12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in holo-factualists, Holo-queens, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Iran, N.B. Forrest at 3:46 am | Permanent Link

Response sent to Wolf Shitzer:

I saw your editorial-thinly-disguised-as-news piece about Iran’s Holocaust conference: Opening with the fact that “Ex Ku Klux Klan leader!!” David Duke was invited (as if that automatically proves that his views and those of the other attendees are a pack of lies); the mirror-perfected raised eyebrows and sneers of the Blitzer/Costello tag team….such laughably obvious bias coming from an alleged “news” channel is more than enough to prove the truth of Duke & Ahmadinejad’s charge of a jewish propaganda stranglehold on Americans.

If the Holocaust tales are indeed true beyond any reasonable doubt, why the need to shout-down, smear and (in Europe & Canada) jail those who dare to disagree? Hey – here’s an idea for you: If you’re so convinced that all the facts are on the side of professional jewish whiners like Abe Foxman & Marvin Hier, why not urge them use those facts to demolish the naysayers in a live debate on CNN, thereby shutting them up once & for all?

This is of course a rhetorical question…..;o)

N.B. Forrest

12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 1:03 am | Permanent Link


Monday, 11 December 2006

Opening Session – 09:00-10:00 – Alborz Hall

Chairman: Dr Manouchehr Mohammadi, Deputy Foreign Minister for Education & Research, Iran

1. National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran

2. Recitation of Holy Quaran

3. Informative Report on the Seminar

4. Message of H.E. Dr Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

5. Address by H.E. Manouchehr Mottaki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran

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11 December, 2006

Posted by alex in George Lenz at 4:01 pm | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

The life and death of White Man: In Memoriam Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (1915-2006)

Yesterday was a very sad day indeed. It was raining, as if Nature was morning over the passing out one of its beloved sons. I looked at the news monitor, read on and remain in suspense for a while. One of the Great White Men and Great Republican Augusto Pinochet Ugarte has died overnight. It was inconceivable: I still remembered his healthy joyful voice from a week-long interview. Yet it did happen: the heart of the Great White Man has stopped forever, manifesting the passing over of the whole epoch.

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11 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, German nationalists at 4:00 pm | Permanent Link

Background: The following essay was published in Der Angriff, 10 December 1928, during the Christmas shopping season. Goebbels satirically suggests that Germans should only buy from the Jews. The title is a takeoff on a common Nazi slogan: “Germans: Don’t buy from the Jew!”

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10 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Britain, Luke O'Farrell at 10:19 pm | Permanent Link

Re-reading Nineteen Eighty-Four is getting more and more like re-reading a tourist brochure as your jet touches down at the airport. It’s been a long time coming but the wait’s nearly over now. The words on the page are about to become vibrant reality. Vibrations are what microphones pick up, after all:


10 December, 2006

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Arboreal Americans, black crime, video, videos at 11:32 am | Permanent Link

What is a nigger?


Still don’t get it?

Ok, one last time for you special-needs nigger incomprehenders..





9 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Mark Farrell, Mexinvasion at 2:44 am | Permanent Link

Butler County Ohio Sheriff Jones Busts Large Illegal Alien Fraud Ring
Nearby Cities also Begin to Get Tough
by Mark Farrell

On the night of December 7, Sheriff Richard Jones’ office broke up a large ring of illegal aliens who had been making fake Permanent Resident Alien Cards (i.e., “Green Cards”), Social Security cards, State of Ohio ID cards, and other fraudulent documents. Thousands of blank IDs were also discovered. The sheriff’s office reported that this bust was “believed to be the largest fraudulent document bust ever in the State of Ohio and possibly the nation.” The value of these IDs on the black market may have been in excess of half-a-million dollars.

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9 December, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, Zundel at 2:28 am | Permanent Link

Latest Zundel Letter

14, November, 2006

Dear X

It’s less important to listen to what they say… It’s far more important to watch what they do!

As we are heading for the final few gasping days of this enterprise [remember, I am not permitted to discuss the legal case against me] I thought I’d comment on a few observations related to the political turmoil in the United States, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza and Lebanon. The chickens are truly coming home to roost – right on the doorstep of the great deceivers and the ever so clever manipulators.

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5 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 7:30 pm | Permanent Link

ftl_12-04-06_p1.mp3 (20 MB)
ftl_12-04-06_p2.mp3 (19 MB)
ftl_12-04-06_p3.mp3 (14 MB)
ftl_12-04-06_p4.mp3 (14 MB)

Shownotes, Archive, Podcast: here

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5 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, country music, country music today, Cuntry, jewed culture at 7:29 pm | Permanent Link

Cuntry is traditional Country & Western filtered through the jew. Shorn of traditional attitudes and remade in politically correct, multicultural mode. In Cuntry, niggers and mexicans are always welcome, and the big woman is never wrong.

Cuntry is performed by the same good ol’ boys, only now they’re dressed by jews and perfumed by poofters.

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