inflate the currency. It could use the debts it created as pretext to double Social Security and other taxes, as most in politics would love to do. It could cut benefits to "the rich." It could repudiate the debt. It could pass laws. It could simply fall apart. Who would miss it? Consider these stats: Today the median price for a home in So Cal is $590,000. Average household consumer debt comes to $9,000 per person, and $18,000 per household, not including mortgages, and growing 10% a year. Americans' obligation today as taxpayers - is more than five times the $9.5 trillion they owe on mortgages, car loans, credit cards and other personal debt. This hidden debt equals $473,456 per household, dwarfing the $84,454 each household owes in personal debt. The $53 trillion is what federal, state and local governments need immediately - stashed away, earning interest, beyond the $3 trillion in taxes collected last year - to repay debts and honor future benefits promised under Medicare, Social Security and government pensions. ... This hidden debt equals $473,456 per household... Easy credit = financial problems = divorce = destroyed families. About 1.6 million individuals nationwide filed for bankruptcy last year, and the new law coming into effect this October will make it more difficult. Here on attitudes. Here on different attitutes between Americans and Europeans. The same thing is going on in England and in Canada, where personal savings levels fell from 15% in 1985 to 1.5% today.


Words about CIA being after lider. Here on shark tourism.

Higher and Higher Housing

On interest-only mortgages... "The threat of higher interest rates is creating a home-buying frenzy that reminds me of the stock market run-up of the late 1990s," Hayden said. More here from a bubbler. [A] house is not an investment. The time to buy a house is when you want one and can afford it, just as with any other consumer item.

Fewer Males at College

Anything where niggers or women are ahead, a reason is sought. Anything where White males are ahead, racism and sexism are sought.

Human Liberty

A false conception...

Media: G Movies Make Money, R Movies Lose Money

Study finds G-rated movies 11x more profitable than R-, but 12x as many R- created. Note the context setting by MSNBC in the lead paragraph: A study commissioned by a group that encourages the production of family friendly movies found... Immediately the reader is encouraged to doubt the motive of the study author. This is not necessarily the wrong approach, but it is an approach that MSNBC would not follow if it agreed with the author's politics. The main lesson here is that there's a market not served: films for normal white people. Hollywood will not supply it. It will continue to produce R-smut to impress itself and push its political agenda. It can get away with this because there is little competition, and it controls the distribution pipeline. Still, there's nothing stopping us from making your own movies and selling them over the Internet. Tech is cheaper than ever, and Hollywood's stereotyping is so boring that anybody with a different conception of bad guys and good guys will sell. Hollywood just stinks these days. I just watched "Rolling Kansas," a road trip movie that ought to be funny, and would have been in the eighties, although of course predictably jewed on anything touching politics. But this movie stumbles over the same ground walked a thousand times before. Hollywood has declined to the point that it can't do formula reliably. It's all posturing and forced effects and pop music as duct tape.

Discover The Network...of Jew Critics

Horowitz attacks "the left," which is his cover for those who criticize Israel or jews, especially those who lied us into war. A foreign policy based on complete disrespect mounting to dismissive hatred of all non-jews and all too often manifesting that hatred in outright murder doesn't work, no matter how hard anti-Americans like Horowitz wave the flag.


Great article on use of patsy posters to gets the fodder revving for war. The usual pose of one generation is that the preceding generation was much more intelligent. However, the reaction to Wells's radio stunt back in the thirties proved it was not so. People like Americans are not won over; or, they are won over by whoever controls the amplifier. What we can do is make enough noise that the minority of the audience intelligent enough to guess that a radio drama is spoofing a news broadcast can find its way to our truth.

Media: Anarchist's Cookbook

Author wants it out of publication... The book, in many respects, was a misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in." He says he did most of the research in the New York City Public Library, gleaning most of the contents from military and Special Forces manuals. Here on Red Star Over Hollywood.

Mudmania in Zimbabwe

Stone soup for duskies. Remember that the philtrum at the fulcrum was educated in the West. Apparently you cannot turn a bush nigger into a human by coaxing it into manpants and opening books at it.

Israel and China

China's affable Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing was in a jaunty mood when he called on Israel's parliament the Knesset in Jerusalem. Hosted by the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, the Chinese official was greeted by chairman Yuval Steinitz. Referring to China as the giant on the world stage and Israel as a dwarf, Steinitz said the Jewish state had extremely important ties with China on all levels. How about that? From China's perspective, Israel is a reliable supplier of stolen military secrets and advanced hardware. From the U.S. perspective, Israel is our worst enemy.

The Holohoax

The biggest scam in human history. But you must promote it in precisely the right way, or jews scream, like you put them in an oven or something. The fear in the Jewish community is that comic books could end up as collectors' items for far-right activists. Don't you dare laugh at the idiotic jews retailing their luxurious tales of woe. Why, once back in 1943, Hymie Turnover was denied the early bird special because he arrived at 5:02. When you get down to it, most jews make a living out of...being jews. Jewing is a full time job for a very large percentage of the population. In this case it's a jewess maundering about not knowing from tools; but it could be a jewess reviewing a book by a jewess about growing up jewy. Who fucking cares? These people are untalented and uninteresting. Their lock on publishing is, from a certain standpoint, one of the worst things about their control over the west. It's not just that anyone disagreeing with the jew agenda gets locked up, it's that they make everyday life so boring, so waterless. Always the jew must be center stage, and always the jew is the most predictable, least interesting creature in the room. Oh yes, you grew up yiddy. Oy, your mother. Oy, your father. Oy, go drown yourself. Now when something breaks in the house, I respond with the panic of my forebears. Every popped light bulb is a catastrophe, every leaky faucet spells if not the end of the world then surely the beginning of months of crack-assed plumbers hunched over my sinks and toilets, flushing my hard-earned dollars down their mysterious drains. It's all a show. She knows nothing, but the plumber to insult. It must by treifish if the goyim do it. Tired yet? There's more! She married her rabbi, whee and whoopdedoo. Jews jewing jewily, which is to say - for pay. The subject? Does it matter? Jews and pork, the love that dare not lick itz lipz, jews and plumbers, jews and spouses, jews and cartoon depictions of imaginary oven-fun, jews and Mt. Rushmore, jews and Seven Flags Over Botswana, and just for a change-up, Anti-semitism: a growing problem in the tse-tse community. Oy, buzzing with hate, they're. "So, are you guys trying?" or, "When are there going to be little rabbis?" I think I'll submit a 2,000-word article to Salon using a jew-female cover name. Subject? Baby-shit, its consistencies and colors. "Offal we love." My chance of getting published and paid? Oh, about 1 in 2, I should think. Reaction here to the feminist wanting it both ways.

British Pop

Very interesting implications here. Getting drunk and stoned or addicted is out for British stars. This could be taken as a rejection of the mainstream culture the stars are successful enough to be part of. British music is awash with bland bands made up of upper-middle-class kids who mean well, don't drink or do drugs or even smoke... Last year, a survey of British politicians' musical tastes revealed that David Cameron, then policy coordinator of the disgraced, discredited, right-wing Conservative Party, loved to listen to Radiohead. ... [Radiohead's Thom] Yorke has become the unofficial spokesman for the anti-consumption lobby of late, constantly telling his fans to shop less, watch less TV, and stop doing things that might in some small way damage the environment. Who does he sound like? The guys who head these groups are one step from White Nationalism. If you reject the pointless, the excessive, the faddish, and the self-destructive, you have White nationalism - not coincidentally the only form of environmentalism that works. What the writer doesn't grasp is that whatever vestige of anti-Establishmentarianism is left can't be pro-drunk, pro-drug, or pro-anything that threatens "safety." The only thing our society respects, nay worships, that threatens safety is niggers. I saw a Bud ad the other day that revolved around a bunch of niggers and a pun on one's girlfriend Sharon. So it's come to the point that mass-media commercials for mass-market products celebrate nigger promiscuity. Therefore, if you wish to be anti-establishment, you must reject what the establishment sells, and that means: niggers, jews, promiscuity, buying SUVs and houses on credit. The kids who become stars today grow up 100x savvier regarding the process than did someone fifty years ago, when rock was getting started. In the world today, there are 100x more things you dare not say than there were 50 years ago. The more thoughtful a man, the more he rejects prevailing mores and taboos, at least in private. These stars to one degree or another understand this stuff, and their instincts, apart from veganism, appear healthy. Who will be the first star to step forward and admit he doesn't respect the human offal polished 'diversity'? Here an interview with Brian Wilson. Now this is funny: Do you listen to much classical music? Are you Jewish? No ... Why do you ask? Just asking! No reason. He probably hates jews or had song rights ripped off by them.

Only the Jew/ Won World War Two

British culture today: happy slapping, dolt-on-celeb squirting. There would have been none of this had England come to terms with Germany. But bad as this is, it is but a stone step from something worse. Here's a fair sample of the dupes' dolt-dudgeon following Durbin. The United States has killed more innocent Iraqis than jews died in World War Two. Exaggeration? Ok, let me revise it. The U.S. has killed more innocent Iraqis than jews died in the "Holocaust." Perhaps the Germans dispatched enough Red Army commissars to top the 100,000 murdered by G.I. Joe in Iraq, perhaps they didn't. Generally jews are far from harm's way once the hostilities they've incited kick off. The U.S. worse than Nazi Germany? How could we be? We're us. A powerful argument, itz! At least to the lead-lobed. More jew-manufactured dudgeon here from the communist-conservative jews at Frontpage. Israel, the only functioning democracy in the Middle East, has no real friend in the world other than America. Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but America is not Israel's friend. Just cuz you have the money to hire Snootful the Clown to little myron shitzi's birthday party doesn't mean he's your friend, he just needs the money. You know, Israel, the way to have a friend is to be a friend. No, stealing secrets & technology from one set of dirty goys and selling it to another set with slanty eyes won't get you any. Let's parse the logic. Israel has one friend. Israel steals weapons and secrets from that friend, and fingersmiths ten million dollars a day out of his wallet. The conclusion I draw, and itz just me drawing it, mind you, is that Israel has no friends. There are few things in the world tougher than getting a jew to admit responsibility for something, even when you have a signed paper in front of you. Even when you have multiple signed papers. We know it was jews who drew up the plans for taking out Hussein. We know it was jews who put the idea in Bush's head. We know it was they who just used WMD pretext (read: lie) because they thought it would sell. Now that itz come acropper, the kikes skedaddlin' be. The shifty-eyed jew spouts bravado, his eyes seeking egress. What a loathsome race of liars. So the Democrats in Congress are now giving voice and credibility to the view that Israel was responsible for the Iraq war. And other Democrats, watching the hearing at the DNC, are hosting anti-Semites who argue that Israel had advance warning of the 9/11 attacks and is therefore responsible for allowing the attacks to occur. And even deeper into familiar anti-Semitic tropes: that Israelis withheld the information so as to benefit financially. Ha'aretz, one of the top two papers in Israel, said Israelis had advanced warning, and ex-Mossadist Victor Ostrovsky said Israel refused to pass on knowledge of the marine corps barracks bombing in Lebanon. Horowitzim are nothing but liars lying, or, to use appropriate shorthand, they are jews.

France Is Breeding

Proof that an incentive correction is all it takes, and that Spengler and all the cycle dopes and the doomsayers and the morons are wrong: the white race is not and never was suicidal, and furthermore it is not possible for a race to be suicidal. Murdered, yes, "suicidal," no. Only an individual can be suicidal. What moves the world is decisions made by individuals. Experts say that only a quarter of the population growth can be explained by immigration. What the idiots don't grasp is that Europe is tiny and full of people by contrast with America. If there were 80 million people in Oregon and Washington, would you say, as Pat Buchanan does, that Europe is "dying out"? Not if you were rational. Pat Buchanan claims Europe is dying out because it's the only way he can justify his own position on the jews who are trying to use immigration policy and miscegenation propaganda to MURDER Europe and America. Since Pattycake is afraid to call jews the murderers they are, he must pretend there's some other force at work -- something evil and defective in the hearts of white people. But there isn't. The white man's problems are almost completely externally imposed. ...the size of French families is growing and the pavements and parks of Paris are clogged with pushchairs. Family-friendly policies pop up in the least expected places. Bertrand Delanoe, the homosexual mayor of Paris, allows the enormous flat that came with his job in the majestic town hall to be used as a creche for employees. It is the jews who fail to reproduce, and it is the jews who one day will be dead. As a race. ITZ COMING. One other thought. Last summer, when I was traveling through the West, I happened to be seated outside a small store in southern Utah when out of a rented car popped a French family with one of the loveliest teenage girls I've ever seen. I've never seen a she-yid within a New York cab ride of this girl's...loveliness is the only word. Everything that a jew is not, she was, from the outside to the stuff in the bones. In terms of comparative beauty, French women are to jewish women as Emma Lazarus's grafitti is to the Statue of Liberty: low and dirty, and better unraised. Here on Finland, which does not want Somalis, though the jews at the WP think it should. Finland is rated the least corrupt nation in the world by Transparency International, a Berlin-based international research group. No doubt unrelated to its being completely homogenous and all White. The Washington Post wants it to let in colored thieves because the WP is run by evil jews desiring the disappearance of the last blond child on earth.


"Currently, 35 FBI offices have over 150 pending investigations associated with animal rights/eco-terrorist activities." Didn't we see somewhere there were 300 investigations into NA? Funny stuff. The celebrated Illinois nigger Obama lays the supposed "60" crimes committed by animal-rights extremists against the 3500 violent "hate" crimes. Hey, jiggy: what about the 1.5 million annual crimes by niggers against Whites. Dozens versus hundreds versus...millions. Do you see a difference, White man?

Health Care By Government

It doesn't work. Period. Problems in health care system are caused, not alleviated, by government. Period. There are other ways government can destroy lives - through the divorce court. Government feasts on problems, and creates most of the problems it subsists on itself. Susan Calhoun, Manley's former wife, told KING-TV he became embittered and quit a high-paying job after their divorce in 1990 when a judge ordered him to make support payments for their three children. She did not return a call for comment Tuesday. As we say, when you read MSM or jew-controlled media, you fight the reporter for the story, the bottom line of which you can bet your life is not reported here. Says Freeper commenter: My experience & observation is that the whole thing is anti-father BIG TIME. You're right. In California, a man who is named as "father" on a birth certificate has to pay child support whether he's the father of the child or not. And: This is child support in a testicleshell: The women who need it most don't get enough. Those who don't need it get too much. Child support is defacto alimony at some point. The "deatbeat dad" label is designed to provide cover for policies that cause white males to commit suicide. You've never heard of a despondent black dad, have you? To say it is to laugh. Support for children is yet another avenue for feminists loosed by jews to afflict the men they hate for being what they can't. Letting blacks out of cages is a third way judeo-government can mess up a stable, sane system.

900 Agents...

...raid Mexishit gangsters. Think about what is implied. A few dozen members of "Violent Boyz" are arrested. Bratton said the Violent Boyz gang is "a criminal organization" involved in murder, attempted murder, extortion and drug trafficking. How many remain? How many new boyz will be sired in wombs tonight and shat into sunlit Kwa tomorrow? What other cities have/will the VBz spread to? 900 agents - that's somewhere in the gray area between cops and army, and more toward the latter. Here on Somali scum eating welfare in Ohio.

Beshrouded Morons

Lewpus has run articles swearing the Shroud is real! Will he now run the truth? We grin. Nah. He's a little too Christian for that.

Politics is in the Gene

On school prayer, for example, the identical twins' opinions correlated at a rate of 0.66, a measure of how often they agreed. The correlation rate for fraternal twins was 0.46. This translated into a 41 percent contribution from inheritance.

Fixing Intelligence

In law there's a rule that if you're lying about one thing, it may be taken that you're lying about everything. If the Bush administration is lying about the biggest thing -- Iraq -- then it stands to reason that's it's lying about everything else. If the intelligence is "fixed," then what isn't "fixed"? The answer: only stuff that doesn't matter. Here Buchanan on ramifications of losing in Iraq. Basra today... Thing is, it's not our problem. Or wasn't, until the jews got hold of our government. "Liberation brought us freedom of the press," an Iraqi journalist once told me. "And as long as you don't probe into matters like civic corruption, organized crime, or the religious parties, you're free not to be killed." Yes, thatz how it works. Here the Reamer adds his take. Dig the last paragraph in which he just can't believe the Ha'aretz story about Odigo warning its workers before 9/11. Suckfisticated he knows a plant it be, oh yes. Libertarians amuse endlessly; it's like listening to a sportscaster who doesn't comprehend the idea of teams describe a football game. Pay attention, Dim Dennis: without jews-operating-as-jews, you are forced by the very evidence you adduce to posit the thing. It is the simplest explanation that covers the given facts. Here on Jared Diamond, another pseudo-clever pseudoscientist whose Guns, Germs, and Steel was promoted to distract attention from race. For example, how did the Ptolemies create an even more dynamic civilization than that of the earlier dynastic pharaohs, when they inherited from them a supposedly exhausted and increasingly salinized landscape? ... ...are we to suppose that there are underappreciated micro-climates that separate Tijuana from San Diego[?]

Air Supervirus

Nike supports homos. Here we see that doctors are less stupid than patients.

Hilary Clinton

More here.

Jew Rand and Branden

Tidbits on divisive yids.

Media: Being a Hilton

There's more to it than pretending to act stupid. Here on PBS, NPR and public broadcasting.

Pius Wasn't Pro-Hitler

The Catholics who genuflect before the jews Hitler fought want you to know...

America, Under Siege by Jews

They play, we pay. They lie, we die. They destroy our reputation, we kill them all and live happily ever after.

Oil is Not Running Out

Here the flip argument to the lewpies' housing bubble-popper-foreseers.


Old associate of Zundel not impressed by him; much more....by Eric Thomson

U.of Delaware's Lindsey Bonistall Harvested by Nigger James E. Cooke Jr.

Jews fill their heads with visions of rap and rape; jews tell them whites are responsible. This kind of horrific murder is the predictable result. Blame the black who did it, yes; but most of all, blame the jews who uncaged the Cookes...by Alex Linder

Paul Dorr: Starving the Slave Schools

If itz compulsory, then you're a slave. This is a remarkable story, one racialists ought to pay close attention to. Paul Dorr, an activist and home-school parent from Ocheyedan, sells his services to taxpayers who want to derail school bond issues. Dig this: By his own calculations, Dorr has designed campaigns to fight 24 school tax proposals, and successfully helped defeat 21 of them - at a savings for taxpayers of more than $237 million. The levies were for buildings, or for overrides to legislative caps of growth to general budgets. "I bring a breath of fresh air and some hope to a whole disenfranchised class of people who have lived in fear of the local public schools," said Dorr, a 48-year-old father of 11 children. Eleven kids, of German descent. Defeating slave schools, one after another. This is a great story. "In the struggle for true liberty and in opposition to tyranny, we need to become more offensive-minded and show that we have a superior educational program to replace the rapidly failing government system," Dorr wrote in an online essay. "And we need to do everything else we can to speed it on towards its certain demise." Do you smell something? ITZ COMING. No jew ever has any business judging or affecting to teach White children. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Read the story and notice that the "reporter" for the most part accepts the jail wardens' frames. The wardens insist Dorr uses "misinformation," but not a piece is cited. Ah well, good enough for government work.

Barbara Bush, One Stupid, Evil Cunt

This is the dumbest statement by a woman in politics since Antoinette's "let them eat cake." Since Antoinette never actually said that, it must go down as the dumbest statement by a woman in politics, ever. It shows a lack of awareness close to anile. Barbara forgot to smile and attitudinize and accidentally expressed the sort of idea that spontaneously generates inside her head. "Why should we hear about body bags and deaths," Barbara Bush said on ABC's "Good Morning America" on March 18, 2003. "Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" What a perfect example of the truth that women belong nowhere near politics. Morality is a lie agreed upon by the beautiful-minded people. Facts need not apply. Fact-finders are taken out and shot, for they are ugly and immoral. Barbara Bush exemplifies the WASP elite in 2005 AmeriKwa. Sick, liberal, hypocritical - lethal. Puritan moralizing, WASP civility-uber-alles, jewish duplicity. This is a recipe for canting and murder, and that is exactly what we have. The Bushy mindset is no different from a satanic death cult, except that Bushes, instead of being idiotic teenagers, fool around with nuclear weapons. It was when America's disloyal elite began to look on England with favor that the our problems began. There is no class but the jews that has been more disloyal to America than the WASP elite. A sterner Germanic culture is what we need today, one in which the bitch-kitties of civility and politeness get in the back seat where they belong, and rigor, logic and manly directness regain the driver's seat. WASP cunt, if the lies of the jews your botched menstruations have allied with have led to hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi dead, and tens of thousands of wounded and dead Americans, then you and your class of sick liberal glibertine doubletalkers must go the way of the kulaks. What use her words could be put to by a competent agitpropper. Take a picture of a scheming yid, one of the "Clean Break" clubbers, throw in shot of mother weeping over soldier's grave, add picture of anile grandma Bush blithely ignoring the misery her twat-droppings created. Hell, throw in that pic of limbless Haji we used in TAA#2. I mean, how many Iraqis and Yoursons have to die before this bitch gets a zit? When you pride yourself on ignoring problems you created, you become a threat to all around you. What the jews have done in the name of America has destroyed our reputation. Shooting the messenger is the jewish final solution to every problem their "new realities" create. America, you are nothing but an Aryan-coated jew -- even uglier than the real thing. If you, new reader passing by, don't grasp our meaning here, all you need to do is read Washington's farewell address and contrast it with any public speech Bush has given regarding "our" jew-induced criminal attack on Iraq. There is a world of difference between an honorable man and a Bush. Bush is particularly despicable dipso-dolt who thinks everything is easy because he's too stupid to see that he can't do it. He thinks he can! From his dumb mom he gets the idea that anybody who corrects him with the facts is unpatriotic. Better he stayed a lush -- acqua vitae his natural milieu -- swapping brags with Easy Ted Kennedy, bartender. Mencken said the U.S.'s problem was lack of a secure and self-confident aristocracy, and when you look at Bushes and Kennedys, you see exactly what he meant. One nation under jews, highly risible, with hummy flivvers and Peruna for all. For 1700 AmeriKwans, the arrogant, lying jew's "new reality" is death. Mexi-Fred says itz crumbling. A sad day it is when a useless nigger is the only one following up on the WMD lies. For those dullards who think the WP and NYT oppose the jews' war in Iraq, read this. Left hand, right hand -- one body, one head. This is very, very interesting: The session took an awkward turn when witness Ray McGovern, a former intelligence analyst, declared that the United States went to war in Iraq for oil, Israel and military bases craved by administration "neocons" so "the United States and Israel could dominate that part of the world." He said that Israel should not be considered an ally and that Bush was doing the bidding of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. "Israel is not allowed to be brought up in polite conversation," McGovern said. "The last time I did this, the previous director of Central Intelligence called me anti-Semitic." Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.), who prompted the question by wondering whether the true war motive was Iraq's threat to Israel, thanked McGovern for his "candid answer." More and more people -- more people than in the history of the world -- understand what Israel is. And that means they understand what jews are. Can they do something about it? Do you have a part to play?

What is Chutzpah?

How 'bout this: First, you bomb a country to death based on a pretext you know to be a lie. Then you scrape a hole in the rubble, set up a stooge government, and have it pass a law allowing jews and jews alone to reclaim lost property. Meanwhile, if you subtracted the land stolen to form Israel, the SLC sum would be less than zero. "It appears that the stage has been set for a new system of justice and the rule of law," S. Daniel Abraham said in a statement. That's some of what they call jewish irony. Jewish revenge = "rule of law." Jewish double standards = "new system of justice." Always what's "good for jews" is pressed in neutral terms. We all win when jews -- alone -- benefit. We all lose when jews are attacked. Here's your 'takeaway' lesson, White man: GOOD FOR JEWS = BAD FOR YOU. Here on the declining fortunes of asswipe Fagan, one of the Ho-cost profiteers. Poor whites play the lottery and lose; rich jews play the courts and win. What is the Holocaust? It is the jews double-punishing the stupid goyim. Not only do we have to pay jews for being jews, we are morally browbeaten sans surcease for Worst Crime in Human History. Here's what the jews actually think in their heads: "You fools should have killed us all while you had the chance. To punish you for your stupidity -- and for our amusement, enrichment & the instruction of our young -- we're going to persecute you for all time, browbeat you morally until the very sight of yourself makes you puke. You will never live this down. We're going to bleed you dry, and while your coffers drain and you crumble into your graves we'll stick you in a cultural straightjacket, and clap headphones blaring hip-hop over your ears, and tack open your eyelids so you can enjoy your daughter being blacktopped." Face the facts, White man. Hitler didn't go far enough. DEATH TO THE JEWS sounds like cheap radicalism -- to the lackwit. To those who understand the jew, its nature and impetus, it is the only policy that can protect Aryan interests in the long term. No dialogue with jews is possible. Separation won't do the trick -- they won't go. Don't let jew-produced Christianity pull the Lamb over your eyes: 99% of the species that ever existed on earth are extinct, and no Jeboo jumper cables are bringing 'em back. The world is indifferent to the continued existence of White people like you and me. It is up to us and our frontal lobes and peckers to ensure our perpetuation. When the last Berkman's knees crumple, and it keels into the mass grave, the earth won't cry. The songbirds will sing. But there will be a lot more peace and prosperity and harmony in the world than there is now. There is no major problem in Western society that is not caused by jews. Doubt it? Play Kevin Bacon game. "Traffic jams"? Jams = overpopulation = taken down borders = jews. "Crime"? Crime = niggers = civil rights uncagings = jews. Works with every major problem facing the West.

50 Shekel Finds Jeboo

This is the kind of stuff that gives earth a bad name for all but low comedy. A jew rap-knockoff artist converts to Jews-for-Jebooism. Scott Hillman, director of the Baltimore branch of Jews for Judaism, a counter-missionary group, told the Forward that his organization has been advising Jewish youth groups and synagogues to discontinue booking Cohen for performances. As we see below, jews form organizations to infiltrate and subvert other religions - "judeo-Christianity" being the perfectly ridiculous expression of the success of that subversion. Others must liberalize, others must tolerate. "Tolerance" is simply a cover for warfare. When are jews urged to tolerate others? When will they expunge their hate codes of the claim that jesus is boiling for all time in a giant vat semen, or dung, depending on which rabbi gained the upper lung? 50 Shekel, or Cohen, as he is more prosaically known, proselytizes his new faith. "We have a responsibility to let people know when a missionary is taking advantage of kids," Hillman said. Oh. 'Taking advantage of kids.' That's what the yid calls it when he and his are on the wrong end of the propaganda gun. When he targets your impressionable daughter through MTV, he claims he's merely giving the people what they want. Always the jew rhetorically positions itself as the victim while in fact it is always the aggressor. Jews are an essentially ironic people. To grasp their mind and motive, you must start with the opposite of what they say. Assume it to be true until you disprove it, and usually you won't. All terms used by jews preclude opposition. Anyone opposed to a jew is a hater. You're either a jew or an anti-semite. The only way to beat this system is first to recognize it, second to grasp that half measures cannot defeat it, and third to return fire with superior fire. Call the jew a jew, and name jews the enemy. On those grounds, we have a chance to win. Heeb, which played a key role in promoting Cohen, issued a statement to the Forward, saying, "This is indeed a sad day in the world of Jewish parody rap." Remember: these jews are the ones eternally lecturing the rest of us on "tolerance." Does a jew say, a jew found jesus, that's wrong, but he is allowed to think what he wants, and make his own decision? No. Jews aren't like that. They're a spastically hateful ethnic mafia that sees any divergence from "jews first, last and in between" as a threat to their identity, which is the same as their income. As a famous jew said, there's little more to judaism than whining and money extraction. The little more is viciously sheepdogging the outliars to keep the pack in line. A jew who drops the hatred for Christians/non-jews -- i.e., gives up Judaism -- is as popular as a vampire who tells the townfolk where the fangéd ones bed down at day.

Pluralism: a Jewish Tool for Destroying Others

As always, jews set up fronts. Muslim in name, jewish in practice. "The so-called Center for Islamic Pluralism is basically a creature of Daniel Pipes," Ibish said. There is no pluralism in Irsrael. There is a big wall specifically designed to prevent it. It's segregation when Whites do it, "security" when jews do it. PMU, for its part, is arguably the ground-breaking of the new groups in its religious and social stances. Last month it co-sponsored a historic woman-led Islamic Friday prayer session. Jews only get involved with non-jewish religions and institutions to destroy them. To infiltrate them and subvert them from their mission and render them pliable to jewish rearrangers. There is no brotherhood of man, there are the irreconcilable interests of groups waging war by means fair and murders foul. "By way of deception thou shalt do war," is the Mossadists' motto. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. And these double standards are all over the place, as we see in our next story. More here on the pretend-Muslim jew Schwartz, one of jew Horowitz's house frauds.

Court Agrees: Jews May Impose Special Demands on Businesses

Steinberg, an Orthodox rabbi who supplies kosher certification to several restaurants in New York, was on his way to a conference when he stopped for coffee at the Nations Café, which serves the United Nations area. Wearing a yarmulke, he sat at the counter and requested that his coffee be served in a disposable cup, as he did not want to drink from a mug washed with other dishes that were used to serve nonkosher foods. Nothing "racist" about that. It's just the jew's "religion." You see how the kike shifts the frame. When it's his desires, it's a matter of religious freedom that must be respected. When it's your desires, it's immoral segregation that must be outlawed. Perhaps we should require municipalities to establish jews-only water fountains? We wouldn't want their delicate thick lips tainted by water from spigots slobbered by troughlings, now, would we? When whites segregate themselves from blacks, jews are quick with the moralizing editorials, and the legal arm-twistings. Soon sane laws are scrap-heaped, and all that remains of sanitary practices are jew-snapped "art" photos displayed in galleries of moral progress. All bad things proceed under the banner of morals and freedom. Whites aren't even allowed to protect their physical security without being accused of invidious motives - hate, racism and the like. You may have noticed a certain theme emanating from reporting on jews and their encounters with the world. In essence, they have no respect for the rights of anybody else. It is all about them and their privileges all the time. We don't have to put up with that. The jewish race can be exterminated. More than that, it should be. DEATH TO THE JEWS.

The Agenda

Homo marriage is the ultimate mockery of stable white society. It says there is nothing too sacred for jews to shit on. All that is left is legalizing baby rape, which a good percentage of American jews support, as long as the babies aren't theirs. Christian churches oppose fag marriage, but in the wrong way. It may appear they are winning, as Bush won the last presidential election in part on the basis of opposition to homo marriage, but no great change in social attitudes is accomplished overnight, not on such a divisive issue. But through media whining and misrepresentation, the attitudes of the goyish rabble will be worn down. That is what history says. The way to oppose homo marriage successfully is to make explicit its motivation, and link it to a dozen other socially destructive ideas, all pouring forth from the goy-nation-wrecking revolutionary jew. The Christian church will not do this because most of its leaders and bought by jews, and the ones who aren't are either using a queered (read: jewed) Scofield bible that asserts that opposition to Israel and the jewish agenda is opposition to the Lord himself. Ripping apart white families is "good for jews." It destroys competing power centers. Stables families make stable communities. Stable communities are racially homogenous. The jewish agenda does everything it can to introduce foreign disease agents into healthy white communties, whether by opening them to Mexican invaders, forcing white citizens to pay for 8a nigger housing, or mocking them by forcing them to "tolerate" "gay" "marriage." Are jews ever forced to tolerate anything they don't like? No. Anything they don't like is called "anti-semitism." There is no word but 'loxism' for the hatred jews have for us.

Taxpayers Fund Jewish Hate & Violence

Criminal Dov Hikind, a former working buddy of genocidalist Meir Kahane, is now uses taxpayer money to help Palestine invaders fight withdrawal. Remember when America was about Americans? Hikind's wife, Shoshana, once Pataki's director of community affairs,... That's the same Pataki just over there in Europe making the most fulsome, groveling jew-appeasers-against-"anti-semitism" speech to the OSCE devisable.

Media: Jews Reward Fox's Ailes

Left? Right? Both supine before the jew. America's interest? Today, America is whatever the jews say it is: an armory for Israel; an ashcan for Mexico. ...[A] host of luminaries from the left as well as the right turned out to applaud, including Miramax Films founders Harvey and Bob Weinstein, who bought a full-page ad in the dinner journal, and former president Bill Clinton, who prepared a video greeting that saluted "red-state Roger" for his concern for "security for the State of Israel and peace in the Middle East." Wow. Itz like there's two parties, but one agenda, and Israel heads it. No difference between Republican and Democrat, or between media and government. All is one behind the blue and white flag, and the only red is the blood shed by 'Kwan dupes dying in Iraq. Is it ethical for a network CEO to accept an award from a partisan group advocating policies a majority of Americans disagree with? No, it isn't. Does it compromise Ailes's network's ability to cover Israel? Yes, it does.

Media: Words by Jakes

It is certainly true that "kosher" is a much used word among Americans at large. In fact, according to a 2003 survey conducted by the Internet's Kernerman Dictionary News, it occupied second place among all Jewish contributions to American English. First place went to "glitch," with 232,000 Internet hits. "Kosher," a close runner-up with 222,000, ran far ahead of "bagel" (145,000), "maven" (70,800) and "mensch" (42,600). "Chutzpah" finished last in the top 12 with 32,700. Fuckups, arrogance, and failed donuts - jews' "contributions" to language mirror their contributions to life. What appeals to many English speakers about "kosher," I think, is a certain raciness that the word has in their eyes. It is the slangiest of the available colloquialisms for "legitimate," which is the reason that its use is more limited and that some speakers or writers are attracted to it in particular. I doubt it. English speakers usually go for the shortest possible way to express something when they're not going for the longest most pretentious way.

Media: Published Novels

There are many stories in America. The ones by jews get published. They involved jews, usually jewing, usually jewily. The result is not particularly interesting. I understand that I run afoul of many nations' hate crimes laws by vouchsafing the opinion that not everything expressed from jew-orifice is holy, but there it is. The jews are not an interesting people, they are banal stage-hogs, taking one with another. Lizzie Grubman is a fair representative of the race. "The women are young, young, young, liquidy and sweet looking; they are batter, and I am the sponge cake they don't know they'll become. I stand here, a lone loaf, stuck to the pan." What comes to characterize a jew-dominated society is the presence of jews and nearly jews alone in all the fill-in or highly paid secondary positions. The top is reserved for talent, which is seldom jewish unless it be a field in which talent is one of handful of factors, no more important than marketing or simple pushiness. By controlling the entrance to the clubs, the jews keep out anyone who doesn't trick himself out according to their fashion. So we know that when we read a John Grisham novel, that good little boy will get a gold star for making the rape victim black and the vermin who gang-banged and murdered her "white trash." And the average published novel will be about Sophie Applebaum from Whocaresnik. I doubt a New York publisher -- and New York is the home of all the major publishing houses -- has ever printed a book of recollections of white children who suffered under the first generation of niggers admitted to human schools in the name of equality. "Come put on your freedom jacket," will say the jewish asylum attendants as they frog march mentally diseased racists into the back rooms for the federally reimbursable talking-'n'-body-shots cure. Do ordinary White Americans anywhere in media see their concerns and lives reflected? No, they don't. This point is often made in regard to religion, but it's not just religion, it's the whole darn thing. There is never a realistic depiction of the white man and diversity-as-I-found-it. All you have to do is open a camera on a nigger, and within three minutes I guarantee you'll get all the proof you need that races are incompatible. Reality, like sex, is too good for the common folks. They must be lectured in lies that benefit the elite.

Polluting Berlin

Just as the Chinese character for crisis supposedly holds the ideas of both danger and opportunity, the hebrew language has but a single term denoting art, shit (excrement), and fraud. The term is glry' (pronounced 'glurrchk,' the origin of the English word 'gallery.' "Jewish art is not something you can put your finger on," said Doreet LeVitte Harten, the show's curator... Only those with proof of hepatitis vaccinations will be admitted. If I were an artist, I would paint a jew-kebab, with little heads of Dershowitz, Sharon and Esterich amidst the potatoes and peppers. I would paint a Hasidic sow distwatting a stillborn pup while fat daddy Earlox cries and rubs eyes next to the bed. Out the window, a platinum blonde smokes a cigarrette dully as another brighteyes greasybelly rides up on his ortho-trike. I would post these in a building with ingresses formed in the shape of Joan Rivers and Lizzie Grubman rictuses. I would serve free-range pimento-loaf sandwhiches and lemonade spiked with cat pee for that gritty urban flavor, just to keep it real. In the background I would play bootlegs of Beastie Boys covering Neal Diamond.

Latest on Vanguard Radio

Why does the FBI want to read people's private mail when it hasn't even gotten around to running background checks on the inflamed babboon-asses running the "Dept. of Homeland Security," which sounds like something of Mad Magazine. Face it, fellow USSAns: AmeriKwa is on the block. The jews are pimping our defense tech to China, and our White women to any discolored buck what can run 100 yards in a straightish line. Investigative reporter Craig Cobb tracks the strange and wily Caganap, last seen womanning our borders at the Deetroit airport. Is it true that her main credential was a name rhyming with "take a nap"? On our broadcast page, we've got video of a local news report covering our latest TAA distribution in Florida. (Another in Charlottesville received news coverage as you can read here, don't miss video link.) In addition, the latest Goyfire (6/12/05 - scroll a bit) is now up. Oh, yes -- and a fresh long-run Vanguard Radio stream (6/15/05) has been prepared for your edifiction and aural pleasure, just under Vanguard Radio graphic! If you love us, keep on spreading our links, that more may feel the beat...

Letter to Toronto Star

Untwisting jewed history...by Devil's Advocate


Including article on Social Security...by Eric Thomson

An All-AmeriKwan Success Story

Krishna Rajanna was a happy-go-lucky doogaberry plucked from the cluster called India by our jew-friendly immigration policy. When he wasn't snoring doogily, vision of sugarplums and snorkeling through the Ganges running through his dothead, he was forearm deep in Whitetwat, slicing and dicing baby bwanas. After all, doogotz get to paid, yo. And fed, too: "Howard reports that, even more disturbingly, "the female witness went on to describe of how she and other girls actually witnessed Rajanna microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch." Funny that jews will allow chipping away at every genuine freedom real Americans ever had. Chip here, suddenly this free speech becomes commercial speech, and subject to judeo-legal regulation. Chip there, all of a sudden my right to describe what jews are actually advocating when they speak glibly of "civil rights" becomes hate speech, and again subject to judeo-legal regulation. But when it comes to the right of a quack to murder White babies and eat them, why, the jew will stand for not the slightest abrogation or infringement of that Absolute. Have you noticed that jews are an awful people, and that freedom and flowers disappear wherever they get their hooknose under the tent? Remember: if it wasn't for jews, dooga "doctors" who murder and eat white children and get paid for it wouldn't be in this country in the first place. THANKS, JEWS.

Green Terror

ALF, ELF and SHAC don't garner the press of 'aryan nation,' as the press always calls Aryan Nations, but they do 1000x the damage. They tend to operate in small, autonomous cells, using simple techniques and leaving few clues other than warning signs. ... ...a credit card belonging to the wife of a pharmaceutical company executive was stolen when her car was broken into. The card was used to buy $20,000 in traveler's checks, which was donated to charity, then followed by a warning that seemed to include a physical threat. These ecoists don't seem to understand two things: that ecology itself is essentially Germanic, not to say Nazi, which could be said; that if Whites die out, all the fuzzies they luv will disappear too. When you save the white man, eco halfwit, you produce a multiplier effect. Either you're fighting to save the White race, the guarantor of the other noble species on earth, or you're fighting to save the hooknosed whiner, whether you realize it or not. Want to save trees? Then recognize that more immigrants equals more housing. Why are the immigrants here? Jews. Jews want them here. Jews see in tens of millions of environment polluting shitskins their own social safety. We urge you to go to the Arizona border and see the mess the shit people have made of the border. Why, it rivals the mess the jew-uncaged niggers have made of the cities. "We have seen an escalation in violent rhetoric and tactics," John Lewis, the FBI's deputy assistant director for counterterrorism, told a Senate hearing recently. "Attacks are also growing in frequency and size. Harassing phone calls and vandalism now coexist with improvised explosive devices and personal threats to employees." This in defense of animals and plants! Ecoterrorism is in large measure White self-defense driven underground and unconscious. It isn't White men buying bear gallbladders to stiffen their giblets; itz itty bitty slanty gookies. Just ask the GUANYUN BIO-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. They know. It isn't White men eating gorilla pot pie. Itz NIGGERZ! There's an emerging bushmeat crisis! That is, niggers are eating everything that isn't nailed down, and nailing everything that isn't chowed down. The only bushmeat that's not disappearing is booliemeat. Not that they ain't trying to eliminate that too, it's just that their peckers are more than a match for their gullets. "I know better than to try to get between a nigger and its bushmeat!" The real Afreakin crisis isn't debt, itz that the niggers White science created are reproducing faster than they can eat each other. Speaking of manimalism, he refused to wail at the wanker's wall, and now this: In an astonishing outburst, Mr Putin said: "We all know that African countries used to have a tradition of eating their own adversaries. "We don't have such a tradition or process or culture and I believe the comparison between Africa and Russia is not quite just." Speechless, we're. With laughter! Only three more days till Juneteenth. Pick up some malt liquor or pimp juice and come by for the finest boo-ke-babs this side of Botswana. Commission for Racial Equality chief Trevor Phillips said last night: "What a preposterous thing to say. He is at best insensitive and at worst a downright racist. I want to eat him." It starts with Tofu; it ends with Hufu.


All right, gerbils, letz flow chart this one: jews let mexishits into country. 'Shits piss off humans. Humans react to shits. Judge sentences shits to reeducation...conducted by jew. Here we see the Senate apologize for lynching. Don't hold your breath waiting for jews to apologize for letting blacks run free to the tune of 1.5 million violent attacks on Whites annually. Jews never apologize for anything; they're professional victims.

Chicago to Spend Twenty Million on Q-RID Supercollider

If fags were born and not made, you wouldn't see this sort of horeshit that you, normal white man, in one way and another, pay for. The Center also received a $5 million grant from the Illinois FIRST program, a package of state infrastructure improvement projects... Illinois has the second worst urban roads in the nation. So what to do with infrastructure funds? Of course! -- build a gargantuan Chuck E. Cheeks with plush carpeting so butt-ranger he avoids knee burns while traffic-jamming butt-ranger she's alimentary canal until its as potholy as the Dan Ryan. I mean, if you've read Gibbon, check in. Did the late Roman Empire divert aqueduct funds to build the ultimate Reamatorium? If you wish to help White people directly, even if you write it in your will, the courts will cancel your order. If you wish to build a White religion or a White educational foundation, the courts have seen to it that the White cause, by definition, is disqualified. But faggotry -- that is perfectly legitimate, and not only that, but you the normal White are forced to subsidize sodomy when all you wanted and thought you voted for was somebody to fix the broken streetlight. Do you realize, White reader, that what is very directly going on here is that you are being forced at gunpoint to pay for Q-RID breeding centers because jews know these queer casinos, these butt-bingo churches, will attract that many more of your marginal sons, thereby weakening your Whitestock? More here. Here on a new fag brew called "Gay Fuel". Says one fruit: "Any sort of identity group is going to be marketed to," Montgomery says. "It's just part of the cost of living in America." But that is not so. There's nothing directly marketed to Whites -- anywhere. The love that dare not speak its name has gone mainstream. Mainstream is shouted down in press and pulpit as "hate." If you think religion will save the White man, you ought to ask yourself why the Catholic church regularly throws up cunts like Daley and Kennedy. Money and media are controlled by jews, and jews play the tune, and clodhopping cunts like gun- and ankle-grabbing Daley dance doofily.

Our Government Only Represents Jewish Interests

The U.S. government does not deserve your loyalty, White man. It doesn't represent you. It represents jews, and jews alone. It is worse than that. It works to undermine your community by opening the borders to foreigners. The "conservative" president calls anybody who resents this a "vigilante."

The Practice of Capacocha

Pick the best and...educate them extensively?...train them to model?...produce films starring them?...or cut their heads off so the Mountain Gods will augment the beanage? What do you think? The urge of the problem people is to drag the the solution people down to their level, which is the level where mud collects and does nothing for millennia at a time.

White Science: Spiders and Their Sperm

Two ducts and controlled fertilization...


Report on distribution of The Aryan Alternative in Virginia, thanks to Ron Doggett, we believe. Is it outrageous that blacks kill at levels seven times higher than whites, if our dishonest, jew-ridden Justice Department is to be believed? Or is it simply nature taking its course, once unpenned by jews bent on genociding whites? The man shits Jesus at you - he's your enemy, White idiot. The man shits diversity at you - he's your enemy, White doofus. Smack your head into the wall until you get it: "Good for Whites" is all that matters. Good for Whites means GOOD FOR YOU. Note a couple things on this story about a distribution in Charlottesville: 1) there's a video along with the news story. You may have to click a time or two, but it is there. 2) check the "most popular" stories. We're #1! Must be the "outrage," eh? Certainly nothing to do with popularity. 3) Note that the reporter is not, as I thought, a typically brainwashed white state-school graduate, but a halle berry type, European-featured black. For some reason she didn't seem interested in following up my assertion that interracial rape is nearly 100% black on white and almost never white on black. 4) Note the way the news story has obviously been altered. Whereas when first posted it apparently contained our url or phone number for people "outraged" to contact TAA editors, now it contains...nothing. Buh...buh...who will the Charlotteries contact to express their "outrage," LOL! Funny - when I looked at the Desperate Housewives promo on the ABC affiliates page, it took me a moment to realize I wasn't looking at a graphic of Charlottesville's local "anchor"-"friends." If you'd like a copy of the paper that's all the rage in Charlottesville and elsewhere, just send your name and address to POB 101, Kirksville MO 63501, and we'll see that you get a copy. Check this out too, so that you can appreciate the general respect for accuracy among the anchors who are your friends: The publication, which is distributed nationwide, has made its way to local neighborhoods several times over the years and is becoming a real nuisance for many. Huh? Whuh? Over the years? What years? Two copies in our first year is not "over the years." The problem is that when you combine substandard education with apeffirmative action, you get monkeys on typewriters, shaken, not speared. Apparently the reporter was incapable of grasping the meaning of the great big "#2" on the front cover. Well, one day soon those opposable mental thumbs will evolve, we hope.

Latest on Vanguard Radio

Investigative reporter Craig Cobb interviews Shirley Phelps-Roper for the truth on whether or not God hates fags. Latest Goyfire, 06/12/05, now up. Here some typical captive media "reporting" on Phelps-Roper.

John Brown, White-Hating Hero of the Loxist Elite

If you kill the right people, and your story fits the narrative, you too can gain posthumous fame as a liberator. Whether it's conservatives admiring mass murderer Churchill or self-hating whites admiring John Brown, the little man, Mr. Vicarious P. Weenie, always gets a hard-on when watching real men commit the murders he fears to commit himself. "What solved Hitler was violence. And what will solve the problem of Islamo-fascist terrorism, I'm sorry to say [no he's not], is not understanding, negotiation, conferences, social workers, daisies, or anything other than heroic violence of brave men and women with guns, fighting selflessly for their country � this greatest nation on God's green earth." Poor duped white Americans. You are to defend the jews with guns a-blazing - kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. But defend yourself from the jews siccing you on the rest of the world? That is "hate." Jews sic niggers on whites, and turn around and sic whites on Muslims. Itz time for all goyim to act as one in siccing ourselves on the jews. Note that they try to excuse John Brown's numerous murders by the lynching of Elijah Lovejoy in Alton, Illinois. History has shown that the men who spoke against both slavery and niggers were right. The fact that nobody writes about the millions of crimes committed by jew-sicced niggers on whites each year does not mean that those crimes do not define our phsyical atmosphere today, even as jew-produced and amplified nigger hip-hop occupies the national psyche and earspace. The truth is that, jewish lies to the contrary, the abolitionists were not motivated by wanting to help the niggers, but by wanting to damage the white men of the south. Vicious hypocrisy as an American characteristic traces right back to merry old England. The fact that the multiculturalists lie when they trace all evil to the white man should not be allowed to obscure the fact that our English cultural heritage is at best a mixed blessing. I think hothouse is a nice metaphor for our media. There are flowers that grow in the heat-and-humidity-controlled jewish media hothouse that could not survive ten seconds of real-world wind. The double 35m Mexicans and niggers in this country make it worse, not better. Anyone who isn't a Mexican or black can see that very clearly, including Vicente Fox and Japanese prime ministers. But is it moral to kill to impose a morality? Does it matter? Morality is men clucking among themselves, it does not correspond to deep reality. The ones willing to go the farthest usually win. The losers call them immoral. That is the way the world actually works. Reynolds endorses Doris Lessing's distinction between "good terrorism," invoked to remedy "obvious social injustice," and the other kind, perpetrated for a reactionary cause (i.e. racism, patriarchy, inequality, European civilization). Since Brown "used violence in order to create a society devoid of slavery and racism," he qualifies as a good terrorist, worthy of emulation. This is standard liberal hypocrisy. Lessing's "good terrorism" was liberating the Zimbabwe coon. We've seen where that has led. Brown's good terrorism was liberating the plantation darky. We've seen where that led. Only a pussy will allow himself to be browbeaten for standing up for the obvious fact that Whites are better off with niggers underground. Niggers are shit. The culture niggers produce is shit. The lands niggers inhabit turn to shit. A nigger is the human form of shit. Jews are the Shower Rangers, spewing liquid manimal ordure on unsuspecting Whites. DEATH TO THE JEWS. If we exterminated the jews and the blacks, America would not be boring, it would be peaceful, civilized, hospitable, and progressive. There is not a single aspect of life that would not be better with niggers and mexicans and the jews who loosed them on us removed from the scene. With Asians in Asia and Whites in Europe, America and Australia, the world would get along swimmingly. The South was open to criticism over slavery, but it needed to be approached in the right way. That way was this: here's what you say you are, here's what you do. Here's what you're doing to our nation. In other words, get rid of the moralizing, take a direct, firm approach. Focus on what we all can do to protect our successful union of free and weird states. Today our one-size-fits all itches sons of freemen, and a dark and rumbling microchoppy future appears on the horizon.

9/11 Professional Demolition

A combination of Mossad, FEMA, and Toby Keith produced the worst terrorist attack...blah, blah, blah. Face it: the evidence demonstrates that there's no way the buildings came down from the plane hits, they were blown up the same way any other building is brought down. So, discarding the drama and the lies, what we're dealing with here is a government that murders its own people in the most brazen and public way possible. Evidently the government thinks it can't be gotten to, either through media or through bullets. Is it right?

Building the Levyathan

Our "public" schools employ only jews and those preaching jew-friendly lies. Our "public" broadcasters employ only jews and those promoting the jewish agenda. Our government isn't ours. It is loaded up with liars and torturers and terrorists so full it might as well be SuperMossad. 'Democracy' is the perfect cover for tyranny. Put out a variety of candidates and media in fundamental agreement. This lends the appearance of debate while preserving the core. AmeriKwa's core is the Big Lie that race doesn't matter. In time the political state will founder on the rock of race-realism, but that isn't important. What matters alone is the number of men identifying and fighting as Whites. The only thing holding back Aryan nation is the jews who control our media and government, and the white liberals and power prostitutes they employ.

Codex Totalitarianus

A world committee will decide what goes in your head and in the rest of your body. You have no right to food, ideas, or guns. Only a terrorist would object to government doctor Pandit Punjob injecting a microchip into his ballsack. Send in the clones...wait! They're already here. To the government, "doing it right" means holding power, nothing more.

Zoophiles Rejoice: Jigs au naturel!

Fresh for your ogling pleasure, a smorgasbord of bush bunnies. They're grubbing! They're weaving! They're smearing themselves with pig grease, donning bridal gowns, and shooting it out with uzis! The thoughtful Germans have come up with a novel twist for the nigger display: why not include elephants, to set them off? Fun for Kinder und Eltern alike! True it is that occasionally an errant Jabbar tromps an incautious junglo into purgatory, but that simply adds a delicious NASCAR frisson to the spectator's zooing pleasure. The modern progressive zookeeper will already be considering Great White sharks for the moat, and a mamba or two to enliven the vines.

Don't Give Up

One of the better LRC writers almost kills himself due to incompetent bicycling.

Catholics Created Science?

No, they didn't. Deep Woodsy has moved from fact to fiction with his one-eyed accounting of the church in history. This isn't history, it's special pleading. Science is nothing but a refined suspicion that cause and effect exist. Science consists of detailed elaborations on the ur-observation that when one does something, there is a reaction. Out of one side of their mouth, the Catholics claim their Jesus "triumphed over death" -- i.e., triumphed over physical reality and nature's laws. Out of the other side of their mouth, they assert it is their unique belief in an orderly universe that paved the way for science. In the plain words they hate like water, the universe is Orderly...with Miracles, like bran with two scoops of raisins and a delightful surprise at the bottom. You can't have it both ways, guys. If Jesus came back from the dead, then reality does not exist, and we might as well, as you tell us to, spend our time praying, because the world is indeed ruled by the Great Spook, and ours only to petition the favor of his Wondrous Velleities. While the Catholics jew about reality, science hews to a standard. Science can't pretend that laws vary according to whether the subject in question is God or his Son or one o' them ordinary folk that fart and shit and traipse dully through Wal-Mart in their billions. No, what Deep Woodsy and his sylvan pals put out is not history but history-flavored chrissy-fit apologetics. Even the Muslims, who are famous for certain scientific advances during the Middle Ages, progressed in spite of, rather than because of, their theology: for the Muslim scholar, "[a]pparent natural laws were nothing more than mere habits, so to speak, of Allah, and might be discontinued at any time." Two points, pilgrim. One, that is a poetic interpretation of science's view, since the truest law is always subject to revision in light of evidence. Two, unlike Jesus, who not only "came back from the dead," but restored sight to the blind, infected pigs with horrible diseases, healed grungy doofs who groped his dhoti, and restored lifelike vivacity to Lazarus and others snoozily rotting in their deathbeds, poor old pitiful, turtle-slow science has to figure out how things work before it can do anything. Jesus: he saved humanity! Science: it gave us Flonase! I vote for science. Science is real. Christianity is a lie. Christianity is at best a way to weaken strong men and strengthen weak men. Christianity is no different from any other religion in that it decides when and where the light of reality will be allowed to shine through its stained windows. The fact is, Christianity didn't advance science, it impeded science. There's a parallel to Buchanan here. Just as the fact that jews hate Buchanan and abuse him in their papers does not mean he is a White Nationalist, neither does the fact that jews exaggerate the anti-scientism of the church mean that the church is pro-science. The church has burned more than one man at the stake for discovering and announcing a physical fact of nature the church wasn't interested in acknowledging. They say you see the character of a man in the way he treats the little men he doesn't have to be nice to. Well, in the Middle Ages, when the church was bull goose loony o' the Euro-bin, it burned men at the stake for stating simple truths. The murder of Giordano Bruno and others is in fact the church's true character. If the church had the absolute power Catholics wish it had, it would do the same thing today. A dog always returns to its stew, you know. The church in its heyday proved itself unmanly by its inability to deal in Aryan manner with facts. Instead, it dealt with facts that frightened it according to its Semitic heart: it killed the messenger. Just as today the jews the same dirty church grovels before kill the messenger bringing the truth about race. The church not only tested unmanly but ungentlemanly because it wouldn't tolerate criticism it had the power to quash. The church isn't Aryan in its heart, it's jewish. It's jewish in its insistence on a bogus reality minds and men must be broken into compliance with. The church is built on a lie. The church makes liars of men who know better, and misleads men who don't. The church has but one answer to every question: pray, you asses: shut up and pray. God intended you to be a useless serf. Don't try to rise above your station. Don't fight -- accept. No matter how bad it seems -- and you should never trust yourself to judge that what seems bad actually is bad, since God works in mysterious ways in this most Orderliest of universim -- you just keep your little pig nose in the dirt and keep digging my truffles, peonski. Don't think -- believe. Science offers the liberation of fact. Fact is liberating because any man can have it and use it, provided he follows the rules. Science is what religion merely claims. It is the only thing that has ever reliably solved human problems. As Goethe said, the master shows himself by his limits. So it is with mastering reality. Religion says anything goes. Science says, no, in fact, facts exist. Science is honest, humble, and valuable. Religion is pap for adult children, and don't let the fact that it is sometimes more dignified in bearing than the WWF fool you that its jebooism is a degree less child-making than ZOG's promiscuous consumerism. We today live in the sunlit world brought to us by atheists like Edison and Crick, yet these doubletalking, special-pleading, apologists want to claim all progress comes out of a cathedral. Don't fall for it. To the extent human problems can be solved, science is the way. For the rest there's no answer. Don't like it? No one says you have to grow up.

No Differences

The main division, says the libertarian, is between collectivists and individualists. This is wrong. A collectivist may become an individualist from one day to the next, but a black can never become a White, nor a White a jew. Libertarians are also socialists in that they believe the strong and the weak should enjoy equal protection from one another. The strong refuse to go along, and so libertarianism remains an amusing head-game. "You do believe in democracy, though, don't you?" When I told him I did not, he had that same look on his face that Galileo must have seen in his inquisitors. This is all too believable. The indoctrination is near perfect. Nothing in school contradicts what is seen on MTV. Government-education-media build the perfect consumer-citizen: the brain of a welfare nigger; the reproductive capacity of a mexican sow; the mania for consumables of the young white female; the idiot rah-rahism of the bourgeois freeper. The plain fact is that liberty of the kind sought by libertarians is inconsistent not only with racial variety, but with mass transportation and mass media. People who seek power are generally not troubled by doubt, indeed they count this mentality as a strength. "Often wrong, never in doubt." If you're not in doubt often, you're a fool, and when this lack of doubt is combined with strong will, you have a dangerous fool. This fool enjoys forcing other men to fit his mold, no matter their backs and necks be broken in the process. Politics is about who and whom, as Lenin said. Who has the power to force others to do his bidding? Today the jews force most of the rest of the world to do theirs. Through the smoke and mirrors of mass media we gain a mistaken impression that we the people control our own country. But as Shaffer points out, when we vote against what the jew-led elite desires, the courts simply throw it out, or the people-kings call for a revote. There are no rules in politics, and those who obey rules find they never win. The jews murder people who get in their way. JFK put pressure on Israel's ben Gurion not to develop nukes, and for his trouble the Mossad through Meyer Lansky murdered him. Of course, manipulation is preferred to murder. Jews lie and arm-twist as a matter of routine. Their interest is in getting across their agenda by hook or by crook. Appeals to the holy democratic process is their cynical piety whenever they think they can turn the Red Staters against a leading conservative. Nixon's Watergate is the perfect example. Every single Democratic president in the 20th century committed crimes worse than that break-in, whether FDR and Wilson lying to produce wars, or LBJ buying/murdering to win elections. Truth, the jews discovered, matters less than perception. Perception is a function of the media waves washing in ceaseless tides our eyes and ears. Most people have more faith in what they receive from the mass media than the testimony of their own five senses. Brown vs. Board of Education was brought about by clever, tough jewish lawyers working from all angles, wearing the black face of the retarded Thurgood Marshall. If you aren't willing to kill people, you're no more involved in real politics than the Amish. Unless you belong to a band of men that will kill to protect its members, your existence is at the whim of others. That is precisely the situation white men are in today. Every jew is avenged. Every swastika-sprayer is tracked down. Every poorly constructed Molotov flinger is jugged for 3.5 decades, even if his vessel bounces harmlessly off the triple-thick synagogue glass. By contrast, little to nothing will be done to prosecute the niggers responsible for the 1.5 million annual violent crimes against whites. White men, apart from a miniscule elite, have been gelded of political power in their own lands. The claims of the "whiteness studies" liars are false: white men are white in skin only: the price of power in this country, for white men, is abandoning their race. It is the precise opposite of the truth to say that the institutions of this country are controlled by white men. It is in the jews' interest to repeat this lie, because it is plausible, and because it veils the fact that the white men all, every last one, serve an anti-white, pro-colored, pro-Jewish agenda. The jews leap to brand any conservative black an Uncle Tom, but there is no term for those who betray White interests. Why? Because White interests cannot be permitted to exist, even conceptually. That is forbidden territory. "There be Dragons" the maps of old said; today's maps say "There Be Haters." Why is it hate to defend myself against jews who hate me? And send my son off to war? And my daughter off to Spring Break? And my money off to Israel? If white men were permitted to speak in terms of their interests, someone would make the obvious point that white men have no stake in the system. At all costs the system must prevent their recoginizing and acting on the deep truth that the system exists to mock and milk white men. Most white men recognize something is wrong, but the system wouldn't be as effective as it is if it didn't provide false explanations for what we see around us. These explanations satisfy the masses because the masses aren't intelligent enough to see through them. The solution can only come from disenchanted White intellectuals who make the proper "us" and "them" division, between Whites and jews, and hammer away at the false worldviews propounded by the genocidal governing media. This is the precondition for success should the good times end abruptly. Without that collapse it will be difficult to dislodge the jews. And difficult to disrupt their plan to turn the entire world into New York.

Bush to Utah: One Ken Jennings Is Enough

That's it in a nutshell: our jew-controlled government is willing to sacrifice a thousand potential Ken Jennings in order to play make believe that shitskins from Mexico are educable. We owe Mexicans nothing. Their shitcolored offspring are their own problem, not ours. "White parents must allow our education department to dumb their kids down to the level of mexicans and niggers so that Republicans can tap into the Brown vote," says Bush. This is purely a racial attack on Whites led by the jews behind Bush. Jewish kids don't go to these public "schools." Jews wouldn't tolerate for a moment their kids being tied down to colored standards. Only their white competitors are supposed to put up with it. And if they resist, federal funds are yanked, and the Mass Media hate machine is cranked up to denounce whites as evil because they care more about their human kids than some little shitskin whose sow and gang banger tunneled into our country between days. We are not our colored brothers' zookeepers. They are not our brothers. They are our enemies. The same government that will not shut down the border, the same government that denounces men protecting their border property as vigilantes, is the same government demanding that the sons of the race that created America turn over ever larger shares of its money to further the education of subhumans that don't belong here in the first place, and are here solely because of the jews who control our government and our media. Tax the goddam shuls. Let the fucking jew billionaires and holocaust crybabies pay for these shitskins. Take the bread out of the crooked mouths of the New Square ratlings. Shake Big Hymie until it squeals and nickels pour out of its nose like a liberated pinata. No white man owes any colored "man" anything. Every white man owes every jew one thing: DEATH TO THE JEWS. The extermination of the jew is the liberation of the White man.

Coyote Ugly, Meet Wolf Lovely

The Catholic female founder of Coyote Ugly saloon explains how she got started and became a success. Patron - "Lil, can I have a Midori Sour?" Lil - "No you can't and for making that asinine request, you are getting a shot of Wild Turkey for you and ME!" Note the parallel to politics in the easy manipulation of white males. Bushy's jews manipulate the white-male population into doing their fighting, just as Coyote Ugly girls manipulate customers into buying expensive unmixed drinks they wouldn't otherwise purchase. Are you easily manipulated, White reader? Or are you man enough to stand up to what "they" think and go your own way?

Libertarian Immigration

Libty tries to think around race, fails. Contrary to traditional libertarian analysis, such mass movements [of Mexicans into U.S.] have produced little more than cultural degradation, economic blight, resentment, and criminal activity. This, of course, raises an important question: How can the free market, which usually results in mutually beneficial exchanges and overall prosperity, produce such disastrous results? The answer is that an open borders policy has little to do with the free market at all. Drat. I was going to say, Because third-worlders are monkeys. You see, America was freest when it was most racist. Free for you, rejoins the Correctist, cleverly. Yes, indeed, I respond. What about niggers? trumps the Correctoid. "I don't care about niggers. Do they care about me? Do jews? Do Mexicans?" No, they don't. So why should I care about them? I shouldn't. I should worry about myself and my people. Yes, the only thing I care about is rights for Whites, beginning with a White Living Space. The rest is small potatoes.

Solzhenitsyn on Russia and Democracy

"Democracy is not worth a brass farthing if it is being installed by bayonets. Democracy should grow slowly and gradually." No, idiot. Democracy means 500 million people from anywhere, Earth optional, living in a space, voting for Pepsi or Coke. He also pointed out that the local elections abolished by Mr Putin's new legislation were distorted by corruption and organised crime. Analysts said that might explain why the interview was aired on Rossiya, the Government's mouthpiece. Solzhenitsyn is regarded as one of Russia's few independent moral and political authorities but is often criticised in the West for his nationalism and religious orthodoxy. Translation: the Christian-, White-, and Russian-hating internationalist jews see goy-controlled Russia as a threat, and fear Solzhenitsyn will somehow further this right-side-up-ness. In a previous televised interview, he attacked Mr Putin for failing to crack down on the oligarchs [jews], the two dozen businessmen who bought [stole] state assets cheaply in the privatisations of the 1990s. President Putin is under fire in the West [by the jews controlling the West and its media] precisely because of the state's legal assault [legitimate criminal prosecution] on one oligarch [jew], Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Meanwhile, Putin's people will launch an English news channel, Russia Today. The project has been a long-standing aim of Mr Lesin, who once warned that Russians - in his words - "must do propaganda for ourselves - or else we'll always look like bears". Correct. As one of the jew stolen-billions-aires correctly said, "Media is politics." There's a reason the first thing ZOG does when it invades a country is destroy independent media. Here some Russian lawmakers take moves to protect their women. Bill co-author Nikolai Kuryanovich, of the Liberal-Democratic Party, conceded that the Duma was unlikely to approve the measures but insisted they were necessary. "Our women, the most beautiful and best in the world, are going abroad. By doing this, they are wasting the most valuable thing we have -- the gene pool of our nation," Kuryanovich told Ekho Moskvy radio.

FBI: Corrupt, Compromised, and Just Plain Criminal

Here on U.S. acting more and more like Mossad. Is your genome IDF approved?


It is insane to tolerate jews forcing these animals among us, and forcing us to pretend they are our equals. What's remarkable about threekiller's reasoning is that it's par for the course. "You don't know what they're going to do because they don't know what they're going to do," as a cop once put it. After murdering three people, blacky runs to a local hotel and signs in under his own name. Does that make sense to you? It does to him. A shackled Bowler smiled and mumbled a song lyric last night as he was led from Richmond Police Department headquarters into a waiting police van... Is this nigger living in a rap video? What do you think? This nigger's nickname is "Brick." How dumb do you have to be for niggers to call you "Brick"? He was an upstanding character though: "You'd always see him around here walking up and down and hustling," said one young woman who attends nearby Boushall Middle School and asked not to be identified. "He used to [hit] on all the little girls," said her friend, another Boushall student. By the way, how safe do you think your daughter is in a world in which jews produce porn making a fetish of blondes getting "asses ripped" up by gangs of niggers? What does that crap instill in the minds of coons, already prone to barnyard sex? How will your daughter respond if the public school teaches her whites "owe" blacks? And MTV teaches her to seek out hip hop gangstas? The likely scenario is something like this. Here's another "Brick" undoubtedly considered as he hustled his nigger living.

Jew Ledeen

The 'creative destruction' yid sees a decline in the quality of bushy's warmongering. At times you feel for the jews. It must be irritaint, the need to operate from behind a facade. Here on the ten worst books of 20th century debate.

Nazi Economics

LaRouche tries to makes sense of things. More here. More on LaRouche here.

Successful Autism Treatment?

Maybe, maybe not.


White diversity...

Media: Advertise with the Homos

Nice setup. They know the advertising dollars are out there. For White publications? Unthinkable.

Vanguard Radio is here! Hours of listening pleasure with a single click! Through same link, access to exclusive interviews by our own Craig Cobb. Listen to FBI agent "Lance" attempt, in a friendly way, to intimidate us out of posting photos of news figures. Listen to Jesse Trentadue tell us about his battle to force the FBI to release information shedding light on its murder of his brother - information including the names of multiple informants in Elohim City and with the Aryan Republican Army. Informants who informed the FBI that the Murrah building was going to be bombed...before it happened. Are the FBI and the SPLC the bad guys? Draw your own conclusion. I do know this:


As the Linders Turn...

Thanks to all who sent clothes and cards! Here are a few photos of the baby...by A. Linder

Movie Review: 'Meet the Fockers'

Not as good as the first one - not jewy-obnoxious enough...by Rich Brooks

Book Review: 9-11 on Trial and 9-11 Exposed

Factual reality contradicts ZOG's lies...by Rich Brooks

My Kikey Senses Are Tingling!

A gallimaufry of goyish fun!...by "Newz" Numberman

A Message to Petra from the Anti-Christ

A poem...by Kyle McDermott

Indra "The Birdwoman" Nooyi

Strange comment, stranger coverup...by Goyimus Veritas


How to achieve our mission...by Thomas N.

Race-Mixing versus Diversity

When races are blended, the good traits of the superior race are lost...by Michael Polignano

U.S. Becomes Third World

Our southern extremities, specifically L.A. and Miami south, are positively necrotic, and the gangrene creeps daily heartward. The U.S. is currently reaping the rewards of two related things: 1) allowing jews to take over politics; 2) valuing nothing more than money. Where money is the main value, every other value disappears and things disintegrate rapidly. Money is very important. WN who talk it down are fools. But when money is most important, it tends to become all important. And then you have white men employing subhuman scum so they can squeeze out more dollars for themselves. And if they're willing to break immigration laws to make money, why not break environmental laws too, and dump shitskin shit in clean rivers?

God Loves Fags?

When the 9th graders at Howell High School in Howell, Michigan painted "God Hates Fags" in response to the school's "Diversity Club" stringing up a "diversity flag" (more usually known a a queer rainbow flag) over the underpassing kids like a Xmess mistletoe sprig....well, everyone knew hate had come to town bigtime- and right underneath the bigtop buggery flag too. Which other overtly political group would be allowed to post a giant flag in a public school hallway? And force others who might not approve to walk under it? The Christian club? No, that would infringe on separation, the ACLU would be quick to say. The nigger club could probably get away with it. It is inherently offensive to be forced to walk under something - it hints of "taking the yoke"; of accepting the rule of a man who wishes to dominate you. The flag-raisers, operating with the tacit consent of principals like Breiner, assert that they will determine the public school kid's attitude toward faggotry. The parents are right to object. And not just a minority objects, you can be sure. What Breiner's words to our own Craig Cobb show is how willingly these passive, well-intentioned, utterly soft midwesterners adapt themselves to the jew's agenda. Listen as he describes how he and 35 administrators received "training" after some "issues" related to treatment of people of diverse backgrounds. It boggles that mind that white midwesterners, and particularly those of German descent, cannot see blatant assaults on their races and their ways for what they are. The Germanics are always anxious not to offend, while the jew's whole life approach is based on offending. But there was a time they spoke of furore teutonicus, and that time is coming again, and no, crappy poet, it ain't slouching - itz swaggering. The bottom line here, of course, is that PUBLIC SCHOOL IS CHILD ABUSE.

Dudley Donthate

"Hate is wrong," Chief Mauger tells our Craig Cobb. He's referring to NSM's literature distribution in Boyertown, Penn. Mauger, like Breiner, is, most likely, a brainwashed German-American. Like Breiner, Mauger has been trained by the ADL, if not directly then somewhere upstream that, normal white guys are the biggest threat our burgeoning multicopia faces, and at all costs we must show them that what the jews call their "hate" has no place in our town. What particularly enrages the leftists of B-town is that a few years ago, a group of whites went after a nig who had done...we don't know. You can imagine how bad it must have been. To prevent Whites from ever uniting again, the B idiots created some drive to "turn lemons into lemonade." While we at VNN certainly concede the niggers = lemons part, we politely decline whatever sour mash these nitwitz proffer as niggerade. The fact remains that the ADL and SPLC these whiteskinned fools worship are not only the real hate groups, they are overt terrorist groups. The ADL has long been at the forefront of open border and "civil rights," both of which produce literally millions of violent colored-on-white attacks yearly. When Whites attempt to fight back, they are denounced as "haters," and set on by the joint fools coalition of school principals, police chiefs and jewish handlers. Don't be a fool, White man. The jewish tree produces only bitter fruit.


Enjoy Craig Cobb's interview with killer's granddawg here. He wasn't raised like that, and he hasn't known the guy for years. Blacks don't really form families, they form time-sensitive reproductive associations. After getting their groove on, 'groids go off in search of giant leaves with which to construct the nightly nest, or crib. In the words of Grandmaster Flash in an early eighties rap documentary, if I recall correctly, "Nine months later, the baby is there, and the nigger that done it, sez, 'I don' care.'" If you've ever gone into a 7-11 in the city, you've seen the scenario. The owners are either Asians or Arabs or Indians. These are not white and don't belong here, but they tend to dress like humans and show respect where respect is given. They viscerally dislike their majority-nigger clientele, because, like anybody with noses and eyes, they see niggers for what they are: niggers. If you like the type of reporting that Chain is doing, why not send an email letting us know. Or join http://vnnforum.com, and let us hear about it.

Deric Willoughby and the Curiously Uninterested FBI

If a white guy abducted two black teens and whored them out at truck stops, would the FBI be all over it? Of course it would. Especially when it has a special program focusing on the criminal abuse of children. But calls by our Craig Cobb to Toledo, Cleveland and Washington reveal little to no interest in or even knowledge about this case. When a government becomes destructive of the good of the people, it is time to remove it.

Rule by Jew = Mass Murder

The democratization of Faluja, caught on film... Makes you proud, doesn't it? Torture and murder committed in "our" name. The jew has the fun, we pay the bill.

Nazi Economics

One says Hitler destroyed the economy, another says he saved it. Here on Karl Leonard Falk. Falk even managed to draft an anti-American work of over 100 pages which was published by Hitler as a Berlin University text-book on the evils of American newspaper journalism. Read all the way through this one, some interesting stuff about nationalist Germany. Note there are at least eight parts to the story, links at bottom.

Western = Whites Only

Even a casual observer who cannot understand Japanese will almost immediately notice the differences: the absence of antisocial behaviour, the courtesy displayed by the Japanese towards each other, the extraordinary efficiency and orderliness that characterise the stuff of everyday life, from public transport to shopping. For those of a more statistical persuasion, it is reflected in what are, by western standards, extremely low crime rates. Not least, it finds expression in the success of Japanese companies. This has wrongly been attributed to an organisational system, namely just-in-time production, which, it was believed, could be imitated and applied with equal effect elsewhere. But the roots of the success of a company such as Toyota lie much deeper: in the social relations that typify Japanese society and that allow a very different kind of participation by the workforce in comparison with the west. As a result, non-Japanese companies have found it extremely difficult to copy these ideas with anything like the same degree of success. Here a history of the HMO in America, claiming Nazi roots.

White Art: Kierkegaard

Background on the artist...

Media: Coverups

Do we have a free press today? Sure we do. It�s free to report all the sex scandals it wants, all the stock market news we can handle, every new health fad that comes down the pike, and every celebrity marriage or divorce that happens. But when it comes to the real down and dirty stuff-stories like Tailwind, the October Surprise, the El Mozote massacre, corporate corruption, or CIA involvement in drug trafficking-that�s where we begin to see the limits of our freedoms. Here on a meeting on how to be an investigative reporter. It's real hard. You research stuff and call people and meet them face to face and write up the results.

French White Man Kicks the Globoyid's Ass

C'estz COMING!...by Thomas N.


Kike Auster, one of Jared's Yids, fails to mention that jews and jews alone are responsible for our open-borders immigration. Very few problems are solved without understanding their causes. As I said, Muslims seek to turn the whole human race into Muslims. Yes, and jews seek to turn the whole human race into mudmen. Muslims are only a problem because JEWS let them into America and Europe. Jew Auster is a liar: the idea that America is a nation of immigrants is a lie. A lie created and spread by jews, to benefit jews. Jews and jews alone wanted open borders for the same reason bass want structure and rabbits want briar: to camouflage and protect themselves from their enemies - NORMAL WHITE PEOPLE. Mexican invaders are the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. Here's what jew Auster's people make possible: 100 shitskins locked into a U-haul, shaking it to be released in the hot Houston sun. JEWS MURDERED AMERICA. Nobody talks about the hatred shitskins have for Whites, but of course the minute they exhibit anti-jew behavior, it's discussed everywhere. Wheeler covers the implication of a recent rally in Baldwin Park, Calif., where a small group of protesters demonstrated against a taxpayer-supported monument that celebrates the time before the white man came to California. Two inscriptions include: "This land was Mexican once, was Indian always, and is and will be again" and "It was better before they came." "The rally was met by a far larger, violent counter-demonstration led by an organization of Mexican Nazis who call themselves Reconquistas," writes Wheeler. Nothing has any reality except in relation to jews. Thus Mexicans become "Nazis." What makes them nazis? Are they German? Do they pursue national socialism? No, they're simply Mexican irrendentists. Why should normal whites care about what's good for jews? Itz not like jews worry about whether something is "good for whites." If they did, they wouldn't have taken down the borders and let those "Mexican Nazis" in here in the first place. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.

Jew Felt

Background from one of Kike Horowitz's fronts. More here. Here Suckpoop Joe Farah experiences early onset menstruation because someone is passing out a Koran with words strings his jew buddies don't approve. Sucky Joe, "Christian Arab" that he is, has apparently never heard of the good ol' Judeo-Judean Talmud, in which Jesus, considered the son of God by believing Christians, currently sweats glumly in a giant vat of...semen.

Turks Know Jews

Another one of double-faced Dave's freedom-loving kikenskribes, "Stalinsky," denounces Turkish media for printing truth about jews. Here on Merkel as Bush ass-kisser.


First, on the most curious economy... The only way Americans continue living in the style to which they've become accustomed is by mortgaging the inflated value of their own tangible homes...and running public sector deficits � both are forms of stealing from the future. Only an old man with nothing more to prove would say so, but the U.S. economy in 2005 has become what Warren Buffett calls "Squanderville." Americans, he says, are becoming "sharecroppers," in an "ownership" society. It hangs together: either you care about your race -- the past and the future -- or you care about only yourself.

The AmeriKwan Monkey

We put out ransoms on "terrorists," oy, terrorists they supply. You don't even have to be a jew to take advantage of such stupid people, and given the brutality of the bushies, why not take advantage of them? Afghanis selling AmeriKwanis hapless captives as "terrorists"? Calling it the Pathans leading the pathological. It's a good column by The Girl, and he correctly compares the execution of Arthur Anderson to the execution of beanie-baby bullshit in Iraq. Bluster, lies, and murder are what Bush-fronted jews are and do. They are taking America down, just as they took down Arthur Andersen. Here a dishonest review of WWII and 20th century warfare. Why dishonest? Because it fails to take into account jewish manipulations producing the wars. The America First Committee disbanded under the false belief that the attack on Pearl Harbor was undesired by Roosevelt and the kikes. That fact is no longer debatable, although many approve of FDR's actions.

Queers - the Reality

On meth and fags. Crystal first gained popularity in the gay community of San Francisco in the nineteen-nineties, where it became the preferred fuel for all-night parties and a necessity for sexual marathons. Its reputation quickly spread. Crystal methamphetamine is highly addictive, but its allure is not hard to understand; the drug removes inhibitions, bolsters confidence, supercharges the libido, and heightens the intensity of sex. Note that queers spread disease: syphilis up 400% in New York, thanks entirely to queers. 'Well, I am a fifty-year-old, overweight, H.I.V.-positive man. I am balding; I'm not that attractive. But I can go online any time of the day and I can get a sexual hookup. I can go to this site on AOL and I can say I want to meet somebody now for sex. And that's all there is to it.'"

Nigger Outrage in Toledo

Nigger turns out two white teens. Father tracks them down, beats nigger's ass. FBI sits on its thumb, rotates. Hate crime? What hate crime? says DOJews. Don't miss VNN investigative reporter Craig "Chain" Cobb's interview(s) on page two. Change only comes through pressure, and that means getting on the phone and harassing the FBI and the local prosecutor, and the other lazy criminals masquerading as civil servants to respond to White demands. Here latest on father's rights. Up til now you've had to be certified a non-batterer to get school records.

Interview with Michael Moynihan

Some intelligent words... Here jew Rothbard offers some good history, but his belief that liberty exists independent of race is false. Try Liberia. Try new & improved South Africa. Here on Oliver Stone.


More than almost any other man, he is liked and despised for the wrong reasons. The facts show that, although he knew the truth about jews, he entrenched 'affirmative action' and saved Israel.

Creating Media

You can do it, just give up the stuff that doesn't matter. Vanguard News Network needs your talent: scripts, voice, video, etc. Join us. More here on overcoming obstacles - a big thing for WN. Don't get depressed, don't be defeatist, do what you can and push the boundaries to do more. Here condom ads to appear on network television. Here Bushy sups down with porn star and her boss. Image is everything, these days. You can do whatever you want, and as long as you have clever people producing your spots you'll be a family-values conservative. On second thought, perhaps Bushy is evolving. Late night rendezvouses with rent-a-homos to forthright fundraisers with funbag queens.

White Art: Fischer-Dieskau

At the height of his reputation, from roughly 1950 to 1980, the baritone Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau cast more light on the art of singing than anyone either before or since, and certainly in the era of recorded sound. Well, you learn something new every day. I've never heard of him. We'll put something by him on Vanguard Radio. He has praise as well as criticism for the English tenor Ian Bostridge and he enthuses unreservedly over Bryn Terfel: "He has huge presence and a marvellous voice, real focus and brilliant strength." It is important to be strict with young singers, he says. "Singing is hard work, it involves great discipline." Yet for him one of the most important qualities is curiosity. "The repertoire is so enormous. For many years I literally learned a new piece every day."

White Art: Andersen

Meeting with Dickens did not go well. Here interview with Umberto Eco. 'My book included the plot for The Da Vinci Code. But I was not being a prophet. It was old occult material. It was already all there. I treated it in a more sceptical way than Dan Brown did. He had the excellent idea of treating it as if it were true. Millions of people believed him. They took it seriously, but it was all a hoax.' The Christian boosters love to attribute all literature, science, and legitimate orgasms to Christ-insanity, but they never talk about the debits. 'In 1942, at the age of ten, I received the First Provincial Award of Ludi Juveniles - a compulsory competition for young Italian Fascists, that is for every young Italian. I elaborated with rhetorical skill on the subject, "Should we die for the glory of Mussolini and the immortal destiny of Italy?" My answer was positive. I was a smart boy.' He recalls being proud of his Fascist youth uniform. 'I spent the following two years among the Germans - Fascists and partisans shooting at one another - and I learnt how to dodge a bullet. It was good exercise.'

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