26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 6:17 pm | Permanent Link



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26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Mexinvasion at 12:52 pm | Permanent Link

Brother Zionist:

I told my sister Zionist not to wear her eye patch to cover her ant bitten eye. She wouldn’t listen.

All the Minutemen organizations have been infiltrated by G-d’s Pets. Their founders, – James Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, are working for their Israeli handlers.

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26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Ahmadinejad, double standards, jew mentality, jewish hate & hypocrisy at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

Jew Jacoby, aka the Mush-Faced Turtle, whines for indictment of Ahmadinejad. Talks about words and songs inciting violence. By that standard, can we hang jews for producing anti-White rap? No, that would be anti-semitism.


Indict Ahmadinejad
Iran’s intentions are nakedly, malignantly clear. What is not clear at all is what the civilized world will do about it.

by Jeff Jacoby

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26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Russia at 11:49 am | Permanent Link

Putin says culture must fill in ideological vacuum in Russia-1

MOSCOW, December 26 (RIA Novosti) – The ideological vacuum left by the collapse of the Soviet Union must be replaced with traditional cultural values, Russia’s president said Tuesday.

“The ideological vacuum that emerged after the collapse of Communist ideology [in Russia] is being filled in with extremist tendencies, and they will not be defeated unless we take active measures to replace them with common human values,” Vladimir Putin said, addressing members of the State Council.

A surge in violence targeting foreigners with non-Slavic features has prompted Russian and foreign human rights groups in recent months to raise concerns over the alarming spread of racist and xenophobic attitudes in the country.

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26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Britain, Luke O'Farrell at 11:19 am | Permanent Link

Guns’n’Noses: Let’s Fight Racists and Fund Rapists!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. So what about fool me after I’ve been lied to and cheated for nine years?


26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Africa, black culture, oil at 11:02 am | Permanent Link

A ruptured gasoline pipeline burst into flames Tuesday as scavengers collected the fuel in Nigeria’s largest city, killing at least 200 people. The death toll was expected to rise as rescue workers tried to document more charred corpses.

Scores of bodies could be seen jumbled and fused together in the raging flames at the blast site. Intense heat kept rescue workers back as smoke billowed over the heavily populated Abule Egba neighborhood in Lagos.


26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, black crime, Detroit, dispossession & destruction at 9:42 am | Permanent Link

[Growing number of local blogs cover things from VNN’s WN perspective, but focus on the local story – where the rubber hits the road. Check out links

The Hudson Valley Freeman (New York)

Freeport Unmasked (Illinois)

Kirksville Today (Missouri)

CM Press (Costa Mesa, Calif.)

Alaska Pride

New Jersey Unfiltered

Detroit Is Crap

(All these local blogs can be accessed through link this page in right box – Local WN’st Blogs)]

Detroit’s chlamydia rate is the highest among the nation’s cities, according to the latest federal data; state statistics show about 42 percent of Detroit’s 2005 cases in people 19 years old or younger. […]

White Women: Consider this fair warning. If you decide to have sex with men outside of your race you are putting yourself at extreme risk of contracting all types of STDs including HIV. A black male is 14x more likely to have AIDS than a White male. Parents: Take this into consideration when you’re letting your daughter watch negroes jump around and hump women on BET or MTV. This is just one more reason you should be teaching them to date and marry within your own race, for the good of their health.


26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Bush, Curt Maynard, Iraq at 9:21 am | Permanent Link

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26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in audio, Mullins, radio at 8:56 am | Permanent Link

“Over time, everything moves VNNward!”

What is going on here? RBN, a classic patriotard operation if there ever was one, is radicalizing. Which is a fancy name for its owners allowing the truth about jews and Israel to make airwaves. A very good sign indeed! All it took was Peter Shank standing up for the truth. Perhaps his boldness shamed and, in time, galvanized his former fellows.

Wed., December 20, 2006: Playlists: (Individual MP3s: Hr1 )
Guest: Eustis Mullins – World Issues, importance or information.


26 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Canada, jewish hate & hypocrisy at 8:34 am | Permanent Link

Jews “pressure” shutdown of Rachel Corrie. We can’t have anything on stage or screen that would offend the redneck-hating, South-mocking, priest-murdering beanie babies. A White’s right to life pales beside a jew’s right not to be offended.

Why, again, do we tolerate jews among us?

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