29 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, appeasers of the jew, radio at 8:14 am | Permanent Link

[No one’s as tuff as a jew-appeaser approaching senility.]

Paul Harvey’s Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide
Hateful rant shows Disney’s double standard on speech


Disney/ABC radio personality Paul Harvey, one of the most widely listened to commentators in the United States, presented his listeners on June 23 with an endorsement of genocide and racism that would have been right at home on a white supremacist shortwave broadcast.

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29 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Iran, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes at 7:46 am | Permanent Link

[forwarded by reader]

Several items need your immediate attention and action.

First is all the propaganda being fed to you by the main stream media (MSM) or main stream morons. I refer to Iranian nuclear energy. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It has members of the International Atomic Energy Agency inspecting their facilities. Not one single piece of evidence has been produced to indicate that Iran is developing any nuclear weapons. If all this hype doesn’t remind you of Iraq WMD it should. It’s a repeat.

Let’s look at the treaty:

Article IV

1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.

So you can see that Iran is not repeat NOT violating the NPT.

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28 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Australia, free-speech martyrs, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Toeben at 7:33 am | Permanent Link

What an Experience!

The ‘Holocaust’ has no reality in space and time, only in Memory

Fredrick Töben, Tehran, 22 December 2006

Figuratively speaking, the Tehran Holocaust conference has been something out of this world for me. Let me say why.

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Mormons, White solutions at 6:04 pm | Permanent Link

Reader alerts us to a trailer for a movie demonizing the FLDS, whose Warren Jeffs was captured earlier this year. Jeffs is a fundamentalist Mormon. That means he sticks to original Mormon principles, including anti-mudism and polygamy. And he encourages his flock to “bleed the beast.” Oh, how the government and its handmedia hate this. Welfare is to come out of White pockets and flow to niggers, so they can breed colonies to destroy us. It ain’t supposed to work in reverse, but among the FLDS it is!

Of course, the propagandists frame destroying FLDS as a matter of liberating women and children, but the essential meaning is clear: White men in Utah are breeding above 2.1! Red-light alert!

There is probably not a faster-breeding group of Whites on earth than the unregenerate Mormons, and their working-together has put $400 million in the bank, according to one claim. Bottom line is that FLDS have demonstrated that breeding leads to power, when practiced by white men. Even if there are problems, they pale beside the good stuff.

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link



Goodbye and good riddance mainstream media. Television is next.

Goldman Sachs Says ‘Star Tribune’ Sale a Troubling Signal for Industry

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Alex Linder, South Africa at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

[From Honest Media Today]

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, audio, liberals at 9:13 am | Permanent Link

Listen to the ethereal insanity of the woman as she interviews the dripping child-endangering bum-lover.

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Israel - the facts, jewed law at 8:50 am | Permanent Link

…traditional Aryans freedoms disappear.

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Israel - the facts at 8:45 am | Permanent Link

Whether illegal wars or illegal settlements, one thing is sure: jews cost us money we don’t have!

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27 December, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Financial Column, George Lenz at 7:29 am | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

Choosing appropriate life insurance is an important decision to make, either for young single White men and women or for a newly-wed White couple. The right choice would provide their dear ones with financial security in case of misfortune, while choosing the wrong kind of life insurance often means years of wasted premiums and financial distress in the old age. Unfortunately, while in the past the decision about choosing the insurance policy was one of the most important financial decisions young White people made, now more and more Whites are misled by unscrupulous financial advisors, who recklessly suggest them minimal coverage, in order to be able to manipulate their savings in risky stock speculations. Such investment advice often left decent and hard-working White men and women broke and unable to meet their living expenses. Life insurance in contrast, provided for many a safe and reliable financial lifeline when White people need it the most – in the old age.

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