9 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, populism, right-wing movements, right-wing populism, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 11:55 am | Permanent Link

The Covid-19 scamdemic allowed the political Left to accomplish many things [1]. Here are 7 of those things:

1. Covid allowed the Left to steal the 2020 election. That theft required months of planning. But under the cover of Covid-hysteria, it wasn’t hard to do; most people were preoccupied with Covid nonsense.

2. It allowed the Left to take revenge on the Right for 4 years of Trumpism (many liberals couldn’t sleep for 4 years! Trump Derangement Syndrome was real. Some liberals are still in therapy today: Mrs. Weinberg: “I’m sorry, Dr. Goldberg, but I just can’t shake this horrible feeling that Orange Man Bad will return someday — or, someone like him…return to terrorize us with freedom, a border wall and financial stability! Oh, it’s just too terrible to think about!!” Dr. Goldberg: “Now, there, there, Mrs. Weinberg, calm down, I’m sure that right-wing populism will soon die on the vine, and that everything will return to Clintonesque/Obamaesque normalcy. But if not, we can always flee to Israel!”

3. It wiped out all feelings of normalcy on the Right (the Right needs “normal, stable and calm,” but the Left doesn’t — in fact, the Left hates “normal, stable and calm” because it’s too “White suburbia”).

4. The lockdowns punished conservative small-business owners (most of them were Trump supporters).

5. It allowed leftists to use the government to bully and control people (leftists love using the government to bully and control people — just look at California).

6. It normalized the Left’s vaccine-mania (“mandatory vaccines for every ailment” will soon be the new normal).

7. It wiped out Trump’s great economy, which tarnished the legacy of Trump and Trumpism (i.e., right-wing populism).


[1] Covid-19 hysteria was entirely media-driven. Without the global media pushing it hard 24/7, Covid-hysteria couldn’t have seized the world and cost it many thousands of lives (e.g., suicides, heart attacks), and, billions or even trillions of dollars.

9 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America at 11:00 am | Permanent Link

If God exists, why would He create Black people? Obviously, he wouldn’t. Name one thing of value that Blacks have given the world. No, not twerking! The answer is: Blacks have given the world nothing of value. They are a failed race. Even Black writer Walter Williams said that Blacks were better off under White rule in South Africa. That means that Blacks need White leadership.

Apparently, the negro tried to rob the men, but the men resisted. Another man saw the crime go down, so all three men ended up dead. (Around Blacks, Never Relax).

What a good-looking family Mr. Siller left behind.

[Article] and [Article].

8 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in colonialism in Africa, colonialism in the New World, communism, communism-as-Jewish, Enlightenment, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, New Left, Old Left, socialism, The Enlightenment, War On White Males, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White ideology, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought, Women Politicians at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Defining the White, leftist mindset, as it relates to White culture, in one paragraph:

White leftism is ultimately a jealous and angry attack on White males because they invented the world, and indeed that was their cardinal sin: White males invented the world! How dare they! Leftism says: “How dare the White males hog all of the glory! How dare they stand head and shoulders above everybody else! The White males must be punished for their success, for their centuries-long hegemony! How dare the White males give the world to mankind and leave everyone else to play second and third fiddle! We’ll cut those White males down to size!” You always hate and envy people who are better than you. Also, leftists are unhappy people who hate themselves, mostly for having been born White. They are also more emotional and therefore quick to complain [1][2].


[1] you might say, “you forgot to mention White colonialism.” No. White colonialism benefited Brown and Black people, as Black writer Walter Williams admitted in his January 2002 article “South Africa After Apartheid” [Here. The money quote: “The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism.”]. Any leftist beef against White colonialism is related to the leftist beef against White male success in general.

[2] A philosophical question to ponder, which I’d like to answer as well: would today’s White, self-hating leftism exist if the Jews had not pioneered communism and socialism circa 1840? In other words, would liberal “Enlightenment values” (circa 1715-onward) alone have made White, self-hating liberalism “a thing” today? Without the influence of communism and socialism? I say no. Enlightenment values alone weren’t nearly radical enough to create modern, White, self-hating liberalism. Even the Old Left (circa 1930) didn’t have the self-hate that modern White leftism has — one reason being that today’s Left is heavily female-dominated, e.g., by college students, teachers, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. Also, the New Left was birthed by Herbert Marcuse, who was a Marxist. So, no, Enlightenment values by themselves could not have made today’s vicious, self-hating White liberalism. It required some extra “Jewish poison” to bring it to full bloom, e.g., the Frankfurt School. Today’s Left is ultimately a Jewish construct).

8 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, Franz Boas, Otto Klineberg, race as a social construct, race baloney, Race Denial at 10:32 am | Permanent Link

Jewish race-denier Richard Lewontin has died. “Race? There’s no such thing as race!” say the clever race-deniers. They’re lying, and they know it. The first big race-denier was the Jewish “anthropologist” Franz Boas.

All of the big race-deniers are/were Jews. In fact, one of the biggest Jewish race-deniers, Otto Klineberg, coined this popular phrase: “There’s only one race: the human race.” Gee. Then how do you explain Gaza??


8 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers at 10:14 am | Permanent Link

The newest narrative (okay, conspiracy theory) shaping up online is this: global leftists created the Covid-19 scamdemic in order to reduce the global population by sterilizing men and infertilizing women when they take the Covid vaccine (which contains chemicals that hinder human reproduction, such as graphene oxide) [1][2]. Why would leftists do that? To combat “human-caused global warming”/”climate change” which is “the biggest crisis in history” according to the leftists [3].

Is this new narrative true? Who knows? Time will tell. (Don’t forget, Big Pharma is immune to Covid lawsuits by law. Even if it was true, what could you do?).


[1] recall that one pathologist advised women of breeding age to not get the Covid vaccine.

[2] [Video, 15 minutes].

[3] Leftists also hate the nuclear family, so that would be a two-fer, actually.

7 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gay marriage", "gay pride", "gay", Cultural Marxism, Eugene Kamenka, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish Marxist Eugene Kamenka).

by Elizabeth McCaw.

(The pro-homosexual movement is Cultural Marxism, i.e., “leveling” or “equalizing” society, making every human equal to the next one. This wipes out “White male hegemony” which is the end goal of all forms of Marxism/socialism. Eugene Kamenka said it himself: that Marxism seeks to create a global man, one-size-fits-all, which means that White males will no longer be “first in the pecking order” but instead just part of the riff-raff [1]).


“Is homosexuality a perversion? If not, is it entirely normal? Almost normal?

These days, the very idea of perversion is out of fashion. The Washington Post would probably use the word only to describe an intense desire to balance the budget or enforce immigration laws.

However, a practical, even scientific definition of sexual perversion begins by defining the objects of normal, healthy reproductive desire. Wanting to have sex with anything that falls outside that definition is perversion.

Obviously, reproductive desire should be for another person. This means that sexual desire for trees or goats or ladies’ shoes is perversion. Sexual desire should also be for a live human being, which rules out dead people. And the live human beings should be at least of reproductive age, so wanting sex with children is also perverted.

But what do all these excluded objects of desire have in common? They are a complete dead end. For someone’s reproductive drives to be oriented toward children or rocks or goats or dead people is perverse because a reproductive urge in any of those directions is bound to fail. It’s an evolutionary absurdity.”



[1] “In the name of science and of man it (Marxism) seeks to transcend the specific divisions of climate, race and creed, of nation-state and language-group, in order to chart a common future for mankind.” —- from the book “The Ethical Foundations of Marxism” by Jewish/Marxist scholar Eugene Kamenka (1928-1994), 1962; from the Preface to the Japanese edition, 1965.

7 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown Man, Western civilization, Western culture, White inventions, White philosophy, White technology, White thought at 11:56 am | Permanent Link

Note: (WT) = White Technology

Brown Bob works for a construction company. He lives in a house that was built with/by (WT), e.g., concrete, architectural blueprints, electric saws, electric drills, glass, plumbing, etc.

7:00 AM: Brown Bob turns off his alarm clock (WT) and gets out of his soft, springy bed (WT).

7:10 AM: Brown Bob takes a hot shower with water heated by a water heater (WT) and pumped into the shower by indoor plumbing (WT). He also shaves his face with an electric razor (WT).

7:30 AM: Brown Bob drinks coffee made with electricity (WT) and a coffee maker (WT). He eats breakfast using electricity (WT), a toaster (WT), sliced bread with butter (WT)(WT) and processed cereal with pasteurized milk (WT)(WT). The milk and butter were fresh via his refrigerator (WT) and via the local grocery store (WT).

8:00 AM: Brown Bob reads a newspaper (WT) and checks email (WT) on his laptop computer (WT). He uses a pen (WT) to leave a message for his wife, who is still asleep.

8:30 AM: Brown Bob gets into his pickup truck (WT) and drives on paved roads (WT) to work. He listens to the radio (WT) while driving.

9:00 AM: Brown Bob arrives at work and enters the building (WT), which despite the summer heat is cool due to air conditioning (WT). He takes a phone call (WT) and uses a copying machine (WT). He uses his laptop computer (WT) to book an airplane (WT) flight to Miami the following day.

10:00 AM: Brown Bob takes part in a telephone conference call (WT) and reads an internet (WT) article about construction technology (WT), which will aid him when he goes to Miami tomorrow for a work-related meeting.

11:00 AM: Brown Bob drives (WT) to a job site, and then to a steakhouse (WT) for lunch.

1:00 PM: Brown Bob uses his laptop (WT) to type up some work reports. In English (WT).

4:00 PM: Brown Bob leaves for home early, and listens to the radio (WT) while driving (WT) home. He stops at a pizza place (WT) on the way home.

5:00 PM: Brown Bob and his family eat the pizza (WT) and drink some soda (WT). Then they watch TV (WT).

10:00 PM: Brown Bob reads a book (WT) using an overhead light (WT) and then goes to (his springy) bed (WT).

As you can see, Brown Bob’s life is filled with lots and lots of White technology. But, since White people are evil, Bob must stop using all of that White technology.

7 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid as a cult, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

Vaccine? It’s a “vaccine”? Then why have so many “vaccinated” people gotten Covid-19? (By the way: did you know that lots of officials have faked “getting the jab”? Yes, and some were caught on film faking it [1]. Which is very interesting. They tell the public to get the jab, but they don’t want it).

“According to the Times of Israel, the young man who distributed the virus at the party was vaccinated. He, in turn, had become infected from a relative who had also been vaccinated, and that relative had become infected from a person who was also vaccinated and who was recently in London. It is unclear which variant of the coronavirus it is.”



[1] big money says that hundreds of officials have faked “getting the jab”:
[Short Video] and [Short Video]

6 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in death penalty at 4:46 pm | Permanent Link

I have always found it curious: the liberals and the religious people have major compassion for death-row inmates. They want them to be spared, to be saved from being gassed, electrocuted, or injected.

But, what about the innocent (keyword) people who were murdered by the death-row inmates? What about them, and their families? The liberals and the religious people never say a word about the innocent victims. Why not? Apparently, some murders are bad, and some are not, depending on the circumstances.

If you shot two people during an armed robbery, then you should get what’s coming to you: a trip to the Pearly Gates. Why is murder only bad when the state kills a career criminal? Very odd. Some people may argue: “the state has no right to kill someone.” Really? If the state can send non-murderers off to die in wars, then it can send murderers to a lethal injection; 29 states have the death penalty.


6 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Afghanistan, America, Iraq, Iraq War, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Neocon agenda, neocon ideology, Neocons, Office of Special Plans, Saddam Hussein, war, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, war propaganda, War! War! War! at 1:57 pm | Permanent Link

The war in Afghanistan: it was like the Vietnam War, but it lasted twice as long. Like Vietnam, America spent literally tons of money in Afghanistan but has nothing to show for it. Will Afghanistan spell the end of our stupid foreign wars? Nope. (America fighting two wars at once [in Iraq, too] doomed the Afghanistan War, which took a back seat to the Iraq War. And you can blame the Jewish neocons for that two-wars-at-once situation; they had a hard-on for attacking Iraq, and they also lied to the American people: Saddam Hussein did not have any “weapons of mass destruction” so we didn’t need to invade Iraq).

“While the withdrawal of U.S. troops and their NATO allies has been praised by some and heavily criticised by others, there is one thing seemingly everyone can agree on: the 20-year U.S.-led mission to defeat the Taliban has been an utter failure.”
