Movie Review: 'Troy'

by Iranian for Aryans

30 May 2004

I like it to be known that I am not a movie-goer. In fact, that I hate movies, generally. This said, I had to pre-occupy my boy as my wife had to do work. Being impatient by nature, I decided to take him to the movies and let him vegetate while eating popcorn.

The pre-movie advertisements showed for many a minute. There was a Fanta Juice commercial that had four whorishly dressed women. One was a blonde, while the remainder consisted of one mestiza and two mixed negresses. The music was bongo-music, and everything permeating the commercial was sexual, ugly, and vice-full, especially the last sexual innuendo. Black men and white women mixing freely amid a further multiracial scene with degenerate bongo beats: revolting. I hate modern "culture."

Next came the previews. This nonsense "Chronicles of Riddick" had congoids everywhere as supernatural troops, and leaders. Van Diesel, apparently a mulatto, though to my eyes, very Jewish-looking, was the messiah of the forces of good: yuck. What unreality! After a few more grotesque previews came the movie I paid for.

I didn't like "Troy." I read Homer years ago. I immensely enjoyed both his masterpieces, especially The Iliad. They are -- and will always remain -- classics in Nordic Man's eminent history. Regardless, I will explain my dislike of the movie.

For starters, it did not portray the deep pathos of the novel, but rather -- as is typical of Hollywood -- bowdlerized the epic. As an example, take Achilles in the movie. Brad Pitt exuded a stupid air and spirit. He had nothing going for him except muscles and showy stunts. Several sex scenes were put in the movie (how Jewish!), provocatively showing and hiding his "curves." In addition, he was a stilted actor. During the death of Patrocles, I did not sense any deep Shakespearean feeling imitating the Iliad itself. The maxim holds true: trash in, trash out. The movie -- overall -- was nothing but a fight-movie, with drama interspersed.

Additionally, the role of Agamemnon was converted into the epitome of evil. Menelaus, as the husband cuckolded and scorned, became another evil one. Both of them, hell-bent on conquest and imperialism, were morally corrupt and decadent. Indeed, Agamemnon never died in the Iliad, but ended-up being killed by his treacherous wife, Clytemnestra, in Sophocles's Electra. Incidentally, a greater work can be found in an opera by the same name (different spelling) by R. Strauss. A cosmic, explosive, and extremely dramatic work, it is concerned with filial love. Get the Solti 1967 recording with Nilsson and Rysanek.

Anyway, besides the stupid plot of the movie, the music was atrocious. This mixed, rootless, New Age-Levantine-Jewish-Minimalist nonsense that permeates the movies of today further took away from any potential the movie might have had. The music should have called for Wagner, Brahms, Schubert, Handel, Lully, etc., not empty noise. Actually, I think that the "composer," James Horner, stole the movie theme right out of Shostakovich's 5th symphony's last movement.

Be that as it may, I did see tons of non-Whites in the movie. The hordes of warriors were filled with many a brown face. Perhaps, I'm correct in thinking that this movie was filmed in Baja California?

But did this movie have any redeeming qualities? Yes, but none that would tip this movie in favor of White Nationalism. I did enjoy Achilles' Nordic "glory and early death vs. senility and peace" viewpoint. Not to mention the woman who played Helen. Ye Gods (!), what a beautiful Nordic woman.

However, my sympathy lay with Hector. He died fighting for country and volk, not for himself, like Achilles. Oh, and let's not forget that Patrocles was not the cousin to Achilles, but, in reality, his older male lover. I'm glad that Petersen kept that hidden. I'm surprised that he did so, since he is the same Petersen who directed "Das Boot": that anti-German hate-fest.

Death to movie theaters. Stay home, listen to Mozart, and read Dreiser. The movies can go to hell.


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