20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, tools, White solutions at 7:16 pm | Permanent Link

[Reader writes…] Yesterday, Browzar – an Internet browser – was launched. Browzar is said to be “a tool specifically designed to protect users’ privacy by not retaining details of the Web sites they’ve searched.” Hence no caches, histories, or cookies. I am trying it out, and it is a very simple browser. You can download it in silver or black. There are no bells and whistles, and certainly no tabs as with Mozilla Firefox – which still remains my A-1 browser. I’m sure many users can make good use of privacy browsing.
20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, Germany, homeschooling at 6:28 pm | Permanent Link

Teach your own child at home? ILLEGAL in “liberated Germany.” Did the nazis outlaw homeschooling? I don’t know, but I doubt it. In New Jew Germany, after ’45, teaching your kids the truth about jews, or correcting the lies jews spread about history – these are ILLEGAL. You get thrown in PRISON for holding the wrong OPINION.

Is there anything more cynical than a jew using the term democracy?

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in loxism, music, New World Order, Prussian Blue at 4:20 pm | Permanent Link

[Memo to April Gaede. The website PrussianBlue.com is owned by an ostensibly British band, and they make a big deal of their trademark registration. Do they or their operators intend to pull a Church of the Creator attack on your name? Real Prussian Blue’s blog.]

Morality in the media universe follows laws as predictable as those governing the celestial universe. Whites are “good” if their, in this case, songs advance New World Order agenda items, such as race-blending, bad if they oppose them. There is no more meaning to it than that. “Hate” as used in the jew-controlled media has no objective meaning, rather it is a way to stigmatize any person or group that threatens the flow of Aryan blood into jewish stomachs, or Aryan money into jewish bank accounts. The use of ‘hate’ indicates the position of the writer rather than his subject. Lynx and Lamb may or may not hate jews, JEWS HATE LYNX AND LAMB. Because they are proud Aryans of German descent who encourage other girls not to swallow the POISON the jewish loxists would feed them.

We ask again, for the thousandth time: how come there’s a word for people who supposedly hate jews, but no word for jews who hate Aryans? Is that because jews don’t hate? To say it is to laugh. If words and logic and facts and evidence have any meaning, then jews are the most hateful people on earth… But there is a word for jewish hatred of non-jews in general, and Aryans in specific: LOXISM. Aryans are well advised to use it. A thing, to the vast majority, only exists if it has a name. “Reverse racism” or “jewish supremacism” don’t cut it.

A homogenous, civilized White society threatens jews, and so they attack anyone who defends it – even teenage girls. The White man in Jew World is always guilty. Welcome to AmeriKwa, the Unhappiest Place on Earth, a wild-game-themed amusement park operated by jews…

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, AmeriKwa at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

Money clarifies things. People are willing to blow smoke about diversity – until it threatens to damage their own kids, or their own income streams. Then their behavior shows their self-interest. The following is an example from Princeton Review, a business that makes money by teaching people to make higher scores on tests. PR cannot afford to believe b.s. when the cost is lower scores for its clients.

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, books, Kirksville at 1:34 pm | Permanent Link

TSU Book Sale a Hit

Not a huge sale, but a decent one, very well attended, as it is west of the library on campus. Lots of magazines, and the usual mix of volumes. Woman working the desk says this was a trial to see if there’s interest. Last sale was in 2002; they may make it annual, given the turnout. She also said Used Books & Unicorns is owned by Patty’s bookstore, and is being worked on. A call to Patty’s reveals that UB&U will NOT reopen. All the books are listed online at amazon, says the clerk, adding that if you know a particular book, you could make an appointment to get it. [More at title link]

20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, AmeriKwa, dispossession & destruction, economy at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

Karl Marx said the real god of the jews was money. A German later said that America was the distilled essence of Judaism. You fools who subscribe to cable can watch Chaim Witz (Gene Simmons) say directly that those who don’t make money their god are losers. Since jews have invalidated Aryan communal life as “hate,” they must give us something else to worship: sex, drugs & rock ‘n’ roll — and more even than these: MONEY.

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19 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, VNN, White media at 8:20 pm | Permanent Link

Now available from the VNN archives is the 18 September broadcast of Free Talk Live. Free Talk Live is an unscripted live call in show. FTL is not government approved radio.

Part 1 (17 MB, mp3)
Part 2 (21 MB, mp3)
Part 3 (19 MB, mp3)
Part 4 (23 MB, mp3)

Guests include: Alex Linder, James Hawthorne

With special guests: Theseus and Lita.

18 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, VNN at 3:54 pm | Permanent Link

Tonight VNN goes live with our tenth edition of Free Talk Live, tonight hosted by Geoff Beck and with special guests Alex Linder, Stan Sikorski, and James Hawthorne.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

Update: it was a great show. Thanks to all who made it happen!

18 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Curt Maynard, free-speech martyrs at 3:31 pm | Permanent Link

By Curt Maynard

I’ll be darned if Sean Penn didn’t say something the other night on CNN’s Larry King Live that made a great deal of sense. As a rule Mr. Penn and I don’t see eye to eye on many things, but I couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised to see Penn, the son of a Jewish father and Irish Catholic mother catch Larry King momentarily off guard when he quoted the old Kingfish Huey Long. Penn said, “Well, in 1932 Huey Long said something very interesting. It was, ‘Fascism will come to America, but likely under another name, perhaps anti-fascism.’” The look on King’s face was priceless, for a moment he was speechless, he finally managed a few words just before going to a commercial break, “We’ll dwell on that for a minute,” he said with a perplexed look on his face.

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18 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Caste Football, sports, Whiteness Studies at 3:30 pm | Permanent Link

End of a Myth

by W. S. Hogun

You’ve heard the stereotypes: white men can’t run. They can’t jump. And they can’t fight, either.

At least that’s what the PC media-machine would have us believe. So far it appears to have worked remarkably well. If you say it loudly enough and often enough, people will believe anything.

There are plenty of white athletes out there who are breaking down the stereotypes that whites cannot run and jump. But what about the myth that white men can’t fight?

If the recent takeover of boxing by white men, from lightweight to heavyweight, hasn’t done enough to dispel the PC myth that white men can’t fight, allow me to introduce you to another group of white men who are proving, in dominating fashion, that white men CAN fight: mixed martial artists.

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