30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, jewed immigration policy, Mel Gibson at 4:11 am | Permanent Link

Hey, kikes, use your super-sniffers… whatz that smell?

Oh yes…


After he was stopped, handcuffed and put into a police cruiser, Gibson reportedly launched into an anti-Semitic tirade punctuated by obscenities, threats and sexually abusive language, according to the celebrity gossip Web site TMZ.com, which on Saturday posted four pages of a handwritten report from the arresting officer. In the report, which appears to be a chronology of the arrest, Gibson boasted that he “owns Malibu” and ranted about “[expletive] Jews” and how “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”


Here nation-wrecking kikes get some immig blowback and don’t like it not one little sheeny-shiny bit.

…the Jewish community here should be alarmed about what the future will be like for our children, and their children, in metro Detroit. The Arab Americans’ youthfulness and sheer numbers must be noted. They are learning quickly about political activism in America, and have connections with activist groups throughout the world.

And your dirty lying Televitz to them is to laugh…!


30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Notes 'n' stuff... at 3:46 am | Permanent Link

[Note – a number of people have written me wanting old-style letters. We will be doing letters again once the site is fully restored, which may take some time. In the meantime, we’ll publish things on the front page.]

Hi All,

Have just watched the CSPAN broadcast of last month’s conference in LA of 9-11 truthtellers. Well worth watching, if somewhat frightening. Some excellent speakers. For those who missed it tonight, it will be rebroadcast tomorrow (Sunday) at 11:15 a.m. PDT (2:15 p.m. EDT) on CSPAN-1. I suspect that will be the last time it’s ever aired on any mainstream media outlet, so catch while catch can.


Read the rest of this entry »

30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Edgar Steele at 12:05 am | Permanent Link

[Downloadable audio files of Wake Up! (part 2):
streaming mp3 audio (2.6 mb, 23 min); Wake Up! (part 1+2): streaming mp3 audio (4.2 mb, 37 min)

by Edgar J. Steele

July 29, 2006

“Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” — John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), sixth U.S. President

Once you wake up, it is amazing how much evidence is just lying around everywhere, in plain sight, of government/media lying and complicity in all manner of aberrant behavior. I hear that very observation, time and again, from list members who finally reach a critical mass in their thinking or, perhaps, undergo what I call a “trigger event,” and then suddenly “awaken.” You know who you are.

Read the rest of this entry »

29 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Canada, free-speech martyrs at 9:18 pm | Permanent Link

[Reader writes…]

I talked with a person at Maplehurst Correctional Facility this morning (where Tom was held).

Tom is now being held in Penetanguishene.

Letters can be sent to him addressed as follows:

Tomasz Winnicki, inmate
Central North Correctional Centre
1501 Fuller Avenue
Penetanguishene, ON
L9M 2H4

Here is their phone number in case anyone wants to visit Tom:
(705) 549-9470, press “0” for operator


29 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, false-flag operations, German nationalists, historical factualism, jewish fifth column, letters to dumb cunts at 7:37 pm | Permanent Link

[Four posts made at Sunlit Heights while we were down…]

Mencken’s Never-Realized Plans 

The Enslaved Germans

N.B. Forrest Tutors Gene Lyons

David Horowitz and …
29 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, VNN at 3:59 pm | Permanent Link

[VNN was down for reasons explained below in both my interview with Peter Schaenk and the press release. As you can see, our main is now back up, and our forum should be back online in the next couple of days.]

Alex Linder on Shank Talk Worldwide, 7/27/06

28 July 2006

Q. When will VNN return to normal?

We expect to be back up in blog format in the next 24 hours (by the end of July 28). Should it take longer, we will update this static html page with fresh news and editorial. Keep checking!

Read the rest of this entry »

29 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 9:19 am | Permanent Link

Both VNN and Sunlit Heights are back online, the forum as well as our media content remain offline but are scheduled to return. Much work remains, but first VNN thanks our many friends and those tireless few struggling to make our return possible.

Stay tuned.

26 July, 2006

Posted by alex in media control, World War Wheeee! at 5:29 am | Permanent Link

AmeriKwa and Israel, as befits great democracies, do everything they can to keep competing views off the air.  First they bomb, then they label the victim ‘terrorist.’ Everything you need to know will be broadcast on Fox, the Good Channel.

Read the rest of this entry »

24 July, 2006

Posted by alex in VNN, White media at 6:23 pm | Permanent Link

(Newer posts below).

Moderator Note: Due the explosive growth in listenership we are now uploading this episode of Goyfire to a 3rd party server. When the upload and setup are complete we will post a link to the alternate download location.

Alternate mp3 download location:

http://rapidshare.de/files/26980965/gf3548k.mp3.html or http://www.sskiweb.com/gf/gf3548k.mp3

Alex Linder, Agis, Chain, and Geoff Beck discuss: Lebanon, speech censorship attempts by EU and ADL, Chelsea Brooks, the white girl impregnated/murdered by nigger monster(s), NPR on KKK in Colorado, toenail mites and how to get rid of them (or at least fight them to a draw), cheese – lower duodenum.s best friend?, call for team of writers to help build Sunlit Heights, and it all starts with a rich, ripe laugh at Dick Gregory, the celebrated monkey from Missouri, bearing warnings manganese (pronouce as though mang were Italian sauce), and our president bushy, canting chummily to the niggers duly sedated, pantsed, chaired by the jews offering technical expertise, still, to the NAACP.

Direct mp3 download (58 MB): gf3548k.mp3

Podcast: subscribe

Archives and Streams: here

Shownotes: here

Visit the VNN Media Index to download previous Goyfire episodes, and other VNN presentations.

24 July, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, AmeriKwa, anthropology at 5:07 pm | Permanent Link

by Fred Reed

A Modest Proposal To Abolish Universities

About Time

I think it is time to close the universities, and perhaps prosecute the professoriat under the RICO act as a corrupt and racketeering-influenced organization. Universities these days have the moral character of electronic churches, and as little educational value. They are an embarrassment to civilization.

Read the rest of this entry »