17 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, spintros at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Friedman & Freeman Awards
Bushy be courtin’ the nigs ‘n’ ‘nazim again. That means handing out top medals to kikes and niggers like they’re valuable. The unclear antecedent doing duty double, it goes with saying.

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17 December, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, Germany, Zundel at 4:36 am | Permanent Link

26, November, 2006

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Dear C,

Can you believe it, I just received the letter you sent me on 18, July, 2006 today, November 24, 2006!?! That’s four months and six days! This gives you an idea of what’s happening with my mail – it’s ridiculous! I also received several other letters today from different people dated in the first part of July. I received a letter from a notable professor yesterday that had originally been sent on July 17 – it was received by the court on July 25, and I just got it.

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16 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Linders at 9:14 pm | Permanent Link

Damn good 48 hours. Wrote a bunch of stuff, recorded a primo Goyfire, and then to cap it off…

…second child was born this morning, a boy. He’s big and healthy, nine pounds 12 oz. Haven’t named him yet. Still pondering. Like to look at baby’s face and get a read on character first.

16 December, 2006

Posted by alex in jewed immigration policy, Mexinvasion at 8:11 pm | Permanent Link

Another life destroyed by a shitskin invader. While we have 150,000 troops in Iraq.

Bushy deserves to be tried and shot as a traitor for allowing the jews to open our borders with Mexico and send our sons to Iraq to fight for Israel.


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16 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Holocaust, holocaust racket, White vocabulary at 5:57 pm | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

Reading through a thousand blog reactions to Duke v Blitzer on CNN, a generalization crystallizes. People confuse being told something six million times with knowing something. They are not the same. “It ain’t what you don’t know, it’s what you know that just ain’t so.” The average man ‘knows’ the Holocaust exists because: 1) everybody uses the term; 2) he has seen photos of stacked bodies; 3) he has read Anne Frank’s book; 4) authorities agree that questioning any of this is ‘hate.’ In other words, the average man believes in the Holocaust for no logical reason, but out of simple mammalian conformity.

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16 December, 2006

Posted by alex in economy, globalization, New World Order at 3:28 pm | Permanent Link

[Globalization has been taught in American schools for decades. Despite what the prof says, globalization is a net negative for Whites. Globalization = dollar first, race last. Cheap goods and cheap people is not as good as dear goods and dear people. The people realize this, but the interests of the transnational elite, dominated and led by jews, today dominate the peoples’ interests. The U.S., for example, has absolutely no interest in linking its future with Mexico, a failed nation full of genetic detritus.]

North American Union leader says merger just crisis away

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16 December, 2006

Posted by alex in N.B. Forrest at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

A no-doubt-instantly-deleted communique sent to MSNBC’s Bill Walton in drag:


I just watched your interview of David Duke. In it you repeatedly urged him to express his opposition to the suppression of Iranian dissidents when he meets with Ahmadinejad. Fair enough, fair enough. But I noticed that you – hmm, how to phrase this….. very carefully made no reply when Duke mentioned the plight of revisionist scholars imprisoned soley for their beliefs. Don’t you find that at least a smidge unjust, especially considering that a person can deny the well-documented fact that the largely jewish communists butchered tens of millions of innocent “goyim” – hell, even be a commie – and not only walk the streets of Europe free as a bird, but run for office?

So, where do YOU stand on the dungeoning of those brave men of conscience, sweetie? Will you follow your own advice to Duke and boldly carry that torch ‘o freedom when you interview European leaders?

Inquiring minds want to know!

P.S. I suggest decongestants and/or estrogen therapy.

Warmest Regards,

N.B. Forrest

16 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Ahmadinejad, Iran, Israel, Israel - the facts at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

[This Ahmadinejad is a treasure. All he does is gently, ironically, honestly hold the hypocrisy of the West up to the light. He is our true friend, just as the jews are our true enemy. What do you think, jew-fearing Christian? Either Israel meets the demands it makes on the rest, or you’re admitting there’s ONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.]

Iran calls for action against Israeli nuclear arms

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15 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 6:03 pm | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

The virtues of the market system are innumerable: the market successfully solves many problems, including traffic jams. How? Very simple: removing regulation in the form of traffic signs lead to fewer incidents and absence of traffic jams.

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15 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Max Hadden, video, videos at 10:36 am | Permanent Link

By Max Hadden

Hitler speaks at the NSDAP rally in 1933 (1 of 2)

The much maligned Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler, addresses (with English subtitles) two groups of party members in the 1933 Nuremberg National Socialist rally “Victory of Faith”. Note: Each rally had a name, for example, the 1934 rally was titled “Triumph of the Will”.


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