Spintro Archives

"Dawn of the Dude"

Jesus is back, and this time the stakes are in his hands. Here on the trailer-noxious "Man on Fire." Those niggers. They're so level-headed and responsible. I call them "burriffic."

Talking Points for the White Revolution

Common arguments against our position and good ways to address them. Discuss in Forum...by Douglas Wright

Israel, America's Foremost Enemy

A link to VNNF, where we read a nice selection from ex?-Mossad jew Ostrovsky's book explaining how the Mossad manipulates us to do its bidding, whether the destruction of one of its numerous enemies, or something else. References, from ten years ago, to "fully bought" United States Congressman, and Mossad manipulations against Hussein and Iraq. Some things never change, eh? And wot's this?: American White boys are dying to protect little baby jewish pre-liars? Oy, like fun that doesn't sound. Oops, there go eight more White boys, dead to save Hymie's lying, manipulating, murdering, Congressman-buying ass. Has your son died for Israel yet, White man? No? What are you, an anti-Semite?

Jewish Slavers Horribly Mistreated The Black Cargo They Profited From

Jews were hugely involved in the transatlantic slave trade. This little bit of "hushed history" brought to you by VNN, and the good researchers at the Nation of Islam -- who used exclusively jewish sources -- and the honest reviewers at Amazon.com. "I thought the jew was the black man's friend." No, young Chet of jet, he isn't. He pretends to be. Because he finds it to his advantage. The jew is nobody's friend but his own. Return the favor, White man. Return the favor, Black man. Only the jew could claim a book compiled from jewish sources is "anti-Semitic." Thatz more than a bit like claiming you were misquoted in your own autobiography. Read here about the hate that black prof Tony Martin was subjected to for using The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Do you think jews should be allowed to determine the contents of college courses? They do. We highly recommend you pick up a copy of The Jewish Onslaught, detailing prof Martin's experience at the hands of Hate Jews, to be redundant. Of course, he's just another hate-filled, anti-semitic, neo-nazi, although the fact that he's black is interesting. Funny how every other people who comes across the jew describes it in exactly the same way. The fact is that jews pretend to be conservatives, liberals, commies, environmentalists - whatever. When it comes down to it, those are just guises for what they really are: jews. A group of racists that hates every other people. And that is their M.O. for success in this world: ganging up on anybody who criticizes them.

Treading Water IV

On better and worse ways to draw folks in...by Edgar Steele

The Browning of America

Crippling White minds and destroying White futures - Brown has achieved what the barrating jews behind it intended. If you'd like to express your disapproval of this evil Jewish Tyranny, VNN and White Revolution will take to the streets of Topeka on May 15th at 2:00 p.m. You can find us right across from the Monroe school, where you can find the chalk outline around White freedom of association, murdered in a court-ordered bus-by shmueling...by Billy Roper

Hitler's "25 Points" Adapted to America

There is no political party representing White interests. But if there were, here's a position poster....by Robert Y.


Says Jesus-jumpin' Reagan was the one who decided "to throw four decades of Middle East evenhandedness into the dumpster and make Israel something like an F-16-equipped 51st state." Here on tar baby Iraq. For every American soldier who dies over there, a neocon should be executed back here. Here on the fighting. Here some Chronicles commentary. Here Flemio on Kosovo, which is being racially destroyed in line with the jewish dictates of the NWOmongers. You see, the nation-state is outmoded - everywhere but Israel. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. The only time jews don't have a problem with Christian prayer is when they server as a pep talk for brainwashed 'Kwans heading off to battle the myriad enemies of Israel.

David Duke

Latest on Eric Rudolph here. Here on one of the brainwashing techniques used by ZOG. More here, reviews of book on cloning of the AmeriKwan mind. As Mrs. Eakman points out, it is no accident that psychology and politics have come together in order to discover ways to manipulate attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours on a mass scale. While her book is meant to describe the ways in which psychological based curriculum, coupled with electronic data retrieval systems on the part of the State have created psychological profiling and attitude readjustment programs for all school-aged children, her book really out to be read as an expose of more sinister agendas and programs undertaken by governments in this century. Ties in to Culture of Critique, Gatto's work on public schooling, and E. Michael Jones's criticism of Rockefeller and other foundations. If you want your kids mistreated and turned against you, there's no better place than public school, the misnomer for state-controlled attitude adjustment centers you pay for whether you want to or not. Here from Mary Pride, a big name in publishing for home-schoolers. My suggestion: eliminate, skip, or sidestep the first two years of college. Good advice for all parents regarding college.

Atheism and Anti-Jewism Go Together

Page two of article on atheism: We ought never to forget that the twentieth century's greatest American skeptic, H.L. Mencken, was an ugly anti-Semite. Refusing to believe in God does not by itself make you right-thinking. Admiring Semites makes you beautiful and right-thinking? Nah, don't think so, Miss Kike. Christianity admires the ugly and untrue. Atheists admire the true and beautiful. Therefore Christians march off to die for the ugly, lying jew, while atheists try to call those among them with ears back to their senses. If you took 100 random atheists and 100 random Jesus fans, how do you think they'd stack up in terms of sycophancy and IQ? I don't really need to answer, do I? Both sides know what would be found. If Christianity were true, it wouldn't be based on lies. A bit circular, perhaps, but you get the point. Came back from the dead. Hell, you say... That is something. No, we atheists got nothing to top that one. We're just stuck here on earth with our homely little...reality. Jeebus loves the little children of the world. Well, his father chose the jews, so I guess the apple of lack of discrimination didn't fall far from the tree of bad taste. Anyone who loves children can't be all good. Anyone who would choose jews...nah...only jews would choose jews. One of the best things that can be said about religion is that it occupies idiots' time which might otherwise be spend irritating humans. It's not just that you see Jesus stickers on poor cars, it's that you see them on shoddy, unkempt vehicles. It's all of a piece: shoddy thinking, shoddy car, shoddy religion. Remember: Jesus didn't seek customers among the cultured and intelligent, he sought them among the whores and bums. Here Canny on this film about Jesus. And what that reaction reveals is that many Jews -- Orthodox and traditional, as well as modern and secular -- seem to harbor a deep, ineradicable and obsessive hatred of Christianity itself and the central events of the New Testament. It's more than the normal dislike one religion often feels for another, but a hatred drawn from what they insist are centuries of vicious persecution of Jews, a persecution held to come from the heart of Christianity itself. Judaism is hate. Jews are haters. Who do they hate? You. Me. Anyone not them. Here on jew Podhoretz.

Anti-White Discrimination

Every White country has it, just like every White country has jews in charge of the media. Deliberately exacerbating racial tensions for the sake of political gain -- we learn from the case of Sri Lanka -- promotes hatred of a kind and of a degree almost impossible to reverse. What begins with race preference ends with race riots. Thanks, jews. Here on fatherlessness, and government contributing to the problem. It isn't just niggers-in-Africa raping babies. "This is critical, this subject actually preyed on the child found the child behind the school, was a complete stranger, sexually assaulted the child, then just left him there," said JSO Sex Crimes Lieutenant Susan Bowen. Jigs do it all the time. When they're not raping babies, they're spreading AIDS. Here North African shit gang-rapes a human. The 41-year-old British woman, of Somerset, was driven to a derelict house and repeatedly raped after being grabbed by four North African men who beat up her husband. Here on tax slavery, which Whites enjoy so that nigger clowns like Mary Berry can sit around and insult them and pretend they're capable of mamangement beyond wiping a table at MacDonald's. Here are some blunt truths. Most blacks at best barely tolerate Whites, and many or most simply hate them. They know we're from a different and better world. Most blacks are too dense to understand the artificially high lifestyle they enjoy thanks to White brilliance and White tax slavery. Rather than gratitude, blacks feel we owe them more than we're providing, and they're willing to make up the deficit by rape, by theft, by murder, by voting for whichever democratic pol tells them he'll steal more from the guilty race for them to spend on shoes, Sega, rap, and bling. You wouldn't let a monkey loose in your living room; neither should you let a nigger loose in your nation. Quoth Jefferson, "the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." He was referring to Patrice O'Bese and that nasty nigger Keith on the Colin Quinn show. Tax slavery means jew-produced government directs the men with guns to extract money from Whites to create more of the niggers jew-produced television urges us to mix with and worship.

Fruitless Feminism

Women manipulated to serve the jew agenda -- without realizing it -- is what itz all about. Men are evil oppressors. Children are burdens. Giving birth is like dying, but worse. If it comes from a jew, then you know it ain't true. Dumb Dave's readers' comments here. He's a jew, he's a plane, he's a jew, he's a commie, he's a jew, he's a bird, he's a jew, he's a chunk of frozen blue ice, he's a jew, he's a patriot, he's a JEW. Funny thing about the mentality of the pufferfish, by which is meant the stuff of society, the good earnest rather dull-witted but morally regular conservative. The guy who carries on traditions he couldn't have created and doesn't, really, understand. No matter itz jokes or positions or anything - these just repeat what they've heard. And so, "want some cheese with that whine," is effective, no matter it's the thousandth time itz been used. It is socially recognized as "funny," and therefore, whenever you deploy it, you prove you're a regular wit. Now that is funny. But that really is how they think. The significant thing here is that the mass of people cannot be argued into racism. Rather, they will adopt it when it seems successful, or on the verge of success. Average people have no problem with racism, indeed they're inclined to it, but they're most inclined to follow Authority, which by virtue of its being Authority has proved its worthiness of being followed. There's something biological at work here, which cannot be got around. Irate minorities lighting brushfires in genuine thinkers' and potential leaders' minds iz our task, should we choose to accept it. And we do.

The Hate That Surpasseth All Understanding

The peripatetic jew Lapin affects to explain why jews hate Gibson. It's simple: they're not jews! They're secular yoomanists. Real jews believe that Jesus was a super fellow. Certainly not boiling in a vat of semen or shit for all eternity, no matter what the Talmud -- hey, you're not supposed to know that! No, jews love Jesus. They hung him up in plein air, the world his gallery. Then they roped off Calvary and charged admission. Jews are like that. Here a jew says Mel should be nominated by a tiny party. If Mel ran and survived the jews' attempt to assassinate him, he would win.

We Are Storing Up Hatred of Ourselves

Arabs hate us. Quite rightly. "We," and by we I mean jews and the fools they tool, attacked them for no reason, while blathering on about how heroic and angelic and liberty-loving "we" are. Arabs don't need to be liberated by AmeriKwans. Americans need to be liberated from jews. Even now the dirty kikes are pressing for more stupidly short-sighted and unjustified attacks on people who've done us no wrong. The jews who control America expect us to pay the tab for their hatred of all living things that aren't jews. Iraq doesn't need liberation, America needs liberation. How many presidential advisers aren't jews? How many opinion columnists aren't jews? How many papers aren't owned by jews? How many of the remnant rump aren't afraid of jews? "Land of the free," they say - because it isn't true.

An Honest Teacher

Inevitably finds herself at war with the judeo-System. Almost everybody not on the eating side of the parasitism knows the system is "irretrievably broken." But itz only broken from the host's perspective. The parasite likes it just fine. And sees no need to fix it. "White kids are dumbed down - the system is failing," says the White parent. "White kids are dumbed down - the system is succeeding," says the jew. Get it? Here an eminent Spongebob fan proves that because some nations exhibit hybris, the concept of nations is inherently evil and can be got beyond. The Asslanese invaders are wrecking California schools.


Randall Terry's kid goes the son-o'-Schlafly route. Glutician is an unwise career choice, young male readers. But get this: In March of 1988, my then-wife and I took Jamiel in as a foster child when he was 8 years old. We also took in his baby sister (almost 3 years old)) and their older sister (12 years old). We adopted him and his younger sister when he was nearly 15 and she was 9. He came to us as a deeply troubled boy, from a very dark home. He was literally born in jail. Oh God, an officer and a gentleman. What Christian fools don't seem to grasp is that you don't make a wild animals tame with luv. You leave them in their natural habitats and don't touch them. He was recently arrested for DWI; he is knowingly writing bad checks on a closed bank account; he dropped out of school; he doesn't have a job (and refuses to get one); he bounces from house to house living off other people; he's racked-up huge bills for friends and family that he cannot pay; he's been taken to court by former friends to get him to pay money he owed them; he's lied to his friends, telling them his "famous dad" was going to send him money to pay for his debts (I get calls or e-mails from college friends looking for money); he has "borrowed" money from countless numbers of my friends; he has a trail of wrecked friendships and family relationships because of deceit, money fraud and crossed boundaries - a mirror image of the home he was in from birth to 8. Damn. Sounds like Christianity wasn't enough to make a human out of a nigger. Water into wine. Water into walkway. Death into life. If you gulp that semitic sewage, why not nigger into human? Jamiel's Out story here. Christians are alchemists, and alchemy is fake chemistry and real failure. And lying. Lots of unsubstantiated claims to lubricate the flow of left-behinders. By which I allude to school, not Rapture.

Back to Duking It Out

Duke's out. During the 1991 gubernatorial race that drew national attention, Edwards defeated Duke in a runoff that resulted in a 79.7 percent voter turnout -- among the highest in modern Louisiana history. In accordance with his plea agreement, Duke may still seek office. Come to think of it, whatever happened to Alex Curtis? Wasn't he supposed to be getting out about now? Write in if you know.

The Jew Plan

Destroy all competing races, nations, and states. The idea that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units, occurs again and again in Israeli strategic thinking. The jews lie about the "Holocaust" and everything else. The Christian Manion takes pains to preserve the church's reputation rather than attacking the lie head on. There were no six million jews killed by Nazi Germany. We've long passed the point when honest men can pretend otherwise. Soap, lampshades, gas chambers. Just a few years ago, the jews claimed all three. Now they've admitted the first two are jewish lies. The third they'll admit when they perceive it to their benefit. "We were brought up to lie. It was how you got through life," as jew Lewinsky explained. "Great masters of the lie" is what Schopenhauer called jews. Every jew is not just a liar, it's a hater too. See jew Krauthammer on "Passion." Jews like Krauthammer have made earth the most disreputable planet in the solar system. You just can't win with the wonderful world of kikes: THEY kill Jesus, YOU are the bad guy. No matter what happens, the goy is guilty. He must pay and expiate for all times. EVERY JEW A PEARL. I think jew Krauthammer should apologize for killing Christ, or we'll have his maid pinch his nose shut until he does. Which is what makes Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" such a singular act of interreligious aggression. He openly rejects the Vatican II teaching and, using every possible technique of cinematic exaggeration, gives us the pre-Vatican II story of the villainous Jews. God damn, nobody can lie like the jew: what chutzpah. Jews murder Jesus, Gibson's the bad guy. He has commmitted a "singular" act of aggression. When jew Krauthammer's fellow jews make movie after movie about perverted Catholic priests, and make them a staple butt of every DJ, sitcom and comedy skit, why, nobody says a word. That double standard is the famous yooish hutzpah - brazen lying. Hey, Christian Manion: you do understand that the difference between the Nazis and the jews is that the Nazis never tried to destroy the Catholic church? You do understand that, right? Which makes your protestations that, in fact, the church tried to help the jews-who-hate-it all the more weak and pitiful. Arguing with jews is a classic symptom of not-getting-it. Jews never argue. Jews frame and smear - only. Arguments are for us - for honest Aryans trying to sort things out. For the jewroaches we have only our boot coming down and their internal roachy mallowmar exiting posthaste.

Bravery and Cowardice

Standing up to the jews who tyrannize America is brave. Going along with the jews' racist hate attacks on the French is cowardly.

The Jewish Preservation Act

When the Aryan finally sets his hand to an order three thousand years in the making, thatz what he'll call the final solution, in a tribute to God's "chosen" people and their eternal duplicity. And the museum of holocaust lies in Washington will be refashioned into the Museum of Jewish Crimes. Sounds like Johnny Cat Assclump's in line for the "strange new respect" award. FBI agents may now storm into a bookstore or library and demand records of books purchased or checked out - or merely asked about - as a new form of censorship. Democracy binds the intelligent to the stupid masses: The "U.S. Patriot Act" is a classic piece of Washington, D.C. propaganda. Politicians know that few of their colleagues will have the spine to ever vote against anything called "patriot act," "civil rights bill," "support the troops legislation," etc., even if such legislation has nothing at all to do with enhancing patriotism, civil rights, or support for the military. ...meaning that those in position to brainwash the masses hold the real power. Ashcroft's is the kind of mess passing for "leadership" you get when you combine supernatural fantasy (Bible) with things you can't say (whatever Jewish Tyranny forbids) and plain law (Constitution). These things are inherently incompatible, and to make them so requires mental contortions that only someone who able to swallow bilge like the Dude Who Came Back is capable of. It is plain that the Founders were racists. It is plain that their racism is based on biological fact. It is plain that jews lie about the Founders. It is plain that jews want to destroy the White race. It is plain that jews use every means, fair and foul, to silence anyone who points out what they are doing. It is plain that American freedom is incompatible with jews. The whole enterprise of defending Lincoln that has been the occupation of Harry Jaffa and his fellow Straussian neocons for decades is based almost exclusively on the latter: praising Lincoln's political rhetoric, often "reinterpreting" it to twist Lincoln's own words and portray them in the best possible light, while ignoring reality. Yes, but DiLorenzo is not strong enough to carry his point all the way home, which means, he is too weak a man to give you the all-important why: jew Jaffa and the jews lie about Lincoln because jew Jaffa and the rest of the Straussians find lying about Lincoln to be "good for jews." They find that they have a jewish racial interest in misreprenting American heroes as, in effect, jews themselves. Thus does a racist dictator like Lincoln become an egalitarian democrat in the mouths of the hysterical hymies. The way to defeat the jews is not simply to put out the facts about Lincoln, but to attack the motives of the hymies who misrepresent him, and tie them and their historical lies to their modern misrepresentations - such as those which led to the unjustified attack on Iraq. The libertarians cannot do this successfully because they lack the fortitude to come to grips with the Real Lincoln themselves. Lincoln was a racist, and his racism is justified. DiLorenzo acknowledges the first part, but for fear of Jaffa and the jews, he dare not bring up the second. Rather, he faults Lincoln for not being a liberal jew! The jews correctly interpret this as cowardice, and laugh that even their "worst" enemies accept the their framing of the debate: i.e., that there's something wrong and evil about racism, rather than natural and normal. The jews know who their real enemies are, and that is why they go after VNN and leave LRC carefully alone. Fake opposition helps the jews by drawing away the attention of intelligent men who might otherwise find the one path that can save the society the folks at LRC and VNN both want to live in. NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE.

Why Restoring the Constitution is Not the Answer

Opening the borders to the Third World and devious jews controlling the mass media are perfectly legal under the Constitution. They just happen to wreck the nation. The Constitution is a starting point. The next Constitution must secure White rights on a racial basis....by Joe McCarthy

The Real Talmud

Judaism is based on hatred of non-jews, and its "holy" books are compendiums of rubbish mixed with exhortations to lie, steal and murder wherever it benefits the unholy Tribe...by William

Making a Differance

A company scurries to comply with the ubiquitous jew tax on goyim after a WN letter writer praises it for being the rare company appearing not to succumb to jewish hate extortion...by Rich Brooks

Easter: The Backstory

Wie es eigentlich went down....by Jennifer Stewart

Help Stamp Out Anti-Aryanism!

The media controllers wail about anti-Semitism nonstop, but even as they run ad after drama after sitcom after news report attacking Aryans as guilty haters. This must end. And that means we Aryans must end it....by Val Koinen

Destroying Our Good Name

America is now hated - thanks to the jews collectively, but especially to those who control our government and media. When the suicide bombers show up at ADL headquarters, whatever crawls crabwise and half-dead away from the shitheap of Israel-first racketeers will unfurl its eye stalks and and pincer-wave its stolen flag - our flag. Donald Rumsfeld is extending the stay for the troops, effectively drafting them for service. This has made angry and demoralized US troops - not to speak of their families - ever madder. AmeriKwa operates on a single commandment: that which is "good for jews" must be done, no matter your interests or inclinations, Aryan. The question is: how much longer do we put up with the jew? Here jew Greenhut, even, mocks Suckpoop Joe, friend of Israel, enemy of America. Go back to your old job, Joe, the one you're qualified for: gay rodeo clown. I don't believe 9/11 occurred without the knowledge of many in Israel and in the United States. I believe a real attack on AmeriKwa, as opposed to an attack with jewish production values, would look more like targeted killings of neocon warmongers, including jew and jew-toadying "journalists" and ADL racketeers. That the war has been lost and damaged the credibility of the jews who deserved none in the first place in no way lessens the fact that they believed 9/11 would redound to their benefit. I think it would be really funny if al-Kaida were to assassinate, say, jew Charles Krauthammer, as a response to the murder of Yassin. Al-Qaeda would be foolish to a jewish level to attack ordinary Americans, which is to say real Americans, by which I mean White Americans, another way of saying the only Americans. And if another attack on White Americans does occur, it will be more than likely a jewish production, like that movie about a noble nigger who cares only about protecting the innocent blonde girl. Don't believe it for a minute. Why cry and love and hate whom the government tells you to? Why not think and act and be a man, Aryan? Since, I assume, al-Kyda is made up of Muslims rather than jews, I assume they aren't so full of hybris they think they can take on and defeat a roiled up White America. The jews have sent our troops abroad while leaving our border undefended at home. Perhaps I'm not the only one to have noticed that. Any terrorists thinking about attacking real America as opposed to jews-in-America had best think twice. Attacking White America is about the only thing that could drag defeat from the jaws of victory, at this point. America does not support the jews' attack on Iraq, and it grows angrier by the month. By the day, the last few days. We real Americans know there is no reason for us to be over there, no matter what goy stooges like Dennis Miller and Suckpoop Joe Farah say. Whatever target a "terrorist" or freedom fighter might select, it would be important that the lesson drawn be difficult to spin. And that is why if we wake up and read that the AEI, say, jumped up in the air very suddenly, it would more than likely be the work of those fighting to liberate themselves from AmeriKwan oppressors, whereas if we wake up to hear that hundreds have died from poisoned water in L.A., it is probably the Mossadists. As I have said, do say, and will continue to repeat, we are hated because of the jews who operate in our name. And anyone who counters their agenda gets sheeny-slimed. Here Robert Byrd on Iraq. Jews lie, Whites die: Up to 300 dead in Falluja Here Fisk. And here reamo's latest. More on Fallujah. As the marines inched foward block-by-block taking sniper fire and hit-and-run attacks with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, a US medic said the resistance was more intense than in last spring's invasion. Seems like Iraqis have democratically decided they'd rather fight and die than be ruled by jew puppets.

Canada, Where Thought Crime Iz Redundant

It's "combating racism" when jews attack you. It's "hate" when you resist. The people who know the jews best...blow themselves up to get rid of them. What does that tell you about jews? What makes the jew so detested by everybody who comes across it? Could it be his "religion" that teaches him that he is a God and everybody else an animal fit only to serve him? No, we'd better look elsewhere. Here jew Boot celebrates genocide of South African whites. Here on the invasion and Mex Fox's attitude. More here on Canada. Ottawa wants to reinforce the vast array of legal tools that are available to tackle racism and to encourage the police to take effective action to stamp it out. Here similar at Saddleback back home in the 'Kwa. One kid stands up to the wigger lies: "How can you say we live in a white-supremacist society when most of the media is controlled by Jewish people?" asked a white student wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt. "White people have blond hair and blue eyes," he continued. (He had brown hair.) "Jewish people aren't white, but it's a documented fact that they control the media. So where is this white conspiracy?" Great job. Here are the views of a race-cult which blames every group but itself for "hate."

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have Coontact

Great stuff. You can't eat just one. Is there anything as disgusting as a nigger? Two niggers? Well, yes, you have a point. But the answer is no: the nigger is the most disgusting thing on the planet. Other planets look at us and laugh behind their hands.


At this stage of the game, there's value in any institution perpetuating values and practices independent of ZOG, no matter how foolish the beliefs on which those institutions are founded.

Media: Internet vs Government Televitz

Yo-yo example from Japan. Tv is only influential when used against the jewish agenda, never when used to promote it. Here on the origin of the term 'judeo-Christian.' Its widespread use arose out of the two religions' common interest in pushing the jewish agenda. Here on "Passion" breaking records in Italy. Here Fallaci on spread of Islam through Europe. "In each of our cities lies a second city: a Muslim city, a city run by the Quran. A stage in the Islamic expansionism." The book comes more than two years after the Italian writer's best-selling essay "The Rage and The Pride" drew accusations Fallaci was inciting hatred against Muslims. Here Clear Channel, owned by Bush buddy, drops jew Stern. Here more proof of suppressed market for moral or Christian or White movies.

Jews Here, Jews There, Jews Everywhere

How can a jew be associated with an Islamic Progress Institute? The same way a jew can be a speaker at a Jared Taylor meeting. Being a jew entitles one to a universal backstage pass. A jew can write for WND, AmRen, and LRC - all on the same day. A lesbian jewess rock comedian provides expert commentary on a country music video station. Being a jew is some sort of automatic qualification, automatic waiver, automatic validation. It really is a neat little reflexive nepotism these Original Haters have set up for themselves.

Blame 'Boos, Blame Jews

Forces for national and international destruction. Wanted dead or alive, but preferably the former. Has your son died for Israel yet? Has your husband died for Israel yet? Has your father died for Israel yet? Don't worry little baby, Mrs. soldier, Toby Keith will make a nice video and everything will be super dandy. D.C., not K.C., is the town where the clowns lay it down, to quote the old negro spiritual. Let the record show that we White Nationalists deserve the most credit, and we are not shy in claiming it, for being right about this war. And not partly right, wholly right, for unlike the cowards at LRC's home for gerbils and the anal-Habitrails over at antiwar, we correctly blamed JEWS and their agenda for lying about WMDs and causing this war in the first place. Only White Nationalists can explain why the war happened, and only WN can predict what will happen in the future because only WN have the courage or brains to point out that the jewish agenda -- whatz "good for jews" -- is the sole policy driver in our "land of the free to agree with sheenies." Give yourselves a pat on the back, people. They give us no credit BECAUSE they know we're right, and BECAUSE they know they're cowards. Nothing to see in the pale cons, nothing to see in the little terriers, nothing to see in the bathhouse brigade, nothing to see anywhere but right here. NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE. Say, how many of those 600+ dead are shmuels, anyway? Uncle Shmuel wantz you: TO DIE FOR ISRAEL. Hey jewfags, bring on the draft, I dare you! Come on, fuzznuts, give a whirl. The country loves you, right? Even with complete media control you dare not! Ah...hahahahahaha! This is me laughing at you. You just try it, and we'll rip the 'Kwa apart. Here's a nice example of the people of the double standard: jew Pipes is free to cant on "fixing Islam." If someone wrote an article on fixing judaism, it would be bashed in every corner as anti-semitism. Because a "religion" that teaches its adherents are gods and outsiders animals needs no adjustment. jew Pipes says muzzy must be secularized. As in, Real World Baghdad. Get 'em all focused on screwing and drinking like the dumb Aryans. That will take care of the political problem and put more money in kikey coffers. See how the jews work hand in glove? The israeli army moves into Ramallah or wherever, a few hours later they're blasting porn into traditional communities. Not for nothing but for everything are kikes known through history as "nation-wreckers." Itz time we wreturned the favor. Jews do not and have never acknowledged the right of other peoples to exist, let alone live the way they think best. Rather, jews teach their jewlets that all the goods of this world belong to jews, and such portion as remains in gentile hands may freely be stolen, swindled, whatever it takes to bring it back into the beanie baby bolsa.

Free Trade = Death Trade

The economy is supposed to serve the citizens. As is the government. And the media. But today they all serve Big Jew. Free-trade Republicans are like militant Christian Scientists who prefer to let patients die rather than call in a doctor - which is fine, as long as you're not the patient. Listen to Mr. Pat, dissing the C.S., kissing the kike. Let me tell you Pattycake, your picking that nigress for running mate was about as CS as you could get. Your evasion of the abiding importance of race is utterly CiSsy and it kills a whole nation, not just a handful of kids. Still, C.S. is a well chosen example, and the patient is usually their own kid! Nothing is as easy to stand as another's pain, as someone once said. The Twitchells up in Boston stood by their Christian Science practitioner while their daughter literally coughed up shit from an obstructed bowel. Conservatism is reducible to a single tenet: reality exists. Liberalism likewise: reality doesn't exist. Christian Science, free trade, liberalism, any form of egalitarianism -- all these substitute headfarts for hard facts, and their practitioners are only too happy let you die from obstructed bowel, lose your job to India, get murdered by the "liberated" nigger -- and criticize, jail, or murder you if you resist. More here from PaTaki's house of half-way, where, you'll remember, MacDonald's top-drawer critique of the 20th-century kike was panned. Average Reps are unhappy with Bushy dos, and would like a White man and a White party to represent them. As long as they're satisfied turning to Buchanan for fake answers to real questions, they'll never get it. If you say race and jews don't exist or don't matter, you're a liberal, no matter your party affiliation. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, and you can't make a nation out of Mexicans and Nigerians. Just a mudpie. There is no leadership in America. This is because we are a democracy, where the will of the brainwashed masses must be catered to. The average person cannot think beyond functional connections necessary to get him through his day. The minority that can is subject to the most intense brainwashing the human race has ever produced. Start with anti-intellectual prison for twenty years, intense drugging, and tens of thousands of hours of exposure to maniacally kaleidoscopic images, and nobody's head gets out alive. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW. Think about it: almost NOBODY wants these shitskins in America. Yet there is only ONE public politician, Tancredo, who opposes their invasion. And even he only opposes it on certain grounds. They tell us this is the land of the free. They insist on it. Hysterically. Well, I guess they need to. If we were free, they wouldn't need to claim it so stridently. "The faster the jew spoke of the land of the free, the quicker I counted the repealed amendments." Absolutely none of the problems plaguing America can't be dealt with. They are all -- all the major ones -- purely the product of tiny but organized minorities operating against the interests but in the name of the millions of ordinary White citizens. Until somebody overtly stands up to lead these people, and lead them against their real enemy, the jew, nothing will change. The Republicans sold out. And they didn't sell out yesterday or five years ago, they sold out 20-30 years ago, if not longer. Only the Pet-whipped say Mexicans are human. Only the jew-bought and -sold say MLK is a hero. Only the natural-born cur like the bushies and the dolorites point to a genuine up-stander like Duke and spit hysterically about exists "clearly marked." Whatz clearly marked is the jewish sperm all over the face of Republicuntz and the shit coating their efficacious and quick-licking tongues. More here on H1B abuse. "America isn't a country, it's just a place you go to get rich," as one chink said somewhere I forget. Pauli has some fresh data nugs on outsourcing. The jew, at one point, could have been a catalyst for good, but the jew chose to be a catalyst for evil. What I mean is, look at the online dating service eharmony. It apparently arose out of some goy's honest attempt to design a way for naturally compatible couples to find each other. The guy succeeds -- and makes a profit. Now, I am assuming the founder is a goy, and if I'm wrong, I'll eat crow. But this is such an essentially constructive and helpful use of new technology, that one instinctively assumes the founder is an honest Aryan. Because one knows that the jew would instinctively support such a site only if it linked jews, and would promote the get-laid-easy aspect of an online dating service offered to goys. The point of this spintro, to make it explicit, is that jews exist on earth at our Aryan suffrance, and we've suffranced them enough. We should kill them all and recreate our happy, peaceful and productive societies we knew before they gained control. So many problems in life are really conditions, and little or nothing can be done about them. The jewish problem is not like that at all. To solve it all we have to do is physically eradicate jews. That is difficult, but doable. We've taken this pernicious race far too lightly in the past, content to sneer at its obvious physical, moral, and intellectual barrenness and instinctive shit-tropism. But now it's time to put them in the ash can of history, along with the 99.9% of species that ever existed -- which are now extinct. Before we've brushed them away, swept them aside. Next time the expulsion must be vertical. Verily I say unto you, this is the solution we seek. This is the solution that solves: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. A solution we can live with. Angry you were born too late? No new continents to conquer? There's your challenge. There's your Aryan quest: retaking the Continent you won from the controlling jew. Are you worthy, Aryan? Here bushy brother married to the drug-addicted cunt from colombia or some other shithole, urges driver's licenses for cockamaroaches. When there's no difference between citizen and invader, the nation does not exist. "We shouldn't allow them to come into our country to begin with," Bush said. "But once they're here, what do you do? Do you say that they're lepers to society? That they don't exist? It seems that a policy that ignores them is a policy of denial." And that is the sound of the WASP jewing.

Hate Crime Hoaxes, to be Redundant

Michelle Malkin, the pinay, gives a rundown. Malkin is an old Flipism for "married to a kike." Note the included link to an MP3 of kike cunt Dunn, a woman literally too stupid to commit her own-goal hate crime without checking to see that nobody was looking. D'oh! I hate when that happens. Meanwhile, the inflamed flamers of Harvard, part shul, part bathhouse, knows how to put the pus in campus. Itz Pat? No, itz "Gaypril." What the jewmedia won't tell you is that Harvard actively and proudly discriminates against Aryans, and it pays a professor to encourage White genocide. Wouldn't it be a shame if VNN had to bring you news that Noel Ignatiev had been abolished between days? I hope it never falls my lot to bring you such tearful report.

"Passion" Reaction Abroad

Belgium. All the usual forces are aligned against it: the hate rabbi, the gutless priest, the editor. But the masses love the movie. As I say, the jews are congenitally unable to make movies that don't shit on ordinary whites, their history, and their beliefs. Here it's Davy Crockett. Whether itz downplaying-to-denigrating the achievements of Aryan heroes or amplifying the negligible achievements of nigs and squaws, the jew producer is always a liar. I guarantee you Mel Gibson's new production company could make a movie in one month that would outdraw what this latest shitonwhitey Disney pic is going to draw fivefold. Jews are like a walked dog that has to piss on every single tree, sign, bush, park bench it comes across. If we allow them to murder our economy in the name of free trade, and our people in the name of "democracy," and our minds in name of "free speech," we're fools. Freedom Alliance says the film has Crockett captured, bound and executed on his knees after the battle was over, "even though the historical evidence shows that he was killed fighting, in the thick of combat, during the battle." Again, workaday. That's the word here: workaday. Day in, day out, we and our young children are subjected to vicious lies about our honorable ancestors, who are depicted as scurrilous cowards, even as their older brothers are sent half a world away to die to advance the agenda of the Israeli brothers of the jews making these hate films. When do we rise up and slaughter the jews, White man? ITZ COMING. They're heading the right direction in Canada, where criminalization of criticism of the people who do nothing but criticize others produces the natural result. But let's not be hasty; anytime a jewish hate center or hate shul is attacked, the first suspect is the jew itself, the lightning unto nations. Oy, that the sacred scrolls, I mean insurance monies, may be recovered. You know, it just makes me weep, the picture at that link, at the sniffy thought that some poor jew, you know how bad jewlets' eyes often are, might have to struggle double-hard to make out the Talmy message of love about Jesus boiling in the devil's jacuzzi of excrement for all eternity. I think we may need to take up a collection. Mmm, cajun-style Torah, my favorite! How did you know? You're so thoughtful, you! Hey, when does VNN get a nice flattery writeup about all the jewish hate we have to deal with? All the jew attempts to prevent our using public utilities and commercial carriers? All the jew attempts to deny us our civil rights? Never? Oh that's right. That's why we exist in the first place. Rest assured, kikes, all is noted. And nothing will be forgotten when it comes to taking it out of your peltz. ITZ COMING.

When Facts Are "Hate," You're Living in a Tyranny

Nigger spreads AIDS. To multiple white women. NA puts out flyers. Flyers cite facts about jig carriers. Facts come direct from government sources. Jewed media cry "hate." Soviet Union? No. Good ol' AmeriKwa. Where free men daren't say boo to a jew. And citing the government's own statistics is a hate crime. And every single paper in the land frames its "stories" exactly the same way. In a tyranny like AmeriKwa, journalism is a government job. Journalists in 2004 don't report stories, they push agendas.

White Education: Need to Read Images

Paglia's right about media education - she just doesn't go far enuf. Children must be shielded from the jew hallucination box when very young, then taught the meaning of the nightmares it projects when they are older. They must learn to view Televitz as the instrument by which tyranny is exercised over the Aryan by the controlling jew, and learn to translate its homilies into items on the current jewish agenda. Teaching children about jewed television is no different from teaching them to identify poisonous snakes and mushrooms. The difference is that the latter two are rarely encountered, whereas jewed media are ubiquitous. Here the always interesting and more than slightly evasive North on new technology. Note the way he drops a name and evades race. Scared and self-important, what an odd and common combination among the fake opposition.

"Interfaith" Iz Infected Intercourse with Inimical Izzy

Def: a version of your faith compatible with jewish interests. (Please note: this version is subject to change at a momen't notice.) Christian fools make great jew tools. Is your pastor in the pay of the Pets? Those dirty scheming blind quadruplegics. Why won't they leave our pretty little Israel alone? Here a long assertion of pagan Norse values against Christianity. Here on the dangers of social gospel Christianity, as seen in wars from the present back to jews' war i. Real Christianity like that on tap in "Passion," which just topped $100m overseas, is what attracts people, not the touchy-feely jew-safe bilge. The worldwide total is $431 million. The biblical epic has been released in 43 markets. Latin America has generated $36.2 million, Australasia has contributed $10.8 million and Poland has clocked $9.4 million. Western Europe (including last weekend's bows in France, Spain, Holland and Scandinavia as well as holdovers in the U.K. and Germany) has chipped in with $21.8 million. The jews killed Christ. Now they're killing Christians. Murdering their nations with mud floods. Mingling them out of existence with porno and promiscuity campaigns over Petvision. Enstupidating them through government anti-schools. Haranguing honest men non-stop about "hate." There is a not a single recorded instance of a jew described as a "hater," or a jewish organization as a "hate group."

Media: Outsourcing Hymiewood

"My Big Fat Greek Wedding" falls into the same category as "Passion," a movie that treats ordinary Whites and their ideas and heritage seriously, something the jew is congenitally unable to do without a production code to its head. Make your own movies, White talent. Canada is the biggest threat to the US film industry today... Here on "Passion" opening in Italy. Notice there's no complaints about the depiction of Roman soldiers as sadistic. Only jews cry about everything, all the time. Only jews have to. Judaism is an increasingly tenuous scam. We smell you, dumper foxmen.

Pubic Shmuels: 'Sex Education'

It isn't education, it's promiscuity brainwashing. Academics at Nottingham University are reported to have found that expanding contraceptive services and providing the morning-after pill free to teenagers have encouraged sexual behaviour rather than reducing it. They discovered that sexual activity and sexually transmitted diseases have risen fastest in those areas where the Government's policy has been most actively pursued. Here on the intersection of Catholicism and economics. They won't fight to defend their race, but they'll risk their lives to defend trees and caterpillars.

The Swagger o' the Suckpoop

Like a drunken moll screeching at her biker boyfriend to beat the shit out of some guy, faggy Joe urges death and destruction for Palestine, Fallujah - anywhere someone resists the jews he shills for. In other words, we may need to flatten Fallujah. We may need to destroy it. We may need to grind it, pulverize it and salt the soil, as the Romans did with troublesome enemies. Quite frankly, we need to make an example out of Fallujah. "Quite frankly," wow. You are one brave pufferfish. Sucky Joe's gonna level with us. We may need to level Fallujah. It's that serious. Those who think religion a force for good are put to the test by men like Farah. It's time to take off the velvet gloves. It's time to stop being Mr. Nice Guy. It's time to cease worrying about collateral damage. It's time to show all Iraqis and their brothers and sisters throughout the Middle East that it doesn't pay to mess with Americans. They need to see there is no profit in it. They need to understand we mean business. What a putz. Sucky Joe's not a writer, he's a cliché liner-upper. He needs a twelve-step self-help program. "My name is Suckpoop Joe, and I am addicted to Israel." It must help gene-spreading is all I can figure, this jew-defining incapacity for acknowledging even the theoretical possibility that one might be the guilty party, the aggressive party, the "hateful" party. Non-jew 'Kwans have been in judea's thrall so long they've come to emulate his hyperself-righteousness. The war in Iraq is not over. It won't be over until Fallujah and the rest of the Sunni triangle is fully pacified. Yeah, that'll do it. Blind fool. Or paid tool. You be the judge. I'm surprised Suckpoop Joe doesn't sell IDF holy relics on ShopNetDaily. Here a WSJer says, with regard to "Passion" reception, Christians don't threaten jews, at least not in America. What about jews? Do they threaten Christians? I mean, besides driving their symbols from public places and defaming them in newspapers daily? One cannot imagine WSJ running an editorial raising the issue. Part of the scam called judaism involves portraying the persecutors as the persecuted. Jews don't fear goyim, they hate them. Just imagine, as I say, a Christian preacher given a free yard to expatiate on Whether Jews Threaten American Christians. "Whether they're encouraging Christian boys to die in a war to spread Israel against an "enemy" that never attacked us, or driving a creche out of Cincinnati, or trying to suppress a movie about their in-house engineering of the lynching of Jesus, jews' actions daily remind us why 'judeo-Christian' is the spit-take of spirituality. Listen up, boobele, the world's dopiest fourth-greater knows what's best for you.

Media: NYC's 50 Worst

Good stuff from NYPress. The chief of David Deutsch Associates says he only hires "Jews, chicks and fags," and is known for tearing off his shirt during office hours and saying -- without irony -- things like, "I can kick the ass of any CEO in advertising!" Interesting statement. If a White man made it, he would be sued by the state's jew-controlled "Civil Rights" Commission. I guess there really is free speech in America - for jews. Don't miss the excellent bite on Dumper Foxman, #37 and a growth stock.

Adbusters Names the Jew

These greens could really get clever if they applied their concept of true-costing to niggers and...jews. For example, overtly we pay $1 million an hour to their Israel. But indirectly they're responsible for: huge amounts of crimes committed by the niggers they loosed through the destruction of White freedom called "civil rights"; spiraling public costs thanks to invasion of Mexicans, not least including the sprawl they hate so much. Here on a conservative estimate from a Muslim cleric who says the Koran points out 20 negative jewish traits, and one positive one. The bad traits, he said, are fabricating; listening to lies; disputing and quarreling; hiding the truth and supporting deception; rebelling against the prophets and rejecting their guidance; hypocrisy; wishing evil on people; feeling pain at others' happiness and feeling happiness at others' afflictions; rudeness and vulgarity; murder of innocents; mercilessness and heartlessness; breaking promises; cowardice; and miserliness. For Christ's sake: what about swindling?

Hale Trial Begins Tomorrow

Defense attorneys plan to urge jurors at Hale's trial starting Wednesday to listen carefully to the tapes because, they say, the FBI's informant is the only one urging violence. Here on an attack on a jew training center in Canada. As with anything bad that happens to jews, you have to triple-check they didn't burn or paint the thing themselves for insurance or sympathy. Here sensitive negroes blubber over April Fool's paper slur. The Tartan, the student paper at Carnegie Mellon University, fired the cartoonist, agreed not to publish again until fall and decided to hire an ethics manager to review future issues. Two editors also resigned. What soft cherubic things, these gentlenegroids be. How much you wanna bet the ethics reviewers will find many a 'white trash' and have no problem with it? Hang out with niggers, white girl, reap your reward. Downes said Burkheimer was "hogtied" and carried into Jihad's garage. She was held hostage for several hours before being shoved into a duffel bag. Anderson, Whitaker and two other defendants then drove Burkheimer to a remote site near Gold Bar, where Anderson shot her...

Seven More Americans Die for Israel

How many jews-in-America have died in this jews' war? We've heard of one. Which American interest depends on who controls Iraq? Not one.

'Natural Heritage' Theft

The NPS and partnering state and local entities have created 24 NHA's encompassing 160,000 square miles of mostly privately owned lands since 1984.


Jews have a dick bris, they need an arrogance bris. AmeriKwans who 'poop them need a fool bris. Good examples of what we mean when we say jews murdered America. The "Scarlett O'Hara moment" he calls for starts with blaming the guilty party: jews. The libertarians like Jarvis say there's nothing conservative about the warmongering the jewy neocons and 'poopz engage in, but neither is there anything conservative about pretending we can get past race, as they do. Here on the twat-licking jewess-by-choice Dunn. If your religion, chosen or otherwise, teaches that all others are unclean beasts, you might be a hate criminal. Sounds like the dumb cunt did it to inspire her students. Faking hate crimes is masturbation for the jewed left. You would have to see the Claremont colleges, irenically set amidst eucalyptus trees, to see how jarring and unlikely a crime of the type Dunn staged would be. A week later, police said they had found two people who had seen Dunn vandalize her own car. This criminal cunt should be fired post-haste. So many students didn't understand the anti-Semitic slur found on Dunn's car that Hillel, an on-campus Jewish organization, produced a fact sheet explaining the term kike... Who first used the term 'kike'? Why, it was a jew term used to describe a subset of their number. Do you think that fact made the fact sheet? Come on, these are jews we're talking about. Facts, as any rabbi will tell you, are anti-Semitic, because they can't change to fit the jew agenda. No, facts and truth are no friends of the jew. Jews prefer words, because these can be twisted beyond recognition. Words are plastic, and jews are the rhinoplastic demons of decomposition. And get this - imagine someone this stupid being hired at a good college: The woman said she and another person were parked, waiting for a friend, when a car pulled into the adjacent spot. A tree partially hid the car in which they sat. The young woman told Huang that she and her companion saw a woman get out of the car and puncture her own tires. They thought "it was really weird," Huang said, and decided to drive away. As they pulled out, the woman who was puncturing her own tires called out, "Hey, what's going on?" I mean, how fucking dumb do you have to be not to check the car next to you before you trash your own for political reasons? Like AA niggers who know they're hired for being niggers, a dependency is induced by the relaxed standards and the niggers/mexes/lesbos push down to see how far they go. The dumb twat knew two people had seen her trash her own car, and still went ahead with it! This is an indirect indication of how little respect she has for herself or those who hire her. But again - why should she? Like a teenager, she wants to be shown the limits. But instead, she gets more of the same tolerance that landed her a job in the first place. Again, the opportunity cost here is staggering: two generations of white men, so far, who have been driven out of liberal-arts professions to make room for incompetent women and coloreds and the radical jews who produce them. What a waste. Nothing will change until we get rid of the jews. Dunn is a symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. It really would be interesting to see an honest academic appraisal of the psychology and power-motives behind witchhunting in 17th century Salem and hatehunting in 21st century AmeriKwa. Sick religion, sick rituals. Is it possible that Dunn's poorly staged "hate crime" was an initiation ceremony into the racist hate gang called jews? Judaism is the reductio ad absurdity of racism. It's not just that they think they're better or want to live apart. Judaism makes the religious claim that jews are Gods, literally, and non-jews, literally, are animals. Dunn was just trying to fit in with her hate group of choice. Get this choice closer: Jessica Roundy, a 22-year-old senior and student in Dunn's psychology class, said: "The hardest part is knowing that we may never know." Umm, except "we" do know. She did it herself. But the heroic jew-addled libs must keep up pretenses at any cost. They call this shit education, and charge $20k a year for it.

Nigs Practice for Freaknic

Black scholars get their cap on.

Zimbabwe: Jigs Keep Farms

They can't run them. They couldn't create them. But they can destroy them. And live on them after the manner of wild beasts, which after all they are. "We cannot go back to the pre-2000 situation in which Mr Joe Bloke who has now run away, is in Australia, we say come and get back your land. We cannot go back to that," said MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai, in an interview.

Media: Nigger Worship

On "Mandrill Madness"... Today, sports are big business. Sociologists offer lots of explanations, but the obvious one is probably the central factor: people want to belong to something that is larger than their own circle of friends. They want to be able to identify themselves emotionally as members of a significant group. Church used to provide this sense of meaning for most Americans. There was also competition from politics. Robert Nisbet half a century ago wrote a book on the phenomenon of messianic politics as redemptive: The Quest for Community. If we date the pinnacle of the Protestant Establishment with the death of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in 1960, the rise of sports as a replacement makes sense. Vatican II (1963-65) and its aftermath undermined the older Catholicism in the second half of the 1960's. Politics turned sour for Democrats with Lyndon Johnson, and for Republicans with Richard Nixon. Reagan could not restore faith in politics as a form of participatory redemption for Republicans. Clinton surely did not restore it for Democrats. ... Sports teams have replaced churches and political parties as the central institutions providing a sense of community through representation. ... The death of Kennedy, and the sharing of grief through television, for the first time brought the nation together through television. The Beatles arrived six weeks later. The television coverage for them was immense. From that point on, the television became more than a medium for entertainment. It became a means of creating a sense of community - virtual community, in other words. The radio did this in the 1930's, with Roosevelt's Fireside Chats as the supreme examples. But radio lacked the visual element. Television supplied this. Television grabs the emotions more forcefully than radio does. He's right, but, as always, only as far as he goes. To be completely right, he'd have to identify the group controlling the mass media and determining their direction. These are jews. And they were the ones who decided that Aryan identity was "hate." And they were the ones who supplied mass nigger sports as a subsitute for racial/national pride. In this column cagey North neatly evades the fact he recognizes, somewhat, in his book about "Passion": the jews are market makers more than suppliers. They hate Christianity. They'd rather you be watching football. They hate "nazis." They use their media to "abolish Whites." The bottom fact here, unadduced by North, is that tv is indeed our national intercom, and it is used to hector, browbeat, and demoralize Whites, who are fit, by edict of King Televitz, to be nothing but passive, foolish, niggerball-worshipping consumers. The trailer of the moment involves Denzel Washington and a little blonde girl. "He would do anything to protect her," the voiceover intones sonorously. The jews could make a movie about interracial rape, just as they could make an honest movie about Jesus, but they prefer to make agitprop movies encouraging white-skinned dupes to 'immerse themselves in the destructive element,' as Conrad put it. The big lie of mass media is that the jews are just "giving the people what they want." In fact, they're giving the people what they want. Their reaction to "Passion's" reception shows they fear Whites will pick up on what's being denied them -- and the nature and agenda of the deniers.

Christians and Muslims Love "Passion," Hate Jews Hate It

Big surprise: the bloody sons of the christ-killers are the only ones who don't like Gibson's movie. That's why they tried to smear it after they failed to suppress it. CAIRO, Egypt - Hanan Nsour, a veiled, 21-year-old Muslim in Jordan, came out of "The Passion of the Christ" in tears and pronounced her verdict: Mel Gibson's crucifixion epic "unmasked the Jews' lies and I hope that everybody, everywhere, turns against the Jews." And consider this: "The Jews are the most upset with the movie because it reveals their crimes against the prophets, the reformers and whoever contradicts their opinions," Hamza Mansoor said. Quite true. And quite unspeakable in our "land of the free" that isn't. You know, come to think of it, we never had any troubles in Southwestern Asia until the land of hate showed up, did we? Jews have brought their ancient hatreds to our shores, as the late WLP liked to say. JEWS MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE.

Half-Irish, Half-Nigger, All Fruit

A story for our times.

Movie Review: 'Intolerable Cruelty'

Lukewarm romantic comedy, with a shriveled up old jew to hate, but little more....by Rich Brooks

The Force of The Righteous

A review of My Commando Operations by Otto Skorzeny...by William Ventvogel

Kikes Vow to Make All Profs Toe Jewline or Be Fired

You can have academic freedom or jews. Not both. Here a best-selling author fucks up the facts - every shot off to the left. Dead-on one target, though. What, do you suppose? Of course! The jewish hit list. The universal key, itz. The kikes are hot and bothered about imani. They've broken the one Mosaic commandment: thou shalt not take a straight look at at a heavenly hebe. The kike kicks off with a lovely whopper: For many decades, social scientists of every disciplinary stripe have placed themselves in the forefront of the battle against bigotry. Yeah, except for their hatred of the rich, the white and the competent which they are at pains to abuse four ways from socialist Saturday. Pop Quiz: explain antipathy toward jews without reference to jewish behavior. Uh...itz like, um...they're holy people Chosen by God as shining examples not of the swindling, lying, and terrorizing we see from them daily but...uh...just imagine jesus, I mean a REAL jesus, cut into 15 million heroic bits, bringing light to an uncaring world through his gift for dying for your sins, or self-importance or stick-to-it-iveness. Every jew an anti-semitic Geiger counter-cum-Geige. God damn. They say there's six million kikes in the U.S. I guess if you don't count the fifteen million newspaper writers. An examination of PsycINFO, a leading online index of psychological studies, shows 458 entries on anti-Semitism since 1940, 99 of which have appeared during the past 10 years. But not a single one deals directly with hatred of Jews by Muslims or Arabs in the contemporary world. Talk about leading with your glass jaw. I suspect there are ZERO to NEGATIVE 28 studies of the hatred jews exhibit for arabs...and Whites...and blacks...and -- hell, every other non-jew creature on earth. Itz time to take the tape measure to the tapir. The tapir, for you victims of pubic shmuel, is a jewish-nosed South American pigopatamus that roots around in rain forests for truffly reparations. See the first Tapir-American admitted to Berkeley here. I hear he's majoring in African-American studies, and maintaining a 3.8 average. The reason Muslims hate jews is simple: they've never been exposed to them. They've never been around these wonderful folk. They've never danced their life-affirming hora; never thrilled to their climacteric klezmer; never englutinated their salubrious filled fish. If you look at it from the right angle, it weirdens: humans are like some huge version of ant colonies going at it. This one bizarrely effective ant somehow monopolizes all the communications mechanisms and persuades the rest of the ants to support it and worship it and never criticize it and attribute any discomfort this causes to some malfunction of the thorax. Never the slightest allusion -- anywhere -- to the overt facts that in most of the world it is literally illegal to criticize jews, and literally not a day goes by on which non-jews aren't subjected to unconcealedly vicious abuse by these parasite-pests in hominid form. Rip out your midline, White man. Don your Hoffman's. Whatever it takes. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR JEWS TO FAIL IS FOR ARYANS TO DO SOMETHING. What are you doing, White man? Here a good one along these lines, touching on 'psycoheresy,' from the Christian viewpoint, or the jew-as-wacky-self-interested-spinner-of-pseudosciences-to-trap-dumb-goys. Of psychiatry: This field is totally negative in its impact on us all. What a coincidence. Just like the jews who shat it. These Christians have a 'Psychoheresy Awareness Movement' here. Psychoheresy is a little-known word for a phenomenon which currently surrounds us on all sides. In brief, it consists of a shift in the focus of our society away from the Gospel truth and onto psychology, the self, and the emotions. Now that is something new and useful under the sun, and a completely new one on me. Very good news. Hope they name the jew. Some Q&A here.

The Bloom Iz Off the Wolf, or Touché: When Touchy Touch Touchy

Oy gewalt! Mein tuches! A moving drama for our times. Read and blubber o'er innocence perdu. Itz enuf to make you whip out your jew's harp and twang threnody most lugubrious. Don't these jews know they're vanishing?! It behooves them not to initiate pressuits but to find ways. It requires, it is clear, the eugenic diplomacy of an Alan Dershowitz to negotiate this impasse.

Christian Identity

A thread with some answers. On this thread, you can read a profound defense of Catholicism -- and learn how to create boy babies. You've got to admit, that's pretty good for one thread. Who better to give advice on how to be a good Christian than the folks who killed Jesus? When oh when, lord, will they take the izzy and muzzy show back to the litterbox?

Rearmondo on Fallujah

Catch this pitiful Peggy O, doing a riverdance reprise of the ol' Holo softshoe: "So brutal, so outside the normal limits of what used to be called man's inhumanity to man, that you have to look away. Then you force yourself to look and see and only one thought is possible: This must stop now. You wonder, how can we do it? And your mind says, immediately: Whatever it takes." Woah! Can we get a stolz for this brave woman's resolve? Floored, I'm. There is nothing as courageous as a neocon . Say, Pegrims: how many of your fischy friends have died in this war to spread israel? No one is as vicious as the one who thinks he's "good" or "virtuous" or "innocent." Too bad, Pegums, what happened to those goy gunners for hire in Iraq was the natural reaction to boss jew's attempt to impose the same freethinkin' ways on folks what aint interested. The world is opposed to the jew's agenda. He can call that hate all day long, but the real hater is the one who tries to force his way on the rest of us. Itz like...THE JEW IS THE HATER. Woah! Epiphany! Write that down in your little notebook and underline it twice. It's gonna be on the final exam. Those who suckpoop the jew soon come to exhibit a, to coin an oxymoron, vicarious solipsism: they come to believe that nothing and no one but jews and their agenda really exist. There are Jewes, rich and creamy and chock fully of delicious nougat, and there's day-old bread - you and me and Habib. Some have celebrated the hierarchy of the Catholic church, but like everything, that cuts two ways: the ass-kissing that hierarchy pulls out and polishes in ordinary, locked-in men becomes suckpoopery of the most loathsome, degraded and sordid sort when the hierarch's a hymie. And so we arrive at the worst of both worlds: the i-can-think johnny dipshit go-along-to-get-ahead Prot shmuck struggling for cheek purchase, competing for buttflow, with the apple-polishing seanny-nonny alter-eagler. You make me sick, you pilot fish, you remoras, you littlers, you niggling nerfmen of nescience. If you were on a shelf...you'd be Hymie Helper. "I don't know why they call it Helper, it does just fine by itself!" You miserable collection of macaroni pretending to be main dish. Get off the table. Get back in the cupboard and think about what you've become.

Carl Schmitt

A Catholic thinker, not a jew, who joined the Nazi Party in 1933, survived World War II with his reputation relatively unscathed, and witnessed a revival of interest in his work, from both the left and the right, before his death in 1985 at the age of 96. Note this: Schmitt's influence on the contemporary right has taken a different course. In Europe, new-right thinkers such as Gianfranco Miglio in Italy, Alain de Benoist in France, and the German writers contributing to the magazine Junge Freiheit (Young Freedom) have built on Schmitt's ideas. Right-wing Schmittians in the United States are not as numerous, but they include intellectuals --often described as paleoconservative --who expend considerable energy attacking neoconservatism from the right. One of them, Paul Edward Gottfried, a humanities professor at Elizabethtown College, in Pennsylvania, is especially prolific. Himself an occasional contributor to Junge Freiheit, Gottfried defends the magazine for rejecting "the view that every German patriot should be evermore browbeaten by self-appointed victims of the Holocaust." Kind of a silly article, in that it conjures abstractions about conservative and liberal which fit the reality far better when switched. The libs have always been the ones who've acted on the principle that the end justifies the use of any means. Some Cantrell here, on the socialist Yankee Pledge. What caught my attention about what is just another standard liberal entertainment show that passes itself off as 'objective news' was the editorial. The show has a black female version of 60 Minutes's Andy Rooney, which is how Affirmative Action and diversity work: to locate and train and promote multitudes of female and non-white Leftists to support the views always espoused by white male Leftists, all the more to make certain that conservative Christian views get no airing. Like Rooney, she attempts to use a kind of friendly, unthreatening humor to promote the general multiculturalism that once ensconced reveals its poison-filled hollow fangs.


Doesn't mention his death or reversal of opinion aboug jews' war ii. But you'd expect no less from V.D. Hanson, NR housegoy warmonger. The nigger is not the creation of the racist in the sense that the "hater" is the projection of the jew. The nigger is an independently verifiable disgusting phenomenon. Here on propaganda passing as education, applied to the South last century and everywhere today. The government is good. It provides needed services. Squawk! After all, if secession was "treason" back in 1861, wouldn't it be just as treasonous today to remove your children from an educational system that has taught you that it really has your best interests at heart? Yes, indeed, as I've said. The day will come when home-schooling is denounced as "hate-schooling," and perfervid among the denouncers will be the kahnservatives.

American Women

They're idiotic, says Taki. Listen to them. never before have I taken lunches by myself next to American ladies who lunch. And never before have I heard such drivel, such bilge masquerading as talk. American women have never been my favourites, but now it's getting ridiculous. In civilised societies such as ancient Athens and Imperial Japan, women tried to make life a little more pleasant and easier for the breadwinners; only in the United States does the male spend his time pampering and, worse, listening to women. Amen, brother. If you think he's joking, then you should go out and sit down in public and actually listen to what women say. Chances are 99/100 it's utterly unleavened by anything intelligent, funny, or even merely interesting. Thank god for T&A, is all I can say. Whoever is responsible for the foul, contrasensible and deeply pernicious doctrine that women's opinions are important ought to be guillotined promptitudinously. Women's opinions are important when men solicit them. The only women who can think on their own recognize this. The others, the majority, are fools who swallow the jewbilge that one opinion's as good as another. Women out of male control are a campfire become forest fire.

White Art: Criticism

Remember what Wilde said: It is much harder to talk about a thing than do it. ...this steady assertion of judgment -- Gore Vidal remains a living exemplar -- the tonality has become almost impossible to generate, much less sustain, in the wake of the poststructuralist decentering. The natural, obvious default has been the ironic mode, which from the threshold evades the danger of straightforward declaration, the most exposed of all positions. We don't hate the jew at VNN, we just want to decenter it. And deconstruct it. Our operant Theorie is that it be constructed of ten parts nickel trap and three parts degraded sex drive driven by a perpetual motion lie-whine generator. By the mid-'90s, it was obvious to many people that the rules of the literary game had been rewritten. Corporate conglomeration in the publishing world (addressed by Andre Schiffrin in The Business of Books: How the International Conglomerates Took over Publishing and Shaped the Way We Read) ushered in the era of the blockbuster. Editors began to pay out succulent advances for "sexy" books like Mary Karr's The Liar's Club and Susanna Kaysen's Girl, Interrupted, while midlist writers went begging, many then shifting to small presses. No question, the prestige of the merely literary was depreciateda harder sell in the trade marketplaceand the reviewing culture naturally reflected the change. Other interests than corporate are served by the blockbuster approach. First, the blockbuster always drives off stereotypes promoted by and promoting the jew agenda. The nigger's always noble. The Irish always perky-coppy, proudly panting off in search of the stick Boss Hymie throws. The German always clever, sinister and defeated. As Orwell pointed out, you shrink perception when you shrink vocabulary. This encourages dumb people to think they think. "Why, that's nothing but hate!" they say, proud to have figured it out. Nothing ever appears in a bestseller that contradicts what you see on Televitz. Look ma, no seams!

Media: Women's Mags

$7 billion a year industry pushing the jew agenda on women who'd be happier without it. ...what's sometimes known as media capitalism basically manipulates women -- some 60 million women read these magazines -- producing false needs and distorted self-images, marketing inadequacy for corporate bucks. And to serve the jew agenda. Remember to abort the baby you forgot to have, girls! Sex does not require "toys."

Evolution Is Bullshit

Darwin had a theory about evolution: that it existed. He called his pet: Survival of the Fittest. Not to be outdone, I have evolved a theory myself: Survival of the Fartiest. Less famous, but e'er so more intelligible, it propotheth: Those animals which emit the most methane, measured in deciliters per hour, will survive to reproduce in preponderant numbers, changing the face of carboniferous life forms on this planet forever. What's the difference between our theories? Mine isn't circular. Mine can be tested. His is circular, as in, "Tom Clancy is admired by the kind of people who read Tom Clancy novels" -- without the funny. Suckerzzzzz! O, rough reader, laugh along with the funny parti-colored clown: Public schools teach. The government provides needed services. Jews made Gwad's top ten list. Need I go on? I think I needn't.

White Media Kicking Jewish Ass

As the reception of "Passion" shows, jews carry out a massive, decades-long campaign of suppressing what people really think. A market which White media over the Internet are supplying in record numbers. A great article by VNN grad Chuck Pearson. The only thing he missed is VNN Forum, which we have not checked Alexa for recently, but which is growing quickly not just in terms of numbers, but, most important, in terms of quality. Have you joined? Under your real name? Under a conventional name? We don't need SS heroes, just solid people. Great article by Pearson. Hey jewbyfruitz: ITZ COMING.

Twinkz 'n' Shmaltzes

Chickenhawks and catamites support the war to spread Israel. God, these tuffies are ridiculous. AmeriKwans possess a self-righteous streak a mile wide, when combined with their self-importance, it makes them dangerous to everybody else. The 'Kwan attacks someone else without provocation, the other guy resists, the 'Kwan bravely, from a few thousand miles away, demands the resister be nuked or napalmed or razed. Stupid, deluded fools. The jews are playing you, idiots.

The Campaign Against 'Boys Are Stupid'

From Men's News Daily... Here on why young men won't marry. The main reason is that judeo-feminism has made sex and divorce and child theft easy. Whatever jews touch withers. For every one of the top 10 leading causes of death, men have a higher risk of death than women. But you never see that reported, do you? Just the claim that women earn X percent of every male dollar, never corrected for experience and education. Feminism is just another jewish lie. You'd think society had an interest in, if not pampering, at least educating the sector from which all material blessings flow: white men. But instead, by comparison with women, it scrimps on researching male diseases, while passing all manner of law against the very whites who alone account for nearly all genuine progress. This may be "good for jews," but it is bad for White men, White women, White families -- it is bad for everybody else. Letters to MND here.

Media: Early Reports on Lib Radio Network

Thank god there's finally an outlet for the views of jew Franken, cuz we just can't get that stuff anywhere else but nightly news, Saturday Night Live, prime time, cartoons, daily newspapers... He is a writer and not an improvisational comedian. That was readily evident throughout the first "O'Franken Factor" episode as I'm sure it made its non-partisan listeners more bored than angry by its proceedings.

Jew Kerry Helps His Coracists Go After James Moran

Jews hate all non-jews, but they especially hate non-jews who warn other non-jews what they're up to. And once you've offended them, they never forget. They hound you into private life, where you can think about what you've done -- opposing God's People! -- the noive! -- for the rest of your disgraced life. And that is one of a hundred reasons we say No Jews. Just Right.

AmeriKwans: The Other Dirty Jews

Jews have no interest in America or real American principles. All they care about and know to do is lie and swindle and murder, as their people have always done. Now confused Aryans who've allowed themselves to be used as tools discover they're hated - by everyone, everywhere, just like the jews they foolishly follow. Instead of doing the smart thing and cutting our losses, foolish 'Kwans, led by "defenders" who smell position and profit, push on with their murderous stupidity. What these fools don't see is that when you hate and attack and suppress something, you just make it stronger. Unless your eliminate it entirely, which jews may think they can do to Islam, but Americans lack the stomach for, it will just grow back stronger. We need to concentrate on strengthening ourselves. Our first task is to take political control back from the jews. Our second task is to get rid of the millions of flushables jews have gifted our lands with.

"Just Go!"

The simple solution to invasion...by Michael Polignano

Gang Rapes in Connecticut

This is the world the jews have made through their Big Lie that is "diversity." Girls gang-raped by shitskin gangs is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. More here on the jig-on-human attacks at Cornell. Feel free to email the head of the shmuel. A nigger is a nigger. No matter if it can jump and throw a ball through a hoop, it still sees its she-offspring as fresh pussy. What's the term for MTV encouraging White girls to mix with these coons? "Hate crime." MTV is a 24/7/365 hate crime against the White race.

Brown-nosing the Brownskins

The one thing Repcuntz are good at these days. And if they don't give in to the shitskins' socialist demands to feed their shit babies out of White pockets, they'll show up outside your door and cry or threaten violence. There is no political party representing White interests. Remarkable, that. Why? Because the media are controlled by jews, and jews suppress White consciousness, and encourage Whites to see themselvs as historically guilty, non-existent, or kewl miscegenators. Proud people with a past and a future? No. Never. That's hate. The conservatives cover up the game by providing the illusion of competition and the illusion of concern for the white masses. In fact they're jew-bought cowards who've made their peace with a system they know is not in the interests of the fools, I mean folks, who vote for them. Canny Sammy says even the jewpapers are starting to turn against mass invasion. If they are, itz only because they feel their demographic work is done here and they can move on. Never once have I seen in any medium except a corner of the Internet the insistence on the base truth: mass invasion by the turd world was foisted on America by jews and jews alone. Links page, top right, if you need proof. Here P.Brim makes some rational points, although it's more to the point to say that invasion is a racial issue than a value question. Mexicans suck. That's why we don't want them here. Economy? Sprawl? Who cares? Just look at them.

Jews-in-France Attack Gibson

There's no end to the hate from these people, and of course, their slightest wimper makes waves on wires worldwide. Can they be sued for their anti-White expressions? Of course not. Those laws only protect jews and their colored tools. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. The CRIF kikes denounce "Passion" as a "backward portrayal of Christian teachings." If you try to tell them that calling all goys dirty unclean whore beast cattle is a backward teaching, they'll be all ears. More hype from Hypocritical Hymie. Good Palestinians, dealing with the vermicious kikes daily, know a documentary when they see one. Kikes in Kikistan pass on "Passion." They know what they did. No need to watch a movie about it. The kike doesn't like what it sees in the mirror, so it outlaws looking glasses. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Syria, Victim of Jewish Hate Campaign

Take note, Christians: Today, Christians in Syria comprise approximately 8-10% of the population, an estimated 1.3 million people. Are you going to help the jews destroy it? the ruling of party of Syria is the Ba'ath. The ideological founder of this party, whose name is Arabic for "rebirth," was Michel Aflaq, a native of Syria and a staunch Christian. The main objectives of the Ba'ath Movement, as envisioned by such thinkers as Aflaq, were secularism, socialism, and pan-Arab unionism. These objectives are summed up in the party slogan, "Unity, Freedom, Socialism." Here jew-demonized Kwiatkowski on whatz up in Iraq, now that the jews have "democratized it." You remember the throngs chanting, "Please kill and starve tens of thousands of us and shut down our papers and give us a jew-approved dictator." Remember, "kids," as those late night talk-show hosts call you, jews use words to conceal, not to convey. Every word they use has a secret meaning. 'Democracy' means 'approved by jews.' More here on the parlous state of Fallujah and other parts Iraqi. That's what happens with foreign policy by Goldberg. Here on Bushy the doucheful drunk, our first jigger prezident. It's time for America to take a good look at itself, at what's it's become over the last 50 years, a brittle and flailing giant, despised abroad and breeding paranoids at home.

Kosovo, Victim of Jewish Hate Campaign

Ignored by the world press these days since the battle is over and in Iraq it continues, the natives of Kosovo struggle against Albanian Muslims bent on taking over and ethnically cleansing the region of White Serbs. More here (may require registration, but it's quick). Bottom line here is the tribe says "nations are over" -- for every nation but Israel. The rest of us still want nations. You know, it occurs to me that it would be much easier to say, "Israel is over." Itz this simple: Israel wants the rest of the nations to disappear; the rest of the nations want Israel to disappear. Who do you think will win? As Russia tries to protect itself, the jews of the AP and other international jew media attempt to undermine it by blaming its media for putting the interests of Russians ahead of jews - the textbook definition of "hate," of course.

Ari the Blutwurst

Putting it in perspective. Gotta step back a ways for that one.

Discrimination Against Whites

Mike Medeiros in Boston... A dialogue on race, to jews, means five coloreds and a white liberal and two jews agreeing that it doesn't exist except in the case of guilty White racists and heroic ethnicity-preserving jews. The jews have reduced 'dialogues' to a science. Their aim is to enforce conformity to their tribal agenda, while pretending "the people" or "the community" support and, even better, are pushing that agenda themselves. Here on jew media fucking up japan. There's a reason the minute the jews get control of an area they start shutting down papers and opening up porn pipes. Here on jew Finkelstein at war with the finkz 'n' weasels at one of the "Holocaust" promotion centers. Here Fred Reed on women gaining real power in U.S. Women will accept restrictions on their behavior if in doing so they feel more secure. They have less need of freedom, which is not particularly important in living a secure, orderly, routine, and comfortable life. They tend not to see political correctness as irritating, but as keeping people from saying unpleasant things. Not bad, but still a superficial treatment. Feminism is more a cover for the jewish NWO agenda than driven by female demand.

White Genius: Céline

Discussion of the man and his works at VNNF, where American freedom is practiced like it exists. Hint: there probably isn't a liberal arts school in the country that will assign his works, too busy with Kate Millet and other undistinguished tuna babies. So pony up your 20k a year, or get your free and real education here. An intelligent book and you thinking about it: that's what education means. The language of Europe is not being studied. In 1960, 60,000 children did Latin O level. Now 10,000 do the much more basic replacement, GCSE. White science is looking good with the discovery of the fingered fish. The road in Pennsylvania happened to be cut out of 365 million-year-old rock in which the researchers found the oldest known fossilised arm bone of one of the world's first four-legged creatures, or tetrapods. Here an attempt to construct a respectable backstory for rap. Here on Le Carre. Here on Twain.


Whose Revolution all should study.

Screw the Jewish War on Terror, We Need a War on American Ignorance

A Soviet defector explained how we're demoralized and destabilized by communist jews attempting to build a new world order....by Max Hadden

Cops Or Commissars?

The cops are not supposed to be in the business of vetting political speech. But in too many places they are. It's a staple of televitz commentary, drama, and comedy that blacks are subject to racist harassment by cops. The truth is the opposite: cops treats blacks more leniently than they should, given the crimes they commit. Cops fear political retaliation from organized blacks backed by jew media. But the same jew media backs them when they illegally pick up and throw away White flyers containing political speech. A patrolman spotted the flyers early in the morning, and Chief James Mulligan said he and his officers collected them as quickly as possible. Mulligan said he reviewed the flyers for content and found them to be non-threatening, providing only strong political viewpoints. "We cleaned them all up. My view of it, and I was trying to take a middle-of-the-road view, is that they presented no threat to any class of people," said Mulligan. "They were very tame, very innocuous." First, what Mulligan thinks of citizens' free speech is beside the point. His job is to enforce law, not monitor political expression expressly protected by the Constitution. His "cleaning up" of protected speech is a dereliction of duty, and probably actionable. Mulligan said he determined the flyers fell under free speech and the dissemination of the materials was not criminal. Then why were they "cleaned up"? Perhaps Mulligan has confused coppery with sanitation engineering. Perhaps Whites in Georgetown ought to call the station house and ask them to come over and pick up fast-food literature off their lawns and driveways. The problem today is that the jews, through lies and intimidation, have established themselves as the voice of the community. The arrogant jews arrogated the right to speak in your name, Aryan. Until you get out there and physically join with others and take back your community, the jews will continue to dominate the scene. Here's another story at VNNForum.com, same theme, this time with a happy ending.

Open Season on White Girls at Cornell

Leftists enjoy seeing White girls raped by niggers. Their policies support it, their academics excuse it, their government makes it possible, easy even. Gibson strikes blow against atheism, they say. Then I suppose this woman strikes a blow against religion, what with her duly harsh spare the stone and spoil the child policy. Lowering standards to attract niggers, what a great idea. In the land of the free, you see, we all pretend that diversity and excellence go hand in hand. The fact that they are opposed, well, we don't talk about that. Nice people blink rapidly and look away. First of all, Notre Dame's standards aren't that high. Second of all, you can lower 'em to where a millipede won't notice and niggers will still stub their nappy toes on 'em. How many quarters in a football game? That be trig fo' nigs.

Iraq, the Lies and Lynchings

Lewpus runs down the lies; here Buchanan on Clarke. The war on Israel's enemies has made us less secure, poorer, more hated. Nearly 600 troops have died. The war is still perceived as "good for jews," so it will continue. What's good for you, White man? Which party concerns itself with such? We need a separation of Semite and state.

Jew Hatred of Europeans on the Rise

Anti-European sentiments apparently trace back to middle-aged jewish male and female opinion writers, backed up by powerful jewish lobby groups with an interest in demonizing their competitors. Their most effective defense, scientists say, is accusing others of those practices they're adepts in. The report recommended the EU adopt new legislation to prosecute those who commit anti-Semitic acts. It also called for educational reforms to make young Europeans aware of the dangers of anti-Semitism. Aware that the source of anti-Semitism is their own behavior, Jewish experts traditionally rely on laws forbidding criticism and laws criminalizing divergence from myths jews spread to the public as Official History. More here. And here. Uh oh, oofos are appearing above outback Australia. I smell an ADL report: "Not So Heavenly: Anti-Semitism in Outer Space." They're not spaceships, they're hateships. Here a little straight talk about US going to war to save Israel, which is not popular.

A Heartwarming Tale...

Fat liberal bitch receives comeuppance. Next on extreme makeover: the jewish race. Here more on antiscient assininity in struggles within Sierra Club. More here on how the AmeriKwan government steals from Americans to give to turds, in the form of mortgage loans.

Louisiana Freedom: For Cops Only

The problem here is the same with morality. Law and morality are not universal, they pertain to people in circumstances. When you have niggers, you're going to have to give the cops a lot more leeway in dealing with leroy, or you're going to have jungle conditions around the clock. The jews know that. And that is yet another reason they want open borders and "civil rights" i.e., dumping cage animals in civilized white communities, then using the problems these bad-smelling creatures create as a pretext for clamping down on freedoms whites won with firearms, which not coincidentally the jews are hot to take away. Think it's all geared against you, White man? You're right. Do you know why and what to do about it? That's why VNN exists. "Innocent until proven guilty" isn't workable in the Congo. Where the remedial races are concerned, authority must be satisfied if it can keep the hooties from eating the tooties, and the hooties & tooties from eating the pyggies. The law of the junglo is shoot first, get probable cause later. Freedom of association disappeared when special privileges for niggers came about.

Our Jewed Economy

Jew Greenspan used to be a goldbug, but jews can blow hot and cold, depending on what pays.

There's Nothing Wrong With Cannibalism...

There's nothing wrong with eating homie fries..., as jew Elfman, of Oingo Boingo fame, might have sung. As the smallstens know, it ain't no fun when the bluegum's munching mum. VNN formally expresses itz outrage at these obscene and genocidal 'boo-on-bitty plate crimes. We must all work together to make plate crimes a thing of the past. "No place for plate crimes," as we like to say. Even though you are what you eat, and these diminutive heroes will live on in a certain sense, covered in glory, and gravy, VNN prefers these marvelous morsels of fuliginous fauna in their original and upright, if thigh-high, positions.

Ultimate Hutzpah

Let's say your name is Johnson and you like killing people -- Palestinians, Jesus, hell, I don't know, anybody you perceive in your way. Then you call anybody who resists your murders or makes a movie about it an "anti-Johnsonite." This is precisely how jews operate, as the ADL whining about the political-cartoon reaction to their nation's gunz-a-blazin' murder of a dangerous paraplegic shows. Their entire method is rhetorically and physically to smear-to-murder anybody who gets in their way, and terminologically nuke the fields of rhetoric so that nobody can grow a case against them because only blackened jew-words and tree-stump concepts remain. Anything they haven't come up with and approved is "hate," Whatever they hate is hate, just as whomever they hate is an "anti-Semite." Jews are always right, and if you resist, they have the right to smear you and murder you if you persist in opposing them. They're god's people, you know. This is a biological form of group aggression evolved by a highly predatory, parasitical group of humans to control and prevent competition. If we play by their rules, we lose. Jews need nukes. There's always a chance somebody will figure out what they're up to. Ten more Americans are used up in the campaign to spread Israel. How many jews-in-America have died in Iraq? How many have been maimed? Messed up psychologically? I guess that's your job, Aryan. As long as you keep applying, hymie will keep hiring.

Two Eds Are Better Than One

Ed's running for president....by Edgar Steele

Mr. Male Whitey

A rant you'll never hear from jews' own Dennis Miller....by Mark J. Maloney

Movie Review: 'Playing Mona Lisa'

An exceptionally jewy movie for, by, and about jews, leading the reviewer to propose a solution to our Jewish Problem...by Rich Brooks

What You Have to Believe to Be a Good Republican

Conservatives have become as irrational as liberals. Maybe that's because they are liberals....by Joe McCarthy

Viacom Developing New Network

"Internal surveys show there are upwards of 80 million believing Christians in America alone," said CEO Don Faber. "The success of Passion shows a market we may have overlooked. The iron is hot, and we think now's the time to strike." Actually, of course, the network will target queers. "Land of the free," you know. How does it come to be that in a "democracy," where the will of the people theoretically prevails, queers are catered to and Christians shat on? The answer is that jews control the media. Although they enjoy the profits media provide, the main purpose controlling the media achieves is the stifling of any opposition to their political agenda. Alternative views are completely shut out, and their exponents mocked literally around the clock on a hundred channels, decade after decade. This mocking, of course, has no effect, the jew is quick to tell us. The only time media has an effect on people is when jews are shown, to pick a wild example, murdering Christ. With regard to queers, itz not that jews think homosex is a great thing. Rather, they promote faggotry for its destructive power. Jew-media fangs inject the highly toxic poisons of homosex and promiscuity in order to paralyze the Aryan, and to break down his clean white meat, to make it easier for the jewish viper to digest. Like hostile corporate raiders, they break up competing entities, reduce them to itemized components, and pluck them up cheap at the Aryan bazaar. Mmm, here's a nice shiksa for supper. Here's a handsome shaigetz, who looks like he could be used to destroy Iraq. Are you being jewed, White reader? Is the jew using you for his purposes, without your realizing it? How about your son? Daughter?

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