17 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid as a cult, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 reparations payments, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, media, media culture, media hysteria at 1:08 pm | Permanent Link

Why is the U.S. media loudly applauding the Covid “vaccine” when it was very skeptical of the Swine flu vaccine in 1976? Simple: the Covid vaccine is being used as a “political weapon” by the Left. It’s a “political vaccine” just like AIDS was a “political disease.” (But unlike with the Swine flu vaccine, those people injured by “the Covid jab” cannot, by law, sue anybody).


17 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in White culture, White identity, White inventions, White skills, White technology at 11:57 am | Permanent Link

A traditional cooper (a wood worker). “A man should have a talent in his hands,” someone said. (Disclaimer: I have no connection to this video channel).

[Video, 52 minutes].

17 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, Christians, Christians who abet jews, jeebus, Jesus, Old Testament, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White identity, White ideology, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 10:38 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Jesus)

A top scientist once said (paraphrasing): “there have been more insane things done, or good things not done, in the name of Christianity than in any other thing.” Yep. Like a White family in America adopting 10 Black children from Haiti! Yes, it has happened! “Jesus told us to!” If he did, then shame on him.

It has been said that, had Christianity not been invented and spread by Jews (The Old Testament), White Western man would be far more advanced today than he is [1][2][3]. Christianity set Western man back at least 500 years and likely closer to 1100 years (e.g., look what happened to Galileo). Christianity severely retarded the White man’s progress. But that’s the Jew: wrecking or impeding the White nations since time immemorial. The Jew sets little traps for the White man at every turn, little “land mines” that delay the White man’s progress again and again.



[1] the famous Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was threatened with torture and sentenced to permanent house arrest (for 9 years, from 1633 until his death) because his scientific discoveries were at odds with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

[2] the apostle Paul (who was a Jew, and whose real name was Saul) was the foremost spreader of Christianity to non-Jews in the Biblical era (i.e., the 1st century AD). He was “a missionary to the Gentiles.” Without Paul, Christianity would have gotten nowhere. Paul is now known as St. Paul.

[3] It’s likely that Christianity held Western man back 1100 years: from about 313 AD (the major spreading of Christianity) to about 1450 AD (the invention of the movable-type printing press, which changed the world by spreading knowledge quickly and widely)

16 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, quotations, race, race baloney, Race Denial, racial differences, racial fitness at 2:48 pm | Permanent Link

“To treat people before the law as though they were racially all alike in nature evokes a sense of injustice. The natural and healthy tendency for “birds of a feather to flock together” is disregarded by Marxists who imagine that it is possible to iron out by law the variations between racial groups with different instincts living in a multiracial society. Marxist attempts by universal race-mixing to downgrade everyone to a common level give rise to false expectations, as we see in England and America, the predictable outcome of which is envy, discontent, social instability and discord, with a decline in traditional standards and national disciplines. The key to civilised progress is racial preservation, a fact not yet fully realised by political theorists who are inclined to ignore the basic biological factor, the compelling force that lies behind cultural and historical change.

Assertions made, usually by Jewish talmudic publicists who believe in the preservation of their own race, that each race has a social or cultural origin only and has only emerged as a human conglomerate during comparatively recent historical times is not history but Marxist propaganda.”

— from the booklet “Race and Politics: The Myth of Racial Equality” by H. B. Isherwood, 1978; by The Racial Preservation Society, Chapel Ascote, Ladbroke, Southam, Warwickshire, UK, 30 pages; from page 6.

16 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies at 1:57 pm | Permanent Link

Leftists always overreach. Because the Left, as a movement, has no brakes. Here, a leftist is worried that the Left is alienating lots of people with its heavy-handed, Stalinist methods. (Yes, it is alienating lots of people! And that, of course, will spark a backlash against the Left. Most especially alienating about the Left is its over-the-top intolerance of anybody on the Left who goes against — even slightly — the Official Leftist Dogma. It’s very Stalinesque. If you dare say one word against the Official Leftist Narrative, the leftists will land on you like 7 tons of bricks. Which is funny, since leftists have been claiming since the 1960s that they are “tolerant”).

[Video, 50 minutes].

16 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:03 pm | Permanent Link

If you think the American people don’t trust the federal government now, just wait about 2 years, when bad things start to happen to the Branch Covidians (the people who “got the jab”). As one doctor said, it’ll take about 2 more years before we know if the Covid “vaccine” is safe in the long term.

“To recap at this point: the alleged “pandemic” was created by a test that produces false positives, thus greatly exaggerating the infection rate. The deaths were created by incorrect treatment, the absence of treatment, and by counting all deaths as Covid deaths.

The fear that was intentionally hyped was used to get gullible and fearful people to accept unapproved “vaccines” that are proving to be as dangerous or more so than the Covid virus.

The dire situation cannot be corrected, because Big Pharma and its associated health authorities, hired scientists, indoctrinated medical personnel, and presstitutes will not permit any questioning of the narrative.”


16 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Castro, communism, Cuba, Marxism at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

How ironic that Cuba wouldn’t be enslaved by a brutal Jewish ideology (communism) if not for America! Our government told the anti-communist Cuban leader, Batista, to step down from power on New Year’s Eve 1958 and he did. Batista was told that America “no longer had confidence” in his corrupt government (granted, it was indeed corrupt, but that’s not at all unusual in Latin America). Batista fled Cuba to the Dominican Republic on Jan. 1, 1959. That paved the way for the communist thug Fidel Castro to take power. (Apparently, certain people in the U.S. government lied about Castro’s political ideology so that Castro could more easily come to power) [1].

Importantly, the heavily-Jewish American media played a major role in helping Castro come to power. The media portrayed Castro as a harmless “Robin Hood” type of guy who only wanted to help the poor people of Cuba. That, in turn, led to Castro becoming popular, which in turn led to him taking power.

Sadly, there are still a few White people in Cuba (i.e., Spaniards) suffering under Marxism. But most of the Whites fled to Florida years ago. Some of the Whites were executed by Castro’s thugs via firing squad (some of those executed were as young as 14).



[1] “Rubottom and Wieland, during Senate testimony following the Communist acquisition of power in Cuba, were identified by numerous witnesses, such as United States Ambassador to Cuba Earl E. T. Smith and William D. Pawley, an American diplomat, as being the culprits in presenting to the U.S. government false narratives and claims concerning Castro’s Communist connections. Smith and Pawley were only two of a large chorus of expert witnesses that contradicted the discredited assersions made by Rubottom and Wieland.” [Here].

15 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Mexico, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, water issues at 7:05 pm | Permanent Link

The Colorado River in Northern Arizona is at its lowest level since the 1930s. Lake Mead is now at 36% capacity — almost dry. Yet, according to a special 1944 treaty, America must give Mexico “x” millions of gallons of Colorado River water per year. Why? Mexico is surrounded by ocean water! Desalinate the ocean water, Brown fools. (Apparently, Mexico “plans to construct four desalination plants” in the northeast. But, knowing Mexico, it’ll take 30 years, and 100 White engineers, to do that!).

Saaay, who was the president of America in 1944? Oh yeah, the commie, FDR. Thanks, commie. You can always count on a commie to do the wrong thing.

15 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in apartheid, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, Black mentality, Black rioting, black rule, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Joe Slovo, Kissinger, South Africa at 10:25 am | Permanent Link

1993: “We must allow Blacks in South Africa to govern themselves” the globalists said. So, stupidly, we did allow it. Guess what happened? (The Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger spear-headed the effort to end apartheid in South Africa. Strangely, apartheid is okay in Israel. It was Jews who created the movement to end apartheid in South Africa beginning circa 1960, after the so-called “Sharpeville massacre”; the movement began with economic boycotts of South Africa [1]).

Ironically, crime and corruption in South Africa were already severe before the latest rioting. (Have you ever seen the massive, steel security gates that almost everyone has in South Africa now? They are huge, heavy gates of the type you’d see at a prison or a government armory. Why does nearly every White family in South Africa have such a massive gate? Guess! Gangs of Black criminals have a habit of attacking White homes and businesses. The gates are often topped with barbed wire, as well. More here).

Also, recall what Black writer Walter E. Williams said: “The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism” (White rule).



[1] Besides Kissinger, several dozen Jews, most of them Marxists, were the key players in the ending of apartheid, including: Joe Slovo, Ruth First (Slovo’s wife), Harold Wolpe, Albie Sachs, Ronald Segal, Dennis Goldberg, Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein, Hilda Bernstein, Solly Sachs, Helen Suzman, Ray Alexander, Ronnie Kasrils, Raymond Suttner, Ray Simons, Moishe Geller (related to Pamela Geller), Jules and Selma Browde, Arthur Goldreich, Norma and David Kitson, Wolfie Kodish, Harry Bloom and Bernard Friedman.

14 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender", 'sex-change', 'transgender', David Bowie, rock music, trannies at 2:27 pm | Permanent Link

British rocker David Bowie (1947-2016) was the first major he/she, circa 1971. Was he a he? A she? Both! Was he queer? Straight? Nobody really knew! It was all a mystery. As such, Bowie paved the way for today’s tranny movement. He made androgyny and sexual weirdness seem hip and cool. Thanks, David Jones! (his real name). (I confess, Bowie was talented. Space Oddity is a good song, ditto Starman).