Ed Note: E.R.O. is now EURO -- European-American
Unity and Rights Organization.
ERO St. Louis Update
St. Louis ERO Members & Supporters,
We have several updates and intermediate term planning items to pass along to
News and Activities
Leafleting continues on an ad hoc basis on both sides of the river. A new
3-panel brochure is being designed and should be ready for distribution soon.
The St. Louis Post Dispatch continues to flounder. Revenue and circulation
numbers were released last Friday. Circulation is down 2.5% year to date.
The most eye-catching statistic was that classified advertising revenue was
down 28% for the five weeks just ended and 20% for the year. Residuals from
the June campaign continue!
White Patriots are rallying in Evansville, IN and Birmingham, AL in
September. Both events will be held on September 22 and STLERO members are
planning to attend both events. If you are interested, please reply to this
email and we'll provide the details.
Cable television companies offer local individuals and groups certain access
privileges to develop and air programs. Some of our members are actively
pursing this avenue as a way to bring the White Nationalist message to a
larger audience. We encourage those of you who possess some creativity and
have the time and resources to devote to such a project to contact your cable
company and request access.
Its not too early to begin thinking about the 2002 election cycle. Many
opportunities are available at all levels (local, state, and federal).
Several of our officers have previously run for various elected positions and
we are intent on doing it again next year. In future updates, more
information will be provided about how one can run for office. Keep in mind
that we are still looking for some members to step up and volunteer to join
the STLERO advisory board. This is open to anyone. Please let us know if
you're interested.
We'd like to again thank the new members who have recently joined our
organization. You can join on-line or print an application at
www.whitecivilrights.com., or just email us and we'll send you application.
STLERO (St. Louis European American Rights Organization)
314.477.7243 / 636.230.5440
STLERO Members & Supporters,
We continue to receive positive feedback from our recent banquet and we've
picked up a number of new members and lots of interest. Please visit
http://www.whitecivilrights.com for more information on ERO membership.
Currently we're planning for several events in the Fall. We'd like to have one in
Missouri and one in Illinois. If anyone in Illinois is interested in
helping us plan an event, please let us know.
Yes, the last 2 weeks have not exactly been stellar for Whites worldwide.
Some of the events that transpired this week include:
- President Bush's announced support for Affirmative Action
- More details of the ritualized rape of young White girls in France and
Australia by immigrant thugs
- White farmers being murdered in Zimbabwe and similar threats made to
Whites in South Africa
- In St. Louis and around the country, the NAACP was boycotting the Adam's
Mark hotel chain for alleged racial discrimination
We'd like to focus on one item in particular that has the potential of being
a watershed event in corporate America. On Friday, Toyota's U.S. division
agreed to a "settlement" with Jesse Jackson's Push organization to avoid a
boycott. The deal calls for Toyota to spend an astounding $8 billion over
the next ten years on diversity programs (including hiring a black owned ad
agency, adding 4 to 6 new black dealerships each year, increasing business
with black banks and suppliers, and building a new minority training
center). The Rev. Jackson had threatened the boycott in May after seeing what he
called an offensive and racist postcard ad that showed a close-up of a
dark-skinned man's mouth with an image of a gold Toyota RAV4 on one tooth.
So, why is this important? This settlement is the most far-reaching in
history and has dramatic potential ramifications. What we have here is
diversity/racial preference policy supplanting traditional shareholder value
creation methodology that has been central to our capital market structure.
Up until now, anytime a corporate CEO opened their mouth about the company's
plans or activities, some reference to "building shareholder value" (e.g.
implementing business practices aimed at increasing the stock price) was
centrao to their statements. Not anymore! Toyota is putting shareholder
value creation aside and replacing it with failed business and economic
logic. This $8 billion will not be available to clean up their balance
sheet, invest in new opportunities, and promote their business (i.e.,
traditional corporate use of capital). No mention of "building shareholder
value" is made in Toyota's press releases. It will be very interesting to
see how stockholders react and if this trend continues with other companies
crumbling before a Jackson sponsored threat. Can it really be possible that,
in the future, diversity and minority appeasement will replace businesses
focus on profitability? This would be truly profound!
Many people in the movement have often speculated on what will it take to
finally awaken Whites to rise up and defend their culture and heritage.
STLERO has always maintained that a close relationship exits between
activism and economics. This is why we focused our St. Louis Post-Dispatch awareness
building campaign on businesses who purchased ad space in the Post. If more
Fortune 500 corporations allow racial preference policy to occupy larger and
larger segments of their operating structures, this will have significant
long term negative ramifications for the U.S. financial markets. Perhaps
the European American rights movement will gain momentum beginning with
stockholders selling their shares of companies who openly discriminate
against Whites (and the mutual funds and institutions that invest in these
companies). We'll continue to follow this story and related events as they
St. Louis E.R.O. Members/Supporters,
Several weeks ago, the Post-Dispatch published a list of their key employees
along with their email addresses. Below is a letter we sent out today
regarding their recent earnings report along with some 'career' advice.
Dear Post-Dispatch Staff:
The St. Louis European American Rights Organization congratulates both
Putlizer Publishing and the Post-Dispatch on a wonderful second-quarter
earnings report. The 63 percent earnings decline should inspire all of you
to continue distorting the news and further promoting your anti-European
American agenda. Most analysts believe that general economic conditions
will stabilize later this year but your president and chief executive Robert
Woodworth said "Looking ahead, we do not see any clear signs ahead that the
advertising environment is improving" and that Pulitzer will likely miss
third-quarter earnings as well.
Our organization has actively worked with your advertisers to build their
awareness concerning the liberally biased editorial content of the
Post-Dispatch. Many advertisers now understand that its just not good
business to have their names associated with a paper that continues to
promote policies and social positions that adversely impact European
Americans and threaten the overall sovereignty of the United States. These
areas include: unlimited third world immigration into the U.S., a positive
portrayal of miscegenation, blind and unwavering support for liberal
Democratic Party candidates, muliticulturalism, and a general anti-law
enforcement perspective on crime. Today's front page article by Holly
Hacker on "Progress in integration" is just such an example. This
journalistically bankrupt piece meanders in so many directions that its
difficult to understand just what she's trying to articulate other than slam European
Americans at every level possible. On integration in University City, she
writes (quoting a Project Appleseed president) " White parents look at black
parents and say, 'You don't care'. Black parents don't hear the message that
they are welcome". Keep up the good work Holly!
Let us conclude by discussing what should already by painfully clear. The
Post-Dispatch faces the long term prospects of lower earnings and more
"cost-control programs" (to quote Robert Woodworth). Most of you will need
to significantly alter your career plans as the Post-Dispatch becomes less
and less viable. Your continued professional association with such a
liberally biased media outlet will tarnish your resumes and forever endear
you to those who believe the media is ultimately responsible for our great
country's social and moral declines.
Best Wishes,
The St. Louis European American Rights Organization (STLERO)
314.477.7243 / 636.230.5440
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