23 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, media criticism, World War Wheeee! at 9:41 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal gWaPo might defox some war coverage? Not likely. Not when fellow kikes are in the mix.

Since Israel has inflicted far more damage on Lebanon than it has sustained, a heavy focus on the more than 300 civilian victims in that war-ravaged country could help tilt public opinion against the Jewish state. But that would overlook two key facts: that Israel retaliated only after Hezbollah crossed a U.N.-sanctioned border to kill and capture several Israeli soldiers, and that Hezbollah fighters hide — and hide their weapons — among civilians to make counterattacks more difficult. 

“…could help tilt coverage” — does your practiced eye recognize stand-up comedy? Which channel out there shows the Lebgore? Not one. Which channel hints at the disparity in weapons, money or plays it any way but tiny, heroic Israel fighting back against forces-that-wanted-her-destroyed-from-day-one? All channels except Al-Manar, which American-gifted Israeli F16s took out the first day of the war, follow Fox in denying the reader the background and the facts necessary to gain the whole picture – regardless of the viewer’s bias? Not one. They’re all run by jews, and lib or con or com, a jew is a jew is a jew is a jew. You haven’t been reading VNN long if you don’t realize that. Each Katyusha reachable by fruity Cooper is treated with loving, synthetic horror. And let’s face it, the Katys are much more embraceable – literally. You can get your arm around them; pick them up and stick ’em in the camera. You can point and shriek at the new skylights they thoughtfully open. Not so easy to do with Godzilla stomps ten miles to the north. Fox covering Israel is as neutral as Dick Vitale covering Duke. Someone ought to outfit Shemp Smith and the rest for pleated skirts.


23 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Goyfire, holocaust racket, VNN, White media at 6:37 pm | Permanent Link

Will be up later this week. Covered topics include Lebanon, speech censorship attempts by EU and ADL, Chelsea Brooks, the white girl impregnated/murdered by nigger monster(s), NPR on KKK in Colorado, toenail mites and how to get rid of them (or at least fight them to a draw), cheese – lower duodenum’s best friend?, call for team of writers to help build Sunlit Heights, and it all starts with a rich, ripe laugh at Dick Gregory, the celebrated monkey from Missouri, bearing warnings manganese (pronouce as though mang were Italian sauce), and our president bushy, canting chummily to the niggers duly sedated, pantsed, chaired by the jews offering technical expertise, still, to the NAACP.  I couldn’t tell a difference. Could you?

Here’s a link to PDF of a quarterly magazine put out by the EU commission monitoring racism and witches and halitosis and zimaphobia.


Quote from Wiesenthal grifters Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman (pages 23-24):

In addition to Israel, eleven European countries Austria, Belgium, The Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland punish Holocaust Denial [sic].

22 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck, VNN, White media at 8:09 am | Permanent Link

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22 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 7:41 am | Permanent Link

Israel has more respect for, understanding for and genetic relation to Hizbollah and Hamas than the shrill Fox moll-wannabes who apologize for her routinized round-the-clock kosher slaughter of goyim who don’t fit the Plan. One of the serial killers who headed Israel at one point said something like “this isn’t the middle west, it’s the middle east. It’s a tough neighborhood. Either you fight or you disappear.” He’s right. In the Middle West, you can get 1,000 to turn out at the funderal of a local fodder, but you can’t get a critical letter to the local paper printed. It isn’t nice.
22 July, 2006

Posted by alex in poetry at 6:42 am | Permanent Link

The charm

Whenever I am feeling sad,
Because an argument is lost,
I simply emulate my Dad,
And scream his hate word, ‘Holocaust’.

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22 July, 2006

Posted by alex in jewed foreign policy, Jewish Tyranny, World War Wheeee! at 5:36 am | Permanent Link

The Shame of Being an American

by Paul Craig Roberts

Gentle reader, do you know that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing in southern Lebanon? Israel has ordered all the villagers to clear out. Israel then destroys their homes and murders the fleeing villagers. That way there is no one to come back and nothing to which to return, making it easier for Israel to grab the territory, just as Israel has been stealing Palestine from the Palestinians.

Do you know that one-third of the Lebanese civilians murdered by Israel’s attacks on civilian residential districts are children? That is the report from Jan Egeland, the emergency relief coordinator for the UN. He says it is impossible for help to reach the wounded and those buried in rubble, because Israeli air strikes have blown up all the bridges and roads. Considering how often (almost always) Israel misses Hezbollah targets and hits civilian ones, one might think that Israeli fire is being guided by US satellites and US military GPS. Don’t be surprised at US complicity. Why would the puppet be any less evil than the puppet master?


21 July, 2006

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 8:53 pm | Permanent Link

Saddam urges U.S. to leave Iraq in letter
(Full text)

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Saddam Hussein has urged the Americans to “save your country and leave Iraq” in a letter written in prison to the American people and released Friday by his lawyers.

Saddam blamed President George W. Bush and pro-Israel groups for misleading the U.S. public to justify into the war. The letter was carried by Saddam’s lawyers to Jordan, where it was released.

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21 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Fox News for Children at 8:22 pm | Permanent Link

Just a handful of thoughts and notes on Fox and its mentality.

– loving profiles of poower afflicted jews: the IDF soldier perforated in line of duty; the brave young couple marrying in bunker; the third-cousin-deep interviews of relatives of the Gilad monster

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21 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Christians who fight the jew, media control at 7:51 pm | Permanent Link


By Rev. Ted Pike

The internet is an unprecedented means to leap over established media walls and to speak or receive the whole truth. No longer must Americans depend upon the popular press or the “Big Three� TV evening news programs. Much freer, unbiased news is now available on the web. This alternative is deeply troubling to those who want to control what we hear and think.

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21 July, 2006

Posted by alex in media control at 7:02 pm | Permanent Link

Foxman Says “Never Again,” But It’s the Same Old Story

By Curt Maynard

Al-Jazeerah, July 10, 2006

Abraham Foxman is the director of the Anti-Defamation League [ADL], an organization that claims to protect various groups from defamation, which is loosely defined as insult, slander, libel, denigration or vilification. The ADL was founded more than eighty years ago and has engaged in an ongoing and concerted campaign to commit exactly the type of behavior it alleges to protect people from ever since.

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