Wolzek's One-Minute Media Reportz

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Wolzek's One-Minute Media Reportz
An ongoing, informal, report that tracks ideas large and small about pop culture and modern media.
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Sunday, November 24, 2002
Democracy = Media-cracy

Can Bush pretend to have the informed consent of the majority of American citizens for an attack against Iraq when only 13 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 can locate Iraq on a global map? Could Bush find Iraq on a global map? . . . . the Pacific Ocean?

Democracy is really "media-cracy," and when the Jews conrol the media, it becomes "Jew-mocracy." Dumbing down the goyim with a sentimentalist education and a vulgarized media are two of the more prominent desired effects of Jewmocracy. Objective geopolitical insights constitute a threat to the ruling cabal.

Test yourself at: http://nationalgeographic.ibs.aol.com/geosurvey/

(Submitted by JR.)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Friday, November 22, 2002
More "Jackass" Carnage

Ohio Student Dies During Truck Stunt
TIFFIN, Ohio (AP) - A college freshman died after falling from a moving pickup truck in a stunt possibly inspired by the television show "Jackass," authorities said.

Adam Ports, 18, and three fellow students at Tiffin University set a chair on fire and threw it from the back of a moving truck Tuesday night while friends photographed the stunt. Ports then jumped or fell from the truck as it sped away on a country road, officials said.


This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Thursday, November 21, 2002
Nazi comedy airs in Germany

JTA | November 21, 2002

Nazi comedy airs in Germany

A comedy about the Nazis debuted Wednesday on German television. "Goebbels and Geduldig," a farce about the Nazi propaganda minister and a good-humored Jewish lookalike who swap places in 1944, shattered a half-century taboo on poking fun at the country�s Nazi past. "I heard about a questionnaire that said 70 percent of Germans feel they must not laugh about the Nazis," the show�s writer, Peter Steinbach, told JTA before the comedy aired. "That was very shocking." The conservative daily Die Welt newspaper said the comedy may deserve plaudits for attempting to break ground, but added that it failed for a simple reason: It isn�t funny.

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, November 17, 2002
Was Lassie Jewish?

This farcical question is much more interesting than one might immediately think. Check out this fascinating exploration of the question: here.

(By Paul W.)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Monday, November 18, 2002
Jewey Holiday Movie Preview

11/27: Adam Sandler's 8 Crazy Nights - Fun-ukkah!

12/27: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - "True Story" about Gong Show host Chuck Barris who claimed he was an undercover CIA operative.

Max - Jewish war vet (John Cusack)befriends aspiring painter Hitler.

The Pianist - Roman Polanski's true story of Wlad Szpilman who struggled to elude the SS. 1/15: The Settlers - Documentary about 7 Israeli families living in Palestinian-occupied Tel Rumeida. 1/24: Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary - Documentary about Traudl Junge. She reveals her guilt-ridden story. 1/29 The Last Letter - From acclaimed documentarian Frederick Wiseman comes a fictional drama about a Jewish woman trapped in Nazi occupied Ukraine, who spends her final days writing to her son.

(Submitted by H.J.)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, November 17, 2002
"8 Crazy Nights" and "Chanukah"

The upcoming, animated [Jewish comedian] Adam Sandler movie is called "8 Crazy Nights," the title apparently a reference to the 8 nights of the Jewish holiday Hanukah/Hanukkah.

A song from that movie is called "Chanukah Song Part III." That's right -- "Ch......"

The word "Chanukah" did not exist until about 1980. The word is an attempt by Jews of various stripe to make themselves seem less "alien" to non-Jews by linking Christmas ["ch-"] and Hanukah ["-anukah"] together. Less "alieness" means, in theory, less "anti-Semitism." Very clever. And few gentiles even notice this slyness -- they're too busy watching "The Simpsons" and muttering "but, Jesus was a Jew..."

For the record, Christmas and Hanukah have almost nothing in common. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth. Hanukah, like most Jewish holidays, celebrates how Jews wiped out an entire group of people in battle many years ago. With Hanukah, they celebrate their military victory in 165 BC over their enemy, King Antiochus IV of Syria. Jewish holidays are not spiritual like Christian holidays -- instead, they celebrate "getting even;" indeed, recall the telling Jewish motto: "never forget."

(Submitted by J. R. Colson)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, November 17, 2002
Jewish double-standard on "child molestation"

It became known that Woody [Allen] was banging his adolescent adopted daughter about the same time the Joey Buttafucco case was in the public limelight. The Jews on the faculty loved talking about Joey so I would bring up Woody as another example of chold molestation...far worse since it was his DAUGHTER... the discussion would usually stop.

(Submitted by Guisseppe)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Elvis Presley...a Jew???

Elvis Presley's Family Tree


The family tree reproduced here, and the accompanying two-page narrative (linked below) are apparently both based upon Elaine Dundy, Elvis and Gladys (1985).

Elvis Presley's non-White ancestry was derived from his mother (above).

Martha Tackett (1852-1887), Elvis's maternal great-grandmother, is described as having a Jewish mother (the father's race is unspecified, but was presumably White)--Elvis's great-great-grandmother, Nancy Tackett, then, was a full Jew. Martha Tackett married White Mansell.

(Note the cousin marriage in the subsequent generation--Elvis's maternal grandparents were first cousins. His grandfather: "Bob Smith was very handsome, his Indian blood evidenced in a noble brow, good bone structure, even features and dark, deep-set eyes. His black hair was dark as coal.")

White Mansell's father was a half-breed. Elvis's great-great-great-grandmother was an Indian, Morning White Dove.

Two-page narrative: http://www.elvispresleyonline.com/html/elvis_genealogy.html

(By Paul W.)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002
"Analyze This" and "That"

Analyze That has just been released. And like Analyze This for which it is the sequel, everyone associated with the film, except the ethnic group it disparages is a Jew. Marlon Brando would agree...privately.

(Submitted by Guisseppe)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002
"Robbery Homicide Division"

This coming Friday (11-15), on CBS there's a show called Robbery Homicide Division. The plot according to the TV schedule found in the Jews paper is: "A white supremacist steals an arsenal and terrorizes Los Angeles." (Watchout Metzger) The key word in that summary is "terrorizes."

The Jews and their non-racist White capitalist christian Buddies are now beginning the slow process of associating "white supremacists" with terrorism.

(Submitted by WAR)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Monday, November 11, 2002
"Jackass" or "8 Mile"

It's nice to see that the Jewsmedia has provided young White males with a choice of degenerate role models.

If they don't want to adopt the persona of a Wigger rapper in "8 Mile," they can adopt that of a masochistic moron portrayed in "Jackass."

Meanwhile, young Schmuel goes to law school.

(Submitted by JR)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, November 10, 2002
Goy spy, movie of the week; Jew spy...{insert cricket chirps here}

ABC is doing a TV movie about the traitor, Robert Hansen...a few years back one was done on the Walker family...so far there has never been anything on Pollard and I wouldn't hold my breath.

Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story
120 min.
William Hurt plays FBI special agent Robert Hanssen in this two-part 2002 TV-movie about the man who served as a Soviet spy for 22 years.

Premiere's Sunday, November 10, 2002.

(Submitted by Guisseppe)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Saturday, November 9, 2002
HEAVEN = Gay white men and great black men...

FAR FROM HEAVEN, another anti-white male, pro-racemixing propaganda piece from Hollywood.

"Haynes tells the story of a Hartford, Conn., wife (Julianne Moore) who learns that her husband (Dennis Quaid) is gay. Moore's Cathy Whitaker then strikes up a halting but tender relationship with her black gardener (Dennis Haysbert)."

Denerstein: 'Heaven' mimics '50s, but goes deeper

(Submitted by WS)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Thursday, November 7, 2002
Satanism is OK, but...

"Meanwhile, Marilyn Manson reveals in Rolling Stone's new book 'Tattoo Nation: Portraits of Celebrity Body Art" that Madonna's manager, who was thinking of signing Manson, called Manson's manager to inquire about whether the rocker had a swastika among his many tattoos. "Of course not, " said Manson's manager. "One of the guys inthe band is Jewish." "Oh, OK," said Madonna's manager. "We don't have a problem with the Satanism, but we can't deal with any kind of Nazism."

THE IN CROWD by Leah Garchik in The SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. Nov. 7, 2002 p. D14.

(Submitted by KM)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Wednesday, November 6, 2002
Holocaust Accounting?

On CNBC, I just caught a bizarre snippet of Jack Kemp and some other undesirable trying to "market" himself and his "team", which included the head of the Holocaust Museum (!!!!), as an eminent board to reform corporate accounting standards. How absurd is it to even imagine that a bunch that think the subtraction of any number from six million leaves six million should have a clue about accounting standards....

(Submitted by James)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Thursday, October 31, 2002
Paul Gellar Praises VNN RaZor Cartoons

In the Thursday 10/31 episode of The Paul Gellar Show, on The Turner Radio Network, Paul showers RaZor with praise. Says his work should be in the Met.

To hear it, go to The Hal Turner audio archives, access the 10/31/02 show and it's near the end of the file, after the close of Hal's show.

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, October 27, 2002
60 Minutes of Jews and Blacks Hating Whites

60 Minutes: Broadcast Date 10/27/02
An indepth report by Jew Mike Wallace on Blacks returning to the South. The segment focused on a group of upper-middle class Blacks in Atlanta who had returned to the south after growing up in the north. The Grinning Wallace shared anectdotes with the guests about how their children attended "black" public schools and lived in well to do "black" neighborhoods. When questioned by Wallace about how they would feel if "caucasians" moved into their neighborhood they overwhelmingly affirmed that it would be no problem, but that they would be "suspicious".

"I'd wonder what they were up to. Dealing drugs?"

Raucous laughter follows.

One women said that her son had been the only black on an all-White football team at a nearly all-White school. The mother had worried about how her son was being raised. "White." she said unhappily.

When her son expressed fear at an upcoming game against an all-black school because "I knew they would be faster, play better and go after me because I was on a White team." Wallace asked him, "How did it turn out?"

"We won." he said.

To which the mother responded, "That's when I knew I had to get him out of there."

The expression of openly hostile racism towards Whites was cause for laughter, snide comments and derogatory statements.

Had the individuals been White and the subject matter and commentary equal to that which was broadcast on 60 Minutes, one can only imagine the outcry.

(Submitted by Marc M.)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, October 20, 2002
All-White TV Commercial

Feel like commercials on TV, as well as ads in magazines and on the internet, are getting darker and darker?

Well, there is a commercial on TV now that is lilly-white. It features nothing but white woman, to be specific, from start to finish. Not a single black, latino or asian woman to be found. And yet I doubt there will be much hullabaloo about it "under-representing" these more colorful Americans.

So, what product/service can you imagine being marketed exclusively to white women on national television, during the hottest (i.e., most highly rated) show on TV, CSI, on the hottest night for television, Thursday, right after Survivor?

Birth control. The product is called Orthoevra, and it's the first week-long lasting birth control patch.

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Sunday, October 20, 2002
Wise Blacks Counseling Dumbass Whites

I saw a commercial last night having to do with long term college planning via John Hancock Life Insurance. It opens with a very worried white father looking at his newborn who is in an intensive neo-natal care unit... He is concerned about her survival and is prepared for the worst when a black doctor assures him that he has everything under control and the father's concern should be the child's future college education. Kinda of reminds you of the commercial where the "dumbass" white guy has to be told by some black dude that he overpaid on his mortgage rate.

(Submitted by Guisseppe)

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Musicians Shitting on Christians is "Art," on Jews is "Hate"

Madonna music video stirs unease among Jews

Jerusalem Post reports:
"A new music video by pop star Madonna is generating controversy among American Jews because of its use of religious Jewish symbols, New York's Newsday reports. The video features the blond singer with Hebrew letters tattooed on her arm, wearing leather straps strikingly similar to tefillin (phylacteries), and getting electrocuted in a chair covered with Hebrew writing ... Liz Rosenberg, Madonna's spokesman, said, 'Madonna doesn't like to explain her videos in great detail, but I think there are many messages there and her intention in making this video was honorable.'"

URL - http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/ShowFull&a mp;cid=1034774849425
Victor Wolzek says:
Well, well, well. What's good for the goose...
The jews smeared Christians who complained about her miscegenistic "Like a Prayer Video", where a black Jesus statue comes to life and seduces a young white girl (the Madonna character), as uptight, fundamentalist freaks.

This is one issue on which they have absolutely zero wiggle room, as if that's ever stopped them.

I haven't seen this video, but from the brief description is seems as if it could be explained in a semitically correct way: jews being electro/persecuted = Oy! A message against anti-Israel bias in the media!

Amazing the nerve. Jews brutalize Christians/Christianity in every form of media, all year long, and yet have the chutzpuh to whine when jewish symbols are "hijacked" by their Hollywitz shabbos goyim (Oy! Madonna's a musical terrorist!")

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Thursday, October 10, 2002
CSI Does It Again

Awhile ago I reported how the popular show CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) used the story about the man being hit by a car, impaled through the window, and then being left to die over the course of several days in the driver's garage. In real life the driver was a black female nursing assistant drunk and high on ecstasy; on the show, the driver was a white male businessman. Well, CSI has just done it again. Back in June I posted a note to J&E (below) about a black rapper who eviscerated and cannibalized his girlfriend while high on PCP. Last Thursday's CSI involved a white cheerleader found eviscerated and cannibalized on the highschool ball field. It turned out she was murdered and cannibalized by... a fellow white cheerleader who was high on PCP and jealous of the other girl.
"Rapper Charged with Murder After Human Flesh Found In Stomach"

June 7, 2002-- Antron Singleton aka "Big Lurch," an up-and- coming rapper from Texas, was charged with murdering a Los Angeles woman in April, after a detective's report showed there were teeth marks on her face and lungs, which were torn from her chest, according to the Los Angeles Times.

URL - http://www.bet.com/articles/0,,c3gb2980-3641,00.html
This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Saturday, October 5, 2002
SNL Miscegenation Humor

A Saturday Night Live sketch has a group of white trash New Jersey teenagers at a Bruce Springsteen concert. One of the guys, whom I'll call "Dude" (played by guest host Matt Damon), we're told earlier in the sketch was going to bring his girlfriend along "but her water broke."

When it's mentioned that Bruce will play for 7 hours Friend #1 says, "Dude, you're gonna miss the birth of your child!"

Dude replies, "Look, I'm 100% sure Bruce Springsteen is coming out on that stage. (Pause) I'm only 60% sure the kid coming out of Suzy is mine."

Friend #2: "Yeah, and there aint no way Springsteen's gonna surprise us by coming out half black!" Dude: Irregardless...!

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Monday, September 30, 2002
Rock Group Landser Charged with Hate Crimes

Rock Group Charged With Hate Crimes

By Melissa Eddy
Associated Press Writer
Monday, September 30, 2002; 12:03 PM

FRANKFURT, Germany �� Three members of a German skinhead rock band have been charged with inciting violence and spreading hate through songs that attack Jews and foreigners, federal prosecutors said Monday.

URL - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A22439-2002Sep30.html

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Saturday, September 28, 2002
Saturday Evening with Cable's "True Stories" Channel

Saturday (9/28/02) evening with Cable's "True Stories" channel: Or, Chillin' at Home with Back-to-Back Lesbians, Pierced and Dyed Negro Basketball Heroes, and Sporty English Jews...

You can't make this stuff up.

Second Serve
100 min.
Vanessa Redgrave as transsexual tennis pro Renee Richards. Louise Fletcher, Martin Balsam. Josh: William Russ. Gwen: Alice Krige. Meriam: Kerrie Keane. Based on the book by Richards and John Ames. Directed by Anthony Page.

Cast: William Russ, Vanessa Redgrave, Louise Fletcher, Martin Balsam
Category: Movie, Drama
Release Year: 1986

Serving in Silence: Margarethe Cammermeyer Story
100 min.

The civil rights of gays in the military is the subject of this thoughtful 1995 TV-docudrama that won Emmys for costars Glenn Close and Judy Davis and for its teleplay. Close cuts a quietly commanding figure as Margarethe Cammermeyer, a respected and decorated Army colonel and nurse who's also a divorc�e, a mother of four sons, and a lesbian who comes to grips with her homosexuality late in life. In 1988, eight years after her divorce, Cammermeyer meets and falls in love with a California artist (Davis), thereby plunging her personal life into turmoil and jeopardizing a 24-year military career. Far: Jan Rubes. Mary: Wendy Makkena.

Cast: Vic Polizos, Ryan Reynolds, Trevor St. John, Susan Barnes, Wendy Makkena, Lance Robinson, Eric Dane, Glenn Close, Judy Davis, Jan Rubes
Category: Movie, Drama
Director: Jeff Bleckner
Release Year: 1995

Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story
120 min.

Dwayne Adway's effective portrayal of the controversial hoops star is the sole saving grace of this uneven 1998 TV biopic. The film, based on Rodman's autobiography, chronicles his ascent to the NBA from the Dallas projects, where his single mom (Karen Robinson) sees a basketball scholarship as his last chance to avoid being �the second Mr. Rodman I put out on the street.� The most affecting moments center on Rodman's friendship with a troubled teen (Michael Caloz) and the boy's parents (John Terry, Dee Wallace Stone), who provide Rodman with much-needed emotional support. Less successful are cut-ins of the real Rodman commenting on his story, and dramatizations of well-publicized incidents from the defensive wizard's NBA career.

Cast: Isys McKoy, Heidi Mark, John Terry, Michael Caloz, Karen Robinson, Dwayne Adway, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Dee Wallace Stone
Category: Movie, Biography
Director: Jean De Segonzac
Release Year: 1998

Chariots of Fire
123 min.
This fact-based British film about two runners competing for Olympic gold was a winner in 1981's Oscar race, finishing first in four events, including Best Picture. It's the story of English Jew Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross) and Scottish mission worker Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson), who vie for glory at the 1924 Paris Games. Hugh Hudson directed; Vangelis's score won an Oscar. Sam: Ian Holm. Lindsay: Nigel Havers. Montague: Nicholas Farrell. Jennie: Cheryl Campbell. Sybil: Alice Krige. Scholz: Brad Davis.

Cast: Ian Holm, Ben Cross, Ian Charleson, Nigel Havers, John Gielgud, Cheryl Campbell, Alice Krige, Brad Davis, Nicholas Farrell, Lindsay Anderson, Dennis Christopher, Patrick Magee
Rating: PG
Content: Strong Language
Category: Movie, Drama
Director: Hugh Hudson
Release Year: 1981
This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Thursday, September 26, 2002
Goldie Hawn is Jewish

Maybe that's obvious and everyone should know it, but I didn't know it. She's on Jew Jon Stewart's The Daily Show and they're sharing lots of jewish love and jokes about Maneshevitz.

The most demoralizing aspect of stumbling on to the whole J-Question late in life is that your whole past and childhood suddenly seems tainted, because EVERYTHING IN IT IS SUDDENLY JEWISH!

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Friday, September 20, 2002
Roper on Hal Turner

Billy is discussing his new organization now on The Hal Turner Show. As the show is just about over, this serves to let you know that it's the Friday 9/20/02 show, in case anyone wishes to listen to it from Hal's archives.

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Thursday, September 19, 2002
Jews Use TV Ads to Spread the Word

Jewish groups in the United States are starting a television advertising campaign and will spend more than $A1.83 million ($3.36 billion) to promote Israel's side in its conflict with the Palestinians.

The ads will run on cable news stations in 100 cities, with the message that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, where Arabs, Jews and Christians enjoy freedom of religion and speech and the right to vote.

URL - http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/09/18/1032054865394.html
This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

Saturday, April 20, 2002
Jakob the Liar

Jakob the Liar
114 min.
Robin Williams is a beacon of hope in this 1999 film about life in a Nazi-occupied Polish ghetto.

In 1944, Jakob Heym (Williams) labors under the harsh glare of his German overseers. One day, while in the commandant's office for violating curfew, he overhears a radio report of advancing Soviet troops. Although spreading the promising news is dangerous, he realizes that it may assuage the despair in the ghetto. When Jakob's fellow captives mistakenly believe he has a radio, he begins to invent news stories that become a rallying cry for his people---and attract the attention of their Nazi captors. Frankfurter: Alan Arkin. Mischa: Liev Schreiber. Kowalsky: Bob Balaban.

Wolzek says:
Yes, nothing like compassionate Jewish Soviets to lift your spirits and give you hope after being held captive by those evil, demented Nazis.

"Maybe once they get here," Jakob thought, "they'll take us out to the Katyn forest for fresh air and some natural beauty! ...Oh, perhaps only the best and brightest will get to go..."

I haven't seen this movie, but I can imagine how unbearably awful it must be. Think any of the filmmakers were aware of the hilariously un-ironic nature of a film about WWII with the main character (of whatever nationality, I assume he's Polish) being a "liar"???

This has been a Victor Wolzek "Eye On Media" one-minute report.

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Created October 27, 2002