Mark Rivers' Top Ten Movie Lists

by Mark Rivers

June 20, 2002

What follows is a trio of lists. These are movies I like, used to like, or dislike. From the first list, I deliberately excluded anything from 2000 through the present, as well as the "Star Wars" or "Star Trek" movies. I have always enjoyed those films, but to include any or all of them on my list would have just cluttered it. Let's just say I'm a fan (except for the first "Star Trek," which sucked).

The second list is of "former favorites;" that is, movies I loved and watched repeatedly before I was racially aware, and now, for one reason or another, I can only look back and sigh, trying to remember only the good points of those films. The third list is of movies I absolutely despise.


1. "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" -- Let's face it: these men are geniuses. I clocked in many, many hours of laughter watching their TV shows and movies, and reading their books. This category not only includes their collective works, but most of their independent works as well (particularly John Cleese and Terry Gilliam). "A Fish Called Wanda" would probably be in my top twenty.

2. "Fight Club" -- This is a film that spoke directly to all of the young, White men in the country, and said, "Hey! You are a bunch of flabby, dead-eyed life-wasters! Make a change, dammit!" This is one of the few movies that made me trot out and buy the book upon which it was based (which has become a favorite tome).

3. "Full Metal Jacket" -- My favorite line? "All fucking niggers must fucking hang." Brilliant. Good action and great dialogue. R. Lee Ermey as Gunnery Sgt. Hartman should go down in history as one of the most memorable movie characters of all time.

4. "Death on the Nile" -- It was on HBO about five million times when I was a kid, and my sister and I learned it word-for-word. To this day, we entertain the family by reciting scenes. No negroes, just a bumbling Egyptian and an entertaining (if sometimes campy) Agatha Christie mystery. Peter Ustinov as Poirot -- perfect! "Evil Under the Sun" would also make the top twenty.

5. (tie) "Quick Change/Groundhog Day" -- Bill Murray, one of the funniest men alive, has made several outstanding comedies throughout his career, but these are my two favorites.

6. "Goodfellas" -- In college, a couple of friends and I went to see "Reversal of Fortune." When we realized it was completely stupid, we decided to hop over to the next theatre, where "Goodfellas" was about to start. We knew absolutely nothing about it, and were blown away by this mafia epic. DeNiro, Liotta and especially Pesci were awesome (although I was glad to see Pesci get his comeuppance). The first two "Godfather" movies and "Casino" also get high marks. So does Scorsese in general, for that matter.

7. "Reservoir Dogs" -- For a while, I was a complete Tarantino freak. I had every single movie, every single screenplay, every single biography about Quentin, articles, artifacts and movie posters. I even had the exact same type of porcelain kangaroo Bruce Willis used in "Pulp Fiction" (60 bucks at an antique store, which I was happy to pay). Now, of course, "Reservoir Dogs" is the only film of his which is negro/spic-free, and is therefore still a favorite.

8. "Office Space" -- One of the main characters is a rag-head, and a negro makes a cameo. Otherwise, it is a fun and quotable film about one drone's escape from the cubicle nightmare.

9. "Red Dawn" -- Good ol' American high school kids shootin' the Commies! What could be sweeter? The script was lacking, but when you're a teen, you don't care. Seeing the small-town American kids fight bravely against the whole damn Commie and Cuban army still makes me swell with Lee Greenwood pride.

10. "It's a Wonderful Life" -- This is a favorite for a lot of people, and it's mine for the same reasons. Though I'm not religious anymore, I still like the values this movie portrays -- one of the last movies of its kind to not force in a egalitarian message somewhere.


1. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" -- I actually dressed like Indiana Jones for the next three years after seeing this film -- bullwhip and all. Indy exemplified all that was good about a White action hero. Now, though, I can't include it on my list, because I know more about history, and about what kind of man Spielberg is.

2. "The Dirty Dozen" -- Again, if it hadn't been a "Whites (plus two spics and a negro) vs. Germans" picture, it would probably still be among my favorites. Lee Marvin, John Cassavettes, Chuck Bronson, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland et al. made it another favorite from childhood up to my racial awakening. Also in this category are "The Great Escape," "Stalag 17," "Force 10 from Navarone" and "Saving Private Ryan."

3. "Raising Arizona" -- The Coen brothers (sigh). This category applies to all of their movies, as I once had them all on videotape ("Miller's Crossing" is/was my second favorite by them, followed closely by "Fargo"). There is not often a strong anti-White sentiment in their films, but they are the enemy, after all. Keeping them as my favorites would be like continuing to listen to Gershwin or Bernstein, when I could instead be listening to Wagner or Beethoven. The Zucker/Abrams movies ("Airplane," "The Naked Gun," "Top Secret") also fall into this category.

4. "Die Hard" -- The sequels were garbage -- I knew that then. But I gave the first one multiple viewings. It was only within the last few years that I realized: "Hey! This is a White American man killing German thieves/terrorists who are robbing a Japanese businessman. The Germans have one negro computer genius and one Chinese gunman. The good guys have a negro cop, a negro FBI agent and a helpful negro chauffeur, and one White cop who keeps screwing everything up. Something's going on here." The "Lethal Weapon" films also fall into this category, as do some Schwarzenegger films.

5. "Hard Boiled" -- Directed by John Woo, this has more bullets flying than any other movie I've seen. Once again, it's not because the film takes shots at Whitey, it's just because there are so many White man's films I could be watching instead. The same applies to the Kung Fu genre, which was a staple of my youth.

6. "Pulp Fiction" -- I saw this twelve times in the theatre -- more than any movie before or since. Second place is "Phantom Menace" (eight times), followed by "Under Siege" (six times). As I said with "Reservoir Dogs," I loved, loved, LOVED Tarantino's style. This film, however, has too many instances of "negro good; White bad," as do some of his subsequent films.

7. "The Blues Brothers" -- The car chase at the end absolutely hypnotized me as a kid. The rest of the movie was just sort of attached to that sequence. Although the movie is funny at times, it is more often insulting, and is no longer one of my favorites. The same applies to most of John Landis' and John Hughes' work (and Kevin Smith's work, come to think of it).

8. "The Distinguished Gentleman" -- Most people regard this as one of Eddie Murphy's "stupid" movies, but I liked it back in the day. To me, it was a young guy infiltrating the system and overcoming the corruption through comedy. Now, of course, it is a negro infiltrating the White man's government and overcoming the White corruption through shucking and jiving. The same goes for much of Eddie Murphy's humor/movies (including "Harlem Nights" and "Beverly Hills Cop").

9. "Aliens" -- This film had a lot of exciting action and guns blazing, but also had a bit of a P.C. message to it. The White males in the film are cowards, liars and fools, while the racially diverse remainder of the crew are heroes.

10. "Silence of the Lambs" -- Someone on the Stormfront forum gave a long and detailed essay on why this film is completely anti-White. Some of it was a stretch, but some of it made a lot of sense. I didn't like the fact that the nutcase criminals were White and that the lone negro was a helpful, teddybear-like guard.


1. "Higher Learning" -- A bunch of us White college students went to see this film, and at the end, I stood up and yelled "BOOOO!" much to their embarrassment. This film REALLY pissed me off. The negro characters had to deal with such problems as whether they should take the track scholarship or the basketball scholarship. The White characters consisted of a White girl who was raped by her fratboy boyfriend, so she had to turn lesbo, and a corn-fed moron (Jew Michael Rappaport) who is berated by his negro roommate a couple of times, so he joins a skinhead group, beats up his mousy Jew roommate and snipes the negro athlete hero from the clock tower. Boooo!

2. "Do the Right Thing" -- An Italian pizzeria owner refuses to put up pictures of negroes in his restaurant, although he is in a negro neighborhood. The negroes are therefore justified in burning his place to the ground and destroying the neighborhood, especially when the racist White cops storm in and choke a negro to death for having his radio too loud.

3. "Schindler's List" -- Let me get this straight...the Germans, for no apparent reason other than that they just "hated" the Jews, rounded them up, shot them in their own neighborhoods, carted some of them off to labor camps, raped the women, sniped them from a balcony for kicks, and then killed six million of them in gas chambers? Let's go to some of these camps and test the validity of your claims. Oh, we can't? Investigating this section of history makes us anti-Semites and evil Nazis, just like in the movie??? Okay, nevermind. We're sorry.

4. "Shaft" -- A negro and a blonde woman walk into a restaurant. A White man starts making loud comments about how he doesn't like the negro. The negro takes a knife, and...cuts a couple of holes in his cloth napkin, then puts it on the White man's head as a Klan hood. Everybody laughs at the White man and makes him feel stupid. The negro steps outside; the White man follows him, and kills him with a metal pole. The blonde woman tearfully requests of police detective John Shaft to "get that racist bastard." When the rich, White man gets away, Shaft uses his powers of negro coolness to apprehend and/or kill him and his rich, White corrupt businessman father.

5. "Undercover Brother" -- See my review.

6. "Glory" -- Good thing we had the negroes on our side in the Civil War, or else we might have lost to the fat, unshaven Southern slobs. In the negro clique is a wise, fatherly negro, a young, brash negro, a stuttering, cute negro, a mute niglet and a smart, glasses-wearing negro (he wears glasses so you'll know he's smart). The racist White army men treat them cruelly and unfairly.

7. "The Postman" -- The "I Love White Folks" site's review of this film hit the nail on the head (too bad that site seems to have vanished). Notwithstanding that it was a stupid movie to begin with, the fact that Costner goes to great lengths to show the bad guy as being bad for having racist beliefs puts this film on this list.

8. "American History X" -- VNN's review says it best. None of Derek Vinyard's arguments are countered with logic or sense; only with shots of Elliot Gould looking sorrowful, or the negro principal acting concerned, or the fat racist taking a dump.

9. "The Green Mile" -- The gigantic negro with miraculous curative powers is wrongfully imprisoned and executed, while the White racist villain who actually raped and killed the two little White girls is shot by the White racist guard, who is then sent to the booby hatch.

10. "Unforgiven" -- This was my "alarm clock movie;" it started me on the path to waking up. Shortly before this film's 1992 release, I saw the trailer for it in a darkened theatre. Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Richard Harris -- hey, this might be a good movie! Then I saw Morgan Freeman, and I thought, "Damn...they always have to throw one in, don't they? What, are they trying to fill some sort of quota?" How little I knew then.


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