28 November, 2006

Posted by alex in black crime, hush crimes at 4:46 pm | Permanent Link

Hush crimes and the big picture…

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28 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Incoming at 4:34 pm | Permanent Link

Jews pick up VNN feed. Who are these jews? What do they want? Why do they link? Perhaps someone can read through and find out. A cursory dip suggests they may be lefty-homo jews who dislike other subsets of their off-putting ilk.


23 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 11:21 am | Permanent Link

The original cast returns: Agis, Alex and Chain.

Direct mp3 download: GoyFire_44.mp3 (50 MB)

Topic list: TBA

Archives: here

23 November, 2006

Posted by alex in economy, Edgar Steele at 1:08 am | Permanent Link

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22 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson at 4:19 pm | Permanent Link

5 OCT 05. Dear [ ]: Whites in Africa have always been suckers for “written guarantees” in sellout constitutions, as we see most recently in Zimbabwe. I am surprised that White Africans do not learn what Africa has to teach: that might makes right, & no words can substitute for power. This is true throughout the world, but it is most obvious in Africa, where even the very slow-witted should perceive this reality, unless they are blinded by wishful-thinking, as I suspect. Before Ian Smith’s sellout of Rhodesia, Whites babbled about “power-sharing.” I don’t know which jew &/or Freemason cooked that oxymoron up, for shared power means lost power, in reality. Sorry, Whitey, there’s no power for you!

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22 November, 2006

Posted by alex in LTEs, Resisting Defamation at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

Dear Mr. Singleton,

The editorial board of the San Jose Mercury News is up to its snotty and degrading left-wing racialist tricks once again, promoting the term “white solidarity” on page 17A of today’s (11/22/06) paper in a weird and unreasoned essay by Nicholas D. Kristof who also promoted the idea that “white solidarity” exists between him and “light-skinned” Arabs in Chad who were, meanwhile, killing black-skinned Africans.

There is little in the way of hate propaganda that the Mercury News will not publish to humiliate, silence, and demean the vibrantly diverse white Americans, but “white solidarity” between Kristof and “light-skinned” Arabs engaged in genocide takes the hate-cake.

The policy of the Mercury News is to pour the hate on in every way possible and today was no exception. The vicious Kristof slander today was so atrociously hateful that it can have been no mistake for the the editorial board to print it as hate propaganda. It served no other purpose.

Bo Sears


21 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 5:42 am | Permanent Link

The Monday edition of VNN Free Talk Live starts at 8 PM CST / 9 EST / Midnight GMT.

This week we welcome to the studio “Mich Bubba” with Regionfive Video.

Yes, Alex is scheduled to appear.

Update: Thanks to all, Mich Bubba and Yankee Jim

ftl_11-20-06_p1.mp3 (21 MB)
ftl_11-20-06_p2.mp3 (29 MB)
ftl_11-20-06_p3.mp3 (16 MB)

Archives, Shownotes and Podcast here.

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21 November, 2006

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa at 5:41 am | Permanent Link


Readers may wish to add their perspectives …

You can call any politician you disagree with a Nazi, but if a white man uses the “N-word” the world must come to a stop so we can all throw him out of our society.

“Kramer’s” Racist Tirade — Caught on Tape

-excerpts ( a small sampling- over 2200 responses so far)

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20 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 5:51 pm | Permanent Link


Report on the Hearing at Hull Crown Court on 17 November 2006

Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell appeared at Hull Crown Court yesterday, 17th November, for a Pleas and Case Management Hearing (formerly known as a Pleas and Directions Hearing, and still commonly referred to as such).

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18 November, 2006

Posted by alex in Arch Stanton at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link


I read with dismay many of the postings on the forum, primarily those relating to women, Muslims and Negroes. I am at a loss for why this is; do we talk and write about jews too much? Is it there some perceived need to “give it a break” and take valuable time and effort to address other, far less important, topics? Or perhaps the jew’s incredible propaganda has simply beome overwhelming. What is also distressing is the arrogance and bravado that many forum posters display; i.e.: we are righteously correct in our beliefs, therefore everyone else is wrong. Over the last few years I am astounded how frequently I have heard arrogant Americans say, “We need to go over there and bomb them back to the stone age and take their oil. If that’s what it takes to ensure our oil supply then I’m all for it”; like a sovereign people are nothing more than pesky insects to be swatted down so America can greedily steal and suck down their black honey – incredible. Only a complete fool ignorant of the horrors of war or a total psychopath could possibly make such an insane, cold-blooded statement. One can only wonder their reaction if they found themselves on the receiving end of such attitudes. One can only wonder from what cold-blooded source these attitudes are derived. Like its brother bravado, arrogance is a weakness, a false emotion. Such emotions typically come into play when calm, self assured, certainty and confidence are absent.

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