25 August, 2006

Posted by alex in guns & goy controllers, websites of interest at 11:05 am | Permanent Link

Guaranteed rights under the Constitution created by our people – you know, the one the loxists are trying to do away with. Learn more about your rights at SecondAmendment.net…

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25 August, 2006

Posted by alex in activism, Idaho at 10:34 am | Permanent Link

Advocate for whites runs for NIC post
Hess wants more European studies

Filing for candidacy

Anyone interested in running for a spot on the North Idaho College Board of Trustees – NIC’s governing board – has through Aug. 31 to file candidacy. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and reside in Kootenai County. Those interested can fill out a declaration of candidacy at the county election office or with election clerk Rolly Jurgens, NIC’s vice president for administrative services.

[paper runs helpful sidebar to encourage non- and self-hating whites to run]

Meghann M. Cuniff
Staff writer
August 24, 2006

A man who hopes to fight what he said is a pattern in the U.S of discrimination against people of European descent will challenge the current North Idaho College Board of Trustees vice chairman for a seat on the board in November.

[it’s a matter of Hess “saying” that affirmative action etc etc exist; not an objective fact]

Stan Hess, 61, filed his declaration of candidacy Wednesday morning, making himself and vice chairman Denny Hague the only candidates who have filed for the seat thus far. The filing deadline is Aug. 31.

“It’s all about the European American human rights movement,” Hess said in an interview at his home in Hayden.

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25 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Israel - the facts at 10:25 am | Permanent Link

James Petras has authored a new book, The Power Of Israel In The United States: http://www.rense.com/general73/power.htm . However, I can’t locate it on Amazon.

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25 August, 2006

Posted by alex in 9/11, Alex Linder, WTC demolition at 10:06 am | Permanent Link

[from WhatReallyHappened.com]

Israeli Penetration of American Information Systems

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25 August, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs at 10:02 am | Permanent Link



Posted By: ChristopherBollyn
Date: Saturday, 19 August 2006, 11:05 p.m.

In Response To: BOLLYN – 9/11 Investigative Journalist Harassed and Beaten by Undercover Cops *PIC* (ChristopherBollyn)

Christopher Bollyn and his wife, Helje, met with the chief of police and village manager of Hoffman Estates on Thursday, August 17.

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Fox News for Children, media control, media criticism at 8:12 pm | Permanent Link

Bill O’Reilly is a Lying Son of a Whore

By Curt Maynard

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in BNP, Britain at 6:16 pm | Permanent Link

New laws to criminalise political dissent

23rd August 2006

News article filed by BNP legal team

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in America, Michael O'Meara, real American history, white nationalism, White solutions at 3:40 pm | Permanent Link

Klansmen, Irishmen, and Nativists:
The Origins of Racial Nationalism in America

by Michael O’Meara

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, jew-led smear campaigns, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, jews jewing jewily, John Kaminski at 3:24 pm | Permanent Link

The Ghost of Ezra Pound

… tells the tale of a gang of cutthroats
killing and robbing across space and time

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24 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Edgar Steele at 3:08 pm | Permanent Link

[August 19, 2006 Downloadable audio files of They Hate Our Freedoms.]

Nickel Rant by Edgar J. Steele

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