22 September, 2006

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Arch Stanton, Big Brother at 5:37 pm | Permanent Link


Check out the story below. I like the title, it made me laugh and what are the chances of that? It simply warms my heart to know that mommy Beck and all her expansive and well paid crew of badged nursery school attendants will be visiting our local kinderbeergartens to make sure everyone wipes properly before flushing, thereby assuring everyone has clean underpanties should they later have an accident. It’s nice to know mommy truly Beck cares when she says, “Being in a bar does not exempt one from the state laws regarding toilet etiquette.”

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22 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 4:30 pm | Permanent Link



A North American Union?

Sol Goldsilverbergwitz, powerful Jew: “Oh, just think of the possibilities, Ira! If America, Canada and Mexico form a union, all sorts of things could happen – many of them beneficial to us Jews! For example, a special treaty could be put into place in the new union banning all criticism of us! After all, we’re God’s Pets! Every ‘anti-Semitic’ website in North America could be shut down. Oh, I’m getting excited just thinking about it!”

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22 September, 2006

Posted by alex in feminism, Finland, free-speech martyrs at 4:01 pm | Permanent Link

None of them allows a single syllable of political dissent it has the power to quash.

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22 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Ahmadinejad, jewed foreign policy, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, jews in America at 3:45 pm | Permanent Link


Iran president rattles cage
of U.S. foreign policy establishment


Iran’s Leader Relishes 2nd Chance to Make Waves

The New York Times Thursday, 21 September 2006

NEW YORK — When President Bush and his advisers decided to allow President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran into the country to address the United Nations, their strategy was simple: containment.

There would be no visits to other cities where he could denounce Washington or question Israel’s legitimacy. There would be no opportunities, beyond his speech to the General Assembly, to turn questions about his nuclear intentions into repeated diatribes about America’s nuclear arsenal.

It turned out that Mr. Ahmadinejad had a Plan B.

The scope of his determination to dominate not only the airwaves but the debate became evident yesterday evening, when he entered a hotel conference room on the East Side with a jaunty smile, a wave and an air of supreme confidence.

Over the objections of the administration and Jewish groups that boycotted the event, Mr. Ahmadinejad, the man who has become the defiant face of Iran, squared off with the nation’s foreign policy establishment, parrying questions for an hour and three-quarters with two dozen members of the Council on Foreign Relations, then ending the evening by asking whether they were simply shills for the Bush administration.

Never raising his voice and thanking each questioner with a tone that oozed polite hostility, he spent 40 minutes questioning the evidence that the Holocaust ever happened — “I think we should allow more impartial studies to be done on this,” he said after hearing an account of an 81-year-old member, the insurance mogul Maurice R. Greenberg, who saw the Dachau concentration camp as Germany fell — and he refused to even consider Washington’s proposal for Russia to provide Iran with nuclear reactor fuel, and take it back once it is used. (Without the capacity to enrich fuel on its own soil Iran would be unable to make fuel suitable for a nuclear weapon.)


22 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, jews jewing jewily, loxism at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

[Some hates are more equal than others. Palestianians hate jews for what the jews have done to them. Jews hate Palestianians because they’re Palestinians.]

Jewish rabbi calls for extermination of all Palestinian males

A Jewish rabbi living in the West Bank has called on the Israeli government to use their troops to kill all Palestinian males more than 13 years old in a bid to end Palestinian presence on this earth.

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in fraud, good for jews, health, medicine at 9:28 pm | Permanent Link


Love your site, check it every day! I could say a lot about it, but let me sum it up with this: Nothing you say can be called a lie. You do a great job reporting nig crime and the jewish promotion of nig values in Amerikwa. However, I suggest you expand your horizons and report on another front: the jewish corruption of modern medicine.

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Max Hadden, video, White media, World War II at 9:23 pm | Permanent Link

Fox News Coverage of Toledo Riot (#2)

Fox News coverage of rioting at a National Socialist Movement (NSM) demonstration in Toledo, Ohio.


Falsehoods and subversion in America

Explains how propaganda about “anti-Semitism” in Soviet Union was not true, FDR & Socialism, and Jewish spies in America.

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, Alex Linder, loxism at 9:09 pm | Permanent Link

Yale creates center on anti-Semitism

Yale announced the creation Tuesday of the first university-based center in North America dedicated to the study of anti-Semitism.

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Arch Stanton, economy, German nationalists, Germany, gold & silver at 7:41 pm | Permanent Link

This from the Daily Reckoning:

“If you want to see the advantage of gold in real-life action, then listen to this, from an essay written by Eric N. Young entitled “The Hyperinflation of Germany, July 1922-November 1923”. He writes that in 1923, at roughly the height of the Weimar inflation and the end of Reichmark, “Although a loaf of bread cost $200 million marks in November 1923, it was possible to purchase an entire city block of prime commercial real estate in downtown Berlin for as little as $500 US dollars hard currency. The key was to have real money in the form of gold or silver, or currency backed by those metals.”

Twisted history

I am always irritated by historical facts quoted out of context. This technique is often used by to twist history into a jewish fairy tale invariably favorable to their economic and cultural parasitism. The above paragraph provides a classic example of this technique. There is nothing technically inaccurate about what the author writes, however by not relating the entire context of the situation, one is given an entirely different and inaccurate view of that period of history. Yes, it is an indisputable fact that there was hyperinflation in Germany in the 1920’s, and yes, it is equally indisputable that gold was quite valuable, but the critical question is why was this the case? Why was there hyperinflation and why was gold so valuable? Without answering these questions, an accurate picture and full understanding of the true situation is impossible.

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20 September, 2006

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, historical factualism, history, movie reviews, movies at 7:30 pm | Permanent Link

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