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Raised as girl. Result: suicide. There is no end to the misery caused by lying jews, and the suppression of knowledge about the sexes, which jews mislabel genders, is one of their top producers. What noxious cant is 'celebrate sexuality.' As well celebrate excretion, or respiration. Everybody do the wave for peristalsis. Here on sex in Shakespeare. Broad shifts of emphasis are one thing. What complicates matters with Shakespeare is his incessant wordplay - the "low" innuendoes and puns which keep popping up, often when you least expect them. Unlike jews, which all great writers agree are a race of shits, puns are liked or disliked by different writers. Shakespeare liked them, Twain did not. Rabelais was probably the best at hi-lo. His description of ass-wiping is quite possibly the funniest thing ever written. The character wipes his ass on thing after thing after thing, seeking softest. And you keep expecting it to stop, and it keeps not stopping, until finally you're lying on the floor. Rabelais was the Sam Kinison of his day. There are few writers you get incidentals from, HST, Rabelais, Twain, Mencken, Wilde not so much -- but these are the best. The academics, tasteless, stupid, and incestuous as always, only praise this multiplying of meaning where it isn't funny, like acrostics or find-a-words or crossword puzzles - useless time-wasting stuff. Humor is funny and valuable, whereas the stuff they like is simply unknown but to them, which leads them to overvalue it, a professional deformation, as the French would say, if they spoke English. Thus they prefer writers such as Joyce who aren't funny, but are packed full of a thousand recondite allusions. Pynchon's another good example. Fans of these show their bad taste. What do you actually read? And reread? Mencken. Mencken stands up better than any other single writer in the history of mankind. Shakespeare is much praised for being much praised. He had matchless suppleness of word, but his stuff's not very interesting, only rarely funny. "I'll broach the tadpole on my spear," from Titus Andronicus being a good example. Nobody has a genuine emotional reaction to Hamlet, does he? Does it make you feel something? Not me. I don't get any feeling off anything he wrote. Too dated, and not any better than many others in explaining our 'human condition,' as Shake-praisers say. Sentence for sentence, Mencken's the best I've read. Still, the writer is correct that modern morons have gone too far sexualizing the Earl of Makin' Bacon or whoever the hell Sobran figured out he was. This is because of the stupid kikes and the way they've taught money/sex is at the bottom of everything. Believe me, when somebody figures out what really is at the bottom of everything, it won't be kike. Though it may be a kike what steal credit for it. Say hello to my li'l fren' De Pretto. Not one in a hundred can tell you why Shakespeare is great, it's simply told them and, lacking means for judging, they repeat. How many things are not that way? This gets at some stuff. What he's trying to say is you find someone who produces an effect you like, you can study how that effect is produced. If you have the organ, you can learn to produce the effect yourself...eventually. Why does 'eminent pa' work about as well as a term can? Why is Ellin Anderson's poem printed on our page? Because real poetry, the net-up stuff, is not done in semitized-for-jews-protection AmeriKwa, any more than real journalism, reporting, or satire are done. Real seeks real, and VNN is itz home, whether it fits my taste or not. Whites and their various arts cannot survive a niggered environment. Here comparing jew Kael and jew Sontag, she-sheeny of the hate comment that the "white race is the cancer of human history." Strangely enough, there remain houses clamoring for her yidwork. You know, it's almost like there's a double standard whereby jews can say whatever they want, and we can't. But they don't control the media. And they certainly aren't the reason we're at war in Iraq. Hey! you like you've got the makings of a neo-Greater, have you been fitted for a coffin, young man?

Prominent Aryan Satirist Says, "Come Home"

VNN publicly offers P.J. O'Rourke a thousand dollars for first run of an old-style PJO analysis of the neocon jews controlling America and twisting his nuts to make him write crap like the title link. What do you say, O'Rourke? To save your soul? How bad do you need money, to suppurate such? Let VNN help. I mean, this stuff in the jew journal is embarrassing. It isn't true or funny. The reader can tell your heart and brain aren't in it. Courtier satire sucks. What next, an appearance on Saturday Night Live?

Media Notes

Whites are being imaged out of existence. Everywhere is the same spiritually poisoning, isolating, alienating propaganda. Television is an artificial world that precedes the real world, shapes it. It shapes it in conformity with the Jewish idea of what the world should be, which inevitably follows from Jewish interests. Jewish television is an unremitting attack on Whites, and it needs to be flushed, first by you as an individual, and then by us, together....by Richard Hartmann

Movie Review: 'Troy'

Crappy, miss it. Stay home and read the book....by Iranian for Aryans

Racial War

Our situation is but our starting point: the preconditions for the Great Aryan Awakening are in place....by William Krieger

Movie Review: 'Troy'

Not marred by historical incorrectness in the sense of 'groid-injection....by Rich Brooks

Movie Review: 'House of Sand and Fog'

A good picture of one class's replacement with another....by Steven Clark

The Rival in the Road

A poem for May times....by Ellin Anderson

The Finlandization of America

If you're with Israel, you're anti-American by definition....by Edgar Steele

Straining at Gnats, Swallowing Katz

Thatz our Sobran: afraid linguistic change cuts us off from our ancestors. Hey, how about racial change? Conservatives are like the victims of one of those Heinlein face-gulping aliens walking around blind, scratching their ass, mumbling about fleas. Some of these clowns put the surf in conservative. The 'pus is in the peels again here, with Lewpus mumbling something about larval limpertarians. I always imagine Lewpus as a Breathed character, giving lectures with underpants on his head to one-eyed deep-sea creatures that scare the poop out of monitor monitors up top. What kind of a dipshit poses questions he knows the answer to but dare not answer? A conservative like S.C. Roberts. Gee, maybe that's how the problem came about in the first place. Better education in holes in the forest than in pubic shmuels. Rather than live on the streets and expose Ruth to alcohol and drugs, Frank said, they hiked deep into Forest Park and built a lean-to. The pair went into the city twice a week to stop by the bank, attend church, buy groceries and clothes from Goodwill. Frank, a devout Christian, said he taught his daughter using the old encyclopedias. Well, chalk one up for the chrizzling. Even though the child and father lived for such a long time disconnected from society, the girl had been home schooled and was in good physical shape. In fact, the girl received a very good education from her father while living among the trees. Officials said the girl, who would be normally in 7th grade, is at a 12th grade equivalency. "Even though...," i.e., because. AmeriKwan society makes people sick and stupid.

Media: "Competition"

The only competition between Lox and the other channels is who can "Ready?-Ok!" louder for Israel. Whee! Look how high the O'Reilly and Limbaugh can throw Hannity! Don't drop her! Jew's idea of competition is it controls the airwaves and major papers, and it DOSS attacks any site that puts out facts rebutting its lies. Journalism these days is a branch of government, and like any other burrocracy, it is staffed with mediocre or incompetent women and coloreds, and effiminate liberal whiteskins, ashamed of their heritage, and ready to throw real white men to the wolves to save their sinecures in a world they agree most urgently needs diversifying, except for their job. All you need to know about jewish honor and integrity is that the jewish self-proclaimed paper of record won journalism's top prize for covering up the jews' massacre of Christian Whites in the Ukraine, and after the truth was, finally, revealed, refused to return the prize.

Why, Oh Why?

While US armed forces illegally overrun the Middle East, Mexican immigrants illegally overrun America's borders. Why are we squandering $200 billion defending Middle Eastern borders when our own borders are undefended? Because our government is controlled by jews. "Good for jews" is the universal key to understanding seemingly contradictory policies. Jews aren't us. They're among us. They're using us. But they're not us. Their interests are not our interests. Their interests are opposed to our interests. Here Wilson on War of Northern Aggression moving on to Iraq. Is Bill Reilly looking increasingly used and confused these days? Or just tired and foolish? Shallow, self-satisifed fools like O'Reilly and Dennis Miller chearlead for the jews and parrot their talking points. Americans die, but not them, what do they care? I watched Bill O'Reilly for the first time in about a long time. He's quite self-satisfied. I suppose he conceives himself a success at something. Catering to his like: thin-skinned, self-important types who dismiss anything they don't understand or disagree with as 'extremist.' Very definite psychological type, a few tens of millions like BOR out there. Useless to criticize this type; it interprets all criticism as jealousy. It's dangerous to be too smart. That makes you weird. It's good to be like everyone else. Safe, too. Nobody here but us team players, Boss Manischevitz. If God created the world, and used biological evolution as an agent, then he is responsible for prospering self-righteousness and its asshole carriers, Abolitionists, jews and the like, over people worth living around. Thanks, God, you're tops! But things are good in New Hampshire. It is characteristic of mass idiots such as BOR or Drophead Dubya to think that nothing is beyond them. That's a democratic flaw, the idea that everything is accessible to everybody. Bushy can take and remake Iraq, sure, no problem. He doesn't need to know the language, the people, the history, he has smart jews for that. He just needs to talk firm and it will happen.

Tyranny in Topeka: Aryan Men Stand Against Brown vs. Board of Education, the Jewish Dictatorship's Enabling Diktat

A full report on the rally, including specific ideas for improving the next one....by Alex Linder


The day the gentiles of the world rise up in righteous wrath and make the jews pay for their millennia of sins against the rest of the world.

Justin Raimondo: Bonehead, Not Just Boneass

If all these names are Jewish, then so what? Just as many Jews, if not more, figure prominently in the antiwar camp. Justy has as much trouble with straight thinking as straight sex. See, Justy, there wouldn't be a war on Iraq without jews and their jewhonking. They're what we call the sine qua non, the absolutely essential ingredient, in this nasty war they whipped up. Without jews operating as jews pursuing interests felt "good for jews," this war would never have been conceived, never have been prosecuted. It is a jewish war in every conceivable sense, and you cannot deny that. Without jews, you'd be editing not Antiwar.com, but Prodickslurper.com. Now put down your groin smoothie, smack yourself in the forehead, and try to regain your senses. And be of good cheer, for jew not-that-it-doesn't-matter Redstone prepares a new channel, FloGro, just for you and your ill ilk. No, Justy, a penis is not a tap. Nor a microbrewery. Get those kooky shlooky ideas out of your head. Try to remember that passive sperming is a far greater danger than second-hand smoke. We want you to be around many years supplying your tin-man analysis. Readers must remember that Reamondo, in addition to being all man's man, so to shlook, is 1/4 bserman, so to speak.

The Arrogance of the Jew

Jews help Germany evolve by getting rid of ethnic basis of nation. Now what would they say if Germans moved to Israel and attempted the same thing? But of course Germans couldn't move to Israel because Israel is a blood state. A blood state that wants to destroy every other. ONE STANDARD FOR THE JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Don't wait up for butt-hole Limbaugh to tell you that. He won't. Semper fink, Rush. America is becoming as disgusting, dishonest, and dangerous as the Israelis it subsidizes and is enslaved by. Thanks for turning our once-fair nation into an internationally hated House of Mexcrement, you kike bastards.

Apes, Sir...You Freed the Apes

Lincoln's White Enslavement Proclamation covered jigs in a land which did not acknowledge his authority. What's the difference between the jerkoffs at PETA liberating lab rabbits filled with infectious agents and jews liberating niggers? The niggers are more destructive.

Erection by Indirection Find

On seduction, and laws of male-female interaction.

Glutevision Comes to Televitz

MTV claims you can't get AIDS from watching new fag channel, butt... An all-AIDS channel, how poof-groooooovy is that? Don't miss Mudbutties, the world's first all-queer soap opera. George Michael will host a weekend special Saturinalia featuring the adventures of Boy Gorge meeting fresh rangers weekly in a public park of choice. Brothers of the Sprung Bunghole will track a fag fraternity, at Cheeko State. Because what could be lighthearteder and merry with good cheerier than a bunch of dick-rangering colonpoppers? You early birds can Twinkercise with Ricky Simmons and his Israeli buddy Gilad Monster. Yeah, a veritable cornholicopia of options for today's glutician on the go. The channel, in the works for more than two years, is designed to reach a segment of the population that is desirable to many advertisers because of its more than $400 billion worth of buying power, MTV executives said in a telephone news conference. The executives said programming for Logo would initially be 25 percent original with the rest acquisitions of movies and reruns of series. If a young man comes out as White, he's called a hater and subject to every legal and social penalty in the book. If he comes out as a homosexual, he's lauded and cosseted with psychic and material favors from every official sector of society. How fucked up is that? Again, it is not that jews are pro-homo, it is that jews believe that loose sexual morals works against anti-semitism, and thus is "good for jews." It is "good for jews" that society push your son towards death-dealing behavioral disorders they mislabel 'gay' and mischaracterize as 'liberation.' Iz it me, or is 'Kids in the Hole' like the absolute zero of comedy?

Left Behind

Not just a series, a way of life for dipshit dispensationalists everywhere. Not that kooky christian cowed slavishness is enough to satisfy Dumper and the foxmen. The not at all rhetorical question is whether there's anything too stupid for a Christian to believe, and the answer is no. If you think Jezoo came back from the dead, shake your rattler thrice, my jumper. The truth is that God created Chrizzlings for the amusement of humans. But seriously, I'd like to give a strychnine shout-out to all my hill-homies and dale-lynndies for your boonificent bearing of witness in Iraq, y'all are tops. Keep it up. Israel's counting on you. The thing the jews are correct to be uneasy about is that the christian dipso reed they're leaning on is so weak-minded it could snap at any time. Men who believe men come back from the dead are nobody's reliable ally. They're scammed with Scoffield at present, but will they stay scammed? Sure. But same-scammed? Less sure. The christian will preach whatever its owner tells it to, and the jumpers will salute whatever dirty longjohns run up the flagpole. The contention is not that the Left Behind cycle is explicitly derogatory and stereotyped - it is not. It describes, however, a world in which Jews are not as fully human as Christians - unless they become Christians. As opposed to the Talmud, which states that goyim are cattle, and that "even the best of the goyim should be killed." To mention this makes you an anti-semite. To mention that you can't mention it because the kikes control the media makes you an anti-semite. Not doing what the jews say when they say it makes you an anti-semite. Jews act as though they believe that every non-jew is an anti-semite, which is in fact the definition of the thing.

Hollings Names the Israel-First Aggressionists

Original statement at title link; Fritz responds to jewfire here. How many more Americans are going to die because our Congress is controlled by Hate Jews. What is a "hate jew"? Simple: it's a jew. A member of the political group, the race-cult of inbred Arabs that teaches itself that it is God incarnate, and everyone else dirty animals. The group that complains about "anti-semitism," or, in everyday language, the natural reaction its beliefs and behavior always inspire. Might I humbly suggest one way forward, one way to neutralize the Israeli poison is for an Association of Unbought Protestants to be formed, made up of preachers who explicitly reject the semitically correct scam that is the Scoffield Bible. Here some wisdom from Farrakhan on neocons. A neocon is a jew. ...the neoconservative idea was to bring Bush totally in line with the ideas, the thinking, the policies of the Likud party in Israel." If I were black, I'd think hard about selling beanpies for this guy: that's some solid good sense he's preaching. I used his "The number nine is pregnant!" to open my speech in Topeka, because it is by long odds the funniest political statement ever. This is right on: I know that the Sanhedrin will meet after this speech. They will decide what to do with me. You may do as you please, but if this country is to survive it must renounce and repudiate the doctrine of the neoconservatives and distance this country from their agenda. If America is to survive she must not use the might of America to fight the battles of Israel and allow herself to be used to destroy the real or perceived enemies of Israel. America is ruled and used by jews. We must physically exterminate the jews to reclaim our freedom. Farrakhan is no friend of the white man, but he's not really his enemy either. The same jews who today portray whites as toothless, ignorant hillbillies, and encourage our youth to mock them, yesterday produced "Amos 'n' Andy." Both times for politics and profits. Ever seen dirty sheenies shown for what they actually are? Nope. That's where they circle the wagons, as Marlon Brando said. More here, note the comment from Republicunt DeMint, who needs de mint to cover de jew ass stink on his breath. WHAT IF AMERICA WERE CONTROLLED BY AMERICANS? When Senators begin to name the jew and detail his kikey games, perhaps we may be justified in saying...beat...beat...beat...ITZ COMING.

Stop Appeasing Racist Israel, Owner-Operator of U.S. Congress

Good way to put it, use all the jew-confected shell terms to bash Hymie the Hermit Crab of Hate. If Israel were an American college, its students would be denied federal loans because it discriminates. But since America's Congress is controlled by jews, Israel can do whatever it wants. That is appeasement, where it isn't outright purchase. American politicians have sold out their country out of fear or desire for the emoluments going along with Hymie's agenda brings. For shame. Jews believe that any criticism of Israel or any jew is illegal. If you think I exaggerate, you don't know jews. They believe they are gods. Gods beyond mortal criticism. They believe you are a cow; cattle, collectively. Cows have no right to criticize gods. This is what rabbis teach. This is what jews believe. This is how jews act. No jew anywhere, anytime, anyplace should ever be allowed to sit in judgment of an Aryan. Our laws pertain to our people; they do not work with or apply to niggers or jews or any other bunch of coloreds. They are ours, for us and us alone. No true conservative will deny this. Burke, the founder of modern conservatism, was famous for his respect for facts and distrust of easy generalizations. He saw where confectionary sugar about human rights and "rights of man" led in France, and he wanted to make sure the insanity and regicide didn't float over to England. Just because something can be written on paper and sounds good doesn't make it true. Here Raimondo weighs in on Hollings' naming of Israel. I guess that's about the best we can do these days, fling something over our shoulder as we're leaving, too intimidated to take on the shitty little country and the internal vermin who support it. Israel is our friend? Funnier words were never spoken. Israel is our enemy -- not just that -- Israel is our only enemy. Literally every single major problem we have is a result of jews. We have war in Iraq for no reason because the jewish media and jewish intellectuals decided it would be good for Israel, and so promoted lies about WMDs. We have Mexican invasion because jews feel most secure in a racial hodge-podge, the same way rats and mice feel more comfortable in garbage and under boards -- more things to eat and places to hide. If Mexico-U.S. amalgamation destroys the unique culture and race of the United States, they don't care in the slightest. Crime is a direct result of "civil rights" laws, in jewish shellspeak. Real civil rights means freedom of association, of which segregated schools and public areas were the result. Jews criminalized normal Aryan behavior. There is not a single area of society jews haven't touched and made wither. There is only one policy towards jews that works, reliably and every time: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Why Do Nazis Continue to Fascinate?

Because what they said about jews was one-hundred percent true, and as jews rule the world, there is no more relevant political information out there than what Goebbels and Hitler et al. provided. Did you ever notice that nobody ever tries to refute what those men said? He just smears them. Kind of like VNN, eh wot? The media aren't controlled by jews: VNN has just inked a deal with NBC to co-produce spots teaching Americans the virtue of identifying centers of jewish hate in their communities. Oh, pardon me, that wasn't VNN, that was ADL, who will use NBC to teach viewers that people who believe the facts they read on VNN are evil. Oy, they're all anti-semites: Mel Gibson, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -- all of them! If a super-sized Passover hit earth between days wiping every dirty goyim off the mudball's face, do you think the jews would stop whining about anti-semitism? To ask is to answer... I want some blood revenge for the tens of millions the jews killed in Eastern Europe last century. I want some blood revenge for the tens of thousands of White women raped by the niggers Dumper Foxman set loose. I want some blood revenge for the tens of thousands of White males denied jobs and admissions at Harvard so their slots could be taken by dershowitzim. I want some blood revenge for jews filling our nation with Mexicans, and Europe with Arabs. I want some blood revenge for jews using their media to lie us into world wars that benefited jews alone, and destroyed our White nations. The jews murdered America; now it is time for the true Aryan sons of America to visit revenge on the jews. ITZ COMING.

Media: Things You Can't Say, Pictures You Can't Show

AmeriKwa is for children, and children can't see their jew-sacrificed sons, coming home dead from Iraq. Nor can they see pictures of murdered babies, because they might think, "Hey, those are murdered babies!" Tired of being treated as child-slaves in the land your forefathers founded? Get rid of the jews. That's all it takes, White man.

Kirk Rethunk

New book on him. Reformers and revolutionaries might appeal to disembodied, universal concepts to justify changing the world, or to draw up blueprints for a new society. But for Kirk, what must be cultivated was not reason but "the moral imagination" --a resonant, if ambiguous notion that Mr. McDonald devotes much of his book to elucidating. Here Taki on his jew friends. Lewpus on conservatives these days. He's right as far as he goes, which, being Llewpus, is never very far. About as far as an anemone can hurl a coelacanth. Here on Wales these days. Here on our doofus in chief, as revealed by Moore. Why should women stay out of politics? Consider this quote from the drag queen impersonator which produced Alfred E. Bush: "But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it's, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that? - Barbara Bush on "Good Morning America," March 18, 2003. Women really do think ignoring crude reality shows taste and high-mindedness. They can overlook any pain, so long as someone else suffers, and not them. Is it possible that 80% of the average woman's mind is filled with commonplaces, and the other 20% given to brooding over imaginary slights? Was it "Wild Strawberries" in which the old man said women cry, birth children and slander the neighbors? What kind of a dipshit walks around thinking she has a "beautiful" mind? Itz time for you to quit making a jew of yourself, America.

Racism Means Freedom...

Means segregation, means good education, means safety, means...Aryan America and good times forever. All that stands between us and that comparative utopia is jews. If you're an adult who just can't get enuf of those yummy strained peas, Paul Craig Roberts has a jar, and Lewpus Rockwell Jr. a whole storeful for you. Has Brown become central to the intellectual and moral ascendancy gained for minorities by exploiting WASP guilt? As it says on the sign I was holding at the rally PeeCee did not show up at to avenge his honor, blacks did not cause Brown. Brown was created and set in motion by jews. No jews, no Brown. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. What PeeCee will never tell you is that Aryan laws do not work in a non-Aryan context. Only Aryans feel bound by Aryan laws. Jews see them as something to manipulate to their advantage. Niggers are niggers. If they can read, they're lucky. Belief in anything universal but objective reality is utopian, and produces what utopianism always produces. You always pay a cost for ignoring reality. Jews cannot live by Aryan law because they are not Aryans. Their nature is to lie, deceive, manipulate, swindle -- and we should not be surprised when they do that. It is our job to identify them as the enemy to our young, and together physically exterminate them so they pose no further threat to our communities. This we failed to do, Brown is the predictable, inevitable result. As long as elites like Paul Craig Roberts fail to identify the disease producing the symptoms they describe, our situation will worsen. The Brown decision effectively ended constitutional law by teaching a generation of judges that the Constitution has no meaning apart from the judiciary's subjective feelings about social policy. This is a misleading half truth. The court is only allowed to operate by whim if the whim run in the direction indicated by the jewish agenda. That is the crucial point, and the point PCR always occludes. He and every other gelding writing on Brown write about even race racelessly, pretending that failure to adhere to race-neutral standards is the problem, when in fact the problem is that jews are using blacks to attack Whites under cover of law. Brown also destroyed legal precedent. Today law schools teach their students to find support for their briefs not only in social science but also in literature. Well, that's how non-White-male culture operates. Only White males produce a culture in which clear laws and honest interpretation of those laws is more than an ideal. When a White system is infiltrated by diseased-camel traders, stuff like Brown is going to happen. Jews are swindlers, and they care about what works, nothing else. The minute they had the power, they used it to murder America.

Iraqi Media

Who determines what appears on their pages? The admission of women has ruined the military. Man, the chop suey boys must be licking their chopsticks. Beware the jews, me slanties.

Ravens vs 'Groidz: Quien es mas IQier?

I'm betting on the ravens.

On Writing

Tips for aspiring NW novelists: Cleaning the stables that morning, Dr. Cecilia Gonzales Mossington enjoyed the pungent aroma of llama urine. Why? Because she knew that the hormone it contained was the key to the breakthrough pill she was developing at the biopharmaceutical company she founded down the street from the Pike Place Market. Here on Cocteau, mentioning his "lavish public welcome" for Arnold Breker, some Nazis' favorite sculptor. Here's an article by something named Crispin. In Indiana this year, the junior-year English essay will be graded by computer... If you say, "Diversity is our greatest strength," you get a B. Which is to say, you're average. If you say, "Diversity is many wonderful things to many different people, but one thing everybody but hate criminals would agree is that it's our greatest strength," you're probably A material. "They want everybody to think the same freethinkin' way they do," as observed the perceptive businessman in "Ride With The Devil." The way to learn to write is be born talented, and read the best in your line - humor, textbook, poetry, whatever. Read a great deal and talk to many people, and build up huge stores of knowledge, all of which you can use, sooner or later. Barring talent, strive for clarity and concision. I recommend Fred Reed as your model. Remember: the shorter your sentences, the fewer mispellings, mishprishons and all-ameriKwan stoopidity you can pack into them. Fred affects to be writing about the crimes of Israel ("Crimes") most recently. I keep getting mail saying I should write about the crimes of Israel, so Mossad will assassinate me and I can be a footnote in history books. OK. Here goes. What I recommend you don't copy is his way of slicking the mattering truth with poney shucksing. But like he says, there are established facts, and they must be dealt with. Fact: Israel controls the U.S. through American jews. Fact: writers like Fred Reed avoid this fact, might cut into their margarita money.

Jewish Tare-Sowing Yields Bumper Crop

"Equal access to knowledge" is the issue, says Greenspan. And maybe rocks will float if they have equal access to water, says reader.

Death By Mudslide

Imagine a world of journalism written entirely by coloreds -- or liberal whites who "luv," i.e., fear them. How would it differ one iota from the one we're in? It is fine to question the consolidation of the media, to question the corporate ownership. It is fine to call for ever more hiring and promotion of colored writers and editors, and more reporting of stories of interest to the nigger community. It is "hate" to ask about percentages of jews among owners and editors and reporters at the major papers, and to ask why all papers follow the jewline when it comes to politics. It is unthinkable to suggest that papers do not reflect the interests of the whites who buy and read them. The very idea there's a white community with interests is denied by the jewish hate group controlling our newspapers. About all you can do is read and subsidize White media, and quit buying the crap the jews put out. I used to buy 2-4 papers a day when I lived in D.C., now I buy 2-4 a year. You can still read the stuff they put out online, if you wish, but why even bother with that when you can get the best stuff collected at VNN? Use your pocketbook to afflict the jews who afflict you. When you read an article like this at the link, written by a typical AA hack of black, you realize that the very idea of objective standards is a White male discovery and cultural value unshared by shell-termed "minorities" who are actually vast and swamping majorities, in the global picture. We should take these folks at their word, and not imagine they necessarily understand things the way we do. You get this perception very strongly when, say, watching a panel of 'groids, discussing Brown and "unfinished business." These folks give every appearance of believing they are engaged in high and important affairs. I used to think this was all a put on, and that somewhere deep down, they realized they were pets in sweaters, the cosseted showmonkeys of their tasteless jewish owners. I do not believe that any longer. I think most blacks believe they have their positions by merit, and are simply unwilling or unable to see what they write or do objectively, and that their work does not measure up to White standards. Not only do they not see this, they don't care. At bottom 99/100 blacks think we owe them. They are free riders who want to get rid of the ridden, lacking the IQ to see what will happen when they run him into the ground. Of course, from that White objective standpoint, they won't be any worse off than when they started, will they? Writing about blacks as though they can or want to meet white standards is a bugaboo of the semitically correct right. Blacks are all about show and spoils, not standards. Nature made them that way. Only jews force us to pretend otherwise. Don't be fooled, White man. A nation that has adopted as its governing lie the false proposition that Diversity Is Strenght is a physically and mentally dangerous place. Note this end state of the five-phase development of diversity in the newsroom: "A state of being": The ills of bias and discrimination have been put to rout. They will achieve an end to bias and discrimination by...discriminating against White hires, White promotions, White standards, and White values. Low-IQ, ironyproof, boring as hell, so the jew-produced booliemongers make their way through our lives. We must destroy the jew, White man, or our people will go the way of our papers.

Media: Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" Wins at Cannes

The slob-liar stumbles into the truth: Many Americans now realize the French are "good friends of America who tried to do the right thing and tell us this was the wrong road," Moore said. "We owe the people of this country an apology for the way they were debased and treated in our media." Thatz exactly right. Where Denny Miller is gloating over the prospect of fewer Germans, thanks to demographic decline, some Americans have retained the ability to see through jewish lies. Nobody whines about their reputation more than jews, yet nobody smears other nations the way they do. Here the Guardian takes a crack at him. The film critic Richard Schickel labelled Moore 'the very definition of the unreliable narrator'. When even a jew calls you a liar, it's time to go pro. Moore's a successful Bill White.

ASNE: No Reporting, No Stories, No Fun, No Intelligence: All We Want Are Nooserooms Full of Non-White Jew-Agenda-Pushing Change Agents

Welcome to the jungle, which is to say, the nooseroom, where stories go to get their neck stretched until there's no life in them. Wang-Hamlet maunders about dithering re letting a 'groid tell her Brown story. She prospered among blacks, while Whites ignored her. In other words, segregation works, integration fails. I wanted to know whether Jean was extolling the virtues of an all-black environment. Couldn't some readers twist that and criticize it as an argument for self-segregation? What the readers do with the story is their business, Wangnut. Itz your business to REPORT it. But what classic closed-mindedness: the chink doesn't even realize what he's saying. He's so perfectly brainwashed it doesn't even occur to him that he's suppressing, not editing. His quote shows a perfectly functioning system of Big Lying, in which false assumptions are too deeply implanted to be questioned, and all that exist are cookie-cutter Puritans of Muticult, baked stale daily in the jew's "education" ovens, whether K-12, kwallege, or J-school. Here a female named Nissenbaum leads a seminar on Writing About Race Relations & Social Justice, because there are special sensitivities -- i.e., things you must not say. "How to write about touchy issues without ever straying from the Jewline, thereby ensuring your continued employment." If you think that's a joke, check RM a couple days back, where a writer asks us to take down a column of his we posted. He's afraid that an unauthorized reproduction on some unrelated website will be seen by his superiors and lead to his firing. Guilt by association? That's something jews whine about -- and practice. They're kind of like that in everything, you might have noticed. But the big story here, as I've said, is that journalism has become a bureaucracy. It functions as a catspaw, or field tester for government proper. There are a limited number of papers, roughly 1,500 dailies in the U.S., and 99.9% of them are in line with the jew's agenda. Apart from an odd weekly owned by a older conservative, papers follow precisely the same agenda. Doesn't matter where in the country you go, you will never get a different point of view. You'll get the jew agenda applied to Dane County, Wisconsin, Adair County, Missouri, Broward County, Florida, Montgomery County, Maryland, Orange County, California. Older white conservatives shake their heads and laugh, those gosh-darned liberals. Why don't any right-wingers go into journalism. Well, they sort of have at Fox, but upon closer inspection, they're just as slavish in their pro-Israelism and anti-racism. There is no job for anybody who sticks to the facts about race. Only they may address the public through mainstream media who attend mass daily at the Egalitarian Church. Here's an inadvertent explanation of why you can't read anything good or, where it matters, true in your local newspaper: Each daily newspaper in the United States now has a Web page comparing the racial diversity of its news staff and the community it serves, part of a new report for the Knight Foundation on 1,413 newspapers and their circulation areas. And: This year only 13 percent of newspapers responding to the survey have reached ASNE's goal of parity between newsroom and community non-white percentages. That's up slightly from last year's 11 percent. There you have it: the professional association for newspapers doesn't care about the quality of its members' rags, it cares about the vague and stupid goal that they "reflect the community," which always translates into hiring incompetent coloreds. Coloreds don't read or buy papers, so why they're a concern is a mystery, without recourse to the Jewline. The genuinely underserved segment of the community is intelligent white males -- the people who do read and buy the paper. Their politics are usually conservative, and never reflected in the papers. The overt goal of ASNE, like every other liberal institution, is to make journalism a perfectly functioning attack arm of the jewish geopolitical juggernaut, and ASNE measures its success in the number of whites driven off its pages. Every time one of these uneducated nigger columnists replaces a toe-the-line white liberal, it's a great success, we're told. Not for the reader or the country, but for the jews controlling the ASNE, journalism in general, and the nation as a whole. The average black columnist has never met a genuine standard in his life. He's been eased through "high school," and AA'd through college, and affirmatively hired to a sinecure as nigger columnist, one of the cushiest jobs in America. All he has to do is drool a couple times a week about undervalued porchers, and he's steppin' large and livin' easy, as one of the jew's erection ads mocking fifties whites puts it. The nation's 374 all-white newspapers are listed in the report. (And that's not counting the 481 newspapers that didn't reply to the most recent ASNE survey.) Their editors reported no employees of black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American descent in any job as a newsroom supervisor, reporter, copy editor, photographer or artist. Although many of these all-white newspapers are small, they have a combined weekday circulation of 3,790,285 -- well more than USA Today and The New York Times combined. Nor are all the all-white newsrooms in all-white communities. The list is led by The Independent, in Gallup, N.M., where the circulation area is 93 percent non-white. Some newspaper companies are doing much better than others at hiring and retaining minority employees. Gannett Co. is the leader, measured by a Newsroom Diversity Index, which compares the share of jobs held by journalists of color with the non-white share of the population in the newspaper's circulation area. Gannett's index is 88. (100 equals parity with the circulation area.) This is the meat of the matter. ASNE praises Gannett. Gannett has an iron law, just ask Al Neuharth, that minorities must appear in photos and stories above the fold on page one of USA Today every single day of the year, whether the news demands it or not. ASNE, then, embraces journalism-as-ideology. American papers, insists ASNE, aren't about finding and reporting stories that their readers may better understand the world, they're the journalistic arm of a certain politics. And that is why newspapers today are boring, Semitically Correct, and often enough just plain wrong. If America were a land of freedom, you could tell this by its newspapers. In fact AmeriKwa is a land of conformity and uniformity and you can tell this from our newspapers. Not one editor or owners has the balls to tell ASNE to go fuck itself with its stupid and endless polls of how many polywogs it employs. Who says hiring and retaining "minorities" is a valid goal, let alone measure of journalistic value? Only a government burrocrat thinks like that -- not a reader. That shows you the paper's true alignment and orientation: helping ZOG enforce conformity. For all their talk about respect for differences, there isn't a paper in America that won't print 'white trash' or will print 'nigger.'

44 Hours in the ZOG Gulag

Crime pays - for criminals and for cops. If necessary, crimes must be manufactured....by A.P. Hill

Chris MacDonald, Honky

What is the writer's fascination with the term honky? Would Cintra Wilson use nigger? Oh, I don't think she would. Cintras always know what's safe, and what's better refrained from.

Media: jew Weiner

Calling for millions of Arabs to be killed. Is it all a game to jews like Weiners? Read and judge: Savage's son, Russ Weiner, kicked off the show. With his spiky, dyed-orange hair and calculated scruffiness, he was reminiscent of Dr. Evil's son Scott from the Austin Powers movies. The resemblance was confirmed when Weiner proclaimed, "I'm proud to be the son of Savage!" The 30-something Weiner is the founder of RockStar, an energy drink that he developed with his dad, drawing on Savage's previous career as a Marin County herbalist and ethnobotanist named Michael Weiner.

White Racists Can Take America in 10 Years

What we're doing has been done successfully before....by Frank G.

Descent into Kwa

Torturing, murdering, lying, swindling -- all in the name of the "land of the free," where the jew is king and the rest of us are browbeaten to worship niggers and kill arabs. Any American that doesn't feel an overwhelming sense of shame is a complete sociopath. Unfortunately, it would seem that a majority of the American populace as well as virtually all its leaders are exactly that: mealy mouthed chickenshit perverted immoral sadistic sociopaths. Bush really is representative of many tens of millions of Americans: self-important, thin-skinned, cowardly/sadistic, uneducated, afraid of jews. Christianity deserves, but won't get, a lot of the blame. Religion, any religion, inevitably devolves in the Believer's mind into: everything happens for a Reason: God wanted it that way. A or -A, doesn't matter. Hey, Christian, why not pretend you're a man and go way in on a limb and Believe in a world where men don't walk on water, turn water into wine, or come back from the dead. Belief that one is Good and others are Evil justifies sadistic torture and humiliation of the type performed by AmeriKwans in Iraq. Read Twain on the moral sense: it distinguishes us from animals - for the worse. There's something dirty about Christianity that just can't be gotten away from. Born in lies, evangelized in gutters, Christianity produces Robertsons, Swaggarts, Falwells, Reeds, Bauers, and Grahams -- and we are to be surprised? Just as we say to brainwashed teens, why be a wigger, when you can be a White, why be a Christian when you can be a man? Any teaching that supernatural rather than human agency is at the bottom of what happens is voodoo. REALITY EXISTS, no matter what the chrizzling says. HATE IS THE JEWISH VALUE. Buchanan on imposing MTV values on folks not interested. Enjoy feebler comments. The president notwithstanding, Americans no longer agree on what is moral truth. For as someone said a few years back, there is a cultural war going on in this country -- a religious war. It is about who we are, what we believe and what we stand for as a people. Actually the point is that we aren't a people, we've been jewed. Now the jews are using us to jew the Muslims, who don't want to be jewed any more than 1950s America. Moral relativism, predictably enough, does not include the right to disagree with jews. Unfortunately, Pagan America of 2004 has far less to offer the world in cultural fare than did Christian America of 1954. Many of the movies, books, magazines, TV shows, videos and much of the music we export to the world are as poisonous as the narcotics the Royal Navy forced on the Chinese people in the Opium Wars. More garbage from Daisy, who affects to forget that Pagan Greece produced prodigies better than anything Christian. MTV is not the produce of pagans, but of the race-cult called jews, which seeks the physical annhilation through bullet or blending of every other nation and race. Conservative commentator and Christian Buchanan has been jewed as thoroughly as the America he grew up in, hence his decades-long record of feckless opposition. Those who think Buchanan is speaking in code rather than cowardice need to remember that Daisy always confirms the evil of the one group of men who understood and effectively countered the jews whose production values brought about the America he hates. An echo, not a choice, he's. VNN is the real thing; Buchanan is the fake. In the age of mass media, no nation but post-Weimar Germany has successfully retaken control from the jew. Buchanan's column is an example of precisely the degradation he bemoans. Britney Spears simulates real love and real sex; Pat Buchanan simulates analysis of real politics. In 1904, Daisy would have written about the jew in plain English. Ah well, like his namesake, somebody else will have to pick up the pieces will he moulders childless in the grave. If there's a God, then He's responsible. All Believers ultimately Believe that, and that is why Belief goes so easily with hypocrisy and viciousness and temporizing.

Topeka Video

From Brown rally May 15. Probably too big for dial-up, but good for cable, DSL.

Monkey See, Monkey Steal

Namibia's Prime Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab on Wednesday defended his government's move to expropriate white farms, saying it was "doing the right thing" to redress an imbalance in land ownership. Farmers given two weeks to make an offer to government. That's how it works in Monkeyland. Wherever niggers control things, White lives are endangered. Namibia, Detroit, Zimbabwe, your town... But remember: nigger political control is a symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. Jews are the ones forcing the rest of us to worship racial equality, something that does not exist, never has anywhere - cannot exist. The jewish emperor isn't wearing any clothes, and you'll be shot for so observing.

Pizza Hut Fires White For Not Letting Nigger Kill Him

Policy against drivers carrying guns backfires as man puts 15 in bluegum. Note the contact page for Pizza Hut. Here's a story about a spic who goes nuts, hates White people.

The Low-Down on Brown vs. Whites

The prepared text from which delivered remarked digressed considerably, but more about that in rally report to come...by Alex Linder

Good Ol' Drophead Dubya

Is there anything worse than a reformed drunk, switched from Seagrams to Scoffield, carrying out a war he is literally too stupid to understand the cause of which, let alone direct intelligently toward a rational end? Maybe there is, but it outskips my brainlet. Boy, you can polish a turd easier than make a Texas blowhard into a man.


Fresh out a brain fairly covered with obtusions, hymie's luga du jouga, itz: homo-normality.

"Good" Book Ain't Say Nuthin' 'Bout Bein' the Brotha's Zookeeper

Topeka rally thread at VNNForum... Here on the jewing of D.C., through new institute. Is your elected rep sitting to sup with an institute formed by jewish haters? Or perhaps you've a better word for a race that teaches its larvae: "Even the best of the gentiles should be killed." Here on jew Shearer vs jew Franken: I ask, "What's the difference between you and Al Franken?" "Al is, of course, literally a Democratic court jester. He clearly wears his endorsements where his wit should be. I'm a satirist. My job is to make fun of all of them. People who supposedly practice the art of satire and then retire to the councils of power to write jokes for their leaders -- people like Al Franken -- really ought to have their satirist cards revoked." Here on the rise and fall and rise of Zora Neale Hurston. Try her article on negroes without self pity, written for Mencken's mag, The American Mercury. Instead of lamenting that slavery was the source of all of blacks' troubles, she proclaimed, "slavery is the price I paid for civilization." But the lesson didn't -- couldn't -- take. Here an LTE she wrote on Brown.

Drophead Sucks Off AIdsPAC

Remember the days before American presidents were vassals of Israel? Me either.

Muslims Living in Blood Ages

Here a timeline of jews from 1500-1950. Here on jew Klebold, the hero of the Columbine massacre. Here on coverup of Abu Ghraib.

Jew Meyer Lansky: An Exceptionally Criminal Jew

VNNF thread... "Meyer Lansky saw life entirely through a Jewish filter," says Richard Dreyfuss, who plays the legendary mobster in an HBO television special airing this month. Stupid slob-liars: an article on Michael Moore.

White Future?

Only with lots of kids, which too many aren't having, taught by their jew-brainwashed parents that money is the only value. Here Glenn Miller on cowardness, the white survival strategy. This is a very important and dead-on description of the psychology and everyday reality of our predicament.

The Cowardice of Pat Buchanan

Under this dictatorship, radically secularist and egalitarian, America's public schools were as de-Christianized as thoroughly as in the Soviet Union. Voluntary prayer and Bible readings were abolished, and all replicas of the Ten Commandments taken down. Easter pageants and Christmas carols were forbidden. Teachers wearing Christian symbols were ordered to remove them. But the court's relentless war to extirpate all expressions or symbols of Christianity from the public square of a nation still predominantly Christian was but the beginning. Wow, Patty, way to name those darn sec'lar hoomanists. Grapefruit for all their chins! Knuckle sandwiches for the dirty atheists. How dare they fling feces on the splayed portals of St. Alphonso Seenosemiticus. The phrase 'can't say,' as in "I can't say that," will be written on the gravestone of the paleoconseratives who profitably affect to defend nation and religion. You can say it. What you mean is you're cowards who won't say it. "For fear of the jews" -- thus I charge thee, Pat Buchanan, thee Sam Francis, thee Paul Craig Roberts. You men do not have what it takes. You are not worthy heirs of Washington and Jefferson. Itz time for you to retire from the field. We Aryans do not acknowledge you as partners, but as weaklings who are easily intimidated, and so we will abuse you as freely as the jews, and you can fear our scorn the way you fear theirs. 'Secular humanist'...how succinctly preferable to the long-winded, accurate 'jews.' You do have a way with evasions, I mean words, Pat, and your way is a detour that leads into a cul-de-sac that iz a free-fire zone for your jewish-boss killers. It cannot be overemphasized: Patrick Buchanan knows that JEWS produced the Brown decision. Again, I'll repeat it slowly. Pat...Buchanan...knows...that...


Let me interject here that I do not like to call men cowards. It is unpleasant. But if I were to avoid calling Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts and Sam Francis and Jared Taylor cowards for always and everywhere refusing to use the indicated word, for syncopating their political music in a fashion most niggerly...I would be guilty of the same thing they are. You're a coward Pat for refusing to name the jew that produced Brown, and pretending that tyranny was the result of atheists or some other sock puppet. You're doubly cowardly when you attack the better men than you called 'Nazis' by the jews they, unlike Catholic coward Buchanan, named and fought openly. The irony you'd be quick to spot were you and your gelded church not the butt of it is your child-who-fears-he's-about-to-get-spanked insistence that Mother Church did everything she could to save the wunnerful, wunnerful yahoodies. When did ankle-grabbing become a sacrament, Pretty Pat? When you look at Hitler, Daisy, you're looking up, not down. Don't ever kid yourself about that, Pat. Cravenness, it has long been noted, takes the form of abusing people you're in position to, whether maids or interns or what. This is the Catholic disease: Suck up, shit down. Hierarchy is inevitable and necessary; yet it cannot be denied that there's a dark side to it, and we see it in cowardly Pat's denunciation of men who did what he dares not, but knows he ought. Pat's polite to Pets, and's not above lifting a small-dog leg on the gravestones of their dead enemies. No leader here, folks. Just another male cheerleader for the System. But maybe I missed Pat Buchanan at our rally -- the rally put on by the only men who bothered to appear in public and call Brown what it is: the judicial keystone of Jewish Tyranny. I graphically described in public the REALITY, the DAILY GROUND REALITY of Brown in a way Pat Buchanan would think impolitic and impolite. Winning is bad form to conservatives. Respectable people lose. Well, let me sum it up this way: the Aryan-American Founders' line was established by winners, not losers, and it runs straight through me and VNN. Not you, Pat, but me and VNN readers. WE are the Americans. You're a muticulturalist by another name, first and last an adherent of a religion that lies that race does not exist. We part ways with you race liars and reality deniers. As I said at the rally, WE of German, English and Irish descent made this country. Not jews. Not rock-flippin', grub-eating Scroggings 'groids who eat out of our earnings and wouldn't exist without our science. Not Catholick cowards who scrape before the kikes who tyrannize the Aryan West. Martin Luther nailed his theses to the church door, and I had him in mind when I was speaking. The traditions we read about, if we can find books jews haven't burned, show us what our ancestors were really like. We can make a choice to carry on their traditions, or to abandon them. The tradition of the heroic quest which is based in our blood, when we're "in shape," is where we must turn today. This Germanic crude directness is power, and it feels right and good, and all us who showed up knew our words were right, and knew we would defend them with our lives. Not for a 700-word jog carefully syncopated of beatful, necessary jew truths. Pat Buchanan is not a leader of White men. He never tried to be. We at the rally were apparently the only ones in this country willing to stick up publicly for the White girls and boys sexually, physically, psychologically and intellectually abused by the jew-produced court decision that turned us from Aryan freemen into thralls of Jewish Tyranny. As I correctly predicted, not one cowardly-conservative columnist would dare show up. It's just words on paper for these littlers. Only we, and WE ALONE dominated the day. If you want leaders, Aryan America, we offer it. The conservatives are quibblers and cavilers and remonstrators -- in a nutshell: cowards and losers. Not just my words, history's verdict. Buchanan's words are disinformative cowardice: Buchanan knows but withholds like a prostitute with money stuck up her pussy the vital information from his reader that it is not the court that dictates to America, but THE JEW. The agent producing the symptoms the cons complain of is the kike - in every single case. The professional conservatives know this. They desire their continued employment more than their readers knowing the truth. They are cynics and me-realists. They are not men in the true sense of the word, but System whores. Conservatism, in effect if not in principle, is a way of doing nothing while pretending to do something. Buchanan profits off his readers while carefully avoiding mention of what's really going on. How cynical does one have to be to engage in such deception decade after decade? The conservatives are sophists, calculators and prostitutes. Daisy Buchanan and Canny Sammy and Pauli Girl Roberts earn their zogbucks by mislensing Brown. I charge these men with knowingly misrepresenting the facts of the situation to their readers. Pugnacious Pat? Are you kidding? Pat-in-hand is more like it, when it comes to the crux of the matter. Pat never names the jew. Pat always names the racist. Pat isn't part of the solution, he's part of the problem. The only thing Buchanan names is a nigger to his vice presidential slot. The only people Buchanan isn't courteous to are Aryan racists. Pat treats nigger racists more respectfully than White ones, beacuse thatz how his jewish boss does it, and in the end he's a goody-goody brainwashed Catholic boy, the type that always defers to authority. It is a measure of the dimness of many racialists that they imagine him one of us. Buchanan is considerably sharper than the average conservative, but in kind he's exactly the same. The refusal to accept that race lies at the heart of the political struggles in mixed states is political escapism. Aryans have racial interests, and none of the things conservatives prize can be preserved in a non-White environment. Any man -- all conservative men -- who fail to say this aid the enemy. They too serve ZOG who call things what they aren't. Reality exists, and this belief is conservatism's starting point. Anyone who denies the fact, by omission or commission, accedes to the jews. We beat the jews by naming their game and opposing them as Aryans. That is the only way that can work. As long as the jews operate as a race, and the conservatives pretend it's all a matter of individual hearts and minds and institutions, nothing will change. Race trumps Christianity. Pat Buchanan doesn't realize that, but it's true. Humble racists speak simple facts: niggers exist. Jews exist. Aryans exist. Their interests oppose. Christians speak arrogant lies: men walk on water. Men come back from the dead. Race can be transcended through the jew named Jesus. Christianity, assert arrogant Christian bigots, is identical to the West. No, my friend, it is not. VNN is the West. Honest, honorable men of Aryan blood making the reckful Quest to preserve ourselves and our kind in a world of biological competition. The rise of an implacably hostile Aryan tendency is the only thing that can save us. These pussy-chasing/whore-marrying/White-child-abandoning beautiful-visionaries who want to turn righteous rage into an Up With People clapalong are tootling up the wrong tree. When you read my prepared text for the Topeka Rally, you'll see the difference between the real thing and pattycake. Again, as always, I will speak wherever, whenever, to whomever. I will be happy to address any gathering of hostiles or happies, and call these I name cowards the same to their face. "To all those opposed, well...," as Axl Rose so finely put it.

Rally Against Brown vs. Whites in Topeka

Photographer captures the essence of our charge. Yet the report's words falsify the scene: White voices and arguments dominated the setting and carried the day. The seed of what can be was planted. I can and will write up what happened, but you cannot understand these things unless you are there to feel them, because they lie in the eyes of your fellow Aryans, and in the looks you get from the antis - some hostile, some seeking. If not you, who? If not yesterday, when?...

Brown vs. the Bored

Whites have no rights in jew-produced America....by Edgar Steele

The Browning of America

The jew-led campaign to unleash jungle animals on helpless Aryan Americans has paid off in spades - for them. All White men have gotten out of the bargain is deadhead kids, raped women and the need forever to move, move, move away from the Horror they are legally forbidden to resist. I don't like that, and I and Billy Roper and Pastor Butler and some other good men will be in Topeka on May 15th to speak truth to ZOG. Lend your strength to ours - if itz in you....by Ben Vinyard

"Saved": Jews Who Refused "Passion" Hot to Distribute Anti-Christian Hate Film

Why, oh why, Christian fools, do you support Israel? All you receive is endless abuse. Maybe some of you get off on being treated like shit. Is that it? More here from Ted Baehr of Christian Film & Television Commission. He urged other religious leaders, including Jewish and Moslem leaders, to warn their constituents about the bigoted movie, which stars Mandy Moore and Macaulay Culkin in a story about self-righteous Christian youths in an uptight Christian school. "SAVED! is a hateful, politically correct movie," Dr. Baehr declared. "It is being heavily marketed to the community it mocks to lead Christian youth astray and make them resent their own faith." Trailer here. Official site here. Here a bit on Dannelly, the apparently goyish writer/director behind "Saved." More here. Note the near-complete absence of jews in cast and among directors. The only thing jews have to do with this movie is fund and distribution. Kind of like politics. Movies are politics by other means, as Clausewitz would say were he alive today. On the other hand, further review reveals Dannelly could be a kike: Brian Dannelly was born in Wurtzburg, Germany and spent his early years in Lederhosen skiing and climbing the cheese and sausage strewn hills of Bavaria and putting on elaborate puppet shows with puppets he designed with his grandmother. At the age of 11 his family relocated to a suburb of Baltimore Maryland. After surviving Catholic elementary school, a Jewish summer camp and a Baptist high school he went about getting his Bachelor's degree by attending The Maryland Institute of Art...

America is Going Bankrupt

Too many niggers, too many bogus dollars, too many goddam jews, too many decades of jewish lies. Like an out of control helicopter, the Kwa plummets earthward. The jew-produced Kwa gets off on torturing Americans too. Note the way the WASP coward Pauli Girl Roberts lies about the Nazis - the one group not afraid to name the jew that is the source of what he mislabels 'jacobinism.' Jacobin is the paleocon coward's term for jew. Pauli Girl doesn't like being called a coward. Neither does Patty McFly. But they still like it more than naming the jew. No jews, no neconservatism. They defined it, they lead it, without them it does not exist. 'Jacobin' is so much jibber-jabber. The antecedents of what the kikes controlling Bush are doing are found in Russia and Germany in the 20th century, not France in the 18th. WASP/paleocon lying about Germany seems to be some sort of congenital defect, like Canny Sammy's obese poltroonishness, or Pauli's girly caginess with this laughable yeah-thatz-the-ticket jacobinism, or Jerry Springer-Taylor's hypocritically quoting Jefferson about fearing no truth, while running like sixty away from the dirty jews passing laws classing niggers with humans. Good work, losers. There's a reason jews try to shut down racist sites while they laugh at libertarians and ignore paleocons. You guys suck. Here's an example of German/Nazi bravery, the likes of which has never come out of wherever in the British Isles Robertses come from. What classic WASP gutlessness to blast only the party that can't fire back. Heroic Pauli Girl goes off on Nazis he knows nothing about, safe in the knowledge no one will shoot back. When it comes to the jews who can threaten pelf and position, why our British hero is all, uh, uh, uh, "Jacobin" -- "Yeah, thatz the ticket!" You're a fucking coward, Paul Craig Roberts. To see precisely what I mean, take Pauli Coward article "explaining" our current miserable state and take something, anything Goebbels wrote fifty years ago. One is 'spot on,' as the island-monkey wannabes say, one is evasive. What really bothers "men" like Pauli girl about the Nazis is that they fought back, and so made clear just how weak America's British-descended conservative commentator class really is. They don't do anything but talk, and they don't even do that well. Do you ever read a Canny Sammy or Lewpus or PC Roberts article and come away understanding something? Or do you feel the real story is between the lines, just hinted at? These are British character and characteriological defects that show up generation after generation. "To seem," the British national motto. If Aryans are to survive on the North American continent, they must follow the German nationalist model: naming and fighting the jew directly as enemy number one. Itz easy. By the way Pauli Coward, any way you wish to satify my infringement of your honor, I'm all game. I know you're a weak old man, but you claim you can write, so a contest of words will do. I suggest that you draw up a list of particulars with regard to the parallel between Jacobins and neocons, and I'll draw one up for jews in Germany before Hitler and jews in AmeriKwa today. And we'll let all our readers be the judge. The truth is that Pauli Craig like Patty B, is just another whiny egalitarian liberal . Look ma, no race! Niggers be people. With souls a' whatnot. For real, yo. If you don't respond, Pauli Girl, I'm going to make the comparison anyway, and post your picture on it, and rip you limb from limb. Your days of lying about better men than you are over. On the off chance Roberts is Scottish Rather than English, I'll proffer this insult, you useless douche. "Much may be made of a Scotsman, if he be caught young." I'm going to call you Uncaught Roberts, you timorous beast. Imagine Pauli Girl Uncaught Roberts a chihuahua in a kilt sicc'd on a Mr. Bill Clay figure named "Jack O'Bin." Grrr, truly.

Terrorists, Torturers, Liars - Jews

Jews are a race of spoiled brats, and our foreign policy reflects that.

Jigs, and the Fools Who Mess with Them

They look, smell, and act like animals, but they're really humans. Some say they're our equals! This fascinating opinion is law. Welcome to real-life horror story. My ethnicity has never been a source of confusion. I am white. Plain old American mutt-white. My husband is white. My son could be the poster boy for "white": His hair is like a dandelion, yellow and spiky or white and poofy, depending on the day. My daughter is the Gerber baby -- plump and pink-cheeked with wispy blond curls. Self-hating, Salon-reading, nigger-loving white she-fool... "I am white," I said, and instantly felt that it was a weird thing to say. I hated the way it sounded out loud, on my stoop, on his block. In the seconds of silence that followed, I kept hearing the echo of it and it embarrassed me. Had I sounded proud? Could I take it back? Midwestern guilt -- a certainty that I'd done something wrong -- bubbled to the surface. I had a hard time meeting Tyrone's imploring eyes. Had I misled him somehow? Was this a betrayal? Tyrone's reaction was an honest-to-goodness jaw-drop. "Dang!" he shouted. "My momma says I can't like white people," he stamped his foot in exclamation, "and I like you. Dang!" He decided to try again. "You're really white? You're not messed-up color?" Yeah, you dumb cunt. Niggers hate whites. They're encouraged to by the jews who make you hate yourself. Welcome to the jungle, welcome to the 'Kwa. Thanks, jews. We owe you one.

"Hollywood Must Be Destroyed"

Cantrell reviews Schroder novel.

The Hebes Who Murdered the Ukraine

With drawings... A more detestable lot of vermicious kikes would be hard to find...outside Washington, D.C. Of course, Ukraine isn't the only place jes cause problems: Germany, too.

Hey America, You're Turning into a Jew

This war is AmeriKwa's bar mitzvah. Torturing people and laughing about it - you can't get any more Judeo-Christian than that. Note the smile on the face of the little minx who is making the Iraqi man masturbate for her. She is getting off. It's fun. Well, I certainly won't call her a cunt. That would be unchivalrous. Knights and ladies - was ever a more ridiculous ideal hatched by human salamander? The true Aryan is Schopenhauer, who threw an incessantly yapping twat down several flights of stairs and denounced European men for their apish veneration of women. The feminist fear is closer to the truth than the feminist ideal: women are more valuable for what they are than what they do or say. They're energy pills for Pac Men, so to speak. After Wilde, we might say, the woman's first duty is to learn how not to annoy men. Her second duty has never been discovered. In jew-produced AmeriKwa, women have many fine options. They can be raped by niggers who go unpunished, or they can be drafted to fight foreign wars. Now aren't you glad the White male patriarchy is dead, feminists?

The God of War

God made AmeriKwa #1. So we've got that going for us....by Alexander Shelby

A Hitch in Our Git Along

Movement honchos need to take a self-importance laxative. Let the jews do their Slim Pickenstein routine as the AmeriKwan turd circles for burial at sea. Meanwhile, underground forces are preparing methanically to, uh, "raise the roof" as our friends of melanin say....by Edgar Steele

Public School Offers Only One Major: Conformity

They want everybody to think the same "free-thinkin' way they do." Fuck them.

Objections to Christianity

Apart from the misery it has inflicted on the world, there are solid historical and philosophical reasons to avoid Christianity....by National Socialist

Cartoon: Dirty Jews Celebrate Passover, a Jewish Hate Holiday

All jew holidays are hate holidays. The jewish religion is a hate religion. It isn't even a religion at all. It's a political group of genetically inbred arabs who hate the rest of the world. Is there "hate" in your community? There is if there's a synagogue.

Nasty Filthy Jews

Neocons are jews and their pet 'poopz. Accept no substitute explanations.


Democracy: replacing native dictator with jew. Here Reese on the war racket. More on that racket here. They say Tillman was a hero. Words are cheap. Tillman was brave, even selfless, but his death serves no purpose beyond advancing the jew's agenda and proving once again that even the unaverage American would rather die than think. Here on the con war-avoiders. They too serve who bray like asses ten thousand miles away.

Niggers Be Writing

Is there any nigger 'nist in the nation that actually writes about anything? No. Nogs nur. The only thing less common that a jew in the Auschwitz oven is a book in a nigger's house. Hey, papers: you want more readers? Maybe you could wrap your print around a malt liquor bottle, or enclose a baggy with weed or a bitty rock.

Misreading "Passion"

Some of Buchanan's remarks hit the target, but he's too tentative in other places, and more often simply wrong. An enumerated list of his mistakes: 1) "Passion" is a masterpiece. It isn't. It's a Semitically Correct bordering-on-WWF treatment of the execution of a jew. The power of the movie depends more on one's estimation of Jesus than on the art in Gibson's telling. A month after seeing it, I remember little. What lingers is Gibson's use of slow motion in capturing Jesus falling down, repeatedly, under the weight of a cross no man of his size in his condition could have carried ten yards. Ludicrous is the only word that fits. Remember that forty million Americans eat out of a jewed Bible that Israel is God's country, and evil anti-Semites who question anything it does will "bring judgment." These aren't folks whose intelligence and taste I respect. Most Christians will believe anything, and they are likelier to believe in a claim if it is presented to them as miraculous or Divine in origin. The funny thing is that this Belief is promoted by men who ought to know better as admirable, and its absence as a defect, but the anti-religious truth is that Belief springs from laziness, stupidity and cowardice more often than their opposites. Belief demands nothing more than declaration. It has little value. Christians, as religious bigot Buchanan cannot see, are at war with the mentality which built the West. The West exists because the Aryan race produces greater numbers of organized thinkers than any other. The fact that most people belong to this or that religion means little. The West is blood, not Belief. Somewhere in the overlap of clear thinking and reckful risktaking lies the real spirit we ought to pay homage to, because it brought us to where we are today, not Jesus and his jumpers. Let's bring that out as point 2), the bigoted false identity made of Christianity and the West. What was it that existed in Greece and Rome, Pat? Did Christians build the Colisseum and the Parthenon? Were Plato and Socrates Jesus fans? Are they less Western than you because their dads didn't raise them Catholic? Two facts Buchanan avoids are that the Western spirit and race existed before Christianity, and Christianity now includes more non-Western people than Western. What is quintessentially Western is not a religion or any religion, but its comparative lack of religion. The West has produced a higher percentage of scientific thinkers than any other region or race in the world. 3) And despite the dire warnings of the Anti-Defamation League, not one synagogue has been torched, nor one American Jew assaulted. Pat doesn't grasp the implication here, so let's spell it out for him. Leaders like you, Buchanan, preaching the socialist doctrine that we're all guilty of jesucide, absolving the jews of the collective guilt they were more than happy to accept according to that very bible you claim to believe -- leaders like you have gelded Christianity of the true Belief that might have resulted in burned synagogues and dead piles of smoldering yahoodis. You say that Jesus said he came not in peace, but with a sword, yet you admanantly and persistently refuse to see that the jews form and operate as a genetic, political, and racial collective. And this collective has debased your religion. Which I couldn't care less about. But it's also killing my race, which I do care about. And that is point 4): the Christian universalism you claim is progress is turning the West into the Third World. Each person has a soul and dignity? How can one respond to lugubrious pathetics like that? Feminine excess of other-sympathy leads directly to Somalis in Maine, directly to Dru Sjodin's bloody body in a Dakota ravine. You will notice, too, that like most Christians and conservative commentators, Buchanan is both a coward and a hypocrite. There are plenty of people he treats as though they have no dignity or souls: racists. Oh, pardon me: White racists. For jewish racists, Pugnacious Pat converts to Polite Pat, and digs about most scrupulously for extenuations. Buchanan bends over backward to avoid generalizing about the jews who are the obvious and only source of hostility to "Passion," as they are to blood-based Western nations, yet he grows genuinely pugnacious where the genuine enemies of the men he scolds are concerned. But what does Pat care? He has no daughter who might be raped and murdered by one of those precious and dignified third-worlders the jews he cringes before declared our equals and loosed in our neighborhoods. His job is to stay on tv shaking hands with the jews murdering America. Follow not Pat Buchanan, brother Aryans, for his is not the White way, but the way of the whited sepulchre.

"Surely There's Nothing Wrong with a Little Revisionism on Our Time"

Havin' some pizza and learning about jew bullshit. Most of a very long report from Sacramento; conclusion before the weekend is out...by Alex Linder

The State of the Kwa: Atlantic City

When Whitey departs, how long can the center hold?...by William Ventvogel

Movie Review: 'Kill Bill, Vol. 2'

Long but good, and not particularly semitically correct...by Rich Brooks

In Defense of Homophobia I

On the proper attitude and public policy toward homos...by Edgar Steele

In Defense of Homophobia II

On the proper attitude and public policy toward homos...by Edgar Steele

Historical Fact vs. Historical Fiction

"Holocaust," lied the jew...by E. Thomson

Response to Burdi Interview

There are losers in every movement, so the fact that there are losers in WN means nothing by itself. Focus on progress toward concrete goals, and live so that you'll never have to say, "The dingo married my baby!"...by Rob Freeman

Jew Phyllis Chesler Says Jews Come First, And Other Shocking Things

Of hatred for outsiders and vicious double standards, the jews have no end...by Douglas Wright

The Jewish Revolt: Caligula vs. the Jews

Jewish behavior explains gentile reaction - today or in Greek and Roman times....by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Interview: George Burdi

An extensive, thoughtful glimpse into the evolving soul of one of the more interesting White personages of the last twenty years. Whether Burdi has retreated from race, or transcended it, as he prefers, his insights into the cultivation of soul and culture bear reflection....by VNN staff

Dirty, Dirty Jews and the Wide and Widening War

Thick, ineffectual Buchanan judges jews by the canons of Aryan character. Neat trick. It doesn't work with German Shepherds and poodles, but it works on men. Neither schnauzer nor dachshund nor shitzu nor alfa romeo, or whatever those exotic pooches of color are called, according to the Dog Bible. They all be dogs, and they all be one, yo. Dog Jesus died for their sins, he was poundsteined to a double-cross by a posse of rabid nosehounds. Howooooooooooo he suffered. Brings a tear to me dolorous eye, it do. You see, Pat, a pit viper is not a kingsnake, and cannot become one by reforming its character. No matter how earnestly you implore, supply you coo -- not even for money. The stinkbird remains a stinkbird, and only the stinkbird abatement manager can treat it. The jews are not a peculiar people that exhibits Aryan-abhorrent character flaws generation after generation, they are beings of a different nature. Your dumb religion pretends that isn't true because your dumb religion was invented by kikes. Turning the other cheek instead of whipping it out and pissing all over the jewish mob may work for Jeboo in Fantasyland, but here on earth, the effective policy for this subpecies of human roaches is stepping on it. Don't let up until you see the whites of their insides. Exiting Iraq with honor and avoiding the wider war for which the neocons are even now scheming is the first duty of patriots. Nah, it ain't. Naming the fucking paleokike is the first order of business. You've had your chance, now get on with your barren self and your failed Catholic universalism. Go dig latrines for tse-tse fodder in Ghana, help 'em turn over rocks for brunch, I don't know, something useful.

Jewing the Dictionary

It never ends. All knowledge of the jews must be jewed out of existence, lest the tribe itself be terminated. Being a jew means always having to cover your tracks while emitting perpetual shrieks of simulated outrage. You know how snakes come in two varieties: poisonous and non- ? Well, jews are the poisonous humans.

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