31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, graphics/toons at 12:04 pm | Permanent Link

It ain’t pretty…

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31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in jewed foreign policy at 11:26 am | Permanent Link

Israel’s Criminal Accomplice


There never was any doubt of the Bush Regime’s complicity in Israel’s naked aggression against the Lebanese civilian population.  Bush has protected Israel from world condemnation. Bush has blocked those who attempted to bring a stop to Israel’s bombing of residential neighborhoods and civilian infrastructure, and now Bush rushes more bombs for Israel to drop on Lebanon.


31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 9:56 am | Permanent Link

Our enemy, Israel…

How many enemies has it made us that we wouldn’t have otherwise? And all that for the cheap price of $3 billion a year…minimum.

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31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Europe, France, Guillaume Faye, Michael O'Meara, philosophy, white nationalism at 9:31 am | Permanent Link

By Michael O’Meara

Few postwar thinkers in my view have played a greater role in ideologically resisting the forces assaulting Europe’s incomparable bioculture than Guillaume Faye. This was publicly evident at the international conference on “The White World’s Future” held in Moscow in June of this year, which he helped organize. It’s even more evident in the six books he’s written in the last seven years and in the innumerable articles, interviews, and conferences in which he’s alerted Europeans to the great challenges threatening their survival.

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31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Europe, France, Michael O'Meara, writers at 9:10 am | Permanent Link

vennerfascistsbook.jpgTRANSLATOR’S NOTE: It’s testament to the abysmal state of our culture that hardly one of Dominique Venner’s more than forty books have been translated into English. But everything he writes bears directly on us — “us” here referring not specifically to the anglophone world, but to the European world that exists wherever white men still carry on in any of the old ways.

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31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 7:00 am | Permanent Link

This was on the readers’ letters page over at Suckpoop Joe’s, WND.com. A letter criticizing Jews! I’m speechless. I can’t get my mind to apprehend such a construct embedded at WND. But here it is:

[first paragraph snipped]
“While we are having this little chat, here’s something I always wanted to ask you, Joseph Farah. You are always moaning about the ACLU, People For the American Way, George Soros, Michael Newdow, etc. Why don’t you ever point out that all the organizations dedicated to attacking Christianity and tearing down (deconstructing) our nation are Jewish organizations? Jewish leadership, Jewish staff and lawyers, Jewish money. You always call Newdow an atheist, but he is in fact a member of the Tribe. George Soros, Howard Simon, Nadine Stroessen, Mark Potok … Sometimes, of course, they have a gentile stooge as a front man, like that pathetic clown the “Reverend” Barry Lynn, but you don’t have to look very far to see who is running the show. How come, Mr. Farah?
Dave Kutz”

30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Jewish Tyranny, loxism at 10:23 am | Permanent Link

More examples of Israel’s moral superiority.

30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in appeasers of the jew, Christians, Christians who abet jews at 5:58 am | Permanent Link

[Are you a chrissling who likes a syrupy sermon of a Sunday morn? Try this bracer…]

Hezbollah: Model for Manliness

by Joanna Francis

As I watch the genocidal war crimes being committed against the Lebanese people, I’m struck by the images that come across my television screen. I see women and children badly burned by the illegal chemical weapons our tax dollars provide to the Israelis for the incineration of their enemies; bridges, homes and roadways bombed into oblivion; hundreds of thousands of internal refugees; and death and misery palpable from halfway around the world.

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30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 5:26 am | Permanent Link

This is for all you christians, with your defective brains, your tiny souls, your missing guts. Provided purely for your sado-sexual pleasure, itz…

Uncle Abraham’s Sunday Murder Buffet…

All the toasted babies, fried mamas and pastrified pops you can eat, drink, smoke, and jerk off to for the eensy-weensy price of 10 million dollars a day!

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30 July, 2006

Posted by alex in World War Wheeee! at 5:05 am | Permanent Link


NEW YORK — The government of Israel today launched a massive air assault on suspected terrorist targets along coastal cities of the United States of America.

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