19 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, VNN, White media at 12:31 pm | Permanent Link

Free Talk Live (FTL) is an unscripted call-in show hosted by Stan Sikorski and featuring VNN regulars Alex Linder, Geoff Beck, James Hawthorne, Chain, and Callers.

FTL and other VNN media is archived at Goyfire.com. VNN encourages listeners to download, share, and store VNN media. (Note Goyfire.com is down at the moment, hence the reason why we encourage listeners to grab the archives).

11 August, 2006: part 1 (34 MB), and part 2 (25 MB)

Host Stan Sikorski is joined with Alex Linder, Theseus, Geoff Beck, Baby Cakes, Orion, and Bud White. (If I missed anyone my apologies).

13 August, 2006: part 1 ( 25 MB)

Host Stan Sikorski is joined with Alex Linder and Geoff Beck.

Note: FTL broadcast for 13 August, 2006 part 2 , which features Chain, and FTL 15 August, 2006 will soon be posted. Stay tuned.

18 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Arch Stanton at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

In the past I had never really considered the uniformed Nazi to be of any value to the white movement. In fact I maintained the visage of the uniformed Nazi has long been a detriment to the formation and pursuit of any successful white political movement. After all, for proof of this deleterious effect one only has to look at how effectively the jews used a photo of David Duke in Nazi uniform to thoroughly discredit and defame his person, thereby greatly ameliorating his political power. But no more, no-siree-bob, I have seen the light, I have changed my tune to Tomorrow Belongs to Me! That’s right, after the seeing the Nazis’ effect on our neighborhood Nubian Viking fest, I have totally changed my mind about the throwback effect of the uniformed Nazi.

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17 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara at 1:18 pm | Permanent Link

White Nationalism and Historic Nationalism: Elements of a Definition

by Michael O’Meara

“Blut will zu Blut.”

White nationalists have embarked on a daunting mission, perhaps the most daunting of the last 30,000 years. This mission is to ensure the survival of the white race—the survival of the culture that is its spiritual embodiment and of the unique genotype that is its biological achievement. They bear all this as their mission, along with a seemingly awkward political designation.

For like historic “nationalism,” the notion of “white nationalism” lacks theoretical rigor, even coherence. But what its critics don’t understand is that this distracts not in the least from its significance or truth. The problems associated with its usage tend, in fact, to be less semantical than practical, for it is less a theory or an ideology than a spirit, a heroic sentiment, a movement embodying the will to power of an oppressed people. Just, then, as nationalism’s unclear definition did not prevent it from playing a pivotal role in the last two centuries of world history, for similar reasons white nationalism is likely to play an analogous role in the 21st century.

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16 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara at 3:34 pm | Permanent Link

Is America a Nation — What Is the American Nation?

by Michael O’Meara

Author’s Note: The following was part of a larger series of articles that was written for an audience of French “revolutionary nationalists” whose image of America is almost categorically negative. Its ostensible aim was to highlight the positive in the heritage we White nationalist claim. But at a deeper level, it was also an effort to convince myself that America has not been a historical disaster for the White race. The negative interpretation opposed here can be found in “The Holocaust of America,” appearing in the latest issue of The Occidental Quarterly (VI:1), and in the chapter “Anti-Europe” in my New Culture, New Right.

In the United States, the closest thing to Europe’s “new revolutionary nationalism”—which designates liberalism’s cosmopolitan plutocracy as Europe’s chief enemy, resists the de-Europeanization of its capital, population, and territory, and identifies with a biocultural vision of Magna Europa rather than the 19th-century nation-state—is “White nationalism.” Though a marginal force on the American political scene (theoretically deficient, fragmented into scores of tiny organizations, and with a greater presence in cyberspace than in the public sphere), it nevertheless wages the same fight as its European counterpart and, on the most decisive issue, race, is considerably more advanced. In this spirit, it takes its stand with the “Old America” that is the counter-part to Bush’s “Old Europe”, it considers its people part of Europe’s biosphere, and opposes not just the present Hebraisized administration in Washington, but the anti-White impetus of “the American century.”

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16 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 6:47 am | Permanent Link



They Say “Hate,” We Say “Got Any Onion Dip?”

These so-called crimes used to be called “bias crimes.” But apparently, the word “bias” didn’t pack enough emotion, so the Jewish-created “anti-racism” groups worked to change the term to “hate crimes.” Emotion helps the Jews. They want Sally VoterGal to get misty-eyed about “hate” and “racism.” They don’t want citizens to think. They want citizens to reach for a hanky instead:


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15 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck, heretical.com, VNN, White media at 7:23 pm | Permanent Link

The Persecution of Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell

Direct mp3 download: TTIND_26.mp3 (4 MB)


Archives and Streams: goyfire.com

Part I, Summer 2000: The sentencing of Simon Sheppard

Part II, Summer 2006: The Persecution of Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell

15 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 7:35 am | Permanent Link



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14 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Luke O'Farrell at 3:33 pm | Permanent Link

The Charge of the Kike Brigade

THE O’FARRELL COLUMN at heretical.com

Note to readers: soon Beck will release a Truth is No Defense Broadcast summarizing the history of persecution suffered by Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell at the hands of the kike conspiracy.

14 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 8:48 am | Permanent Link

I’ll admit, it’s a fruity sounding concept. I hate things stated as Absolutes and High-Minded Values. But the simple fact is, no politician within a stone’s throw of honesty has anything to fear from it. Therefore, anyone who tries to limit it proves he needs stringing up.
14 August, 2006

Posted by alex in France, loxism at 4:31 am | Permanent Link

Gotta luv the kikes hoping the French will bail them out. Don’t do it, France. You have no idea how much time the jews operating our media spend mocking you.

France is a great nation. It has problems just like ours, caused by the exact same jews. “Cheese-eating surrender monkeys” is loxism.