13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, black crime, hush crimes at 10:49 pm | Permanent Link

“Good” niggers? Where? Africa? Haiti? Detroit? D.C.? Nashua, New Hampshire? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO – NOWHERE.

This coon is “head of the math department” and a great chess player. But it knows what to do when it spots unprotected pussy. A nigger allowed to “teach” or “coach” white girls? The system that allows this is GENOCIDAL.

The head of Lowell High School’s math department and a prominent chess player has been ordered held on $1 million bail today after being arraigned on 30 felony rape and incest charges.

Severine Wamala, 45, of Nashua, was arrested Tuesday on 19 counts of incest and 11 counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault.


13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Britain, free-speech martyrs, hush crimes, John Bayldon, loxism, studies at 10:25 pm | Permanent Link

The Tomes Reply to the Times report —

By John Bayldon

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13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, sitegeist at 10:15 pm | Permanent Link

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13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in wathithm, white nationalism at 10:00 pm | Permanent Link

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13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, IQ, public skools, studies at 9:50 pm | Permanent Link

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13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in media control, media criticism, movie reviews, movies at 6:48 pm | Permanent Link

Fox buries a new movie from Beavis & Butt-head creator Mike Judge, a self-avowed social conservative. Is his vision of dumbed-out AmeriKwa a little to close to the bone for jewish execs? Is this another example of jews foregoing profit for politics? Then why produce the movie in the first place? Judge for yourself, but in any case you can bet Judge’s movie is funny, and you can also bet that he sticks to safe white objects for his sharpest ridicule.

Following is a collection of some decent commentary on “Idiocracy” and the politics behind its delay and lack of promotion.

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13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, VNN, White media at 12:01 am | Permanent Link

Now available from the VNN archives is the 11 September broadcast of Free Talk Live. Free Talk Live is an unscripted live call in show:

Part I (22 MB, mp3), Part II (7 MB, mp3), Part III (22 MB, mp3)

Glenn Miller candidate for US Congress from Missouri. The good guys at VNN’s Goyfire interview Glenn: gmint91106.mp3 (6 MB)

Also recently released: GoyFire 38 (16 MB, mp3)

12 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Jewish Tyranny, loxism, World War II at 10:18 am | Permanent Link

The truth is slowly seeping out everywhere as another blood libel against the great German people is revealed as false.


12 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Curt Maynard, World War Wheeee! at 2:37 am | Permanent Link

I recently was browsing through the headlines at Michael Rivero’s excellent information clearing house, http://www.whatreallyhappened.com, when I stumbled upon an article written by one Edward Bernard Glick titled “America’s youth must serve their country, one way or another.” The article was the typical bilge one sees so often these days. The author asserted: “The United States military has a very big problem: Too many global conflicts and commitments – and too few soldiers.” His solution? Reinstate the draft, of course. Glick, gentleman that he is, prepared his article in just such a way as to appeal to all of the tired and worn out politically correct ideals held by his ilk for the last forty years – he wants his reader to believe that a draft will somehow further “gender equality” and be “fairer to African Americans and other minorities.”

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12 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 2:10 am | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

We all are familiar with the huge mega-malls that are constantly appearing around American and European cities. Their accession often means the decline of small shops, for a long time an important source of revenue and first business experience for the American middle class. “Keep your shop, and the shop will keep you,” said Ben Franklin, and he was right in this instance, as in many others. Absence of small shops means fewer opportunities for teenagers to work and for families to diversify the source of their income, as well as the absence of informal credit system for poorer Whites. The money that once flowed into the pockets of middle-class Americans now flows into the pockets of fat cats. No wonder the real incomes of middle-class Whites stagnated and even decreased for the last five years.

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