Spintro Archives

Reed Says the Right Things

[Title link fixed, thanks.] Once you've adopted his recommendations, the only thing missing is to join with like-minded clans and form a new nation. Here a lewpie correctly adjudges college a scam. Here on the battle to legalize midwifery in Missouri. These days giving birth is almost considered to be hazardous to a woman's health. The idea of giving birth without some kind of medical intervention such as narcotics or an epidural is met with skepticism. The thought of giving birth naturally outside of the hospital, in one's home, is met with disapproval and fear. This is true. Every woman who has given birth in a hospital is full of artificially created fears about what could have happened if a doctor hadn't been watching over the process.

First-hand reporting on white teens murdered in West Virginia by Vanguard Radio reporter Craig "Chain" Cobb here.

Brian Nichols

Here Loopy Louie's boy tries to figure out why whites only generalize from Brian Nicholses, rather than from successful blacks. Perhaps because there are 10,000 nig murderers for every Negro CEO? More here on Nichols. More where that came from. Big clan of fifty first and second cousins. You see, each nigger generation is a good deal larger than the one before. So jiggies end up spreading everywhere. And wherever they spread gets niggerized. Only a few million were ever imported to America, yet now there are over 35 million not-so-fresh princes. America been bery bery good to boolie. There's nothing to understand about what is euphemistically called "the black man." It's just what you see in front of you. There's nothing to cure or solve, the only question is whether or not you choose to obey the evidence of your senses and excercise your ability to reason. Here read how Christianity saved more from being offed by the manimal. Hey, wait! Didn't his own brother say Nichols attended church regularly? Ah, well, whatz logic to a christian? Here a dork-school interpretation of Lefkow vs Nichols. Here's a decent satire. Here a she-coon has the hots for big boy, even though his own brother said he spoke so well when he answered the phone you had no idea he was a lemnhead wilson. Actually, this is too good not to quote: "You wouldn't even know he was black when he answered the phone, that's how professional he sounded," One of the very few positive externalities of the simian race is its often amusing inability to refrain from saying what it means, like a properly denatured white "man." Don't miss the responses: You know, I read a comment on someone's blog about how "fine" he was. Its like people just FORGET what he did just cause he looks good!! ARRGGHHH... if he was ugly as hell, they would be cursing his name to hell. Someone even said something about how Ms. Smith probably "gave his fine ass" some and thats why she even cooked up some breakfast. When do we get to stop pretending they're human? Not only the jeboosters are putting their spook spin on this nigger nasty, some P.R. twat squeezes out some kind of insane empowerment from this multiple murder. Dr. Al prescribes a giant dose of nigger control. We simply cannot allow these guns easy access to niggers. The only good thing about Nichols is he pistol-whipped some white male cunt Atlanta Journal-Constitution writer who we're just going to assume is exactly the kind of white liberal who makes a living excusing Nicholses. Here background on this wonderful Christian woman Smith, a thieving drunken batterer - in other words, natural-born Jesus fodder. Men with working brains and bodies don't need jesus. And, as you'll recall, were you dipped in holy horseshit like most of us, the gutter was where Jesus sought his rabble. Nichols was about to undergo his second trial for raping his ex-girlfriend. The first deadlocked 9-4, even though he had used duct tape on the woman and sodomized her...over three days. According to The Truth at Last, the woman is an executive with Equifax. She was "keeping" this nigger for years, putting it up in a pricey condo; feeding it all the pussy and BMW it could eat. Good luck attempting to verify this via google. It rings true, though, doesn't it? She kicked the jig curbward after it apparently admitted to renting hundreds of women and impregnating at least one of them. See, smart dumb rich white woman: niggers aren't what tv says they are. They're so much less! Losing his cushy position, the nig went ape.


Blog entry for April 27, good stuff on the dirty jew's building a generation of anti-Americans during his incarnation at Ramparts.


Prepare for new campaign. Bolton and Wolfowitz are part of the Bush administration's initial redeployment of neo-con assets in the building of the American empire�s second front. John Bolton is being put in place to militarize the UN. As for Paul Wolfowitz, he is not leaving the Pentagon so much as he is bringing the Pentagon to the World Bank. More here from Raimondo.

Living White

Teach your kids at home, don't abuse them in public schools. What North says may offend, but it is accurate. People throw around "have to" carelessly. Here on how to buy cars. Here a recommended HS curriculum, K-12.

Aryan Republican Army

More here.

Hitler, the Artist

A nice Linz watercolor? $10,000. A study of the Peterskirche in Vienna? $50,000. Aryan lebensraum? Priceless. Note the claim he was not nearly as poor as he portrayed himself in Mein Kampf. More here. Jeffrey Axelrad has worked the Price case for the Justice Department for much of his career. "I've written more briefs on this than you can shake a stick at," he says. But he believes the case really is quite simple: "The Nazis were a horrible, evil regime, and one consequence of that is that they don't have any equity. The rights of Germans who were in Germany then were wiped out." In a brief he wrote in 1989, Axelrad put it even more succinctly: "The United States is entitled to retain Hitler memorabilia . . . because we won the war." Or even more succinctly: only jews have rights. Are jews thieves? and liars? and murderers? The answers are "yes," "you betcha," and "no doubt."

Malcolm seX

Malcolm worked as a butler to a wealthy Boston bachelor, William Paul Lennon. According to Malcolm's sidekick Malcolm Jarvis, he was paid to sprinkle Lennon with talcum powder and bring him to orgasm. Black Powder!

Term Warfare

Animation translates jew frames into reality...

Reamo on Shabbes Traitor Franklin

We pay these sons of whores jews BILLIONS of dollars a year, and they repay us by demanding the release of their hero Pollard. A mass slaughter of the jew pimple is in order. Israel our friend? Israel is not only our worst enemy, if Israel didn't exist, we'd be a peace with virtually every other nation on earth. As Raimondo notes, Franklin, who is not a jew, was discovered only because a couple policy kikes at AIPAC, which just concluded its annual D.C. jewathon, were already being tracked by the FBI. Must be a breach in the ADL indoctrination. Surely suspecting jews of disloyalty, no matter the evidence, is prima facie anti-semitism.

Befriend a Nigger, Pay With Your Life

Two whites die in West Virginia, as, apparently, Detroit niggers try to gun down a nigger they were on the outs with. Niggers means problems.

Rape of Juanita Brodderick

The jews and assorted criminal refuse running the government can get away with anything when the media are on its side. The media don't shed light on the government, they hold the light so the government can pick the lock.

Rust Redux

Someone flies a bitty Cessna near the ZOGhouse, turns it into an outhouse.

Dollar Watch

More here. Apart from housing financed by easy credit, what else in our economy is going up? No country with cable television ever experienced a violent revolution. And no economy with interest-only mortgage financing ever experienced a depression. So we have nothing to worry about.

Skool for Fools

Pass/fail equals sleep and party. Keep your kids away from judeo-NEA nonsense.


It facilitated everything, says Woodsy.

Who Writes the Jewspaper?

White liberal boomer... More here. Here about a reporter who actually reports. The most combative journalist in Detroit walked away from his latest confrontation with the mayor Tuesday disheveled and seething. He'd just been cursed, shoved, grabbed, kicked and punched. His dress shirt was untucked, his hair was a mess. Sweat dripped down his forehead. This is a White reporter questioning a nigger mayor. Just try to imagine the races reversed. The money shot featured one of the mayor's bodyguards shoving him into a wall after Wilson had badgered Kilpatrick for an answer about the city's lease of a red Lincoln Navigator for his wife, Carlita. It was the kind of jaw-dropping footage that has helped make Wilson a ratings star in Detroit's competitive TV news market. Ventura paper's blog can't handle race-reality. Here on declining circulation among newspapers. Here a good one by North on changes in media. Issue by issue, readers are concluding, "We�ve been lied to." They are correct.

Proud to be an American?

Not if you know what's going on, approved and authorized by the kikes running the country. The basic policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, understood by all parties, is: If they're not jews, you can do anything to them. That is the working policy of 'Kwan military torturers called "interrogators." Does it surprise you, reader, that jews who lied us into war, jews who laughed at 500,000 Iraqi babies killed by sanctions, should give our all-AmeriKwan sadists free range against the Muslims they detest? Here on economic reality.

Movies: Last "Star Wars" Out

More here, on Bush-crit implicit in Lucas' treatment. Listen to Prussian Blue here.

Public School

Getting beat up is a lesson that does take. Through here economic education from libertarians at Mises.

Books: From Darwin to Hitler

[...]Richard Weikart's excellent From Darwin to Hitler demonstrates that the white is largely whitewash, and that Darwin and Hitler are not separated by an abyss but joined by a wide, well-marked, well-trod, and morally dark road. Does the morally "light" road run through "Feed the Children"? Does it run through Mother Teresa? Does it? The alternatives are stark, and the correct one is obvious: the nazi says humans differ in quality like apples, horses, or anything else. The Christian says all apples are equally good. The Christian is wrong, and his way subsidizes the inferior. Weikart makes abundantly clear that Germans did not wait to draw the inferences until the publication of the Descent. From the first appearance in German of Darwin�s Origin of Species, the intellectual elite understood quite clearly the eugenic and racial implications. And this is probably the most salient point made by Weikart. Darwinism as applied to the moral sphere was a movement not of brown-shirt thugs, but of the intellectual upper class�the top medical doctors, chemists, economists, botanists, anthropologists, psychiatrists, ethnologists, jurists, and even geographers in Germany�s best universities. The call for eugenic elimination of the unfit and for war as a means of evolutionary purification did not ring from the beer halls but from the halls of academe. And they were wrong because...? They were right.


Woods makes the racialists case without realizing it...

Media: Charging for Op-Eds

New York Times makes the leap... Here paean to MS anti-spyware. Here Buchanan says that even if the Koran was flushed, Newsweek should not have reported it. Here Lennart Berg speaks on loxism in Sweden.

Linder interviewed on The Peter Principle 2/22/05.

New cartoon "Shit Happens When You're a Jew."


Random talk show and white scene observations...by The Shadow

The Good Tiger

On making distinctions between Whites and non-Whites...by The Shadow

Beyond the Absolute

Fresh departures for conservatism...by Vijay Prozak

Hate Sites

On Corrie... We'll stop using nigger when Hollywood stops using Samuel L. Jackson. Oh, "L.", huh. And I was so sure it was "P." Why not "Samuel L.M.N.O.P. Diddly-Doopy Jackson III, Esquire" with a side order of frog-legs? Why not?

Hack a Zak

It's a very good sign when this sort of article is being posted at a wishy-washy site like Etherzone. ITZ COMING. Here on campus Zionism, and its hatred of free speech. Here kikish special-pleading around term 'anti-semitism.' Here on Lady Renouf and jew control of British media. Here a letter to a Palmer from a Pendleton, re Francis. Here Hoppe on incoherence of conservatism.

Interview with Varg Vikernes

Still in jail in Norway...

Serrano and Urine-Dip't Religion

Catholic Bozell makes nice points, although like every other ineffectual of his ilk, his arrows are tipped with suction cups. The main point is that the main satirists going, those behind South Park and The Family Guy, both take shots at Gibson-the-nazi. Never do they take shots at Dumper-the-Aryan-genocidalist.

Atheism: Water for the Mind

If morons, then miracles. Here's a thought perhaps hasn't occurred to you. Take 100 atheists and 100 Christians, all in the top 1% of IQ. I will bet you that 100% of those atheists truly do believe in atheism, whereas more than 80% of the believers profess publicly and doubt privately. The top believers are liars; the bottom believers are idiots. Math doesn't thwack you with a ruler for scoffing at the concept of negative numbers. Geography doesn't scream "you're going to hell!" if you ask it just how it comes to know how tall Mt. Everest is. Only good ole religion. It can answer any question you throw at it, just like a Magic 8-ball. Here you can enjoy Adams' offerings on Jebooism, and Jesuits in particular. The priesthood have, in all ancient nations, nearly monopolized learning.... And, even since the Reformation, when or where has existed a Protestant or dissenting sect who would tolerate A FREE INQUIRY? The blackest billingsgate, the most ungentlemanly insolence, the most yahooish brutality is patiently endured, countenanced, propagated, and applauded. But touch a solemn truth in collision with a dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and you will soon find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your legs and hands, and fly into your face and eyes. Yes, indeed. The simple truth is that priests are cunts, always have been, always will be - male cunts. So let wussy Woods run on about the Catholic church creating science. It's just another marketing sop, i.e., how the jews invented western culture, or how the Irish saved civilization. It might sell, but it ain't true. Religion is inherently jewy because if you don't believe you're not merely a "hater," but damned to hell.

Crick, the Atheist

Funny: Edison and Crick were both atheists. They both saw religion for what it is: pap for saps. Intelligent men have pointed out for centuries that the only merit of religion is keeping the lower orders in line. Like Butt-head said about Ozzy Osbourne, you might have scared somebody with that face 200 years ago, but now they just laugh. God? No thanks, I'm full. Religion at best is embarassing and indecent, like watching the unnimble attempt to dance. People who can't think have no less need to make sense of it all, for all that, but that's no reason not to look down on them and keep them in their place, for when they get on top their way is vicious. What's funny about so many Christians is that they don't even have faith in things that don't need faith, i.e., things that can be proved, yet they retain absolute faith in the most ridiculous claims ever advanced.

FLDS's Warren Jeffs and the Doubling of Standards

..."Pingy-pangy useless people whom no one would hire" - the Beatles, itz! Recording of unregenerate LDS leader. Rock music is the spirit of the black race. Aim of rock is to "rot the soul and lead the person to immorality and corruption." Here on women. Here on the meaning of blacks on earth: so that the devil would have representation. They have mixed their blood with many people, until there are many people not able to hold the priesthood. The view that niggers could not be priests was the official position of the LDS church held until the '70s, when a divine revelation (read: fear of the feds) reversed it. Here on FCLDS's establishment of a second location outside Eldorado, Texas. ...the group has been largely left alone since a disastrous 1953 raid on Short Creek by Arizona law enforcement became a public relations nightmare for then-Gov. Howard Pyle. The media told stories of families and children torn apart, and the public was outraged. Then there's this: Short Creek is completely dominated by Jeffs. FLDS members control the city government, the police force, the schools, and every aspect of life. "Obey the prophet when he speaks and you'll be blessed," Jeffs has said. "Disobey him and it's death." Does that sound kooky and cultish? Maybe. But how is it any different from "God will bless those who obey Israel and destroy those who stand against it"? Which of these equally ludicrous beliefs is widely held and destroying White lives daily? And how about this parallel: Many observers suspect that Jeffs is leading a permanent departure from Short Creek, where there are signs that hundreds of his followers are moving out and bringing the polygamist cult and its problems to Eldorado. Can you think of any other migration going on right now on an international scale, involving tens of millions of people? Can you recall a single tv report or newspaper story that mentioned the "problems" those invading Mexicans bring with them? You can't. Only white people cause/spread problems. Problems that appear Niggish in origin are purely the result of conditions created by...evil Whites.

Muslim Gets It

Freeper fools don't realize who let the Muslims into America, and bought-off JimKnob and hiss immoderators won't let anyone tell them. Here background on Arabs in America. More here. Here Galloway addresses Senate with some chosen words about sanctions and innocent people dying because of oily jewish hate.

The Sound of Iraq

Listen to NPR reporter on rounds with troops in Mosul. Real hard to see why the U.S. is despised. Occupy a house, threaten the owners with turning them over to command, and they'll fuck you up. Listen to G.I. Schmoe get angry because a kid who rips up the U.S. propaganda sheet has "disrepected us and all we're trying to do here." Self-righteous, myopic dupe. Maybe he feels disrespected by your murdering his mother and blowing his town to bits, jackass. America, like everything else the jew touches, turns to shit. When did Iraq attack us, anyway? What was it again that launched this war? Jews made America the bad guy. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

War With China?

Intelligent speculation from Lind. What you on the fence need to realize is that the jew whose arguments are nothing but screaming and smears are genetically unable to see themselves as they are -- loxist narcissists whose genetic paranoia puts America at risk of being bombed with nuclear weapons. America is controlled by jews, and the longer that control goes on, the jewier America becomes. All our comedians are dirty, our politicians are grinning, poisonous fakes and snakes, our teachers are canting cunts, our newspaper editorialists are whores and liars and bureaucrats, our soldiers are torturers and killers and dupes.

Diversity Working Fine in Germany

And Philadelphia, too. Things under the jew are positively jiggarific in Canda. Is diversity, perhaps, a conspiracy between jews with political interest and the undertakers?

Guns in Minnesota

Last gun shop being driven out of business. There's a strong case to be made that Scandinavians are evolutionarily uncompetitive. They are simply too gullible to exist in a world of stank-predators and swindlekikes. "Not everything with a human face is human." A Hmong is not a human. A nigger is not a human. Hubert Humphrey wasn't a decent man, he was a tool of the kikes. Quoth Piper in Final Judgment: As the Washington Observer newsletter noted: "Humphrey was first catapulted into public office as Mayor of Minneapolis in 1945 via the machinations and campaign slush funds raised by the notorious Kid Cann, king of the Minneapolis underworld. "Cann, whose real name was Isadore Blumenfeld, along with his brothers (who were known by their aliaases, Harry and Yiddy Bloom) were partners with Meyer Lansky in the ownership of many of the plush resorts in Miami, along with Humphrey's chief advisor, Max Kampelman, a top figure in the Israeli lobby in Washington." As we say, every jew is a node on an international criminal network.

"Holocaust" is News

Just ask joogle: 8,650 hits under their "news" heading. History in the making, itz. The secret of the Holocaust's success -- the genius of the "Holocaust" scam -- lies not just in the size of the lie, but in the inherent plausibility of comprehensive solution to the jew undertaken by organized and disciplined people. No one but the minority of weirdoes who base their thoughts on facts doubts the "Holocaust" occurred because, having met jews, he instinctively finds it impossible to believe that someone accused of attempting to exterminate them is innocent. The jews' international and world-historical reputation for slinking, scamming scumminess ironically guarantees the success of their greatest scam of all: portraying themselves as Ultimate Victims of Worst...Atrocity...Ever. Here's one way to brake the jewish mindhold. Repeat this sentence slowly, twenty times, until you see what it means. The Germans were the most educated people in the world, and they turned on the jews.

Semites 'n' Suckpoops' Smear-Iran Campaign Accelerates

"What the American people don't know is what makes them the American people," as a jewish magnate once said. The population is so dumbed down, you don't even half to wait a year to pour old lies in new bottles.


Reviews by Otto Scott... Here on books.

Left, Right, White Agree: Jews Are Deceitful Warmongers

Hack Zak thinks he needn't do more than quote. But short, simple, factual statements do not obtain the results he'd like. When everyone calls you an ass, the chance you're a flower is remote. The jew is described the same way by every nation it encounters - as a hypocritical and often lethal fifth column. "Anti-semitism" is always special pleading. Anti-semitism is the smuggled claim that everyone else is the problem. In their media, jews are never guilty of anything except not worshipping themselves enough - self-hate. Read Frontpage readers' responses here.

Hunting Cats?

Just a short, easy step from hunting cat owners.

The Wily Chinese

All over the globe, in such disparate places as the troubled Pacific Island states of Oceania, the Panama Canal zone, and out-of-the-way African nations, the Chinese are becoming masters of indirect influence�by establishing business communities and diplomatic outposts, by negotiating construction and trade agreements. Pulsing with consumer and martial energy, and boasting a peasantry that, unlike others in history, is overwhelmingly literate, China constitutes the principal conventional threat to America's liberal imperium. Contrast that rational analysis with the late Pierce's. No difference except for the subject. Rational analysis of jews and their influence is forbidden dirty goyim.


My Secret Service source later told me that this generated huge amusement among all the staff present. In support of this outlandish claim, Fat Karl also said to his audience at the college that Bush keeps a book always on his night stand." The book? "How to Sleep." No words. Just pictures. You must protect yourself from the government, because its statistics are as unreliably rosy as its other claims.

Spreading Disease, Death, and Disinformation

War is incompatible with a government that leaves people alone to develop their lives in an atmosphere of freedom. If you think war is bad, try jews. Under the dirty, devious yidn, "brazen it out" has become our national motto. We killed 100,000 Iraqi innocents in this war? Starved 500,000 kids? Who cares? It's not like they're jews. A million hated goyim aren't worth a jewish fingernail. If you're a friend of jews, whiteskinned man reading this, you're the enemy of your own family. Loving the jews makes you at best a dupe, and at average a self-hating goy.

Jewess Young Goes After Woods

"Cathy Young" - what a great cover name for an invaginated kike. Woods makes jews nervous because he lifts the cover off American history and shows you what liberal icons said and did, rather different things than whitefaced jew-liberals put forward by government, school, and media. "Conservative" jews push the same bogus version of history that liberal/communist/multiculturalist jews do, and they resort to the same smears to dirty anyone reporting the truth. Only one view of the "Civil" War is allowed: that which pits innocent, morally pure North against racist, redneck South. Good vs. evil, liberal vs reactionary, is the only frame allowed where jews dominate. Same thing with Nazi Germany, same thing in Iraq/Syria/Iran. Siding with the jews determines the good. Fellow travel with the Narcissists or prepare to be demonized and destroyed. The main things to be noticed are: 1) this pattern repeats, almost without variation. Jews find it in their interest to destroy some nation or person. They invent lies, they misinterpret, they suppress facts, they repeat a thousand times. Voila, they've created a "new reality."

Blacks Hated South and North

This is what DiLorenzo proves, though his point be otherwise; namely, to prove that Northerners are worse racists than Southerners. In fact, Whites don't like Blacks for the same reasons blacks are disliked universally, even by the jews who pretend to befriend them.

Barrating Back

The ADF - Alliance Defense Fund -- is a Dobson and pals creation - a self-defense org for Christian goys, attempting to fight back against jews through the courts. When you have a race whose fundemental interests are served by lying, scheming, cheating, swindling, your best bet is to kill it off. You can't bargain with termites or negotiate with cockroaches. They are what they are. If you don't recognize them for what they are, and deal with them accordingly, then you will be eaten out of house and home and have only yourself to blame. Well, jews are nothing but vermin with first-rate public relations. Other thwarted precedents could be pointed to, but when the good men of the West acceded to the dictation involved in the inveigling behind and imposture of Brown vs. Board of Education, a clear signal was give to jew and nig alike that it was open season on the white man. He's nothing but mock-fodder and tax-slave, his women nothing but sluts whose asses are "destroyed" by bands of brothers in jew-produced, for-profit porn movies. Most everything the jew does has a dual profit/political motive. Here Buchanan on the war within conservatism. But there is no war, and hasn't been for long decades. When you pretend race doesn't matter when it comes to citizenship, you're a liberal. Buchanan is a liberal. All Republicans are. If one featherless biped is as good as another, and if the more featherless bipeds within the district called North America grows the economy, then paying billions to hospitals to provide free veterinarians for featherless biped invaders just makes good sense, just ask Bushy, our president and Texas ranch owner whose properpty is covered with no-trespassing signs.

Army Getting Desperate, Resorts to Gimmicks

Fifteen month enlistment? Look at it from their point of view: the only thing that matters is getting you in the door. Then it's just a pretext to prevent your leaving, no matter what they say now. While one year and three months might not sound like a long time to serve this country in a time of war, those who take advantage of the Army's offer should know that their actual commitment to Uncle Sam will be at least eight years - not 15 months. You can't trust the military any more than any other sector of the government. Recruiter = liar. Why join the army? Get paid not much to spread misery among people who had nothing to do with us. S.C. Roberts is right: the jews have destroyed the United States's reputation. He won't use the term jews, but that's the heavy part. The U.S. acts like jews, and so becomes hated like them. Thus disproving the age-old jewish canard that anti-semitism is a gentile problem rather than a normal gentile reaction to standard jewish behavior.


Standard jew lies at title link. Contrast with the truth.

NJ Dolt Proposes New Asset Seizure Law

Would make it possible to confiscate a home or car in which an illegal firearm is found, even if the gun doesn't belong to the owner. That sounds fair. Jews use jigs to create social problems that create pretexts for stealing rights from Whites. Once the White rights are gone, Whites have no way to protext themselves from jews. This foul system is called democracy. This atrocious proposal is discussed on 5/15/05 Goyfire, soon to be posted in our broadcasting center.

Berlin Memorial

Nice reverse-rhinoplasty for cap city of jews' most-hated enemy. This slabwork is intended to garner swastikas (See - they're still Nazis) in the same way flypaper is intended to trap flies. The aesthetics of flypaper and slabs-by-jake are similarly unappealing. This monument would be inappropriate even if the Holocaust had happened. Of course, we exaggerate. Literally hundreds of jews were temporarily inconvenienced by the jew-produced goyspill called world war two. Irving Nadelman, for example, was forced to disguise himself as a charcoal briquette and hide out in a Weber grill for five years in the forties. He sucked air through a straw through a venthole. Once a week, a sympathetic nun would sneak him a quarter potato and a few squirts from a rat feeding bottle. A real survivor, that Nadelman. Today he recounts the sufferings he experienced at libraries and in classrooms and on stand-up stages nationwide. Because this shouldn't happen to anybody.

The Jolly Follies of Feinerman

Chutzpah? Murdering your parents and demanding leniency as an orphan. Or swindling $20 mil and demanding leniency as a great benefactor of the community. Jews. They really put the "a lie" in alike.

"Hate Studies"

It seems there aren't enough fake academic disciplines, we need to add more. So says Kook Mo Dees, who has teamed up with the complaisant Jesuits at Gonzaga to create an Institute for Loxism. The American Jewish Committee (AJC) is on board. Ah, how much solider that old-tyme religion were on jews. At the same time Whites are under attack theoretically on campus, they're under attack politically and personally in Canada. You see, you can't have White standards and colored people. Free speech is a White male value. It is the antithesis of "jewish values" or "black values." Free speech exposes the jew and damages the racial esteem of the nigger. So these groups loathe it and denounce it as "hate." More here at VNNF on the Hate Jew attacks on Tomasz Winnicki.

Race, Religion and the New Morality

On the connection between evangelicalism and race woes...by Jay Lock

The Nazi Conscience, Ch. 4: The Conquest of Political Culture

Complete chapter, focusing on Hitler's post-election attempt to unify the nation behind the Nazi program...by Claudia Koonz

Persecuting White Men

Big business in Canada. Here a nice one on the revenge of Matt Hale, another victim of jewish tyranny. Here we see a jew brag about stealing TAAs from his neighbors, and then filing a complaint with the police. It is of the utmost importance that you understand that the jew is your enemy, White man. Left to his decision, you will be deprived of your voice, your gun, and if you let him run long enough, your life. No, that is not an exaggeration. It is that serious. The jews aren't satisfied merely with writing laws to prevent you from describing what they are doing, no: they want to murder you. JUDAISM IS TERRORISM.

Fags Are Normal?

Though he's older, Carlos lives a life that has a lot in common with Hitzel's in San Francisco. Carlos estimates that he has had several hundred sex partners throughout his life, and he routinely hooks up with three or four guys a week, all of them HIV-positive or at least uncertain about their status. That's a common trait among bug chasers, says Dr. Bob Cabaj, director of behavioral-health services for San Francisco County and past president of both the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association and the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists. Do you remember the "bug chaser" episode of Will and Grace?

New Movie About Crusades

Michael Hoffman comments... Here on Pope Benedict. According to the Torah, all interest on loans is a form of warfare. Could the degenerate Judeo-West be making war on Muslims in part in order to destroy Islam's interest-free financial system? Here 'terrifyingly unthreatening' Garrison Keillor on radio these days.

New cartoon "Meet the Fuckers: Loxist Hate Family."

Empire of Evil

Although some jews suffered under Stalin, it is accurate in every way to say that the Soviet Union was a jewish production....by Peter Lorden

The Anti-Ethnostate

A sunny grin covers all in the formerly golden state...by Moriarty

Disjointed Educationism

You can give a jig a degree, you can give it a government job, but all you're doing is spitting in the wind....by Ivan Hild

Operation Congressmen

Write them....by The Shadow

Cyber Home-Schooling

Christians take the lead. WN should follow. They put in what they feel is the truth about Jesus; we put in what is the truth about race. Details here. Here an average person attempts to understand an intelligent one. Here on proper socialization, which takes place at home: Tim's sister was a home educator, as were some of their friends. Linda was also impressed by a number of home-schooled girls who attended a baby shower with her years ago. "They just really struck her as being different," said Tim. "They were very polite, they could carry on conversations, there was no attitude. We wanted to see that in our kids, so we said let's strive for that." This white woman produced 15 kids, and homeschooled them all. It is unlikely she sits around watching "Sex in the City." And Michelle is six months pregnant with her 16th child. But for this family, "more" means more to share love with. Jim Duggar works in real estate and says he's always been able to provide for his family. Here reaction to a kid denied the right to wear kilt to prom.

Is Every Jew a Criminal?

It would be pretty hard to disprove it. Remember that old joke about jewish business ethics? Turns out the joke is on us: The New York Times reported last week that Lapin, chief executive of Strategic Business Ethics in California, received a $1.2 million contract from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory in the Pacific and an Abramoff client. Jews get paid millions of dollars out of our pockets to teach "ethics" to a government largely consisting of and completely controlled by -- them.

The Flynn Effect

Claim is that IQs are rising worldwide, but the evidence is ambiguous at best. Unless you happen to think the very notion of IQ is bunk. Anyone who has read Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man or Howard Gardner's work on multiple intelligences or any critique of The Bell Curve is liable to dismiss IQ as merely phrenology updated, a pseudoscience fronting for a host of racist and elitist ideologies that dare not speak their names. Unless you've ever met a living, breathing person you think IQ is bunk. IQ-hating is pseudoscientific fronting for egalitarianism, belied by every report reality ever issued, but believed because pseudoscienticians control the media, government, and academy. Say -- how do you believe IQ doesn't exist and write promotional piece supporting the idea that it's rising -- at the same time? Funny how the supposed Flynn effect is the only 'story' related to IQ that doesn't inspire that cynical debunking spirit in the common journalists. Rather, it inspires the desire to lead cheers. Yawn. Wake me when niggers hit 100. All kinds of things are reported that aren't true. Here we see that most scientists believe mankind has nothing to do with temperature change. He said that after his own team produced research casting doubt on man-made global warming, they were no longer sent papers by Nature and Science for review - despite being acknowledged as world leaders in the field. If they're that touchy about weather, it's pretty easy to see that they're going to refrain from publishing the truth about peoples. Here on brain differences between sexes.

Generic People

What high schools are geared to produce. That is correct. That is why attitudinal adjustment rather than intellectual development is top priority. Intellectual education produces genuinely different people, and people who can think their way to conclusions that are sure to oppose the government's, since what the government does is solely in its own interest. Democracy = rule by jew in the name of the people. The people themselves are to be so many Carson Dailys - blandly genial and assertive only in attempting to acquire the depechest mode. As the commercial has it, since "P. Diddy" (the P is for nigger) has a diet pepsi truck, CaD lad wants one too. The human being as genial wart. I mean, why even exist? Find out the hippest gravestone and go lie under it.

Neocon Watch: The Public Interest Closes

First was the Smith Richardson Foundation, which consisted, in its entirety, of Randall Richardson, his secretary, and a large pot of money from his family fortune. Randy became a friend and supporter, and was soon followed by the Olin Foundation, headed for the last two decades by another friend and ally, James Piereson. Finally, there was the newly created Bradley Foundation under former Olin executive Michael Joyce, who became a tower of strength in the years ahead. These are the "conservative" foundations... There are few to no foundations funding race-realism or White self-defense. Note he attributes the term 'neo-conservative' to socialist Michael Harrington. More here, from jew Glazer. We see again that what is called 'public discourse' in America is little more than pilpul. Except the stakes are not the decision over whether the age of goy-rape should be three or four, but every single thing that involves a goy outside his own kop. Here a profile of jew Horowitz, a right-egalitarian as opposed to a left-. If the races can't coexist? Both egalitarian wings don't want those teaching that truth anywhere near campus. Then a radical, now a conservative, both times -- all times -- a jew. He claims he would make more money as a liberal, too, "at least three times," what he earns now. According to the center's most recent available tax form, Mr. Horowitz received an annual salary of $310,167 in 2003. Cue the violins, poor Davy doth starve.

"Hate" and Medford, Mass.

In December, at the urging of the Human Rights Commission, city officials signed a decree to designate Medford as a No Place for Hate community (see related story on Page 1). Work was set in motion to complete the requirements set forth by the Anti-Defamation League... Just who's running the city, anyway? Who set up the jewish terrorists at ADL as arbiters of 'hate'? If you'd like to ask these and other reasonable questions, here's your chance: On Wednesday, May 11, noted professor and lecturer Dr. Jack Levin will be at Medford High School to discuss his latest book, "Why We Hate." The event begins at 6:30 p.m. More here on Medford receiving its gold star from the jewish kindergarten teacher. 100% witch-free, works for me! Through here you can listen to an NPR jew yap about hate crimes in inland Southern California. When NPR posts employment ads, they might as well read "No Goyim Need Apply."

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