15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in 'Middle East', Alex Linder, Iraq, Neocons at 12:50 pm | Permanent Link

The reason the war on Iraq and the rest of the non-jewish world continues is that there are NO CONSEQUENCES, in America, for the jew-appeasers and paleo-kikes supervising the atrocities. Just an echo chamber called the free press. In Iraq, it’s a different story. Iraqis aren’t interested in being ruled by American soldiers, which they call “jews.” If there were any — I mean, the very slightest — risk of assassination, Rumsfeld, Gingrich and the rest of these jew-appeasing hobbyists would run for the hills between days. And that is the reason that so-called WN who preach legality are pulling your leg & wallet: They well know that the only people currently defeating the jews are those who kill them: the Iraqis willing to lose their lives to free their land of jewish dictatorship. War, for the Republicunt sixtysomethings, is simply a more interesting form of shuffleboard. Win, lose, draw, they’re still rich and safe at the end of the day. How ’bout you, White man? What’s in our Jewish Tyranny for you but mockery, drafts, tax bills, and funerals?

Nearly 100 Bodies Found in Two Days in Baghdad

Police found the bodies of 32 more death squad victims scattered around Baghdad on Thursday, bringing the two-day total to nearly 100. Bodies of victims bound, tortured and shot have been found in Baghdad for months.


15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

31 AUG 06. Dear [ ]! Many thanks for your letter of 20 AUG 06 & the oustanding enclosures! The Debt Bomb is certainly disastrous & very dangerous, for it may cause desperate criminal regimes like the ZOG to opt for war, as a distraction for the masses. Thanks for correcting that claim, which I read in only one Canadian source, that there were so many Chinese in Sudanese oilfields. I wondered how Sudanese oil was being transported, for one thing, since I’d never heard that Sudan was rich i oil, nor in chinese! The Chinese must be related to jews, since their numbers are infinitely variable!

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15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in German nationalists, White solutions, World War II at 11:50 am | Permanent Link

In order to make possible a better understanding of the relations between Julius Evola and the S.S. cadres and, particularly, with their leader, Heinrich Himmler, and, beyond this, of Evola’s views on the setting-up of a new elite in the 30’s and during WWII, here is an article published in Regime Fascista on the 2nd of May 1939, ‘La Razza quale Costruttrice dei Capi’. With an article by Heinrich Himmler translated into Italian (‘Principi per una Nuova Elite Politica-Razzista’, in Regime Fascista, 15/6/1939 – ‘Principles for a New Politico-Racial Elite’) and two other articles by Evola on this matter, ‘L’Animatore delle ‘SS’ e il Problema delle Nuove Elette’, in Regime Fascista, 17/12/1940 – ‘The Driving Force behind the ‘SS’ and the Problem of the New Elites’ ; ‘Le ‘SS’, Guardia e ‘Ordine’ della Rivoluzione Crociuncinata’, in Vita Italiana, August 1938 – ‘The ‘SS’, Guard and ‘Order’ of the Revolution under the Sign of the Swastika’), it can be found in a small volume published by Associazione Culturale Raido.

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15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, tv analysis, tv shows at 11:30 am | Permanent Link


See Survivor on CBS? Here’s the beautiful irony. The black team, who couldn’t seem to get their raft together, lost the first challenge. They were granted the right to exile one member of another team to Exile Island.

And whom did they choose? The Jew, from the White team! Why him? Cause he had ‘stolen’ a chicken! The Jew, exiled!

The White team was the only one portrayed as not exhibiting ethnic pride and solidarity. Shocking!

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15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, White campaigns at 11:25 am | Permanent Link

In 2003 Roy Blunt, Rounder’s opponent in Missouri’s 7th Congressional district, divorced his wife of 31 years to marry one Abigail Perlman. Not surprisingly, Blunt, who chairs the House Republican Israel caucus, is a rabid Israel-firster.

Here: http://democraticwhip.house.gov/in_the_news/articles/index.cfm?pressReleaseID=935

here: http://www.firedupamerica.com/book/print/403

and here: http://bluntwatch.info/archives/2005/09/27/daddy-blunts-corruption-in-top-thirteen/

15 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Fox News for Children, media criticism, videos at 11:05 am | Permanent Link

[Well done, and quite funny and true – like all cowards, Fox implies what it hasn’t the guts to say. All the reward, without all that nasty risk.]


Jon Stewart’s Hilarious Look at the Use of the Question Mark

14 September, 2006

Posted by alex in lines at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

If you think ignorance is expensive, try college.

14 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Daily Reckoning, debt, economy at 4:01 pm | Permanent Link

[From Daily Reckoning]

Nothing fails like success.

As recently as a half-century ago, the American stood like a colossus in a New World…young, free, healthy; and a creditor to the rest of the world, which owed him not only money…but liberty, for he had lent his muscle, his oil, his manufacturers – and even risked his life to win World War II for the Allies.

“What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?” asked Adam Smith.

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14 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link





Bush has mismanaged the military.
Tapped Out
by Lawrence Korb, Max Bergmann & Peter Ogden

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13 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Incoming at 11:00 pm | Permanent Link

Expose Them All

The head of Lowell High School’s math department and a prominent chess player has been ordered held on $1 million bail today after being arraigned on 30 felony rape and incest charges.


Migra Matters

This past Saturday, as the nation prepared to commemorate Monday’s anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, 700 miles from ground zero, Colorado Representative, Tom Tancredo, stood behind a flag draped podium in Columbia S. Carolina and spoke to a group of followers also looking to commemorate the past. But the flag was not the Stars and Stripes, but rather a Confederate battle flag, and their commemoration was not of 9-11… but instead of a time when “the White-European race” ruled the South with an iron fist.


Hudson Valley Freeman (Yankee Jim)

BOICEVILLE – The Onteora school board on Tuesday reviewed three options for capital projects that could cost up to $74 million and close two of the districts three elementary schools.


Ivory Power

Ted Hayes hangs bin Laden doll
