Spintro Archives

UN Seeks Internet Control

Wants to take over ICANN duties. Its ultimate agenda is to eliminate "hate" and impose taxes.

Social Change at Warp Speed

The U.S. these days is like a bad science fiction sketch...by Victor Gerhard

Movie Review: 'Schindler's List'

The "Holocaust" has produced more inadvertent comedy than a NOW convention or nigger wedding reception....by Gott

Shut Down for Lying

Bush administration, or Iraqi paper? Good Carol Ward jew analysis here. Gibson's little stunt turned into a big stunt, with the help of yelping yarmulkes... and the story's controversy has been sucking up the limited attention span of all of Central and South America as well. This little movie gave new legitimacy to a worldwide discussion of Jews, their disproportionate influence, and their nefarious hold on captive populations. Here Sobran on the meaning of the Spanish election. Here on a supposed spy ring of Germans operating inside U.S. in jews' war two. Every jew a promoter, I mean survivor, I mean swindler, I mean pre-pearl.

White Art: Mencken

His In Defense of Women available online. Here some deep thoughts about shallow sex. Here on Pound, the genius and fascist, and on a new collection. Here a coopted Christian proves that Shakespeare wasn't criticizing jew Shylock, he was criticizing us. Coopted Christians are good at that sort of thing. Like a liberal reading the Constitution, they see what they want to see and disregard the rest. Is it thinkable that the writer could have found that Shakespeare, like the Constitution, meant what he said? Is it thinkable that First Things would have printed the article if found so? What did Mencken say about the value of the opinion of a man who isn't free to hold the opposite? To be sure, Shakespeare had in Christopher Marlowe a more formidable competitor in the dramatization of a villainous Jew than the anonymous compiler of Il Pecorone. Still, in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta, Barabas is a caricature out of medieval mystery and miracle plays. He gives an account of himself in close accord with the superstitious folk image of the Jew as ritual murderer, poisoner, and ruthless enemy of humanity -- but especially of Christians. "Be mov'd at nothing," he urges his servant, "see thou pity none, / But to thyself smile when the Christians moan." Isn't it funny... Edmund Burke, whom all conservatives cite with approbation, speaks about his fear of trusting men to rely on their own private stock of wisdom, better they defer to traditions and common beliefs and behavior. Yet, the minute common wisdom weighs in against the jew, why, "folk superstition" goes up the chant from the Christian sycophant. Instead of believing that jews are what every single people they've lived among has said they are, we're supposed to believe that these innocent Aryan peasants just conjured jewbies up out of their own wicked heads. I can see why it might appeal to an asslicker like today's coopted Christian cowards, but I don't see anything in the estimation to attract an honest man. Why is it that only with jews or the murder of Jesus we're supposed to avoid placing blame where it belongs and place it where it doesn't belong? Why? Because the guilty party is jews. And since we know that's not possible, why itz perfectly fine for the conservative-liberal to "blame society." Christianity clouds thought. "I believe because it is absurd," said a prominent Christian. "You become absurd because you Believe," said an average atheist. Dangerous, too. If one objective reality isn't good enough, a thousand subjective realities won't be either. Walks on water? Sure, come on in! Turn water into wine? Sure, we're all friends here! Back from the dead? Throw a tent and sell ticketz! Reality is of a piece. It doesn't change because jews cobble a big book of lies. How many Aryan literary geniuses have ever had a good word to say about the jew? I can't think of one. They pretty much saw jews the way everyone else did. Because they are that way: shylocks. The jew exists, and Shakespeare knew him, no matter today's cowardly con and coopted chrisling's Jew Denial.

Jew Attempt to Ban "Passion" in France Fails

They'll just have to be satisfied with a decade-old law that forbids criticism of jews. It's a little law called "Fabius Gayssot." Faurisson says: France's Fabius-Gayssot law of 1990 specifically forbids the "challenging" or "contesting" of the portions of the judgment of the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg (September 30 and October 1, 1946) relating to "crimes against humanity," including the use of execution gas chambers. The message to Aryans is clear: You can have free speech or jews, not both. The jew uses free speech as a way to destroy the free society and replace it with jewish tyranny. Have you ever seen an opinion column about "the new anti-Semitism" that mentioned that it is illegal to criticize jews in France? That mentions that men are in jail all over Europe for disputing the jewish Big Lie that is the "Holocaust"?

Lying: Not Just for WMDs

For Medicare estimates too. ZOG is a criminal gang. Itz all a big joke as long as you keep the jew mafia flooded with money. And now at least one court agrees, ZOG doesn't need a reason to search your papers and effects.

ZOG Knew and Approved

You exist to be killed or die for Israel. Or to pay it taxes. No other reason. When you need motivation, the jews produce an event like Pearl Harbor, say 9/11. The fucking Mexicans are getting mighty arrogant, like they're the jews who let them in or something. Here Buchanan points out some of the facts about Bushy and the proud paraplegic terminators we subsidize with billions of dollars, fawning press, and the latest hardware. I don't know if anybody but me is aware of this, but Israel isn't paying us to make us the second most hated nation in the world: WE'RE PAYING IT. Sheer insanity. Absolutely inexplicable without reference to jews controlling the media, manufacturing the money, and purchasing the politicians. Wicked, woeful Israel, where bus lottery is the national pastime. Sharon looks out for the interests of Israel. Perhaps he miscalculates, but who looks out for the interests of the Aryan? Nobody. Our whiteskinned leaders truckle before racist jews while denouncing Whites who criticize them. Here some good old-fashioned hebrew hate from peripatetic jewess Mercer. She's in South Africa! She's in Canada! She's on our doorstep! Go to the tick bottle where you belong, jew Illy. Members of the Jews-Control-America crowd, in particular, have lost their moral bearings completely and go so far as to call Palestinian terrorists "freedom fighters." "jews Control America" crowd? Holy shit! Where do I sign up? All I've heard is some timorous quibbling about neocons whom, buttdoggie and lewpus are quick to assure readers have nothing to do with jewy proper. Mercer sounds rattled, if you ask me. Hey jew Mercer? Were your kikes terrorists or freedom fighters when they blew up the King David? More here on Clarke, whom the bush leaguers anxiously revile. Here jew Steyn, author of Practical Guide to Everyday Jewing, spits in the wind. These kikes practice lying like a soprano her scales. Here the typical jew journalist's tactic of treating objective matters as questions of perception. And Jews, he claims, view Christians and Muslims as "animals." He says that view is contained in the Torah. Well, jew Peyser, why don't you check the Torah and see? Oh, you don't need to. You know the answer. Why don't you report it? It wouldn't be "good for jews," you say? It might raise other questions you and your fellow jews don't want asked? Well, good thing there's no Aryan media to call you on it and you and your fellow Post kikes can get on with your eternal hate campaign against Aryans and Muslims. The same jews like those at jew Horowitz's mag trying to stir up Christians against Muslims would do the opposite the minute they felt it "good for jews." Here's a nice taste of life where jews control non-jews: Gaza. With all the good jews do, itz time we did something good for them: herewith a tenderly proffered "final solution," so to speak, for the gainly "Chosen." Here, in similer vein, an apology to 'groids, worth more than eighty acres and two mules.

The Invasion

Canny on Harvard's reaction to jew Huntington's words about it. Here on some of the cute habits those lovable and economy-growing Mexicants exhibit.

Lies and War

Virtually everything we think we know about a foreign-policy issue is only what the government wants us to know. Here on Clinton being better than Bush. More here from SC Roberts. We get our treasury raided, our men killed and damaged beyond repair, half our standing army half a world away -- and we get to keep paying Israel a million bucks an hour, and listening to jews harangue us around the clock about "New Anti-Semitism"? Such a deal! Where do we sign? Jews with columns are the real weapons of mass destruction. Here on a nit jewnerd Shapiro. De Froster notes, from hymie's bio: He was hired in the summer of 2001 by the advertising team that had run George W. Bush's presidential campaign, writing copy for its planned ad campaign in support of Israel. What could be more conservative or patriotic than that? Hey Israel: here's a trillion dollars. Go out and make the rest of the world hate us. Here Imus steps into Clarke brouhaha. Here on ZOG's plans for Syria in wake of Yassin assassination.

Fisk on Vanunu

He revealed the truth about izzy's nukes, and they kidnapped him and jailed him for 20 years.


Another aspect of the Constitution altered for radicals. Here on goy control, "assault" style. Here on a limpertarian's novel about free people taking over Wyoming. To be successful, Christians must connect the lynchers of Christ with the removers of Commandments. Almost 900 Central Texans are planning to travel to Dallas next week for the first in a series of Ten Commandments Rallies to demonstrate their resolve to keep the United States "one nation under God." Here Ireland provides a negative example on smoking. Here analysis and found facts about Handgun Control, Inc.. In the advertised "land of the free," you'd better watch your email. A professional dyke might not like what you say and report you. Here a professional jig beneficiary of "hate" crimes is back spreading the good news about Jesus. Have you heard about Jesus? He died for your sins. Lyons also was convicted of stealing money from the Anti-Defamation League meant for rebuilding burned black churches. As they say, no man is all bad.

May 15th in Topeka

Be there, with VNN and White Revolution and other good folks, to protest the legal case that made White men third-class citizens in their own land. Here's a good example of standards in the Brown era. Here a sample of genuine racial horror in Seattle. Unlike the Kime murder by niggers, this is serious: a human may have said no to an ape. Whites get screwed every way possible by California. Here a good one by Sailer on deranged dyke Dunn, and Red Guard reaction by Claremont Colleges. Apart from getting together to screw whitey, there's little mayetes and mexcrement agree on.

Revisionism Comes to Belgium

Does it really exist? Here on some Norweigian "neo-nazi" now confessing to murders after seeing "Passion." Here Britain foolishly gives poofters right to pretend to be married. Even a dimwit can see the unintended consequences of such assininity are likely incalulable. Here on coloreds voting in Italy.

Media: Amazon Reviews

Imagine having your work commented on by non-jews. Here on Israeli reaction to "Passion." Here ZOG democratically shuts down paper it doesn't like. It says very clearly, you Iraqi idiots, that the right to publish items acceptable to jews shall not be abridged. Get with the program. Here on growth in Spanish-language newspapers in U.S. "My family has always read La Opinion," Osorio said. "It's the newspaper of Latinos. It fights for us." Who fights for you, White man? VNN, thatz who. In New Zealand, Whites get to pay for the wacky Maoris to have their own televitz channel.

Monkeys Be Ballin'

Sailer on NCAA and high-jumping ineducables.

Things Ya Know That Just Ain't So

Warming up, stretching, does not prevent injury. I knew it as a sports-playing tot. It's just one of those things people do, like going to church, because it's always been done that way, and doesn't obviously kill people. This is what conservatism comes down to, and a rather prosaic thing it is, useful and necessary even, but far less romantic than Burke paints it. When you squeeze a thousand morons you don't get high-octane IQ juice, you get moron drizzle. Perhaps Mr. Burke can fortify himself off such septic stock, but I'll take my chance with the odd and thoughtful man who does rely on his own private stock, BUT tests it against reality.

You're Goddamn Right I'm Trying to Stir Up Hatred

It's 'divisive' when we point out their skewed laws and media lies. It's 'hate' when we resist. Well then hate is good and we need boatloads of it....by Douglas Wright

Crackdown on Aryan Resistance in Europe

While cops bust down doors to arrest 300+ evil criminals suspected of posting neo-Nazi music files on the Internet; while defense ministers are fired for mentioning the jewish production values behind Bolshevism, the jews, who seem to make up 50% of syndicated columnists no matter the country, wail incessantly about the "new anti-Semitism." Whatz the word for what they're doing to us? The genocide that dare not speak itz name... Note the characteristic jewish dishonesty of the reporter, and his wire service -- really outrageous stuff: In cities such as Hamburg, where several Sept. 11 hijackers lived, the suspicions that Germans harbor toward Islam have created essentially parallel societies, embittering thousands of Muslim men and limiting their opportunities. Germans didn't want Muslims in their country in the first place. jews did. They pushed for and praised the repeal of the blood-nationality law, just the way they pushed America to repeal its "racist" immigration protection back in 1965. Then when that led to masses of millions of hostile, stupid, violent third-world minorities, the jew blames...certainly not himself. Jews never blame themselves. Rather, they blame the host society for not successfully assimiliating people only jews wanted admitted in the first place. Leaving aside the fact that jewed academies and public schools teach these same invaders that the host country is racist, guilty, and owes them a living. Of course, none of this can be mentioned, because jews own all the papers, and complain behind the scenes to ISPs to get the few sites on the 'Net reporting on their shenanigans shut down. Jews use their ownership and control of the mass media to portray themselves as victims, when in fact they are perpetrators. They never tell you that they pushed for open borders. They never report on the magnitude of crimes committed by the coloreds they loosed. They only whine now that there's blowback from "terrorism" from creatures they opened the door to. In jewish papers, Aryans are always guilty, jews never.

Treading Water III

We must be worthy of leading the change we demand....by Edgar Steele

Closing In on the "Passion" Haters

Jews are guilty. More and more are willing to speak the truth in public. Reese and Raimondo are two.

9/11, A Pearl Harbor for Our Generation

What does it take to make a generation "great"? Dying for jews. Aryans come easy. Don't support the jews' line and you're an appeaser. A world slave state is possible with existing technology.

Red vs. Blue

Or, White vs jew.

White Archaeology: Troy

Unlike jewish lies about Egyptian bondage -- their "Holocaust" bullshitpen warmup -- Troy really was besieged. History is a matter of objective fact to Aryans, and whatever it needs to be to jews.

Media: North Book on Mel Gibson

Free PDF download. Worth a read. North's a cagey fucker, and I don't trust him, but he's sharp and has some insights. Whenver you read the term 'humanism,' you're reading a euphemism for 'jew.' Same with 'atheist' and 'secularist.' These are all ways of criticizing radical jews pursuing their destructive agenda without actually naming them, and so retarding their progress. British-descended people favor this approach, thinking it a happy compromise between effective and seemly when in fact it is neither. The truth, where it concerns matters of vital importance, is never in bad taste. Good background and history from North, which needs just a slight tweaking to fit what we Whites are saying perfectly. Read this PDF. and have a better understanding of where we are. But not good enough. North says the jews in Hollywood want degradation for its own sake, but that isn't the case. To assert that, he has to ignore barrels of quotes from jews about their heavenly mission to destroy other races and rule supreme o'er a raceless world. He console's himself with pyrrhite victory: "Someday, God is going to roll the credits listing the names of all of the creative people who produced Hollywood's Gramscian extravaganza. This will be part of an awards show, which will have the highest audience rating in history: 100%. You can read about it in Revelation 20: 11-15. I hope your name will not be in those credits. You should, too. Or, "I can't do anything about these dag-nabbed jewies, but my celestial daddy's gonna season them right proper." Ja, ja, ja, where there's a yah there's a weh. An oy weh. Faith is such a puny thing. "I wish," he said, and, lo, it appeared. No matter what happens, the Christian, as I heard one say, can console himself with that, "It's Ok. We know how it's going to turn out in the end." The same people producing the conditions he deplores produced the Book he swears by. He doesn't see the humor in this. Only a jewish God would choose the jews. Anyway, consider North's words as a Christian approach to the same problem/solution discussed in "Who Rules America?"

Nice new promo here. Suitable for copying.

The Feeble-minded Nigger and Nigger Demographics Made Simple

The average African is retarded. Jigs in the 'Kwa are only a bit better thanks to their average 20% white blood....by James P.

The Value of Latin

Latin should be begun as early as possible--at a time when inflected speech seems no more astonishing than any other phenomenon in an astonishing world; and when the chanting of "Amo, amas, amat" is as ritually agreeable to the feelings as the chanting of "eeny, meeny, miney, moe."

Jews Seek Congressional Censorship of Izzy Critics

Imagine a law criminalizing criticism of racists. In most of the world, such a thing exists. But only for certain racists - racist jews. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. The Israeli lobby has launched an all-out drive to ensure congressional passage of a bill, approved by the House and now before a Senate committee that would set up a federal tribunal to investigate and monitor criticism of Israel on American college campuses. There it is in black and white: criticise Israel and you're subject to a federal tribunal. If David Horowitz doesn't like what you say, it's a matter for a federal tribunal to investigate. Who died and left the kikes boss, anyway?

Why Libertarians Are a Joke

They support mass turd-world immigration, and that means statism. "Each man kills the thing he loves," as Wilde said....by Joe McCarthy

Movie Review: 'View From the Top'

Don't enrich Hymiewood by renting this one....by Rich Brooks

Movie Review: 'Learning Curve'

A good one; one a White dramatist could rework...by Rich Brooks

Jews in the Ancient World

A small taste of what our forefathers thought of the pernicious, invidious, pestiferous and claimedly viviparous although I suspect oviparous jews. They didn't like them....compiled by William

The jewish Race Is Composed Wholly of Arabic, Criminally Inbred, Genetic Freaks

Jews are genetic isolationists....by George P.

Jews Apologize for Murdering Jesus, Son of God

File it under 'headlines we'll never see.' Jews don't apologize for anything because they're never wrong. If they were to blame themselves, I believe the scientists will back me up on this, that would make them anti-Semites. The good news is that Earth is the only known planet suffering from Semite infestation. Here the Adlkikes claim an Israeli running campaign for Romanian "anti-Semite" Tudor. Recently Mr. Tudor has taken some steps to move away from his hateful attitudes. However, though we believe in epiphanies, there has to be real evidence of change over a period of time. There's only one way to eliminte anti-Semitism: get rid of jews. Imagine there's a briefcase. It izn't hard to do. Imagine dropping it in New York City. Or Tel Aviv or elsewhere full of jews. People say I'm a dreamah! But I'm not the only one. Me and Hamas and every other recorded goy in history, think the jews are disgusting and eminently nukable scum. No joke: I think there is legitimate non-brick-ape-based reason to be seriously scared to live in NYC or Washington. I thought the same way in the years I lived around D.C. These are centers of dangerous warmongers, and millions of people with nothing to lose and every reason to hate these loci of jews and other bacilli. Like murdering Jesus, murdering sex morals is good for jews. Yes, incontinence is the jew's best friend, because, like influxing mexsickos, it takes the eye off the criminal jew's kikings and kikeries.

Camp Cachet is Kewl

Dunn embraced the other so hard she fell into an open shehole while studying shul or shitting shiva or whatever it is the pilpul of the lie practice. Dumb bitch probably will end up in a mental hospital writing numbers on her arm. What if they gave a "Holocaust" and nobody came? They did? Report from the front, from a man working inside the beast, somewhere in my old stomping grounds. Hey, they mix races, I mix metaphors. Bludgeoned with ceaseless anti-White propaganda, the majority of White students at the consortium are psychologically punch-drunk. Deracinated, conservative students who are wearing black to show "anti-racist" solidarity with the Jew and non-White enemy do so because of their inability to rationally defend the permissible "conservative" position. With no one to lead them, many can't even imagine an alternative conception. They sense, though, that something is deeply wrong. One must fight uphill like a leaping salmon against the downrushing cascade of jewish lies, to get to the truth.

New Genital Order

Hermafros to the left of me, transgendered dykes to the right/ Here I am, stuck in the middle at McGoo...taking a poo. Some idiocrity calls for a Stolz; and some a MacReac: YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS! Let's be straight: there are two types of humans: men and women. Go to a nude beach, and see if I'm wrong. These sexes, NOT genders, are different. They require privacy and segregation at times, and taking a shit is one of those times. Truly, 'the Great Relearning,' as Tom Bethell once put it, is the order of the day. And that day is tomorrow. The order of today is getting rid of the kike that produces and promotes and encodes this transsensible bilge.

Banned in Claremont

The only real victims in society are, not coincidentally, the only class called whiners for objecting to their third-class legal status: white males. Laws discriminate against this class. Many laws. Everywhere. When its members point this out, the papers turn their complaints about overt law into a matter of competing perceptions. (X) white male "believes" he was discriminated against. This too is jew-produced AmeriKwa. Where a yid can be a yid, but a White man can only be a "hater." Or a mouse; mouse option definitely remains open. See televitz for instructions. Judging by the tv they shoot us, jews believe White existence is a hate crime, as jew Ignatiev up at Harvard who wants to "abolish" us has probably said. White skin, after all, is proof that your parents, for generations eternal, were racists. White skin by itself is probable cause that something suspicious has been going on. Should we really continue to allow people to specify on online dating forms the race of the partner they seek? Doesn't that simply open the door to hate? Don't we need a government Department of Matrimony, staffed with plumply paid yentas who can mix and match among sexes and genders and races? Shouldn't all Aryans be forced into this Government Mating Cooperative? And shouldn't jews be given the chance to opt out as "special" people, who retain the right to preserve their uniquely valuable heritage? It seems fair to me. We don't allow haters to determine who they hire, who they serve, or who they rent to. Why should we let them get away with racism in the most intimate aspects of their lives? Racists only breed more racists. Why should we wait til preskool when we can nip the problem in the balls? The solution is simple: whites seeking to marry whites must be denied marriage licenses. Unless they're of the same sex. Consider this: I challenge you to deny the following facts: Jews are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category. Since Jewish offenders are classified as White, the White offense rate is inflated. This gives the false impression that Jews commit no hate crimes and that offenders are Occidentals. The same is true for so-called "Hispanics." Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category. Since "Hispanic" offenders are classified as White, the White offense rate is inflated. This gives the false impression that "Hispanic" offenders commit no hate crimes and that offenders are Occidentals. The very method used to collect and categorize hate crimes statistics constitutes a hate crime. Hate crime legislation itself constitutes and is intended as a hate crime against Aryan males. Hate crime legislation encodes the very thing it ostensibly fights, and if you think that's ironic and unintentional, buddy, you need to read up on jews: their standard M.O., itz: doing a thing in the name of its opposite. And at the official message board of one of our "land of the free's" premier liberal arts colleges, you get banned for pointing it out. For hate-crime-faking jew-convert lesbian professors with rap sheets as long as their dicks -- tolerance, by the bucketful. For Aryans in neutral tones laying out remarkably anti-White bias in official law -- hate and banning. Jews, Arabs, and Hispanics commit the crimes. Whites get the blame. And the banning for discussing it. What a hooky kooky jew-produced world we live in. How I should prefer it otherwise. How 'bout you? What can you and I and all of us and WE do about this state of things? NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE.

Banned at Pomona College, Where Truth is "Hate"

An honest Aryan is banned at Pomona Message Board. Readers should feel free to join the board and make comments. Or comment at VNNForum here. Note that most of the students DON'T want t_electric banned - but the Mexican administrator bans him anyway. Why should jews and their Mexican charges be allowed to determine which ideas you're exposed to? If they had their way, jews would not allow you to visit VNN. Jews always and everywhere work to place themselves beyond criticism - legally. Also, note that making false charges of hate crimes against Whites is NOT a hate crime. Note that hate crime statistics are categorically rigged against White males, and that the very concept was engineered with that intent by the malicious and dishonest jewish mafia at ADL. "Hate" crimes committed by jews and Mexicans are lumped in the White category. There are no categories for Mexican and jewish perpetrators. Whites: always guilty. UNTIL WE DECIDE OTHERWISE. Do you want to live in a nasty third-world grabbag of gooks, dinks, 'shits, p-wogs, bangs, leroys and spoonbills presided over by the heirs of the folks who murdered the one and only son of God and half the Ukraine? Well, if you don't join us and do something about it, your children will. Note to reader: this spintro is brought to you in the spirit of 'they only are loyal who in departing bear their added riches in trust for mankind.' Let me say it loud, just because I know it will embarrass them, proud hateful lib Puritans that they are: ALEX LINDER, B.A., INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (maybe b.s., I dunno, never looked at it), POMONA COLLEGE, 1988. As Yogi Berra used to say, "You could look it up." Hey, Pomona: How'm I doing?

Boy Scouts Vs. Butt Scouts

Boy Scouts, since they oppose an item on the jewish agenda, namely the norming of homosex, must be banned from public parks. Homos, since their destructive behavior advances the jewish agenda by breaking down Normal White America, must be allowed, encouraged, subsidized? to play rumpy-pump in public restrooms. Ain't jew-produced AmeriKwa grand? Why, when I look over the mottled assemblage of polygamous drug-abusing Hmong, through the serried ranks of piss-bottle/befilthed-diaper-tossing beaners, over the sliced up goats and roosters in the gutter outside the courthouse, my ears filled with droan of antiscient dykes lamenting another car lost in fake "hate" attack, it brings a tear to my eye. Several, in fact. Jew said: let there be demockracy, and behold it was good. And death to the nation that would resist.

Jackal Yelps Over Yassin Assassination

Suckpoop Joe jerks off to the murder of one of Ari the Blutwurst's enemies. If he were in Israel, physically rather than mentally, he'd be down on all fours, emitting tuf growls and licking in the spilled blood. Suckpoop Joe, you're a dog. And not one of those perky-trotting, well-groomed show-winners, but a common alley cur, bastard spawn of a thousand four-leg'd maniacs. Note the way that one traitor, Sucky Joe, quotes another, Sodden Winnie. Hey, Sucky Joe, you say you approve the murder of Yassin, and hope to see other Palestinians murdered by the jews you grovel before. We here at VNN wish the same on you and your boss Sharon.

Fired for Opposing Race-Mixing

As someone said, in every age there's an orthodoxy from which it's dangerous to depart. "Land of the free," they say. And, as Ratner said, "and they say it a lot." But they are wrong. White men + guns = peace and freedom. Niggers + goy control = violence and slavery.

San Elizario: This Too is AmeriKwa

Thanks, jews. Thanks for murdering America with your 1965 Immigration act. We owe you one. More here on the invasion, from Frosty Wooldridge.

Glasgow's Kriss Donald

Murdered by a gang of p-wogs, it would appear. In reality, that is; as opposed to Scottish papers.

Media: Solution Worse Than Problem

Gates proposes 1c tax for unsolicited email. I'm sure the post office and ZOG would love that.

Health Hazard

The jews represent the most formidable infectious disease the Aryans ever faced. As Ariel Sharon says below, we have the natural right to do what needs to be done to a people attempting genocide against us....by Val Koinen

Movie Review: 'Dawn of the Dead'

Great movie, marred by noble nigs and race-mixing...by Jason Tate

The End of Quality

The same administration that bends over backward to be fair to a dyke would bend over forward to spit on the White male's application to profess politics, history, anthropology, or journalism. College is jew-controlled space. Whites have no rights jews are bound to respect. Maybe itz time to start killing jews? What do you think? This lesbian cunt who trashed her own car in a made-up hate crime is close to my heart because I attended one of the Claremont Colleges, and was denounced by the administration in a letter signed by all the deans and the president, in addition to being trashed by the five-campus rabbi and other deans writing separate letters, for nothing more than stating my colorblind-individualist conservative opinions. Then I recall reading in the alumni mag after I graduated about two horrible incidents on campus in the last year. One was a multiple "date"-rapist. The other was...some guy writing evil opinions. Talk about "hate" crimes. Believe me, nobody knows how to hate like jews and liberals. A genial laughing fellow like myself is a piker beside them. Boy, everybody wants to grandstand. Wants to prove his bona fides by beating up on honest White men who don't truckle before the egalitarian Higher Morality. And as it was in college, so it is in the real world, where state-by-state tyrannies called "civil rights commissions" coordinated by the Department of "Justice" decide who a White man may employ, who he must serve, who he is allowed to rent a room in his house to. Whites in 2004 AmeriKwa are little more than slaves. The system is indeed irretrievably broken. I think it is time to break the breakers. But what a sick and unnatural world kwallege is: While we await further details, the conclusion of law enforcement that an alleged hate crime may have in fact been a hoax is a shocking and disturbing surprise to our community. We are therefore working actively to address the wide range of emotions that all members of the College are understandably feeling in response to this news. I see no reason to be shocked. These "hate" crimes are faked regularly. The news is reported nationwide, even the lugning kikenpress can't suppress it. The truth nobody dare speak is that kwallege administrations today are full of departments and deans with no earthly justification. At every "good" school you will find the following essentially useless creatures hiding out in academia because the pay is good, the work is little, and the soapboxes and subsidies many: 1) incompetent lesbian professors; 2) incompetent colored professors; 3) eastern radical jews teaching a thousand things that aren't true; 4) "minority"-truckling white liberal administrators; 5) colored students admitted under lower standards than are applied to Aryans; 6) jews admitted at rates far exceeding those of equally or more qualified Aryans; 7) a handful of open conservatives who are always treated as though they're ebodiments of Evil though in fact they are politer and more honest than the liberals, yet who nevertheless assume the need to prove their moral bona fides by speaking meekly and modestly and sticking to economic arguments. Is all of this nutty and unnatural? Does it represent the attempt to build on campus the anti-world depicted on jews' own televitz? Then so it requires repeated ritual reenactments of Our Horror at Their Evil, and Our Affirmation via candle, march and song that We are Good and will never allow Evil Them to triumph. Claremont Colleges? Fuck the Claremont Colleges. My alma mater is Mencken & Wilde U. Fuck the minorities who aren't. Fuck the dykes who don't. Fuck, double fuck, nay, triple fuck the three-named pussies who preside over these obscene circuses of nescience called "colleges."

Jew Sharon Confirms Aryans' Natural Right to Hunt Down Jews

The jews are bent on physically exterminating the Aryans. They go about this genocide through mind control, via televitz, and through the elimination of borders. Whites should treat the jews the way their actions show they deserve to be treated. Read up, White man. The jew is your mortal enemy. He knows it. Do you?

Christians Abandon Jewed Girl Scouts, Form 'American Heritage Girls'

Good example of "roll your own" as the only way truly to resist jewish takeover of the public square and jew-lawyering of every "public" or "commerical" read: controllable institution. As with the Catholic Church or any other traditional institution jews infiltrate or buy off, the group in question's agenda quickly banks jewward: supporting homosex, abortion, Mexican invasion and every other nation-wrecking lib cause the jews find "good for jews." Perhaps some of you White parents here can get in touch with American Heritage Girls and start a troop for your daughter and her friends. Be smart as you can be, White reader. Don't put your money or time into anything whose true name and nature you don't know. Otherwise, 99 times out of 100 you are going to be supporting the jewish agenda under one of its thousand masks. The alternative is to unwittingly subsidize a world in which homos are granted special privileges in "public" high schools, while Boy Scouts are forbidden the use of public parks.

Nietzsche: An inquiry into his influence on modern racial nationalism

The old guy said some things about jews and anti-Semites Whites might not like....by Joe McCarthy

Between The Lines: Rumsfeld

Gramps the goy warmonger gets his Numbuppance...by "Newz" Numberman

Letter to Matt Hale

To the imprisoned leader of the World Church of the Creator...by Rob Freeman

Morris Dees: The Dee iz for Deestruction

How many people did you kill, Kool Moe? You know what, you little dick-sucking faggot? You're a hell of a lot guiltier for murdering those Americans at OKC than Tom Metzger was for those skinheads offing that Ethiope that you made all that stolen money off. Consider the facts: 1) Kool Moe works dick in rectum with the homos at ATF and FBI - by his own admission; 2) there were at least two operatives observing the cell which included McVeigh, the guy these same fedfags later claimed produced OKC all by himself. What probably happened, as revealed by Evans-Pritchard's phone conversation with Strassmeir back in Deutschland in The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, is that OKC was a sting operation that screwed up, or didn't screw up. Yes, it may have been completely produced by the government in order to let some steam out of the militia movement. How far was Kool Moe involved? Perhaps one day he'll sit before a White tribunal and answer that. How many people did your boys kill, Kool Moe? Dees was very guarded in his comments about Elohim City and refused to discuss one of its former residents, Andreas Carl Strassmeir, altogether. "I can't go into that," he said. Ho, ho, ho...itz Moe! I think you can go into it, Moe. How many of the 168 dead at OKC are due to SPLC operatives?

Jews Given Dictatorial Power Over 'Net in France

A jew-imposed filter will prevent French students from accessing any site or material the jews don't want them to see. This is part of the "new wave of anti-Semitism," big laugh. Just what the jews would like to see here in the U.S.: a jew group linked to all the ISPs and to the federal police center for prosecuting internet crimes. Welcome to the Jew World Order. You can have jews or freedom, not both. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW.

AmeriKwan Freedom

You're free to teach your daughter that homos are great. More here. Here on the homo book for first-graders, rapidly climbing the charts at Amazon. Offer a scholarship for Whites rather than nons, and it's a national story.

Prisoner Priebke

The real victims of the Holocaust are those who tell the truth: that it's a jewish get-rich-quick scheme. SS man Priebke is supposedly the oldest prisoner in Europe. Here a good one on Israel's word abuse to cover its physical abuse of Palestinians.

Homeschooling Comes to Mass.

Pubic shmuel might have an excuse for wasting all those hours of all those years if there were intelligent teachers ruthlessly disciplining their charges and rigorously instructing them. But those both are illegal. So keep your kid at home and make it read something. Ask it questions. Force it to question things, and strengthen its mind. Then make it cut the grass. Hey, it's a kid. Get some work out of the thing.

Zapatero Accuses Liars Bush, Blair

"Mr Blair and Mr Bush must do some reflection _ you can't organise a war with lies," he said in his first radio interview after ousting the ruling conservative People's party in a Sunday election dominated by the terror attacks on trains that killed 200 Madrid commuters last week. "The Spanish troops will come back," he added. Talk straight? Thatz "hate." But don't just blame the frontmen, blame the beanie backsters. Mr Zapatero said his victory was a direct consequence of support by the outgoing prime minister, José María Aznar, for a "disastrous" war in Iraq.

White Families: No Dad, an Idea Bad

Destroying White families is "good for jews," so by every media means possible they encourage males to be promiscuous consumers of expensive alcohol and women to think they can go it alone, if not with a muffstop. If it were good for you, of course, tv would advise against it. BTW, if you're a father who's had his children seized by a jew judge and a jew court, there are better people to kill than yourself. Here's why it's a good idea to get married young, White girls. As always, jew creates problem...for which jew provides a solution...for which jew receives...money. "Mulligan!" screamed god, eyeing the jews. Americans are an incredibly lonely, fearful people, and Find a Husband After 35 unintentionally exposes part of this lonely terror. We are only comfortable selling things to peopleí-because that gives us a fair excuse for talking to them. Hence, the framing of this book in M.B.A. marketing terminology. Either selling to people, or else slaughtering foreigners-neither involves social skills. We're the world's ogre: lonely and violent and just wanting to be loved. That's because the only AmeriKwan value is money. Tv teaches this lesson a thousand times over. Which brings me to the biggest question that the book raised in my mind: What keeps these 28 million lonely women alive? Why do they go on living? I honestly can't answer that. In the novels of Dostoevsky or Celine, these characters wouldn't live; they'd commit epic suicide, they'd be tragic. But in America, they rarely do the sensible thing. Instead, they go on living, miserable, lonely, chin up all the way to the nursing home.

Media: Journalism Today

More of a burrocratic function than anything. Reporters don't report. They don't come up with interesting stories full of learning, interesting interviews, and historical perspective, they push an obvious, tedious and dangerous agenda in short, simple sentence-paragraphs so the reader's fifth-grade comprehension isn't baffled. Big photos, small words, short paragraphs. No advertisers or jews offended by content. Every newspaper in the country is Semitically Correct in exactly the same way. Newspapers function as a P.R. agency of the government. Exactly the same suppression at work in trying to keep "Passion" off screens keeps interesting newspapers off stands, and interesting pols out of office. David Duke got 60% of the White vote -- with all offical bodies -- Republicans, Democrats, newspapers -- viciously arrayed against him. Our nation through our media is managed against the interests of the Normal White Majority, and it is time that these organized to defend themselves. And there is only one way to do that: acknowledging that we are Whites and the jews are our enemy. Everything else is hacking at the branches rather than the root of evil. Here on jew Black and the problems with his empire. Here jew Stern contra jewy Bush. Rall's stuff about censorship of progressives in the fifties is essentially garbage. They may have had to use pseudonyms, but the jew network found lefties plenty of jobs. Today's discrimination against race-realists is a thousand times more severe than "McCarthyism," which nearly vies with "Holocaust" for biggest lie ever. The New McCarthyism doesn't always flow from the top down. The New York Times, which has published my editorial cartoons for 13 years through three presidents, suddenly excised them from its website on March 1--leaving a Soviet-style hole on its comics page. In an Orwellian twist, it even deleted the archives. "After two years [sic] of monitoring cartoons by Ted Rall we decided that, while he often does good work, we found some of his humor was not in keeping with the tone we try to set for NYTimes.com," stammered a Times Digital spokesperson to Editor & Publisher magazine when anti-censorship complaints began coming in. That isn't censorship, technically. And don't look for Rall to mention the jew motivating Bushy and the r-bunnies. The NYT is right in line with bushy's jews' war, no matter how much the fake rightists play up NYT vs. Bush. Both agree Iraq must be semitized for jews' protection. Here an old interview with jew Hitchens, in which he locates himself on the side of the gods, read yids, no matter what happened or will. Here on the kikes trying to get Assclump to shut down "Passion." As always, the syncopated Semites demand focus taken off their nasty behavior and put on your Semitically Incorrect reaction to it. They murder us and we have no right to resent it, or we're anti-Semites. Like I say, jews are not for arguing with, they're for stepping on. Here dotard-goofball "didja ever wunder" is blasted for blasting Norm-Mel. Veteran CBS correspondent and "60 Minutes" curmudgeon Andy Rooney says he received 30,000 pieces of mail and e-mail after calling "The Passion of the Christ" filmmaker Mel Gibson a "wacko." The response to his slam was the biggest since the crooked show first aired in 1968. More Americans believe in Revelation than in math, although math is true and Revelation is horseshit. And by the way itz: Revelation, not Revelations, just as itz: Aryan Nations, not Aryan Nation, as it is usually and incorrectly used by media. Here on a Christian awards show for movies. The Christian Film and Television Commission will host its annual Movieguide Awards on March 24, honoring the movies and television shows that best uphold Christian morals and values. Again, an example of the Christians following Pierce's advice in building alternative media. Here a site for conservative college media, Semitically Correct, of course.

Kit Laney

Rancher battles feds, gets thrown in prison. Here on battle over mexishit invasion inside Sierra Club. We can hope that, as was the case with the erstwhile Angry White Female, naive liberal members who come to see that you can't preserve the dryness of the floor without turning off the spigot, will investigate the "racism" they're immediatley tagged with for venturing the obvious. Mexicans are second only to niggers in making racists out of those who might otherwise be typical brainwash victims of King Televitz. Sierra Club has 750,000 members. Note the characteristic jew york times bias: An internal group supporting the mainstream candidates... If like 80% of America you support immigration controls, you're something other than mainstream. Mainstream is whatever jews say it is, i.e., 100% in line with their agenda. White man, if there's anything you love and wish to protect -- yourself, your family, your religion, your neighborhood -- you need to look into racism, because that's the only place solutions are to be found. In a telephone interview, Mr. Lamm said: "I have been monomaniacal in some ways about how America is ducking this issue. I have a grandchild in utero. If that child is long-lived, she might see a billion Americans." Not Americans, AmeriKwans - jew-indoctrinated turd-worlders. Here on some of the phun diseases those people of failure the racists want to stop carry with them. Here on some of the cool animals disappearing because of excessive populations of brown stubbies. Fewer cigar people and more Sumatran tigers is my preference. The tigers are being poached to extinction so pan-faced gooks can stiffen their giblets.

White Art: Science

Knowing things, how to, is something Whites figured out. Now they're hated and mocked for it, even as the dingy-excusers try to decenter the truth.

Books: jew Franken's Liars

Reviewed by neocon Lowry. Here on Spin Sisters, a book about lib media setting sex against sex by brainwashing women that men are evil. Here on a she-reporter's father who betrayed the nazis. Bruhns first childhood memory is of going into the kitchen after Germany's defeat and asking her mother why nobody said "Heil Hitler" any more. Her mother clipped her round the ear.

Nigger Nation

It's all about the paper caper, the bling thing. Big Business luvs coonsumers. Itz all about the flash, the cash, the gatz, the ass. Mexicans are just as stoopid and profitable as niggers. Sure, they have some disgusting habits like torturing horses, but hey, they're shitskins. We only pretend they're humans because the jews tell us to. Except at VNN.

Media: "Only ethnic, alternative and online media...flourishing"

I wonder why.

Iraq, One Year Later

Get out the klezmer and dance the hora: Iraq has been liberated! War and lies as far as the eye can see -- until the jew is deposed. Here Salon editor letter on smearing of Kwiatkowski by Bushy's neokahns. Kwiatkowski's right-wing critics could not challenge her facts, not a single one, so they immediately reached for the tar brush. The Wall Street Journal smeared her as "something of a right-wing crank." Max Boot, a conservative columnist for the Los Angeles Times, trashed her as "flaky." Then Clifford May, a hit man for the Republican National Committee, was given free reign by John Gibson, host of Fox News' "The Big Show," to drag the 20-year Air Force veteran through the mud after Fox turned off her microphone -- one more bold display of the network's commitment to fairness and balance. Jews can't handle the truth, because the truth is an anti-Semite. What causes anti-Semitism? Jews. Who spreads anti-Semitism? Jews. What is the source of anti-Semitism? Jews - their beliefs, behaviors and history show they are the enemy of all other people and always have been. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here on gloating about Madrid attacks. Lox News just came. Somebody grab a towel. BTW, don't miss reader comments at bottom, very Steeley. Meanwhile, U.S. sending special forces to Freaka. What a tangled web "we" weave, when we eschew eschewing entanglements. A good foreign policy starts with getting rid of all internal jews, and ends with leaving the rest of the world alone. Foreign wars encourage the Feebs and others to demand snoop rights. This jew-trained mafia wants all cable and telcos to rewire to allow easy spying. Here on anti-war rally planned for SF Friday. Here Fisk's view.

Brown V. Board

Did you know that Brown was a jew? Here on the wanky crew of misfits known as Supreme Court justices. Note particularly Flemio's comments at the bottom, which tend VNNwardly in that he criticizes libertarianism in pointing out that the naked drive for individual rights stripped of all cultural context does nothing but empower the state "ensuring" them. He doesn't make the specfic point about race, but it is there by implication. The "rights" -- which are meaningless, since there's no way to enforce them -- are better viewed realistically as outgrowths or byproducts of particular men in particular circumstances. White neighbors tend to act one way, blacks another. In other words, BIOLOGY EXISTS. More than that, it matters. The case for Jesus is far less sicher, as our German friends say. The recipe for freedom is: take the right kind of people. Add a generous scoop of land. Eliminate mass media. The longer I infect this globe, the more it seems that the message of the mass media, as McLuhan would point out, is more important than the propaganda propagated over them. They are going to fall into somebody's hands, and that somebody is going to use them. At least, we can make sure that somebody is us. More here on that nigger kook who spermed and murdered a bunch of niglets. Here's the type of thing that's common, in the years after Brown. "The student made some very negative comments about black people that I won't even repeat, and I think people like her represent the epitome of our societal problems." Not niggers' doings but others' complaints are the problem. Niggers don't know from free speech, they know from being dissed.

Economic Signs

The government makes money, which bankers pass to us at practically negative interest rates, and we use it to buy shit made by slaves in China. What a great system. I'm sure it can last indefinitely. Here on the costs of the latest jews' war. Half of all U.S. ground combat forces are tied down in and around Iraq. More here on Iraqi freedom fighter tactics.

Irving Explains Britain, Where, Why, and What Now

His worldview laid out. Here a little Father Coughlin. Here Choron on Kim Philby. Here on Europe swinging to right. In Greece, Austria, and Switzerland, millions of voters have declared their disenchantment with socialism and multiculturalism, possibly heralding a mood swing in the bastions of the Third Way in Britain and Germany. And note this: Karatzaferis may be described as Greece's Pat Buchanan, with one important difference: he is a good organizer and has an efficient party machine that has given him parliamentary representation. Karatzaferis is pround to stress his party's Orthodox Christian and "Greek-centric" philosophy. He advocates zero tolerance of illegal immigration and a major role for the Church in education and culture. Here on Madrid bombs and ETA. ETA promoted a leftist-secular version the "Black Legend," a distortion of history that presents Spaniards as oppressive conquerors -- allegedly prone to cruelty due to their "tainted," partly-Moorish blood -- and "pure Indo-European Basques" as their freedom-seeking victims. The new Spanish government, socialists replacing conservatives, will pull troops out of Iraq. "We have always believed it has not been a legitimate occupation of a foreign land and has no constitutional basis." Quite true. Here Germany calls for EU terror summit. Note this: Yesterday's El Pais reported that an Arabic document found on the internet suggested that al-Qa'eda was planning an attack before the elections. Spain was identified as "a weak link" in the US-led coalition in Iraq as the document noted that a majority of Spaniards was against the war. "For the maximum effect" it suggested an attack just before the elections. "Spain could not tolerate more than two or three attacks without having to withdraw its troops from Iraq." Whatz going on here is that the people who live closest to jew concentrates have realized that the only way to deal with jews is to kill them. They respond to pressure, nothing else. Talking is a way they use to gain advantage. It is impossible to beat them while they hold control of practically every tv station and newspaper out there. The Muslims realize that White western man has been beaten down through his own earned opulence, and also by the jews' media, which tell him at every turn how wimpy and stupid and inferior to niggers he is. The Muslims sense we have no stomach for a war which, after all, has nothing to do with our interests. So they bomb things, as we just saw in Madrid. All of which is inevitable, and inevitably leading to harder White men, real White men, with the stomach to do what needs to be done. What is that? I have a small fresh idea...let me dig out...ah, here it is: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. A world we can live with. As we see in the Irving speech at the title link, jews are not Westerners, they're simply in the West, using the West. Until we depose the jews running our countries, nothing will change. Here on echoes of Crusades. Europe needs to drive out the Arabs, right after the jews who let them in. Here on arrests in Spain. Here British metrohomosexual Randiglanz Sullivan, yipping about Spain like a Kansas City faggot. Go home, fruit. Again, learn the lesson of Irving's speech. It is those who make accusations of appeasement who are the ones to be wary of, for they have sold out to the jews, as did Churchill.

Nigger Nation

Jigged population, jewed media yield natural results. You can't have civilization and niggers, you can have civilization or niggers. As Thomas Jefferson knew when he said, "the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." If Jefferson were alive today, he'd be regarded as a racist. All the Founders were racists. Here a half-Nip on America the long gone. Here Buchanan on jew Kerry. Here on the battle for the Sierra Club. Here Millard on the prez race.

Ahnold to Visit Israel

Dedicate Museum of Tolerance. The Jerusalem Museum of Tolerance, set for completion in 2007, will be more than twice the size of its Los Angeles counterpart and is the Wiesenthal Center's largest project to date. Judaim, hmm...isn't that the religion of self-proclaimed "chosen" people who teach that non-jews are beasts and whores and not worth a single jewish fingernail? China executes 10k a year. Here kike Horowitz's droogs protest a professor speaking truth about Israel.

Semite-Hating Lake Shark Keeps Ozzie Waters Yid-Free

It came this close to biting, but realized wakeboarder Van Namen was not a jew, and turned fin and resumed patrol. Jews are advised to steer clear of Lake Macquarie.

Media: Infinity Broadcasting

On recent smut concerns. Here on "Passion," from Chronicles. Here someone makes fun of kikes, for which the paper duly apologizes. Here jew Waxman waxing about jew Hollywood making more movies with religious themes. Stupid sheckies. Oy, Jesus they want? No. Proof? Last week ABC broadcast the long-shelved movie "Judas," about the disciple who betrayed Jesus. It lost in the ratings to "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "C.S.I.: Miami." What they want is not religion, as the dumb kike missing the message thinks, they want stuff that treats their religion and culture and race seriously, and does not insult it. Things the jews are congenitally unable to provide, as the decades since the lifting of the production code back in 1965 have shown. During the weekend the film took in another $31.6 million, increasing the total box office to $264 million in nearly three weeks, according to Exhibitor Relations, which tracks ticket sales. Make a movie about the Ukrainian famine. Show the jew commissars murdering Christians. Show the judaism at the heart of communism. Show the good Whites resisting. Show the jews-in-America at the Ochs-Sulzberger rag covering it up. Show jews...the way they are. There's your recipe for success. Like every jew, Stern think he's Jesus. You can't believe anything you read or see in newspapers. In "reporting news," which is what papers pretend to do, taste has no place. Here on the evolution of journalism via the Internet. The number of Americans who think news organizations are highly professional shrunk from 72 percent in 1985 to 49 percent in 2002. People who feel journalists try to cover up mistakes rose from 13 percent to 67 percent in the same time, according to polling done by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Here Sucky Joe on anti-free-speech law mislabeled finance reform. Here on the Jayson Blair Nig Project.


Make a difference! Get involved in spreading the truth about America and the cabal that rules her.....by Edgar Steele

Cantrell on jew Gottfried, Zmirak, and "Passion"

Jesus wasn't a groovy dude and primus inter pares of barefoot waterskiers, he was the Son of God or bust. Abe Foxman is a dirty jew. She looked relieved but went on to explain: "It's just that ever since Mr. Abraham Foxman snuck in to one of our screenings, we've had to be very careful..." she said, then paused in thought. "You know, now that he has seen it, I think it will start to work on his heart. Let's pray that he has a spiritual awakening because of the film. That's why it was made.". Yes, I forsee a Great Awakening in Dumper jewman's heart: he'll realize that money isn't everything, itz the only thing! If jews got treated the way they treat others, they wouldn't stand it a minute. Why do we? After all, we're the honest, upstanding ones. Over 80% of evangelicals plan to see ""Passion.

Jig Horror in Fresno

Find out why we call them manimals.

Pope Says Jews Spread Anti-Semitism...

...by lynching Jesus. Nah, he didn't. Should have. But didn't. It wouldn't be fair to blame all jews for what some did. Even though jews said to. Better we should blame all humanity. Thatz the fair thing to do. Jesus makes good conservatives as dumb and irresponsible and just plain irrational as liberals. "He died for Our sins." What does that greasy phrase really mean? Not a goddam thing. Itz pure heartstring hokum. He died for my sins? Uh...I don't think I ordered that. About no other person do idiots insist that we're somehow tied to him and his actions and their interpretation of his actions. I'm really not interested in Jeboo and his thing with "God," whatever that is, and I think the vast majority of humanity feels the same way.


Jews at Weekly Standard disapprove. Raimondo chips in here.

Pubic Shmuels

Kill souls. Would you like to be locked in a room with thirty other uninterested people and forced to listen to Alan Dershowitz eight hours a day for sixteen years? So the problem is, indeed, the system of government "education." And that system is not about to be reformed. More and more people awaken to the truth: the System is "irretrievably broken," as inside lawyer Edgar Steele says. Burn, baby, burn. And you goodly Aryan firemen, let the jew save the jew. This system is doing exactly what it was created to do - brainwash and neutralize America's children now and in future generations as well as in those past. Gosh. He sounds so me-ish. Good news: only ten percent of shmuelkids are abused by the government priest.


Some Randian thoughts, not far off the mark.

Brown v. Board

Bad for Whites. Bad for Blacks. "Good for jews." Segregation = freedom. Diversity = death.

The Christ-Killers Today

Perhaps the best article yet on "Passion" and the jew-manufactured controversy surrounding it...by Michael Polignano

Taki in 'Tzerland

Actually, it's her old lady who perfected the look, the Margaret Dumont 'how dare you speak to me' kind, and it's the last thing I wish to see here in this peaceful alpine village full of bad-tempered peasants. Hey! Those could well be my relatives.


The president we deserve. Victim or possessor of faulty intelligence? Conservatives who still don't see the connection between war and the growth of state power should read Paul Fussell's modern classic, Wartime, which, in rich and readable detail, shows the real everyday cost of World War II. Fifteen years after I first read it, it continues to shock me, not only in its vivid depiction of combat, but in its keen observations about how Americans willingly gave up daily freedoms and deeper traditions in the belief that they were merely being "patriotic."

Paleocon Site: 'The New Fugitive'

A new paleocon site... This isn't too bad, from a Fordhamite. Here its interview with Deep Woodsy, who makes this intelligent statement: His deeply immoral expansion of Medicare means more looting of the young for the sake of the wealthiest segment of society, to pay for prescription drugs that didn't even exist a generation ago (and which would be considerably cheaper were it not for the positively lethal regulatory apparatus that claims to act in the public interest. Note what he says about voting politics, White man: In this day and age, I realize that my faith and the things I value are best preserved by having as little to do with the present political system as possible. It is beyond corrupt; both parties, as well as the conservative movement (there's a laugh) are beyond hope. (National Review Online just ran an article in favor of Playboy magazine; is any comment necessary?) If we want to have an impact on our fellow man it has to be through the normal channels of civil society. Forget wasting time and money on politics. About six months ago a fairly prominent figure in the traditionalist movement called and asked about how I felt about the possibility of trying to field a good traditional conservative for president. I said that what would happen is that we'd waste millions of dollars on it and be no better off than before. I then suggested that those millions would do a lot more good if we used them to endow, say, a traditional Catholic college. That's what I mean: the channels of civil society are open to us. Let's use them. Deep Woodsy moves closer to EMJ territory, with his upcoming book about Catholicism and progressivism. Will he have the courage to name the jew, as Jones does? Or will he suffer monorchitis, like so many lewpustules? Note that Woodsy echoes Edgar Steele in saying the system is "irretrievably broken." Note that, as with the jew proper, men of from many different stations point to the jew's System and describe exactly the same thing. To which our White response must be, as ever, NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. Followed up by, NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE, and I don't mean the color of the Pope's hat. BTW, those open civil channels Woodsy refers to aren't as open as he thinks; the jews have completely jewed free association. Still, whatever is legal ought to be exploited, even as we work for White rollback. The difference between White politics and libertarian politics is the difference between the fireman and the interior decorator.

Free Market

Nature is the only free market that ever was or will be, and libertarians run from it like they run from the jewz who live by its single law: anything goes. Monopolized violence is socialism. Hell, any kind of law is socialism. That libertarians favor this particular socialism in no way changes its nature, nor the fact that libertarians are socialists. The non-aggression principle cancels the freedom to murder. Oh, thatz not a real freedom, like the freedom to purchase Chinese-slave-manufactured Wal-Mart goods? Sez who? Freedom is a colder wind than libertarians can stand. They're hothouse flowers, cuddled up on the second floor, swaddled in three afghans, watching Spongebob reruns with their thumbs in their mouth. Have you noticed that not one of lewpus' nobs has bothered to write about the obvious free-market implication of "Passion's" suppression? Nothing could be less "free" than AmeriKwa when it comes to discussing the most important issues. Many options, no freedom is the rule today, and Lewpie ain't making it freer by pretending freedom-killers can't be Goliath-groupered. Here on the economics of fascism; three libertarian critiques of 'nazi' socialism. The fact is that, by elevating the non-aggression principle to dogma, libertarianism refutes itself. "Freedom" means not freedom, it means freedom to operate within such boundaries and by such rules as the libertarian deems you must accept. Most of the good and bad things in life come from other people. As with idiots who worship nature, you can't pick and choose. "True liberty is not license." Well, not to a Spongebob fan. But there are other types in the world. It is simply dishonest to pretend you're for "freedom" when you aren't. It seems to me that the liberatarians, specifically for their Lincoln factualism, are attacked by the neocons for much the same reason they attack Gibson for producing "Passion." Not so much for what they're saying, but for what is implied; for what their works reveal, almost in spite of themselves. Although "Passion" is overtly anti-anti-Semitic to the extent it can be given the story, it nevertheless has an anti-Semitic effect, simply by conveying historical fact -- at least, as far as the jews who cobbled the Biblical accounts can be believed. By parallel, DiLorenzo is anti-racist, but by pointing out the truth about Lincoln's views on race, and the way they and he are misreprented by the neocons trying to establish him as our Founding Egalitarian, he can't help but reveal a world of truths about race that only we "evil" "racists" declare freely. The upshot of DiLorenzo and Gibson is that men with brains and one ball are getting close to the castle. Itz up to us to hoist the battering ram they've uncovered and bash that motherfucker's gates in. The source of America's problems, almost to a one, is jews. Nothing else. Just jews. We are Whites. They are jews. Battle joined. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR JEWS TO DESTROY AMERICA IS FOR WHITE MEN TO DO NOTHING. It is a thing far too dangerous for a libertarian to observe, that human liberty flourishes only where White men dominate. None of the freedoms libertarians claim they cherish exist in multicultural societies. How does the libertarian explain Zimbabwe? How does he explain South Africa? He can't. Because by his reasoning, these are successes. Yet to write about them as successes would seem...I don't know...kind of weird, what with all the individuals raping and murdering and in general orcking like there's no tomorrow. Paper freedom vs. raper reality. Hmm, which is preferable? Easy question, but not for libertarians. Like a Christian Scientist afraid of disease, the libertarian finds it easier to crawl back into his head and pretend it isn't happening. Freedom's just another word for Spongebob on the tube. Who cares if your wife is being gang-raped by kaffirs in the next room as long as she doesn't scream loud enough to prevent your hearing your cartoon of choice? Stupid negroes. Haven't they heard of the non-aggression principle? Don't their testes see that they aren't helping anyone by producing that extra testosterone that makes them so aggressive? Can't their 70-IQ brains grasp the basketball of fact that the peaceful interexchange of goods is impeded by their looting and raping and murdering? The libertarians focus on the opposition between individualism and tribalism, but in fact these are different, necessary, and intextricably bound aspects of man's being, not opposing forces. The group is the foundation on which the individual builds his private domicile. Almost nothing of what sets him up to succeed truly comes from the individual - his very being, the genes that make him what he is were penised him by father and egged on by mother. To say nothing of the physical necessities; the evolved language and social elaborations that guide his bodily and charactereriological development into fruitful channels. All this is his for free, and if he's the one in a million individuals who can add something lasting, rather than carrying on, as most, then he's free and prepared by his group to do that. That is how things actually work; the group, the individuals of a type which form the group that evolves the patterns of life, provides the context in which the individual can flourish. The part alone can do virtually nothing, except live in a cave and try not to freeze to death. The part craps out after 70, 80 years, but the body can go on forever. Other people are an annoying and irritating reality, but let's not kid ourselves that we can do without them. Other people, not taxes, are the price we pay for civilization. They're the price we pay for not just the good things, but virtually everything that makes up the context in which we live. The tradeoff is vastly to the advantage of the individual, and recognizing this, he is usually going to grasp that the group interest does take precedence over his private concerns, at least when it comes to decisions which can literally destroy the group as a whole. To see how silly and wrong Rockwell's forced, ideology-driven opposition between group and individual is, consider the jews. They get far more benefits and opportunities to individuate because of their racist, nepotist collectivism than they would if they were merely individuals of jewish extraction. Think of the "school for jews only" down in North Carolina the group has built with $1 billion stolen from atomized Aryans. Whites sure don't have much time to individuate when they have to work around the clock to pay taxes to Israel and the thousand other Semitic subsidies the jews have crafted into the anti-White laws that form the cage of the Jewish Tyranny. Wanting a racial network of my own is part of what led to the creation of VNN. Whites have far more opportunity to develop and individuate in a White society that protects their interests, teaches their history, and legitimizes their pride than in a multicultural tyranny where jews call the shots, and whites are relentlessly mocked on televitz and discriminated against by legislatures and courts. You may not be interested in groups, Lew Rockwell, but groups are interested in you. The choice is not between groupie and lewpie, but between White solidarity and being food/fuckhole for fuliginites. The end of Lewpus Crockwell's libertarian road is Buckle's boneyard - Buckle being not Billy the jew-trucklin' Yalie, but Cathy the female White Rhodesian being pounded into the ground by Zimbabwean niggers while resolutely refusing to acknowledge that race has anything to do with it. People are individuals and members of groups, and these fit naturally together. They can only be disentangled by willful acts of mental perversion -- or by racist jews looking to sidetrap Whites. "Conservative" or "libertarian" jews always turn out the staunchest Blut-und-Bode racists when it comes to Israel. Libertarians with courage to see clearly ought to abandon their jew-concocted religious ideology and take a Burkean approach to appreciating what exists with an eye toward figuring out the reasons and workings that underly successful institutions. They will find that when you separate the White racial context from the individual freedoms which sometimes flower in that bed, you're left with nothing but stony ground full of orcs in search of grubs. The libertarians, like the Grinch who stole Christmas, need to realize that freedom, like Christmas, isn't something you buy in a store. Verkauferin Rand may say it looks great on you, but she's working on commission.

Stock Market

Stewart shows what's waiting around the corner.

Coming to the Truth

White Revolution Report for March 13: the government lies to you, regularly and repeatedly. Stand with those, however they may be dressed, with the courage to acknowledge publicly that it needs to be replaced....by Billy Roper

Self Improvement, Part 1, Ch. 3

On will and what you truly can and cannot do...by Rudolf Allers

Movie Review: 'Bruce Almighty'

A good Jim Carrey movie...by Rich Brooks

Movie Review: 'Runaway Jury'

Earnest, idealistic jews, fighting for goy control. And you can pay to see it!...by Rich Brooks

Mad Mel? Try Norm-Mel, You Dirty Christ-Killers

Fuck you, kikes. FUCK YOU, KIKES. Fuck your lying. Fuck your hate. Fuck that piece of shit Mexiass you let in throwing its dirty pinchito butt bandana out the window onto the interstate next to the jar o' piss. FUCK you for all the trouble and horror you've brought America. FUCK you for your thousand lying opinionmongers, your devious canting cunting kiking back-stabbing backroom warstarters, your sperm-gulping SHOAH UV SHOWS luegners. VNN declares war on buzzards. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Hollywood's agenda and Washington's agenda are identical. Thatz one way you can tell that ZOG is no myth. Hollywood depicts White males as losers, and Washington lawyers confirm it. WHITES ARE THIRD-CLASS CITIZENS IN THE LAND THEIR FOREFATHERS BUILT. You saw a jew? Oh my. I certainly hope you stepped on it. WE'RE SICK OF YOU FUCKING HYMIES AND YOUR LYING, LYING, ETERNALLY LYING, SUPPRESSING, AMPLIFYING, DISTORTING, DISAPPEARING ONE-NOTE PRESS. (To the tune of "Tomorrow belongs to me...") Sing it with me, y'all:

The jew on the pit lip is trembling and drawn
The jungl-o hangs from the tree.
Reports from the rifles herald new dawn.
This morning belongz to WE...


Madrid bombings blamed on ETA.

Kikes Try to Jew Down "Passion" as a "Hate" "Crime"

You have no right to criticize jews. Nor to resent their attempt to improve you with same. Jews are Gods. We had better do what they say, or they'll yell really loud. You know what the nice thing about jews is? When you dig a really long, deep trench in the earth, and stand them on-end on the edge, and shoot them in the head like so many beer kahns...they fall backwards into it. And thatz all. No thunderclaps. No lightning. No nothing. Just a big pit of pre-fertilizer. Feel free to poop and piss on the petpile. Nothing will happen. I guarantee it. Then go home and make yourself a nice belt buckle that says "God iz dead -- thankz to ME!" ITZ COMING. Here latest on Roy Moore. Separation of church and state? How about separation of Frank and state. You know the one I mean: the one taught in English and History six or seven years in a row. The one whose Dad had to be forced by a court to pay the actual novelist. Here on the human lentils for yentls at Lox. The same people who went to Passion would vote for a White party if it were socially acceptable -- which is why control of the media is a life and death issue for the jews. A vital issue, and I use that word advisedly. A college prof once chewed my ass for using it loosely. Vital means LIFE OR DEATH. Honest information is the ENEMY of the kike. It will kill their plans and selves in short order. If AmeriKwa understood what the jews are up to, they'd disappear between days. It is a scientific fact proven by scientists with working microscopes, that Lox News spews more jewish lies in a given 24-hour period than any other network. Time for some out of the lox thinking, HENCE VNN. Where all good honest some-law-abiding Aryan folks go to get their news. Here the corpse of Bill Buckle on "Passion." This is what it sounds like, no, not when doves cry, but when skeletons mate. Boy, reading this judeocringing gilk, tweaks the jew's harp of memory: hearing Buckley twice in college, impressed the first time at his peroration about the "blood of our fathers ran strong," and, rather oh...ey when he redeployed same second speech. It really says very little for Christianity that most of its members believe jeboo "divine," yet truckle so fulsomely before his greatest haters. The ones who can best afford the social obloquy that follows jew-describing most of all. Fuck you, Buckler. He compares Gibson's Passion to Bach's. But who dumbed down the 'Kwans that they're too stupid to appreciate Bach? Why, the same jews what killed Christ, no? Normel Gibson hits 'em where they live, and thatz somewhere between Saturday Nite Beat Down and Sunday morning Beam Up. Maybe if their elite had led not fled, eh Buckly Beaver?

New Tactic for NA

A welcome wagon, not a bad idea. It strikes me that the South was quite wrong not to use the American flag when it seceded. It seems like it conceded the moral right of the North. In that vein, the term 'AmeriKwa,' to differentiate the jewish production from the real article, which is represented by VNN and her readers. We are Americans. Dov Zakheim and David Horowitz are jews, men of no country and every country, but enemies of us and ours. Here Lewpus correctly identifies the few weak insults that emerge as the only political good democratic campaigns actually produce. Lewpus: a neurological disorder that prevents the sufferer from pronouncing the term 'jew.' You catch lewpus through intimate contact with limpertarians. Here on Iran's new Kahnstitution showing the current state of socialist thought.

Jews Force Arabs to Wear Yellow Stars

Jews are the most racist people in the world. And the most hateful too. That is why they accuse everyone else. Jews have spread more anti-Semitism than any group on earth. In fact, subtract jews, there wouldn't be any anti-Semitism. Entirely a product of kikey behavior, itz. Now I know there will be scoffers who say: Are you nutz? Who could fail to be respectfully impressed by the sober dignity of a Susan Estrich, the soft-spoken intelligence of a Gloria Allred, the artistic whimsicality of an Allan Ginsberg, or the austere probity of an Alan Dershowitz? Who are we kidding? These yids are keepers! Or capers. To quote Donald Sutherland in my favorite movie: "If itz a caper then YOU eat it!" Aka, Bullshit, itz a rat turd!

Winged Rat Abandons Sinking Ship

They're liberals! commies! conservatives! new conservatives! neo liberals! leo watusis! Nah, they're just jews.

DiLo on the Ukrainian Holocaust-That-Happened, Kept on the D-Lo by the Relatives of Jews Who Produced It

The crime of crimes is no longer under Durranty, so discuss among yourselves freely: what price should world jewry pay for the murder of untold tens of millions of Whites? Explaining the judeo-Bolshevik crimes of communism and the Ukrainian starvation without reference to ethnicity, putting all the blame on some abstract "state," is Pong in a world of Playstation. Funny or perhaps inevitable that libertarians, Believing it immoral to see oneself as a member of a group, skew their objective analysis that way. They treat as individual actors only those who very clearly, and in the most explicit terms, described their motives in terms of ethnic interests. The libertarian's capacity for refusing to see is unrivaled, this side of Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy. Deep Woodsy goes the entire article without even mentioning the jewish animus behind the starvation of White Christian Ukraine.

Canada Remade as Kwanada Thanks to Jew-Controlled Immigration

In 1981, Canada could count only six neighbourhoods across the country where 30 per cent of residents came from a single visible minority. By 2001, the number swelled to 254, nearly all of them in Toronto and Vancouver. Immigration is a symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. Immigration is a tool jews employ to destroy White nations. That is the simplest way to put it. And of course, that simple declarative sentence can't be printed in American papers because they're owned by jews. Here on Bushy's failure to attract shitskins. I mean, his failure to attact their votes, not their bodies, which are here in the teeming-refuse millions. Here a white nigger-supporter loses his job to a phun monkey. Rather than being delighted by it, the chap's perturbed. Ah well, libs never were much for consistency. Here asinine ANC jigs want millions more poor stupid dirt-worlders in the once-human country. Exempting 2,9-billion people from visa requirements -- from most African countries, as well as China, Russia and India -- is an open invitation to them to come to South Africa for the chance of a better life, Gibson said. Here a cunt of color attacks Tancredo for resisting the beshitskinning of America. Invading shits are remaking the east, most disgustingly. The nearly 400,000 immigrants translates into 14.4 percent of Long Island's population, or 1 in every seven of the region's 2.7 million people. When an area is filled with things from China, Pakistan, India, Cameroon, Nigeria, Mexico, El Salvador, and Israel, nobody normal wants to live there. The vast majority of Americans do not want open immigration. So why do we have it? Very simple: jews.

Celebrate Diversity = Hate Whites

In a recent speech to a "diversity summit," U-M President Mary Sue Coleman exhorted the University community to take a "great leap forward" in our commitment to diversity (University Record, Feb. 16). "We have been the center of national attention on this issue as we defended our two admissions lawsuits," she said, "but now we must turn our focus and energy inward." In particular, the president said, "We must do better on the issue of campus climate. We must establish a climate that welcomes and celebrates our diversity in our classrooms, in our services, our laboratories and every setting, day and night." Great leap forward, that would be Mao, right? If diversity were something worth celebrating, it wouldn't require all the guns and squawking. America has become AmeriKwa, Soviet Union Lite. Jews now define the borders of permissible debate. They define who we can rent to, who we can employ, what terms we can use in public, what truths we dare not utter. America isn't free, AmeriKwa is a jewish dictatorship. In a revised application form, developed in response to the Court's decision, the University chose to require all applicants to answer one of the following two essay questions: 1. At the University of Michigan, we are committed to developing an academically superb and widely diverse educational community. That is classic jewed democracy for you, the pretense that a thing can be A and -A at the same time. Diversity is the opposite of excellence. Pretty soon U.Michigan will start executing the first to stop clapping after the she-president's emission.

Jews Call "Passion" a "Hate Crime"

You think I'm kidding when I say jews believe ANY criticism of jews is a "hate crime" that must be outlawed. When you combine that FACT with workaday jewish paranoia, you have the natural result that nobody, anywhere, ever is allowed to criticize the jews. We're pretty close to that situation today. Although we retain a certain amount of legal freedom to criticize the jews, which VNN exercises more freely than any other site on earth, socially and professionally criticizing the jews means death. If you want your freedom back, Aryan, you're eventually going to come around to our way of thinking and realize there's NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. A step beyond, "hate" crimes, itz. Jews are working hard to eliminate "hate" genes. Guess who possesses those genes? I'm going to take a wild poke that it's those same light-eyed, light-haired Aryan types they make the bad frat guys in their movies. HEY, HEY, LOOK OVER HERE EVERYBODY! PIPING HOT JEWS, FRESH FROM SCHINDLER'S OVEN! MMM, CHOCK FULL OF WONDERFUL JEWY GOODNESS. STEP RIGHT UP AND GET YOURSELF A BAKER'S DOZEN FOR ONLY...900 TRILLION DOLLARS. If "Passion" is a "hate" crime for portraying what jews did to Jesus, what is "Schindler's List" for portraying what Germans didn't do to jews? NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here Calabro makes a petition of his own, regarding the ADL mafia, a network of criminal jews and unregistered lobby for our enemy Israel.

White Slaves

Enslaved by North African pirates, over hundreds of years...

Whites Abused by Niggers in New Haven

Jew-controlled anti-White NAACP given carte blanche to launch attack on Whites at "public" high school. NAACP is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. The idea that niggers are victims of systemic racism is the opposite of the truth: they're the beneficiaries. The Supreme Court upheld Whites' third-class legal status in late 2003 by signing off on "affirmative action" -- anti-White discrimination -- for another 25 years.

Between The Lies

Response to P.T....by Mr. Outis

Self Improvement, Chapters 1-2

Character reform for Whites; first in a series...by Rudolf Allers

WR Active in Andover

Good job, Officer Dingleberry: "It is obviously very offensive, very upsetting," Hashem said. "It is just somebody trying to spread hate and spread their message, whatever it may be." He then pressed his forehead to his nightstick and ran around in circles.

Get Ready AmeriKwa

Huge bombings in Madrid, at least 173 dead. The jews, as WLP liked to say, brought their ancient hatreds to our shores. The jews alone are responsible for "electing a new people" by opening our borders. Have I said that a thousand times? Well, I'll say it a thousand more. Because no one else is, and because itz true. And some of the people they let in actually recognize the kike for what he is, and want to kill him. If Eta is responsible, today's bombs will be its deadliest attack since the deaths of 21 people in the 1987 bombing of a Barcelona supermarket. A taste for civilization is racist in Britain. Racist is expecting niggers to live up to white standards, ie. wear human pants, and other onerous duties. Here on the infamous Notting Hill Niggerfest the guy's referring to. Teenagers in Britain are NOT liberals. Forget Cool Britannia. Young people want a society that frowns on abortions, upholds the institution of marriage, takes a hard line on drugs, and punishes its criminals severely, a survey has found. Note: Helen Johnston, the editor of Bliss, said: "Teenagers like boundaries, they make them feel safe - but over the years they've been torn down ... I don't know, to disapprove of kikes "breaking barriers" sounds awfully anti-Semitic to me. Itz time to declare worldwide war on the jews. Call it war to end jews' wars. Here one of Sucky Joe's kikelings applauds the murder of Haman and other "Jew haters." The message the kikeling gets across between the lines is the one you should take to heart, White man: "good for jews" is all that matters to jews. They're not fellow countrymen, they're out for their own interests first and last, and you're just a tool to them, to be discarded or abused whenver itz in their interests.

Libertarianism, a Form of Suicide

This is the starkest put I've ever seen it: we have a moral duty to allow gunga din and dim sun choy a chance to "compete" with us. Read Machan's inset response to the Canadian, and see that libertarianism = death of nations. Forget the fact that the turd-world competes in an environment without the laws that bind the White nations, and consider the ultimate translation of his remarks: we are evil to prefer our own to others. I suppose this typical economist-moralizer thinks it is irrational-immoral. Those who've lived alongside niggers or shitsicans or gooks will disagree. The odd thing is, his response is a perfect satire of his own position, yet he intends it straight serious. People are fungible. Thatz libertarian fundamentalism, and the reason that the few among the religious sect who support national borders argue against the logic of their own assumptions. If Tibor Machan's a kike, somebody notify me. I didn't think he was, but it would explain his doctrinaire jew-Randianism. Libertarian gumballs like Rockwell object to pig-is-dog-is-rat-is-boy, but they gulp down gook-is-spic-is-jig-is-Aryan. Foolz be ye, sez I. But what perfect pure distill of libertarianism: any group of people that wishes to protect itself is morally wrong. Libertarians are religious Believers more than anything else. Their deity is Me, their belief, meism. If you don't like the, cough, negative externalities of your new shitskin neighbor on the left, or inverted-penis-fearing Flip on the right, you're just a bigot who doesn't want to adapt. I really had to read Machan's words twice to realize it wasn't satire. This guy is farther from ground-floor reality than anyone I've read in months. As Jefferson said, merchants like Tibor have no loyalty to the ground they stand on. The dollar is their flag. Itz for sure a very jewish way of arguing to say if you don't like seeing Canada filled with dog-eating gooks, you're a lazy bigot. That is the thinking of someone deeply addicted to ideology. Here better reasoning from SC Roberts. The typical economist is too much a True Believer to notice what is being done to Americans' occupations by outsourcing. They get our jobs. We get their people. Itz "good for jews." So shut up with your anti-Semitic opinion if you don't like it. DEATH TO THE JEWS. People trapped between falling incomes and rising prices are not people with a future. Nor people trapped between jewish media and jew-strung politicians. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR JEWS TO TRIUMPH IS FOR WHITE MEN TO DO NOTHING. Here on racist Japan courting tourism and investment.

Germany: Schroeder Makes Necessary Cuts

A bit of good news.

Repcuntz Whore After Florida Kikes

Every vote is a vote for the Goverment Party. Vote with your dollars. Not only do we run a large and growing trade deficit with Kikistan, we give them billions a year -- a million dollars an hour! -- in free aid. Vot an ally. With allies like Kikistan, who needz enemies? Neokikes like Krauthammer pop a wheelie as they find themselves caught in zugzwang mit "Passion." How about a Passion Party? Simple four-point platform: 1) kill all jews; 2) shoot Mexican invaders; 3) ship niggers most of the way back to Africa, dump them to create a fish-friendly Great Nigger Reef; 4) live in peace and harmony for all time in a healthy, sane middle-class White Nation. You White American chancing by: the jews are not your neighbors, not your friends, not your countrymen: they are your enemy. ARYANS UNITE. If you want a good laugh, just imagine, in your head, a court of Krauthammer, Wieseltier, Dumper Foxman, and Mona Charen. Imagine these kikes trying Jesus. Hell, they would have made Gibson's treatment look like t-ball. They really are like those little red beetles that live on milkweed and emit high-pitched noises when you pick them up and examine them between your fingers. 2,000 years and the kikensects haven't changed one iota. They're still the same rotten stinking christ-killing hate-filled liars they always were. No, there's nothing dishonest and "hateful" about kikes portraying Gibsons' pre-Vatican II Catholicism as extremist kookery. I think the kikes are a discredited race. With an oversized middle-head storage bin to hold all their anti-White canards and blood libels. I'm sick of the national lungs being clotted and clogged with Gross excretion and Charen dander. The jews are giving America asthma. Those who know the kikes best hate them worst.

"Passion" in France

Despite breaking some box-office marks in its first five days in the United States, no distributor could initially be found in France. Word quickly spread that the country's Jewish community was deliberately seeking to prevent the film from being shown. What? Jews trying to suppress speech? Demanding laws against criticism? Not jews! The allegations proved to be unfounded and the film will premiere in Paris in April to coincide with the Easter holiday. Yeah - thanks to an Arab! But talk of a highly influential Jewish lobby intent on censoring material has suddenly become a subject of legitimate debate. Funny how that happens. ITZ COMING. And notice this, about the suppression of speech after a comedian makes fun of jews. Which is their prerogative. They are heroes breaking barriers when they pour acid on your traditions. You are a hater when you so much as raise your voice to them. Who died and made kikes the king? DEATH TO THE JEWS. Since the live sketch, and further comments by the comic describing Jewish leaders as "slave-traders converted into bankers," Dieudonne has been virtually unable to perform in France. In addition, French-speaking venues in Belgium and Switzerland have also been reticent to allow him to take the stage. Stupid yid. The correct word is 'reluctant.' Initially, a number of Jewish organizations were behind calls to boycott the comic while the president of Likud France, Alex Moise, publicly admitted that he had influenced the cancellation of one of Dieudonne's shows at the coastal resort of Deauville in northern France. Free speech is not a jewish value. Jewish tradition is totalitarian. And again: Some French media outlets have come close to labeling the disputes as Jewish attacks on freedom of speech. Truly remarkable. The jew initiates the aggression, and the Aryan is warned against even speaking out against it. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. While Dieudonne was unable to perform "not for lack of public but by a ban," Gibson's film was prevented "not by indifference but by a fault in distribution," he said. Hmm. The jews suppressed a billion-dollar market for Christian religious art. What else are they suppressing, White man? WHITE POLITICS. The jews have made you third-class citizens not just in your own movie theaters, but in your own nations. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. For example, in the case of Dieudonne, initial criticism of the comic's anti-Semitism soon turned him into a cause celebre for anti-Israel groups in France. Members of these groups were among the 1,000 people turned out to see him perform on the sidewalk outside the Olympia. Non-gentilemen, start your toothbrushes. More here on jews in France. Here one of LRC's on "Passion," a truly excellent example of wishy-washy chrisling thought. The culture war really matters, so we must fight hard, but heck, since we know we'll lose anyway, we'll just be happy that we have eternal paradise on our side, and no government can take that away. Christianity is escapism. Here an interview re southwestern Asia with kikes complaining not enuf coverage of Palestinian " extremism." You know what bothers me? "Public broadcasting that I pay for that NEVER reflects my views or interests. That seems to hire three kikes for every non-kike while lecturing me about race. FUCK PBS, A JEW JOBS PROGRAM. If a jew owns, manages, edits or produces it, it ain't free media, itz kike agitprop. One jew, too many. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. "I walk down the street and I get aggressive looks from groups of North African youth," said Belaiche, an Orthodox Jewish woman in her early 30s. Gee, you ugly kike cunt: that's just how millions of White women feel after you and your fellow salami-noses loosed niggers in our human communities. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Who are we? Why do we allow this goddam noxious pestiferous TINY MINORITY of White-hating devils to run our nations? DEATH TO THE JEWS. Nevertheless, Belaiche told JTA that she "does not see a future for the Jews of France." You got that almost right, Ms. hypotwat. "EARTH" is the term you're looking for. DEATH TO THE JEWS. At some point, somebody is going to realize that every single major problem in the west is caused by jews. I'm not kidding or exaggerating: every single major problem, and most minor problems too, are caused by jews. Did you know that jews in France murder people who print the truth about them? Itz true. Scroll down to info about Duprat. You know, the word anti-Semite is a lot like the word "atheist" - it is a usage and production of the opponent. "Anti-Semites" have nothing in common beyond the natural revulsion and opposition to jewish behavior, just as atheists have nothing in common beyond not acceding to public pressure in acknowledging the existence of something for which there is no evidence. Anti-Semites come from every race and class and time - the only thing they have in common is jewish behavior, jewish actions - jewish jewing, so to speak. After 2000 years, they are what they do over and over and over and over again. Can you think of any other historical example where a brilliant Roman, a brilliant Nazi, a brilliant Renaissance man; an atheist, a Catholic, a Protestant -- all look at something and describe it in precisely the same way? And fall into a scapegroup toward which is directed all manner of verbal assault? They might as well be describing a banana as yellow and mush, and be decried as anti-bananites. What they describe when they look at the jew is always recognizable, always real. Utterly, scientifically reproducible because it corresponds to reality. The jew, as the world has seen him, is a shit. And the world is right. The jew is a shit. Krauthammer? FLUSH IT. Charen? FLUSH IT. Lapin? FLUSH IT. Those telling you "love your race" is all you need, like some kind of asinine racist Beetles, are wrong. You need love...and hate. Read through the long file of good men whose lives were ended or destroyed, whose reputations were murdered in black print, and ask yourself whether "love" is all we need. Or whether righteous, jew-murdering fury is the order of the day. How long are we going to tolerate being mocked by the mackies? Slurred by shitty sheckies? Assaulted in courts, in papers? Raped and murdered in our homes, on the streets, and in the prisons? HOW LONG ARE WE GOING TO TOLERATE JEWISH TYRANNY, WHITE MAN? There are only 14 million of these vertical bedbugs in the world, fellow Aryan. DEATH TO THE JEWS. It cannot be overemphasized that you do not make progress with the jew by talking at it or doing anything but erasing it. DEATH TO THE JEWS. DEATH TO THE JEWS. DEATH TO THE JEWS. Note that none of the men on the list does anything but write and distribute books and articles. They are hounded, harassed, jailed and murdered for speaking the truth about jews. Jews use Aryan free speech to suppress all criticism and drive all other ideas from the field. DEATH TO THE JEWS. More passion here. Here he-man Coulter attempting to think, slurring Aryan Nations.

Media: Jews Hate Christianity More Than They Love Money

They'd rather lose money making movies about evil priests than make profits off wholesome fare. Since 1985, the number of movies with positive Christian content in them has grown from less than five each year to more than 115 - an increase of 2,200 percent!

Gang Rape at Rutgers

Men in ski masks rape three women. Here on a mistrial for nigger who killed White woman and her 2-year-old daughter. Here speculation on race who beat girl into coma for no good reason.

Why Haiti is Land of Failure and Voodoo

It takes a scientist to figure out, apparently, that niggers are dumb, and build "societies" considerably less fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Jew Hospital Operated in Berlin All Through Jews' War Two

The message between the lines is not that the jews are heroic people who outlast their evil tormentors but that Nazis didn't exterminate the jews. Not that you'll find that fact printed in a Prudence Wesley publication. Here a jew doubts evangelicals' intentions. Here Horst Mahler's "Final Solution of the Jewish Question," in English. And here a nigger's having fun with human women in Indianapolis. Lately the jews have taken to promoting "Schindler's List" to draw attention away from "Passion" and back onto their favorite subject: themselves/bogus atrocities they've been extremely well paid for "enduring."

Bigfoot - NOT!

That "bigfoot" footage where he does a slow Heisman away from the lens isn't real. Who woulda thunk it? Beside me and every other rational person on God's green earth. This is the kind of story that will shock only those of Christian mentality. Miracles don't happen. Morons do. Honestly: what was your first reaction when you heard about Jesus coming back from the dead? Yep. And yep. Like they say, go with your first instinct. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. You know...anybody able to multiply fishes and loaves, walk on water, turn water into wine -- any one of these alone would suffice for me to sign up. Coming back from the dead would seem superfluous. Not to mention this guy "Jesus" did raise people from the dead; more than one. I read about it in a book. So...why did Jeboo need to come back, given his resumé? He didn't. Itz all horseshit folks, nothing to see, move along. Here Seton Hall says flit off to gluticians. Proof that niggers early infected Scotland: a girl born in 1379 was named Diot Coke. Meanwhile a woman who thinks she's the government tries to pass a million-dollar bill.

Schadenfreude Goeth Before Stewart's fall

Schadenfreude is the psychological basis of democratic stability, which is to say, tyranny. Sure, they print up a pretty paper with lots of cute "rights" on it, but there's always a reservoir of anti-competence sentiment the demopol can dip into. More here. What exists today in the federal courts is nothing less than a shadow justice system, an evil twin of the common law that served us so well for so long, a system that keeps the trappings of common law, but is more like Stalin's Soviet Union than Blackstone's England. Justice has been jewed. Here DeFroster goes after pubic shmueling. If you can put a condom on a banana 2/3 tries, you just might have what it takes to graduate from public school. Another sexy email missent. Here Buchanan on jobs and economy. Our $1.5 trillion in imports is probably supporting 150,000,000 jobs abroad. Yeah, man, but this is one world. There's no difference between a mudflap and a human. Is there?


There appears to be a correlation between hatred of jews and presence of jews. Mohammed Heikal, Egypt's most respected journalist, claims that Jewish victims of the Nazis "did not exceed 300,000 or 400,000," citing such notorious western Holocaust deniers as Roger Garaudy and David Irving. It's perfectly legal to smear "deniers" pushing "discredited" "myths" and "canards." It's illegal to criticize jews in, well, France. Germany. Canada. Australia. So I guess that settles it. Yes, a horrible wave of anti-Semitism encircles the globe. It's so bad that not a single country has yet repealed a law making it illegal to criticize jews. Will the horrors never end? Gotta love the jewish way with words. Itz a way that can only work when you control the media. Now, letz say I controlled the media. And I decided that Abe Foxman, or Dumperman as we know him, were literally made of turds. Then I could denounce "myths" propagated by "notorious" "turd-deniers" who insisted he's actually of lox and lies compact, like an ordinary jew. This is what Big Lying or deep lying is all about: the "Holocaust" -- the murder of six million -- did not happen. But because jews control media and legislatures, they can make it illegal or very costsly to say that. So their lie becomes the publicly accepted truth, no matter what actually happened. We pay a horrible price, and not just in money, for allowing jews to pollute our society. Anti-Semitism is notoriously an attitude of mind so insidious that it can infect even those who consider themselves vaccinated by reason of intellectual superiority. Which is a cunting, canting, kiking shnozzling's backhanded way of saying, "great goy minds think alike - they despise us." Next time we get on top of the jews, we should exterminate them. Not sweep them - bury them. Many problems have no solution. The Jewish Problem does.

"Civil Rights" = Anti-White

Whites are third-class citizens in AmeriKwa. Not first - those are the jews. Not second - those are the coloreds. Third. The only right the White man has is to pay taxes to ZOG. More here on jobs lost to turd-worlders. Of course, you can always resist ZOG and get imprisoned and interracially raped. When does this end? When Dumper Foxman's hanging from a tree. Laura Bush supports the bush-worlders too. Good to know that the military is starting to collect intelligence and help the ADL-brainwashed cops oppress real Americans. When they're not sniffing for meth, top cops keep an eye on blightful blingies.

White Revolution Active in Massachusetts

If an activity is legal, where do the police get off "investigating" it? Here jew Redstone has no problem with titvitz. Here a long list of victims of the jews. Remember this list when you read hypokike Dumper Foxman's boo-hooing about Heeb magazine. EVERY JEW A PEARL.

China's on the Rise...

...and the 'Kwa's on the decline. Here on the coming depression.

Scotland: Big Whining About Lenin's 'Racism'

Those poor immigrunts. All they want is to nurse and teach and be left alone. Is that so much to ask? Here an update on the big televitz bust of racist cops in UK.

Everybody Was Finally Ekwal...

A Vonnegut story... THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General. Here on obesity as #2 top cause of death, and trying harder. But poor diet and physical inactivity caused 400,000 deaths, or 16.6 percent of the total, the report showed -- up from 300,000, or 14 percent of deaths, in 1990. Here on perpetual adolescence. Goes well with the dumbing down. Here jew Conrad Black on Dutch jew Rosenfeld. Here some letters to jews' own Commentary. I am afraid the case is incontrovertible that the Zionist leadership did indeed endorse the transfer of Palestinian Arabs to make way for the establishment of a Jewish state. We'll keep that in mind, Shlomo.


Jew Lapin jewing against jews. But not really. You know how that works. Why, jew Lapin can write for AmRen, AmCon, and LRC - all on the same day. Even for a jew, thatz jewy! Yes, itz artistic freedom or breaking barriers when hymie shit-dips your deity; yet "anti-semitism" when you report accurately hymie's hijinks. In plain English: ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Here some kiking about Europe. Probably the best way to think about "Passion" is that the jewish hatred of Christians is stronger than the jewish love of money. Think about that. They left a billion dollars on the table, when all is said and done, because they hate you, Christian White man. You know how it hurts a yid to circumslither an undefended penny. It must be the absolute depths of bone cancer misery for these kikes to see a dirty goy raking it in -- all for producing a story portraying them in the light they hate worst of all - the light of day. Oh, poor jews. The people of the double standard subjected to the double whammy! Not fair, itz! one can fairly hear them wail. Yeah, you really walked into the Wall of Hate and broke your nose on this one, heebsters. Keep trying, shmuelettitos! Here on a couple of jews tutoring us on evil. Here Wanniski on jew Eisner losing control of Disney. Here some of Suckpoop Joe's fans react to his jewing of Riefenstahl. Your sleazy hit piece on Leni Riefenstahl demonstrates, once again, that there is almost no limit to the bottom feeding you will engage in to serve your masters. Yeah, thatz about right. But on the other hand, just to be fair, this: You call yourself American, but that's not true is it? You are working for the cause of a foreign power, you are a maggot eating the corpse of the American body politic. Disgusting little man. You will one day be buried in the ground. I can only hope you will be still breathing as the earth hits the wood above your face. Yeah, on second thought I think I like that one even better. ITZ COMING. And no, I'm not referring to your next "hurry up and eat, Abe, I'm hungry" meal, Sucky Joe.

Book Review: Positive Christianity in the Third Reich

On the actual relations between the Nazis and the Christians...by Westphalia

Jews Draw Protective Goy Cloak Tighter

First it was ecumenical groups of Catholic and Protestant puppets and their jew ventriloquists; now itz actor-comedy goys Steve Martin and purty-mouthed Catholic Jon Voight. Ever notice how when the jew is "attacked" he suddenly becomes one of us? He's not attacking me, he's attacking us! squirts the jew who has nothing to do with you the rest of the time, indeed despises you as a filthy goy.


What do ya do with a stinkin' boolie? What do you do with a stinkin' boolie? What do ya do with a stinkin' boolie, earlye in the mornin'?

Movie Review: 'Germany Year Zero' ('Germainia Anno Zero') (1947)

Bleak picture of Germany after jews' war II; reminds us who underwent the real suffering. Can we redeem it?...by Indyslave

Endless Religious Bickering

Some of the negatives of religious belief, and a call to work together....by Max Hadden

Haider's Hopping Again

Hez back... Takes 45% of vote, will be reinstalled as governor of Carinthia. Here bunch of articles from disjointed-nosed lefties at Guardian on what they call "far right" across Europe. Dig their kewl graphic.

King Televitz

"It is enough to switch on the TV set, to go to the movies, to open a best-seller,... to listen to the ubiquitous music," complained Zinovyev in the July 24, 1999 issue of France's Le Figaro, "and you'll find them propagating the cult of sex, violence and money. Noble slogans about tolerance and respect for others are concealing those three pillars of totalitarian democracy." Would you pay a jew to murder your mind? Ever watched Survivor? What does it teach? That money is all that matters, that you can't trust your fellow White, that solving idiotic puzzles and "sharing" your opinion about such is deeply important. Adults as children, led around like large kindergartners by a bunch of laughing kikes. Tv, as the article points out, gets its main point across not so much by making points but by incorporating background. For example, a blonde making submissive gestures to a coal-black account manager, who graciously accedes to her demanding terms. Subtext: niggers are your friend. Niggers help you. Niggers are competent and caring. Niggers: you owe them! Or a white male and Asian wife on one of the "While you were out" design shows. Or, per the article, a "married "gay" couple on a Survivor-type show. The lib's next "progressive" agenda item is made real on televitz, usually with a conservative husk. Mixing scary new with comfortable old is common practice for tv producers. Since we spend more time with their imaginary charges than our own neighbors, we, being human, are prone to adjust our views to their reality, since they seem so insistent and cool and rich and sexy and, in any case, uniformly agreed on what is right and wrong. How often in life do you encounter competent professional negroes? Virtually never. You can't go a minute on tv without seeing one. As long as television is controlled by jews, the country will be too. They will continue to use it to "break barriers" until every last AmeriKwan is all but illiterate, completely deracinated, and polymorphously perverse. A human veal they can eat their steaks out of until the end of time. If you want to be free, you must destroy King Televitz. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW.

Denver Hate Synagogue Gets Free Paint Job

Contrast treatment with recent story of kikess who defaced a Christian church's sign because she disagreed with its message. ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. The reporter, with a conspicuously German name, waits until the third sentence to mention Holocaust survivor. That has to be anti-Semitism, according to the Tel Aviv Manual of Style. Saturday was Purim, a festive Jewish holiday that drew many worshipers to the synagogue for music, a costume contest, food and interactive readings. A holiday which the love-filled superhumans who call their fellow men 'unclean beasts' celebrate by eating Haman's ears - Hamantaschen. All this and they get to whine in the paper about how nobody likes them. There's about a one in two chance the rabbi or one of his earlocked ratlings is the happy-cross artist. HAMANTASCHEN ARE HATE COOKIES. Unlike lying kikes, these beaked denizens actually did get holocausted. What if they gave a holocaust and nobody came? If a jew died in a forest and nobody smelled it, would we still have to pay reparations? Here Buchanan on culture wars. Who is in your face here? Who started this? Who is on the offensive? Who is pushing the envelope? The answer is obvious. A radical Left aided by a cultural elite that detests Christianity and finds Christian moral tenets reactionary and repressive is hell-bent on pushing its amoral values and imposing its ideology on our nation. Or jews, to make it all simple and accurate-like. Nothing will change until there's a vehicle, nay, juggernaut, representing White interests that rolls over the jews and crushes them beneath itz wheels. Here Suckpoop Joe earns his name for the thousandth time, with a nice little wank attack on Riefenstahl. Ah, well, at least he'll never have to dye his '70s-homo mustache, not as long as Dumper Foxman's cloaca functions.

Real Estate Uber Alles?

Housing will be more than the driver of the Housing Economy: it will be the only form of economic activity. More here. And here, on the great rise over the last decade, and the coming fall.

Matt Shepard: Queer Cruiser or Crucified Hero?

His mom spoke in Kirksville to a packed house. Gullible Midwestern kids think they're seeing the great civil rights struggle of their time, and fools like jew "Kerry" encourage them in this. Today the con headline reads: Kerry compares black, gay struggles; tomorrow it will read, [George Brown Bush opponent] compares gay, pedophile struggles.

Greece: Socialists Out, Cons In

"They [Pasok] were in power for so long they had become a regime," said Tassos Gallos, a 23-year-old Athenian, after casting his vote. "It's crazy that we kept voting in Socialist governments when the left is losing its grip across Europe. "New Democracy will give us real change." Here a little taste of Russian reality these days. "The propaganda is very effective," said Mr Kuznetsov. "The Russian, Christian mentality leads to a strong belief in the written word. There is also a traditional need for a khozain - a strong paternal ruler. When they see Putin on TV he is a virtual warrior, fighting big business, Chechen terrorism or corruption." Here a report on so-called "Le Pen of Greece": Keratzaferis, founder of LAOS party. He apparently does not think collecting African driftwood should be a Greek national hobby, and this makes him a bad man, a very bad man. Note that Karatzaferis was dumped from the "conservative" party in 2000.

Bush Gives in to Fox

Make way for Mexishits.

Jew Gottfried on "Passion"

The simplest truths are that jews, taking one with another, hate Christians. And are so taught by their rabbis. And most Christian leaders are either bought by jews or in thrall to their ideas, often without realizing it. Perhaps it is time for Abe Foxman and the editorial board of the New Republic to give at least some consideration to the festering problem of Jewish bigotry. Oh, I doubt that. Bigotry got the jews where they are today, and they're not going to give it up. Christians, to the extent they aren't merely too thick to see what's going on, have followed Jesus' idiotic and dangerous policy right into the pit toilet. By pretending jews are just another religion, like Baptists or Methodists, they gave them the freedom to remake the nation in line with their ethnic interests, both by anti-White "civil rights" and through open borders immigration. Yes, the jews murder America, while the Americans fall over themselves to reward jews with tens of billions of dollars for their own racist hideout. Unbelievable. Here warmonger jew Steyn on "Passion." Here's a nicely overt jewish lie: One reason why Hollywood assumed Mel had laid a $30 million Easter egg was because the elite coastal enclaves who set the cultural agenda haven't a clue about the rest of the country when it comes to religion. They don't mind Jesus when he's hippy (''Godspell'') or horny (Terrence McNally's ''gay Jesus'' play ''Corpus Christi''), but taking the guy seriously is just for fruitcakes. They don't have a clue, huh? Bullshit. They have a real serious clue. If they didn't know the potential, they wouldn't have reacted by shitting on the film for over a year. They would have glanced at it, shrugged, and got on with "Nigger 32: Dawn of the Mandingo." Get it? Get how jew Steyn is lying, just like every other kike? "They don't mind" -- oh, itz a little more than that, you kike. "Don't mind" -- try: deliberately mock. Steyn knows this. He just jewing for gentile fools. Here Millard on Spielberg on "Passion." Reaction article here, it really is revealing how genetically incapable jews are of seeing themselves in any sort of perspective. They cannot conceive anyone having a life in which they don't figure front and center, how one feels about them being beside the point. Note the way this supposed conservative jewess Cathy "Young" claims there was no bias against Gibson. When you know a thing is a jew, you know all you need.

Let Haitian Niggers Rot

They killed off the White man on their island, now the flyspecked jigs want to move here. Haiti has only one real problem: niggers. Not something voting can cure. Here's some classic jigs bein' jigs, as two boolies dress up as top cops and beat/rape a woman.


Very soothing activity all Whites should try. It can take as much or little time as you want. Why pay jew grocer for what you can raise yourself?

Media: 200 in 12

Gibson's going to be rich. Hey, Hollywood's just giving the people what they want, right? Here on coloredesses against bitch-ho' rap. It ain't White racism, itz nigger by nature. Niggers are common. Their numbers, naturally, vary with the presence of grubs, much like the fox-rabbit cycle. Rump shaking and booty popping are legitimate aspirations for shanikwas, with nail technician an outside possibility if there aren't any gooks in the 'hood. Here on download music services and the future. Here on Arab reaction to Western-style media. Islamist parliament members accused the "Big Brother" of violating Islamic traditions. Seven of them signed a demand to question Information Minister Nabil Al-Hamer in parliament over the program. What really bugged them was the fact that the program showed unmarried men and women living under one roof. "We do not agree that the program be filmed in Bahrain because it goes against our traditions," said Mohammed Khaled, a member of the National Forum parliamentary group. "We support any development and tourism project provided it is not at the expense of our values and our traditions." Now, if you praise this, the kikes will be quick to spout, do you really want the government determining what you see and hear? The same people who tried to quash what may become the world's first billion-dollar movie because of their politics. In not a single way do AmeriKwan media fail to promote the government line in any sector. The problem is that the bad drives out the good. The jews serving these crap shows know this. If they can keep their heads while encouraging White, or Black, or Muslim youth to become addicts of jew-media, they can control them, and work them the way ants farm aphids. Here on latest Jayson Blair.

White Art: Thornton Wilder

Here roundup of Guardian articles on "Rings".

White Archaeology: Viking Harbor Found

Damn, one day soon they're going to find real Vikings. Archaeologists in western Norway found the remains of a harbor complex built by the Vikings 1,000 years ago -- the first of its kind discovered in the country.

Birds or Boolies

Can't have both. Over 1,000 species threatened with extinction. Even assuming the report collators are exaggerating, which is the case with most environmental groups, there's no doubt that White science is allowing the proliferation of a uniquely unattractive anthropoid subspecies at the expense of attractive and useful creatures. There were 100m niggers munching pygmies in Freaka 100 years ago; today there are over 600m. Barbecue you, 'boo. AIDS...you're fired! Here a jig keepin' it real with a suitcase full of boogameat as she diversifies London. Don't think for a moment that darkies have a corner on witchcraft and sorcery; the shitskins love the dark sciences too. Maria Garcia, 33, said she believed the witch could help her control her wayward husband, while her father, Jose Garcia, was seeking alleviation from aches and pains. Think about it: these are people too dumb to be Christians, and thatz pretty goddam low on the IQ totem pole. Even jews hate niggers, although they find them useful - not in Israel, of course. Yes, jews hate niggers, and niggers hate jews. Let's compromise, guys: you're both right.

The Government

There's only one crime: opposing ZOG. Remember, White man: government power rests entirely on your respect for its authority. The fact is that the government is just another criminal gang, with a few more guns than any other. "Our" government isn't ours, itz a jewish mafia. More here on Martha Stewart case. Basically, she's being punished for being competent. In a democracy, the government and the press work hand in hand to demonize and destroy anybody they want. Is voting a joke? Yes. Here Reese figures out that goy controllers are driven by impure motives. Deal with what they mean, not what they say. If they were honest, they'd argue honestly. They aren't, so they don't. Nothing like seeing a columnist who won't hold the jews responsible go off on the kikes who blame the wrong party to advance their own goals. Reese certainly isn't the worst offender in that regard, but he's no paragon. More on the coming day of the dead dollar. Here on some of the benefits we give up by not being an all-White country. Here a Fred column on freedom and its conditions.

Bad Times Headed Our Way

So says North. Americans live in a fantasy world. This fantasy world is going to be destroyed by economic forces that are already well-established. It is easy for readers to think, "He's talking about the other guy." Maybe I am, but if you are doing essentially what the other guy is doing, then I'm talking about you. Of course, he's also the guy who sold the bogus Y2K big lie. This is accurate: It is the determination to save that marks the successful person. I am not persuaded that the successful person is made successful by a savings program. He is successful because he has determination to spend less than he earns, every month, no matter what. It is this unbreakable dedication to sacrificing a portion of the present for the sake of the future that marks the successful person. It is a mind-set. It is this self-determined, self-disciplined program - a systematic savings program - that marks the person who has the ability to become a success. This personality trait affects everything he does. He is future-oriented. He is therefore upper-class. North makes many wise points, which VNN readers are wise to follow. What else you need to know he won't tell you, namely the force and reason the government acts as it does. Thatz what we're here for. Yates chimes in on bad times to come. Bush won't come with the truth about 9/11. Is your religion ATF-approved? You may have seen that bumper sticker. In the same spirit, one might ask, Is your religion ADL-approved? Are you a controlled Christian or a real Christian, White man? Has Father Les Peter let the local house of hate take the Christ out of Christianity? Are you sure?


Homo jew Geffen and jew Katzenberg pull back from Gibson blasts. How do you deal with a jew? The way the jew deals with you: utter aggression, utter shamelessness, all tools from lying to retribution on the table. Otherwise, you lose. Here the dumper-led dorksteins round up comments from uncowed White Americans. Funny that today's kikes nowhere in their roundup include pinchas and perla perdu, with their "his blood be on us, and his piss on our children." Accurate history, like truth itself, is "hate" to the virulent jew. Straight-faced, shameless and sinsister is how the jews go through life. Religion is as inevitable as stupidity, of which it is an organized subset. Here more tears from pudgy crybaby jew Rich.

More "Passion"

Nor should he be accused of anti-Semitism. The anti-Semitism is in the Gospels, especially Matthew. 'Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be upon us and on our children.' If anything, Mr Gibson could be charged with political correctness. Here discussion of Passion Party.

Jew Kerry

Ugh and oy.

Between The Lines: Passionate Atheism

A riposte from the land of firz and faith - Finland, where Jesus is Lord. He died for our sins, you know. Itz Saturday night. Now y'all get out there and make sure he didn't die in vain....by P.T.

Passionate Atheism

Thoughts on Christianity, "The Passion," atheism and real anti-jewism...by Mr. Outis

Treading Water II

Prepare, prepare, prepare...by Edgar Steele

Some Election Day Thoughts

In California, you can vote all day long, but if you oppose the ZOGgies that be, it doesn't matter....by Rich Brooks

"Passion" Party Formed

Pales rejoice, and hear the good news. A no-jew party for you? "The Democrats are socialists, the Republicans are go-alongs, so why not?" says party founder Steve Blanchard. Now that is out of the lox thinking.

Jewish Hate, Plastered All Over a Newsstand Near You

Heeb mocks Christian symbols, showing Jesus as an inflamed genital, and Mary as a whore. All in a day's work for a kike. Keep sucking for Israel, Christian fools. Baaaaaaaaaah, you fucking losers.

Academy Loves Riefenstahl

Jews make most of the movies, but not the best. Thatz the province of women like Aryaness Riefenstahl. Keep trying, Hyman. We're sure you'll get it one of these days, you highly valuable hooky-pookies.

Mexicans Are Animals

They're no better than niggers, and niggers are junglos, whether at the equator or in West St. Paul. How do you rape a two-year-old? Well, they're not old enough to offer candy, like the cockroach above offered, so let's ask Juan Pablo. He'll know. Diversity is our greatest rapist. Social workers with the state Division of Child and Family Services have been assisting the girl's mother with counseling and finding a new apartment, spokeswoman Carol Sisco said. The mother also has a 4-month-old girl. The jews who let these goddam pieces of shit into the country so they could profit off the myriad destructions of white community they bring -- those jews deserve the death sentence, right along with their babyraping charges. EVERY JEW A PEARL. Here a nigger piece of shit gets only 25 to life for killing a human girl. Anybody catch Patrice O'Neal arguing for socialized white pussy on the Colin Quinn show? All niggers think that way. All they care about is taking your money and your pussy, White man. They would kill you in an instant if they could get away with it. But niggers bent on raping humans is merely a symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE. There is only one solution to AmeriKwa: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Do the jew-controlled feds care about niggers and mexishits raping human women and murdering human men? Fuck no. They care about protecting these simis and chimis from organized resistance. ZOG is Hate Government. And what it hates is you, White man. Better make cross-lighting a crime, says kike-controlled Senate.

Francis Names the Jew

He actually puts the blame for open borders on the people who brought the condition about: the fucking hebo-kikes. Need proof? Try this: MacDonald on jews and immigration. When even a congenitally shifty feller like Canny Sammy starts pointing fingers at kikes, you know good things are on the way. How to say? Aha! Say hello to my li'l fren': ITZ COMING. Good job, Herr Francis. Readers feel free to congratulate him, and encourage him to more. If the jew is the problem, then not mentioning the jew is NOT the solution. Gross, crude, obvious -- no matter how the Anglophiles hate the blunt direction by direction found, sometimes, most times, stating the truth plain-out is the best way...for us Aryans. Here jewish crybabies lie that anti-jewism is up in NYC.

Israel Makes Us Hated Worldwide

Perfect example of the "benefits" we reap from our "alliance" with the shitty little country. All the benefits flow one way, and all the costs the other.

Greenpeace Founder Wakes Up

One side effect of dumbing down is to turn everything into a moral issue. The average dolt grasps good and evil, not thought. There are plenty of media people willing to tell him what's good and what's "hate."

Comfortable for Dog-Eating Gooks...

Who cares? Whites should concern themselves with what makes things comfortable for Whites.

Force-field Victory

Analyzing our situation...by Edward the Furious

A Passion for Lying

Reverberations of the "Passion" affair...by Max Hadden

Movie Review: 'Mystic River'

Some nigger-authority Correctness, but overall worth watching...by Rich Brooks

Movie Review: 'Passion'

It'll piss off the jews, and stir Christians against them, no matter Gibson's intent...by Kevin Perrell

Killington Secedes from Vermont

First get rid of the flag, then the men.

UN Tries to Take Over Oceans

Here Taibbi on NYT and Russian press under thumb of Putin.

Shitskins Messing with Human Business

In Indiana and elsewhere. Here shitskins clamor for equal rights for sewage.

"Passion" Confidential

Jews Spielberg, Geffen and Katzenberg will join forces to make their own film, in which Jesus sprays swastikas on synagogues, drowns kittens, and in all ways acts like a classic anti-Semite. Here on the wall of hate. Here enjoyable on disgusting overrated jew jewing stoopid overrated jewess. If I know my jews, and if I haven't forgotten that jew Bloom died, they'll end up doing a book together and appearing on talk shows hosted by jews. It is galling, is it not, when paradigms shift? Nobody yells, "Strap yourselves in, we are changing our minds, we're lurching suddenly and inexplicably to the other side of the scale." They just change positions and then pretend to have never even heard of the previous belief system. Victim feminism has fallen out of fashionand nobody warned Naomi Wolf about the tanking stocks. There's also the fact that itz jew v jew, and unless both and all jews can profit, better to ignore it. Here some decent comments on "Passion" critics. Is Jesus Christ's dying on the cross more impressive or meaningful than Pitt Mackeson's ride into Freeport? Which takes more guts? The man's decision, knowing there's no grand prize at the end, or the nut's claim that God so ordered, with skittles for all good oompa-loompas at the end of the rainbow? Religion is for little people. Reality is for big people. Why do they Believe? Because they don't know, they can't figure out, or they don't want responsibility. Belief is science -- knowing -- with the net down. Anyone can play that game. Here on Couric interviewing jiggy Blair. Here an old Cantrell on "Gods and Generals," in some ways, marketing, for example, a precursor to "Passion."

Republicuntz Hate Whites, Luv Them Nigras

Writing letters denouncing the Whites-only scholarship. There is no party for White people, yet they have interests regularly abused. Here on understanding economics. Here LRC writer bovinely makes his way toward an epiphany: Thomas Pynchon offered the correlative observation that "If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers." These two commentaries tell us all we need to know about the sad state of modern society. What are the questions you bring into the world each day, and who formulated them? Are you the author, or do you allow the media to direct your inquiries, as they do other fashions? In other words, the vital questions are answered by jews, and off limits to Whites, who are to be content with two doors opening into the same room. Does any public candidate acknowledge the objective fact that races are not equal? Not since David Duke, who you'll recall was beaten up by media, Dems and Republicans working as a team. A team of egalitarian liberals managed by jewish handlers. One world? Ok. Make it Mars. Go suck water out of rocks, you jews, libs, socs and hopheads. BARCODE ALL JEWS. Here on Catholic Charities, called a jesus-flavored branch of HUD. Inflation is up. Big government, big evil.

We're from the Government and We're Here to Help You

Public service = Semitic self-service...by Val Koinen

More "My Own Fuckin' Israel"

A place for Whites. Discuss here...by Edward J.

Ich Bin Präsident, on zie Juden Raus Ticket

Nein! saith Reamoondoggie. Here Lewpurr on Haiti: No one believes that Haiti would be as peaceful and prosperous as Des Moines were it not for US intervention. Oh, really? And why not? It once was - more prosperous. Are you implying niggers are incapable of peace and prosperity? Are you implying humanz aren't fungible? More here. Here Jared Taylor on prospects for "our" movement, and by "our" he includes jews as Whites. Here Canny Sammy says black bloc determines Dem candidate.

Only in AmeriKwa

Shitskin invader gets 4th DUI conviction.

Dirty, Lying ADL Mobsters Forced to Cough Up $10 Million

The ADL is the world's premier hate group. Anti-Semitism is a disease spread by fleas called jews. By the way, white fool: your jew neighbor is no friend. Every jew is a member of paranoid racist hate cult, and you're one intercepted phone call away from being set on by the hive entire. The Aronsons sought help from the ADL in 1994 after overhearing the Quigleys' comments on a cordless telephone, a signal that was picked up by the Aronson's police scanner.

Return of Segregation?

Why should prisons get all the good stuff? Jews have made America unsafe for Whites. Americans should make America unsafe for jews. How about segregating people of chiclet in Mexico? Here on Hmong, a disgusting people from jerkwater gookistania. AmeriKwans, legalizing ""gay" marriage" and importing gooks, dinks, binkies, spoonbills, gitchigummies and narfwheetls by the boatload are amazed to discover that when you knock out the walls, the roof falls down. Piss and shit don't make cement.

If Lindbergh Were President

New jew Roth novel subject... Tancredo's beating the drum for Western Civ. Here Buchanan on "Passion" critics. Freeper reaction here. Left unsaid by Buchanan, as usual, is that jews and jews alone foment and sustain anti-Christianism in America. Itz artistic freedom when the kike subsidizes with White Christian tax money "Piss Christ" and dung Mary; itz "hate" when a white man plays the crucifixion straight. Here jew Scheer whines about "Passion" and all the punches landed on his nose when he was a young Pinchas in Brooklyn or somewhere jewy. As always, remember that nothing is so prone to distortion as a jew's memory. When it comes to atrocities, they're mittywitzim. For those dirty kikes so hated the world that they deprived it of His one and only Son. Nasty, nasty jews. Christians hate jews who hate "Passion." Some attacked me personally, dismissing my looks and assuming that if I didn't like the movie, I must be Jewish, thus betraying their own prejudices. Or making a likely guess based on percentages. Of course, it is undeniable that Christianity's greatest appeal is to the stupid and defective. It offers a hand up, but only to those already in the gutter. Happy productive people are not attracted to Christianity. Mel Gibson, you say? He was drinking and whoring and drugging before he became a Christian. Because those things tend to destroy people does not mean Christianity, because it advises against them, is good or right or even opposed. It may merely substitute different, more passive kinds of vices for Aryan virtues. How many Christians aren't illiterate tattletales in soul?

Economy: Inflation is Huge

But ZOG covers it up, with giant sheets of fresh 100s.

Jew Kerry Loves Israel

Like niggers love white-girl-raping brothas. They're 'kwaming to America, those Haitian voodoo niggers. A goat and rooster were found beheaded, wrapped in a Denver Broncos sports jacket and dumped in an small alley Monday in what officials called an apparent sacrificial ritual. Beheaded goat/rooster combos wrapped in Broncos jackets make us stronger, because "diversity is our greatest strength."

Marge Schott Dies

Here comments from jew Rothbard. If she's been a leftist or a jew, she would have been celebrated. As she was an American of German descent, and unwilling to do the jew, she was mocked and cursed. Hey, jews FUCK YOU. Yet another reason we can agree, NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Media: "Holocaust"

More than 170 films about the Holocaust have been made since 1989. Of course not, Mel - we need that money for the 171st. Here on Jay Leno show reaction to Mel Gibson. America hates jews, is the message of the reaction to "Passion." America, for the most part, doesn't recognize that, because the name of the fiend goes unsaid, but there's no denying the central truth: America hates jews. Because jews hate America. It might be hostility to a movie that treats Christianity respectfully, it might be busing, it might be section 8 housing -- it might be a thousand things. Real American know jews are a collective negative that has made America worse - in a thousand ways. Here a Muslim brings "Passion" to France, against wishes of Christian-hating French jews. Disney plans Chronicles of Narnia film. The movie will be produced through a collaboration with billionaire Anschutz, who is a Christian, not a jew. In December 2001, Christianity Today noted Anschutz, a billionaire Christian, owned one-fifth of America's movie screens. A September 1999 Fortune article said he was "working deliberately and diligently" to do "something significant in American Christianity." Any believing Christian must face that fact that unless he does something about the jews, his religion will be destroyed. ITZ COMING. Some kikemasters fear "Passion" will encourage members to leave the paranoid race cult and join the opposition. Here religious books see sales spike after "Passion." What they jews are suppressing in movies, they're suppresing in other media and politics too. Here on foundations and the anti-White left. Here review of book on Hayek. And here on Yeats, and where he ranks among poets. Here a Chronicles reaction to "Passion." Unlike the Christians, I accept no responsibility for Christ's torture. I wouldn't have done it myself, nor had others do it. I would have laughed at Christ as a rather typical jew liar since he was unable to perform the miracles attributed to him hundreds of years after the fact by lying jews. Diversity, holocaust, walking on water - all lies courtesy of the gigantic and long-running jew promotion machine. I don't believe any of it. As a dirty atheist, I'm stuck with the clean water and fresh air of REALITY. Look into it, you filthy christ-droppers.

Zimbabwe: Even the 'Groids Flee

No jobs. Except for teen-age executioners, for whom there's a jobs training program available now. At least the young torturers are working, unlike half of American he-niggers. Discussion of Steaker Laker raper here. For years jews have kept the truth about interracial rape - exclusively black-on-human - out of the papers, and lies about false accusals in the classroom via the book and movie To Kill a Mockingbird.

White Religion: Evolution

MexiFred on the faith behind the fossils. I would far rather believe I descended from a monkey than a Rapturebunny. Do the most fit men breed with the most fit women, or with the most sexually attractive? As a matter of daily experience, a man will go every time for the sleek, pretty, and coquettish over the big, strong, bright, and ugly. I mention this to evolutionists and they make intellectual pretzels trying to prove that the attractive and the fit are one and the same. Well, they aren't. Thatz good thought. The FACT is that evolution is not proved, and many scientists react exactly like r'bunnies when they hear it questioned. Opinion: who cares how we got here? Nobody cares how you got to the party. They just want to know what kind of beer you brought. Inspired by "Passion," Scottish teens force kid to jump off cliff. Here a Swedish family finds silver coins hidden in tree since 11th century. Here on assholes in Berkeley area.

Jews, the World's Best Terrorists

Their particular expertise lies in accusing others, producing them too. Hamas is all about revenge. Oy, votch hymie's impression of a pop tart, won't you? Can the jews kill the rest of the world before we kill them? Dresden revision is perfectly kosher; "Holocaust" revisionism is "hate."


Debunked by the 'poop. Here Buchanan and dark days ahead for SS. Hey, White man, Mexes don't come here to work for you, they come here for you to work for them. Here a nice one on some Rep anti-jew Kerry Anton Lavey agitprop. Here on Sodden Winnie.


Who, oh who, will stop jew behavior? Jewess Mona Charen whines... You'd have no idea from her column that it is illegal to criticize jews in almost every country she names. Sobran offers some comments. Here on atheism and gods-superstition. ...Democritus thought phenomena like thunder and eclipses, and natural laws controlling e.g., the succession of seasons, persuaded men to think in terms of higher powers; Critias argued that the gods were invented by a clever man to control people by the fear of unseen forces. Religion at best can keep us from going backward, but only skepticism moves us forward. He points out that atheism is a distressing form of ignorance and indifference, but at least the atheist, foolish though he may be, blames only himself for his suffering or ill-fortune. But the superstitious man's whole life is dominated by his terror of unseen forces which he is convinced are working to make his existence hell. 'He who fears god fears everything - earth and sea, air and sky, darkness and light, sound, silence and dreams,' says Plutarch, and conjures up a picture of a man eternally tortured by irrational obsessions. Terrified of the gods, he still flees to them for help; yet every disaster that strikes him must be a punishment from the gods, for which he has to pay the penalty. He hates and fears them, yet besieges their shrines. Better no gods at all, says Plutarch, than gods of this man's morbid imagining. Oh, how true. The worst thing about religion is that nothing can ever simply be what it is, everything is freighted with some adventitious charm or horror. Religion is drama queen reality. Here too unclever by half Wallace does exactly the scapegoating he writes against. He scapegoats the nazis because he doesn't know anything about them, and the irony that they were the only men with guts enough to take on the jew who now define them to conquered peoples...well, it escapes him. Bleat, sheep, bleat. Here jew beetle with proboscis and ovipositor sunk in the carcass of National Review, squeaking about bad, bad Mel.


SNAFU is nig normal. Haiti has never not been screwed up - since the last white was killed off. There's no intervention can save it. As long as the island is addicted to black, it will remain pure voodoo-flavored squalor.

Media: Invasion Coverage

The battle within the Sierra Club. Here Francis on invasion. Invasion is theft - from you and your child. WSJ, the anti-American paper. We take cues on who to laugh at from media, says Taibbi, correctly. Mass insanity, produced and directed by mass media. Here another view on "Passion." Gibson's doing well: goy media rulez! Letz be clear about some things. This movie is not controversial. People are not divided about it. Rather, jews hate it and have tried in every possible way to smear it and sway folks not to see it. The jews have waged a hate campaign against "Passion" because they hate normal Whites every bit as much as they hated Jesus. "The Passion" ultimately could take in between $300 million and $350 million in the United States and Canada alone, Schwartz said. Just as I predicted more than a year ago. What else are the jews suppressing? How 'bout a White nation. You set up a White nation and there'll be 300m Whites there in very short order. The jews won't allow that any more than they'll allow "Passion." So I guess we'll just have to do it ourselves. Just like Mel did. Meanwhile, that other Whiteish movie, "Lord of the Rings," wins 11 Oscars. More here, from Cintra Wilson: Nobody even had interesting new plastic surgery, apart from Joan Rivers, whose face looks like it was gnawed out of marzipan by the savages of Easter Island... Here on a new way of collecting web info and feeding it directly to end-reader. It's those darn Hollywood union thugs who don't like "Passion." Here on Lyle Stuart, the jew who at one time had rights to Turner Diaries. Here a debate over politics behind "Lord of the Rings."

Terry Nichols

Back in court, prosecutors looking for death sentence. As the trial gets under way, however, a flurry of new evidence promises to demonstrate quite the opposite of what the prosecutors are hoping to prove: that Nichols, far from being a key player in the conspiracy, was a relatively marginal figure, and that a gang of neo-Nazi bank robbers, hitherto ignored by federal and state prosecutors, had a far more prominent role.


Here a jew jews a jewess, who turns it into profitable publicity.

White Science: Fun New Infection

All the cool people are getting it. Staphylococcus hebraicus. Here on asymptomatic STDs, which can leave you barren. ... condoms provide only about 50 percent risk reduction against most viral STDs... Humans beat redmen to America.

White Art: Chopin

I find that Chopin's works leave a deeper and more intense impression than any other short pieces I know. ... His performances were often freely given late at night, off-the-cuff, with an improvisatory air. He gave each private roomful of people the impression of playing just for them, for the evanescent mood their conversation had made. Here review of book on Mencken.

"Passion" Reaction

The problem is not the violent depiction of the crucifiction. The problem is the second hour of it. You can only flog a dead Savior so long before it starts to stink. Second, the repeated slow-motion shots of Jesus turfing it while carrying the cross up the hill grow perilously close to funny. Being crucified sucks. I think we can all agree on that. Apparently it was Gibson's main aim to establish that. Here from SC Roberts: Race and ethnicity are immaterial to Gibson's purpose. The overpowering message of the film is that Christ really suffered for man's sins. A second powerful message is man's inhumanity to man, a message identical to that of Holocaust museums. Quite wrong. As our own D.W. has pointed out, the message of the "Holocaust" is quite specific. Germans -- Whites -- are guilty of ultimate infractions against jews. No matter that 1) the Holocaust didn't happen, 2) the Holocaust carried out by jews against White Christians did happen, and 3) no jew group has ever assumed the slightest responsibility for the horrors its people carried out in Europe. And we all know that not only do jews not accept blame for their holocaust, they pass laws preventing anybody from exposing the truth about what happened. When it comes to Christ, all of a sudden "we're all" guilty, when in fact without jewish pressure, Jesus might well still be alive. The jews killed Jesus. No other group was responsible. Also, what am "I" as one man supposed to learn from "man's inhumanity to man"? First of all, I was already aware people can be cruel. Second of all, what evidence is there that jesus was beaten so sadistically? I doubt very much that it happened. Is a guy like Pilate who doesn't want to kill Jesus in the first place going to let his soldiers go off on Jesus like that? There's a disconnect there that really stands out when you watch the movie. If Pilate were consistent he would have had Jesus whipped, then spiked and hung out to dry. I don't believe he would have countenanced such an extended torture session. I'm still waiting for one of these mouse-ball conservatives to tell me why it is wrong to blame society when a nigger rapes and murders, but just fine to blame society when itz jews jewsing Jesus. Itz pretty goddam clear jesus was killed by specific men. But apparently, whether itz Jesus, Liberty or world wars I, II and III, jews always escape blame. Except at VNN.

White Life

Stay out of debt. A small house you own is better than a big house the bank owns that you merely sleep in. A car you own outright is better than a car you pay money each month on. The old stereotype of a poor person was thin and gaunt looking, wearing wore out shoes. Today the stereotype is quadruple XL and an SUV. Murdering minds: what pubic shmuel is all about. Gentilemen, start your bananas! Note the mention of Phyllis Schlafly's "Turbo Reader." That old broad's about as no-nonsense as they come, so I'd guess her system will work. Write in and let us know if you've used it on your kids.

Media: Chronicles

?Quien es mas macho? The chickenhawks or the chickenhawk haters? Here's a review of "Passion" at the site for The Remnant, a con paper out of William & Mary.

Newz by Numberman

Dean and "Kerry" and much, much more...by "Newz" Numberman

Airyanem Vaejah

Reaction to Edward J. piece below. Discuss in forum here....by Mr. Outis

Better Red Than Dead

On work...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

"Passion" in NYC

Why jews hate "Passion," Christianity, and especially passionate Christianity...by D.W.

I'm Gonna' Get My Own Fuckin' Israel

Escape from AmeriKwa...by Edward J.

The Browning of America

On Brown v Board of Education...by Michael Polignano

Movie Review: 'Ride with the Devil'

A great one, leaves us with much to ponder regarding where we are and who we...were...by Alex Linder

FUCKING THE STIGMATA: Review of "The Passion of the Christ"

A philo-Semitic piece of shit...by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Movie Review: 'The Book of Mormon Movie: Volume I: The Journey'

The subject matter is interesting, but the production is amateurish and will not interest non-Mormons...by Jack Young

Movie Review: 'Passion'

"The Passion" gripped me like nothing I've ever seen....by Edgar Steele

Movie Review: 'Passion'

Well worth watching, a real work of art...by Rich Brooks

Of Man and Men

A review of Gibson's "Passion"...by Alex Linder

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