15 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, oil, Russia at 9:45 am | Permanent Link

Russia’s Great Gas Grab

By Thomas Lifson

The global economy is held together by silken threads of trust, the belief that contracts will be honored once signed. Without the assurance that governments will honor their agreements, individuals and companies would be reluctant to advance the substantial sums necessary to undertake large scale projects, such as drilling for oil or natural gas.

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15 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, spintros at 8:28 am | Permanent Link

‘Holocaust’ Conference Ends, But Study Group Will Carry On

The West is angry at Ahmadinjad because he shows them up. Bushy blows hard; Ahmad speaks gently, factually, ironically. Ahmadinejad reveals the gap between their words and actions, which humiliates the West. The West talks about free speech, but practices censorship. Ahmadinejad forces Western sources to confront their bad faith. They become earnest, itchy. But, but…that’s all behind us. Decided. We don’t open those things. We all know… Famous last words. Quiet, patient tugging reveals…you and I, VNN readers, know. The coiffed clones fronting for Kike Intl. at Fox and other special-needs operations may well not.

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15 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 6:55 am | Permanent Link



International Holocaust® study group formed

NSNS Wednesday, 13 December 2006

TEHRAN — In the wake of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s call for an independent investigation of the so-called Holocaust, an interim committee has been formed to study Jewish allegations.

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15 December, 2006

Posted by alex in AIPAC, jewed foreign policy at 2:09 am | Permanent Link

Baker increasingly distinguishes himself in standing up for America against the hate jews who use us. This has driven the kikes and the appeasers into paroxysms. They do not like it when the Judenaparat running our state is exposed, let alone rebuffed. “Fuck the jews” – funny how one simple sentence of truth, edged with anger, is never forgotten by the jews, even if every other thing you did supported them. There’s a lesson there. The jews are our enemies, yesterday and tomorrow. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

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12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 6:43 pm | Permanent Link

Archive, Podcast, Shownotes: here

Other recent releases: The Hawthorne Report

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12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, AmeriKwa, Letters at 6:41 pm | Permanent Link

Hey Alex:

Check this shit out!

Professor Corey Dolgon of Worcester State University thinks he is real clever. Read what he subjects his ususpecting White students to in his class room:

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12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in James Hawthorne at 9:33 am | Permanent Link

Topics include: Football fan shot dead after racist mob attack, Spanish Fascist Rally Marked By Homophobia, Jean-Marie Le Pen is sure discontented French hear his message, Living with the Extremist Plague, Popular Belgian Party Rejects Multicultural Society, Australia First Party, Norway Progress Party, Cullen under attack for quashing warrant for Israeli, SA: Far right wing to form political party, Swedish statistics show Iraqi immigrant rise, and Race hate laws split the cabinet.

Shownotes: here
Archives, Podcast: here

Remember: there is no Jew between me and you!
–James Hawthorne

12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in economy at 7:58 am | Permanent Link

Economic storm brewing in America

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

America’s stock markets typically start crumbling four months before each recession, anticipating the crunch in profits. Shares then grind relentlessly down for 10 months or so until they have on average knocked 26 per cent off the S&P 500 index, Wall Street’s listing of top companies.

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12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Ahmadinejad, Alex Linder, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Michael Hoffman at 6:10 am | Permanent Link

Iran Upholds Enlightenment Principles with Revisionist Conference

by Michael A. Hoffman II

RevisionistHistory.org | December 11, 2006

Iran’s “Holocaust” conference opens today and in spite of some imperfections, it marks an historic event, the first time any government in the world has sought to examine the Allied claims about mass execution gas chambers allegedly used by the Germans at Auschwitz.

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12 December, 2006

Posted by alex in historical factualism, holo-factualists, Holo-queens, holocaust racket at 4:00 am | Permanent Link

Faurisson et Renouf.

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