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15 February 2003, Lake City FLORIDA


White Revolution takes to the streets! White Revolution invites you to help support southern heritage and pro White Confederate sentiment. Parade scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. in Lake City.

(From S. Marion St. to U.S. 90 W.)

More information on the event can be found at: http://www.olusteefestival.com/

White Revolution members and supporters will be on hand to support the pro-Confederate Whites and pass out White Nationalist literature to those who are gathered to observe the parade. White Revolution will also be holding another demonstration in Florida that weekend to be anounced at the Lake City event.

E-Mail Billy for more information, [email protected].

8 February 2003, Sacramento CALIFORNIA

Euro Fest

JOIN US at Euro-Fest 2003, a formal family event to celebrate White heritage, on Saturday February 8th, 2003 at 5 PM in Sacramento, California.

Our evening will feature presentations on European history and culture. Joining us from Croatia will be philosopher and historian, Dr. Tomislav Sunic, whose speech is entitled �Europe under Attack: From the Early Islamic Onslaught to Communist Disaster.� You will be treated to a dinner of fine European cuisine, music from a traditional Celtic band, European Dancers, and the folk music of Eric Owens.

Pre-order tickets are $35 per person or $60 per couple. Tickets for children 6 to 12 are $15 and children under 6 are admitted free. Tickets include dinner and 2 drinks per person (beer, wine, and soda will be served). Additional drink tickets will be sold. Tickets at the door will be $45 per person Please send cash, money order or check (made payable to CASH) to:

ICG P.O. Box 215771 Sacramento, CA 95821

For more information contact us at: (800) 520-0818 ext. 1218 (leave a message) or email [email protected].

Table space is still available if you would like to be a vendor at our event. You can rent one 6-foot table for $25. Please e-mail us back or call our 1 (800) number and let us know what you plan on selling.

To help make this a fun and family friendly gathering for all, please keep in mind the following: Alcohol will be served so please drink responsibly; please dress appropriately for the occasion.

If you have any questions or concerns at Euro-Fest, don�t hesitate to talk with one of our stewards, who will have an identifying lapel pin.

Raffle tickets, books, tapes, CDs, posters and other materials are on sale at Euro-Fest, so bring plenty to spend.

If you would like to volunteer your help at Euro-Fest please let us know.


9 November 2002, Gainesville, FLORIDA

"Just Say No" Demonstration Against Israel

A national pro-White umbrella coalition representing several White Nationalist organizations will be holding a "Just Say No" anti-Israeli demonstration in Gainesville, Florida, on November 9th.

"White Revolution", the umbrella coalition organizing the event, will bring together members of the World Church of the Creator, Aryan Nations, the National Socialist Movement, National Alliance, South Florida Aryan Alliance, and other organizations, as well as independent White taxpayers and concerned citizens, to the intersection of University Avenue and N.W. 13th St. in Gainesville from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on November 9th.

Billy Roper, the Chairman of "White Revolution" (www.whiterevolution.com) and organizer of the event, stated that "Any White person who is concerned about the possibility of more Americans dying either here or abroad because of U.S. support for Israel, or who thinks that we ought to take care of our own before we send six billion of our hard-earned tax dollars a year overseas to fund more state-sponsored terrorism, is welcome to join us on November 9th and help send a message to the terrorists and warmongers who want to bleed our country dry: Just Say No!".

The "White Revolution" website can be found at http://www.whiterevolution.com. Mr. Roper may be reached for comment at [email protected].

12 October 2002, Verona, ITALY

Historical Revisionism: Third International Conference in Italy,

At a moment when the rulers of the world, still trusting largely in the power of the prevailing historical and political lies about 20th century Europe, are making plans for more "democratising" massacres � specifically in an already devastated and starving Iraq � and at a time when all the world�s conformists are getting ready for pompous commemorations of last September�s blows against the very seat of the barbarous and bloodthirsty imperialism that is planning the massacres, the cultural association Nuovo Ordine Europeo (Trieste) is preparing another international conference in favour of free historical research, not yet hindered by Italian law.

The theme of this conference is to be "In Memory of the Millions of Civilian Victims of the Democracies and their Lies."

Amongst the scheduled speakers: Captain Ahmed Rami (Morocco), Professor Vincent Reynouard (France), Dr Ahmad Soroush Nejad (director of the Neda Institute, Iran), and, if the justice system of their country, Switzerland, permits, Messrs Gaston-Armand Amaudruz (editor-publisher of Courrier du Continent ) and Ren�-Louis Berclaz (head of the association Vérité & Justice).

Date: Saturday, the 12th of October, 2002. Place: Verona, at a location to be announced later.

Those who wish to attend this gathering or to help with its preparation � the resources of the organisers are extremely modest: your contributions are indispensable for the success of this project � are requested to contact the N.O.E. head of communications.

Nuovo Ordine Europeo
Via dei Navali, 35
34144 Trieste

Please note: Certain texts presented at the previous conferences may be consulted at www.abbc.com/trieste. http://www.abbc.com/trieste


Saturday JULY 13, Gainesville, Georgia


Welcome to Mexico!

Mexico is where Mexicans are, and the brown tide flooding into Georgia is turning Hall County into just another Third World cesspool. Will your community be next? Do you think that an America which is more like Mexico will be a better America for our children and grandchildren to grow up in?

These mestizo invaders couldn't make a successful life in their own country, so what makes anyone believe that they can contribute beneficially to ours?

Join the National Alliance on the morning of July 13th in Gainesville, where we will march to protest the influx of illegal drugs, illegal gangs, and illegal immigrants into our neighborhoods and our nation.

We cannot wage a war on terror unless and until we first secure our own borders. Open borders are an invitation to foreign terrorists. The tragic September 11th attacks could not and would not have occurred if we, the people who built this country, had a healthy and safe control of our borders and immigration policies.

On July 13th, let's stand up for America! Help us stop the foreign invasion! Help us keep terrorists out of America!

United We Stand, against illegal immigration and terrorism!

For more information on how you can help, please contact: # 706-867-6696 or [email protected] .


Saturday MAY 11, Washington, D.C.

Anti-Terrorism Demonstration
Israeli Embassy, Washington, D.C.

May 11th rendezvous instructions:

The parking garage is called the Van Ness Center, it's directly across the street (the street being Connecticut Ave.) from the University of the District of Columbia campus. It's a half block North of the intersection of Van Ness and Connecticut in Washington, D.C.. The garage is a block and a half East of the Israeli Embassy, which is on the corner of Van Ness and International Dr. N.W.. We'll all meet up inside the parking garage and march together to the Embassy at 11:45 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, May 11th. Since the A.R.A. and Anarchists usually attempt to attack us at first as we exit the parking garage, it's important that everyone leave together and march to the Embassy as a group, instead of straggling out.

Notice: Please bring professional-looking signs with anti-Israeli and related slogans, as well as video cameras to record the event, if possible. No weapons, please. Professional dress preferred, especially for N.A. members. A White Power concert will follow the demonstration. Directions to the concert will only be given to those who participate in the demonstration beforehand.

For more information, contact Billy Roper at (304) 653-2091, or [email protected].

JUNE 21-23, Orange County, Calif.


Nationally syndicated columnist Joseph Sobran, scholar and diplomat Tom Sunic, and African-American scholar Tony Martin are among the speakers scheduled to address the 14th Institute for Historical Review Conference, June 21-23, in Orange County, southern California.

Details about registration, hotel accommodations, the scheduled speakers, and other updated information, are now posted on the "Conferences" section of the IHR web site:


Scheduled speakers include:

-- JOSEPH SOBRAN, author, lecturer and nationally syndicated columnist. For 21 years he wrote for National Review magazine, including 18 years as a senior editor. He is now editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's. His lecture on the "Jewish question" is entitled "For Fear of the Jews..."

-- TOM SUNIC, author and scholar, former professor of political science in the United States, and, until recently, a diplomat in Europe of the Croatian foreign service, will speak on the mass killings and brutal oppression of ethnic Germans and German prisoners of war at the hands of the Tito Communists in Yugoslavia in the aftermath of World War II (1945-1953).

-- TONY MARTIN, Professor of African studies at Wellesley College (Massachusetts), who has authored or compiled/edited eleven books, will speak on the Jewish role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

-- ROBERT FAURISSON, Europe's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar, brings to the podium the insight and savvy of a scholar who was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and who served for years as a professor at the University of Lyon II. He will speak on a little known fact of World War II history: punishments, including death sentences, of German soldiers, officers and government officials for killing or even mistreating Jews.

-- ARAB MYSTERY SPEAKER. We cannot yet reveal the identity of this year's Mystery Speaker, except to state that he is an Arab scholar who will shed new light on the background to the dramatically unfolding events in the Middle East.

-- MARK WEBER, IHR director, will deliver the keynote address, reviewing progress in recent years, and outlining present and future challenges.

-- BRADLEY SMITH, veteran free-speech activist, will provide an update on his headline-making outreach work.

-- ROBERT COUNTESS, author, scholar and IHR editorial advisor.

-- GREG RAVEN, IHR associate editor, will serve as MC, and will introduce the speakers.

For further information about the speakers, including photos, see:



MARCH 23, 2002 -- West Palm Beach, Fla.

Come help us celebrate the heritage of our Aryan ancestors, during the only event of its kind in South Florida -


Folk Fest will take place, rain or shine

Saturday, March 23 in


We will feature European music, food and drink. Also a hammer lifting competition and a raffle. The event is free of charge, please contact us at:

[email protected]

to make a reservation. We would like to prepare enough food for everyone. This is a Folkish event, families are welcome. Playground for children available.

We will also have speeches by various political activist, like Don Black from Stormfront.org, subjects will range from European heritage, culture, ethnicity, tribalism and Folkish separatism.

Folk Fest is not competing with St. Patrick's Day here in South Florida, it is simply a continuation of the Folkish/European pride, perhaps taking it a one step further.


Come see our Viking sail!!!

JANUARY 12, 2002 -- York, Penn.

The National Alliance, World Church of the Creator, Eastern Hammerskins, and other racially conscious White groups and individuals will hold a joint meeting at the Martin Library in York, Pennsylvania, on January 12th, 2002. All White persons who are dedicated to securing the existence of our people and a future for White children are encouraged to attend and show racial solidarity. Despite the fact that violent terrorists such as the ARA and JDL have threatened to attack us in order to deny us our First Amendment-protected right to free speech, we will not be dissuaded in speaking the truth. Join us in York on the 12th! Contact Billy Roper at [email protected].


  • From I-83 North of York: From Exit 22 (previously Exit 10) of I-83, stay in the middle lane. At the light, turn right onto North George Street. In about three miles, turn left onto Market Street. The library is on your left at Queen Street at 159 East Market Street.

  • From I-83 South of York: From Exit 16B (previously Exit 6W) of I-83, go north on Queen Street. The library is at the corner of Queen and Market Streets, on your left at 159 East Market Street.

  • From Route 30: Go south on George Street (Business I-83). About three miles from Route 30, turn left onto Market Street. The library is on your left at Queen Street at 159 East Market Street.

2nd Annual Winter Fest

JANUARY 5 -- Sacramento

The Sacramento unit of the National Alliance proudly presents our 2nd annual Winter fest.

Featuring the music of Southern California's Youngland and Aggressive Force. And from Oregon, Intimidation One.

We invite you and your family to join us on Saturday January 5th, 2002 for our 2nd annual Winter fest. Ticket prices include Dinner, Two lecture speakers, and great musical entertainment. The venue where the event will be held has a full bar, so if you would like to purchase alcoholic beverages don�t forget to bring your I.D. (alcoholic beverages are not included in the price of admission). Please keep in mind this is a family event and we urge you to drink responsibly. Please dress appropriately for the occasion i.e. Shirt and tie, dress shirts or collared shirts for men, no t-shirts.

Singles $ 30
Couples $ 50
Children over 6 years $10
Children 6 and under are free

Please send cash, check or money order (checks and money orders should be made payable to "cash") to the below address.

National Alliance/Winter fest

P.O. box 215771
Sacramento, CA 95821

Or E-mail us at
[email protected]

Recent Past Events

Latest Israeli Embassy Demonstration...

DECEMBER 15 -- Washington, D.C.



Washington,D.C. On December 15th members of the National Alliance, America's foremost patriotic organization, will once more demonstrate against terrorism outside of the Embassy of Israel in Washington D.C.. The Washington demonstration will be coordinated with an international Day Of Action during which educational fliers illuminating Israel's responsibility for the terrorist attacks against American citizens and other innocent civilians will be distributed throughout North America and around the world.

The purpose of these demonstrations is to express the opposition of American patriots to the policies of the U.S. government that expose Americans to terrorist attacks: in particular, the U.S. government's support of Israel's aggression against its neighbors in the Middle East, which was the direct cause of the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington that took the lives of more than 5,000 innocent Americans.

In commenting on the September 11th attacks, Dr. William Pierce, the Chairman of the National Alliance, challenged the media-spun myth of the attack on America being unprovoked by stating, "The reason for their attack last week is our support for Israel's aggression against them. Our lying media and our lying politicians in Washington will deny that, but it is crystal clear to anyone with eyes to see; it is obvious to thinking people everywhere. The attack last week was not unprovoked. We were attacked because we support Israel financially, diplomatically, and militarily. As long as we continue to support Israel we will remain a target for the patriots and the religious fundamentalists of every other country in the Middle East. Is that really what we want to do?"

At the demonstration in Washington the National Alliance will once again present to the the so-called "state" of Israel 18 non-negotiable demands. By agreeing to these demands Israel will show its willingness to live in peace with the other nations of the world. By rejecting these demands Israel will brand itself a rogue terrorist state in the eyes of freedom- loving people everywhere. The eighteen demands are available online at


National Alliance

P.O. Box 90

Hillsboro, W.V. 24946



NOVEMBER 10 -- Washington, D.C.

The National Alliance will hold a demonstration in front of the Israeli Embassy.
Contact: [email protected].

OCTOBER 20 -- Georgia

The Lumpkin County, GA. Unit of the National Alliance will be holding an anti-immigration rally and march in Cumming, GA, on October 20th. All National Alliance members who can attend are encouraged to participate. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or [email protected].

Euro-Fest 2001

OCTOBER 14 -- Sacramento

We are proud to present our first annual European Festival on Sunday October 14, 2001. The festival will begin at 3:00PM and will be held here in Sacramento, Ca. The festival will be like the one, which is held in Ohio each year but on a smaller scale. We will have 3 sets of traditional European dance groups, dinner and fun for the whole family. Tickets have already gone on sale. They are limited, so get them while supplies last! We also will be holding a raffle the evening of the event. You do not have to be present to win the raffle. There will be two main raffle prizes, a sword and a nice wooden patio umbrella, and then we will have other small prizes. All shipping and handling charges will be paid by the Sacramento unit. Prices for the event and raffle are as follows. If you have any questions, please e-mail our unit coordinator (Drahomir) at [email protected] We hope to see you there! All proceeds from this event will go to sponsor future Sacramento, NA events such as the Winter Solstice.

Event Ticket Prices: (All event ticket prices include dinner)
Adult tickets: $35.00
Children 4-12: $17.50
Children 3 and under: Free

Raffle Ticket Prices:
$2.00 per ticket

Please send cash, check or money order (checks and money orders should be made out to cash) to the below address

National Alliance/Euro Fest
PO Box 215771
Sacramento, CA 95821

JULY 29 Washington, D.C.

The National Alliance will be leading a demonstration on Sunday, July 29th, from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in front of the German embassy in Georgetown. This was the location of the last protest, and the reason for the demonstration will be the same, as well: to protest the lack of free speech in Germany and to call for the release of political prisoner Hendrik M�bus.

AUGUST Washington, D.C.

Stormfront.org plans the "first International Internet Conference for White Nationalists" in Washington, D.C. Final date not set.

JUNE 15 Live on the Internet

Revisionist Conference
Heard on These Internet Radio Channels:


JUNE 8-9 North Carolina

Council of Conservative Citizens meeting in Asheville, N.C. Speakers include Sam Francis, Brent Nelson, Jared Taylor and Steve Barry. Cost is $35 single, $60 for couple, $15 for children.

Contact: 314-291-8474; or 336-766-8474

JUNE 23 North Carolina

Summer solstice gathering

The Burke County Folk Church is hosting a summer solstice gathering at the South Mountains State Park near Morganton, N.C., on Saturday June 23rd. Current members of the National Alliance and Church of the Creator are invited to attend and enjoy this strictly social gathering. Hiking, camping, trout fishing, montain biking, etc. are available in this rugged state park in the foothills of the North Carolina mountains. Bring a tent and and the family and camp overnight and celebrate the summer solstice with other racially aware, non-christian white folk. For directions or more info about the park, go to website: ils.unc.edu/parkproject/somo.html or just do a web search on South Mountains State Park. For questions or details, contact Gordon Ipock at [email protected].

MAY 19 Virginia

N.O.F.E.A.R. Virginia Chapter to hold demonstration at Virginia Capitol on May 19.

Richmond, Virginia, May 15, 2001 . The National Organization For European American Rights (N.O.F.E.A.R.) Virginia Chapter says it will hold a demonstration outside the Virginia State Capitol this Saturday to protest Governor James Gilmore's ongoing attacks on European American and Southern heritage. The protest will be held this Saturday, May 19, between 1:00PM and 2:30PM, at the 9th street entrance to the State Capitol.

Governor Gilmore signed a proclamation honoring European American History and Heritage Month on May 9, but revoked it the next day saying he disagreed with the proclamation's sponsor (N.O.F.E.A.R.). Gilmore, who is chairman of the Republican National Committee, also touched off a firestorm of protest last March, when he refused to sign a Confederate History Month proclamation honoring soldiers who fought on both sides of the civil war. His refusal came after NAACP leaders threatened to use extortion tactics against Virginia, in the form of an economic boycott.

"This demonstration is to let our Government Officials know that we are not going away," said Ron Doggett, N.O.F.E.A.R. Virginia State President. "Governor Gilmore and some local media make it a practice to malign anyone who fights for the rights and heritage of European Americans. We are here to let them know that no amount of name calling will change the fact that European Americans deserve the same right to protect their rights and heritage as everyone else."

N.O.F.E.A.R. is asking European Americans in the area to come out and make their voices heard. For more information or directions to the event please contact Ron Doggett, Virginia State N.O.F.E.A.R. President at [email protected] or via phone at 804-285-9409.

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