7 November, 2006

Posted by alex in crime, media criticism at 8:49 pm | Permanent Link

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7 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 3:15 pm | Permanent Link


Just you, your mouse, and your muse

With just some movement of the mouse, you can create your own Jackson Pollock masterpiece—no paint, brushes, or tortured soul required. Hint: Click your mouse to change colors!


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7 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Edgar Steele at 2:37 pm | Permanent Link

[streaming mp3 audio]

by Edgar J. Steele

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. When you give up that force, you are ruined.”
— Patrick Henry

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7 November, 2006

Posted by alex in John Bayldon at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link

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7 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, spintros at 1:13 pm | Permanent Link

Duke and the Darkies
A libertarian numbskull cautiously sniffs his way up to the mind-blowing realization that niggers don’t care about due process. That they could care less whether Duke students raped anybody, they just want to see Whites thrown in prison. As these niggers constitute a large percentage of the population, they are likely to get their way. The jews have destroyed a context in which logical thought is respected or empowered. When feminists and niggers dismiss connected thought as phallocentric or racist, they aren’t kidding. They hate logic. If this makes them ridiculous, they don’t notice or care. They notice they have the power to dominate, and that’s all they do care about. Whites have no protection because they are not a recognized community. The jews who control the terms of public discourse denominate all those who would speak for the White race “haters.” This means that White individuals who in some way irritate the mob are very likely to be thrown to it, to be ripped apart, since no one can speak for them, and it is “racism” or “hate” to point out the racial animus driving the coons and jews. America has become AmeriKwa, a jewish production – and a hostile environment for ordinary Whites. Let’s repeat it again: a White prosecutor procedes with a rape case against a White man who has video evidence that he was in a different place at the time of the alleged crime. Media, government, niggers – they don’t care about these things, they want White blood. The average White man has no interest in the American government, and every interest in seeing it destroyed. It is nothing but a construct used to lecture, brainwash, enslave, and feed off him. Nifong is able to drive this case forward because the black voters (and some white liberals) – led by a number of black ministers and other educated black elites – believe that they are entitled to seeing Finnerty, Seligmann, and Evans convicted of kidnapping and rape and thrown into prison and treated without mercy. This is an example of the humor that makes liberti-drivel fun to read. No shit, dude. Niggers hate Whites. That’s understood by everyone but professional Individualists. The real question, the question worth exploring, answering, and trumpeting, is who put jungle monkeys in a position to satisfy their bloodlust against humans? The answer to that is the jews did, through a nasty little juggernaut they call ‘civil rights,’ opposition to which is demonized in the mass media they control as tightly as the courts and law schools. Blacks can keep their segregated schools and communities, but they also have the right to invade White associations, neighborhoods, and schools wherever that seems desirable. White communities exist, but only in reality, not in theory. Once the theoretical basis is destroyed, it is only a matter of time until the real community is destroyed. A thing that can barely perceive itself and is brainwashed to seek its own destruction is on a countdown to nonexistence. White communities only exist because of legacies of racism, or by historical accident, according to the jews who determine how history is viewed. Since we all embrace the Big Lie that Race Does Not Matter — and who but hated “racists” dares laugh at the nostrum? — we can have no objection to seeing every last hamlet stocked with DeShwans and Lemongellos. It is not going too far to say that Whites form a slave population. They are routinely and predictably defamed and ridiculed on tv. To write like I’m doing, to fill a book with footnotes proving all of the above, which any reasonable person understands after five minutes’ inspection, may have some value, but in the end, without the willingness to eliminate the jews running the system, and knock out the transmitters broadcasting their lies, well, it is as useless as screaming at a tv. If it’s pointless to argue with the man who buys ink by the barrel, it is doubly so to argue with the man who fires his message off a dozen satellites. There is one solution that has never been tried – yet. It is the only solution that will work. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Treating the obvious as though it is great insight is ordinary enough, not getting tired of the child’s game makes a man a libertarian. Libertarians have a number of set pieces they perform over and over, proving how smart they are, and how well the market works. They are not interested in questioning their assumption that man is first and last an individual, or they would quickly see he isn’t, and abandon their camp for another. Races don’t like Whites, except to feed off their usufructs – the goods and services they produce that the colored races can’t. Most coloreds are too stupid to understand the process, it is all quite unconscious with them. To the extent they understand anything, they repeat their programming, that they were kings and queens in Africa, until they were kidnapped; they built America; the White man owes them. It is no less murderous a hatred for being shallow and counterfactual. Being “right” is fun and nice, but it doesn’t change anything. Killing people changes things. Always jews are to be found making the important assassinations. Will assassinating jews work? Would America’s vicious attack on Iraq end if the top ten neocon warmongers woke up dead? What if someone killed Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, John Podhoretz, Jonah Goldberg – and made it clear they were targeted for their loxism or for appeasing jews? Do you think the remaining appeasers/jews/warmongers like Cheney and Limbaugh and the PNAC kikes would scale back their aggression? What do you think? What if Mike Nifong were to wake up dead, the political connection made to his appeasement of the jew-controlled niggers? Would that change the prosecution of the innocent Seligmann and Finnerty and Evans? Or do you think me writing another ten thousand spintros will do the trick? Still, the comedy value of halfwit Anderson is not to be underestimated. Puzzled, he’s! Why won’t niggers act like men? Why won’t preachers stand up for the truth? If a preacher were interested in the truth, he wouldn’t be a preacher. If a nigger were a man, he wouldn’t smell, look, act like a nigger. It’s a curious way to approach the world – to assume that it ought to be one way, then rub your chin and furzle your brow over all these curious inconsistencies. The world can be any way it wants, the path of wisdom is to pay attention, to see what it actually is. What we have now is jews running things, and nigs interposed over Whites. Nigs are celebrated in the same mass media that use their time not devoted to Jaz-Z and teeming crew expectorating on everything to miscovering or covering up kangaroo prosecutions a la Duke. Ah, and then we have this: My two adopted sons are Ethiopians, and my wife and I often discuss the reality of the entitlement culture in this country. As far as U.S. law and policy go, the two boys are considered to be black and, thus, will be “entitled” to things that perhaps others will not be able to obtain. Anderson is a part of the very problem his stupid religion and philosophy prevent him from seeing. So when his imported niggers grow up to rape white girls and chimp around with their fellow hooters, the dotard will no explain it all away with cogencies extracted from Mises & Habakuk. Is there anything stupider than a libertarian christian?

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4 November, 2006

Posted by alex in James Hawthorne at 10:28 am | Permanent Link

From the United Kingdom: news and analysis from a White Nationalist perspective with your host James Hawthorne.

Direct mp3 download (11 MB): Thr8.mp3
Archives and Podcast: here
Shownotes: here

Top Stories:

Italy and Mussolini
BNP leader says “Islam is Wicked”
1500 invaders arrive in UK daily
Le Pen and Israel
Nationalists to EU Legislature
Estonian Jews build synagogue
Jelly Baby Racism
Germans not happy with Democracy

Remember, there is no Jew between me and you!
–James Hawthorne

2 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Letters, Linder appearances, sports, White solutions at 10:55 am | Permanent Link


I had the good fortune of hearing you speak while you were a guest of the LA based radio talk show 97.1. Although the moronic hosts did their best to rile and besmirch you, you impressed me with your ability to articulate your views while steadfastly thwarting their idiotic attacks. Since then I have been a regular listener on Goyfire.com and enjoy your insights in particular. I believe that my point of view on the subject of race relations is unique due to my unique experiences as a scholarship student athlete at Stanford University where I was a football player in the early 90s. I have been exposed to blacks both on and off the playing field. At the YMCA where I play pick up basketball I am given a steady dose as well. This may seem simplistic but I can see that sports competition is the single most significant venue for black empowerment. If we want to take back our country, our culture and our manhood, we need to ! do it on the field of battle. Our white children accept that blacks are better, more fierce and more hungry, and frankly it seems true. How do we regain that hunger and tenacity? I am afraid that having been the controlling race for so long that whites have become complacent, and at the prospect of losing this power, white children are becoming quitters, instead opting to withdraw from the fight, becoming homosexuals, plotting to kill innocents who’ve bullied them Columbine style, or rejecting white culture altogether. White men seem no different. We need more white athletes and we need to celebrate the successful ones to an even greater extent. Our white children endeavor to emulate these black athletes not merely because they are successful and seemingly cool but primarily because they are powerful examples of masculinity. We need to reclaim our masculinity before it’s too late, and blacks wrest it away from us. Ho! w else can we do this and on what better platform than professional sp orts? The Russians are a prime example of what whites can do when sufficiently motivated. You can believe that they will never let a black dominate them. Where are the white American bad asses? We need more white men to become great without alienating the rest of society. I agree that a white nation is the ideal but how realistic is it? Why can’t we become the dominant male prototype again? We need to shift our attitudes. We can no longer resign ourselves to being emasculated by the media or by blacks. We need to begin seeing this fight as one not only of ideology and culture but of sociological import whereby the masculinity of our boys and men is slowing eroding as we relinquish ground in the most important arenas where masculinity is defined. Thank you for your time.

Michael M.

2 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville, Linders at 10:32 am | Permanent Link

Merle Schillie Linder, 96, of Kirksville, Missouri, died Thursday (October 26, 2006) at the Northeast Regional Medical Center in Kirksville.

She was born December 13, 1909 at the family farm about two miles northeast of Pure Air, Missouri, on the site of the old Baden Springs resort. She was the daughter of Charlie and Nettie (Shoop) Schillie. On November 29, 1932 in Kirksville, Missouri, she married Oran Hubert Linder, who died in 1998. The Linders were married for 66 years.

Surviving are four sons: Harold Linder of Anthem, Arizona; Gene Linder and wife Carol of Salt Lake City, Utah; Dean Linder and wife Joan of Columbia, Maryland; and Oran Linder Jr. and wife Donna, of Mendota, Illinois. There are nine grandchildren: Tina Williams and Mark Linder; Alex, Eric, and Kristin Linder; Rachel Linder; and Paul Linder, Michelle Murphy and Daniel Linder. Mrs. Linder is also survived by six great-grandchildren and her sisters, Edith Jones, Lura Linder, and Bertha Bergles, as well as a number of nieces and nephews.

In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by a stillborn son, Robert, a daughter-in-law, Christa (Thees-Hargens) Linder, her parents, an infant brother, Woodrow, brothers, Lloyd, John, Frank and Loren, an infant sister, Blanche, brothers-in-law, Joseph Bergles, Forrest Jones, and Russell Linder, and sisters-in-law, Louise (Gashwiler) Schillie and Ilene (Jones) Schillie.

Mrs. Linder was raised in rural Adair County and attended the West Elm Grove School. She was a 1931 graduate of the Kirksville Senior High School and moved to Kirksville after her marriage. A housewife for many years, she also worked half time as a Head Start teacher’s aide from 1965 to 1973. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Kirksville.

Her hobbies included fishing, gardening, arrowhead hunting, card playing with relatives and friends, and travel. She had visited all fifty states, as well as Mexico and Canada. She and Mr. Linder were lifelong fans of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. She took pride in her canning skills and won numerous prize ribbons at the old Harvest Festivals and the Northeast Missouri Fair. She greatly enjoyed crocheting afghans for her grandchildren and others. Mrs. Linder remained active despite her advanced age, with the very kind assistance of relatives and friends.

[Visitation last night; look around the room and realize that the decisions one person makes create or deny worlds. You can imagine the anguish of having a first child stillborn, but if she hadn’t soldiered on, none of the rest of this, including VNN, would exist. Thank you, grandma.]

2 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Estonia at 9:33 am | Permanent Link


Vanguard News Network (VNN) is a collective of Aryan men and women creating media addressing the many hazards and possibilities now confronting Whites – wherever they may live. You’ve reached the main page of VNN, but you may also wish to visit our discussion forum and download our archived media presentations.

Our readers may learn more about Estonia by visiting Wikipedia. Estonian readers can reference this newspaper report mentioning VNN.

30 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, James Hawthorne at 3:50 am | Permanent Link

Update: Short show tonight, it has been a hard week and it is just Monday! Anyway, thanks to Bud White and James Hawthorne for making it happen, all 90 minutes.

Show archive now available:

ftl_10-30-06_p1.mp3 (22 MB)
ftl_10-30-06_p2.mp3 (12 MB)

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