
Reporter Meredith Viera made an ABC News Turning Point Special on The Order. Although interviews of other members of the Order were used, David Lane was left out.

The following is the transcript of the entire interview, as transcribed by Stormfront member Northern Bastion from one of the original VHS Cassettes.

David Lane was a true hero and attribute to our Race. May he wait vigilantly in Valhalla. Hail the Order. Please back this document up and spread it far and wide. " comJo

www.stormfront.org Meredith Viera interview of David Lane:

Meredith Viera: If you could first read a statement of your beliefs, so I’d like to give you the opportunity to do that first.

David Lane: All right, urn, it is my belief and teaching that for any sane White man today there is no other issue than these 14 words, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children." These 14 words are the sacred battle cry of the remaining White world.

Meredith: Why are those words so important to you?

David Lane: If there is not a total White revolution very, very soon, then the beauty of the White Aryan woman will cease to exist on this continent, perhaps in this world, forever.

Meredith: Why do you say that?

David Lane: The current White population of the world is approximately 810%, approximately 2-3% of the world's population is young, White female, that is female of a child bearing age or younger. Your media and the religious system that we live under promote and sanction the mixing of these last whites with colored races constantly. And your government denies us White nations, White schools, White organizations, White neighborhoods, and everything necessary for survival as a race.

Meredith: Isn't it your government, too? ...(Non-Interview Talking between Meredith and Guard?)... It's your government, too,

David Lane: Uhrn, uhrn, you can call me a lot of things, but don't call me any relation to the American government. Your government, if you consider it yours, has traveled this world for two centuries, from Dixie, to Cuba, to Mexico, to Granada, repeatedly to Panama, to a dozen Latin American Countries, to Italy, to Germany twice, to Korea, to Viet Nam, to Iraq, from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli. To Waco, Texas, to Whidbey Island, to Ruby Ridge, and hundreds of ~ lesser known wars, occupations, and assassinations in pursuit of your Novus Ordo Seclorurn.

Meredith: Which is?

David Lane: Well, I think technically the new order of the ages, George Bush calls it the New World Order, it appears on the Great Seal of the United States, which has been around for over 200 years, this traveling murder circus has killed literally tens of millions of people, very real people, destroying the integrity of every race, nation, and culture on the globe in pursuit of this New World Order. A few men of

honor, somewhere, are going to have to find the courage to put an end to this evil.

Meredith: Now what does that mean! A few men of honor are going to have to find the courage? What are they supposed to do?

David Lane: This evil has to be ended or there will never be any peace or harmony on this Earth and my race will not survive.

Meredith: But again, what does that mean when you say a few men of ~ honor are going to have to do something? Are those 14 words a call for revolution, essentially?

David Lane: Absolutely. Your government has left no peaceful solution to the survival of my race. You used the 101st Airborne to integrate my race in our schools, racial integration is just a euphemism for genocide. You used the police to beat the White mothers of South Boston into bloody submission when they resisted genocide. Your police traveled to a lonely mountain somewhere in Idaho to murder a woman and her son because they wished to live among their own kind and resist genocide. So what answer does an honorable man have?

Meredith: When you talk about this, I can feel, I can sense how deeply you feel it just by looking at your eyes and how personal it is to you.

David Lane: Yeah, I'd say so.

Meredith: Can you give me a sense of David Lane the man and what brought you to this point in your life where- A sense of you in terms of your upbringing, your background that led you here.

David Lane: I don't think it has a lot to do with that, nature gives everybody, every race, an instinct to preserve their own. Maybe ten years ago I wrote a piece of poetry that has been used around the world called "88 Lines and 14 Words," and I think maybe a couple of ~ stanzas would be appropriate if you're asking about my motivation. They go "Aryan child with skin so fair with eyes of blue or green, and ladies with tresses of auburn or gold will never again be seen, this is the dread that haunts my soul and demands to my last breath, struggle I must to wake my kin from nearby sleep of death." There is no higher instinct given to males of any race than to preserve the beauty of their women and the existence of their kind.

Meredith Viera: But I guess what I'm asking you, many people who would call themselves White, members of the White race who do not advocate revolution or do not believe the White race is in danger of ~ extinction, you obviously feel that they are very wrong. What is it that brought you to that conclusion, to feel this so passionately?

David Lane: You almost have to get in to all of my teaching, including religious teaching. Humanity as a whole spends their life just to find whatever usually false hypothesis that they are taught as youth and erroniously believe that they are using rational thought. Your media, for example, uses the term "minorities" for the 90 or 98 percent of the world while my race faces extinction, that's deciet. And the masses of ~ people, their thought patterns are set by your media, religion, and their upbringing teach them.

Meredith: But even if the trend, if I understand what I have read about you and it is correct, that even as a child during WWII you thought, Hitler's got it right, you were sort of rooting for him as a little kid. So, you hadn't done all this kind of studying at that point, the kind of things that come with age and wisdom and the ammasing of ~ knowledge, so there was something in you at a very early age that was saying, on some level, this is wrong.

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: And that's what I'm trying to get at, and that person‑

David Lane: I wish we could get into some of my religious teachings and some of the teachings of the ancients and why certain people have an issue or a cause, whether it's Alexander or Gallileo or whoever who are certain people who do.

Meredith: Are you one of those people?

David Lane: My cause is to stop the American murder of the White race.

Meredith: But has it been your cause for as long as you can remember?

David Lane: I don't think I was fully concious of it, if you'd read my work you'd know that I felt for a long time that there was something terribly wrong in the environment of the country, and I spent a long time searching for who had the power. And you want to find out why

things happened just to find out who has the power. And then I have to find motivations more than anything else to find why things happen and to see who benifits.

Meredith: [Unintelligible]

David Lane: Who benifits? And it took a long time. If you read my works, you'd know I consider conservatives and right wingers and John Birchers and so on to avoid the issue, I have very little use for them, so it was a long search.

Meredith: But eventually you came down to the point where you determined that the ultimate enemy was the Jew.

David Lane: I prefer the term "Zionist". I am not at all certain that your run-of-the-mill Jew knows any more about what his leadership does than the run-of-the-mill Catholic knew of the inquisition 4, 5, 6 centuries ago. But what could not be escaped is that the essential power points of media, finance, industry, religion, law, and politics in America and the once White nations are firmly in the hands of Zionist Jews, and they use that power to mix, overrun, and exterminate my race.

Meredith Viera: But why would they want to do that?

David Lane: Well, you probably have to ask them. I can look at the evidence, and it's undeniable. I can't read their minds or know their motives, however, a people who are racially mixed - Henry Ford made the statement that there was only one defense against the Zionist and that's to call your son's back to pride of Race. If a people are racially mixed and have no sense of heritage or preservation of their own, they become malable. Perhaps that's it, you'll have to ask them. The evidence is clear that's what their doing. As for motives, I can't read minds.

Meredith: I want to go back to the 14 words that you said at the beginning of the interview, that "We must secure the existance of our people and a future for White children," was that essentially what the Order Bruder Schwiegen, whatever term you want to use, what that group was all about.

David Lane: Now I would like to make it plain that I am not qualified, authorized, or even permitted to speak for the individual members of ~ the group.

Meredith: But is that what you understand...

David Lane: My understanding, you see I only attended the first of ~ these meetings, in fact I was a small player, but, more than anything alse, the group was Bob Mathews. It was nothing but Bob Mathews combination of nobility, courage, and charisma could have brought together such a diverse, strong minded group of men, many of them with different religious views, in a common cause.

Meredith: But how was he able to do this?

David Lane: I believe Bob Mathews was another one of those destined individuals, if you will, who have incredible charisma and courage, and understood that when you have a volunteer army, you cannot give orders. But if your men have a certain amount of nobility, you lead by leading. So Bob loaded up his version of a Viking longboat, a Chevrolet, and said "I'm gonna go raid the enemy, are you with me, or are you going to sit home."

Meredith: And when he said that...

David Lane: The choice was, if you are a man of honor, you go with the brave man. And that's what the Bruder Schweigen did.

Meredith: Do you remember first meeting Bob Mathews?

David Lane: I don't remember the first meeting. I think he may have written me a few times clear back then in 80-81 or something, I'm just not certain.

Meredith: How would he even know who you were, to write you?

David Lane: I think I had written articles for various publications, probably, would be my guess.

Meredith: Articles about?

David Lane: Oh, politics, religion, something political.

Meredith: But you knew it- he might have written to you what were you doing at that point, what was your involvement in the movement at that time?

David Lane: I spent years, should I say penetrating the little groups in this mythical and non existant movement.

Meredith: Non existant?

David Lane: I believe, if something has absolutely no validity and gets no where, it constantly goes backwards and loses, I wouldn't give it the name of 'movement'. A movement has dynamics. I found nothing in all the years and times that I looked, I found nothing.

Meredith: Nothing with the National Alliance, nothing with Aryan Nations, nothing in the other groups that are out there, to suggest that they were part of a movement? You were with Aryan Nations.

David Lane: Ah, I had an associations with all kinds of groups. I had to find out why nothing worked.


Meredith: Why aren't their efforts working, you mean?

David Lane: Yes, I mean from the entire world, probably the best known group, Aryan Nations, once a year, with luck, can draw 300 people. There's 300 people who go down to the local corner to watch some porno movie. That's no movement.

Meredith: And that's what you were seeing, back in the early 80's?

David Lane: That's what I'd been seeing in the so-called right wing for 30 years.

Meredith: Why do you think that is? What conclusions did you draw?

David Lane: Human nature, the media, money. As a man, for example, I had a real estate licence. They took my real estate licence away because I won't work for the murder of my race, by promoting


Meredith: You wouldn't sell homes to blacks.

David Lane: Not in White neighborhoods. That's genocide. Always remember, racial integration is genocide, forced racial integration is deliberate, malicious genocide.

Meredith: By refusing to follow the...

David Lane: You have to do it in every aspect of American life. A White man has to commit treason against the existance his own kind to even hold a job.

Meredith: By not commiting that treason as you said you lost your job.

David Lane: That's correct. That's the price you have to pay. Until White men reattach those parts that make them males and show a little courage, the race is doomed.

Meredith Viera: (Garbled) Am I interested in- you say for 30 years you have seen no direction in this movement, nothing that would suggest it even is a movement in your estimate‑

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: But just if I can focus it in the period of this group coming together, give me a sense of- you were then reaching the age of 40 I guess, or just in your forties‑

David Lane: Yes.

Meredith: And your looking around, you are involved in Aryan Nations, but you are looking around and you are not seeing anything being done.

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: And you are convinced that the White race is, essentially, being eradicated in front of your very eyes and nobody is doing anything about it.

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: Most specifically, no White people, the ones you would assume would do something about it.

David Lane: Yes.

Meredith: So you were a frustrated man, I would assume, in the early 80s.

David Lane: Hmm, quite a loaded word, frustrated.

Meredith: Well, you pick the word. (laughter) It is. And I don't want to get into all the possible connotations, but, you pick the word, that's what it sounds like.

David Lane: Sure. As a man watches the death of his race he is sad, I suppose that's a good enough word.

Meredith: Angry?

David Lane: I find anger to be a non productive emotion, I really do. Once in a while I get angry if I start talking about the federal government. But, I'm very understanding, so I don't get angry. I'll tell you an incident, one day I was with Bob Mathews in a major city that will have to go unnamed, and we saw a little White girl get off the school bus with a couple of little black boys, and their fooling around in some sexual horseplay or something and Bob Mathews, immediately, "I'd like to shoot her right now."

Meredith: Shoot the little girl?

David Lane: Yeah, well, she's the one committing treason. Meredith: By doing what?

David Lane: By betraying her race. That's Bob Mathews' way of seeing things. And I said, "No Bob, that's not right. From the time she was a tiny baby, her preacher, her teacher, her school, her religion, her newspapers, her television, every possible sensory stimulation said 'the most noble, wonderful thing you can do is mix your race out of ~ existence,' and your going to expect this little girl to make a moral judgment about whether that's fact?" I'm not angry, I'm sad.

Meredith: If Bob would have shot her, what would you do?

Text Box: Meredith: You said that people didn't really know what Mathews had inDavid Lane: Bob wouldn't have done that, that's just a gut reaction. The males every race and species are given an instinct by nature to preserve their own kind. There is a natural antipathy put between every race and species in order to preserve the individuality and existence of each. And the males are supposed to protect the existence of their own kind, so there's anger. It's understandable. I look at it in a little bit bigger picture, and I don't see anger as productive.

Meredith: Going back to that time when you said you were sad and-David Lane: Frustrated.

Meredith: And you saw no tangible evidence out there that anybody was doing anything‑

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: Is that when Bob Mathews came into your life?

David Lane: Well, I've always run my own- I went my own way through. When I found out what was going on, I set out on a program to distribute, hopefully, I meant do distribute a million of a pamphlet that I designed called 'The Death of the White Race' to as close to every household in Colorado I possibly could. Bob just happened to pick my name when he decided to put his group together. So, I was there, and I don't remember much about the meeting, what was said, but it must have been in accord with my 14 words, or I wouldn't have gone along with anything.

Reference:"The Death of the White Race"

Meredith Viera: Why do you think Bob Mathews selected you as one of ~ the initial members of his group, (Garbled)?

David Lane: Ahh, the mind of Bob Mathews, I don't know. Bob was kind of a mystical man, deeply involved in history, heritage, culture. I think, thinking back, I don't think anybody else had any idea of exactly what he was starting or how he was going about things, but, as I remember it was September 22nd when he called the meeting which is the Autumn‑

Prison PA Interruption: (Garbled)

mind when he called this gathering, you didn't know what was going on in his head, if he had plans?

David Lane: Just speaking for myself-Meredith: Yes.

David Lane: I don't think so. I think it was a common feeling that the government means to mix, overrun and destroy our kind, and a common feeling that there was nothing productive being done in the resistance. There was talk, as I recall, Bob Mathews wanted to create-he called it a White bastion‑

Meredith: In the early 80's‑

David Lane: Yes. He wanted to move people into the area around Metaline Falls, Washington, but other than that, I can't remember much about the meeting.

Meredith: That is funny because when talking to Richard Kemp he told us that at one point there was a poster where he was asked to pose with Ken Loff's children and that was going to be the poster for the American Bastion because he was quite a handsome young man‑

David Lane: Right.

Meredith: and they were these beautiful children‑

David Lane: Right.

Meredith: as a way to get interest out there‑

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: To come into Meteline Falls and creating this‑

David Lane: Well propaganda is a legitimate part of any struggle and‑

Meredith: Absolutely, we'd love to see the poster but nobody can seem to find it, but he remembers that distinctly and that- there was a real effort made- brought- as you said you saw no action in the movement, well, nobody was flocking to Metelene Falls either. My understanding is Mathews was fairly disturbed that he didn't get much of a reaction.

David Lane: It all boils down to money. You make a public statement, if your a White man, for the life of your race, you no longer have a job. Your media comes down like hungry sharks in a feeding frenzy with all the buzzwords and‑

Meredith: What do you mean all the buzzwords?

David Lane: A Nazi, a bigot, a hater. And you say, I'm just resisting genocide, Your a Nazi, a hater, a bigot, it's like a broken record, and they destroy you. So, what's a man to do?

Meredith: But, aren't you also advocating the destruction of others, you say the destroy you but‑

David Lane: Have you ever seen any of that in any of my writings? I have never said any such thing.

Meredith: Advocating the destruction of others?

David Lane: Yeah, I don't think I have. I said we must have our own nations for the preservation of our kind.

Meredith: Can I just read form some of your writings-David Lane: All right‑

Meredith: cause I was‑

David Lane: Maybe I'm wrong‑

Meredith: Maybe I'm reading into it but- WOTAN, that's your name for the armed party, Will of the Aryan Nation‑

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: WOTAN is ruthless, mature, capable, self-motivated, silent, deadly, and able to blend into the masses.

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: WOTAN has a complete revolutionary attitude, he is loyal to those who share his cause, all others are expendable.

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: Doesn't that suggest that all others‑

David Lane: I didn't mean you go out and attack them. If you go on into that article or into all of my writings you'll find that the enemy, I repeatedly state, is those of our own race who commit treason.

Meredith Viera: When you say expendable, what does that mean?

David Lane: That means that in a war, there are usually innocent victims, always have been. It's unfortunate, and we didn't ask for this war, but we're not going to accept the murder of our race because there's going to be innocent victims of war.

Meredith: But, you're not even suggesting that they're innocent victims, your suggesting the people (unintelligible) treason.

David Lane: Well‑

Meredith: And you're treachery will be appropriately rewarded. That's not innocent victims.

David Lane: You're not innocent if you commit treachery? You've got to look at the whole- everything has to be put in context, don't just take one sentence. Those who commit treachery, and then I go on to detail what some of that treachery is, don't I?

Meredith: Well, I'm just taking excerpts right now-David Lane: Right.

Meredith: What I'm saying is, when you talk about those who commit treason.

David Lane: What's the penalty for treason?

Meredith: Be aware‑

David Lane: What does your country do to somebody who commits-Meredith: -you will be appropriately rewarded.

David Lane: What does your country do to somebody that it deems has committed treason? They're expendable, aren't they?

Meredith: Well, that's, I'm not arguing that, I'm just saying when you use the word expendable, to me that suggests that you are advocating the‑

David Lane: How could somebody of another race commit treason against my race? Let's be logical. Only my race could commit treason against my race. And they deserve what they get.

Meredith: Death‑

David Lane: The penalty for treason, what's the penalty for treason in the laws of your country?

Meredith: So you do, in your writings, advocate the killing of those who would commit treason?

David Lane: With a proper trial. Just like you do in your country. Meredith: (Unintelligible)

David Lane: If there's evidence that- if the evidence is clear you commit treason, there's a penalty.

Meredith: And who decides on the evidence, who's the jury?

David Lane: In revolutionary times, you do not get the same kind of-well, look at revolutions. There's innocent people in revolutions, but, once again, the choice is, do we sit back and let you exterminate our race, or do we fight? No choices left, you've left no options.

Meredith: You don't advocate the removal then, from the face of the earth, of the enemy beyond those who would commit treason, i.e., White people, and you're not advocating the removal of jews or people of color.

David Lane: What do you mean by removal?

Meredith: Well, Mathews referred to it as driving the enemy into the sea. Killing, removal.

David Lane: Whether you want to believe there is a motive force called god, that created the separate races on separate continents, or if you want to believe that they are the result of nature on separate

continents, that was the plan. Imperialism is always wrong. Mixing is part of imperialism, it doesn't matter whether it was Alexander's empire, whether it was the Moorish empire that attacked Europe, Ghengis Khan's empire, to blend different races and have war because each is given a nature-ordained instinct for self preservation.

Meredith: And the more people die.

David Lane: I'm afraid so. But whose fault is it? It's Ghengis Khan's fault because he had to go from Mongolia to Europe, it's the Moor's fault because they had to go from Africa to Europe, it's Caesar's fault because he had to go all over the world, it's Xerces fault, but it's not the fault of the victim. I try to tell that constantly‑

Prison PA Interruption: (Unintelligible)

David Lane: When I see young White men and young black men at each others throats, they send them to school together and of course there's competition for girls. So they hate each other. That's not the fault of the black man, that's not the fault of the White boy, that's the fault of that filthy federal judge that tries to mix and destroy what god had created.

Meredith: So what do you do with the filthy federal judge?

David Lane: Oh-ho, there is what I was talking about. A short trial and a shorter rope with a long drop. Correct. They destroy what god or nature created, and for that matter, if you're cause is a political state like America, they destroy you. Do not put the males- let's back off ~ that. Your nation puts more people in prison than any country on earth. Your country puts more people per capita than anybody on earth. Your country executes more people, by far, than any Western nation. And still the biggest growth industry in this country is prisons. It's doubling in less than ten years. Are you going to lock up half the population or assassinate half the population to prove that you can mix and destroy what god and nature created?

Meredith: By the same token, are you going to assassinate half the population to prove that you shouldn't?

David Lane: We don't have to. You simply have to obey the laws of ~ nature. You simply have to understand the instincts given every race and species to preserve their own kind. Then all the conflict is over and there is progress.

Meredith Viera: But if I understand correctly and you (unintelligible) the conflict will only be over if you stop the mix-racing.

David Lane: Correct. When every race, nation, and culture on this earth is permitted to pursue its own destiny on its own sacrosanct territorial imperative without interference from religious or political imperialism, there will be harmony.

Meredith: So you're willing to live in peace but your own little piece of ~ land and have nobody else tell you what to do? You don't care about-if you had a little tract of land that was just White people, that would be OK and everybody else would‑

David Lane: Not a little tract, it takes, over a long period of time, every race must have its own continent. The inevitable result of non-propinquity[?], or integration, whatever term you want to call it, is genocide.

Meredith: But what continent are you going to get, because that implies that you have to throw people off it.

David Lane: Migrations are part of history, forced migrations, for different reasons. There are all kinds of migrations of tribes and races.

Meredith: What continent are you talking about?

David Lane: To begin with, Europe has to be what it always was, Africa has to be what it always was, Asia has to be what it always was. This unspeakable monster you have created in America, I don't know what you do with it. I think the best that could be done is something called Balkanization.

Meredith: What does that mean?

David Lane: The country will have to be divided among different groups.

Meredith: And your comfortable with that?

David Lane: I think that, well, it's no choice. It's that, or ongoing until you put half the people in the country in prison, until you're successful in murdering my race.



Meredith: I want to go back to about, because we got off that, and I don't want to end this conversation, I want to pick it up again, but because he (unintelligible) continued to believe in, but to go back to that meeting where we left off you said that you didn't know the specifics of what was going was going to happen. Would you describe Mathews to me, was he, when he talked about his race, was he a passionate man?

David Lane: Oh, yes.

Meredith: In what way, how did he‑

David Lane: I don't know. You could sense that, if Bob Mathews said, well he told me early on, I don't remember when, that he figured that he would be going to war with the federals and he would probably last a year. And essentially he was saying 'I'm going to die in combat with these people,' if you want to call federals people. But, you could tell Bob meant it, and what he said came to pass.

Meredith: You just knew when he said it he wasn't‑

David Lane: You knew when Bob Mathews said something, you could stake your life on it.

Meredith: Because there was a lot of rhetoric in the movement, again, at that time, in fact, another member of the group had said, people were starting to get impatient with it, because everybody was talking, oh, we have to do this, we have to do that, but nobody ever did anything. And there were some impatient young men out there, Mathews being one, who felt, well, let's just do it.

David Lane: Um, I think so, but Bob was the- he was just the king, the only leader the Bruder ever had and ever will. There's no words for Bob, he was just a special, noble man.

Meredith: What do you think he was able to touch in this group of ~ men? Because you really were very different people form different backgrounds.

David Lane: Boy, I don't know how to put the exact words on what causes leadership ability, do you? I don't know. He had it, I don't know how you would define it, charisma, he had it. He was just a dynamic, noble, brave young man. Put it this way, if you had four daughters, you'd want all four of them to marry him.

Meredith: He was that great a man to you?

David Lane: I think he's the finest man there ever was, got it? I think there's no contest. Because I love him like a brother. That's all I can say.

Meredith: But what makes a man great?

David Lane: A man who has principles, a man that would die for his principles, a man who will help his brothers. You know, in the kind of ~ system we have today with it's hierarchies, if a man is a general or a colonel or higher up, when they come to the battleground, and it's bed time, the colonel sleeps in the tent on a cot and the soldiers sleep on the ground or wherever. If traveling in action somewhere and you took a hotel room and packed a bunch of guys in, Bob would say you guys take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor. It's a whole personality thing, he's just a noble, brave, wonderful man.

Meredith: Yeah, and other members of the group said he's the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back.

David Lane: Yeah that's- yeah.

Meredith: Just decent. Which! I suppose some would say doesn't play with what happened afterwards and others would say, without a doubt, it was just proof, you know, depending on where you come from.

David Lane: Yes, the rabbit thinks the coyote's the bad guy for wanting to eat him and the coyote thinks the rabbit's the bad guy for wanting to run away. Everybody's got their own perspective, don't they?

Meredith: How much of an influence do you think Gordon Kahl was on what eventually transpired in Meteline Falls?

David Lane: I have a hunch that Gordon Kahl had an impact on particularly those who followed Christian Identity theology. But I admire him, Gordon Kahl. I have strong disagreements about the way some of these people in the "Movement" go about things, but the purity of their motives and that some of them stand for their beliefs, you have to admire that.

Meredith Viera: But why do you think what happened to him motivated people to (tape damaged) set the tone (tape damaged) what happened (tape damaged).

David Lane: The deed is always a thousand times more effective than just chatter. People are motivated by actions, but they aren't motivated by words.

Meredith: So when Gordon Kahl was killed, that gave people a reason to want to do more than talk about revolution,

David Lane: Which one of the founding fathers said that freedom has to be periodically - the grounds of freedom have to be periodically watered with the blood of martyrs, or some such statement I don't remember exactly, it's happened. And that's what Kahl was, a martyr. Yeah! I think so. His sons, or his son and (illegible) Scott Powell did absolutely nothing but be targets for federal assassins and they threw them in prison the rest of their lives. They did the same thing with Randy Weaver. The family were nothing but targets for federal assassins and afterwards they tried to put Randy in prison for the rest of his life, only, Jerry Spence managed, I guess, to stop that.

Meredith: Well it was after KahI's death that the rally was held at Aryan Nations or in Spokane sponsored by Aryan Nations and that's when Mathews apparently, I don't know if you remember this,

David Lane: I didn't know him.

Meredith: He stood up to the crowd, there were some anti rally-David Lane: Oh yeah, I've seen the picture where he's‑

Meredith: Right, he said let these people talk, I came here and-several people who were with him that day said they saw a leader being born at that moment, that he impacted on those around him who didn't know who the heck Bob Mathews was but he did something very simple, he stood up.

David Lane: Very good. Very good. You just hit on the answer to your own question. He did something. That was Bob. He just looked at a situation, said if nobody's doing something, then I'll do it.

Meredith: And that was what you wanted to do.

Text Box: David Lane: I'm glad you told me, I don't remember. I just - it wasn'tDavid Lane: Not me, particularly. I never felt, it wasn't until after the whole events were over and we'd gone to trial and all of these things that I began to realize just what a magnificent man the Fed's had killed on Whidbey Island.

Meredith: You didn't realize that before, you didn't recognize exactly what you'd been involved with before?

David Lane: It was a growing process, I guess. Robert grew on you. He'd just grow on you. I could spend a long time but you'd run out of ~ superlatives. He's just a wonderful man.

Meredith: Can you take me back to September 27th? You said it was the , what did you say, the Autumn‑

David Lane: I think it was the Autumn equinox. And I think it was the 22nd of September, I just don't remember much about it. Contemplating it afterwards and knowing that Bob was into kind of a mystical sort of heritage and what not, I'm sure that's why the date was picked and he gave some kind of a little talk, if I remember right.

Meredith: But what did he do? My understanding is you all came and had some sort of a pot luck dinner with (unintelligible) family and then the men retired to the barracks, or what was known as the barracks?

David Lane: I think that's what happened, yeah. I wish I could help you but I just- It's twelve years ago and at the time it made no real impression on me. I didn't really become impressed with the rest of ~ what's been called the Bruder Schweigen until the trial, and heard the allegations of the Federals and I saw ten men standing strong in the face of a thousand years in prison, in the face of the murder of their leader and I became very impressed with this bunch of great men.

Meredith Viera: Do you remember at the time, do you remember if ~ there were chairs in the circle, I'm just trying to get a‑

David Lane: There were chairs in a circle, and some pledge, some talk by Mathews if I remember right, and then there was a baby put in the circle, and they pledged to fight for a future for the White baby, or for White children, I guess.

Meredith: Was the baby doing anything, she was just a little girl.

- Only in retrospect, looking back is it an event.

Meredith: But would think given the sense of zeal and mission you all had would resonate very strongly.

David Lane: I wasn't there at that time. This was all, apparently, something that came later. At least, I didn't‑

Meredith: Yeah.

David Lane: This was a bunch of guys who got together and talked about we got to move some people to Northern, you know, up in that area, and try to preserve our kind. There was not, no hint of what would happen.

Meredith: There was no suggestion that you might be involved in illegal activities, no talk of robbery or‑

David Lane: No, none whatsoever. In fact, there was talk about getting a contract to clear forest trails or something, if I remember right. That's the only conversation I recall. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have any- I wish we could have come up with some way to raise an army and marched on D.C. or something, hell, I have no objection to that, it's just I don't believe that there was any conversation like that at the time.

Meredith: Do you remember any conversation about assassinations, a hit list?

David Lane: None whatsoever at that time.

Meredith: No discussion about counterfieting? I've heard accounts where you actually brought had up the idea, why don't we try counterfieting?-

David Lane: I don't think there was any discussion at that first meeting of it. I don't remember it.

Meredith: Yeah.

David Lane: I wouldn't swear to it, but I don't remember anything but a bunch of guys saying 'We've got to move some people up to this White bastion'.

Meredith: Was it at all an emotional meeting of men?

David Lane: No. I didn't notice at that time. I wish I could make something like that for you because you know‑

Meredith: No, it's interesting because others have said and people can have different takes on the same event. One man described it as highly emotional. That doesn't mean that- That's his perception. While you seem to describe it as void of it. Maybe it wasn't‑

David Lane: Well, I considered the young men who were the action men of the Bruder Schweigen to be the finest and most noble men on the continent. But they didn't begin to grow on me until later when I actually found out what they were doing. So, maybe I was jaded or something.

Meredith: Who were they, in terms of ones that were in that initial group? Who did you think were the fine soldiers?

David Lane: Well, I can't cosign allegations made by the federals so, the young men Bob Mathews brought. If some of them admitted to you that they were there, it's fine. Like I said, I didn't get 190 years for talking.

Meredith: Well, Richard Kemp had said that. David Lane: If he did, then you know.

Meredith: I have no perception of him, I know that he said he was there. Would he be one of those fine young soldiers your talking about?

David Lane: Well, when I see the evidence that he said he was there, I'll tell you. I'll tell you this, Richard Kemp is one of the finest young men I've ever met.

Meredith: Do you have an impression of Denver Parmenter? David Lane: A drunk.

Meredith: Even at that time?

David Lane: Absolutely.

Meredith: How about Ken Loff?

David Lane: Did I say Ken Loff was there?

Meredith: (Laughter) Gee, I don't know. I don't think so, I just got the impression.

David Lane: We can talk about Ken Loff, he's one of the traitors, huh? Meredith: (Laughs) (Unintelligible). Ken Loff?

David Lane: I kind of liked Ken Loff. I could see he had some character defects, some weaknesses, I kind of liked Ken Loff, I think I still do even though he's one of the three that brought perjured testimony that put me away forever. I'm not a vindictive person, when the federals come to some of these guys and said, we're going to put you in prison forever, we're going to put your wife in prison, we're going to take your kids away and give them to who knows who unless you talk, each man made a decision: will it be my comrades, or my family? And Ken made his decision.


Meredith: Well you know, what he said to me was, he made a descision to baically lead them to you.

David Lane: Oh, he's the one who entrapped me.

Meredith: Because he thought that would at least save your life, that he was afraid that you would die, he actually described you as a nice man.

David Lane: We found his justification there, but-Meredith: (Laughs) He's allowed his, your‑

David Lane: I understand.

Meredith: You've got to allow everybody their own point of view here, his point of view was you were going to die if he didn't do it and he stands by what he said. He never suggested that he was coerced into statements. Thats his view that he told the truth about you when he testified about your involvement, it was the truth.

David Lane: There is absolute proof that he and another guy testified, he that I was on the West coast and another guy that I was on the East coast, the same weekend, driving the same yellow Volkswagen. It's my word against his, all these federal perjurers that's one thing, when the evidence is absolute that their lying, I'm not (garbled).

Meredith: And I do want to go through some of the evidence in a little bit but I did want to bring that up because he did talk to us about it and you said you still think you kind of like him I thought (garbled).

David Lane: I think he was weak! I think the federals went to him and said- see, I don't mind him rolling over and testifying, what makes me mad about these guys is when the feds make up stories and they testify not about what happened, but any story their told. That makes me very unhappy. By I still- Loff made his decision, he wanted his family, and he's certainly not an evil man like the feds that destroy my race.

Meredith: Does he deserve to have his head cut off, which was the penalty that the group had determined would be handed out to those who‑

David Lane: If that's what the group determined, I didn't have any-Meredith: You were part of the group.

David Lane: I had no descision making, If I had something to say about it now, I couldn't. If I had my own country right now, if I was president of this country, which would be the first good president you ever had, let's start a David Lane for president in the United States.

Meredith: Who's going to vote for you?

David Lane: With your media help, about 65% of the population.

Merdith: You think so?

David Lane: Oh, absolutely. Once the- If I ever break your media barrier, they would all vote my way. If I could ever- if I had one hour on your national TV‑

Prison PA: (Unintelligible) All Charlie 8 inmates report to the indoor recreation area.

Merideth: I'm sorry.

David Lane: If I had one hour on your national TV, with props, without interruptions, I could turn the world upside-down.

Merideth: That's all it would take, just one hour?

David Lane: That's all it would take to get the ball rolling, so to speak. The average person in this country has never been exposed to any truths in their entire life.

Meredith: But your literature and literature of like-minded people is out there and some might argue that the average person has been exposed and has discounted it.

David Lane: No, not my literature. Meredith: If it's the truth why is it‑

David Lane: Just a minute. You'll find no reletionship between my literature and what you call a right wing conservatives. I consider the likes of a Rush Limbaugh to be the worst enemy my race could ever live to see. And even in the White, I think they call movement, I don't think you'd find much relationship between what I teach and what they teach.

Meredith: But the ultimate goal is the same, as that White, what you call movement, and your‑

David Lane: Maybe it is. I can't read the minds of these people and I don't know why if you could have been privy to what I've been through for 20 years, 30 years total in in the so-called right wing, and seen the absolute insane idiocy of these people you'd have to know-Maybe the movement, so-called, is run by the enemy. I don't know. But they have fantasies- You ever heard of a guy named Jim

Wickstrom? He made up fantasies about how 200 million Mongolian horsemen were riding their steeds across the Alaskan tundra to attack America. Another one, a retired Colonel, had a fantasy about millions of Mexican Communists hiding in tunnels waiting to attack us. It's a kind of insane asylum. Don't accuse me of having anything to do with the right-wing or even White- it's time for something new now.

Meredith: But then that would suggest that the movement is pretty powerless.

David Lane: Boy, you said it for me. There is no movement. That's the reason I, with the help of Katja, try to run things in a manner which, historically that even has a political chance of success.

Meredith: What are you doing that's different?

David Lane: I could tell you a little incedent. First of all, anybody that understands the motivation, how to motivate people, know that you get on a single issue and you beat it to death. They know that issue have to be emotional. They know- I don't want to get into all the things that I do but‑

Meredith: But is the issue your beating to death is that White race is doomed unless people do something about it?

David Lane: Absolutely. 14 Words. Some of the people call me Mr. 14 Words. There is no other issue. And I'm going to beat that until the day I die, or I have victory.

Meredith: And why did you think the White race is being (Unintelligible) support?

David Lane: Oh, it's starting to, believe you me. The entire bunch of ~ these, whatever they are, are coming my way, and they will.

Meredith: What do you mean, that bunch of whatever they are?

David Lane: The ones that see 200 million Mongolian horsemen riding (Laughs). They're going to finally figure out that whoever it is that's running things is either insane or an enemy agent.

Meredith: I do want to know what America with you as president would be like, but I want to- if we keep getting off topic, my fault because you bring up so many interesting tangents here to what you

were involved in. Just to go back and finish off that meeting September 22nd and I understand that your memory is not your best on that but what you do remember is that it was not a particularly emotional meeting as some felt it was‑

David Lane: If‑

Meredith: Could I have-David Lane: Go ahead.

Meredith: Could I have you- this was the oath that was taken, at least that's my understanding, and others in the group said this was it, could you just take a look at this and tell me if that's what you remember? If you read it out loud that's great, if you're comfortable with that. Do you still subscribe to it?

David Lane: (Long Pause) I don't remember it but it sure sounds pretty good.

Meredith: Are you at all comfortable reading it out loud?

David Lane: Well, I don't know about driving the enemies into the sea, I would drive them out of our land if they are those who want to destroy my race.

Meredith: We hereby invoke the blood covenant, declaring we are in a full state of war?

David Lane: And we will not lay down our weapons until we have driven the enemy into the sea, I would have to specify who the enemy was.

Meredith: Well, the enemy, according to those who were a part of the group that we have spoken to, the enemy to Bob Mathews was, ultimately, the jew, and those who would betray their race.

David Lane: To me, the enemy is those who destroy our race. Meredith: And that would include?

David Lane: Anybody that works to destroy my race. Anybody that destroys the territorial imperatives necessary to the survival of my race.

Meredith: Would that include an entire other race of people? David Lane: I don't understand your question.

Meredith: Would that include entire other races- Just a little- For example‑

David Lane: I don't consider other races to be my enemy. Meredith: So you didn't agree with Mathews on that?

David Lane: Other races aren't the ones responsible for the murder of ~ my race, it's those who commit treason.

Meredith: But Mathews spoke specifically about the jew and repeatedly about the jew, then you did not believe in that.

David Lane: The only difference I would say is I say Zionist jew. You see, what you're trying to do is take‑

Meredith: I'm trying to understand it because everybody has a different take on it. I'm not trying to do anything with it, I'm trying to understand it. One person says to me, If they were a jew, he'd kill the, there's no, you're saying something different than that, that's what I'm trying to understand. People can- they come at it from different perspectives.

David Lane: I don't think- I don't know how anybody can know the progress of revolution. All I know is we have to have sacrosanct territories for the preservation of our people. However it happens, I don't care.

Meredith: But you set certain goals, David, you just don't go out there with a gun and barnstorm through a building and survive it, you have targets. That's how you win. There's a strategy.

David Lane: It was no strategy‑

Meredith: then you identify who you go after.

David Lane: I saw no strategy laid down at that meeting. There was simply a commitment that we had to have a place for the survival of ~ our race.

Text Box: "Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should an enemy agent hurt you, I will chase him to the ends of the earth and remove his(Some unintelligible chatter) Meredith: what you were reading‑

David Lane: I would prefer to only read the words that I have written.

Meredith: I understand that. I didn't know if that had brought it back to you. And you felt passionate about‑

David Lane: It sounds‑

PA System Interruption.

David Lane: But I only take responsibility for what I write.

Meredith: OK. When you look at these words now and you say that they sound good, what do they mean when you look at those words?

David Lane: It means that there are still a few White men who care about the highest law of nature, the preservation of their own kind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Reference: Declaration Of Robert Jay Mathews

"The Oath"

"I, as a free Aryan man, hereby swear an unrelenting oath upon the green graves of our sires, upon the children in the wombs of our wives, upon the throne of God almighty, sacred is His name, to join together in holy union with those brothers in this circle and to declare forthright that from this moment on I have no fear of death, no fear of ~ foe; that I have a sacred duty to do whatever necessary to deliver our people from the Jew and bring total victory to the Aryan race.

"I, as an Aryan warrior, swear myself to complete secrecy to the Order and total loyalty to my comerades.

"Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should one of you fall in battle, I will see to the welfare and well-being of your family.

"Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should one of you be taken prisoner, I will do whatever is necessary to regain your freedom.

head from his body.

"And furthermore, let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that if I break this oath, let me be forever cursed upon the lips of our people as a coward and an oath breaker.

"My brothers, let us be his battle axe and weapons of war. Let us go forth by ones and twos, by scores and legions, and as true Aryan men with pure hearts and strong minds face the enemies of our faith and our race with courage and determination.

"We hereby invoke the blood covenant and declare that we are in a full state of war and will not lay down our weapons until we have driven the enemy into the sea and reclaimed the land which was promised to our fathers of old, through our blood and His will, becomes the land of our children to be."

The Silent Brotherhood, page 98

Meredith: Did you believe that (muffled) might believe that you were embarking on something important.

David Lane: No, I didn't realize it was going to be something important, some of them might, I don't know, he said are you in. I've got to make it clear I can't speak for anybody‑

Meredith: -you've made it perfectly clear. Did you leave that meeting believing that you were about to embark on a great mission‑

David Lane: Not really‑

Meredith: -that something wonderful was going to happen?

David Lane: Such a concept never even occurred to me. I had attended, I'd say penetrated a dozen or more organizations, and here's some more rhetoric. I didn't know it was going to be something more than rhetoric. I did not yet know Bob Mathews was the kind of ~ man he was or that his followers would be the kind of men that they would be. But that's all the future saw.

Meredith: So at that meeting you didn't even have that feeling yet about Bob?

David Lane: No, he was a nice young man.

Meredith: When did you realize that it was more than rhetoric?

David Lane: I realized it was more than rhetoric for Bob when he first convinced himself to break one of your governments so-called laws. He went to a- He removed some of the folks funds from the usurers vaults in the Seattle bank. How's that?

Meredith: Well, actually, first he robbed a porno shop before anything.

David Lane: Oh, I think I did hear that at the trial, but I have no knowledge of that. He told me personally about taking that bank in Seattle.

Meredith: What did he say to you about it, you're smiling? David Lane: When you first‑

Meredith: (Muffled)

David Lane: No Bruder Schweigen ever committed a crime in the eyes of nature, in the eyes of nature's God, or in the rational judgment of morality.

Meredith: Wait, wait, wait, David. Walking into a bank with a gun and saying 'stick em up,' 'give me your money,' whatever the words were, that's not, in your estimation, a crime?

David Lane: When your race is over the abyss to extinction, then anybody which destroys your race‑

Meredith: But then that's everybody, eventually.

David Lane: You notice that the Bruder's did not, were not alleged, charged- you're leading me down the garden path, young lady. (Laughs)

Meredith: I am not, I wouldn't even know how to find it in this place, I don't believe there is a garden path.

David Lane: Oh, boy.

Meredith: You're going there by yourself, sir.

David Lane: I don't believe that there was any allegations that the group removed any money from private parties, as they'd taken Federal Reserve notes.

Meredith: So long as it is an "institution of the government" quote unquote, that that is not‑

David Lane: Particularly an institution that carries out usury. Usury, that is the charging of interest, is such a high crime. It is theft by deception and destroys the moral fabric of the nation. And theft under the color of law is the worst of all.

Meredith: Did you think that Bob Mathews had known by going into that bank and removing it of some of its funds, (garbled, unintelligible), good for you Bob, OK we've got a great bit of news when you heard it?

David Lane: Any act that contravenes your race murdering government tickles my fancy.

Meredith: So you enjoyed the fact that Mathews said he robbed the bank and gotten away.

David Lane: I don't think that's a sufficient word. Meredith: Not strong enough, perhaps then? David Lane: OK.

Meredith: So you pick another word, since I'm never using the right words.

David Lane: That's a good enough word, very good.

Meredith: But at that point you realized, at least for Bob Mathews, it was not rhetoric?

David Lane: Correct.

Meredith: Did it make you want to, more than ever, join forces with him? Or‑

David Lane: No, I've always thought of myself as a philosopher. The

glory, the honor of the Bruders goes to the young men of action. Philosophers are a dime a dozen, men of action are what makes things happen in this world.

Meredith: So what was your role then, with them?

David Lane: I really didn't have much, you know, I really didn't have much‑

Meredith: Well tell me what you did.

David Lane: -of a role.

Meredith: As limited as it was, what was your role with them?

David Lane: Where's that federal prosecutor you want me to talk for? We won't discuss that.

Meredith: Did you ever recommend to Mathews that group get involved in counterfeiting?

David Lane: I do not discuss-Prison PA Interruption

Meredith: I'm sorry. I wanted to allow you the opportunity to answer the question. Did you ever discuss with Bob Mathews the idea of ~ counterfeiting?

David Lane: Lets set a basis if you're going to start talking about allegations of the government, all right. I've given you and your producer absolute, undeniable proof that this government engaged in a criminal conspiracy to destroy me, that they jeopardized me three times in two districts, an absolute, undeniable mockery of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the United States Constitution. You can write to the Seattle district court and get a copy of the pertinent indictment jeopardizing me for a crime that happened in Denver, Colorado, in violation of the Sixth Amendment. That was the first indictment. You can write to Seattle and get a copy of the indictment jeopardizing me for conspiracy to commit and offense in Denver. That's a direct violation of the Fifth Amendment. You can the write to the Denver district court and get a copy of the indictment jeopardizing me for the same offense that third time. A complete mockery of the constitution.

Meredith: And, in fact, did the court listen to this argument on the feeling that you were (Unintelligible)?

David Lane: (Laughs) What does it mean to you when they write right in the document, what is the English language meaning, they write right in the document denying appeal 'We tried him in Seattle for this offense, we tried him in Denver for this offense, we've decided that's not double jeopardy.' That just goes to show how much of an obscenity the injustice system of your government is. And if you do not realize that operating under the color of law, these criminals masquerading as prosecutors and judges make a blatant mockery of ~ the fundamental law of the land. And you do not realize that they will also make up charges, create perjured testimony, in order to get rid of ~ a political opponent, first of all, I think you need psychiatric counseling, ad second of all‑

Meredith: Well, I do, but not today. (Laughs)

David Lane: (Laughs) What was his name?

Meredith: I understand your argument, I understand what you‑

David Lane: It's not an argument, ma'am, it is absolute fact. It is undeniable. (Muffled) I'm sorry.

Meredith: (Laughs) David Lane: I'm sorry.

Meredith: That's all right. Was the group involved in counterfeiting, to further the mission?

David Lane: Let me put it this way. I will not discuss allegations of ~ these federal criminals. If the Bruders was engaged in 'revolutionary' activities, shall we say, wonderful.

Meredith: So, if you had been involved in counterfeiting, that would be OK? But you're not going to tell me whether you were involved in it?

David Lane: That's a good way to put it, yes.

Meredith: In fact, would you have been proud to be involved in counterfeiting?

Text Box: Meredith: If you believe, and I sense that you do believe, very stronglyDavid Lane: No, I would have done- If I had been running the show, and it happened, it would have been that much more- lets forget that. Yes, Id be proud.

Meredith: What was that, it would have been much more what? Was that philosophical?

David Lane: Well, first of all, a man named Merki was the problem.

Meredith: But even before Merki, there was problems with bills, not major though.

David Lane: Well, I don't want to get into that. You're starting to repeat allegations of federals and I don't want to talk about that.

Meredith: But, you know what, they're not just allegations of federals, they're also what Order members or members of the group have said to me.


David Lane: If an Order member say's he was involved, himself, to you, in a revolutionary activity, then, fine, but don't ask me to say he was. No.

Meredith: No, I'm asking if you were, since you have been connected and others in the group have said, 'Sure.'

David Lane: I don't admit to anything, I don't admit to any allegations of your Federal government, and I will tell you that some allegations of your Federal government are pipe dreams.

in the mission, and in doing what it takes‑

David Lane: What it takes for the survival of my race, the replacement of a government that singularly intends the extermination of my race.

Meredith: Then why not admit to anything you did that furthered that cause? What do you care if it's illegal or not because you don't honor the laws of the land anyhow, you don't believe in them?

David Lane: Not only am I not going to open myself for further prosecution, I am not going to open the doors for the federals possibly prosecuting or murdering any more of my friends or associates or family.

Meredith: Well how many more years can you get, you're not getting out, what does it mean‑

David Lane: It isn't me. I don't care if they give me ten thousand years, or execute me tomorrow. I'll tell you flat out: your government is the most filthy institution on the face of the planet. But there are other people involved.

Meredith: And your concern is that in some way you could implicate others or they could be 'taken care of' by the government?

David Lane: After you've sat through a federal trial, you pretty soon realize that if you say anything, it ends up crucifying somebody. You seem to have no conception of what this government is, and you should have. Do you remember for 51 days how your media, I don't know if it was ABC, but national media, told the American people how David Karesh made the statement that he was God? I know that thousands of tapes have been sent to the national media showing how that came about. Somebody accused him of getting his wife pregnant, and it turns out the lady was 74 years old. And David Karesh said, as a joke, 'well I guess if he could knock up a 74 year old lady he was God.' And when they cut the tape, he was God. And your media played it for 51 days for demonizing Karesh before going to slaughter those people. You media does not focus on the FBI using loudspeakers with comments like 'How's your breakfast, Mrs. Weaver,' 'Are you having a nice day, Mrs. Weaver,'

Meredith: I want to‑

David Lane: -and broadcasting them. (End Tape 1)

Text Box: Meredith: This is from February 13th, 1984 and the conversation thatMeredith: Urn, I was trying to determine where you were-Prison PA: (Unintelligible)

Meredith: (mumbling) -Mathews was involved in robberies in December, I guess. During those months, were you living in the Washington area, in the Colorado area, in Idaho, in‑

David Lane: I can tell you this much, because it's a matter of record, I spent the fall and maybe winter of 1983-84 working at a title company in Denver. And from then on, lets just say classified. There was just to many people that I was in contact with that could be harmed by your

government to talk about it.

Meredith: During that winter, in 83-84, what were your feelings about Allan Berg?

David Lane: I'd never thought about him. Meredith: You never thought about him? David Lane: I'd never been (Unintelligible). Meredith: Did you know who he was?

David Lane: Oh yeah, a friend of mine called him one time and handed me the phone because he wanted to debate something, oh I know what it was, it was something about Andropov.

Meredith: We have that, can you listen to that and comment on it? David Lane: You have the debate where I talk about Andropov? Meredith: Yes.

David Lane: Well I'll be darned. Can I have a copy?

Meredith: I was told you had made a copy, that night and played it for friends.

David Lane: Somebody else, I think made it, I never had it.

night was about the jews and their power and the Soviet Union and - David Lane: Let's hear what it is, I'm fascinated. (Laughs) Tape: (Squelching)

Prison PA: (Unintelligible)

Meredith: That was all right to do that with the noise? You can't hear it. I want you to be able to hear it.

Tape Plays: (David Lane gives reference from jewish article that Andropov is jewish, Berg denies this could be true.)

David Lane: (Laughing) He was an obnoxious personality, wasn't he? Meredith: Is that what you felt about him?

David Lane: I thought he was the best thing, in retrospect, that the White resistance, if you want to call it that, the non existent one, ever had.

Meredith: Because?

David Lane: Because he was so obnoxious.

Meredith: What made him obnoxious?

David Lane: Is there a person in the world that doesn't know his style?

Meredith: When you hear that phone conversation, does it take you back in time to what you were feeling at that time?

David Lane: I can't really remember. I remember that I talked to him about Andropov.

Meredith: Did he annoy you?

David Lane: No, I thought he was amusing. Meredith: Didn't he hang up on you? David Lane: I don't remember that.

Meredith: Because it's hard to tell there. I think he's hanging up on you but it's hard to tell.

David Lane: To me he was so inconsequential I never thought about him.

Meredith: Other members of the Order said you thought about him. David Lane: Well, they're wrong.

Meredith: He was just an obnoxious guy on the radio?

David Lane: Yeah, I'd say that's as much as you could say about him. He was of no interest to me. I don't listen to establishment radio, I don't watch establishment TV, I never paid attention to it.

Meredith: And the stories I've heard about you recording it at the time, that's not true either?

David Lane: It wasn't me.

Meredith: But was there a recording at the time, did you play it to friends?

David Lane: Not me. Meredith: No.

David Lane: There was a gentleman named- MacKenzie might have made a recording. The gentleman who handed me the phone was a guy named MacKenzie. Maybe it was him. I don't know. I sure didn't know about it. I sure never played it to anybody. MacKenzie might have.

Meredith: Why was Alan Berg on the groups hit list?

David Lane: I have no idea. I'm not sure he was. That's an allegation by the federals, i believe the- maybe it was, I don't remember. At the Seattle trial I think there was some talk about such a hit list but I know nothing of that.

Meredith: Again, that's‑

David Lane: You'll notice that my name isn't on any- excuse me- at

the trials they presented a bunch of documents about people that were at these meetings, supposedly, but you won't see my name.

Meredith: But, (garbled) there was supposed to be a meeting in June, right before‑

David Lane: Well, I guess it's safe to say they had a thing called an inner circle and I hesitate to say that I wasn't a member but I wasn't, I should have been! I wasn't there, and I'm certainly not saying anything bad about the guys that were in the inner circle, the busy boys, they're the ones that get all the honor, but I wasn't in there.

Meredith: Should Alan Berg ever have been on the hit list? And you say you don't know he was, but was he a candidate to be on the hit list?

David Lane: No, I'm totally neutral about him. There are enemies-there are people dangerous, you know, that work hard for the death of ~ my race. I don't, I mean it didn't occur to me. It wasn't even a thought to me.

Meredith: How could you be neutral about him? He was on the air, he was very disturbed by any kind of anti-semetic speech, he went after people like you, I mean, he went after you that night, how could he not have been a threat to your cause, he was a direct opponent of ~ what you folks stood for.

David Lane: I don't see direct opponents as any danger whatsoever. If ~ I were to give you the six individuals that I consider the most dangerous in misleading my people and working for the destruction of ~ my race- You want to hear six?

Meredith: Sure, I'll hear six.

David Lane: I'll bet there's not a jew in the bunch. I'd say Rush Limbaugh, Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich, Phil Grahame, Billy Grahame, and Bill McCartney. There's a nice list for you.

Meredith: Those are conservative voices.

David Lane: You know how I feel about consevatives. A conservative wants to conserve what is, which is the system which as well might exterminate my race.

Meredith: If you were putting together a hit list, they would be on that list?

David Lane: Well, I think- a hit list? When we do it my way, we're going to have nice, legal trials. Much more legal than your government has. What I think is I'd put those six on the first dockett. Just right off ~ hand, I'm not (garbled).

Meredith: But Alan Berg you would not have put on a list back then? As somebody that‑

David Lane: I think he was totally inconsequential. Not even worth thinking about. I'll grant you this though, because if it was a White man, I say id, because I don't know, that silenced Mr. Berg, and if it was done because of attacks on White people, the guy probably earned himself a ticket to Valhalla because you've got to say this much, Mr. Berg has not insulted White people from his 50000 watt bully pulpit for, what is it, a dozen years or so. But on the other hand, as obnoxious as he was- I don't know. It was a purely practical judgement. I don't know who did it and I don't know if it was a good idea.

Meredith: But whoever did it, you felt, deserves a place in Valhalla? David Lane: Well, from that side, from that standpoint.


Meredith: You told Bob Mathews before, you said there were no words to describe how you felt about him, in terms of his honor, his commitments- Bob Mathews said to several members of the Order that he was involved in this along with you.

David Lane: Hold on just a minute. Those federal devils to say he said, in fact a great deal of the trial, in fact all the trials, was a dead man testifying. It was 'Bob Mathews told me,' 'he told blank blank,' and that was the testimony at the trials.

Meredith: Not all of it, some was direct. Some was, for example, Tom Martinez saying that you told him directly that you‑

David Lane: Yes. That's exact same time Ken Loff says I was at Ken LoWs house.

Meredith: No, that was after that that you went to LoWs house, (unintelligible mumbling).

David Lane: Yes, I see. And I drove from Loff's house to Martinez's house, from the West coast to the East coast on the same day in my little yellow Volkswagen. Have you yet figured out‑

Meredith: Well, that would probably need a stretch of time, several days, in the testimony that was given. I don't want to argue with days, I want to talk about the particular date of the killing and the days that followed Martinez claims that you had told him and bragged about killing‑

David Lane: Yes, and you know what Mr. Martinez is-Meredith: What was that?

David Lane: Well, we know what Mr. Martinez is, don't we? Meredith: What is he?

David Lane: An oath-breaker, a coward, responsible for catching Bob Mathews and having him murdered by the feds. You know what Mr. Martinez is to me. If there's one individual out of all those who rolled over and testified for the feds and all that who I have a personal interest in, it's Mr. Martinez.

Meredith: What do you mean, a personal interest?

David Lane: You just take that any way you want. The others had their families threatened, they were threatened with going to prison forever, they were terrorized by this government. Martinez was in such a tiny bit of trouble, he got probation. But he rolled over and he was responsible for the death of Bob Mathews and Bob Mathews said (garbled) Mr. Martinez, when the day of justice comes, your blood penalty will be paid.

Meredith: His head.

David Lane: Is that what Bob Mathews said? Meredith: Would you like to do it yourself?

David Lane: I'm not that kind of person, but if Bob Mathews said you do it, Martinez deserves it.

Meredith: If Bob Mathews said to you 'We're going to go kill Berg,' would you have gone with him?

David Lane: I only obey Bob Mathews' orders that I know about. Speculation on what Bob Mathews could have or would have done is‑

Meredith: Is there anything Bob Mathews could have said to you that you wouldn't have done?

David Lane: Yeah, I never took any oaths to obey Bob Mathews. Bob Mathews never gave orders, Bob Mathews said I'm going to do this, he said I'm going to go to Ukiah and rob an armored car, and if some guys went with him, that was their decision.

Meredith: Repeating what you said about Berg before, I'm just asking you if he had asked you to go home, would you have?

David Lane: No, I didn't think about that, it never occurred to me.

Meredith: Martinez wasn't the only one who testified, I'm trying to get a handle on the events of that period, he was one of several members of the group‑

David Lane: Let me interrupt you. Let's get something straight right now, in one of the 88 precepts I made the statement 'The patriot being led to the inquisitions dungeon or the headsmans ax will be condemned the loudest by his former friends and patriots, I mean former friends and allies. That's the major way that the federal government creates it's perjured testimony at the perjury circuses that they call trials. So, if you want to believe the testimony brought by self-incriminated criminals operating under the cover of law, violating the United States constitution in a total mockery with triple jeopardy trials‑

Meredith: So all these people lied, is that what you're saying?

David Lane: Every one of these- every iota of evidence, of relevant evidence brought against me was government created perjury. Now, we can sit here and argue it, they can say, no, no, we didn't lie, and I can say, yes, yes, you did lie, and that's a lot of sercuitous(?) sophistry that means nothing. You have the black and white piece of ~ paper the government engaged in a criminal conspiracy, violating the United States constitution blatantly. Now, you are‑

Meredith: Well, that's‑

David Lane: Let me- Oh no, it's black and white. Let me- let's use them. Get those three documents, from your desk, from Seattle, Washington, charged with the crime again. With the sixth amendment, they can't do it. Denver, same crime, fifth amendment says they can't do it.

Meredith: Well, you've argued the double jeopardy, but in fact, for example, in the Seattle trial, you can't say that they ever convicted you in connection with Alan Berg, because you don't know what the jury believed, you only had to pick on two‑

David Lane: Was it written in the indictment?

Meredith: Yeah, but it was one of eight. You don't know they finally made the decision on‑

David Lane: Well, I guess I'm wrong. That's very clever of them. I guess they can try me 150 times then.

Meredith: But the point is you're arguing double jeopardy when those who are actually involved say, 'well, that's not true' and those who (garbled) say, 'that's not true.' And in the case of Denver, I guess David, you were convicted of violating Alan Bergs civil rights and in order for them to convict you of that the jury had to first decide that you had been involved in the killing of Alan Berg or they couldn't convict you of violating his civil rights.

David Lane: I know. But their law is such a ridiculous, Talmudic joke. It says, the indictments are plain, the English language, you can understand the English language, you can tell what it was. I think Shakespeare was right.

Meredith: What did he say?

David Lane: About the death of all the lawyers. Remember?

Meredith: When you start getting into all these different groups, there isn't going yo be anybody left.

David Lane: (Laughing) Really? Isn't that terrible? Meredith: Well,-

David Lane: (Laughing)

Meredith: I've got a lot of people who might not want to see the lawyers go, but‑

David Lane: (Laughing) Oh, yeah? Really? Well, blame it on Shakespeare, not me.

Meredith: But, my point is, you were convicted of-David Lane: Yes, and‑

Meredith: -violating his civil rights‑

David Lane: -may I point out something? I started to say this earlier, and you didn't let me finish it.

Meredith: I'm sorry.

David Lane: Well, yeah. I want to talk about your government, and your media. You focus on what you want to focus on, let me tell you why. I started to tell you about how the federals broadcast taunts into the Weaver cabin as, like, 'did you have a nice breakfast, Mrs. Weaver?'-

Meredith: Right.

David Lane: -and so forth as the children huddled in terror around their mothers body whose head had been blown off by some subhuman federal sniper. But you don't focus on that.

Meredith: But you don't focus on Alan Bergs body, you (garbled). David Lane: At Waco, for fifty-one days, the federals broadcast the

sound of rabbits being slaughtered into the church center, terrorizing little children. But you don't focus on that. At Waco, federals danced around giving each other high-fives and cheering for the 'real Texas barbecue,' as they called it, as they roasted women and children alive. But you do not focus on those issues. Those were real people dying. They died by criminals operating under color of law. And the reason you don't focus on them, is because as a member of the media of America, it is your job to maintain legitimacy for these lying, subhuman, murdering, torturing, federal bastards, or shall I amend that? Can't cuss on national TV. Lying, inhuman, murdering, torturing, federal creatures.

Meredith: And how would you describe the people who killed Alan Berg? Sometimes‑

David Lane: Why don't you concentrate on the real murderers? Meredith: You mean the people who‑

David Lane: Why do you‑

Meredith: -killed Alan Berg were not murderers?

David Lane: -listen to the words of federal murderers, these federal torturers? Why do you listen to their testimony and grill me on it?

Meredith: I'm not asking about the testimony, David, I'm‑

David Lane: Do the 80 dead people they roasted alive at Waco matter? Why do you repeat their words about me?

Meredith: I'm not just repeating their words. I'm repeating the verdict of the jury, I'm repeating the words of members of the Order.

David Lane: Um, which members of the Order was it? The ones that were saving their skin and got paid $100,000 a piece for lying about their comrades?

Meredith: There was no money given.

David Lane: I'll have you know- there! We've got it! Go read the transcripts. They admit it in the transcripts of every trial. Loff got 100,000, Martinez got 100,000, and Rader got 100,000. It's in the transcripts.

Meredith: You're saying these men lied about you for the money?

David Lane: They lied about me to save their own skins, they lied about the rest of the Bruders, and they just lied to you about getting money from the federal government. It's in the transcripts, Miss Viera. They lied to you. Go get it, tell the truth.

Meredith: I will, then. I'll get it. You said concentrate on the real murders. Wasn't Alan Berg- Isn't he deserving of the same concentration?

David Lane: Even if some of the Bruders had something to do with Alan Berg- have you heard of a word called perspective?

Meredith: Absolutely. David Lane: Good.

Meredith: Everything Martinez (garbled), and now I'm talking about Alan Berg.

David Lane: Except for the tens of millions your government has slaughtered from one end of the world to the other in pursuit of their New World Order, except for the little children burned alive at Waco, no, you want to talk about Alan Berg.

Meredith: (Garbled) yes.

David Lane: Well, I don't care to talk about him. Put it in perspective. When you spend one hundred million hours talking about the crimes of ~ your New World Order police department, then, in perspective, you can spend about five seconds on Alan Berg.

Meredith: Is that all he's worth spending on?

David Lane: When you put things in perspective, and deal with the tens of millions that your government has murdered, in pursuit of the New World Order.

Meredith: If you had been involved in the murder of Alan Berg, would you tell me?

David Lane: I wouldn't tell you anything that would incriminate

anybody in the Order because that would be betrayal.

Meredith: I would think you'd been involved, even in the purpose of ~ the group, you'd be thrilled, it would be 'look what we did.'-

David Lane: Do you know what you're doing right now? What you're doing by repeating the words of these federal murderers, and grilling me on their testimony, is morally no different than if I put you on national TV and said, 'Miss Viera, when did you give up those sadomasochistic lesbian sex orgies?' If you said no, if I said 'Did you give them up?' if you say no, your condemned, if you said yes, your condemned. If in utter shock refuse to answer, or stutter, your bell is rung, then the masses of people say 'Boy, she's s pretty kinky lady.' Morally, you're doing the exact same thing when you repeat allegations by these incomprehensibly evil federal devils, or their hired whores.

Meredith: Why do they want to do it to you? David Lane: Because I stand for Fourteen Words. Meredith: But at that time‑

David Lane: (Garbled)

Meredith: Even at that space in time were, at the trial, well you said the principle of it.

David Lane: Right. I have already distributed a half a million pamphlets in this country. I have had them spread all over the world.

Meredith: So they wanted to set you up for (Garbled) Bergs murder?

David Lane: I don't know the motives. I know that they engaged in a criminal conspiracy to destroy me in Triple Jeopardy Trials. And if you could read plain English you would know it too.

Meredith: If you weren't at all involved in what happened to Alan Berg why did you umm

(pause) try to strike a deal with the authorities? And get out of life by saying 'I will give you written documentation of my participation in this killing if in return I am guaranteed a light sentence and I am not tried in Denver?

David Lane: Who said this?

Meredith: That's been told to us by several sources. David Lane: Well‑

Meredith: That indeed you did.

David Lane: There are at least three or four ways to slander and destroy opposition. One of them, probably the most common used by your government, is they accuse somebody of sexual conduct which is not acceptable (Garbled). One of them is to accuse a man of betraying his cause or his own people. One of them is to accuse a man of being a Cultist or of having Religious beliefs which are not acceptable, and, of ~ course, they call him crazy.

Meredith: Did you say those things, though? David Lane: No.

Meredith: You never said 'I will give you this testimony from me that (garbled) the Alan Berg murder and in return you won't try me in Denver.' That was never written out in any form and offered and then the deal fell through? Is that what you're telling me?

David Lane: Who said this?

Meredith: Several people have told us this who were in a position to know.

David Lane: Federals?

Meredith: Authorities.

David Lane: (Laughs)

Meredith: Not just the federals.

David Lane: Pardon?

Meredith: Not just federals.

David Lane: Oh, hired whores for the federals.

Meredith: Well, everybody to you is a sort of a hired whore for the federals unless they believe what you believe.

David Lane: Oh, OK.

Meredith: Well, that's suggesting the entire country. I'm feeling a little like a hired whore for the federals.

David Lane: (Laughs)

Meredith: I think you think I am.

David Lane: OK.

Meredith: Don't you? (Pause) At least tell it to me, I'm sitting here. David Lane: I think you have made your deal.

Meredith: What deal did I make?

David Lane: You work for this government and you work for the murderers of our race.

Meredith: How do I work for this government?

David Lane: You work for the media that covers it. We just went through a little spiel on why you don't focus on the murders and the lies and the perjury and the false testimony of this government because the function of the media in any power system, whether it's religious or secular (pause) just to make it give them credibility for the system, and to destroy its opponents.

Meredith: So why would I be sitting here interviewing you?

David Lane: I can't wait to find out just what your motive is. If you're now going to accuse me of trying to betray my friends, maybe it's to destroy me and the Fourteen Words. I don't know what your motives were in wanting to see me.

Meredith: When did I accuse you of trying to betray your friends?

David Lane: Isn't that what you just said? You said I tried to make a deal to testify against them?

Meredith: No, not to testify‑

David Lane: Or to make a deal not to go to prison or a short sentence? That would be admitting that the Bruder Schweigen were guilty of ~ something, wouldn't it? I couldn't admit that the Bruder Schweigen did anything even if I did know what they were doing.

Meredith: That's the part I don't understand because groups like this stand up and say they have a mission, they are righteous, they believe very strongly in this goal, so, why not, why wouldn't you stand up, why does suddenly everybody hide when their caught, why are they suddenly 'whoa, whoa!' I‑

David Lane: Because no matter what you do, you incriminate somebody else. To even talk about it you incriminate somebody else. (Pause) Until you've been on the wrong end of something in a federal trial, you just don't know. The most innocent word comes out, the rhetoric that is spoken as, what's the word I want- I can't remember it, but rhetoric comes out as a plan. Every word you ever said in your life comes to trial, sometimes out of context.

Meredith: Martinez said that when he was at the Capri with Bob Mathews, Mathews told him that he was going to join a cell with David Lane, Herbert (Garbled), for the assassination of Morris Dees.

David Lane: I'm not even going to discuss Martinez. That is, incredible. Meredith: Will you discuss Morris Dees?

David Lane: I don't really know much about him except for what I've read in- about getting prosecuting‑

Meredith: (Garbled)

David Lane: No, Tom Metzger?

Meredith: Uh, huh.

David Lane: Tom Metzger.

Meredith: You were not involved in a plan to assassinate Morris Dees? David Lane: I never knew anything about it. When they brought this

thing to the trial and said that the Bruder Schweigen had been involved in- a hit list? I'd never heard of it. In fact, I had never heard of the group having a name until the trial or maybe in the news media before it, I don't know.

Meredith: So as far as you're concerned, this group never intended to kill anybody?

David Lane: Oh, I wouldn't- I'm saying not by personal knowledge but I wouldn't be at all surprised. I wouldn't be at all surprised. I had nothing against it. If someone tries to exterminate your race, that's war. Especially id somebody straps on a gun and defends the system.

Meredith: So you wouldn't be surprised if they had planned it but you had no knowledge of it and never were involved, that's what you're saying?

David Lane: That's pure speculation. I'm not going to speculate on the motives or the actions of others that I know nothing about.

Meredith: Where were you when Whidbey Island was happening?

David Lane: I was taking care of some things for Bob Mathews in North Carolina.

Meredith: What do you mean, 'things?'

David Lane: (Laughs) Now you know better. (Laughs)

Meredith: I should know better but you know us in the media, David. David Lane: (Laughing) OK.

Meredith: Handing out money?

David Lane: Oh, (Pause) well, mister lawyer man, (Laughs) I can't talk about anything like this.

Meredith: But you were in North Carolina and how did you hear? David Lane: About what?

Meredith: About Mathews and what had happened‑

David Lane: I had been listening on the radio, standing outside under the full moon.

Meredith: I'm sorry?

David Lane: I was listening on the radio, standing outside under the full moon. And then, after they killed him, I went up to a confederate graveyard nearby and wrote a poem called 'Ode to Bob Mathews,' which is now spread around the world.

Meredith: Any lines from that poem come to mind right now?

David Lane: White brother, how we miss you, who could take your place, as a leader of an army, who fights to save our race. That's enough. (Long Pause, Footsteps)

Meredith: You've been so many years in this-David Lane: It's tough.

Meredith: What makes it tough?

David Lane: He was the finest, noblest man who ever lived (Garbled), Bob is waiting there- (Pause)

Ode to Bob Mathews

It was the eighth day of December In nineteen eighty-four.

A full moon witnessed to the deed On the nation's western shore. Bob Mathews made his final stand, He vowed he'd run no more.

He loaded his gun and spit in the eye Of the jews and their federal whore.

The blood of Leonidas,

Of Custer and Stonewall, too,

Ran strong in the veins of this White man, To their memory he was true.

Two weeks before in Portland town, They'd tried to lay a snare,

Thirty-five of the federal dogs,

Bob Mathews whipped them there.

So, they rounded up an army,

Of maggots and faggots and reds, Race traitors and cowards and jackals, And other kinds of feds.

The jews had given the orders,

Race traitors would obey,

By hundreds they came to murder The greatest White man of his day.

They brought helicopter gunships,

And their army did deploy.

They thought they'd break the spirit

Of this fearless rebel boy.

But even as they poured their fire Through barricaded doors, His bullets whistled by the heads,

Of treasonous federal whores.

The gunships felt his bullets first

And quickly flew away.

For thirty-six hours, a day and a half, He held the dogs at bay.

With tear gas next, they filled the house Twice broke inside the doors,

But rapid fire soon drove out

The devil's federal whores.

They knew they'd met their match,

So they set the house on fire.

And soon the flames touched the sky,

A Viking funeral pyre.

White brother, how I miss you,

Who can take your place, As leader of the army

That fights to save our race?

As you march through fair Valhalla, Asgard's mighty hall,

Number one among the Vikings, I can hear you call:

"Arise, you Aryan Warriors,

I've shown you how to fight!

You owe it to my children

To battle for the right. David Lane 1984

Meredith: (Unintelligible) for so many years, and although you have gone on and pursued your writings and- to make this a reality, you've also had time to reflect on that period in your life and what that group had to do- (Unintelligible).

David Lane: (Garbled) standpoint? In a modern police state- (Noise) excuse me.

Meredith: No, that's OK. Do you want to take a minute out?

David Lane: In a modern police state, resistance has to be divided into two separate modes, I guess you could say, that which is legal or above ground and that which is called the armed party, and the armed party has to be autonomous cells, or at least semiautonomous, so that if one cell is broken, like Martinez (Garbled), then the system cannot go from cell to cell and break them all.

Meredith: In other words, the group was too big. It should have been much smaller fragments that were able to operate totally on their own?

David Lane: Yes.

Meredith: A couple of guys here, a couple of guys there? David Lane: Yes. The smaller the units, the better. Meredith: How is anything coordinated, then?

David Lane: Well, I can't give away secrets, but, for one thing, I just can't tell you. They're secrets. There's still things going on. I can't tell. There are ways.

Meredith: But was that part of the legacy of the Order, the understanding that that's not the way to do it if you want to bring about a revolution? Were they an example- were you part of an example of how not to do it? (Garbled).

David Lane: Obviously we must have been. (Laughs) Yes, I think- you see, the Order members, with maybe one or two exceptions, didn't have any prior criminal records and they didn't know how to deal with police, especially this modern police state, so it was trial and error and we'd have been much better off to have a few career criminals in our organization. And it also points out one more time the hypocrisy of the government bringing such unreasonable sentences on me and several Bruders (Garbled). Angela Davis smuggled guns into- I'll not talk about that. But‑

Meredith: But you threatened-David Lane: Didn't exist. Pardon?

Meredith: I'm using their rationale, not only were the crimes very significant crimes, but you threatened the very integrity of the government, I mean, the intent of the group was to‑

David Lane: Correct. Meredith: -to bring down‑

David Lane: Correct. That's why you haven't heard the Bruder Schweigen, by and large, crying about what happened. I mean, they recognize that even if their crimes, individually, were relatively insignificant, the government squash opposition, and so that's what they did. They don't, by and large, cry about what happened. I know I wouldn't because I haven't filed my, what do they call it, my 22 something or other appeals and habeas corpus appeals or whatever they have simply because there is no way I could ever sign a piece of ~ paper with 'Your Honor' on top and send it to a federal judge.

Meredith: You'd rather rot in prison first?

David Lane: A man of honor has to do what he has to do. If some lawyer wanted to make out the appeals for me and he could stomach writing 'Your Honor' on a document sent to a federal devil, that would be fine, but I won't do it.

Meredith: What do you think of the bombing in Oklahoma City (Pause) and the very real possibility that it may have been committed by somebody who believes‑

David Lane: Now we're getting to why you came to interview me.


Meredith: No. That's not true. But, certainly, you are a proponent of ~ revolution and, if in fact, Timothy McVeigh is involved with this, there is evidence to say that he may also be- it has all the markings of ~ something that the Order might have done.

David Lane: Just a minute here. Meredith: Sure.

David Lane: Think about what- you realize I just don't have a lot of ~ faith in- what do we got, 10 minutes left?

Guard: 10 minutes.

David Lane: Bob Mathews supposedly read the Order, the book was-Meredith: The Turner Diaries.

David Lane: The Turner Diaries, it talked about something called the Order.

Meredith: Right.

David Lane: And I saw in the news media the claim that Timothy McVeigh had read the Turner Diaries.

Meredith: Uh huh.

David Lane: I don't know if it's true or not. And I see a guilt by association, it makes no sense. It's like‑

Meredith: I'm not trying to connect‑

David Lane: Let me finish here.

Meredith: But I'm not trying to connect the Order to Timothy McVeigh. David Lane: Let me finish here. I think that's coming. (Garbled)

Meredith: I'm trying to get your perspective, just so you know, David, because we do only have ten minutes, I don't want to go down garden paths here, I'm trying to get your perspective as somebody who

Text Box: David Lane: George Washington- Just let me finish. George Washington was a murdering terrorist as long as the British controlledbasically supports that kind of action. David Lane: OK, let me state this then‑

Meredith: Your perspective on what happened in Oklahoma, your take on it, and your viewpoint of it. Whoever did it.

David Lane: Using incidents to enhance police states and (Garbled) wars is a technique as old as governments.

Meredith: So it's part of what happens? What happened in Oklahoma is just part of what happens?

David Lane: Did you listen to what I said?

Meredith: Well, I have been. I'm confused by what you said.

David Lane: Governments use incidents, they create incidents, in order to enhance police states‑

Meredith: In other words the government‑

David Lane: -wars. That would be speculation on my part, and while we're speculating I will say that I have serious doubts that an inefficient fertilizer bomb would do more than damage the front of a building and knock out a lot of windows. There were, by seismograph, at least two explosions and almost- I would give you ten to one that the federals set off the bomb inside the building in order, as I say, to enhance their police state.

Meredith: But the bombing of buildings, that is also something that you would promote? You promote that kind of terrorist activity.

David Lane: Terrorist?

Meredith: Well, people like you say‑

David Lane: The only difference between a terrorist and a patriot is control of the press.

Meredith: Wasn't‑

the colonial press. The day after they won the war, he was a patriot. Terrorist is a meaningless word.

Meredith: You promote the kind of activity that occurred in Oklahoma City. You promote the bombing of targets.

David Lane: In my opinion, and I'm not speaking for anybody else, there will be no freedom for anybody on this Earth, and there is no possibility for the survival of my race, until the day comes that no one walks out of any federal building without wondering which direction comes the bullet.

Meredith: Anybody who walks into a federal building?

David Lane: If you sleep with dogs, you get fleas. The federal government is the murderer of my race. There is no quarter. Either it dies, or my race dies.

Meredith: But you use that term 'federal government,' but what we're talking about is human beings. It's not a building that‑

David Lane: Why don't you talk about the tens of millions of very real human beings that (Garbled) didn't see.

Prison PA: (Unintelligible)

David Lane: To Grenada, to Panama, to Italy, to Germany twice,- Meredith: If you were the U.S. President‑

David Lane: -to Korea, to Vietnam, and on and on and on, this America has meddled in. Perspective.

Meredith: But then are you saying now it's your turn?

David Lane: No. I'm saying terror is not ended without equal terror. That's just a fact.

Meredith: And if you did become President?

David Lane: If I become President of the United States, the first thing we would do is abolish this whole idea of imperialism. America is not to be the police department for a world Zionist government or for the New World Order. America brings its troops home, and the various

races are separated so they can pursue their own destiny. Meredith: And what if I don't believe in that?

David Lane: You can leave or you can have a territory, too. But we are going to have a territory for the survival of our race.

Meredith: (Unintelligible)

David Lane: To my last breath, I will breathe Fourteen Words, Fourteen Words, Fourteen Words, until I drive it into the consciousness of the remaining White world.

Meredith: And those Fourteen Words?

David Lane: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. There is no, for a sane White man, there is no other issue today.

Meredith: And do you think that sane White men, David, are going to arm themselves and seize what they believe to be theirs? We're talking- I don't want to talk rhetoric here, I want to talk reality, we're talking mass murder.

David Lane: No, we're not. Meredith: Sure we are.

David Lane: There wasn't- Well, when you start using the term 'mass murder', when you start using the term mass murder for the tens and millions that America has murdered around the world in pursuit of ~ their Nova Sorto Seclorum, the New World Order, and you condemn us‑

Meredith: I'm not condemning you, I'm just speaking reality, I just- I want to just speak reality, the reality is you're talking mass murder.

David Lane: We're talking war if necessary. We're talking separation as not a negotiable issue.

Meredith: So that means war?

David Lane: War is an acceptable term.

Meredith: With the killing of thousands, if not millions of people?

David Lane: If people die, it will not be one tiny, inconsequential fraction of the people that your government has murdered in pursuit of it's New World Order. (Pause) Your time is up. (Laughs)

Meredith: I hope you don't mean that, literally.

David Lane: (Laughter) You would. (All Laughing)

Meredith: We may be useful enemies, but we have a sense of humor. David Lane: (Laughing) Useful enemies.

Note: At the end of part 22 the camera faded out. It now fades in:

Meredith: What do you mean when you say the ZOG minions will not voluntarily give up power? Who are the ZOG minions?

David Lane: As I said earlier, every essential power point of industry, finance, media, law, religion, and politics in America is firmly in Zionist Jewish hands. Minions are those who sell their race, their soul, and the future of White children for profit in that system.

Meredith: But you say you're going to execute them for treason.

David Lane: Anybody who commits race treason- the penalty for treason is well known, has been for thousands of years.

Meredith: If you work for a network, therefore you are committing treason? I mean, how far down the line are you going to take this? If ~ you are a Jew, because‑

David Lane: You are fortunate that you are a woman. We aren't going to have time to talk about my teachings- that's it? The man says no, sorry.

Fade out.

The Credits come on screen::

David and Katja Lane, 14 Word Press, Saint Manes, ID 1995
