24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, LTEs at 2:54 pm | Permanent Link


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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in economy, Zimbabwe at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

[from Daily Reckoning]

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 2:05 pm | Permanent Link


happy warrior


Espying the Jew

August 28, 2006

Earlier this year, I chanced to be at a public meeting with the great Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post. Afterwards, a gentleman from the audience casually made some allusion to some or other aspect of the Jewish calendar, at which I looked momentarily befuddled. And so Caroline helpfully explained to him that “Mark’s not a Jew, but he plays one on TV.?

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in books, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewish mafia at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

Jews are in many ways best understood as a global mafia; an international crime family; a genetic kosher nostra, as has been said. Wherever you find Israelis – jews – you can bet your life you will find corruption.

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Republic, Israel - the facts, patriotards at 12:02 pm | Permanent Link

If giant streams of air flow in, and voluminous swells of lies flow out, it just might be a jew. A BTL variation interpolating facts with Freeperbilge…

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in France, graphics/toons, VNN promos at 11:34 am | Permanent Link

Image taken from old French school book…

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in N.B. Forrest at 9:54 am | Permanent Link

I watched a PBS “documentary” about the damage done to the friendship between Elia Kazan & ugly-ass choo mantis Arthur Miller by The Hysteria of the Anti-Communist Witch Hunts: hearse-loads of “martyr” snootzim recounting yet again how they nobly bore the most horrible poisecution imaginable at the blood-soaked hands of Tailgunner Joe: (“Oh, I realize it’s difficult for the younger generation to even imagine such a time – but, tragically, it’s all-too true: for several years, I actually had to use a pseudonym to continue to mindschtupping the goyim…..let it serve as a chilling cautionary tale…..”). Crumbly jewslut “Lee Grant” – never to be forgiven for her sneering “If Mr. Tibbs doesn’t stay on the case, I’ll close my husband’s plant and leave you people – to yourselves….” “In the Heat of the Night” line – reminded me that although Kazan was right to shitcan communism and name jewnames, he was still a “progressive” sphincter.

They wrapped it up by assuring us that the verdict of jewstory is that Miller’s a hero for telling HUAC to go hug a root, while Kazan is a bastid. Suhprahze, suhprahze.

It’s curious that these judenticks have never produced so much as a single two-hankie number dealing with Congresskike-spy Samuel Dickstein’s relentless hounding of Fritz Kuhn & the German-American Bund, eh?

N.B. Forrest

23 August, 2006

Posted by alex in jewed immigration policy, Mexinvasion at 8:58 pm | Permanent Link

by Bob Moser

“When I tell you that the area where I grew up now resembles Tijuana more than the US–well, hang on, you’re about to see what I mean,” says Theresa Harmon. Tennessee’s most vociferous anti-immigration organizer has just picked me up, straight from work at a local construction firm, in her red 1986 Mercury Cougar–a “kicker,” she calls it fondly, apologizing for the lack of air-conditioning. “Bless your heart–I’m used to the heat,” she says, talking her usual mile a minute as she puffs a Misty long and noses into rush-hour traffic, headed for the South Nashville neighborhood where she grew up. “I mean, who would have ever thought Nashville would be an illegal alien magnet?” she says. “Nashville!”

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23 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Germany, women at 8:31 pm | Permanent Link

Have you ever considered going to germany for the women. Mein Gotte!!!!!

They’re classier, better educated and much more attractive than american women. 50-60% of german women are very attractive–9+. It’s like a different universe.

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23 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 7:19 pm | Permanent Link

[The following was received via snail mail, along with a donation, for which we thank the donor. This kind of letter is greatly encouraging to all of those who bring you Goyfire, VNNForum and VNN proper.]

2006 August 13

Dear Alex:

Today marks the beginning of the big AIDS conference in Toronto – www.aids2006.org .

I have looked at the program, and have found that I needed a microscope to find any medical presentations.

It is nearly all about making niggers feel good about themselves and their AIDS, while we pay for it all.

On a personal note, you are not exaggerating at all when you say that this is a life and death struggle. For many years, with the help of many jew doctors, I felt that I was mentally ill.

When I heard Goyfire for the first time, it was like a breath of fresh air. I realized that I was the victim of jew-controlled society. I have never felt better since, and will never feel badly about myself ever again.

I think that Toronto should instead have a Goyfire conference – one dose is all you need to cure all jew-related diseases!

Always waiting for the next Goyfire episode,


P.S. Please keep up the good work. There are probably thousands like me…

[Thanks for the letter and the donation, Luke. We should be taping a new Goyfire this Sunday.]