Spintro Archives

Attacking France

A handful of the dirty 5m to be deported from France. Integration doesn't work. Integration is presented as high moralism by the race whose interests it serves: jews. Whites in Europe and America neither need nor desire "diverity," which is never, you'll notice, prescribed for colored or kike-coated regions of the globe. The Internet has revealed this charade for what it is, and that is why the same force that prescribes the genocide called integration for our people tries to shut it down. If it were purely an intellectual exercise, and our own race's interests weren't concerned, one might enjoy the difficult position of the jews. They've built a West of wiggers, and now they worry these might lack the fortitude to defend the jews against their Semitic brothers. The question none of these extremist Systemics will broach is how all these undesirable coloreds got into the West in the first place. The answer is that jews let them in. Now that the decades of judeo-immigration policy bear fruit, the jews begin to squeal like white nationalists. The only differences are that 1) they ignore their own race's responsibilty for creating the havoc in the first place; and 2) they are taken very seriously by the other members of the jew/traitor commentariat, and never, ever derided as conspiracy-theorizing extremists and kooks. Imagine an America without jews...ITZ COMING. Contemptible System-punk Patsy Decline agrees with izzy that muzzy is in France but not of it. The West is dying BECAUSE of the Roman Catholic Church. The Nazis bred hugely, in just the numbers cats would like to see today - a point you'll never see the Catholic calling nazis homos admit. The Catholic countries in the White West have the very lowest birthrates of all - just check Italy itself. The goddam pizzle-pope is so fucking life affirmating that Italian women have grown babies literally crawling back into their twats. Under the "evil" -- a word used to explain the curious attractiveness of others, as a certain Dutchman once said -- nazis, mothers distwatted fresh Aryan pups at rates never seen before. But Ms Decline, barren and scared as ever, denounces Nazis and pre-judeochrizzling Europe as "barbarians." Yes, fighting and singing and living the joyous forest life is nothing like approaching some faggot on bended knee and gobbling Jeboo, these curious manlets' ideal of civilization. Buchanan is willing to say categorically that Muslims -- all of them -- are a fifth column in Europe. That is true. It is equally true and more important to point out that jews are a fifth column here. That neither Buchanan nor any other conservative will do, don't be fooled by Patsy's extremely carefully worded modest criticisms of Amen Corners. No, jews anywhere threaten Whites everywhere. That is no mere rhetoric, but simple truth. Jews possess hundreds of nuclear weapons. Not the imaginary ones they sent our sons to be killed in Iraq to find, but real ones. Jews have threatened to use these nuclear weapons against our Europe, should they ever find themselves on the wrong end of the "hate" they're used to dishing out. Buchanan is loved by many who do not understand the rewards he reaps for his role in maintaining the system they suffer under. Patsy Decline, like Reagan, the Bushes, and any other conservative after roughly 1950 is just another liberal: i.e., the jew's friend and your enemy, White man. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Clown College

Some bozo's going to reclaim the West for Christianity. Good luck with that. The west has long since sobered up from Jebooze, and has sworn off the bottle. How is it, if christianity is western, as the christians lie, most christians are non-western? How is it that the apogee of everything wonderful and specifically Western took place in Greece before the kike of kikes appeared? The problem with Christianity is that it isn't true. The greatness of the West comes from the genes of Westerners and manifests itself in the courage to take risks based on the conclusions of one's own mind rather than the transient dogmas of enthroned idiots. Conservatism is cowardice born of desperation. It hasn't the courage to be Amish, nor the daring to eat new mushrooms, so it remains tepid and transient traditionalism. The religious fools are right to the extent they recognize that a new spiritual energy is necessary to create a fresh wave of Euro-expansion. But this wave will come from genetic appreciation, not from Jebooze. Sometimes we are too hard on consumerism. You can't expect people to go from dirt peasants to perfectly balanced citizens in a couple generations. Only in the 20th century did masses enjoy riches previously reserved, well, not even for kings. Most of the things we enjoy today did not exist 100 years ago. The mass of white humanity gorged itself in the 20th century. Now its the feckless blacks and browns who gorge themselves. In the 21st century whites face the choice of consciously directing their evolution as a self-chosen race, or disappearing into the dark maw, as our jewish cruise directors would have us. It appears that we verge on knowing who we are, for the first time. If not wholly, then moreso than we ever have before. The parallel here is to horse handicapping. A certain type, the conservative, prefers qualitative to quantitative thought, and dismisses with utopian disregard the notion that essential things in fact can be measured. Thinking is most refined in areas where it pertains directly to money changing hands, and so this is where we see intellectual evolution in action. Horse handicappers used to be taken by the notion of 'class.' Then a guy revolutionized it by refining speed measurements. The notion of class didn't disappear, but it withered. So it is with man and his nature today. The conservative says, try my Bible, read my Shakespeare. These may highlight truths of human nature, but only by flashes and glimpses. Steady, increasingly penetrating understanding will be achieved not through literature, but by computer. The conservative will mock this, because he is an uneducated fool, but it is true. Not only will the computer beat the Bible, just as it has beat the grandmaster, it will allow us to reorder ourselves. Bet on it: the washed-out school of literary-religious reactionaries will give way to science, and I know that Burke would approve, because although he feared god, he dealt in facts. What will draw men on the high end is not thousand-year-old lies about our nature and origin, but the truth they can't get from the jews, because it's in the jew's interest to suppress it. We here at VNN have what men seek not on the low end but on the high end. We don't have a bunch of withered old papist cunts micturating Compari for nitwits, we have the truth about who we are, what we're doing here, and who's preventing us from realizing what's actually going on. A White renaissance is underway, as men escape the clutches not of the Catholic Church -- my ancestors in Switzerland and Germany kicked its ass five hundred years ago -- but of the jewish church -- Television. I and all you good VNN loyalists team up to dethrone this decrepit dictator by shooting down his lies and organizing against him. A church full of christians less afraid of Jesus than the ADL who murdered him - nothing powerful can come from these people. The future belongs to those of good will, with science for compass, and enough will to head into the woods. The truth the conservative Christian fears, by contrast, is that to move is to sin, since the consequences of any action can never fully be known beforehand, which guarantees that some consequences will be bad. To act is to choose to be immoral, and the library-farters hate anything that displaces their beloved dust. CHOOSE LIFE, CHOOSE WHITE.

Iraq and America's Fifth Columnists: Jewish Lies to Cover Jewish Lies

Good to see jews such as cruddy poddy on the defensive, itz.

Wal-Mart Joins Jews Against Christmas Campaign

Damn those secular hyoomanists! Classic email from the 'mart: Walmart is a world wide organization and must remain conscious of this. The majority of the world still has different practices other than "christmas" which is an ancient tradition that has its roots in Siberian shamanism. The colors associated with "christmas" red and white are actually a representation of of the aminita mascera mushroom. Santa is also borrowed from the Caucuses, mistletoe from the Celts, yule log from the Goths, the time from the Visigoth and the tree from the worship of Baal. It is a wide wide world.

Preschool Hurts

Post-preschool, too. "The biggest eye-opener is that the suppression of social and emotional development, stemming from long hours in preschool, is felt most strongly by children from better-off families," said UC Berkeley sociologist and study co-author Bruce Fuller. Any kind of public school is a positive danger to the development of those children with the genetic potential to join the intelligentsia. The idea that schools harm kids will shock the morontsia, as would the companion NEA meme that public-school "teachers" are overpaid nitwits, taking one with another. Government has kids -- by law -- from 5 through 16. On the far side of that it has tacked college, 90% of so-called colleges being 'kwalleges offering a one-item menu of leftism to sub-collegiate-IQ consumerism majors; on the near side it has added preschool, which 2/3 four-year-olds attend. The last few years geniuses such as jew Rob Reiner have pushed to shunt larval goyim into 0-3 education camps, and at the link we see the same in Britain. Your young to the government are "resources." Better you the parents are kept working to pay double taxes rather than lazing about at home, filling children's heads with ideas and accurate information some government employee will have to strip out somewhere down the line. Government is defined as a monopoly on force, and it seeks a monopoly in all other areas, too. "Any man with a bat can beat you, son." Better to deprive all white men of guns and ideas and mediums for exchanging them. Better to separate them from their sons as early as possible, that 'nothing against the state, nothing outside the state' be passed from generation to generation.

The Occidental Quarterly

Lots of good stuff in this PDF, including a mention of VNN's very own Kyle McDermott, author of The Declaration of White Independence. Here on counterculture: from sense bring forth and celebrate nonsense, that jews may profit thereby. There aren't generation gaps and sexual problems and crises of meaning when there aren't any jews. Rather, people go about their business and, more or less, get along. Heath and Potter criticize such theorists as Michel Foucault and Theodore Roszak. Under their influence, "Traditional leftist concerns, such as poverty, living standards and access to medical care, came to be seen as 'superficial,'...[compared to] 'the psychic liberation of the oppressed.'" The boring old Left never stood a chance against the new one: "Doing guerilla theater, playing in a band, making avant-garde art, taking drugs and having lots of wild sex certainly beat union organization as a way to spend the weekend." On meeting the lefties described in the article, one can be excused for agreeing with Twain that the moral sense is what separates us from animals, and renders us inferior.

The Incredible, Inedible, Utterly Delible Jew

Alan Dershowitz - you know, the ugly little hypocrite-shit who wants to stick bamboo shoots under the nails of all those who doesn't perform the hava nagila seven times a day -- he's "a model of sobriety on dealing with terrorism and detention when compared with other, rather untethered, people on the Left." If there were a god, and if he picked the jews, then he should be up on the wall at the post office. But there isn't, he didn't, and they ain't chosen they're choice. They're Top Ramen, just ask 'em. They go great with no money and boiling water. Or, enjoy them Ivan the Awesome style, fresh off the griddle. Dershowitz is just another stupid kike advocating a hypocritical and self-refuting relativism that always pulls up short of the gate behind which jews receive justice for the troubles they've foisted on the world. Yes, the Jews were killed, but as their property was distributed, the assets were spread about the country and the incomes of other people were raised. The campaign against the Jews might well have made Germans, in the aggregate, a happier, more cohesive lot. If the matter were left solely to the people on the scene, who was to say that genocide did not meet a utilitarian standard? Of course the experience bore no utility for the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust, but why did they count? On what ground were they to be regarded as "persons" whose injuries mattered in the world? Would we be silently slipping in the assumption that the lives of all human beings count? Wow, you almost have an argument there. When you throw in the fact that yes, Germans were happier, healthier, and better off without jews -- and society more cohesive and peaceful, mothers breeding, no Turks or Schwülfests in Berlin -- and dumper in the fact that THERE WERE NO SIX MILLION KILLED -- why, yes, jews were as unnecessary and destructive and happily dispatched with in Germany as they would and should be and will be in America. All these questions can be turned against jews, for if an honest inquiry into the so-called Holocaust were made, along with an honest inquiry into jewish policy toward goyim, then it would be seen that jews are the perpetrators of the real Holocaust, and its coverup in the media. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. And what's this bullshit about "equality"? There is none, and as Arkes well knows, Jefferson didn't extend it to coloreds. The implication of admit-no-difference law is the destruction of the superior by the inferior. Equality is crank religion, favored of moron moralizers bent on wrecking anything above their level. There is no god, and men are not Man. The white man is in no way the equal of the negro, he is his superior. Not to acknowledge this obvious truth is unnatural. Natural rights is a doctrine that appeals to religious fools, tender-minded aesthetes, and men who make their living spewing pretty words. Nature knows no rights. To which "natural" court do we go to vindicate our natural right of free speech? Without the means of enforcement, natural rights is hot air. You have the "right" to what you can take, although right is the wrong word, as it implies there is some sort of overall System apportioning rights and responsibilities. Well, if there is, it doesn't make itself known. "Hey, I took a dump this morning that looked just like Mary holding baby Jesus! I didn't flush it. Call MOMA! A veritable Pooeta, itz!" If you scurry to the toilet, you're probably a sucker for natural-rights, too. Nature knows FORCE, not rights. Rights is a head construct that only has power to the extent you can persuade non-yous it exists. Thus, it is properly classified as a subdivision of cunning. It is a way in which humans use their ability to communicate to manipulate/subdue their kind. In that sense alone does natural-rights exist. Think of natural powers in the animal kingdom, and the powers of government that the Founders were at pains to check and channel as a subset of these. 'Natural rights' is bilge spewed by religious dopes, or men who wish revenge on an enemy they themseleves are powerless to deliver. It is best seen as part of a plan to veil animal reality and to manipulate the less intelligent by means of ideas that encourage them to act in ways that may often in fact conduce to social cohesion but for all that are not based in nature, as that term is ordinarily used. By smell, sight, and sound nature indicates that niggers aren't human. That some pseudo-scientist declares sambo sapient makes no more difference than some church idiot's or moron philosophe's declaration they're humans' "equals" because it fits his head-plan neater. Trying to come up with one-size-fits-all theories of "rights" is the exactly the sort of stupidity that gives smart people a bad name. The first lesson in the brain manual is use your organ to understand things as they are rather than forming head-concepts and bloodying the world to bring them about. 'Natural rights' blather is intellectual delinquency. Observe how the world works, and devise/revise in accordance. You don't need to think any harder than that. If you lift your eyes off the slaves in the field to the heavens where you find God's darling Man, nigger Nate's gonna cut your sorry neck while nature rolls on, green with indifference.

Neoconned Again

The semitic exploitation of patriotism, what a beautiful thing it is, itz apotheosis Sean Hannity, the human jumbo shrimp. Meet the Busheviks, same prisons, similar lies. There's nothing sick and sadistic enough for America under the jews not to do, repeatedly, while insisting it isn't, and accusing victim of same. Have you ever heard of "Willy Pete"? An unpleasant chap, to say the least. ...dozens of high-quality, colour close-ups show bodies of Fallujah residents, some still in their beds, whose clothes remain largely intact but whose skin has been dissolved or caramelised or turned the consistency of leather by the shells.

Separation Works

More here.

Media Criticism: Music Mags

More here. Good hard criticism, but as always with a pulling back where nogkultur pimps up.


Lindbergh's words in Des Moines were a brave truth-telling to a public that for the most part agreed with him, although that agreement was denied expression by most of the organs of the time. This columnist pretends that the very fact of naming the jews is somehow dishonorable. How curious. A hundred quotations could be found from jews themselves, all the way up to Chaim Weizman, admitting precisely what Lindbergh claimed. "We managed to bring the United States in the First World War and if you tow our line over Palestine and the Jewish fighting force, then we can persuade the Jews of the United States to drag the United States into it again this time (Second World War)[Letter to Winston Churchill]." No matter. The WNDeli writer knows his audience will accept his Big Lie. Today the same smears that worked against Lindbergh are trotted out to destroy anybody who stands against the jewish agenda, in this case Joseph Wilson. The jew and the jew-tool tell lies for profit and power. Nothing happens. They grow emboldened, they tell more lies. Until they are stopped, and by stopped I mean until the jewish race is exterminated, this pattern will continue. It is only about jews that no one is allowed to generalize. The protection extends only to jews and the coloreds they're working with at the time. Thus we read from jews Pipes, re the riots in France: "The great majority of Muslims in Europe see themselves as bearers of a superior civilization and see themselves growing prodigiously," Islam expert Daniel Pipes told WND. "Through a cultural, religious and demographic confidence they feel scorn toward European ways and conspire to take it over." When a great hero advances a factual claim against jewry, he, by his simple assertion, converts into a pariah, as though the universe itself balked at describing the jew. On other hand, all other groups are not merely open to the same criticism jews reject when directed at themselves, but are subject to the most baseless stereotypes, casual slurs, and the most hateful and destructive verbal terrorism that jewish Hollywood and New York can produce. If jew Pipes says Muslims despise and reject European culture and wish to supplant it with their own, he's a political analyst making a legitimate point. If I point out that jews destroyed America with tens of millions of third-worlders because of their paranoid hatred of ordinary whites, I'm an anti-semite. You can't beat the double standard without owning a television network. Lindbergh was as undeniably great and mass-respected as it is possible to be, and the fact that he was smeared and reviled as viciously as, say, an ordinary Southerner, or Catholic, or German by the judeo-System ought to teach you who think we can reason or discuss or negotiate or "nice" our way out of the current morasse that you are wrong. Law follows physical power. Do not be fooled by the media. They will lie to you that the civil rights movement succeeded because it was a high moral cause, which white America was powerless to resist. It wasn't. It succeeded for two reasons: 1) sympathetic jew-controlled press; 2) jew-controlled courts/government directing the paid-manpower necessary to shut down resistance at gunpoint. Only when we find the courage to fight the jews physically will things begin to change. That will only happen after we decide that risking our lives is worth more than continuing to live under jewish tyranny. At that point, we will discover that the jews die like other men. Even the lowly Muslims have shown that.

Fuck a Nigger, Win a Prize

Departing guests will receive giant bowls of spirochetti, a wondeful new pasta from Shep Boy-R-Dizzle. You don't eat it, it eatz you! "Breaking the silence" - a euphemism for the politicized mammaried set's breaking wind. Chicks yapping, dykes frothing, bitches kvetching. Women should be obscene and not heard, as they and I say. Women not talking is always a good idea. If there is a fire, you are permitted three syllables. Your eyes and attention should be directed at the kid sucking out of your milk-engorged teat, or at your husband for your next order.

White Art: "Mulholland Drive"

Salon explains. Get thee to an eye-reprocessing center, posthaste! All about preserving the illusion, itz. If we all pretend not to see it, it doesn't exist. Knock, knock, knocking on Heaven's Gate. Here on the meaning of DVDs.

White Art: Melville

New bio... Is it possible that the word reticent is misused more often than any other? Word abuse is far commoner than child or wife abuse. Note that before he attempted fiction, Melville lived a little. He worked on boats, traveled around the world. He didn't get an MFA or attend workshops. In Captain Ahab, Melville had invented a suicidal charismatic who denounces as a blasphemer anyone who would deflect him from his purpose -- an invention that shows no sign of become obsolete any time soon."


A truly great children's book. All great children's books are funny on top and cold rocks underneath, and this Fisk, who has written many books I haven't read but would like to, is in the Dahl line, than which there is no finer. This book is basically about the way no one really pays attention to anything. To describe most people as oblivious is not as close as calling them cave salamanders. Separating reality from appearances is a struggle in life, and this book, in a genuinely frightening way, shows the stakes.

Jews Enjoy Schadenfreude as France Burned by Ragheads

"French youths," huh? You mean Pierre and Jacques and Marcel and Alphonse? Granted that most of the "youths" are technically citizens of the French Republic, it doesn't take much time in les banlieus of Paris to discover that the rioters do not think of their primary identity as "French": They're young men from North Africa growing ever more estranged from the broader community with each passing year and wedded ever more intensely to an assertive Muslim identity more implacable than anything you're likely to find in the Middle East. Unlike their brothers in semitism, the assimilating jews who would never dream of wrecking the institutions of their host country. The jew knows nothing of objective standards or fairness or consistency; the only way to reconcile his words is "good for jews." If you know what jew Steyn/Goldberg/X thinks is "good for jews," you can predict with perfect certainty his position on any question. Integration? Bad for Israel. Good for U.S. Good and bad for France: good if the grunts are white-hating southern Freakins; bad if the grunts are jew-hating northern Freakins. There is no hebrew term for hypocrisy. The fish doesn't know from water.

Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews

Great new KM article on jews jewing Russia. Yes, jews are responsible for the greatest crime in the history of the world - the Red Holocaust: the real holocaust: the Holocaust That Happened. By proposing the basically spurious Mercurian/Apollonian contrast, Slezkine obscures the plain fact that Jewish history in the period he discusses constitutes a spectacularly, arguably uniquely, successful case of what I have described as an ethnocentric group competitive strategy in action.

Riots Threaten to Spread...

...to Germany, Belgium and elsehwhere. On Sunday night, vandals burned more than 1,400 vehicles, and clashes around the country left 36 police injured, setting a new high for overnight arson and violence since rioting started Oct. 27


They only teach what jews want your kids to know. Most of that information is either lies or destructive attitudes. Every step of the way, the white man in America is forced to subsidize his destruction. When we decide otherwise, that will change.

Niggers Eating Niggers

What a beautiful solution.

Spell 'jew' with Capital J, 'Christ' with Lower-case C, Orders Brussels

According to the Kath.net agency, the new spelling legislation will also stipulate that the Dutch word for "jews" (joden) be spelled with a capital "J" when referring to nationality and with a lower-case "j" when referring to the religion. The changes will be mandatory in August of 2006. There is no description of the fines offenders will face if they keep right on spelling "Christ" with a capital "C". Apparently the stupid goyim are conditioned to tolerate any double standard. Christians routinely, after all, pretend that it wasn't the jews who murdered christ, but all of us! Just ask Mel Gibson. Why befriend Christians? You get more advantages as enemies. While Eurocrats quibble over new ways to insult non-jews, Europe is falling apart. Three years ago, a French friend who had his car stolen learned that the thieves had parked the car in a particular suburb. When he went to the police he was told that the police did not operate in that neighbourhood and consequently would not be able to retrieve his car. This is Western Europe in the early 21st century. Muslims have no more respect for white women than their Semitic brothers.

Arrogant, Ignorant AmeriKwans

Question authority? How dare you? That's the swaggering attitude of all too many kwaps, SS men and other ignorant, aggressive security-state napoleons these days. "It was a lampoon ... of the poor Afghan economy" under the Taliban, Badr recalled. The article carefully instructed Afghans how to identify Clinton if they stumbled upon him. "It said he was clean-shaven, had light-colored eyes and he had been seen involved in a scandal with Monica Lewinsky," Badr said. Dumb people don't understand lampoons. Dumb people take everything literally. They have to. They have no other choice. So when SuperSteve the SS agent sworn to protect Our Bushy sees Craig's R. Crumb cartoon, all he knows is that it depicts a president under gun after the glorious colored revolution. No irony, no humor, no perspective, no knowledge -- it doesn't matter what the profession, whether journalist or Secret Service, today's youngster is a bureaucrat by another name, whether the deceitful female or the powertripping male. What a joke our country has become. A joke with a gun and a headful of Dumper's soft-serve. "MWH says fuck the security guards, they ain't a cop, but they still wanna act hard." Three years in jail for the crime of not being understood by morons, imagine it!

'Culture of Violence,' 'Culture of Murder' = Culture of Cant

These are pseudo-analytical terms. There are no such things. There are low-IQ, high-testosterone niggers with zero impulse control. It's not culture that's the problem, itz niggers - and the jews who rationalize them. Bush and the other "terrorism"- and "poverty"-haters/-fighers use language to conceal the truth, that these are results, not causes. Bush's jew-devised foreign policy: it doesn't solve terrorism, it causes terrorism. Poverty doesn't cause niggers, niggers cause poverty. When you don't work, sit on porches, drink malt liquor, smoke blunts, pretty soon you don't have any money. You need an heroic liberal to come by and shriek at your being "mired" or "trapped" in poverty -- poverty always the agent, nigger always the passive. You'll notice that things always trap or snare niggers. A coon shuffles around the corner and poverty sticks him up against the wall. A gun leaps into his palm and forces him to drive a couple blocks over where it can expel lead. No nigger anywhere has ever been responsible for anything, according to our political class. In 2003, New Orleans's murder rate was nearly eight times the national average -- and since then, murder has increased. Africans are Africans, no matter we call them "Americans," "fellow citizens" or "victims of poverty." After much bloviation about black success, as well as failure, in New Orleans, writer says: The fruits of this culture of black achievement are evident. New Orleans's government has been predominantly black for three decades. Its corporations fill white-collar and clerical jobs alike with qualified black workers. Ray Nagin, New Orleans's current black mayor, embodies both of these trends: he was an executive at New Orleans's Cox Cable (now part of Cox Communications) before he took office three years ago. Does nog Nagin strike you as a competent executive? I doubt he'd make a competent customer service rep. The black middle class in N.O. and elsewhere is a legal farce. It is based solely on 'affirmative action,' the legal euphemism for "paying blacks to be black." Degreed 'groids work for government, in huge proportions. Pretending niggers are humans is big business in America, where life and language and literature unfold like an undeclared game of charades. Many don't like it when we call niggers niggers. They are more offended by our use of the term than by the denoted's behavior: Jake Staples, an official of the National D-Day Museum near New Orleans's central business district, stayed at the museum during and after Katrina. He told the Times-Picayune that he had watched, hidden, from the second floor as a gang rape occurred on the street below. "He could hear a young woman berating a group of five young men, alternatively cursing them and begging them not to abandon her," according to the Times-Picayune's report of Staples's first-person account. "'Then one of the men stopped and backhanded her," Staples said. Then he witnessed a gang rape. "Afterwards, she got up, pulled her pants up and kept following them. They were her meal ticket, I guess. . . . This area was a jungle.'" No race identifed, you'll note. Moral universalists are degenerates. Pretending races are equal and attributing any gap to White evil is if not evil itself extremely dangerous to Whites. We were joking when we wrote in The Aryan Alternative that Barnes & Noble was the only store in New Orleans left unmolested after Katrina, but then we read this: A large percentage of the items are still tagged with bar codes from . . . Wal-Mart, a store that was all but cleaned out during six hours of utter pandemonium the day after Katrina hit. . . . 'The only things left on the shelves were the books and the educational materials,' [said one officer]. Life imitates art: the doodle-jigs stole everything down to the last can of Who-hash, but left the books. If you can't screw it, smoke it, or eat it, it ain't worth beans in Nigtown. Why, again, do we tolerate the jews who declare us morally evil for protecting ourselves from these illiterate, raping jungle savages? Day in and day out, Katrina or no Katrina, New Orleans is America's most dangerous city. But the numbers don't tell the whole story. White and black residents, rich and poor, of good neighborhoods and bad, are afraid to go out at night beyond the clear boundaries of well-patrolled areas like the heart of the French Quarter -- and night means 6:00 pm, not 2:00 am. Everyone in New Orleans knows someone who has been violently mugged -- and everyone knows someone who knows someone who has been violently killed. What the writer's trying to say is that New Orleans is a third-world country, and has been for a long time. The cops keep the niggers off the tourists to keep their cash flowing, beyond that it's every manimal for himself. Just like Mexico or any other shithole. The passing storm has nothing to do with it. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Integration: The Gunpoint Charade

Doesn't work in Holland. Doesn't work in France. Doesn't work in Toledo. Doesn't work anywhere but the heads of liberal dupes. Even the jews who tell the feds where to point the guns know the races are irreconcilable, as proved by their giant Wall of Hate in Israel. Geert Wilders is a rightist member of the Dutch Parliament living in a secret location under police protection because Islamic radicals say they will kill him. That, in what was until recently the placid Western democracy par excellence, is extraordinary. "All non-Western immigration must be stopped," Wilders said. "Pure Islam is violent." Today pols begin to speak the truth about the Muslims, tomorrow they will speak the truth about the jews. Jew and Muslim alike are hostile aliens in both Europe and America. Both groups despise Whites and use their media control/willingness to murder to attack him, always without provocation, and all too often without repercussion. If it is true, as the jew writer says, that post-war pro-immigration policy was based over shame at what happened to jews gassed in WWII, then it is based on a lie. There were no jews gassed in WWII. As jews begin to perceive Muslims as threatening their interests in Europe and America you'll see more articles discussing whether or not Islam is inherently anti-non-Muslim. But Islam is no different from Judaism in this regard. Loxism, on the other hand, will remain taboo.

Kooky Dumper Sees Christian Conspiracy Everywhere

They're all out to get him and the lovely, noble, in-all-ways-attractive jews. "In 2002, leaders from 10 conservative Christian organizations formed the 'Arlington Group,' an alliance of over 50 of the most prominent Christian leaders and organizations. Their Web site documented in considerable details the agenda of a wide range of issues, including judicial nominees, stem-cell research, same-sex marriage, abortion restrictions and the faith-based initiative - and their expectation of success on these issues [was high] because of their perceived political strength," Foxman said. Certainly the heads of major jewish organizations would never get together and come up with a yearly plan to stick it to the hated goyim. Representing 52 national Jewish organizations, the Conference provides a common voice for affiliated American Jews from across the political and religious spectrum, forging diverse groups into a unified force for Israel's well-being, and for protecting and enhancing the security and dignity of Jews at home and abroad. It's not called "hate" when jews conspire to advance their interests over yours -- and make you pay for it -- only when you organize to protect yourselves, White men. The kikes' private polling shows that 80% of Christians correctly perceive their religion under attack; what they don't recognize is the name of the attacker - the jew.

Mexico - World of Shit

Good local color, so to speak, on what our new Amereekans leave behind. Mexico's drug gangs have been highly successful in the past two decades, gradually replacing Colombian gangs in the United States to control the profitable distribution of cocaine from coast-to-coast. Colombia remains the world's largest producer, but Larry Holifield, the DEA's director for Mexico and Central America, told The Associated Press that Mexican cartels are now the most powerful in the world. Here on blacks, mexes and Katrina. The shitskins have declared war on us.

Infectious Cities

The advocates of this approach are a new generation of "hip cool" mayors, including Ken Livingstone, Berlin's Klaus Wowereit, San Francisco's Gavin Newsom, Baltimore's Martim O'Malley, Detroit's "hip hop" mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and the gay chief executive of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe. Hmm, Det and Bal are nigger shitholes, SF and Berlin are shit-holer shitholes, and if there's anything left of Paris, a raghead's bending over to set fire to it. There's nothing cool about free-range fires, niggers and faggots, so that there is qualifies as exactly the sort of perverse idea the Kikenpresse loves to spread. Perhaps even worse, the lure of "coolness" leads cities to ignore the fundamental issues -- infrastructure, middle-class flight, terrorism -- that have so much more to do with their long-term prospects. Yeah - Detroit has an infrastructure problem -- because the niggers destroyed all the buildings. All these are symptoms of racial problems: big cities are run by jew-operated coons, and they make a mess of everything in very short order. If your nation is homogenous like Norway you don't have middle-class "flight" problems, infrastructure problems or terrorism. When your nation is a giant empire full of space aliens and whatever mexicans are, new problems crop up daily. A city, like any other artifact, is a function of the men who make it. Its lineaments show their minds, their mettle, their meticulousness, their morals. This sort of article is typical of the jewish media: even when they stumble into being right they're wrong. A good city starts with white people, excludes niggers, mexicans and inbred desert scum. Fundamentals in line, hard to wrong, itz! Here on France these days. [T]he [tattoo] vogue represented a desperate (and rather sad) attempt on a mass scale to achieve individuality and character by means of mere adornment, which implied both intellectual vacuity and unhealthy self-absorption. Did you know the Chinese have over 42 symbols for 'moron'?

A load of Alito

Shappy Shapiro, yet another of Suckpoop Joe's wunderkikes, squirts jew-juice about the latest Great Right Hope. If you buhlieve, they will come.

Russia as It Actually Was

The jews who jew U.S. textbooks provide the standard Bolshevik view, but the trut his ganz anders.

The Great 'Tard Crusade Is Over

Where do Christians seek their prey? Among the dregs of white folk and the common run in Freaka. Billy Graham knew the truth about jews, and whispered it to Tricky Dick in what he thought was private, but he was too much the Christian to lead. Safer to stay on the teat and on the tube, and keep pumping out syndicated columns repeating racism-is-a-sin until the dimmest of yokels enbrained it securely. Any man can collect pigeons; all he has to do is sit on a park bench and munch popcorn, and make sure some spills from time to time. You on the Jebooze, White man? You're on the wrong road. The wizened old cunt well knew the truth about the jew: Nixon cites Paul Keyes, a political conservative who is executive producer of the NBC hit, "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In," as telling him that "11 of the 12 writers are Jewish." "That right?" says Graham, prompting Nixon to claim that Life magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and others, are "totally dominated by the Jews." Nixon says network TV anchors Howard K. Smith, David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite "front men who may not be of that persuasion," but that their writers are "95 percent Jewish." "This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," the nation's best-known preacher declares "You believe that?" Nixon says. "Yes, sir," Graham says. "Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it." Translate that into English, although itz plain enough, it means that a United States president and one of the top Moronestants believed exactly the same thing about the U.S. media that Drs. William Pierce and Joseph Goebbels believed. In jew-owned media, anyone who criticizes the jew becomes a "hater." If this isn't tyranny, what is it? Where the president's afraid to speak his mind about something that's sending the country "down the drain"? Here R. Crumb explains what Dick's talking about, with helpful pictures so Graham fans get it too.

Pods From Outer Space

Who knows how life on earth began? What's your stance on the panspermia question? Madonna's in favor.

White Genius

Biological readings of Austen, Shakespeare and others... Coloreds and kikes resent the popularity of fiction without niggers, or with coloreds portrayed in one of the millions of ways their whine groups find unacceptable. Niggers don't read, so why would anyone want to read about them? They don't exactly have rich interior lives. We get troop updates in the daily paper, with tails removed to protect the guilty.

Al-Jazeera vs Al-Jews

In June, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told attendees at an Asian defense conference that if they were to watch al-Jazeera day after day, "even if you were an American you would begin to believe that America was bad." If you watched Al-Jews' MTV, you'd think niggers were human and highly desirable. Al-Jazeera is at the forefront of a revolution in Arab political culture, one whose effects have barely begun to be appreciated. [...] [I]t is providing an unprecedented forum for debate in the Arab world that is eviscerating the legitimacy of the Arab status quo and helping to build a radically new pluralist political culture. Kinda like VNN and the jew-produced AmeriKwan status quo. TV's a force unrivaled for teaching us and them. What if there were a cable channel for Whites? Note that our government both bombs independent media centers and sets up its own native-language agitprop channels: yet the locals don't respond, at least not immediately. But by early 2003, al-Jazeera had lost its monopoly on Arab satellite news. Rivals nipped at its heels: Lebanon's LBC and Future TV, Hizbollah's al-Manar, Abu Dhabi TV, Egypt's Dream TV. Al-Arabiya, launched in February 2003 with Saudi financing as a "moderate" (and pro-American) alternative, quickly emerged as a powerful competitor. The United States entered the fray a year later with its own government-run station: the well-funded but mostly ignored al-Hurra. In market surveys conducted in late 2004, the Arab Advisors Group found that 72 percent of Jordanians with satellite dishes watched al-Jazeera, while 54 percent tuned in to al-Arabiya and only 1.5 percent to al-Hurra. The irony is the jews may be blown up by their own democracy bomb, because the true democratic sentiment among Muslims is anti-jewish, and the new media brought into being in no small way because of the urgency of American attacks make that clearer than ever. They give people new ideas and hope. Un-jew-controlled media have a way of doing that, whether the listeners are Whites coming across Goyfire, or Muslims watching al-Jazeera. Al-Jazeera ushered in a new kind of open, contentious politics that delighted in shattering taboos. The names of its most popular talk shows suggest their distinctive combination of transgression and pluralism - More Than One Opinion, No Limits, The Opposite Direction, Open Dialogue. Imagine such shows in America! You can't, can you? In AmeriKwa, to speak your mind often means to get fired. Freedom does indeed make people uncomfortable, especially those with weak arguments or vested interests. Safer for all concerned to have a Line and pursue an Agenda and punish deviators. Here on newspaper circulations these days. In the world of make-believe, things change their nature depending on the name you give them. Reality? It's just one not-so-exciting option. The problem with too many writers, apart from the kikes with their nose on their shoulder, is that they don't respect their readers or their job. Report the facts, and leave the judgments to others. When it's borderline between raw and euphemism, choose raw - every time. Function as extension of eyes and ears, not of brain. Would you turn to a reporter for solid thought? Here Poynter's slate of diversity laffers.

Movies: "Jarhead"

No battle scenes.

Jew Revolutionizes Cranberrying

Those jews. Such a clever race, they're. Always thinking. Always coming up with ways to do things more efficiently, thereby improving the lives of their fellow Americans. Jews - what wonderful people. Back in the real world, what jews actually do is depict guys like this WHITE GUY -- deer hunters -- as depraved, homicidal, inbred racists. Jews aren't very nice. When they aren't around, everything is peaceful and productive. When they appear, everything is litigious and sleazy. The idea for the ruby slipper came during hours of idle thinking while riding tractors or sitting in the silence of a stand while deer hunting, he said. "I always approach just about everything with the idea that there's a better way to do it. You just need to find it," Brockman said. "I started cutting and welding and building. The first three machines didn't work at all." He kept tinkering, developed a prototype two years ago and tested it in bogs. His father was dumbfounded. He is correct that there is a better way to do almost everything, and that is why conservatism isn't conservative - it is actually dangerous. Conservatism has conflated two separate ideas - one correct -- that utopianism is dangerous -- and one false - that the way things have always been done is the right way to do them. In fact, "tradition" is simply something that doesn't OBVIOUSLY kill people. Few people think, and that is another meaning of "there's always room at the top." Congratulations to Dan Brockman, a great white man, and an example to all of us. How many things in our daily lives could be done more efficiently if someone would bother to think them through. How many things we do could be eliminated entirely, let alone reformed? Thinking these things through is a good portion of what it means to LIVE WHITE. Do we need houses and cars with giant mortgages? Do we need what is called a college education? Says who? Has he any interest in our accepting his claim?

Invasion and the Weaklings Who Pretend to Fight It

The same people who never doubt they can socially engineer negro integration and democracy in Iraq balk at a simple physical problem such as closing the border. It's the one thing they admit they can't do. Or they're lying. Government can't close the black-white test-score gap because it's natural. It can shut down the border, because the reason it's open is political. Here's a letter sent to Byron Jost, the director behind "The Line in the Sand." In it the House's legal counsel makes a tort threat against Jost for using clips of Tancredo. How to explain this? Simple. Tancredo seeks to distance himself from even the appearance of racism. It's the old game of everyone to my right is a nazi, I'm the very limit of respectability. Bush won't appear with Tancredo; Tancredo resents Jost's using clips from a public appearance - a press conference, no less. Tancredo hasn't a leg to stand on. He claims he wants to shut down the border, yet he's deathly afraid of the only basis from which successful resistance to the jew-produced Mexinvasion can be sustained: racial. That is, only Whites identifying as Whites -- not conservatives, not Republicans -- understand the nature of the war being waged against them, which is in fact racial, only secondarily political. The jews are using the Mexican to genocide the White population, by driving it out, murdering it off, blending it in. Illegal or legal, Mexes aren't Americans. Mexicans ruin America. They're bad for Mexico, which freely flushes its excess population into America the way it flushes untreated sewage into the Pacific and the Gulf.


Here on Wm F. Buckley, the best friend the New York jews ever had. Here on environmentalists, who tend to be liars.


Raimondo's girlish enthusiasm is misplaced. The Libby indictment is close to meaningless. This is the rare case in which the neocons are closer to the mark than the libertarians/paleocons. Raimondo and the rest misidentify the source of the problem and overestimate its coming uppance. It may turn out that one or two jews/goyfronts endure a year or two of light prison, but likelier is the jews simmer down for a few months, draw up new plans, and reinfect. More here from Pussy Cat Roberts. Here on the Iraq war being bad for Israel. As Israeli leaders see it, the Jewish state would have a hard time adjusting to a democratic Arab world in which public opinion, rather than centralized rulers, determined policy. Jews can't survive a direct look. [M]ost Israelis believe that democracy in the Arab world could easily translate into even greater hostility toward Israel. They believe that in the U.S., too.

Village Voice

Acquired by NYT... This was a world where known cultural life stopped below 14th St. and above 96th St. It was a godsend for alienated adolescents from the Greater New York area: apprentice beatniks, folk-niks, Student Peace Union activists and Jean Shepherd fans who fell asleep listening to him weekdays on WOR just before Long John Nebel went on. All of us were yearning for the "real" life we knew was somewhere out there.

More on Westerns

The Swiss recognize that bourgeois values depend occasionally on non-bourgeois values: honor, courage, and personal self-sacrifice rather than personal self-interest.

"Death Cult of Extreme Hate"?

Who? Whites? Muslims? Or jews and traitor allies? Who breeds? Jews breed least. Jews encourage -- celebrate -- non-jew abortions. Muslims breed most. Who threatened Europe with nukes? Muslims? No, Israel. Tiny, sick, vicious, hypocritical, ugly Israel. Here on Europe's future, what with attempting to mix races and religions and all.

Thoughtful Escapism

Imagine there were a nation of nothing but Whites. No jews, no coloreds. No problem-people, no malicious manipulators. Here on Opus Dei, an organization which recognizes that high standards alone are rebellious.


'Kwans seek fetal security. Whether you know it or not, whether you want to admit to it or not, the United States has become a very scary country. You got that right. LRC's guy gives a good non-WN example of the brainwashing that Americans have undergone. Any criticism is treated as "hate." This is a female emotional response, channeled in a jew-favorable direction. Cold, adult masculinity is reserved for the controlling elite. Childish emotional reactions are for the rest of us. We're trained what to hate, what to love, what to say, and our job is to comply. This is where public schooling and MTV come in. No matter the stimulus, we must respond in the proper way. Black pride? Good. White pride? Hate. Jews? Innocent, persecuted minority that has brought much goodness to an undeserving world. Note what this non-WN, half-Japanese says about the current state of the 'Kwa: any traveled American would agree that the United States is going down the trash-can real quick. ITZ COMING. Here decent on England these days. Funny stuff on conservatives' cringeworthy novels. ("[She] finally came to him in the bed and shouted 'Arragghrrorwr!' in his ear, bit his neck, plunged her head between his legs and devoured him") to Buckley ("I'd rather do this with you than play cards") to Liddy ("T'sa Li froze, her lips still enclosing Rand's glans . . .") to Ehrlichman ("'It felt like a little tongue'") to O'Reilly ("Okay, Shannon Michaels, off with those pants"), extracurricular creative writing has long been an outlet for ideas that might not fly at, say, the National Prayer Breakfast. In one of Lynne Cheney's books, a Republican vice-president dies of a heart attack while having sex with his mistress. The 'cunts have in their souls what dwarves have in their bodies.

Housing Bust A-Comin'?

Save your money, bide your time. Spit and kleenex aint worth so many dimes.

McMartin Recantation

There is nothing too moronically far-fetched for the American masses, since they believe everybody else is as dirty and small-minded as they are.


In Break, Blow, Burn (which I spent five years writing), my aim is to demonstrate how to blend the close textual reading of New Criticism with external biographical and historical considerations. Only morons and mediocres claim there are no great men, that books are texts, that authors don't matter, that one thing is no better than another. Discrimination in one area tends to lead to discrimination in other areas, and that is why jews advocate promiscuity for whites, and it is also why the breakdown in academia is general. No room for non-jewish adults, you see. Goyim must remain forever children, that jews be empowered. Don't like it? Here's a simple solution. Homeschool your kids using books like Paglia's most recent -- oh yeah, and: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Singing the Prussian Blues

Nobody's as full of shit and double standards as the "hate" haters....by Edgar Steele

Farm Theft in Blackened South Africa

First niggers get the vote, then whites get dispossessed, then niggers starve. Is there anything as ridiculous as an article written on the premise that niggers are humans? that their motives and objectives can be reckoned in the same category as whites? Farming requires thought and work. Niggers are not noted for thought and work. They can jump, though. Jump, niggers, jump! What's the difference between an elephant turd and an African farmer? An elephant turd can grow things. Inflation soars in Zimby, where the impetuous chimp holds sway. Here a good letter on nigger Mugabe, a mudman with a Western "education," yet a chimp all the same. Niggers. They look like humans...sort of. But they're not. Zimbabwe is a wasteland, a hole in the ground. Their currency is worth less than the plastic used to pack manure. Zimby replaces its currency. The nigs will revert to the traditional banana-'n'-grub barter system. They're keeping it real. Like jews, niggers do not grasp the idea of tolerating criticism. A crackdown on the press over the past five years has left the country with no independent daily newspapers, no private radio news coverage, and only two prominent independent weeklies. Kind of like the U.S.! A thousand papers, one viewpoint. Niggers like to call whites illegal settlers operating crooked regimes, but the fact is niggers were few and far between until bwana and his unwooly head showed up and behold there was food and jobs so menial even niggers could pretend to perform them. Here's a page about shark attacks. What if niggers were treated like land sharks? More here. After ten years of protection, sharks attack humans at five times the rate they used to. Kind of like niggers. You subsidize them with 40 years and a trillion+ in welfare, all of a sudden it's not safe to go out on dry land. Now many Australians call for a Great White cull. VNN calls for a great black cull. When they came for Gary Coleman, I applauded. 'Cause that nigger's short and funny...but he's still a nigger. When they came for O.J., I said "Run, Juice, run!" But, really, I hoped they'd catch him, because after all he's a nigger! When they came for Shirley Q. Liquor, I said this far and no farther. Because Shirley only pretends to be a nigger.

Welcome to the New Jew Dark Age

Disagree with jews? Rebut their lies? To jail with you.

Conservatism, Jewed

It's not just history they rewrite, it's everything. Conservatism today is as unrecognizable as America's past. Everything comes out of the jew's mouth funny. Because intelligent men made accurate observations about 'human nature' thousands of years ago does not mean there is nothing left to learn. A conservatism based on science, not solely, but at least taking into account facts about human natures, will be solider then conservatism made of cowardice, nostalgia and religious superstition. It is a cardinal error to moralize before the facts are known. The facts say races are irreconcilable. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that is not conservative, he is utopian. Here on the Western as closer to national-socialist in values than bourgeois; the old honor/money divide. Perhaps there is nothing to dislike about values such as courage and honor, yet what we find in the Western is that these values, as personified in the gunfighter, are not complementary values to the bourgeois world, but are in fact mutually exclusive. The libertarian draws perilously close to the idea that men are more than consumers. The classic Western thus comes to an important conclusion: without the gunfighter, civilization is impossible. Without a White context, civilization is impossible. The gun establishes the white context. This the libertarian cannot acknowledge without ceasing to be a libertarian -- and ceasing to be published at LewRockwell.com, as more than one writer has found. The bourgeois culture of the 19th century was robust and confident in its accomplishments. The Western was created to destroy that confidence. Or perhaps it aimed to keep forefront in bourgeois minds that some things come before money, and so prevent the West from becoming completely jewed.

Economy = Jews Stealing from You by Various Means & Mechanisms Unseen

Inflation... Here a counter view of China and India.

Rockying the Racists

He's back! The wop who enunciates and punches like a nigger! Go Metamuscil Man!

Pinchy Joto

Martin Heidegger once said that the fundamental metaphysical question is "Why is there something rather than nothing?" That is funny. I used to ponder that exact question as a child. I would imagine the vast black expanse...suddently crumpling into a ball of paper, and being thrown away. It seems like there should be nothing. It's not a metaphysical problem at all, it's a physical problem. Why does anything exist? But if there weren't anything, how would it be differentiated?

Meet Edgar Snow, Another Duranty

Covering up for commies is an American journalistic tradition, it seems. ...Snow is still widely regarded today as a heroic figure, both for his writings in the 1930s and for the persecution he suffered in the 1950s from investigations by J. Edgar Hoover and Senator Joseph McCarthy, which forced him to flee the United States for Switzerland. He is still held up in schools of journalism as a model practitioner. Consider this: In Chinese cities in 1960, the maximum daily intake was 1200 calories, compared to the 1300-1700 calories a day fed to the inmates of Auschwitz. Even better: The regime invented a new catch-all offence, "Speaking Weird Words," which meant any comment that could be interpreted as a complaint or a wisecrack could have its speaker accused of being a spy or traitor.

Niggers Dying Out: Today Baseball, Tomorrow the World

The Astros have no niggers on their roster. The Astros are in the World Series. You draw the conclusion. The last World Series team without a black player was the 1953 New York Yankees. Everybody agrees no niggers in baseball is a problem. Why? Another term for 'no niggers' is 'civilized.'

Shitskins in NW Arkansas

TAA distributions resulted in numerous printed and electronic reports, all carrying water for ADL in denouncing our "targeting" recipients, and encouraging the cops in their delusional belief that political views can be suppressed. Mexican CRIMES AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE receive little attention, with race played down. Like we say, if they did their job, we wouldn't exist.

Republic Fires Shank

Can't discuss things jews don't want known. They'll keep their eagles 'n' stripes though. Freedom's just another word for cheap marketing ploy... We may just have him on the next Goyfire. Here on ACLU ignoring Indian symbol to attack Christian cross. There is some freedom in Denmark, at least when it comes to criticizing muzzy. Bush bitches about The Onion. Ann Coulter's "not a big fan" of the First Amendment. Meanwhile, the FBI is tracking people for years without following the law. In other cases, agents obtained e-mails after a warrant expired, seized bank records without proper authority and conducted an improper "unconsented physical search," according to the documents.

Secede from the Union

Many want to, for different reasons. In this case it's Christians, irritated by the homo marriage charade. They want South Carolina. Visit their site here. If all goes according to plan, Burnell is hoping to have a constitutional convention by 2014, with a president of the new nation -- still to be known as South Carolina -- elected in 2016, which is also a presidential election year in the U.S.


Latest Raimondo... Here crank nigger Condi spits on Syria. On the basis of the word of a convicted felon and swindler, Condi Rice wants a high level UN Security Council meeting to condemn Syria so the Bush administration can bring about "regime change" in Syria.

Communist Parks Dead at Last

A poower simple seamstress, who only wanted a seat on the bus...that's how they play this nigger, but in fact she was a communist/NAACP operative who planned her action. NYT view here. At the urging of an employer, Virginia Durr, Mrs. Parks had attended an interracial leadership conference at the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tenn., in the summer of 1955. There, she later said, she "gained strength to persevere in my work for freedom, not just for blacks but for all oppressed people." Neither NYT nor WP bother to mention the Highlanders were commies. We hear a lot about the dignity of the negro, but how often do we see it? Katrina? Wilma? Africa? Negro dignity is mostly limited to Morgan Freeman voiceovers.

St. Lashaun

How many crimes did this woman prevent by her selfless action? Here slide show of Wilma. Here contrasting Mayas and Greeks.

Jew's View of Germany

Fritz Stern on jews' views of Germany that kicked the kikes to the kerb. Perhaps that strange mixture of German hospitality and hostility to Jews evoked the ambivalent response of some of the greatest of German Jews. They were the brilliant diagnosticians of German-European hypocrisy, the memorable breakers of taboos: think of Heine's mockery of German sentimental pretense, of Karl Marx's insistence that the cash nexus trumps virtue, or of Sigmund Freud's exposure of sexual hypocrisy and falsehood. Disturbers of a false peace are indispensable but rarely welcomed. What do we call brilliant diagnosticians of jewish hypocrisy? Anti-semites. Here jew Hobsbawm on jews influencing the world.

Reverse Aging?

Claims, no evidence yet. The speakers were invited because their specialties all, in some way, fit into Mr. de Grey's seven-step plan to keep people from growing old. Each of the steps is related to the death of cells.

'Cultural Competence'

Bureau-buzz for up on and in line with latest judeo-leftist lies. Cultural competence requires that individuals and organisations: a) Have a defined set of values and principles, demonstrated behaviours, attitudes, policies and structures that enable them to work effectively in a cross-cultural manner; b) Demonstrate the capacity to 1) value diversity, 2) engage in self-reflection, 3) manage the dynamics of difference, 4) acquire and institutionalise cultural knowledge, and 5) adapt to the diversity and the cultural contexts of the communities they serve... In other words, reject your own heritage, embrace nigger as the new norm. Let there be a decline in the quality of your toadying to the kikes and coloreds, and you're gone. Is this what you ordered, white man? Well, this is what they're serving. The State of Oregon on the West Coast seems to have been the seedbed of the cultural competence movement in American education... Here on Calvin and Hobbes. It will set you back $150, but the three-volume, glossy-papered tome finally gives proper appreciation and display to creator Bill Watterson's efforts, the kind of size and color quality that he waged such epic battles for with newspapers and syndicates before retiring into silence at age 37, tired of the fray, wary of drifting into the bankrolls of mediocrity.


On Adorno, jew, homo, a loxist like other loxists, yet perfect among them... More here. A chapter from: The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception here. Take the F test and find out if you're qualified to vote Bushy.

White Art: Rubens

Rubens wasn't simply an admirer of innocent feminine plumpness. Like a lot of men with a taste for the failed weight-watcher, he had a thick streak of cruelty running through him. His feelings about women were edgy and confused. [...] See, for instance, what's really going on in The Massacre of the Innocents, the big Rubens masterpiece that cost the Canadian media baron David Thomson a world-record price for a painting when he bought it at Sotheby's for �50m in 2002. Go on. Get closer and have a really good look. Lost for three centuries because its troubled Dutch owners were too nervous to show it to anyone, it was suddenly rediscovered in 2002 and unleashed on the art world like a smash in the jaw from an 18-stone bouncer. Christ, what a violent painting. See it here. Copied from an idea by Michelangelo, Rubens's Leda and the Swan is a painting of unimpeachable smuttiness. Here. [T]he painting that beats least about the bush on the subject of Rubens's sexual appetites is his extraordinarily sleazy Samson and Delilah. Having been the world's strongest man, Samson has allowed Delilah to tire him out in bed. And as he droops across her in a deep postcoital slump, a gang of servants loom up out of the gloom to cut off his hair and unman him.Here. Here on Hemingway. Here on Dalrymple, who writes for City Journal. Here on empire literature, British now American. Here the books of jew Rothbard.

TAA#3 Making Waves

50,000 copies hit the streets... Five interviews 10/19/05, as our reporter, Craig Cobb, and other distributors put the latest issue of The Aryan Alternative in hands nationwide. In Alabama, a nog preacher is up in arms: The newspaper is circulating across town in predominantly black neighborhoods. "Keep yourself white and they talk about the white safety zone," reads Reverend R.L. Shanklin. A "White Safe Zone"? We thought only queers and coloreds were allowed safety? "They listen to negative and write negative material against blacks and Jews and people of color. A paper like this has no business in our community," says Shanklin. Reverend Shanklin is president of the NAACP in Huntsville. He says the paper's main goal is spreading hatred and division. While niggaz be all about peace and unity, an' shit. The facts about black behavior do tend to alienate Whites, quite right. That's why the jewed tube and the smeared pulp cover them up. Like they say, journalism is what people don't want known; all else is publicity. Papers also showed up in Rogers, Ark., to the horror of the local constabulary. Don't miss video through link, quoting TAA publisher that the paper publishes information that white men and women can't get through controlled media. TAA also turned up in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Residents of Shaker Heights, a community that embraces diversity [this in a straight news piece], discovered copies of a white supremacist newspaper, called The Aryan Alternative, which promotes hatred toward black people, Jews and Mexicans. Again, AmeriKwa, or USSR? TASS or "free" press? All TAA does is report facts. That's all it has to do. Every group but whites is allowed to name itself and have its motives accepted as pure. Whites who seek to defend themselves against the genocidalist jews? They're promoting hatred. The fact is that TAA#3 is a fascinating paper. By contrast with any other paper you buy off a newsstand in America, TAA's every article goes against The Agenda now dominating our society. So far one sentence has mentioned our contents - namely, the argument in our NFL article that whites are discriminated against at quarterback. Discussion on forum here. Here on discussion of "hate crimes" law in Colorado. Only hypersensitives fear facts. Only jews seek to criminalize their statement, and outlaw behavior based on accurate perception. Niggers be criminals. Stupid, violent, stinky criminals. No one wants to live around them. But it is illegal to exclude them from our neighborhoods. That is tyranny. Only white men are capable of freedom. Niggers trained by jews to resent anything insufficiently flattering, let alone critical, won't allow anything said against them. All minorities follow this model. They hate whites. Sure, their reasons are ridiculous, but that doesn't mean they're not strongly felt, nor that minorities won't act on them to the extent they are allowed. As their numbers grow, they'll flex their hate - right down to the very last white man, and end state sought by at least one coon, who expressed himself freely on C-Span recently. This environment has very real consequences for humans. "The two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." Until we can speak that truth in public -- AND UNTIL THE LAW ALLOWS US TO ACT ON IT -- we are slaves in a Jewish Tyranny. All it takes for us Whites to create our own country is courage. More and more people head VNNward in their thought. It becomes more and more evident that the terms diversity, multiculturalism, and tolerance mean anti-White. ITZ COMING.

Jews Lie, Whites Die

Only "haters" raise a cry... On Judith Miller, jewess, and jew Scooter, Cheney's right-hand jew, and how this type man- and womanipulated us into 'kwar. With no weapons of mass destruction having been found in Iraq and new questions being raised about the case for war, Libby assured Miller that day that the still-classified document, a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), contained even stronger evidence that would support the White House's conclusions about Iraq's weapons programs, according to Miller's account. In fact, a declassified version of the NIE was publicly released just 10 days later, and it showed almost precisely the opposite. A jew lied? About a matter of grave concern? Involving the lives of tens of thousands of goyim? Shocked, we're. The peevish pirate chirps in. Destroying society? What jews do, itz.

No Jews, Good News

Every time a jew is aborted God has an orgasm.

Democracy is Slavery

The moron next door is an incompetent overseer... Here on The Authoritarian Personality: How to Decapitate the White Race.

ZOG's Bubble-Jet Backdoor

You can't trust a jew. You can't trust a government owned by jews. The jew in the ground? Him you can trust. But stick a pitchfork through him a few times, just to make sure. A secret code embedded in many color laser jet printers Latest News about Printers allows the U.S. government and any other organization capable of reading the cipher to identify when the copies were made and on which particular machine, according to research conducted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

Toledo Next Time

Saturday's riot in Toledo inflicted more damage than burnt buildings and assaulted police officers. It also shattered the comfortable myth that the general public can always be trusted to behave better than Nazis. General public? Try niggers. - Authorities should anticipate violence and not hesitate to use the full extent of the law to prevent it. For example, Nazi group spokesman Bill White said this week that, "We're going to march our men right back in there and take control of that neighborhood if the police don't do it first." Vigilantism by Nazis is neither desirable nor legal. In light of White's statement, future parades should be forced to less populous areas. Any move by Nazis interpreted as attempts to "take control" should be met with swift arrests. The powers that be prefer black lawlessness to white order. If white order were established in one neighborhood, why, white folks might get uppity and start demanding order for the entire nation. The govern-media isn't threatened by violent niggers but by civilized Whites. Quite often the problems caused by niggers genetically unable to control their behavior are used as a pretext for limiting White rights. It's not known whether the National Socialist Movement is planning another rally. Bill White, a spokesman for the group, said they will not announce their plans in advance again. This is the right way to go. Warning the cops in advance only means that demonstrators will be treated as germ-agents, and denied effective expression. Better simply to show up unannounced and do your thing - especially when that thing is legal. The bottom line here remains that white people in Toledo are being intimidated by violent niggers, and the government is doing nothing about it but trying to cover it up. Here a commie view. Here's a typical dishonesty of the controlled media: Nazis Riot.... What's the reality of nigger world? This: Those who gathered on Mr. Szych's lawn prior to yesterday's riots claimed the problems go beyond reputed gang activity. They said there has been prostitution, break-ins, graffiti involving racial slurs, and daylight beatings and robberies of women. "People make it sound like it's a clean-cut neighborhood in Perrysburg and it's not," said a man who identified himself as a neighbor but declined to give his name. "People want to make it out like it's a few people and it's not," he added. The police and controlled media won't give white guys like Szych the time of day when they complain about nigger gangs. But after the riot breaks out, the media are all ears when Sych tries to distance himself from the "nazis." Do you see how it works, White man? Only the disrespectable will defend you. That is what disrespectable MEANS. The jews who control the system DEFINE respectability as GIVING IN to their agenda, and their agenda includes YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BEING OVERRUN BY BLACKS, and your race being blended/murdered out of existence. Remember this: VNN was harassed for two years by DOJ twinks on the basis of one adjective in a tiny classified ad. Do you think the Fair Housing fags have done jack shit in the case of whites being ethnically cleansed from their neighborhoods by niggers? FUCK NO. THE GOVERNMENT IS YOUR ENEMY. IT MEANS TO DESTROY YOU. Don't worry about being respectable, White man - worry about protecting your posterity like our revolutionary forefathers did. ITZ COMING.

Somalis: Unwelcome in Any Country

Spabooks spit slurs at whites every day of the year, but our sell-out politicians only prosecute Whites who fight back. Even lying kike Levin is forced to admit: [A]ccording to an analysis of 2003 hate crime statistics � the latest of the admittedly shaky state hate crime statistics that are compiled annually by the FBI � blacks are actually slightly more likely to lash out against whites for reasons of race than the reverse... NIGGERS COMMIT MORE "HATE" CRIMES THAN WHITES. Not "slightly" more, as the jew lies, but more than TWO TIMES. When you take into account the FACTS that: 1) hate crimes committed by coloreds are cast in the White category; and, 2) police departments are disposed to ignore on-white crimes and trumpet by-whites as this fits the "whites are always guilty" meme propagated by government and major media -- you can see that the real disparity is greater than reported.

Crime and "Hate Crimes" These Days...

FBI report for 2004 out. Remember: just because an illiterate negro cop fails to record it doesn't mean the crime didn't happen. Here Dougherty against the bogus HC concept. If Joe fights for individual rights and Tom fights for group - who do you think is going to win? And there lies the problem with conservatism outside of a racially homogenous context. Here Falwell explains what HC portends for Christians not down with fags. Tweety Shepard's idiot mom yelps for passage. The right to positive cruising is guaranteed by the Fruit Amendment, whereas criticizing infectious flits is a HATE CRIME.

Hatfield vs. the Jews

Court allows innocent Aryan to proceed against jewish liars - well, some of the gigantic set of jewish liars. Hatfield is the innocent white man the jews sicced the FBI on, accusing him of what one of their own was actually guilty of. Jews are like that. And their media play along. No one's reputation is safe in the mouth of the jew. His ability and positive lust for the smear is a large part of his power. Most Whites, by contrast, are easily cowed by appeals to respectability. Itz a definite group weakness where our competing subspecies conflict. As Dr. Pierce said, Do right, and fear no man. That is VNN's policy too.

Turn Podcasting into Putzcasting?

Let jews dictate content...

Celebrate the Closet

On the roots of the queer-privilege movement... AIDS � originally named GRID (gay-related immunodeficiency disease) until activist homosexuals pressured the medical establishment to switch to the generic acronym AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) - was the ultimate public relations nightmare. It gave society a brand-new reason to fear and shun homosexuals - namely, concern over becoming infected with a nightmarish new disease. And that would be the only time we've ever seen anyone call GRID by its real name. Well, it's next-best name to Q-RID.

Intelligent Design & Occam's Razor: light to Light!

Happy White Independence Day - October 9...by Kyle McDermott

Oswalt Kolle and the Dubious Discipline of Sexology

Germany's top sex "educator." His attention sharpened by his father's work, he began to write in daily newspapers about psychiatry as a repair shop for a society that was sexually inhibited, uptight, and hypocritical. As opposed to cool nigs and jews. Dear Oswalt, today the German Society for Social Scientific Sex Research takes pride in awarding you the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Medal for outstanding service to sexual reform. Who was Magnus Hirschfeld? Here on the history of sex research. In 1735 the Swedish botanist Karl von Linné introduces his "methodus sexualis" i.e. a classification system in which plants a listed according to the character and number of their reproductive structures. This system (now obsolete) greatly impresses most contemporary scholars, but is also attacked as obscene by moralists, because it allows for the cohabitation of a male stamen with several female pistils in one and the same flower. This is considered a defamation of God who cannot possibly have created such depravity. Teachers are urged not to teach Linné's system in school. Whenever someone makes a scientific advance, Christians tend to wonder how they can we prevent it from being known, while the jews ask themselves: how can we twist or turn this to corrupt and swindle the goyim? On May 6, a Nazi goon squad plunders Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexology, which is then promptly closed by the authorities. The library is publicly burned four days later together with the books of other "Un-German" authors like Freud, Brecht, Feuchtwanger, Werfel and Stefan Zweig. Most sexologists lose their opportunities to work, because they are Jewish. The nazis were evil book burners. The minute the jews took over Germany, though the bloody offices of Aryan-Americans, they put anything containing a nazi idea under lock and key.

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