24 June, 2007

Interview: David Lane

Posted by alex in White Nationalists at 10:30 pm | Permanent Link
Attached is a PDF file of the transcript of a 2 hour interview done with David Lane just after he was arrested.  It was cut from the program on the Order that aired, but some VHS’s survived (perhaps you have one) and a Stormfront member got a copy from April Gaede and transcribed it.  I put it together into a clean professional format and added some Order pictures in order to facilitate its propagation and spread throughout the web.  Please feel free to add it to the content on your site or spread it around. Feel free to remove any stormfront references but please leave the credit to Northern Bastion for all of her hard work transcribing this off of an old VHS.  BTW, great job in the protest, not everyone at Stormfront hates you guys.  I am personally a fan of you guys, but I hate GM.


  • 18 Responses to “Interview: David Lane”

    1. New America Says:

      This one is going to take a little while; I’ve been catching Hell for my alternative vision of Lane and Mathews, and this is wonderful in its depth of Insight.

      I’ll have something to say as soon as possible.

      I might be a bit verbose on this one, but, given the damn near transcendental importance of Lane and Mathews for those who claim to favor certain “revolutionary” techniques over others, I’d rather be as clear as possible, while using as few words as possible.

      If this post could be kept on the front page, particularly at the top, for a little while, I would be very grateful.

      One aspect I will be addressing, however peripherally, will be the VNN Distributed Intelligence Model versus the more *ahem* “Forceful” Alternatives.

      I anticipate disagreement.


      They have the right to be wrong, and we have the duty to be right.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    2. -JC Says:

      Any corrections to this page would also be appreciated, e.g., “David Lane: The current White population of the world is approximately 810%.” (sic)

    3. FeralWhiteMan Says:

      Thanks for transcribing this interview. A couple of comments; first, Lane (RIP) isn’t saying anything new in this interview. He’s repeating words from Rockwell, from Hitler and others. Next, he’s wrong to say the problem is just “Zionist” Jews. The problem is JEWS period. Who cares if a pornographer is a Zionist or not? He’s jew scum. End of story. The other thing is the reference to that kike Yuri Andropov who aided in the demoralization and continuing destruction of White America. He’s referenced by a real Russian, Bezmenov, in this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE8MCSu_K-A

      And the most important thing one should glean from this interview is this — note how this woman is CONSTANTLY and ONLY worried about some future harm to others and NOT about the on-going destruction of the White race. It’s all worrisome quibbling. Traitors will be killed? Shock and horror. What will happen to the blacks and Jews if you get power? Shock and horror. That’s it. The main goal is to try to characterize, nay demonize, the rare courageous White man DEFENDING his race and nation as being an OFFENSIVE threat to the average citizen. It’s a lie. Only years of indoctrination, demoralization and brainwashing can make the average White citizen think that a person who wants to defend them, their families and their nation is actually a dangerous enemy to them, their families and their nation. A psychological mindfuck. Don’t be fooled by it, lemming.

    4. Colonel Buckshot Says:

      Lane was just another nutcase along side Klassen and all the other deranged nutcases and jew dupes now thankfully dead. How reassuring that the number of their ilk grows ever smaller. Cloud cukoo land must be filling up fast.

      People may believe what they will and sadly most will believe anything, however nonsensical. But those who actually believe in nothing are harder to fathom. Perhaps as we continue to awaken we will begin to divest ourselves of all such insanities, dumping the winged helmets and fiery chariots, we will grow to understand that the final resolve of our racial woes lies not in the fantastical imaginations of deranged individuals and other such pied piper types but in our own active participation in the combating of our enemies with reliance upon our own more advanced senses and instincts.

      Fairy stories and supernatural hocus pocus are for niggers and subhuman races to indulge themselves with. As a white man of modest intellect I prefer to rely upon cold stark fact on which to base my sense of reallity and determine my actions not nutters like David Lane.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      Colonel Buckshot: why do you slander David Lane by saying he was a “nutcase” and “jew dupe”? Those are strong accusations coming from someone who is brave enough to post such things on the internet under an assumed name. Sure, Mr. Lane did advocate and believe in Odinism, but that is a healthy, racial religion, unlike Christ-insanity. So what if he was an Odinist?- he made a great sacrifice for the white race and wrote some very powerful literature. The fact that he coined the “14 words” should be more than enough reason to honor this man.

      So “Colonel Buckshot” how about posting your real name on here and telling us what kind of sacrifices you have made for your race such as revolutionary actions, writings, etc.? Anyone can throw mud on a dead man’s name, and it is especially COWARDLY to do it anonymously on an internet forum.

      14 words!

    6. MB Says:

      I too was disappointed with Lane’s “Zionists, not Jews” remark. Was he really that shallow, or were these same people not the same problem in Egypt, then Rome, long before Christ? The middle age expulsions, what were they about again?

      The average Jew is just as much an enemy of the White race as is Isador Blumenthalbergwits, because the different races aren’t compatible! I would have expected Lane to Know this.

    7. Anti Says:

      Blackshirt is the flag-waver in this case. Knock an idol, the buhlievers come running.

      It’s weird that Lane plays the “Zionist Jews” card. It’s typical of European nationalists and other ideological lightweights. The Odinismus went to his head.

      The “14 Words” can be flushed down the toilet. Having children never saved any people, and any people weak enough to make protecting whatever children they do have top priority in racial warfare is on the way out fast. Sloganeering is worth fuck all. But then, WN is 90% sloganeering, 9% information, and the last 1% split between real thought and action.

    8. Easily spots zhids Says:

      “…any people weak enough to make protecting whatever children they do have top priority in racial warfare is on the way out fast…”

      You know the zhids are getting more and more worried on some level as their ham-handed “why don’t you give up” squeals grow more shrill.

    9. Colonel Buckshot Says:

      Anything that masquerades as religion is not worthy of consideration by a rational white person. Religion of any form is a crutch for the mentally weak and culturally inept of our race and as such adherents to such farcical idiologies are an hinderance not of any help or usefull purpose and should be removed along with their mischief from our midst by whatever means. Likewise so those who follow the innane rantings of these deluded pseudo visionaries or seek to decieve our brothers with such insanity.

      There is no such animal as a healthy racial religion, in fact religion is inimical to racial survival since religiosity is the reliance upon the imaginary and no one ever imagined their way out of trouble, they preserved their existence by actively striving to survive not by praying to some mythical figure in some dark etherial mist somewhere. All religion ever did was hide the truth from men and hold them in bondage rendering them ineffectual and weak, hoping against hope that help would come from something that does not exist as their enemies ripped them apart.

      Perhaps before we begin to mete justice on our racial foes we should start by stringing up the bullshit peddlars who have delluded our kinsfolk into submission for decades with obsurd religious beliefs. The deaths of hundreds of millions of our people is enough to convicet. One we have emancipated ourselves from religious slavery we can begin to free ourselves from the physical slavery that has resulted from religiously induced narcosis. Worshipping the non existent is for the subraces, not for white humankind. I vehemently deny any man made deity and I actively defy and man who conjures them up.

    10. Anti Says:

      Knock an idol, the buhlievers come running…torches blazing.

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      “Anti” says I am a “flag waver” and “buhliever”… really? Just because I admire David Lane and the sacrifices he made makes me an idol worshipper? No, I don’t “worship” anyone in this struggle or any gods for that matter. So “Anti”, if I were to say Adolf Hitler was a great man and I admire the sacrifices that he made, would that make me an idol worshipper too? I’m sure that in that case you would sing the praises of AH to high heaven and if he was still alive you would lick his ass. Regardless, people like you are provacateurs and are just looking to pick a fight, so I’ll let you have your fun.

      Speaking of the 1% who are actually doing something, what are you “doing” action-wise Anti? Complaining on the VNN forum and degrading people who are or have actually done something doesn’t count.

    12. Hoosier Says:

      Anti Says:
      25 June, 2007 at 9:09 pm

      The “14 Words” can be flushed down the toilet. Having children never saved any people, and any people weak enough to make protecting whatever children they do have top priority in racial warfare is on the way out fast.

      No of course, having children never saved any people. And who can stand those “weak people” out there “protecting whatever children they do have.” No need to worry, they’re on the way out fast according to the latest and greatest WN guru.

      Hey boys, be a racial warrior for god’s sake, and stop protecting your children, you goddamn pussies! And for sure, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” must go. Not only must it go, but must be flushed down the toilet. What tripe, living space for white people! I mean, really.

      Hey Anti’s just an idol, I’m the buhliever comin’ a’runnin,’ y’all.


      Any lingering doubts I had that “Anti” is not a nutcase or a shit stirrer have resolved themselves quite nicely. I’m here to tell you, He’s one of them, if not both.

      This is your que to go on another long Jewy rant, “Anti.” Make sure you add a big dose of pseudo-psychology. fold in a cup of deflection and a pinch of “poor me” and off you will go.

    13. wjg Says:


      Your anti-religion is just as fanatical as the typical rapture bunny’s pseudo-religion. “Burn the heretics if they don’t believe me”. “I know all there is about things that are unverifiable”. Linder’s an atheist but he looks at religion primarily from the perspective of whether it serves or harms our interests not as a wild eyed fundamentalist.

      Casting aspersions on brothers over bullshit like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin is less indicative of a serious White Nationalist than it is a troll.

      Let different WN factions believe what they will about the spiritual realm. We have enough real fights on our hands.

    14. Zhids are self-deceptive Says:

      “Easily spots zhids” nailed “anti” smack dab in the middle of the forehead. He’s right. There has been more shrillness in most of the posts by the antis in recent months. It’s no wonder Hillel House has “anti” and others put in a mandatory minimum of 10 hrs per week of internet monitoring/trolling. Their cool little game is gettng more and more exposure each week. Self deceptive bone smokers that they are, they’ll never see that’s whats up. Many of them actually cannot conceive that it is their behavior that eventually brings the host population to drive them out. Itz coming. Again.

    15. Anti Says:

      You people are rabid idiots.

    16. Tonal Movie Says:

      Guess you’re right “Zhids are self-deceptive”. “Anti” was literally left speechless. Or in this case, wordless. Hah. Yeah, Hillel House is going to have raise the number of hours per week, you betcha.

    17. Celtic Warrior Says:

      We can’t win this racial war without strong families and White children. Observe Nature, numbers do matter. The ’14 Words’ provides both recognition of our current plight and a path to victory.

      White man be fruitful!

    18. Petrarch Says:

      Anti knows of what he speaks:
      “Knock an idol, the buhlievers come running…torches blazing.”

      If Anti does no believe me then sheit should try one of the following:

      Go to your nearest year Martin Luther King Boulevard and say:
      Martin Luther King with a worthless nigger.

      Go to your nearest synagogue and say:
      Ann Frank was jewess whore.

      Go to the UC Berkeley campus and make a negative statement about any of the idols of the Multicult.

      All the Multicultist buhlievers would become hysterical, yelling to drown out your voice, some may start crying, others chanting, most demanding “hate speech” laws, there may be attempt to contact you employer to have you fired, if there is a police around you could be arrested for whatever charges they can make up, you may even be hit with a piss balloon, and of course there is always the chance a nigger or spic will violently attack you.

      To put this in context, go to a Christian Church and make negative statements about Jesus or any other Christian idol. Nothing would happen expect some annoying believer would tell that Jesus loves you.

      The Christians act this way because they know they are right based on the principle of faith. Multicultist behave so hysterically because theirs buhliefs are all based on jew pseudo-science that cannot be defended logically resulting in hysteria and the demand for laws to enforce Multicultist buhliefs.

      Attack any great White man you please, Plato, Nietzsche, Hitler, Lane, etc. All WN see their flaws, but we see their greatness, which flourishes from their White DNA. All great men are White! WN don’t need jew fairytales about flawless supernatural niggers and whores. There is no such thing a great non-White!

      I bet the vast majority of Anti could not name one great non-White that never had contact with the White world. This is because there are none. The only reason the phony “great” non-Whites (Frank, King, Einstein, Gandhi, etc) is because the jew manufactured their “greatness” in order to use against Whites.

      White Nationalists are not believers. White Nationalists are knowers. This is why the jew hates White Nationalists. Its not that WN refuse to believe the jew fairytales, WN can’t.

      Ok, and sure many people WN may not consider David a great man, but I think all WN would agree that he is greater then ever single nigger and jew that has or will ever live.