Wolzek's One Minute Media Reportz files

Was Lassie Jewish?

L.W. asks [on an e-list]: Was Lassie Jewish?

We already know that a nexus exists between dogs and Jews, because for over 80 years, right up until the present, evil Euros and Arabs around the world have promiscuously erected signs at restaurants, hotels, beaches, and resorts excluding dogs and Jews--and only dogs and Jews--as I exhaustively documented in my recent "No Dogs or Jews Allowed."

Jewish Dogs

But there are also Jewish dogs (in case you didn't know).

"As we walk, an Arab calls after us, `Jewish dogs!' and throws at us a watermelon rind."


(Oops! Sorry. Got two trains of thought mixed-up there for a second!)

For example, Roger Caras, Treasury of Great Dog Stories (E. P. Dutton, 1987) includes Sholom Aleichem's "Rabchik, a Jewish Dog."


And: "'I would not buy a yarmulke for my dog. I would not do it, but at the same time I would not tell my congregant that he or she is totally wrong,' said Rabbi Ferenc Raj of Berkeley's Reform Congregation Beth El." The owner of Flytes of Fancy, a Seattle pet costume firm that supplies dog yarmulkes, says: "I have been totally surprised. I did not know there were so many Jewish dogs in this country."


(Yeah, just like I didn't know there were so many Jews in this country.)


Immediately, the specter of doggy anti-Semitism arises: "No Jewish Dogs Allowed" and discrimination by the purebred against Jewish and mixed breed dogs in dog shows and kennel clubs.

"The American Kennel Club is 'elitest, grossly undemocratic, and operationally secretive,' according to Herm David, the influential columnist and self-styled AKC ombudsman for Dog World magazine." Mark Derr, "The Politics of Dogs," The Atlantic (March 1990).


(You may want to take a look at this article. An excerpt: "A breed is a group of genetically related individuals with a common phenotype--physical characteristics, such as ear and muzzle shapes, and behavioral tendencies, such as those of a retriever to swim or a border collie to herd--which are capable of producing offspring of the same type. Fixed through selective breeding, traits could vanish over several generations if people became careless in choosing their dogs' mates. Practically and politically, breeds are human constructs.")

But we know where "innocuous" discrimination like this inevitably leads. "The Nazis killed dogs they found in the homes of Jews on the grounds that they were �Jewish dogs'."

(just below the photo of the man in the red shirt)

The logic of hate is relentless: "An Argentine judge has authorised the renewed mass slaughter of cats and dogs in the country's main province of Buenos Aires, a practice which had been suspended in 1994. The green light for the use of gas chambers to kill stray animals was sharply criticised by local animal rights groups. "There is a backdrop of Nazi ideology behind this," said one of the groups." "'Final Solution' for Dogs," Buenos Aires - 14 January 1996


I have proved my point: there are Jewish dogs. But was Lassie Jewish?

Lassie's Pedigree

In May 1989, American Kennel Club president Kenneth Marsden testified during a hearing in federal district court in Miami "that based on looks alone he could not identify Lassie as a collie. He would have to examine the dog's certificate of pedigree."


On the pedigree of Pal, the very first Lassie: "For many years the pedigree of Lassie has been debated within dog circles. Because he has never been registered with the AKC [American Kennel Club], some believed he was not a purebred collie, thus also questioning the pedigree of all generations of Lassie. Lassie has always been bred father to son with only AKC female collies (names of breeders withheld for confidentiality reasons), so the question of whether or not the first Lassie was an AKC quality collie has always been a mystery. Now, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Marci Sudlow (Sudlow Pedigrees) and Caroline Baines, we are able to present the official pedigree of Lassie."

Click here to see (an unfortunately blurred) copy of the original Lassie's Certificate of Pedigree:



Lassie starred in several Hollywood films, a TV series, and a radio show. Hollywood and the motion picture and television industries are heavily Jewish. There can be little doubt that Jewish executives, writers and personnel were involved at every stage of production.

For example, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where the Lassie films were made, was headed by Louis G. Mayer. The executive producer of the first Lassie film, Lassie Come Home (1941) was the odious Dore Schary, later (1963-1969) national chairman of the equally odious ADL.


Gentile beauty Elizabeth Taylor, who starred in Lassie Come Home and The Courage of Lassie (1946), converted to Judaism, numbered two famous Jews among her countless husbands (director Michael Todd and singer Eddie Fisher), and has been a supporter of Jewish and Israeli causes. (She is also fascinated by homosexuals--particularly homosexuals with AIDs.)


Lassie ran on CBS TV (run by William Paley, a Jew) from 1954 to 1971.

The distributor of the Lassie TV series in syndication was Sandy Frank who, outside of the realm of business, "provides significant support to a number of Jewish organizations and the State of Israel."


Clearly, the revenues generated by Lassie have directly benefited the Jewish community, Israel, and the ADL (Dore Schary).

Actor Tommy Rettig "was 'Jeff' on the original Lassie series on TV. Re-runs ran for decades and are on the "Animal Planet" channel. Jeff was a whole lot less white bread [Love those Jewish slurs!] than 'Timmy' (his successor). His father was Jewish. His mother was not Jewish." ("Tommy Rettig" from Jewhoo.)

Short Subject

Lassie starred in the 28 min. Zionist propaganda short, Man on a Bus (1955): "Within the framework of travellers swapping stories on a bus through the Negev, this vintage Zionist propaganda tells the personal tales of pioneers of the nascent Jewish state." ( http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ManonaBus-1072922/about.php ). This film now resides in the Steven Spielberg Film Archive at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. You can buy the video from the Archive for $29.99.



Lassie is Scottish, not Jewish.

But if Lassie could talk, I am afraid he would say--like Marlon Brando--"I lived in a world of Jews. They were my teachers; they were my employers. They were my friends," and, like Pat Boone, "I consider myself an honorary Jew."

Special thanks to Paul W.