17 July, 2006

Posted by alex in jewed foreign policy, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny at 12:11 pm | Permanent Link

We’re Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East

by Paul Craig Roberts

The old adage, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” does not apply to Americans, who have shown that they can be endlessly fooled.

Neoconservatives deceived Americans into an illegal attack and debilitating war in Iraq. American neoconservatives are closely allied with Israel’s Likud Party. In the past, some neocons lost their security clearances because of “mishandling” of classified information. According to Insight magazine, “the Pentagon has banned security clearance to Americans with relatives in Israel. Government sources and attorneys said the Pentagon has sought and succeeded in removing security clearance from dozens of Americans, mostly Jews, who either lived, worked, or have relatives in Israel.”


16 July, 2006

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 9:20 pm | Permanent Link


“Israel has the right to defend herself from terrorists, no matter how young.” — George Bush

16 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Christianity at 9:08 pm | Permanent Link


Your IQ must be THIS LOW to worship Jeboo.

Yes, itz shooting fish in a barrel, but can you really blame us when they make it this easy?


16 July, 2006

Posted by alex in France, free-speech martyrs at 4:58 pm | Permanent Link

[The neocons and the Coulters who lick their ass never end remarking on PC covering for Muslims in France – this below is the other side of that coin, which they NEVER mention. Jews, as ever, as everywhere, are the prime beneficiaries of political correctness – after all, jews were the ones who invented it. Wherever jews appear, immediately flow demands to privilege the jewish version of history, i.e., a common narrative lie, departure from which is grounds for firing, ridicule – even murder. Jews set themselves against the truth, and this is why they buy up media as quickly as they can. It is the only way to make their lies stick.]

France’s Le Pen to stand trial for Nazi remarks

Reuters Wednesday, 12 July 2006 / 7:58 PM BST

PARIS- French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen will face trial for saying the Nazi occupation of France during World War Two had not been “particularly inhumane”, a judicial source said on Wednesday.

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16 July, 2006

Posted by alex in media, VNN, White media at 1:45 pm | Permanent Link

This afternoon Goyfire #34 was taped. After completion of post production work links to this lastest episode shall be posted.

Stay tuned.

15 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Israel, Palestine at 3:33 pm | Permanent Link

The Electronic ‘WATCH ON ZION’

Issue No. 7, Saturday 15th July 2006.

Address: BM Box ICR, London WC1N 3AA, Great Britain.
Phone: 07932 049019

Why Palestine is Important to
White/European Nationalists

Last Thursday I circulated to a few nationalist friends a press statement issued the Palestine Center for Human Rights [see below] recounting the latest extermination of a Palestinian family and their neighbours — men, women and children –  via an Israeli F16 bomber.

A hunt for the heads and limbs of mutilated children has become par for the course among the wretched people who are imprisoned in the Gaza dust bowl by the Jewish supremacists who have stolen by force of arms 78 per cent of their homeland.

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15 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 3:21 pm | Permanent Link

Hezbollah may sabotage essential
river water to Israel

Water is one of the most important natural resources in the
Middle East and without it, Zionist Israel would soon
perish. The vast majority of the water Israel uses to
survive actually has sources in Lebanon and Syria.  The
current Zionist hostilities in the region has placed Israel
in a very vulnerable position.

Israel is largely dependent on fresh water from the “Sea of
Galilee” otherwise known as  Lake  Kinneret. The Wazzani
River, in Lebanon,  is the main source of the Hatzbani
River, which contributes over 25% of the Jordan River’s
water.   The Jordan River is the principal source of Lake
Kinneret which supplies over 50% of Israel’s water.

Well placed explosives to divert the Wazzani River would
place Zionist Israel in a very precarious situation. Middle
East experts have for a long time pointed to this Israeli
“Achilles Heel”.  Will Hezbollah strike at Israel’s essential
water supplies?  The current ship embargo placed
on Lebanon by Israel has the  potential to push Hezbollah
to undertake such a strategy.

Hezbollah has become increasingly sophisticated in the use
of  advanced weapons, as exemplified by yesterday’s
destruction of the Israeli naval war ship off the coast of
Lebanon by a “guided” missile or drone.  It looks like
Zionist Israel is getting into a dangerous quagmire as the
US is in Iraq.  Are we witnessing the final eradication of
Zionist Israel from the Holy Land? Only time will tell!

* * * * *

La Voz de Aztlan
Website: http://www.aztlan.net

15 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Incoming at 2:00 pm | Permanent Link

LE REVUE GAUCHE – Left Analysis And Comment


[Haven’t found the mention on the above..]

The Netherlog retecool.com goes on at Dutchy length about the Douglas Wright article about Italy, and its lack o’ niggers.

Altijd al willen weten hoe een racist verkaansie viert in La Dolce Vita? Dit reisverhaal spreekt boekdelen. “…First, the obvious: Italy is blessedly light on blacks. In New York City, where I live, this human pestilence is a horrifying 25 percent of the population. So I’m sensitive to even slight drops in the nigger-count.”

I don’t read Dutch, so most of the comments escape me..

15 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Aztlan at 1:22 pm | Permanent Link

Bush and Rove side WITH Mexi-racists of La Raza and against American Whites.

Vote Republican?

Yeah, if you’re retarded!

Vote Democrat?

Yeah, if you’re a monkey.


Want to change the world?

Pick up a gun – or make a billion dollars and buy a tv station.


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15 July, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs at 12:59 pm | Permanent Link

Jews in Canada, as in the U.S., import colored animals that rape and murder Whites.

When Whites fight back, even if merely by speaking out, their resistance is treated as “hate crime,” a construct that is alien to the White mentality, and which never existed before jews took over the media and courts.

Comes it now that a White man speaking his mind on VNN Forum, Tomasz Winnicki, has been jailed for nothing more than expressing his opinion. No criminal charges have been pressed – he is in jail solely because he expressed opinions against those held by the jewish dictators that run Canada.

This is tyranny.

As Jefferson said,

The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants.

Warman and the jews who operate him, including the kikes at the Canadian Jewish Congress, are tyrants. Make no mistake about them. If we tolerate their dictating what we can say, then we tolerate slavery and show ourselves abject cowards, worthy only of the slavery jews find fit for us.

Killing Warman, “judge” von Finckenstein, or any of the jews who make up the dictatorial “human rights” council that persecutes loyal Canadians such as Winnicki would be a genuine act of patriotism. That is Thomas Jefferson’s view, and it is VNN’s view too.

We will continue to provide a free-speech haven for all Canadians and English and Germans who wish to speak the truth, unimpeded, about the way jewish dictators are destroying their countries.


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