10 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 3:33 am | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

How to value a stock? This question has a significant practical meaning: correct stock valuation leads to successful investment, and eventually to significant realized gains. Yet it is not an easy question: there are thousands of books and articles written on the topic, and what is cheap for one investment specialist is often expensive for another. Yet some long-term trends persist: stocks are valued today under more optimistic rather than pessimistic scenarios, every potential profit opportunity is adding to the stock’s value, even if prudence requires to disregard it, and lower return is accepted as normal or appropriate. Some cynics say that the analysts and stockbrokers are simply using every opportunity to increase the price of stocks they sell to the American investor.

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10 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Arch Stanton at 3:23 am | Permanent Link


“Quit the Hitler shit” is just a side note in the story below as once again, life imitates art; sometimes the results of such imitation are just too funny. Check out the words of the retired Israeli navy admiral, Ami Ayalon. “I say: If you’re going to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.” These are almost the very words said by Eli Wallach in The good The Bad and the Ugly after killing the one-armed man who confronts Tuco bathing in a tub. Perhaps odder than an Israeli Admiral being a fan of Italian movies that portray the American West, is the fact that, as we all know, the character of Tuco is played by none other than Eli Wallach who is of course – a jew. Have you ever noticed that various groups repeatedly try to hang Tuco in that movie, but he always escapes with the help of a “blond haired angel”. Somewhere among all this synchronicity there just has to be a laugh. http://www.nndb.com/people/735/000022669/


Arch Stanton

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shakes hands with supporters while attending Friday prayers in Tehran September 29,
2006. Some Israeli historians, military experts and even a government official caution that, by invoking the Holocaust too readily
regarding Iran, the country risks a credibility crisis.

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9 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Free Talk Live, VNN, White media at 9:25 am | Permanent Link

Update: Thanks for the great broadcast: Bootgrl, James, Alex, Lee, Mark, Theseus, and Todd.

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8 October, 2006

Posted by alex in James Hawthorne, VNN, White media at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

From the United Kingdom: News Without the Jewish Filter!

Direct mp3 download (9 MB): thr_6.mp3

Archives, Streams, and Podcast: here

Shownotes: vnnforum

As always, “there is no Jew between me and you.”

–James Hawthorne.

6 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Goyfire, VNN, White media at 2:37 pm | Permanent Link

Direct mp3 download (60 MB): Goyfire_42.mp3

Archives and Streams: here

Podcast :

The Roundtable includes: Agis and Craig Cobb.

Topics include: Black Serial Killer “Smallwood” , Judith Clark, Susan Rosenberg, Habeas Corpus, TNB: White Girl Murder by Mud ‘Baby-Daddy’ and Zim Update, Speech Violation = 18 Months Probation, Coon Air, and TJB: Comverse Kike Caught in Namibia.


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6 October, 2006

Posted by alex in ACLU, Christians who fight the jew at 2:27 pm | Permanent Link


By Rev. Ted Pike

Most thinking people know that the American Civil Liberties Union is vehemently anti-Christian. What they don’t know is that 3 of 6 of ACLU’s top national leaders are liberal Jewish activists.

Although ACLU’s executive director, Anthony D. Romero, is an in-your-face Hispanic homosexual, second in command is Nadine Strossen, Jewish. She was given the “Woman of Distinction” award from the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism and the “Women who Dared” award from the National Council of Jewish Women. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, she is married to Eli M. Noam, professor and founding director of Columbia University’s Institute for Tele-Information.

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6 October, 2006

Posted by alex in hush crimes, Scotland at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

A dirty raghead, let into Britain by jews, murders a White native. When comes the revenge? Some say it would be a good idea to burn out every synagogue and mosque until there are no coloreds left on the island. If politicians like Blair who make deals with the jews had their heads cut off and stuck on posts outside Buckingham Palace, their followers would probably be more careful in devising immigration policy.

He who would be free must strike the blow himself.

‘Boy snatched off street, set alight and murdered for being white’

MURDERED schoolboy Kriss Donald pleaded: “I’m only 15. What did I do?” as he was beaten up and dragged into the back of a car by his abductors, a court heard yesterday.

He was forced face down into the back of a silver Mercedes, threatened with a knife and told there was a gun in the car as he was driven off after being snatched from the street “because he was white”.

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6 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Arch Stanton, jew financial crimes, jewish criminality, jewish scam artists, jews in America, jews jewing jewily at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link


Review this excellent presentation. See if you can spot the Luftmensch magicians waving their hands about while they pick our pockets. Note the international flavor to this scam and the “Moscow” connection. This how “failure to deliver” (FTDs) are used to steal grandma’s money. I experienced this scam first hand while helping in the settlement of an estate inherited from a deceased relative. Ironically this relative was in fact an elderly “grandma” (aunt), who was scammed by one of the big brokerage houses or “BD”. I did not fully understand the situation until I reviewed this presentation. This is the magical sleight of hand hedge funds are now using to shear billions from the mesmerized herd of sheeple. Note also the reference to Barrons and their silent complicity in this scam. Oy Veh! Bet you can’t guess who owns Barrons. Remember all those great Barron’s adverts on FNN with Alan Ableson touting Barron’s financial savvy and accuracy? Ableson? Don’t forget Bernie – we’re all in this crime together.


And now for a bed time story

This is a tale mentioned by Gurdjieff in Ouspensky’s book In Search Of The Miraculous. It well illustrates man’s position on this planet. The tale is as

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6 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Arch Stanton, Asatru & Odinism at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link


Know the history of your people! The following is an excellent website with various links for those who wish to learn about Northern European traditions and lore.


The following is a short excerpt from a very lengthy paper titled: “The Swastika” by Thomas Wilson, Curator, Department of Prehistoric Anthropology, U.S. National Museum.

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5 October, 2006

Posted by alex in America, real American history at 8:37 pm | Permanent Link


“Here was a new generation … grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken.”

–F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise.

BY THE end of the war with Germany, social compulsion had become a national habit. The typical American of the old stock had never had more than a half-hearted enthusiasm for the rights of the minority; bred in a pioneer tradition, he had been accustomed to set his community in order by the first means that came to hand-a sumptuary law, a vigilance committee, or if necessary a shotgun. Declarations of Independence and Bills of Rights were all very well in the history books, but when he was running things himself he had usually been open to the suggestion that liberty was another name for license and that the Bill of Rights was the last resort of scoundrels. During the war he had discovered how easy it was to legislate aid propagandize and intimidate his neighbors into what seemed to him acceptable conduct, and after peace was declared he went on using the same sort of method to see that they continued to conform.

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