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Description of each selection is followed by the initials of the VNN staff member who has recommended it.

The Culture of Critique
by Kevin MacDonald
(No photo available)
The conclusion of a trilogy, Critique focuses on the Jewish dominance of the political and intellectual radicalisms of our time -- anthropology, psychiatry, communism, open immigration...[A.L.]

Esau's Tears :Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews
by Albert S. Lindemann
A good history of the interaction of Jews and the West...[T.C.]


The Holocaust Industry
by Norman Finkelstein
A Jew argues that the Holocaust is essentially a tool for extortion...[A.L.]

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years
by Israel Shahak

Shahak tells much Jews would prefer kept secret, revealing a disgustingly different race of people, bent on lording it over the Gentiles...[T.C.]
(No photo available)

Race, Evolution, and Behavior
by J. Philippe Rushton
Refutes, scientifically, the Biggest Lie of racial equality...[J.D.]


Alias Shakespeare
by Joe Sobran
Sobran all but proves that Shakespeare was really the Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere... How many other things we know just aren't so?   [A.L.]


A Mencken Chrestomathy
by H.L. Mencken
Arguably the wittiest 20th century writer, Mencken exemplified an era that was considerably freer of racial truths than ours today...[A.L.]


All the King's Men (Harvest Book)
by Robert Penn Warren
Vivid depiction of character, as expressed in this history of a cagey Southern pol, written through the eyes of his dirt-digger...[J.D.]


9) Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of Thermopylae
by Steven Pressfield
How 300 Spartans held off an entire Persian army of many thousands for 7 days; they died to the last man...and made themselves immortal...[R.B.]


10) The Sunne in Splendour
by S.K. Penman
The characters (Edward IV, Richard III, etc.) and times of the Wars of the Roses, brought to life -- a tale that will enthrall the reader...[R.B.]


11) The Conservative Movement
by Paul Gottfried
Good history of post-WWII conservatism, including insight into Jewish neocon takeover of American right...[A.L.]
(No photo available)

12) Lebensraum !
by Ingrid Rimland
This award-winning 3-volume epic, by a writer who has experienced Germany in defeat, tells the real story of the Germans over the past 200 years...[R.B.]


13) Drudge Manifesto
by Matthew Drudge
How the Internet threatens Big Media by the pioneer who revolutionized an industry...[T.C.]


14) Zulu
The 1964 film which memorializes the Battle of Rorke's Drift, when 140 British soldiers, armed with single-shot rifles, held off and defeated 4,000 Zulu warriors. ...[E.B.]


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J e w i s h    R i t u a l - M u r d e r
a   H i s t o r i c a l   I n v e s t i g a t i o n

This book, published in Germany in 1943, 475 pages cover-to-cover in the original German, has now been translated into English and been produced as an e-book on CD, with many illustrations, photographs and maps. There is no other book on the subject which has the depth, the research, and the scope of this one.

This translation has been nearly a year in the making, and surpasses all other works on this subject available in any language.

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Price: $20.
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